Hi guys

Great idea putting the message store in a zip - a suggestion though.

Is there anyone who can set up an auto  responder that sens out the one message
with the corrupt image...?

Mainly because I want to see if there is a difference between the message store
version and a forwarded one - I want to see if we can isolate the way it is
being written to store...

As you all know, virus checkers et al monitor file accesses, (and viruses too
;0( ) and I want to see if we cn at least isolate the obvious ones... I want to
see what happens on my machine between opening the two different versions...

As you can tell, I'm on my webmail client at the moment but I'll be back home at
about 1pm BST - will test this afternoon!



[ Adam Rykala ]
[ www.new-wales.net ]
[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] - pgp private key]

the [new-wales] project - http://www.new-wales.net

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