Re: Upgrade to Beta Question

2002-03-19 Thread Allie C Martin

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@ 16:24:07 -0800 [ Tue, 19 Mar 2002], Ken  Marilyn [KM] wrote these
words of wisdom:
KM I've been talking about this problem I have where I cannot shut down
KM The Bat. When I launch it I get the Bat error message Invalid
KM argument to date encode. If I close out that box I can then close
KM The Bat. Another issue I've been asking about is after I've had the
KM Bat up for a while I get a constant wait sign (hour glass) no matter
KM what I'm doing (writing email, reading email, etc.). I run Zone
KM Alarm and from previous threads thought this might be the problem.
KM I've turned it off and the problem still exists.

I've never heard of Zone Alarm causing such problems with TB!. It tends
to block TB! from connecting to servers. At first you have to restart
TB! for each time you wish to connect. Including the POP and SMTP
servers as trusted remote machines in Zone Alarms configuration
initially helps but after a while one starts having problems with
internet connectivity in general.

You're describing problems with closing TB! and strange error messages
upon launching TB!.

If you wish to see if it's really Zone Alarm then you'll have to
uninstall it rather than simply disable it.

Please tell us how it goes.

- --
   Allie C Martin
  List Moderator and fellow end user

TB! v1.54 RC/1  Windows XP 5.1.2600
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6-2 (MingW32)



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Beta Question

2002-02-22 Thread Joseph N.

I know this isn't the Beta list, but there are several (many) Beta
users here.  I use TB! for business and medium-high volume, so it
needs to work without a hitch.  Still, I am, after all, a closet
techno-nerd and can't go too many days without trying out some new
piece of s/w.  Can someone let me know what the main issues are with
the current Beta?  In what way is it not quite ready for prime time?



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Re: Beta Question

2002-02-22 Thread Alastair Scott

On 22 February 2002 at 3:19 pm Joseph wrote:

 I know this isn't the Beta list, but there are several (many) Beta
 users here.  I use TB! for business and medium-high volume, so it
 needs to work without a hitch.  Still, I am, after all, a closet
 techno-nerd and can't go too many days without trying out some new
 piece of s/w.  Can someone let me know what the main issues are with
 the current Beta?  In what way is it not quite ready for prime time?

There are a lot of small, niggling things; nothing serious by now
(although you may have a problem with general protection faults on
shutting down, or with slowness of the new HTML viewer, neither cause
any lasting harm).

Certainly, I've used it for business since about beta 20 without any


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Re: Beta Question

2002-02-22 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On Friday, February 22, 2002, 10:16:16 AM, Joseph N. wrote:

 Thanks for the info.  I'm glad to hear there aren't major problems,
 although personally I consider either GPF's or slowness to take
 *any* software out of the running.  If the current Beta has both,
 I'll not only wait for further developments but also check closely
 to be sure those issues are resolved before changing versions.

I haven't had any recent GPFs or equivalent from TB! betas in some
time. (far fewer then than what drove me to TB! from Eudorag). Nor
is slowness a problem. I think almost anyone would be comfortable with
current beta except 9.x users who are still victim to memory loss to
the viewer, and possibly nt4 people if the problem they were having is
not cleared up, and I don't know if it is. You could learn more by
subscribing to the beta list.


Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/42 on Windows XP version 5,1


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