Re: Can't remove v5

2011-07-25 Thread Si
Hello Jack,

On Mon, 25 Jul 2011 10:01:12 -0500 (your time) you said:

 I would really like to revert to v4.2.44 but have no idea
 what I'm doing wrong or if I'm worrying about things that
 will be ok if I do successfully revert at some point.

Delete thebat.exe from the install folder, and run the 4.2.44 setup and
install over the top! That worked for me and others.

#13709. I Her Go Wed Snow? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB 5.0 could be a Guinness world record holder

2011-06-27 Thread Si
Hello CDIsxm,

On Sun, 26 Jun 2011 17:51:44 -0400 (your time) you said:

 Since upgrading to TB Professional 5.0 in early December, I
 must say it has been a disaster. 

I also upgraded and when I realised (instantly) just how 'unstable' it was I
quickly reverted to v4which I'm using now.

 I even looked up the Guinness World Records to see who holds title to the
 longest software beta testing of a product, and they do not have a
 category. Ritlabs could surely claim the prize.

I doubt it. The Bat! runs on Windows... ;-)

 Of course the official version is released as per the web site but we
 still struggle with the most unbelievable issues. Losing folders, views,
 email, you name it. It is so buggy after so long.

You should 'revert' to v4. However, that won't stop the losing of folders.
That's been a 'feature' of TB! for as long as I can remember :( Thankfully
you can spread your fingers a bit and hit Alt+Ctrl+Shift+L simultaneously
regularly to recover what TB! forgets about. A strange, unresolved 'feature'
with a fix.

 I understand the risks involved in beta programs, but this is beyond a

Erm, I agree with you above, but then I don't know. Seriosuly, just revert
to v4. I haven't got time to be in TB!'s beta squad, so I don't play around
with the beta builds. Just use the latest known stable build...although some
may argue which version should be considered the last stable build. It's up
to you really. v4.2.44.2 is stable enough for me, even with a number of
unfixed issues that got left behind when the versioning lept to 5.

 Ritlabs couldn't wait to get their hands on some money, so they started
 selling 5.0 claiming it was officailly released.

Hmm, I doubt very much that unbridled wealth was the motivation for the
release of v5. However, I don't know what the motivation was, or the
reasoning, or how it could have been considered 'ready'. Something
definitely went wrong in their processes...IMO

 I wonder if anyoine else agrees with me on this?

I sympathise with you, I really do, but at the same time as understanding
your belligerence I think you may have lost a bit of perspective. The
reasonable thing for you to do (IMO) is to revert to a less troublesome
version and wait it out. That said, I can totally understand how you would
be very annoyed if after being promtpted to upgrade TB! you found that the
new major version release was still actually more like an alpha release and
ridiculously buggy. I was very annoyed about that, and I'd agree on that

# 1028. Wei Shew Drongo? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB 5.0 could be a Guinness world record holder

2011-06-27 Thread Si
Hello Jack,

On Mon, 27 Jun 2011 08:09:59 -0500 (your time) you said:

... I re-installed v4.2.44 a second time and still no change.

On XP3 I simply deleted the thebat.exe from the install folder and then
reinstalled using the v4 installer and it worked just fine. I could have
just extracted the folder from the backup I made beforehand, but there ya
go. I generally don't upgrade anything without backing up the install folder
first. Makes reverting much easier if it all goes nipples up :-)

#32231. Wed Goo When Sir? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB 5.0 could be a Guinness world record holder

2011-06-27 Thread Si
Hello MFPA,

On Mon, 27 Jun 2011 20:14:32 +0100 (your time) you said:

 I see people write about this from time to time; I have used TB! since 
 2004 and only experienced lost folders three times, twice after 
 updating TB! and once after a major reworking of my folder structure.

Well, if you ever reorganise folders in the folder tree (by dragging them)
then you'll more than likely discover - at some point - the lost folder
problem. IME this is the main cause of lost folders. There have been odd
exceptions I have to say.

 I've also experienced the same folders appearing two or three times in 
 the folder tree a couple of times.

Aha, yes, and so have I. And the question is always, which one to delete?
Well, I discovered that choosing the wrong one meant losing your messages
along with them after a restart of TB!

 Isn't it fashionable at the moment to release a new major version number
 that is no different from the previous one? Witness Firefox 5.

Well, that would seem to be the case. I was curious why Mozilla suddenly
leapt to 5 the other day. I was trying to work out the significant
differences...alas, after a few minutes looking I couldn't be bothered ;-)

# 1021. Wig Drones Howe? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB 5.0 could be a Guinness world record holder

2011-06-27 Thread Si
Hello MFPA,

On Mon, 27 Jun 2011 20:59:21 +0100 (your time) you said:

 I didn't know you could drag them...

Yeah, alt+drag to move folders up and down the same level, and ctrl+alt and
drag to move folders to a lower level (so making a folder a subfolder) in
the tree and alt+drag again to move folders back up a level. Not elegant,
but it works, and you find you need to use the magic key combo to find lost
folders if you do a lot of reorganising.

 My solution was to copy the files elsewhere, then delete both, then 
 close TB! and copy the files back into place, then restart TB! and 
 create the folders afresh.

Yes, I learned that way soon afterwards ;-)

 I think the reason for the new Firefox major version number has
 nothing to do with features and everything to do with a new policy of
 releasing a major version every so many weeks.

Well I looked at the change list and although I see some changes that maybe
could be considered major updates but not enough to warrant a version jump.
Well I wouldn't have said so, but then most of the changes are 'under the
hood'. So, you may very well be right.

#11252. I God Howe Wrens? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Critical Error?

2011-06-15 Thread Si
Hello MFPA,

On Sun, 12 Jun 2011 15:01:03 +0100 (your time) you said:

 Although TB!'s OpenPGP integration has fallen behind, so that Thunderbird
 (with Enigmail) is now superior in that respect.

Yeah, I think there will always be pros and cons, and it will always boil
down to what each person likes and what they are (or can get) used to. I
think Thunderbird is a fine bit of kit btw..if you are looking for or
switching to a free client and you can live without TB!'s features :)

I'm still using GnuPG 1.4.1, after switching from PGP a good few years ago.
I haven't yet tried GnuPG 2. Probably because I've been reading about others
having issues with v2 and TB!. But then I'm in no hurry to change anything

Over the last couple of years I have seen less GnuPGP/PGP signed mail in my
mailbox. People I know rarely bother nowadays. I still use it however.
Ironic really, considering it is probably more relevant now than it ever has

# 9747. Weigh Worse Nod? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Critical Error?

2011-06-12 Thread Si
Hello MFPA,

On Sun, 12 Jun 2011 13:24:05 +0100 (your time) you said:

 Most people I know wouldn't even bother with a free mail client, because
 Outlook Express came free with Windows or because they used webmail.

Actually, that's a fair point. It's absolutely true that webmail seems to
dominate - I can't abide the minimalism of webmail, especially after using
TB!. But on the open source client side Thunderbird seems to be quite
dominant, although still not for me.

 I tried Thunderbird myself two or three times but never got on with
 it. The main issues I had were threading, filtering, and message
 templates. I also didn't like look/feel of the user interface,
 although I daresay that could be altered to suit if the feature set
 made it worth the effort.

Yeah, I've tried it a number of times as well. For me it just doesn't cut
the mustard, but for others they seem to get along with it okay. TB!'s
filtering and feature set is second to none IMO. There'd have to be
compelling reasons for giving up TB! in favour of something *I consider*
inferior ;-)

 [...] I can't see any point in continuing updating quite frankly.

 Maybe you (and I?) will, in time - see my comment above about v2/v3.

Yes, you never know, it is still possible. It may depend on how long I hold
this current grudge ;-)

#15512. New Does Or Whig? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Critical Error?

2011-06-11 Thread Si
Hello Melissa,

On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:59:07 -0700 (your time) you said:

 [...] I'm much more reluctant to recommend TB! to new users [...]

I like v4.2.x, and it works well enough, even with the unfixed bugs - many
of them should have been dealt with before v5 was released however...well
IMO of course. I ever wouldn't go back to 2.x though.

And I'll be sticking with TB! 4.2.x for now, for some of the reasons you
give, and also because the latest release...well..., let's just say I won't
be 'updating' to v5 again after trying it and 'downdating' rapidly after
discovering I'd been shafted with an alpha release ;-).

TB! has always had a lot of issues; right back to v1.x I remember this and
the beta list being very, very busy with bug reports and discussions (and
ego-driven drawn out arguments about this and that, and also about TB!'s
rubbish help...or total lack of it. And look how many years it took to get
the help anywhere near sorted. Even so, I got quite a few people using TB!
back then, and my phone was always ringing because of it. Some of those that
switched to TB! have since stopped using it, and others stopped at v2.x and
others at v3.x. Very few moved on to 4.2x. And like you, I don't recommend
it to anyone these days: after this v5 fiasco I definitely won't be
following the RITLabs path any longer. With Thunderbird about and popular I
find that most people just don't see the point of paying for a proprietary
email client any longer, even if it is laden with features, most of which
they'll never use.

Personally, I feel a bit miffed that RIT released v5 when there were plenty
of issues still to sort out with v4. But that's their prerogative. Now I'm
stuck at v4 with the unfixed bugs, which narks me, but I'll live with them.
I can't see any point in continuing updating quite frankly.

#23875. I Hews Go New Rod? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Multiple signature delimiters

2011-06-07 Thread Si
Hello Dwight,

On Mon, 6 Jun 2011 18:34:13 -0500 (your time) you said:

 the  current  behavior  is the proper one. [...]

I never questioned whether the current behaviour was the 'proper behaviour',
or not, Dwight - whatever 'proper behaviour' means; 'preferred behaviour'
might be more accurate, but then it is clearly preferred by some, and not
all. Anyhow, I was just after a solution to a problem that I face replying
on other message lists where the flamin' list software appends list
information to the end of the message but precedes it with a cut-line.

#28967. Whin Row Go Seed? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Multiple signature delimiters

2011-06-06 Thread Si
Hello TBUDL,

This is a puzzler (for me at least):

If you have more than one signature delimiter - or cut-line if you like - in
a message, TB! currently treats the last occurrence as the delimiter, and
ignores any cut-lines before it, so unwanted signatures can still appear in
the message body when you reply to a message. How can I get TB! to cut at
the first occurrence of a delimiter rather than the last?

This is proving a pain on message lists list information is appended to the
message and preceded by a wretched cut-line, superseding your own sig.
Inevitably, when you then reply the reply contains not just the message but
the message authors signature as well, which also has to be trimmed. So I'd
like to be able to get TB! to cut at the first occurrence of the delimiter
for some lists instead. Is this possible?


#15167. Who Owe Dins Erg? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Multiple signature delimiters

2011-06-06 Thread Si

On Mon, 6 Jun 2011 14:42:16 +0100 (my time) I said:

 [...]...TB! currently treats the last occurrence as the delimiter, and
 ignores any cut-lines before it, so unwanted signatures can still appear
 in the message body [...]

 Seems I am wrong!

 I have been sending myself test emails with multiple signatures from
 account to account in TB! and all the sigs are recognised as sigs by TB!,
 changing to default green. Replying to them does in fact remove all
 occurrences of the signatures, not just one. So that is confusing. I can
 only assume that my and others' delimiters are being modified somehow when
 the other list information is being appended to replies. If this is the
 case, is there a way to deal with this using regular expressions?

# 5216. We Gored Snow Hi? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Multiple signature delimiters

2011-06-06 Thread Si

Perhaps I am not totally going bonkers, but rather slightly confused.

Looks like TB! adds a space to all sig delimiters that follow the first
occurrence... if the sigs are created in TB! And TB! still recognises the
delimiters that follow and displays them as signatures. So three sigs would




  · represents a space

So TB! is actually recognising the first delimiter and hobbling the rest but
still displaying them...but only when created in TB!. But then TB! obviously
doesn't modify anything that lands in your inbox with sigs composed in
various email clients. In such a case a message then might look like this:




And then TB! of course doesn't modify anything, but cuts at the last
signature I thought.

So, I'm not crazy, and I would therefore still like to know if anyone can
suggest any creative way to deal with this in a reply template. I'm not that
bright when it comes to those things, but basically, if the first cut-line
has to somehow have precedence over subsequent ones.

 Sorry. I hope some kind soul can put me out of my misery. It's just a
 really annoying having to trim long sigs and quotes out of replies.

#20721. Ore Den Iww Gosh? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information: