Hello Tim,

TH>   I hope someone can answer this question?  Why is that version
TH>   4.0.14 displays the Reply and New Message body in HTML now and not
TH>   plain text.  Especially on Replies when you need to refer to the
TH>   text to answer back, it makes it very difficult to read what the
TH>   other person has written because now TB turn it into HTML and greys
TH>   the text out so it makes it impossible to translate and read.

While this isn't an "answer" to the problem you've stated, I think
this might help:

I'm going to guess that the grayed-out text is falling below
someone's signature line, and TheBat is displaying that particular
message's "guts" as a signature. Traditionally, signatures are gray
text on a white background, but this can be adjusted to any other
color setting you'd like by going to Options (from main window) ->
Preferences -> Viewer/Editor -> Message Viewer/Editor. Choose
"Signature Text" in the "Item" pull-down/pop-up list, and then edit
the style according to your liking.

See if that helps you with the messages you're having difficulty with.

Good luck!

Funny quotes: "There are 10 types of people in the world. 
Those who understand binary, and those who don't." -- Unknown
"A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at
kick boxing." -- Emo Philips

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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