Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-13 Thread Anselm Buehling


 There must be a common denominator for this problem, perhaps we should
 start again and do what we learned in University: Analyze (from Greek
 for taking apart) the problem step by step.

Seems very reasonable to me, so let's go!

 1. Where do you all store your attachments, in separate directory or
 within the message?

Separate directory. Just changed settings to message body to check
that out.

 2. What other tasks are running (TSRs, virus scanners, firewalls, IMs

Firewall: ZA (not loaded today). Virus Scanner: AntiVir. Rambooster
(OK, OK, I'll kick that one out, too...).

 3. What kind of connection do you have?

DSL access

 4. Are there any file formats that are *not* affected?

No problems with zip files, so far.

 5. Anybody else knowing a good question?

Yep: How do you usually open attachments? From the mail or the
directory they're saved to?

Here's why: I had activated the option store in separate directory,
but the only reason was to keep the message base compact and to be
able to delete attachments separately when they're not longer needed.
For working purposes, I always used to open (or drag and drop) the
attached files directly from the mail and  save them in client/job
specific folders. Only now, when writing this mail, it came to my mind
to have a look at the attachment directory.

Guess what? I found uncorrupted copies of the problematic files there!
But that's not all. I also found one or more corrupted copies of the
files in question, with a later creation date and a number attached to
the file name. Thus if, e.g. I received a file 'translation.rtf', the
directory contains the original file, which opens perfectly fine, and
then some other files: 'translation1.rtf', translation2.rtf'... which
look messed up like they did when I opened/saved them from the mail.
Judging from the creation dates, a new file version with a new number
seems to have been created on each attempt to open/save the file from
the mail.

Now that's interesting, isn't it?

All the best,


Anselm Buehling - Translations EN/RU  DE
+49 30 6950 4870 |phone
+49 30 6950 4898 |fax
+49 170 961 2072 |mobile

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-13 Thread vlk

Message from: Marck D Pearlstone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  13. september 2002, 11:40:33 AM:


MarthaLiving.jpg looks like not completely downloaded picture
from web - probably sent before completed.
the rest is filled with grey color to get the proper size.
poit you pic viewer (acdsee, irfan..) to your internet temp
folder, there are a lot of pics like this - can be viewed,
but not with all apps. :-)

 TB161, w98

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-13 Thread Adam Rykala

Hi guys

Great idea putting the message store in a zip - a suggestion though.

Is there anyone who can set up an auto  responder that sens out the one message
with the corrupt image...?

Mainly because I want to see if there is a difference between the message store
version and a forwarded one - I want to see if we can isolate the way it is
being written to store...

As you all know, virus checkers et al monitor file accesses, (and viruses too
;0( ) and I want to see if we cn at least isolate the obvious ones... I want to
see what happens on my machine between opening the two different versions...

As you can tell, I'm on my webmail client at the moment but I'll be back home at
about 1pm BST - will test this afternoon!



[ Adam Rykala ]
[ ]
[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] - pgp private key]

the [new-wales] project -

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-13 Thread vlk

Message from: Dierk Haasis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  13. september 2002, 12:23:34 PM:

DH And since the JPEG itself is
DH correctly shown within IrfanView and PhotoPaint I'd say the file
DH itself has correct headers and therefore should be shown in TB!

should or should not. it is the way the apps read the document.
ie i can see a damaged jpg image (i mean really corrupted) in a viewer
(acdsee) with some garbage at the bottom, but Mr. Photoshop
doesn't open it at all, saying image is bad.
Same with IExplorer - doesn't need it complete when showing (dowloading)
image - in other words, don't care that at the bottom is some bad math.

 TB161, w98

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-13 Thread Bill Blinn, Technology Editor

It seems that Dierk Haasis said ...

 No problems with zip files, so far.

D Haven't I seen this right at the beginning? Can anyone confirm?

I can't recall a specific problem with a zip file -- it's certainly
rare, but probably possible.

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000
5.0 Build 2195
Service Pack 3
Bill Blinn, Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 9/13/2002 at 7:41 AM
Technology Corner, Newsradio 610 WTVN, Columbus, Ohio
Direct: 614-785-9359   Fax: 630-604-9842
Random thought: Know you know, and knowing is half the battle. The other half is 
mostly treachery and groin kicks. -Dayv Benzino

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-13 Thread Bill Blinn, Technology Editor

Here are some observations (and some files to look at).

First, the files:

You will find these files at I think
there is a low limit on how many anon ftp users can be connected

   * Ray4x6.tif: Single standard TIFF that somehow
 became a 2-page TIFF with non-standard colors.
   * scampi_test.jpg  - successful
 scampi_test9.jpg - unsuccessful
   * progress_test.jpg  - successful
 progress_test9.jpg - unsuccessful
   * - See below for explanation
 of what is there.

Now the observations:

I created a test file with 4 attachments and sent this message to
another of my accounts 9 times. The account I sent the messages to was
set to store attachments in a separate directory. Here are the

   IMG#1  IMG#2  IMG#3  IMG#4

I then deleted the received messages, emptied the trash, compressed
the folders, set the account to store attachments internally, and sent
the messages again. Results:

   IMG#1  IMG#2  IMG#3  IMG#4
1  GOOD   GOOD      FAIL
9  GOOD   GOOD      FAIL

 This image failed in a way I've never seen before. The icon in
TB's attachments panel simply shows base64 -- no file name at all.

I have zipped the 2 inbox files and included them on the ftp site.

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000
5.0 Build 2195
Service Pack 3
Bill Blinn, Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 9/13/2002 at 8:03 AM
Technology Corner, Newsradio 610 WTVN, Columbus, Ohio
Direct: 614-785-9359   Fax: 630-604-9842
Random thought: You sound reasonable. Time to up my medication. -- Anonymous

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-12 Thread Anselm Buehling

Hi Sudip,

 Are you using ZA or behind any firewall? This may be worth looking

I, for one, do, so that might be a clue! But would that mean that no
firewall can be used together with TB if you want to receive correct
attachments? using a broadband access without firewall seems way to
dangerous these days...



Anselm Buehling - Translations EN/RU  DE
+49 30 6950 4870 |phone
+49 30 6950 4898 |fax
+49 170 961 2072 |mobile

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-12 Thread Anselm Buehling

Hi Lars,

 Although some of the arguments might seem a bit exaggerated at first, I
 can tell from my own experience that not using a personal firewall isn't
 much of a loss. You only have to keep up with security updates for your
 system, but shouldn't everyone do that? ;-)

Hmm, while one certainly shouldn't overestimate the effect personal
firewalls, I wonder whether you're really safer off with M$ security
updates... ;-/

Kind regards,


Anselm Buehling - Translations EN/RU  DE
+49 30 6950 4870 |phone
+49 30 6950 4898 |fax
+49 170 961 2072 |mobile

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-12 Thread Anselm Buehling

Hi Jonathan,

 Not at all... try turning off the mail filtering options, and see if
 that helps cure things.  I haven't used ZA in a long while, so I
 cannot point  you to where it is.  Either that, or try a different
 firewall for a short while.

Thanks, will try that and hope it will be the solution of the mystery!

Kind regards,


Anselm Buehling - Translations EN/RU  DE
+49 30 6950 4870 |phone
+49 30 6950 4898 |fax
+49 170 961 2072 |mobile

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-12 Thread Anselm Buehling

Turning off ZA mail filtering options did not help. So i'll have to
test on. Next step would be to completely deactivate ZA. Will do as
soon as I have time and a partner to test.

Kind regards,


 Hash: SHA1

 On Thursday, September 12, 2002, Anselm Buehling wrote...

 Are you using ZA or behind any firewall? This may be worth looking

 I, for one, do, so that might be a clue! But would that mean that no
 firewall can be used together with TB if you want to receive correct

 Not at all... try turning off the mail filtering options, and see if
 that helps cure things.  I haven't used ZA in a long while, so I
 cannot point  you to where it is.  Either that, or try a different
 firewall for a short while.

 - --
 Jonathan Angliss

 Version: 6.5.8ckt


 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Anselm Buehling - Translations EN/RU  DE
+49 30 6950 4870 |phone
+49 30 6950 4898 |fax
+49 170 961 2072 |mobile

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-12 Thread Bill Blinn, Technology Editor

It seems that Eddy said ...

E This most certainly appears to be a problem with TB!. I used 'Help 
E Feedback  Bug Report' to submit a bug (an even included my zip file of
E the corrupted Test folder) but never received any acknowledgement or
E any sort of response from RIT Labs.

I've been hoping that it might be something other than TB, but since
others see similar problems with and without firewalls, with and
without AV software running, TB appears to be the most likely suspect.

The fact that I can send a single message to two accounts on the
same server, retrieve one with TB (corrupted) and one with Eudora (not
corrupted) or with any version of Outlook (not corrupted) or on a Mac
(not corrupted), that further suggests it's something TB is doing.

I can also add this: I see the same problem on a W2K desktop, a WXP
notebook, and a WXP desktop.

Further, I can leave a message with attachments on the server and use
dispatch mail to retrieve it several times, with varying results.
One of my jobs involves receiving a message with 5 to 20 attachments
each week (dog and cat pictures for an animal shelter website). In
more than 75 weekly attempts, I cannot remember even ONE time when all
of the attachments arrived successfully. Sometimes only 1 or 2 of the
attachments fail; sometimes they all fail.

Fortunately, I have very little hair left, so pulling out what's left
is less painful than it might otherwise be.

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000
5.0 Build 2195
Service Pack 3
Bill Blinn, Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 9/12/2002 at 1:32 PM
Technology Corner, Newsradio 610 WTVN, Columbus, Ohio
Direct: 614-785-9359   Fax: 630-604-9842
Random thought: Wrinkled was not one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up. -- 

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-12 Thread Bill Blinn, Technology Editor

It seems that Adam Rykala said ...

A Tried swapping out your ram? You may have a dodgy chip somewhere?

A Adam ...

Everyone who has this problem has bad memory? And I have bad memory on
THREE computers? And the problem doesn't manifest itself with any
other e-mail program? (Not even with that inferior thing Microsoft

I don't think so .

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600

Bill Blinn, Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 9/12/2002 at 5:23 PM
Technology Corner on Newsradio 610 WTVN, Columbus, Ohio
Direct: 614-785-9359   Fax: 630-604-9842
Random thought: I think everyone knows that the DoS is real. Lots more were hit 
today. eBay doesn't count, since that entire operation is a self-inflicted DoS. -- 
Mike Batchelor

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-12 Thread Mark Bernard

Hello Marck,

Thursday, September 12, 2002, 5:44:34 AM, you wrote:

MB I've seen corruption of various file types.
MB Forwarding/redirecting the corrupt files back to myself results
MB in the files fixing themselves.

MDP I think you've missed the point. Are you using NAV? Some other
MDP real-time POP3 virus scanner?

I'm using NAV 2002, and NIS2002.  I just recently switched to TB! from
PMMail2000 Pro. About a month ago.  In all my years using PMMail2000,
never had a problem with corrupt attachments. Only thing I changed was
my email client.

Mark  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Bat! Version 1.61
OS info: Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-12 Thread Bill Blinn, Technology Editor

It seems that Adam Rykala said ...

A a) Its being corrupted in memory as the attachment is being reconstructed.

Agreed, but would it not have the same effect when the message is
being reconstructed in Eudora, Outlook, Outlook Express, Pegasus,
Netscape Maill, or SOME other program? I have never seen one of these
programs corrupt an attachment. If memory was the problem, wouldn't I
see some evidence of it in other programs? Wouldn't I see BSODs on a
regular basis?

I agree absolutely that it's probably happening when the attachment is
being reconstructed, but if it's bad memory, would the same image fail
in the same way every single time? Wouldn't that be memory dependent?
Wouldn't you expect the attachment to open sometimes and to fail
sometimes? That's the nature of a memory problem -- transient.

But once an image fails, it always fails. If an image is good, it's
always good.

I'm really not trying to knock you back or to be a smart ass, but
I'm not about to take apart three computers (or even one) on what
looks to me like a wild goose chase.

A Also  you  mentioned  ZA  and  mail checking - well I had to rebuild an exchange
A server  with  a  12gb  database  because a virus checker was silently corrupting
A attachments due to what is called (oh how I laugh) Known Issues

Both ZA and NAV were out of the picture when I received a fax
attachment earlier today -- it was corrupt. Fortunately my jFax
account is set to leave mail on the server, so I retrieved the
attachment with Eudora -- no problem.

A So there are several angles to try.

A Me  -  I'd isolate the easy ones first. Change the RAM - try it. Still the same?
A then  strike  ram  from  it. Check to remove overheating from the equation. Many
A people just slam in any old RAM into their PC's without a second thought for the
A issues. Mismatching RAM is a big troublemaker

I can't say that the RAM is perfect, but I pay extra for quality,
matched RAM when I build a machine. I see no other indication that
there is a RAM problem with any of the 3 computers. One of these is a
computer that has been replaced during the time I have used TB. The
problem occurred with the previous machine, too. So that would be FOUR
machines (two that I built with known good components and two from
decent manufacturers -- Sony for the notebook and Compaq for the
desktop) with bad RAM. That's just too coincidental to fit. Possible,
yes, but very unlikely.

A If  you  have  three machines then strip one down to windows and TB!. Remove all
A extraneous  software  from  it.  You  may,  for example, have an esoteric bit of
A software that conflicts.

NAV and ZA were on all 3 machines (different versions). Except for
that, running apps and processes differ quite a bit. Removing ZA and
NAV had no effect, as others have already said.

Trust me -- I *really* would love to find out that it's not TB because
I really like this program. I've used it for 18+ months and, even with
the problem I see, am not seriously considering any other program.
There simply is no better or more configurable e-mail program than TB.

Thanks to EVERYONE for the ideas, thoughts, and suggestions!

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

Bill Blinn, Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 9/12/2002 at 6:07 PM
Technology Corner on Newsradio 610 WTVN, Columbus, Ohio
Direct: 614-785-9359   Fax: 630-604-9842
Random thought: Managing senior programmers is like herding cats. -- Dave Platt

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-12 Thread Bill Blinn, Technology Editor

It seems that Adam Rykala said ...

A The  other  thing that crosses my mind is filesystem - obviously you're on Win98
A and other people are on Winxp or whatever?

A You all using fat32? Large disk?

I'm on XP. Wouldn't use FAT32 on a dare. All affected systems are
NTFS. All are Seagate drives -- ranging from 7200RPM EIDE to 15000RPM
SCSI. No significant fragmentation thanks to Diskkeeper. No evidence
of impending hardware failure.

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

Bill Blinn, Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 9/12/2002 at 6:26 PM
Technology Corner on Newsradio 610 WTVN, Columbus, Ohio
Direct: 614-785-9359   Fax: 630-604-9842
Random thought: Now this is a totally brain damaged algorithm. Gag me with a 
smurfette. -P. Buhr

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Mangled attachments

2002-09-12 Thread Mark Bernard

Hello Adam,

Thursday, September 12, 2002, 3:07:55 PM, you wrote:

MB I'm using NAV 2002, and NIS2002.  I just recently switched to TB! from
MB PMMail2000 Pro. About a month ago.  In all my years using PMMail2000,
MB never had a problem with corrupt attachments. Only thing I changed was
MB my email client.

AR The  other  thing that crosses my mind is filesystem - obviously you're on Win98
AR and other people are on Winxp or whatever?

AR You all using fat32? Large disk?

FAT32, 40GB HD - divided into approx 8GB partitions.

Mark  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Bat! Version 1.61
OS info: Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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