Re[3]: (No Subject)

1999-11-17 Thread Jast

Morning Thomas Fernandez,

> Funny, what is the %Cursor command for, then?

 Well, if you tab in the message, you get put to that place of course.
 It is just expected that you enter the address first thing.

|on Windows 98 4.10 Build 
:with The Bat! 1.36

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Re[3]: (No Subject)

1999-01-16 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

On 18 November 1999 at 08:44, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told the list:

R> Can  somebody  give me the correct macro (and an example) for using
R> an  external cookie-file? I thought it existed, but never found the
R> macro... in a previous mail, it got mentioned so it's existence has
R> been confirmed :-)


R> Thanks already :-)

You're welcome.

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
PGP key: 
Using The Bat! 1.37 Beta/3
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re[3]: (No Subject)

1999-01-17 Thread tracer

Saturday, November 20, 1999

Hello Kevin,

Friday, Friday, November 19, 1999, you wrote:

>> Beginners shouldn't really be making suggestions.  Furthermore
>> everyone is a beginner exactly once.  I don't like things that are
>> geared for beginners at the exclusion of those who aren't because of
>> that.

Kevin> I was waiting for this.  So now you get your way around here only due
Kevin> to seniority.  Cute.

Kevin> You know, most people get over the "I know more than everybody else"
Kevin> stage sometime in their teens.
Well, having worked with computers for something like 35 years I am still
learning, its part of the fun... And I also do stupid things!
I had a beautiful one yesterday but as it got solved in the end I
will make up for it treating the guy who did in the end tell me what I
had totally forgotten to a few beers on monday...
But if one sees the same stupid problems over and over again in
support admittedly one tends to get into a habit  whats best to get rid of
them (unless one hits the odd case which proofs to be a total screwup
and one has to think)

Personally I think that cursor is in the correct place, its the
logical place.

However as this is a mailing list and it isnt ones job to fix
everybodies problems its very easy as one can just ignore the
questions one doesnt like.
Whatever, can we park this horse with the other dead ones in the farm???

>> Yes, they did.  Normally, though, such ideas aren't ones that are rehashed
>> and argued over every time a new person comes into the forum.  For example...

Kevin> You've been on enough mailing lists to know what to expect.

>> These things, among others, are what makes it hard for the experienced
>> users to stay on this, and other, lists.  They are topics that keep coming up
>> ever 3-6 weeks with the new people.

Kevin> So I just hope it gets harder.

Kevin> Time for a Steve Lamb kill filter.

Kevin> Bye,

Kevin> Kevin

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.37 Beta/3 


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Re[3]: (No Subject)

1999-01-17 Thread tracer

Saturday, November 20, 1999

Hello Roel,

Friday, Friday, November 19, 1999, you wrote:

Roel>  \\\|///
Roel>  / ~ _ \
Roel> (- O o -)
Roel> --oOOo-(_)-oOOo---
Roel> Hello Steve,

>>> Time for a Steve Lamb kill filter.

SL>> Love you too.

Roel> I've gotta admit: I just love the sarcasm :-)

But the people who are in need of that filter probably donot know how
to make one. Maybe steve can post one (g)

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.37 Beta/3 


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Re[3]: (No Subject)

1999-11-21 Thread tracer

Monday, November 22, 1999

Hello Pasquale,

Monday, Monday, November 22, 1999, you wrote:

Pasquale> Hello Alexander,

Pasquale> Sunday, November 21, 1999, 4:12:02 PM, you wrote:

AVK>> Hi there!

AVK>> On 21 Nov 99, at 9:53, Steve Lamb wrote
AVK>> about "Re: (No Subject)":

>>> Sunday, November 21, 1999, 6:36:55 AM, Alexander wrote:
>>> > *many* people on this list *do not* understand your American
>>> > slang
>>> Funny, I'm not using slang in the least bit.

AVK>> Funny, then how comes that I hardly understand *you* when 
AVK>> *clearly* understanding Paula Ford and (most of the time) Ali 
AVK>> Martin? Of cause, my English is quite limited (besides, I 
AVK>> presume *your* Russian is even worse then that, am I right?:-
AVK>> )), but it *needn't* be better then it is. I have *no need* in better 
AVK>> English at all: almost all non-Russian-speaking mathematicians 
AVK>> I'm communicating with routinely speak English even worse 
AVK>> then I do; morethanthat, we usually clearly understand each 
AVK>> other. 

AVK>> Besides, my level of understanding English (based on my own 
AVK>> experience on the good number of English-speaking mailing 
AVK>> lists) shows, that you're probably the only *native* English-
AVK>> speaker whose English is (sometimes) hard for me to 
AVK>> understand. (Oh, pardon, there's one Australian on Pegasus 
AVK>> mailing list too, but that's a completely other story: he just hates 
AVK>> to use commas and periods:-) Kind of I know all the words he 
AVK>> uses, but it's extremely hard to gain the meaning:-)))

AVK>> I know absolutely *no* American slang, but basing on the 
AVK>> above-stated thoughts I came to the strong conclusion that it's 
AVK>> slang that I'm finding myself hard to understand in your 
AVK>> postings. If I'm wrong here, my apologies directly to you. 

AVK>> SY, Alex
AVK>> (St.Petersburg, Russia)

Pasquale> What slangs do you not understand?, send e-mail to me privately and
Pasquale> I'll help on the slangs I know. Now I'll will dust off my OLD high
Pasquale> school russian / english dictionary.
I saw on the net that there seems to be a decent translator around
(Alex probably disagrees with the decent part)  but that might help
you as well. I havent seen it but it was mentioned somewhere.
ref slang:
I think there is some USA slang dictionary around.
But again Alex, not sure that would be of any use.
Some people write difficult english, others donot and I am sure its
the same in any Language.

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.38 Beta/2 


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Re[3]: (No Subject)

2000-07-01 Thread Gerd Ewald

Hash: SHA1

Hello Dean,

Saturday, July 01, 2000, 11:01:54 AM, you wrote:

>*** PGP Signature Status: good
>*** Signer: Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Invalid)
>*** Signed: 01.07.00 12:01:53
>*** Verified: 01.07.00 14:39:08

>This is how it is comming accross to me. I gave your suggestion another try by
>reducing below 70 with The Bat and PGP at 65.

>I will see how that goes. I did try the Privacy options... I'm missing the
>boat somewhere, just can't figure where ;)

Sorry, English is not my native language: what do you mean with this ?

> Dean

I remember that we dicussed those word-wrap-verifying problems in PGP-Basics:
since that time I have NO word wrap in PGP and fixed word wrap in TB! to 79
characters. I'm not sure, but it looks as if all my msgs are verified ok ?!

- --

Using The Bat! 1.44
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998

Version: PGP 6.5i
Comment: Digitally signed for authentication purposes ! Gerd Ewald


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Re[3]: (no subject)

2002-09-11 Thread Michael Thompson

Hello Michael,

On Wed, 11 Sep 2002, at 18:39:07 [GMT +0100] (which was 18:39 in my
TimeZone) you wrote:

TF>> Does Outpost use MD5 verification for the apps?

MT> It appears to be this message in tbbeta 

MT> Every time I open it it trys to connect...any one know why???

Best regards,
PGP KeyID := 0x3CC985FA
--- Begin Message ---

Hello Luigi,
Tuesday, September 10, 2002, 9:32:04 PM, you wrote:

Z>> Just imagine TB 2.0 cross-platform edition with bluetooth
Z>> synchronization of address book to cellular phones / PDAs

LR> Godd, expecially for the mail with a 3 Mb movie attachment that your friends
LR> send you to share something funny... :-)))

I was talking about synchronization via bluetooth of the bat's address book
not synchronization of mailbox nor attachment folder(s).

Have you seen address book on apple mac os x with bluetooth
integration ? I see no particular reason why we shouldn't have
something like that with the bat's address book and I say more
due to the present times and technology progress we should
demand implementing this with TB's address book ASAP ...

Best regards,
proud owner of t39m ;)
with bluetooth synch in standard ...tested on OS X ;)


Darmowe konta e-mail 30 MB, w idealnej domenie,
czyli [EMAIL PROTECTED] i wszystko jasne!

 Current beta is 1.62b5 | "Using TBBETA" information:

--- End Message ---

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: (No Subject)

2000-12-18 Thread Nick Gordon

Hello Jan,

Monday, December 18, 2000, 1:06:30 PM, you wrote:

Allie>> [...] I have personally not
Allie>> disabled TB!'s warning messages
Allie>> except for those file types
Allie>> which I know are safe. I'd rather
Allie>> deal with
Allie>> the pop-up [...]

JR>   Where/what are these pop up warning msgs?
JR> Thanks.

The one that appears when you double-click an attached file, warning
of viruses and offering to save the file to disk instead of opening

Ypu can disable it for any file extension you choose by fiddling with
the registry

Best regards,

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BugBear - was Re[3]: (no subject)

2002-10-03 Thread Mark Wieder


Thursday, October 3, 2002, 7:43:11 AM, you wrote:


While the BugBear virus will indeed search through .tbb files (and
others) looking for email addresses, you still have to launch the damn
thing yourself. Very explicitly, too, after having been warned by TB
that you're about to do something dangerous.

And this, too, probably only after you've been warned by your system's
own virus scanner.

I also notice that the registry key BugBear uses to harvest the user's
email address and SMTP server,
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Accounts
doesn't have a corresponding entry in my system. Probably it would
exist if I had done things the Microsoft Way and let outlook do its
thing, but I'm not about to test this.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.60h on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Subject Macro, was: Re[3]: (No Subject)

1999-09-19 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Thursday, September 09, 1999, 1:03:29 AM (-5 GMT), Steve scribbled:

SL> #4, for me, would be that it is just plain bad
SL> netiquette.  I wish I could C&P the link for proper email
SL> netiquette.

If the moderators don't mind and for everyone who hasn't read
netiquette guidelines which may come in very handy in this list,
here's a link (as Steve wished he could give):

This is a link to the core rules page but it's all there via
links. OTH's


   >>> Never put off till tomorrow what you can ignore entirely. <<<
 Using The Bat! 1.36 Beta/4 on Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

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