Re: [TeX-Music] M-Tx, number of staves

2010-06-11 Thread Don Simons
I wrote
> 1. In M-Tx, (a) input all 4-staff sections normally
> (b) To go from 4 to 2, use e.g. %%L7Mn212bt
> (c) input all 2-staff sections as 4 staves with rp for the top two and
> then the desired input for Soprano and BC in the 3rd and 4th.
> (d) To switch back from 2 to 4, use e.g. %%L10P3Mn41234bttt
> 2. Run prepmx. Now I could process this pmx all the way, but the resulting
> score will have an unwanted bar of rests every other bar in the 2-staff
> movements. So instead,
> 3. (and here's where it gets really ugly) use a special FORTRAN program I
> wrote to go through the prepmx output file, looking for and deleting every
> occurrence of
> rp |
> rp |
> 4. Process the resulting modified .pmx normally.
> So Hermann, if you want to pursue this path, and if you do FORTRAN, I'd be
> happy to send you my source and you could modify it to suit your needs. Or
> maybe write your own script to do this using whatever language you like.
> maybe delete the extra rp's by hand with a text editor. Otherwise (so far)
> sorry, but you're on your own.
> --Don
And Hermann wrote
"Hi Don,
before I got your actual mail I tried the same way as you point out.
Encouraged by your recent mail and the chapter 2.3.11 of the pmx manual I
started M-Tx with a dummy page with the whole number of staves and began
using M with the appropriate number of parameters for the different parts of
the score. Then I eliminated the rp / from the pmx file. But this wasn't
enough. There were some other places to change. Before I describe these
changes it maybe easier i send the pmx file commenting out the changes
indicated by %-.
Up to now I am not quit satisfied with the space between the staves at the
beginning of the score. Maybe some TeX-lines are necessary."

Bravo! Great minds think alike :-)

I'm not sure what you'd like me to do or comment on. Did you manually edit
the M-Tx output? If so, and if you describe how you'd like the vertical
spacing, I could work out what commands to insert in the PMX to achieve it.
I don't know if it's worth trying to do that with PMX commands embedded in
M-Tx, if you're going to manually edit the M-Tx output anyway. 

I'm guessing you manually inserted the redefinition of \interstaff . I can't
see why. I think the original unequal spacing on page 1 is due to the
figures sticking down below the 3rd system. If I comment out the
redefinition of \interstaff and insert "Ae", at least the systems come out
equally spaced. I'm sure the vertical spacing could be further improved with
some trial and error, forcing some page breaks, and maybe using some other
tricks, either PMX or in-line TeX. Tell me some more about what you want to


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Re: [TeX-Music] M-Tx, number of staves

2010-06-11 Thread David Allsopp
Christian Mondrup wrote:
> Dirk Laurie wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 07:05:54AM +0200, Don Simons wrote:
> >>
> >> 3. (and here's where it gets really ugly) use a special FORTRAN
> >> program I wrote to go through the prepmx output file, looking for and
> >> deleting every occurrence of
> >>
> >> rp |
> >> rp |
> >>
> > PMX and M-Tx both carry heavily the baggage of what programming
> > languages their developers knew back when.
> >
> > In the meantime, some very interesting programming languages have
> > become available.
> >
> > The above job, and indeed everything currently done by PMX and M-Tx,
> > is miles easier in Python than in Fortran or Pascal.  (Actually, this
> > job can also be done by even a primitive text editor.) Python can also
> > take care of the whole tex-musixflx-tex cycle.
> >
> > If there are any programmers on the list who would be interested in a
> > Python project for an updated M-Tx, please e-mail me so that we don't
> > have yet another one-person effort.
> I certainly support the idea of converting M-Tx to a collective software
> development project. I've done some patches through the past years to
> accommodate M-Tx to my needs - and will happily leave the maintenance to
> others.
> I have a minor reservation for the python idea, though. It's a scripting
> language like perl requiring a python interpreter installed. Unless python
> supports generation of stand-alone binaries I foresee difficulties for
> Windows users not familiar with software installation.

ActiveState target Python and, although I've never used it for Python (I
program principally in OCaml which has a Tcl/Tk library so requires
ActiveTCL), their installers are designed to be very simple to install.
Choosing a language that can support generation of native executables I
would agree is a better course of action, though.

Out of interest, though, how many programmers (and in what languages) are
there on this list? I must confess for me that's just a curiosity because I
don't have the available time to contribute to a rewrite project of M-Tx (or

David (who spends a lot of time these days programming in OCaml and

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Re: [TeX-Music] M-Tx, number of staves

2010-06-11 Thread David Allsopp
Dirk Laurie wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 07:05:54AM +0200, Don Simons wrote:
> >
> > 3. (and here's where it gets really ugly) use a special FORTRAN
> > program I wrote to go through the prepmx output file, looking for and
> > deleting every occurrence of
> >
> > rp |
> > rp |
> >
> PMX and M-Tx both carry heavily the baggage of what programming languages
> their developers knew back when.
> In the meantime, some very interesting programming languages have become
> available.

And even at the time Don wrote his original FORTRAN program:

sed -i -e "/^rp |$/{N;/^rp |\nrp |$/d}" prepmx

was still a vastly faster way of doing that text transformation than using
any text editor or custom written program!!


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Re: [TeX-Music] M-Tx, number of staves

2010-06-11 Thread Hermann Hinsch
Am Freitag, 11. Juni 2010 07:05:54 schrieb Don Simons:
> Olivier wrote
> >M-Tx manual says at p. A-7:
> >
> >"M-Tx 0.60 is not aware of movement breaks and the possibility to change
> the number of
> >voices."
> >
> >It means that you can't do it with M-Tx, but it can easily be done with
> PMX. Read section 2.3.11 of the PMX manual.
> And I wrote
> > if there were no lyrics, PMX could do it easily. With lyrics, I'm sure it
> can be done,
> > using "in-line PMX" within the M-Tx source. But it's tricky.
> I've gone back and reminded myself what I did in my Pradas edition, which
> switches back and forth between BC+Soprano and BC+Soprano+Violin+Violin. It
> turns out it was beyond tricky.
> This was all done with one staff per instrument and one voice per staff, so
> it was flipping back and forth between 2 staves and four. I could not do it
> entirely from within M-Tx, because I couldn't figure out how to make M-Tx
> realize the number of staves had changed. Here's what I did:
> 1. In M-Tx, (a) input all 4-staff sections normally
> (b) To go from 4 to 2, use e.g. %%L7Mn212bt
> (c) input all 2-staff sections as 4 staves with rp for the top two  and
> then the desired input for Soprano and BC in the 3rd and 4th.
> (d) To switch back from 2 to 4, use e.g. %%L10P3Mn41234bttt
> 2. Run prepmx. Now I could process this pmx all the way, but the resulting
> score will have an unwanted bar of rests every other bar in the 2-staff
> movements. So instead,
> 3. (and here's where it gets really ugly) use a special FORTRAN program I
> wrote to go through the prepmx output file, looking for and deleting every
> occurrence of
> rp |
> rp |
> 4. Process the resulting modified .pmx normally.
> So Hermann, if you want to pursue this path, and if you do FORTRAN, I'd be
> happy to send you my source and you could modify it to suit your needs. Or
> maybe write your own script to do this using whatever language you like. Or
> maybe delete the extra rp's by hand with a text editor. Otherwise (so far)
> sorry, but you're on your own.
> --Don

Hi Don,

before I got your actual mail I tried the same way as you point out. Encouraged 
by your recent mail 
and the chapter 2.3.11 of the pmx manual I started M-Tx with a dummy page with 
the whole number of 
staves and began using M with the appropriate number of parameters for the 
different parts of the 
score. Then I eliminated the rp  / from the pmx file. But this wasn't enough. 
There were some other  
places to change. Before I describe these changes it maybe easier i send the 
pmx file commenting out 
the changes indicated by %-.
Up to now I am not quit satisfied with the space between the staves at the 
beginning  of the score. 
Maybe some TeX-lines are necessary.


> ___
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\def\mtxdate{<11 October 2008>}
\input mtx
 \parskip 2\Interligne plus 7\Interligne minus 7\Interligne
 \input musixlit
4 -4 1 1 1 1 4 4 0 6  0.0 0 5 16 16 0.12
% Paragraph 3 line 18 bar 1
r0b /
r0b /
r0b /
r0b /

% Paragraph 4 line 31 bar 2
\\\mtxSetLyrics{11}{Au-di-te po-pu-li, au-}\
%- This has to be changed \\\mtxAssignLyrics{4}{11}\
c03 s /
%rp  /
%rp  /
r8 ga85 ga8 ga8 ea8d da1 ca8 ga8+ /

% Paragraph 5 line 37 bar 3
\\\mtxSetLyrics{11}{di-te, au-di-te}\
c03 s /
%rp  /
%rp  /
e45 ca8 ga8+ e4 c4 /

% Paragraph 6 line 42 bar 4
\\\mtxSetLyrics{11}{quid lo-qua-}\
c23 f2- /
%rp  /
%rp  /
r4 ga85d ea1 (S \mtxBM\ c2 /

% Paragraph 7 line 47 bar 5
\\\mtxSetLyrics{11}{tur Do-mi-}\
f22s g2 /
%rp  /
%rp  /
\mtxEM\ c45 )S d4- d4d ca8 /

% Paragraph 8 line 53 bar 6
\\\mtxSetLyrics{11}{nus quid glo-ri-}\
c23 c2 /
%rp  /
%rp  /
c25 r8 ea8 fa8 ga8 /

% Paragraph 9 line 58 bar 7
\\\mtxSetLyrics{11}{a-ri in ma-li-ti-}\
g43 c4- f2 7 x386 /
%rp  /
%rp  /
da85 da8 ea8 ea8 e4d da8 /

% Paragraph 10 line 63 bar 8
\\\mtxSetLyrics{11}{a, quid glo-ri-}\
e23 # d2 6# /
%rp  /
%rp  /
e25 r8 ba8 ca8 da8 /

% Paragraph 11 line 69 bar 9
\\\mtxSetLyrics{11}{a-ri in ma-li-ti-}\
e43 c4s e2 4 x143 /
%rp  /
%rp  /
ga84s ga8 aa8 aa8 a4d ga8 /

% Paragraph 12 line 75 bar 10
\\\mtxSetLyrics{11}{a qui po-ten-tes}\
a02 /
%rp  /
%rp  /
a44 aa8 ba8 c4 c4 /

% Paragraph 13 line 80 bar 11
\\\mtxSetLyrics{11}{in i-qui-ta-}\

Re: [TeX-Music] M-Tx, number of staves

2010-06-11 Thread Christian Mondrup

Dirk Laurie wrote:

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 07:05:54AM +0200, Don Simons wrote:

3. (and here's where it gets really ugly) use a special FORTRAN program I
wrote to go through the prepmx output file, looking for and deleting every
occurrence of

rp |
rp |

PMX and M-Tx both carry heavily the baggage of what programming
languages their developers knew back when.

In the meantime, some very interesting programming languages have
become available.

The above job, and indeed everything currently done by PMX and M-Tx,
is miles easier in Python than in Fortran or Pascal.  (Actually,
this job can also be done by even a primitive text editor.)
Python can also take care of the whole tex-musixflx-tex cycle.

If there are any programmers on the list who would be interested
in a Python project for an updated M-Tx, please e-mail me so that
we don't have yet another one-person effort.

I certainly support the idea of converting M-Tx to a collective software 
development project. I've done some patches through the past years to 
accommodate M-Tx to my needs - and will happily leave the maintenance to 

I have a minor reservation for the python idea, though. It's a scripting 
language like perl requiring a python interpreter installed. Unless 
python supports generation of stand-alone binaries I foresee 
difficulties for Windows users not familiar with software installation.

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Christian Mondrup, Archive Editor
WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive
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Re: [TeX-Music] M-Tx, number of staves

2010-06-11 Thread Dirk Laurie
On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 07:05:54AM +0200, Don Simons wrote:
> 3. (and here's where it gets really ugly) use a special FORTRAN program I
> wrote to go through the prepmx output file, looking for and deleting every
> occurrence of
> rp |
> rp |
PMX and M-Tx both carry heavily the baggage of what programming
languages their developers knew back when.  

In the meantime, some very interesting programming languages have 
become available.

The above job, and indeed everything currently done by PMX and M-Tx,
is miles easier in Python than in Fortran or Pascal.  (Actually,
this job can also be done by even a primitive text editor.)
Python can also take care of the whole tex-musixflx-tex cycle.

If there are any programmers on the list who would be interested
in a Python project for an updated M-Tx, please e-mail me so that
we don't have yet another one-person effort.

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