Re[3]: New, Reply Format

2008-02-20 Thread James Olsen
Hello Tim,

TH> text above your signature delimiter shows up as plain text and
TH> everything below is Italics and grayed out.

I've outlined instructions on changing the appearance of signature
text in an earlier response to you
. I've included them here again:

JO> Traditionally, signatures are gray text on a white background, but
JO> this can be adjusted to any other color setting you'd like by
JO> going to Options (from main window) -> Preferences ->
JO> Viewer/Editor -> Message Viewer/Editor. Choose "Signature Text" in
JO> the "Item" pull-down/pop-up list, and then edit the style
JO> according to your liking.

Using that dialog, you should be able to change the signature's
formatting, from the font face, size, modifiers (bold/italic), and
foreground/background colors.

Good luck!

Funny quotes: "There are 10 types of people in the world.
Those who understand binary, and those who don't." -- Unknown
"A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at
kick boxing." -- Emo Philips

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New, Reply Format

2008-02-19 Thread James Olsen
Hello Tim,

TH>   I hope someone can answer this question?  Why is that version
TH>   4.0.14 displays the Reply and New Message body in HTML now and not
TH>   plain text.  Especially on Replies when you need to refer to the
TH>   text to answer back, it makes it very difficult to read what the
TH>   other person has written because now TB turn it into HTML and greys
TH>   the text out so it makes it impossible to translate and read.

While this isn't an "answer" to the problem you've stated, I think
this might help:

I'm going to guess that the grayed-out text is falling below
someone's signature line, and TheBat is displaying that particular
message's "guts" as a signature. Traditionally, signatures are gray
text on a white background, but this can be adjusted to any other
color setting you'd like by going to Options (from main window) ->
Preferences -> Viewer/Editor -> Message Viewer/Editor. Choose
"Signature Text" in the "Item" pull-down/pop-up list, and then edit
the style according to your liking.

See if that helps you with the messages you're having difficulty with.

Good luck!

Funny quotes: "There are 10 types of people in the world. 
Those who understand binary, and those who don't." -- Unknown
"A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at
kick boxing." -- Emo Philips

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Duplicate messages

2007-01-15 Thread James Olsen
Hello Richard,

RO> RW> Are you storing mail on the server? If not try to do so for a day.

RW> I only store it for two days anyway :-(

I've had a similar problem in the past. Once in awhile I'll get a
message that causes TheBat to not do the right thing when downloading
(the symptoms will vary, but what you described has happened before).
Usually the problem I have is a task the "Connection Centre" not
responding and never finishing.

Regardless, I also leave my POP mail on the server for a few days
before deleting it from the server.

I've found that using the "mail dispatch" function of TheBat I can go
in and manually delete the spam and that usually takes care of it.
Once in awhile I will need to delete some of the mail I've already
downloaded (turning off the "leave mail on server" option and getting
mail once will likely have the same effect). I get hundreds of emails
a day, and I've never had the time to delete them one at a time to try
to isolate the one that causes the problem, I usually delete in
batches of 100 or more until the problem goes away.

Once the offending email is gone from the server, TheBat starts
working normally again.

I'm not 100% sure TheBat is the cause of the new-mail problem; it
could be that the POP server is telling TheBat the wrong info (ie, all
messages are new). Perhaps it is because TheBat never go the chance to
tell the POP server to mark the messages as "read."

In any event, it seems like purging the messages "fixes" the immediate

"A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at
kick boxing." -- Emo Philips
"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand
binary, and those who don't." -- Unknown

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[3]: Multiple Displays

2004-08-26 Thread James Olsen
Hello Maggie,

M> Yes, it's on the task bar. I pressed Alt + Space then m and then TB!
M> fetched mail.

Did you release Alt and Space before hitting m? Are you using an
English system? The key you push after Alt+Space will vary (I assume)
based on your locale.

Make sure TheBat is the active application. Pressing Alt+Space
will bring up an a context menu (pop-up menu) that will also be
off-screen. Then pressing the M will select "Move" on the pop-up menu.

Hit an arrow key (I prefer the left) which will start moving the
window, but then you can simply move your mouse and use the mouse to
relocate the dialog. I find the mouse works much faster since the
mouse cursor is locked to the viewable area of your desktop it'll snap
the window into view really quickly. Just remember you must hit an
arrow key before the mouse will move the window, otherwise the mouse
will only move the cursor.

Another way of doing it is to simply right-click on the Task bar (not
system tray) entry (if you haven't turned it off) and selecting "Move"
from there. Once you've selected move you can use the arrows and then
the mouse to move the window someplace viewable.

I hope that helps..


Using The Bat! 2.12.00 under Windows XP 5.1

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

How to set up filter that filters of text in HTML version of email

2004-04-01 Thread James Olsen
Hello everyone,

I'm using TB 2.04.7, and I've tried to read up on filters in the help
and search for this topic in the email archives I have on disk (going
back to 2002) but I haven't been able to find what I'm looking for

I get some emails that have some plain-text text, but the bulk of the
email content is in the 'html' form of the message. This is legitimate
mail, and I'd like to filter on some of the text in the HTML portion
of the email.

The email contains an HTML table, with one column being a field title,
and the other column being some value for that field, in a name/value
pair scenario.

For example, the first column in a row has "name:", and the second
column has "jolsen". This is a plain-text rendition of the HTML table
to illustrate the content of the table:

+ name:  | jolsen +

I have a a filter string of "name:.*jolsen" but it's not catching it
in the HTML version of the email. If the text I'm looking for were in
the plain-text version, the filter would find it.

Is there something I need to do differently to make my filter catch on
the HTML text?

Thank you for your time.

"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand
binary, and those who don't." -- Unknown

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Plug-in/Feature Request to allow one to define a plugin todo something on a message or group of messages

2003-02-21 Thread James Olsen
Hello Al,

AJ> Could you share your spam filters with the group? It seems I am
AJ> constantly adding words and I know there must be another, simpler way.

I'm doing this a bit differently. Instead of trying to invent my own
spam filters (reinvent the wheel, again), I'm using some free tools
that are available. My mail is scanned for "spamability" on my linux
box using the free Spam Assassin ( and MIME
Defang tools ( By the time TB downloads my
messages they've already been assessed for SPAM probability. But those
of you without an email server you can add antispam software to,
you're in luck. There's also free Win32 version that you can very
easily use with ANY email client called SAProxy
( It will scan messages and flag them as
SPAM (based on your configuration) as they are downloaded from your
server to your client. I use this to filter my work email, since my
employer doesn't have any spam filtering system in place. To use it
simply change two things in your email client configuration and voila,
now all of your incoming mail is scanned for Spaminess, and marked up
accordingly (rewriting subject, adding a hidden header line, or
whatever you configure it to do). Then you can add a filter to TheBat
to act on this flag (if header X-SPAM: Yes exists, then automatically
delete message, for example). Works very, very well.

Spam Assassin uses more than looking for keywords like "sex" and
"viagra", etc. It will look for things like SHOUTING TOO MUCH, as seen
on tv, subjects with numbers at the end, too many recipients, unlisted
recipients, click here to remove, etc. etc. Heck, this message might
get flagged just because it contains to many phrases. It also looks
for things like single-image HTML emails (the latest trick by spammers
to get around keyword filters), HTML emails with too much red text,
etc. Someone else is already trying to keep ahead of spammers, I don't
have the time to update it myself. Plus, it can optionally plug into
the Razor and other RBL databases which lets you fingerprint messages
and compare incoming messages to a database of known spam messages. It
also lets you reject emails from known spam-only hosts.

This is all stuff TB filters can't handle, can't handle very well, or
would be a complete bear to set up and maintain. So I'll let my email
server or SAProxy on my desktop determine if it thinks the message is
SPAM or not, and then I'll filter in TB based on what SpamAssassin

But the coolest tool on the horizon is contained in latest version of
Spam Assassin: Bayesian filtering. This sounds to be the most
promising *learning* method of distinguishing SPAM from "HAM" (good
messages). From what I read it has a very low (1%) false-positive
rate. That's better that practically all other tests in use at the
moment. But to make Bayesian filtering work well, you need to send it
SPAM and HAM messages so it can learn the difference. So, what I'm
ultimately looking for is a way to save messages designated as SPAM in
MBOX format with original headers. Same with my HAM messages. Then I
need to send these two mboxes to my linux box and tell Spam Assassin
to "train" itself using the latest email messages I'm feeding it. It's
this training process I would like to automate.

Anyhow, I thought you might find all that interesting... :)


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Plug-in/Feature Request to allow one to define a plugin to dosomething on a message or group of messages

2003-02-20 Thread James Olsen

Is there a way one can easily define an action to take on the
currently selected message(s)? Specifically using an external program?
How would I set this up?

I'd like to take a message/messages and submit them to a Bayesian
filter to learn my "good" versus "spam" messages. Right now, I have to
save messages to an mbox file, FTP them to the server, and then run a
"learn" command. I can't redirect to a mailbox because I need to keep
the original headers.

If there was a way to use an plugin and have it appear in a
right-click context menu that'd be ideal.

I've also thought about marking my spam messages with one "color" and
legit messages with another "color" (probably would visually still be
black on white, but it'd be tagged which is the important thing) and
then have filters operate on those messages running an external
program. But I was hoping for something a bit cleaner.

Any ideas? Is this type of plug-in-ability something I can look
forward to in V2?

Everyone's suggestions and comments are very appreciated.

Thank you!

Best regards,
 James  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: WEIRD printing error...

2002-12-30 Thread James Olsen

j> Printed some messages today. Then TB stopped printing properly and would only
j> print a single page that said "Invalid HTML! Please forward this message to
j> developers. Thanks. EAccessViolation Access Violation at address xxx in module
j> "thebat.exe". Read of address yyy".  This would occur with any message and
j> NONE of it was html mail.

I've had the same thing happen too, but I wasn't printing anything. I
was simply looking at the messages. It would display that screen no
matter what email I was looking at, and whether it had an HTML part
was moot. It wouldn't display plain-text messages. The only workaround
I know is to shut down TB and restart it until it happens again.

It would be nice if there was a "view as plain text anyway" option one
could use when it refuses to show the HTML due to an exception.
Sometimes I'd like to view a message even if the HTML is faulty and
the HTML engine can't handle it. I'm a big boy, I can look at HTML
source and see what the (most likely spam) message says. Granted this
isn't something most people would use...but I'd rather have a
semi-convenient option to view a message than no option at all other
than restarting the client or saving the messages to a text file and
reading it in a different application.

j> Closed TB and started it again. Back to normal.

j> Very weird...

I think this was introduced with version 1.62 (maybe 1.60 or 1.61?)

I'm guessing it'll be fixed in "version 2" :)


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: [lost 500 messages][27/12/2002-13:59 GMT]

2002-12-28 Thread James Olsen
Hello Joseph,

Friday, December 27, 2002, 10:13:28 AM, you wrote:

JN> canario.joe,

JN>On Friday, December 27, 2002, canario.joe [] wrote in

cjle>> if there is a virus and the avirus app is set to "attempt to
cjle>> clean and delete if unsuccessful", the whole of the mesage base
cjle>> can be awept away.

JN> What is your basis for saying this?  I have had viruses detected prior
JN> to using the plug-in, with my AV set to clean/delete, and also later
JN> with the plug-in.  I have never had the problem you described.  I use
JN> NOD32.  If there is a sound reason for your statement, it would be a
JN> concern.

cjle>> ยท Park the important messages and they wont go lost from the data base
cjle>> in  case  of system failures; you can have them parked "automatically"

cjle>> Finally, 1700 messages sound a bit too much. There may be (there were)
cjle>> memory management problems in TB if the message base is that large.

JN> I personally think it tempts fate to keep that many messages in a mail
JN> client, so I use Mailbag Assistant, as do some others on this list.
JN> However, FWIW, I'll pass on reports from others here that 1700
JN> messages is not too many for TB! to manage capably.

I have a total of 201,329 messages in TB (and this is after archiving
messages over 6 months old). Granted, they are spread over a few
accounts and a number of mailboxes. I think the largest mailbox has
32,646 messages in it. Several have > 4,000 messages.

So far, I've not had any problems other than the understandable delay
(due to the sheer volume of data) when reading mail or performing
other activities in these mailboxes.

cjle>> Guys,  the  only  thing  that really sux in TB is the IMAP/secure POP3
cjle>> support.  These  guys hace got to do something about this because IMAP
cjle>> and secure connections are being widely used in universities and other
cjle>> institutions.

I agree. "Version 2" of TB (anybody know when RIT hopes to have an
alpha or beta available?) is supposed to address the IMAP and POP3s
issues. I wish they'd release a list of planned (but not promised)
features/changes for version 2, and when they'd like it to be
available for the first round of beta testing.

I think the current TB pop3s shortcoming can be worked around by
setting up a local stunnel installation and making TB connect to the
pop3s server through it. I've started to try it but haven't finished
with it yet to know if it works or not.


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: [problems (IMAP, secure pop3, certificates, etc.)/help needed]

2002-12-26 Thread James Olsen
Hello Dierk,

DH> Version 2 is said to have complete IMAP support.

I too fell victim to spending hours trying to figure out why my newly
installed stunnnel and openssl programs and libraries were not working
with TheBat. They don't work with Eudora either. But, they work just
fine with Outlook. I scanned the TB mailing list and found someone
else mentioning that openssl changed the protocol negotiation slightly
and "broke" how TB works for pop3s. I'm now trying to apply a

Does "version 2" have any anticipated release date? Hopefully soon? I
keep hearing of people reporting problems and shortcomings with this
version and that version that are supposedly fixed in "version 2", but
I don't believe I've heard any official word from RITLabs about what
new features / bug fixes are in version 2 and when they believe
they'll have either the beta or final product ready.

Does anyone have a list of features/bugs and a preliminary (subject to
change) release date for an alpha, beta, or final product?

Thanks for passing it along :)


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: New binary data encoding scheme please add to Bat

2002-12-23 Thread James Olsen

ME> The yEnc format itself is a nice alternative to UUencode and Base64.
ME> yEncoded messages are up to 40% smaller than UUencoded/Base64
ME> equivalents, and include built-in error checking and multipart file
ME> support.

In a similar vein, I'd like to see the addition of BinHex (HQX/RFC-1741)
encoding/decoding. (See

I work in a company with a large number of Macintosh users with older
email clients that, by default, send out binhex-encoded messages. I
currently have to save them all to disk and decode them, one by one,
by running them through a decoding program.

While it's not an efficient encoding mechanism, it's popular and not
going to disappear quickly enough. It would really by nice if TheBat
were able to support this widely used older (Macintosh) encoding

Thanks for listening   :)


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: spamcop problems-more on SPAM/SPAMCOP

2002-10-03 Thread James Olsen


PC>> Unfortunately, the folks at SpamCop aren't listening. They believe they
PC>> are on the side of Righteousness And Good, and thus are above reproach;
PC>> they also seem to have total faith in their technology. But consider:

PC>>  I have recently been getting spam addressed to a disposable
PC>>  address that I have ONLY ever used when submitting spam to
PC>>  SpamCop. The address consists of a string of 12 random letters
PC>>  at the given domain, so it is not likely from a dictionary
PC>>  list. Kinda makes you want to go "Hmmm". --- Glenn Wolf

I haven't followed the entire thread about this, but thought I'd throw
in my $.02 :)

I believe SpamCop actually warns you that that could happen.

If I read the warning/notice correctly, it's possible for spammmers to
get the new email address when SpamCop sends a complaint to the
spammer's listed (via dns) "ISP". Sometimes the spammer is also set up
as their own ISP so the spammer himself receives all the complaints
instead of an upstream ISP that would terminate the account. Spammers,
being the  scrupulous  people that they are, take
the complaint, harvest all the email addresses out of it and add them
to their database.

Great family fun, eh? :)


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Is there a way for a filter action to affect a message THREAD?

2002-09-04 Thread James Olsen


I currently am threading messages based on references. I would really
like to set the color group for all messages in a thread if I get a
message that matches a filter.

For example, let's say I'm tracking projects via email. There is one
thread per project. If I get an email saying a project is done that my
filter catches I want to mark the entire thread with my "done" color
group. That way when I look at my message list (threads collapsed) I
can easily see which projects are complete. I would have other color
groups and filters set up as well to watch for/identify stalled
projects, projects needing approval, etc.

So if a message belongs to a thread, is there a way for the filter to
perform an action on the entire thread (like set color group)?


Best regards,
 James  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

LDAP protocol version 3 support, how to change LDAP query string andadd new custom columns in LDAP search results

2002-08-25 Thread James Olsen


Sorry for the long subject :)

I've running the OpenLDAP software for my LDAP server. By default
OpenLDAP only supports version 3 of the LDAP protocol. Currently,
TheBat only supports version 2.

Does anyone know of any patches or hacks for TheBat that will update
it's LDAP routines to use the LDAP protocol version 3 instead of version 2?

I'd also like to update the default LDAP filter string and add new
search result columns. Eudora (yeatch), despite it's problems, had a
nicely configurable LDAP search. I could edit the query/filter string
to allow me to search on any field I so choose - including
non-standard custom fields that I've added to my LDAP schema.
Likewise, I could display those custom fields in the search results.
TheBat does not currently allow for this. I submitted these
feature-requests years ago, and after several versions they never made
it into the product :(

Does anyone know of any hacks I can employ to alter the search/query
string TheBat is using, and how I can add custom columns to the search

Thank you for your time..


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

I'd like to manipulate a message with 'Run External Program' filter action

2002-08-20 Thread James Olsen

Hello all,

I was wondering if someone could help me set up TheBat to run a batch
file as a filter action under Windows XP.

I'm able to successfully run a perl/Tk program on my CNN messages to
pop up alert windows when there's breaking news and now I'm trying to
set up a small batch file to run spamassassin on all incoming mail.

I've set this up as my filter action to "wait for completion". My
external program is (or at least should be) modifying the file passed
to it as %1.

However, the message that is pulled into TheBat is the original,
unedited message. I'm pretty certain that the temp file is being
changed. I'm making a copy of the temporary file before I exit and
when I open ny copy the contents are what I'd expect. But the message
that is pulled into TheBat isn't.

Is TheBat supposed to pay attention to the changed contents of the
temporary file? Is it looking for any specific exit code from the
external program maybe?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Best regards,
 James  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information: