Re: Writing attachments

2013-11-12 Thread Loek van Kooten
Hello Konrad,

 This template will remove illegal characters from %OSUBJ (if not all
 of them, then add more parenthesis to regexp, as I described above, or
 use XMP) and will truncate a length of %OSUBJ to 40 characters.

You, Sir, are a star! This macro is perfect. I couldn't get my head
around using RegExp for %OSUBJ, but the trick via Quick Templates
did it.

Thank you very much. You made my day!

Jack and MFPA... also thank you for your suggestions!

Loek van Kooten

Akebono Translation Service
Rijnstraat 32
2311 NK Leiden
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-87-8763636
Fax: +31-84-7390618
Algemene voorwaarden:
Terms and conditions:
Chamber of Commerce reg. no.: 28066372

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Writing attachments

2013-11-11 Thread Loek van Kooten
Hello all,

 I have a filter defined that writes attachments to directory
 blablabla/%OSUBJ if certain messages from certain clients contain
 attachments. This works, except when %OSUBJ contains symbols that
 are not allowed in directory names, like : and '
 How do I filter these symbols? I'll need to put something around %OSUBJ, but 
 Also, I need to make sure the directory names do not become too
 long, so an instruction to truncate the directory name to say 50 characters 
 would be welcome.
 I can find the needed directory names also in the mails themselves, but
 SETPATTREGEXP etc. don't seem to work either.

No response at all? Have I finally found something that is just impossible
in TheBat!?

Best regards,

Loek van Kooten

Akebono Translation Service
Rijnstraat 32
2311 NK Leiden
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-87-8763636
Fax: +31-84-7390618
Algemene voorwaarden:
Terms and conditions:
Chamber of Commerce reg. no.: 28066372

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Writing attachments

2013-11-11 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello Loek,

On Monday, November 11, 2013 you wrote:

LvK Hello all,

 I have a filter defined that writes attachments to directory
 blablabla/%OSUBJ if certain messages from certain clients contain
 attachments. This works, except when %OSUBJ contains symbols that
 are not allowed in directory names, like : and '
 How do I filter these symbols? I'll need to put something around %OSUBJ, but 
 Also, I need to make sure the directory names do not become too
 long, so an instruction to truncate the directory name to say 50 characters 
 would be welcome.
 I can find the needed directory names also in the mails themselves, but
 SETPATTREGEXP etc. don't seem to work either.

LvK No response at all? Have I finally found something that is just impossible
LvK in TheBat!?

I'm probably the last person to attempt to give you an answer but I wonder if
it's possible to write a REGEXP (Regular Expression) to do what you want.  In
other words, write some sort of copy and paste expression which then
theoretically shouldn't have any restrictions on character symbols.
Unfortunately I have zero experience with REGEXPs and haven't a clue about how
to even write one and actually use it.

Good luck.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver: 5.2.
Running Windows 7 Pro ver 6 build 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Writing attachments

2013-11-11 Thread Konrad Szkudlarczyk
Hello, Loek

 I  have  a  filter  defined  that  writes  attachments  to directory
 blablabla/%OSUBJ  if  certain  messages from certain clients contain
 attachments.  This  works,  except when %OSUBJ contains symbols that
 are not allowed in directory names, like : and '

 How  do  I  filter  these symbols? I'll need to put something around
 %OSUBJ, but what?

 Also,  I  need  to  make  sure the directory names do not become too
 long,  so  an  instruction  to truncate the directory name to say 50
 characters would be welcome.

 I  can find the needed directory names also in the mails themselves,
 but SETPATTREGEXP etc. don't seem to work either.

 Anything else I can do?

Look at this template (version for testing and understanding):


First Regexp remove 4 illegal characters from %_TOREPLACE (or more, if
those characters are together). If You want to remove more, You'll need
add new  ([^%_illchars]*)([%_illchars]*|\z)  in %SETPATTREGEXP and
new %SUBPATT(9/11/13...) in %_OUTPUT. You could also use %XMP_StrRepl
from XMP plugin - this is a better version, but You must to install
this plugin


In the second half of template is a regexp to limit the length of
output (based on variable %_LIMIT).

Now all You must to do is to create a quick template with handle - for
example - 'spsubj' and with this content:


This template will remove illegal characters from %OSUBJ (if not all
of them, then add more parenthesis to regexp, as I described above, or
use XMP) and will truncate a length of %OSUBJ to 40 characters. Now
all You must to do is to add %QINCLUDE(spsubj) to path in Extract
Attachments action in filter, from blablabla/%OSUBJ to

 Konrad Szkudlarczyk

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Writing attachments

2013-11-11 Thread MFPA

On Monday 11 November 2013 at 1:38:14 PM, in, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

 I'm probably the last person to attempt to give you an
 answer but I wonder if it's possible to write a REGEXP
 (Regular Expression) to do what you want.  In other
 words, write some sort of copy and paste expression
 which then theoretically shouldn't have any
 restrictions on character symbols. Unfortunately I have
 zero experience with REGEXPs and haven't a clue about
 how to even write one and actually use it.

I agree it looks like the sort of thing Regular Expressions can do:
match any symbol from a class or list so that it can be deleted or
replaced, and match any character that is preceded by a 50-character
string so that it can be deleted. 

I'm no use here: my sole experience of Regular Expressions was to very
slightly modify an Excel macro I found on the internet, when I needed
to remove non-alphanumeric characters from a spreadsheet cell's
contents to use in a mail merge document - the matching used regular
expressions. (Anything matched by this pattern 
[^A-Z,^a-z,^0-9,^,^(,^)] gets replaced by an empty string.)

Try TB!' help file - it actually contains quite a bit of verbiage  on 
RegExp, most of which I struggle to understand. Also, some of the 
examples at [1] and [2] may give some food for thought regarding what 
to actually do with your regular expression when you have the pattern 
matching sussed out.


Best regards

Life is a holiday. In the same way that glass is a liquid.

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Writing attachments

2013-11-07 Thread Loek van Kooten
Hello all,

I have a filter defined that writes attachments to directory blablabla/%OSUBJ 
if certain messages from certain clients contain attachments. This works, 
except when %OSUBJ contains symbols that are not allowed in directory names, 
like : and '

How do I filter these symbols? I'll need to put something around %OSUBJ, but 

Also, I need to make sure the directory names do not become too long, so an 
instruction to truncate the directory name to say 50 characters would be 

I can find the needed directory names also in the mails themselves, but
SETPATTREGEXP etc. don't seem to work either.

Anything else I can do?

Loek van Kooten

Akebono Translation Service
Rijnstraat 32
2311 NK Leiden
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-87-8763636
Fax: +31-84-7390618
Algemene voorwaarden:
Terms and conditions:
Chamber of Commerce reg. no.: 28066372

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information: