Hello TBUDL,

This is a puzzler (for me at least):

If you have more than one signature delimiter - or cut-line if you like - in
a message, TB! currently treats the last occurrence as the delimiter, and
ignores any cut-lines before it, so unwanted signatures can still appear in
the message body when you reply to a message. How can I get TB! to cut at
the first occurrence of a delimiter rather than the last?

This is proving a pain on message lists list information is appended to the
message and preceded by a wretched cut-line, superseding your own sig.
Inevitably, when you then reply the reply contains not just the message but
the message authors signature as well, which also has to be trimmed. So I'd
like to be able to get TB! to cut at the first occurrence of the delimiter
for some lists instead. Is this possible?


#15167. Who Owe Dins Erg? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • The Bat! Pro
 • Extended Macro Plugin
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
 • Scanned by avast! Plugin  DB  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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