Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-03-02 Thread Chris
Hi Thomas,

Yep, I guess in the end it all comes down to personal taste. What works for one, 
doesn't for another. What matters is that The Bat! is an email program with enough 
flexibility in it so that people can set it up the way they like it - they aren't 
forced into using the programmer's preferences.
As for inline quoting, this list is the only place I will consider it -  only then 
because I will be flamed into a crisp should I not do it. For mine (again just 
personal taste), top posting is the way to go (flame proof suit on for that sentence!).
As for my messages not threading, I wouldn't be surprised. I have turned off the 
option for the tbudl list to send me emails. I tried out the option which only sends 1 
digest per day, but even that was too much to read for me,  as the list doesn't have 
a 'send only emails that refer to a topic you've created' option, I just have them all 
turned off. When I want to check replies, I use the webpage history archive. So, when 
I want to reply to a reply, I just create a whole new email in The Bat! with the same 
subject line... hope that it will attach itself to the right topic. It seems to work 
when viewing the webpage history archive, but as I don't get the emails, I can't see 
if it works the other way.



Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-03-02 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Chris,

On Tue, 2 Mar 2004 21:56:41 +1100 GMT (02/03/2004, 17:56 +0700 GMT),
Chris wrote:

 Yep, I guess in the end it all comes down to personal taste. What
 works for one, doesn't for another. What matters is that The Bat! is
 an email program with enough flexibility in it so that people can
 set it up the way they like it - they aren't forced into using the
 programmer's preferences.

Sure. TB allows for both inline quoting and top posting or whatever
you like. I have seen bottom-posting...

What you wish to do is possible with TB. My point is that I personally
wouldn't prefer it, but you can do it if you want.

 As for inline quoting, this list is the only place I will
 consider it -  only then because I will be flamed into a crisp
 should I not do it.

I  haven't seen a flame war on this list for ages.

 For mine (again just personal taste), top posting is the way to go
 (flame proof suit on for that sentence!).

No suit necessary. Top posting has its place, I use it in the office.
Not on mailing lists, though.

 As for my messages not threading, I wouldn't be surprised. I have
 turned off the option for the tbudl list to send me emails.

I see.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

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us. -- Western Union internal memo, 1876.

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Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-03-01 Thread Chris
Hi Thomas,

 This does all I want it too, except for the adding of multiple ''
 characters on replies. I'm not sure if the '' characters in the
 template above have anything to do with this or not

 Yes, it does. You are telling TB to add the character.

I've removed the '' from the template,  will try it out to see how it goes.

 - if The Bat! automatically adds these onto replies anyway, but I
 also have them listed in the template, does this mean that it will
 add '' onto ''?


Makes sense :-)

 I see that Outlook at work does not add multiple '' - it only
 ever adds the one.

 I think it is a major shortcoming of Outlook, and I find myself
 adding the missing characters in replies. No, excuse me, I think
 this shortcoming occurs with the AOL mail software, not Outlook.

I personally hate multiple '' with a passion - I think it looks so untidy  makes 
reading the email harder (due to multiple '' indenting the older text to the right - 
I much prefer all text to be straight down the left hand margin of the page so you 
don't have to go searching to see where each sentence starts). With one '' character, 
you know it will start on the very left hand side...if there are multiple '', I know 
from experience that sometimes sentences can start off the right hand side of the page 
because there are so many '' before them - this is just ridiculous in my opinion.

 I suspect this may be a setting within the program itself - it's a
 pity The Bat! has no similar option.

 Why would you want to ignore (falsify?) quoting levels?

See above. I wasn't even aware that there was a 'quoting level' - that's how much I 
ignore anything over one ''. For mine, there is either quoted text, or current text - 
I don't care how many times the quoted has been replied to.

 I have noticed (by looking at the Preferences in The Bat!), that
 the colour of the text that has multiple '' before it is called
 'Quotation (Even)'  the text with only one '' before it is called
 'Quotation (Odd)'. Can anyone explain the difference between this
 'odd'  'even'?

 Odd numbers are 1,3,5,.. and even numbers are 2,4,6,.. The colours
 alternate rather than displaying the same colour for all quoting
 levels. I was very happy when this was introduced, but if you don't
 like it, you get change both odd and even to the same colour.

This is something I don't have a particular preference for - I may just change it to 
the same colour to see how it goes. Just for simplicity - 2 colours in an email: the 
replied text,  the current text.

 I just want to add the main reason why I want this Outlook like
 template - most of the emails I send are to tech support. When doing
 this, it is vital to have all the history of the email included in

 Yes, but this is what top-posting is for, and IMHO has nothing to do
 with ignoring quoting levels.

I find the Outlook like template very easy to understand, with all the information 
laid out in a nice, neat, logical way. The default The Bat! template for me makes a 
dog's breakfast of this task. For personal emails, where the history of the email, 
addressee's etc aren't so important, the difference is much less, but still slightly 
in Outlook's favour for mine.

 Also, what I particularly hated about the default The Bat! reply
 templates was that nowhere in the text of the message itself does it
 list the email address a reply was sent to.

 You mention the default templates, and I think the default is right.
 Usually a communication in tech support is back and forth between
 the same two addresses. However, I believe you are aware that you
 can include an %OFrom macro into your reply template at a convenient

Ah, I wasn't aware of this. I've never been very good on any form of macro, so it's 
not a surprise I didn't know about it. Even the template language in The Bat! I 
struggle with (which is why I had to ask on this forum - I couldn't understand the 
help file topics on it). Still, the problem I found was that even when an email was 
only between 2 email addresses, than later on, if you went back  read through the 
text of the email, nowhere was the exact [EMAIL PROTECTED] email address 
if you didn't make a note of what that address was, you can't resend an email to it. 
Particularly annoying for outfits that only allow you to contact their support via a 
web form...once you get the email address for one of these places, you treat it like 
gold! ;-)


Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-03-01 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Chris,

On Tue, 2 Mar 2004 00:44:45 +1100 GMT (01/03/2004, 20:44 +0700 GMT),
Chris wrote:

 I think it is a major shortcoming of Outlook, and I find myself
 adding the missing characters in replies. No, excuse me, I think
 this shortcoming occurs with the AOL mail software, not Outlook.

 I personally hate multiple '' with a passion - I think it looks
 so untidy  makes reading the email harder (due to multiple ''
 indenting the older text to the right - I much prefer all text to be
 straight down the left hand margin of the page so you don't have to
 go searching to see where each sentence starts).

I disagree, and I left part of the message you replied to make my
point. But then, it may be a matter of taste.

 Why would you want to ignore (falsify?) quoting levels?

 See above. I wasn't even aware that there was a 'quoting level' -
 that's how much I ignore anything over one ''. For mine, there is
 either quoted text, or current text - I don't care how many times
 the quoted has been replied to.

I do. I like to be able to tell apart my original sentence and your
reply. If all is on one quoting level, confusion sets in quickly.

 Odd numbers are 1,3,5,.. and even numbers are 2,4,6,.. The colours
 alternate rather than displaying the same colour for all quoting
 levels. I was very happy when this was introduced, but if you don't
 like it, you get change both odd and even to the same colour.

 This is something I don't have a particular preference for - I
 may just change it to the same colour to see how it goes. Just for
 simplicity - 2 colours in an email: the replied text,  the current

If that works for you, no problem. But I do wonder, if the quoted
passages are all in the same colour and with only one '', how do you
know who said what? Maybe I am too easy to confuse.

 Yes, but this is what top-posting is for, and IMHO has nothing to do
 with ignoring quoting levels.

 I find the Outlook like template very easy to understand, with
 all the information laid out in a nice, neat, logical way. The
 default The Bat! template for me makes a dog's breakfast of this

Not here, to the contrary. Our needs and tastes differ.

  For personal emails, where the history of the email,
 addressee's etc aren't so important, the difference is much less,
 but still slightly in Outlook's favour for mine.

If you use inline quoting (like here), how do you insert the email
addresses? What you say makes sense for top posting only. But there
it does make sense.

 Still, the problem I found was that even when an email was only
 between 2 email addresses, than later on, if you went back  read
 through the text of the email, nowhere was the exact
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] email address if you
 didn't make a note of what that address was, you can't resend an
 email to it.

You are talking about an exchange between 2 email addresses. So the
other address is either in the From or the To header.

BTW your messages don't thread...



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Man: Your place or mine? Woman: Both. You go to yours, and I'll go to

Message reply created with The Bat! 2.04.7
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using a Pentium P4 1.7 GHz, 256MB RAM

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-02-29 Thread Chris
Thanks for the replies everyone. By collating the various responses ( adding two 
minor changes of my own), I came up with this template:




 -Original Message-
 Subject: %OSUBJECT


This does all I want it too, except for the adding of multiple '' characters on 
replies. I'm not sure if the '' characters in the template above have anything to do 
with this or not - if The Bat! automatically adds these onto replies anyway, but I 
also have them listed in the template, does this mean that it will add '' onto ''?
I see that Outlook at work does not add multiple '' - it only ever adds the one. I 
suspect this may be a setting within the program itself - it's a pity The Bat! has no 
similar option.
I have noticed (by looking at the Preferences in The Bat!), that the colour of the 
text that has multiple '' before it is called 'Quotation (Even)'  the text with only 
one '' before it is called 'Quotation (Odd)'. Can anyone explain the difference 
between this 'odd'  'even'?
I just want to add the main reason why I want this Outlook like template - most of the 
emails I send are to tech support. When doing this, it is vital to have all the 
history of the email included in replies. Also, what I particularly hated about the 
default The Bat! reply templates was that nowhere in the text of the message itself 
does it list the email address a reply was sent to. If you reply to messages to all  
sundry email addresses like I do, then this is a big problem - in the future, you 
never know to what email you sent the original messages.


Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-02-29 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Chris,

On Sun, 29 Feb 2004 19:21:19 +1100 GMT (29/02/2004, 15:21 +0700 GMT),
Chris wrote:

 This does all I want it too, except for the adding of multiple ''
 characters on replies. I'm not sure if the '' characters in the
 template above have anything to do with this or not

Yes, it does. You are telling TB to add the character.

 - if The Bat! automatically adds these onto replies anyway, but I
 also have them listed in the template, does this mean that it will
 add '' onto ''?


 I see that Outlook at work does not add multiple '' - it only
 ever adds the one.

I think it is a major shortcoming of Outlook, and I find myself adding
the missing characters in replies. No, excuse me, I think this
shortcoming occurs with the AOL mail software, not Outlook.

 I suspect this may be a setting within the program itself - it's a
 pity The Bat! has no similar option.

Why would you want to ignore (falsify?) quoting levels?

 I have noticed (by looking at the Preferences in The Bat!), that
 the colour of the text that has multiple '' before it is called
 'Quotation (Even)'  the text with only one '' before it is called
 'Quotation (Odd)'. Can anyone explain the difference between this
 'odd'  'even'?

Odd numbers are 1,3,5,.. and even numbers are 2,4,6,.. The colours
alternate rather than displaying the same colour for all quoting
levels. I was very happy when this was introduced, but if you don't
like it, you get change both odd and even to the same colour.

 I just want to add the main reason why I want this Outlook like
 template - most of the emails I send are to tech support. When doing
 this, it is vital to have all the history of the email included in

Yes, but this is what top-posting is for, and IMHO has nothing to do
with ignoring quoting levels.

 Also, what I particularly hated about the default The Bat! reply
 templates was that nowhere in the text of the message itself does it
 list the email address a reply was sent to.

You mention the default templates, and I think the default is right.
Usually a communication in tech support is back and forth between the
same two addresses. However, I believe you are aware that you can
include an %OFrom macro into your reply template at a convenient



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Woran erkennen Sie, das Sie als Bedienung nichts taugen? Sie halten
Caipirinha fur einen fleischfressenden Fisch.

Message reply created with The Bat! 2.04.7
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using a Pentium P4 1.7 GHz, 256MB RAM

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Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-02-28 Thread Edgar van Dijk
Hash: SHA1

Hello Marck,

On Saturday, February 28, 2004, 4:33:13 AM, you wrote:

M Dear Chris,

M @28-Feb-2004, 14:21 +1100 (28-Feb 03:21 UK time) Chris [C] in
M mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to tbudl:

C have all text quoted like with %TEXT, but on the other have it
C all a different colour like in %QUOTES?

Will this not enter the  in front of it?
I think Chris does not want that.

Could you not use Quotes and adjust the quoting style with a
macro QUOTESTYLE (I do not know which expression will be the
right one)

- -- 

Communicating with TB! v2.04.4, Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Cannot open file D:\Quotes\files\coockie.txt

To request my public key select this url:

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (MingW32) - WinPT 0.7.96rc1
Comment: A signature is like a handshake.


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Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-02-28 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Dear Edgar,

@28-Feb-2004, 11:47 +0100 (28-Feb 10:47 UK time) Edgar van Dijk
[EVD] in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

C have all text quoted like with %TEXT, but on the other have it
C all a different colour like in %QUOTES?


EVD Will this not enter the  in front of it?


EVD I think Chris does not want that.

Not so. What Chris didn't want was the signatures cut off as happens
with %QUOTES on its own. He was using %TEXT to work around that.

EVD Could you not use Quotes and adjust the quoting style with a
EVD macro QUOTESTYLE (I do not know which expression will be the
EVD right one)

That won't help. It just determines what goes in front of the ''
character. There are complex macros that can be used to replace the
prefix with something else entirely but that gets very messy when
cascading replies.

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-02-27 Thread Chris
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm using Mark's one at the moment for testing - to see 
if it does what I want. I was wondering if it could be refined:
1. To make the previously replied to text only have one '' character before it - 
after a few replies backwards  forwards, the text down at the bottom of the email has 
3 or 4 of the '' characters before it - I assume because one '' is added everythime 
you or the recipient hits the reply button.
2. I did change the %QUOTES to %TEXT - I prefer the %TEXT because if you just use the 
%QUOTES, text after a sig delimiter (for anyone who uses one  replies to one of your 
emails) gets cut off. When I reply to an email, I want the whole history displayed - 
every single little bit of text, every punctuation mark, nothing left out. The problem 
I found when I changed to %TEXT was that some of the text that you are replying to 
remains coloured black - whereas if you use the %QUOTES, all the replied to text is in 
a different colour to the one that you use. Is there any way to strike a balance 
between the two - on the one hand, have all text quoted like with %TEXT, but on the 
other have it all a different colour like in %QUOTES?
Essentially what I am trying to do here is to make The Bat! behave like Microsoft 
Outlook - the email program that every place I have ever worked has used. Using it 8 
hours a day for some years makes you expect things to be a certain way (even though 
the email program you use at home - The Bat! in my case obviously - is far superior). 
This replying business is one of them. I got the text that I wanted in my replies from 
an Outlook email thread,  now with the last 2 points above, I'm trying to make it 
exactly the same. Any help would be appreciated!



Avoid parking tickets by leaving your windshield wipers turned to fast wipe whenever 
you leave your car parked illegally.

Current version is 2.04.07 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-02-27 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Dear Chris,

@28-Feb-2004, 14:21 +1100 (28-Feb 03:21 UK time) Chris [C] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to tbudl:

C have all text quoted like with %TEXT, but on the other have it
C all a different colour like in %QUOTES?


C Essentially what I am trying to do here is to make The Bat!
C behave like Microsoft Outlook -

That's such a darned shame :-(. You might use this opportunity to
grow out of it. Instigate a dual set of replies, one of which is
an M$ homage and the other a more advanced and forward looking
homage to etiquette, sense and aesthetics. You can specify the
templates within address book groups and segregate your addresses by
reply style within those groups.

Just don't use the M$ reply template here. Oh yes, and add a cut
mark for your advanced reply templates. Like I said in my original
reply, text beneath a cut mark gets cut because it's supposed to.
Nothing after a signature should be carried forward. The only bits
of an original message that should normally appear in a reply are
the bits you're actually commenting on.

Imagine a conversation where every new response included every
single thing everyone has said so far in that conversation. It stops
working very soon. I'm not saying don't use top-post formatting for
your replies at all. I'm saying start thinking about using them
less often and introducing conversational reply styles to your
repertoire of communications skills. Once you get into it, you'll
appreciate the clarity and simplicity it embodies.

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.04.07 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-02-27 Thread Allie Martin
Chris, [C] wrote:

C 1. To make the previously replied to text only have one ''
C character before it - after a few replies backwards  forwards, the
C text down at the bottom of the email has 3 or 4 of the ''
C characters before it - I assume because one '' is added everythime
C you or the recipient hits the reply button.

Yes. This is standard behaviour that can't be changed once you're
quoting when replying using %Quotes.

C The problem I found when I changed to %TEXT was that some of the
C text that you are replying to remains coloured black - whereas if
C you use the %QUOTES, all the replied to text is in a different
C colour to the one that you use. Is there any way to strike a
C balance between the two - on the one hand, have all text quoted
C like with %TEXT, but on the other have it all a different colour
C like in %QUOTES?

This colour coding is intrinsic to TB!. It's not sent with the
messages. I'm not sure if the reason you wish to see the difference in
how colouring is done, is for what you or what your recipient is to see.

 -= allie_M =- | List Moderator

Using SB! Lite v2.04.5 on WinXP Pro (SP1) 

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Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-02-26 Thread Greg Strong
Hello Chris,

Thursday, February 26, 2004, 7:36:09 PM, Chris wrote:

C I was wanting to change it so that on a message that I reply to, it
C will have the following:

Close but not exact. You can tweak it.

Begins Here
Hello %OFromFName,

%ODateEn, %OTimeLongEn, %OFROMNAME wrote:



Your Name

===8==Begin Original Message===
Date: %ODateEn %OTimeLongEn
 Subject: %OSUBJ

===8==End Original Message=
Ends Here

Best Regards,
Greg Strong   

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.04.07 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Question About Reply Templates

2004-02-26 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Dear Chris,

@27-Feb-2004, 12:36 +1100 (27-Feb 01:36 UK time) Chris [C] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to tbudl:

C Can someone please tell me if this is possible to do,  if so,
C what syntax I use?

My revulsion led me to only give you a half-finished version. Here's
the real deal:




 -Original Message-
 Subject: %OSUBJECT


This template doesn't provide a cut mark, which should be used to
sever a signature following a message. Of course, this also means
cutting any references to the original material being discussed in a
reply chain, so a top post template shouldn't include a cut mark. Of
course, cut marks should always be used. A dichotomy, no? Ergo, top
posting is inherently incorrect. QED. (scnr). I certainly do use top
posting in my private technical mail, but never for conversation nor
for list traffic.

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.04.07 | 'Using TBUDL' information: