Hi Co-Batties,

<Wednesday, January 10, 2001>

VDE>>>> Deleting Messages ================= I find Ctrl+Del very
VDE>>>> irritating - a simple Del is more logical and wrist
VDE>>>> friendly (as it's used more often than deleting a
VDE>>>> folder).

>>> I always simply press <delete> to delete messages.

VDE>> ... and if you have to delete 260 messages in one step? You
VDE>> certainly won't press del when you're on a folder ;-)

> I don't get it. How would TB know which 260 messages to delete if you
> won't tell it by cklicking on them?

I usually park the two or three messages of interest and delete
the rest of the folder (especially mailing list folders).

VDE>> This might sound a little bit arrogant now, but anyway: I
VDE>> don't know a single "power user" that uses a mouse more
VDE>> than once a day ... thus these mouse arguments are quite
VDE>> irrelevant for me.

> No it's not arrogant, just ignorant <g>. I hardly use keyboard
> shortcuts (with a few exceptions) and receive an avarage of
> 100-200 emails a day (not counting FirstClass Conferences). I
> addition, I spend hours every evening on the PC, what with
> studying software engineering for an MSc and all, and generally
> enjoy being on the computer more than in front of the TV.

> So, kindly define "power user" for me to understand who you
> mean. People who don't use the mouse?

I define "power user" as people who don't want to waste time.
There are several studies showing, that the use of the mouse is
in general for newbies. The reason is quite obvious: If you're
able to use all of your eight fingers and two thumbs on the
keyboard there is no real need to grab the mouse, to move the
pointer, to select the right menu, submenu and item and finally
to click it. This takes in average - according to your
abilities - round about a second. Over all you will be wasting
almost 15 minutes a day "driving around". And what is even worse
IMHO: If you're stuck - mouse is defect, icons disappear etc. -
you don't know what to do to make your apps work like you're used

This BTW is not a spleen of me, it's deriving from own experience
as well as from teaching many people how to use apps effectively
and - <proud, proud> - I never had a single complaint and even
better: Many people who fell down on their knees and thanked for
know knowing how to work more efficient *and* to save time ...
the brutal truth ;-)))



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