Re[2]: Suggestions?

2001-11-13 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee

Hello Januk,

Monday, November 12, 2001, 4:41:43 PM, you wrote:

JA However, on another list, people have reported that they enjoy using a
JA product called Mailbag Assistant to deal with their archiving needs.

Thanks.  I've downloaded and tried it.  It's fantastic.  Fast,
automatic, and you can archive the messages and append to the archive.

I think I'm going to pay for this one.

Best regards,
 Kennethmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re[2]: Suggestions?

2001-11-13 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee

Hello Eddie,

Tuesday, November 13, 2001, 6:30:39 AM, you wrote:

EC Did I miss someone's posting where the URL is mentioned? Could you
EC please re-post the URL for the 'Mailbag Assistant'? Thank you.

No., you didn't.  I did a Google search.

Here is it:

Best regards,
 Kennethmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re[2]: Suggestions?

2001-11-12 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee

Hello Jan,

Monday, November 12, 2001, 11:00:11 AM, you wrote:

JR Hello Kenneth

JR At 10:18 AM on Monday, November 12, 2001 you wrote the
JR following on the posted subject 'Suggestions?':

Kenneth Has anyone come up with an efficient system to export the
Kenneth message to a txt file for archiving purposes?

JR   TB! can do this for you automatically if you set up
JR   filters to 'export message to file'. Look under the
JR   Action tab in filters. You can set up a filter for read
JR   msgs /or incoming /or outgoing msgs.

JR   All of my sent msgs are archived in a 'Sent Email' text
JR   file. You could always add a 'Mail Rcvd' txt file.

Thanks for quick response.

I looked into that, but there are certain messages I read that I don't
want to export.  For instance, I review messages and then I delete
them depending on the contents and/or usefulness manually, especially
junk mails I get.

However, using that rule, all messages I read (or combination thereof
depending on my filters--I haven't been able to come up with a single
filter for this since it involves more intelligence decision than
filters would allow for deleting messages I don't need) would be
exported even the messages I end up deleting.

Perhaps there is a way to get around it.

Best regards,
 Kennethmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re[2]: Suggestions?

2001-11-12 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee

Hello Jan,

Monday, November 12, 2001, 11:41:04 AM, you wrote:

JR   Make the filter manual  apply it to the messages left in
JR   the folder that are of interest to you. In the 'Rule'
JR   dialogue you can select 'Manual.

I think that's the only option.  I guess it's better to create 20
rules for 20 folders I have one time than manually export 20 folders
every time. I wish if we could have a filter that applies to
subfolders as well if we apply to the main folder.


Best regards,
 Kennethmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re[2]: Suggestions?

2001-11-12 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee

Hello Jan,

Monday, November 12, 2001, 12:05:00 PM, you wrote:

JR Sounds a little convoluted but it may work for you. Others
JR   may have a much better idea.


I will give it a try.

Best regards,
 Kennethmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re[2]: Suggestions

2001-01-10 Thread Vincent - D. Ertner

Hi Co-Batties,

Wednesday, January 10, 2001

TF So, kindly define "power user" for me to understand who you
TF mean. People who don't use the mouse?

 I hope Vincent doesn't take the bait and answer that question
 on list. I really don't wish for one of those 'power users only
 use the keyboard' type arguments/discussions to start here.
 It's not the place for it. Take it to TBOT or off-line if you
 both, or anyone else desires to further such a discussion.

I did, sorry, couldn't resist. I don't want this kind of
discussion too - maybe a PM would have done ... as far as I'm
concerned: I'll stop it - no further replies to the "power user"
thread ;-)



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Re[2]: Suggestions

2001-01-10 Thread Vincent - D. Ertner

Hi Co-Batties,

Wednesday, January 10, 2001

VDE Deleting Messages = I find Ctrl+Del very
VDE irritating - a simple Del is more logical and wrist
VDE friendly (as it's used more often than deleting a
VDE folder).

 I always simply press delete to delete messages.

VDE ... and if you have to delete 260 messages in one step? You
VDE certainly won't press del when you're on a folder ;-)

 I don't get it. How would TB know which 260 messages to delete if you
 won't tell it by cklicking on them?

I usually park the two or three messages of interest and delete
the rest of the folder (especially mailing list folders).

VDE This might sound a little bit arrogant now, but anyway: I
VDE don't know a single "power user" that uses a mouse more
VDE than once a day ... thus these mouse arguments are quite
VDE irrelevant for me.

 No it's not arrogant, just ignorant g. I hardly use keyboard
 shortcuts (with a few exceptions) and receive an avarage of
 100-200 emails a day (not counting FirstClass Conferences). I
 addition, I spend hours every evening on the PC, what with
 studying software engineering for an MSc and all, and generally
 enjoy being on the computer more than in front of the TV.

 So, kindly define "power user" for me to understand who you
 mean. People who don't use the mouse?

I define "power user" as people who don't want to waste time.
There are several studies showing, that the use of the mouse is
in general for newbies. The reason is quite obvious: If you're
able to use all of your eight fingers and two thumbs on the
keyboard there is no real need to grab the mouse, to move the
pointer, to select the right menu, submenu and item and finally
to click it. This takes in average - according to your
abilities - round about a second. Over all you will be wasting
almost 15 minutes a day "driving around". And what is even worse
IMHO: If you're stuck - mouse is defect, icons disappear etc. -
you don't know what to do to make your apps work like you're used

This BTW is not a spleen of me, it's deriving from own experience
as well as from teaching many people how to use apps effectively
and - proud, proud - I never had a single complaint and even
better: Many people who fell down on their knees and thanked for
know knowing how to work more efficient *and* to save time ...
the brutal truth ;-)))



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Re[2]: Suggestions

2001-01-09 Thread Vincent - D. Ertner

Hi Co-Batties,

Tuesday, January 09, 2001

VDE Deleting Messages = I find Ctrl+Del very
VDE irritating - a simple Del is more logical and wrist
VDE friendly (as it's used more often than deleting a folder).

 I always simply press delete to delete messages.

... and if you have to delete 260 messages in one step? You
certainly won't press del when you're on a folder ;-)

VDE Warning Sounds == I would like to turn of the
VDE warning noise and even the messages when deleting files
VDE from a folder or setting them from unread to read.

 If you use a mouse then these warnings are good since it's not
 unusual to accidentally chose the wrong option in the menu
 list. If you're using the keyboard then unintentional input is
 less likely.

This might sound a little bit arrogant now, but anyway: I don't
know a single "power user" that uses a mouse more than once a day
... thus these mouse arguments are quite irrelevant for me.

 I do agree, that all warnings should be made optional for those
 who don't need them.

VDE Printing Problem  There is a funny problem
VDE existing in printing a mail - at least on my system and
VDE when using the main view rather than the folder view. I
VDE usually print mails of interest by reading them in the
VDE preview and then pressing Ctrl+P.

VDE First annoyance: If the cursor resides in the preview
VDE Ctrl+P doesn't work - without any obvious reason.

 One of a few reasons why I don't use the preview window.

But anyway it should work as it's expected to do, ey? ;-))



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