Re[2]: Trouble checking mail with ALT F2

2002-07-14 Thread angel rodriguez

Hello Thomas,

Yes, the error message is VERY clear and that is what makes the bells
go off.  The password is correct and if I reboot my computer and only
check mail manually with F2 it works well.  Once I go to ALT F2 I get
that and thing hang up.!!

TB has work well for me for a few years and I'm not ready to can it,
but I need to find out what is going on.  Rebooting anything is out of
the question the long run.



Using The Bat! v1.60q on
Windows XP
5.1 Build 2600

Sunday, July 14, 2002, 7:54:46 AM, you wrote:

TF Hello angel,

TF On Sun, 14 Jul 2002 06:42:32 -0500 GMT (14/07/02, 18:42 +0700 GMT),
TF angel rodriguez wrote:

ar I check 11 different accounts on three different servers.  If I check
ar the with F2 it logs on an gets my mail.  If I use ALT F2 it check
ar most of the account and hangs on one or the other and I have this
ar message in the log.

ar !7/13/2002, 17:53:19: FETCH - Server reports error. The response is: -ERR 
Password supplied for tereno is incorrect.

TF This is a pretty clear error message, I would think. Is it true
TF though?

ar The connecion box remains open.  At this point things are hung up.  I
ar can't even close TB even if I delete the task and close the connection
ar box.

TF It appears as if TB doesn't release the connection.

ar I have to use the windows task manager to shut down TD and reboot
ar the computer before TB will work again.

TF Reboot the computer? In one version (don't remember whch) I had to
TF restart TB, which was bad enough.

Best regards,
 angelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Trouble checking mail with ALT F2

2002-07-14 Thread angel rodriguez

Hello Jan,

Sunday, July 14, 2002, 2:57:08 PM, you wrote:

ar The password is correct and if I reboot my computer and
ar only check mail manually with F2 it works well. Once I
ar go to ALT F2 I get that and thing hang up.!!

JR   I'm wondering whether TB! is too fast for that ISP? I'm
JR   not sure why that would hang up the program completely 
JR   it surely shouldn't lock up your system.

I also wondered if it was a speed issue?

NO it does not lock up the system but I can't get TB to work again
unless I REBOOT the system.

JR   I don't know if you are set to send  receive in one pass
JR   but if so, try changing option to download only  see how
JR   that gets handled.

I will do that.

JR   Also I'm supposing task manger is not available to you
JR   either.

Yes, I have the Windows task manager.  What can I use it for in this

Best regards,
 angelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using The Bat! v1.60q on
Windows XP
5.1 Build 2600

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Re[2]: Trouble checking mail with ALT F2

2002-07-14 Thread angel rodriguez

Hello Marck,

 Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP
5.1 Build 2600

NO I am not,  but I just got a pavproxy.exe error and suspect that the
problem just might the the Panda Anitvirus I recently purchased.,

I also just upgraded to TB 1.61 and the connection dialog box hanging
up seems to have gone away.

I will know in a bit if it is the Panda.  I also upgraded that.


Sunday, July 14, 2002, 5:38:46 PM, you wrote:

MDP Hash: SHA1

MDP Hi angel,

MDP @14 July 2002, 15:16 -0500 (21:16 UK time)  angel rodriguez [AR] in
MDP [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Jan Rifkinson:

AR I also wondered if it was a speed issue?

AR NO it does not lock up the system but I can't get TB to work again
AR unless I REBOOT the system.

MDP This sounds *so* much like a ZoneAlarm-puts-the-boot-in issue. Put my
MDP mind at rest. Tell me you're not using good-ole ZA.

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