Re: [Wish] Automatic "(was: ...)", if subject line of reply is edited.

2009-07-30 Thread Volker Ahrendt
[Reply to: »Volker Ahrendt« · 2008-02-05 · 23:47 h (CET)]

Moin, folks!

>>> Could there be a implementation, which does this like here:
>>> Re: BETA (was: Re:

>> That's WRONG! If it would ever be implemented, it should be
>> Re: BETA (was:

> Good idea! - My favorite news client (40tude Dialog) does so, too:
> If you edit the subject line of a reply the client sets the original
> subject in brackets like above.

I found a (quite good) solution for this problem:

a) Semiautomatic

- Create a Quicktemplate and (out of convenience) assign a shortcut:

  %If:"%Subj"<>"%OSubj":"%Subject='Re: %Subj (was: %OSubj)'":"%Subj"

- Reply to a message and edit the Subject line
- Hit Shortcut
- Be happy! :-)

b) Automatic

- Include the macros in your reply template:

  %If:"%Subj"<>"%OSubj":"%Subject='Re: %Subj (was: %OSubj)'":"%Subj"

- Reply to a message and edit the Subject line
- Be happy! :-)

Pro solution a):

You can run the QT at any time even if the textbody of the new message
is already modified.

Pro solution b):

The macros run really automatically! :-) But there are two

1. The template must not contain the macro: %ModifyOnce("Subject")
2. The textbody must *not* be modified *before* you change the subject

Maybe some of you like this solution, too. ;-)


P.S.: Message is crossposted to: TBUDL Mailing List

- --
Volker Ahrendt |
Direct eMail without [tbb] in subject line will end in Nirvana!
Using /\^o^/\! [Pro] on Windows XP [Pro] Service Pack 3.

»There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly
what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly vanish
and be replaced by something even more bizarre and incomprehensible.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened …«

Douglas Adams ('52 - '01), »The Restaurant at the End of the Universe«

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: [Wish] Automatic "(was: ...)", if subject line of reply is edited.

2009-07-30 Thread MFPA

On Thursday 30 July 2009 at 3:12:49 PM, in
, Volker Ahrendt wrote:

> [Reply to: »Volker Ahrendt« · 2008-02-05 · 23:47 h
> (CET)]

> Moin, folks!

 Could there be a implementation, which does this
 like here: Re: BETA (was: Re:

>>> That's WRONG! If it would ever be implemented, it
>>> should be Re: BETA (was:

No! Should be - BETA (was: Re: 

>> Good idea! - My favorite news client (40tude Dialog)
>> does so, too: If you edit the subject line of a reply
>> the client sets the original subject in brackets like
>> above.

I do it so rarely that I never encountered this feature when I used 
40tude Dialog.

> I found a (quite good) solution for this problem:

> a) Semiautomatic

> - Create a Quicktemplate and (out of convenience)
> assign a shortcut:


> b) Automatic

> - Include the macros in your reply template:


> Pro solution a):

> You can run the QT at any time even if the textbody of
> the new message is already modified.

It would take me longer to look at the QT to remind myself of the 
shortcut than to type three letters, a colon and two brackets! (-;

> Pro solution b):

> The macros run really automatically! :-) But there are
> two limitations:

> 1. The template must not contain the macro:
> %ModifyOnce("Subject") 

I don't imagine that is too onerous.

> 2. The textbody must *not* be
> modified *before* you change the subject line.

That would probably kill it for me - unless the thread was already not 
related to the subject line, I would only decide to change it if my 
contribution took it in a different direction. I would decide this was 
the case after reading what I had typed... 

> Maybe some of you like this solution, too. ;-)

> Cheers! VA

> P.S.: Message is crossposted to: TBUDL Mailing List

Best regards,

Change is inevitable except from a vending machine

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: [Wish] Automatic "(was: ...)", if subject line of reply is edited.

2009-08-04 Thread Volker Ahrendt
[Reply to: »MFPA« · 2009-07-30 · 17:25 h (CET)]

Moin, MFPA!

> Could there be a implementation, which does this like here:
> Re: BETA (was: Re:

 That's WRONG! If it would ever be implemented, it should be
 Re: BETA (was:

> No! Should be - BETA (was: Re: 

Ummm, three different people and three different opinions. Can you
provide information about a reliable source which deals with this

>> a) Semiautomatic

>> You can run the QT at any time even if the textbody of the new
>> message is already modified.

> It would take me longer to look at the QT to remind myself of the
> shortcut than to type three letters, a colon and two brackets! (-;

- assign a short and descriptive QT handle => e.g. "was"
- in textbody type "was" + [ctrl][space]

  => That’s nearly the half! ;-)

>> b) Automatic

>> 2. The textbody must *not* be
>> modified *before* you change the subject line.

> That would probably kill it for me - unless the thread was already
> not related to the subject line, I would only decide to change it if
> my contribution took it in a different direction.

In general I personally decide this before I start writing the reply
message. ;-)

> I would decide this was the case after reading what I had typed...

In this case you can use option a). :-)


- --
Volker Ahrendt |
Direct eMail without [The Bat!] in subject line will end in Nirvana!
Using The Bat! [Pro] on Windows XP [Pro] Service Pack 3.

»Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
no account be allowed to do the job.«

Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), »The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy«

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: [Wish] Automatic "(was: ...)", if subject line of reply is edited.

2009-08-04 Thread MFPA

On Tuesday 4 August 2009 at 12:21:38 PM, in
, Volker Ahrendt wrote:

>> Could there be a implementation, which does this
>> like here: Re: BETA (was: Re:

> That's WRONG! If it would ever be implemented, it
> should be Re: BETA (was:

>> No! Should be - BETA (was: Re:

> Ummm, three different people and three different
> opinions. Can you provide information about a reliable
> source which deals with this subject?

Actually, I was just reacting to the emphatic "That's WRONG!"

I think any of the above serves the purpose of indicating that this is
a continuation of the same thread under a new subject. suggests, for USENET
postings, the third way mentioned above:-

If you change the subject, do it e.g. as follows leaving at least
a part of the original subject. Assume the original subject is

Subject: Re: Changing subjects

but the discussion drifts into a debate about FAQ writing. You
might change that to

Subject: Read the FAQ Jack (was Re: Changing subjects) 

I googled and poked around a bit and found also rfc1855, which simply
says "Subject lines should follow the conventions of the group." The
list rules don't cover this point and a search of the last nine
months' postings shows several variants of exactly how to do this. The
convention used by the Moderators in their interjections on this list
is to only carry the subject itself into the brackets with the "Was:"
and do not put the "Re:" there too. (-;

Best regards,

Volvo, Video, Velcro. (I came, I saw, I stuck around.)

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

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