Re: [iyer123] CULTURAL QA 12-2022-03

2022-12-02 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
Q1  The narrow vision is seen in such Q & A. Living space more people
are all around the earth. In Parry corner , sowcarpet about a long stretch
12 streets starting from Govindappa naicken st till Parry corner , touching
the north Madras, and beyond aat north madras, people with big family are
residing only in small space. (chennai). In Madurai people are living in
homes named as STORE ROWS HOUSES, which in the west is named as
condominiums. Before the 1970s, so many families with minimum 6 in a home
were only living like that, with the mats , cloth made pillows, etc. Heart
depends on the actions and not on the space. Have you seen in London and
Newyork even now people living like that?.
Q2  another ARATHU Q & A. Sirasasanaam:   *Sirsasana *is an advanced
inversion that exhibits strength, control and the beauty of overcoming the
fear of falling through physical and mental balance. The name is derived
from the Sanskrit *sirsa, *meaning “head,” and *asana* meaning “pose” or
“posture.” In this asana, the head and forearms rest on the mat with the
hands clasped. The legs are lifted and the body's weight is shifted until
it is fully supported by the head and forearms. The torso is perpendicular
to the mat in a straight line from the hips to the head.  Sirsasana may
also be referred to as a headstand in English. Sirsasana is considered by
some to be the most important inversion and is often referred to as the
“king” of asanas. This full inversion returns blood to the heart and the
brain, refreshing the cardiovascular and lymphatic system and providing
energizing effects for the whole body. Those who engage in spiritual yoga
practice may use this asana to redirect sexual energies into a higher
spiritual energy, which is thought to increase wellness and promote a
positive aura. This higher energy is called *ojas,* and is thought to
assist in heightening other spiritual yogic practices.  Inversions like
sirsasana help in opening the *ajna*, or third eye, chakra. The reversed
position of the body and the position of the head allows energy to flow to
the third eye. Not only does this pose offer mental clarity and renewed
energy, it is also thought to help increase memory and concentration over

   How to perform Shirshasana? 1. Coming to your knees, make a triangle
with your hands placing them flush with the wall. Interlock your fingers
together, palms open, and place your forearms down. Elbows should be the
same distance as your shoulders. Keep this position with your arms no
matter what. 2. Place the top of your head down on the yoga mat in between
your hands. Rock back and forth on the top of your head to get a feel for
the position of your skull. Find the spot where the frontal and parietal
sutures meet—it will feel flat and your neck will be in a neutral position.
3. Take some of the pressure off of your head and into your forearms,
pulling your shoulders away from your ears. Eventually you will be
balancing on the top of your head, but most of the weight should be in the
forearms, supported by your shoulders. 4. Slowly straighten the legs,
coming onto the toes. Maybe this is as far as you go. If you feel
comfortable here, begin to walk your straight legs closer to your face
until you feel your abs catch. Your hips will be over your shoulders. 5.
Push more of the weight into your forearms and shoulders, and use your
strong core to lift the toes away from the mat. Bend your knees, bringing
your heels to your seat. The knees will still be in towards the chest. Once
you have successfully obtained balance here, begin to straighten at the
hips, bringing your knees towards the sky. Then straighten the legs. Hold
for 10-15 breaths.   To come out of the pose, bend the knees first, then
bend at the hips, slowly coming down to the mat. Stay in Balasana or
child's Pose for 5 breaths before lifting the head. Precautions and
contraindications:-   Precautions and contraindications to practicing the
headstand have to be kept in mind. Those with osteoarthritis of the C
spine, cervical spondylosis, diabetes, heart problems, down’s syndrome,
autoimmune disease affecting musculoskeletal system or any other condition
impacting the neck should proceed with caution, consulting their health
specialists or omit this pose altogether.

   When you turn upside down, you are increasing the blood flow to
your brain and upper parts of the body. This can help the body in many ways
listed below. 1. Relieves Stress 2. Increases Focus 3. Improves Blood Flow
to The Eyes. 4. Increases Blood Flow to the Head And Scalp. 5. Strengthens
Shoulders and Arms 6. Improves Digestion 7. Helps to Flush Out the Adrenal
Glands 8. Decreases Fluid Build-Up in the Legs, Ankles, and Feet 9.
Develops Strength in the Core Muscles 10. Stimulates The Lymphatic System. 4
Apart from its standing on head, the posture requires strength, precision,
and focus. However, when headstand is assessed from an anatomical point of
view, it is categorized 

Guru Granth, Quoron and B G well knitted

2022-12-02 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
"*Is the Guru Granth Sahib a combination of the Quran and the Bhagavath

  The formation of the above question is a ploy to send the readers
through the conditional pipeline to struggle through. May be a little
mischievous with the vested interest. Good things if intended with the
righteousness, can teach only the good. However, unlike the Vedic notations
here, many religions, did that solely, while, the organisers added
commandments to bind the followers only to one rope.  Thus, many religions
became the canvassers and the organisations of the disturbing peace. A few
think what is said in Guru Granth is not found in the two others; some feel
that is the knowledgeable answer; but the path way to lead a good life,
cannot be violent but a smooth flow of river water taking the swimmers to
the sea of God only. And the three texts shown above speak the same; and
many others also do the same thing. One difference between the religions
and the sanathana dharmic Vedas , is the latter encompasses the earth
without divisions, but blesses the outgoings, to adopt and lead their path
to reach the sea finally, as can be seen from Rig Veda and B G. Now lets
see the Q & A:

This is what the Holy Guru Granth Sahib of the Sikhs says is the Ultimate
Truth: -  Q=Quran  B= B G

1 "My Lord Har Har Har (Mahadev) is the nine treasures, the supernatural
spiritual powers of the  siddhas, wealth, and prosperity.

Q   Allah calls Himself *Al-Mutakabbir*— *The Supremely Great, The
Perfection of Greatness*

*B*antavat tu phalaṁ teṣāṁ tad bhavaty alpa-medhasām
devān deva-yajo yānti  mad-bhaktā yānti mām api
Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are
limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of
the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet.

2 “He is the Deep and Profound Treasure of life.

Q  Āyat 15: 21 – Allah (swt) sends down His treasure in a known measure.

B Gahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate
iti matvā bhajante māṁ budhā bhāva-samanvitāḥ
*BG 10.8: I am the origin of all creation. Everything proceeds from Me. The
wise who know this perfectly worship Me with great faith and devotion.*

3   "Hundreds of thousands and even millions of pleasures and delights are
enjoyed by the one who falls at the Guru's feet.

Q “Indeed the Kursee (Footstool) is the place of the two Feet [of Allāh],
and none is able to estimate the greatness of the Throne with its true
estimation.” B G10.8 B G

4  "Very fortunate are those who know that in the midst of all, they
remain detached and balanced n Nirvana.

Q   Holy Qur'an says again: "Wa kadhaaalika ja'alnaakum ummatan
wasatan" (2:143
and We have created you a balanced middle Ummah". Where you are not too
extreme and you are not too loose.

B G*BG 6.35*: Lord Krishna said: O mighty-armed son of Kunti, what you
say is correct; the mind is indeed very difficult to restrain. But by
practice and detachment, it can be controlled.

5 "In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, they cross over the
terrifying world-ocean, and conquer all their evil passions.

Q   *Salat al-jama'ah* (Congregational Prayer) or prayer in
congregation (jama'ah) is considered to have more social and spiritual
benefit than praying by oneself.

B G   yoginām api sarveṣāṁ mad-gatenāntar-ātmanā
śraddhāvān bhajate yo māṁ   sa me yukta-tamo mataḥ   6  47

6  "You are my Father, my Mother, my Relative, my Brother, my Protector

Q *Related to none Allah is One! No father, no mother No sister, no
brother No daughter, no son Allah is One!*

B G   *I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support
and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the
syllable oṁ. I am also the Ṛg, the Sāma and the Yajur Vedas. (9 17)*

7 "Why should I have any fear or anxiety?

Q   *there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve* (6:48).
shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve (7:35).

B G   *BG 4.10: Being free from attachment, fear, and anger, becoming
fully absorbed in Me, and taking refuge in Me, many persons in the past
became purified by knowledge of Me, and thus attained My divine love.*

8 "By Your grace, I recognise You, who are my Shelter, my Honour.

Q   O Allah, I seek Your shelter from worries that sadden me, thoughts
that make me restless, information that bothers me, and people who intend
bad for me.

B G one surrender unto Him (BG 18.66).

9  "Without You there is no other; the entire Universe is the Arena of
Your play.

Q   "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and has in his heart
good (faith) equal to the weight of a wheat grain will be taken out of

B G   *BG 11.43: You are the father of the entire universe, of all
moving and non-moving beings. You are the most deserving of 

Re: The Symbiotic Economics-Communication ( Chapter 1,Continued)

2022-12-02 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
welcome sirs KR

On Sat, 3 Dec 2022 at 10:14, Yeddanapudi Markandeyulu <> wrote:

> Thank you very much Sir.Though I am not very well learnt,I congratulate
> myself for being able to provoke you into a wonderful contribution of a top
> level.
> YM
> On Sat, Dec 3, 2022 at 10:10 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
>> wrote:
>> What Does Nature Teach Us?
>> When I was 17 years old, I became interested in how nature can provide
>> practical lessons and answers to challenges I was facing in my own life.
>> I read many inspiring books, attended hundreds of classes and sought out
>> the best mentors of nature awareness & wilderness skills I could possibly
>> find.
>> What I discovered had a huge impact on my own life, and it just goes to
>> show that nature is filled with amazing things to teach us.
>> One thing I’ve realized is that nature can only teach what you are open
>> to discovering.
>> Since everyone approaches nature from their own unique perspective,
>> you’ll find the lessons are driven by what you are personally looking for.
>> *Nature will teach you different things depending on your goals. It can
>> teach you how to think more clearly & scientifically, or enhance your sense
>> of spiritual connection, or even achieve personal success. It all starts
>> with having an attitude that aligns with your own personal interests.*
>> Every moment we spend in nature is an opportunity to make amazing
>> discoveries about ourselves and the world we live in.
>> Simply being surrounded by birds & plants has amazing beneficial effects
>> for the mind & body.
>> *1. Naturalist Intelligence*
>> On the most basic level, nature will teach you about the actual physical
>> environment that sustains all life on this planet. There’s a huge
>> difference between learning about nature from a book, versus having your
>> own real-life experiences with birds, plants, trees & forests. Naturalist
>> intelligence  is
>> a recognized learning style that relates to observing patterns in the
>> natural world and having empathy for animals. These are inherent human
>> skills that anyone can develop by having adventures outside, tracking
>> animals, harvesting plants & herbs, and connecting with the birds. But
>> naturalist intelligence is not just about knowing things related to plants,
>> trees & birds. It’s also about your larger capacity to observe patterns and
>> tune into your physical surroundings in all areas of life. Most people in
>> the modern world have lost their innate naturalist intelligence, but human
>> beings are animals at heart. We’re biologically designed to be surrounded
>> by plants, birds & fresh air! With naturalist intelligence, we gain the
>> skills to care for our environment and make life better for everyone in the
>> process.
>> *2. Presence & Awareness*
>> Nature is possibly the world’s best teacher of how to be truly present &
>> have awareness in daily life. All you have to do is sit quietly & observe
>> your surroundings. Many modern people lead lives that are almost entirely
>> driven by a lack of presence & awareness. They get stuck in a loop of
>> painful memories from the past, or worrying and planning for the future.
>> It’s one of the unfortunate side-effects of living in a technology obsessed
>> world with constant screen time, computers, smart phones and high-pressure
>> scheduling. Almost never do we allow ourselves the space to simply sit in
>> the present moment and observe our experience without judgement. Being
>> immersed in nature is like the exact opposite of being driven by
>> technology… It’s filled with so much timeless beauty that it pulls you out
>> of the internal world of thoughts & ideas. It helps you become grounded in
>> the present moment so you can have more access to mental & emotional
>> clarity. As nature calls your senses outwards, you’ll find yourself being
>> less absorbed with what’s happening in your head and more tuned in with the
>> daily experience of life.
>> *3. Using Your Senses  *One of the biggest lessons I ever learned from
>> nature was that it’s possible to increase the capacity of human sensory
>> awareness . Most
>> people dramatically underestimate the importance of basic seeing, hearing,
>> feeling & observation skills. Did you know that many of the most common
>> “learning disabilities” like autism & attention deficit disorder have a
>> strong sensory component to them? A lot of the therapies that help people
>> to overcome learning challenges are focused around providing meaningful
>> sensory stimulation. Like many people growing up surrounded by modern
>> technology, I spent the first part of my life fairly disconnected from the
>> ability to consciously use sensory awareness to make observations about my
>> world. I also *really* struggled with focus and 

In depth poem of Teressa and Kipling I love .

2022-12-02 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
These poems revealed what our vedas preached. and as students to my
children I wrote to them in 1993. Today I saw the same in my email from her
. Nostalgia; but setting the right sail to them. Today the journey is
smooth. I would like to share the printed version for those who like poems.
KR IRS  31222
 *Mother Teresa's Anyway Poem*

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.



*If— *

Launch Audio in a New Window


*(‘Brother Square-Toes’*—Rewards and Fairies*)*

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

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Re: The Symbiotic Economics-Communication ( Chapter 1,Continued)

2022-12-02 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
What Does Nature Teach Us?

When I was 17 years old, I became interested in how nature can provide
practical lessons and answers to challenges I was facing in my own life.

I read many inspiring books, attended hundreds of classes and sought out
the best mentors of nature awareness & wilderness skills I could possibly

What I discovered had a huge impact on my own life, and it just goes to
show that nature is filled with amazing things to teach us.

One thing I’ve realized is that nature can only teach what you are open to

Since everyone approaches nature from their own unique perspective, you’ll
find the lessons are driven by what you are personally looking for.

*Nature will teach you different things depending on your goals. It can
teach you how to think more clearly & scientifically, or enhance your sense
of spiritual connection, or even achieve personal success. It all starts
with having an attitude that aligns with your own personal interests.*

Every moment we spend in nature is an opportunity to make amazing
discoveries about ourselves and the world we live in.

Simply being surrounded by birds & plants has amazing beneficial effects
for the mind & body.

*1. Naturalist Intelligence*

On the most basic level, nature will teach you about the actual physical
environment that sustains all life on this planet. There’s a huge
difference between learning about nature from a book, versus having your
own real-life experiences with birds, plants, trees & forests. Naturalist
intelligence  is
a recognized learning style that relates to observing patterns in the
natural world and having empathy for animals. These are inherent human
skills that anyone can develop by having adventures outside, tracking
animals, harvesting plants & herbs, and connecting with the birds. But
naturalist intelligence is not just about knowing things related to plants,
trees & birds. It’s also about your larger capacity to observe patterns and
tune into your physical surroundings in all areas of life. Most people in
the modern world have lost their innate naturalist intelligence, but human
beings are animals at heart. We’re biologically designed to be surrounded
by plants, birds & fresh air! With naturalist intelligence, we gain the
skills to care for our environment and make life better for everyone in the

*2. Presence & Awareness*

Nature is possibly the world’s best teacher of how to be truly present &
have awareness in daily life. All you have to do is sit quietly & observe
your surroundings. Many modern people lead lives that are almost entirely
driven by a lack of presence & awareness. They get stuck in a loop of
painful memories from the past, or worrying and planning for the future.
It’s one of the unfortunate side-effects of living in a technology obsessed
world with constant screen time, computers, smart phones and high-pressure
scheduling. Almost never do we allow ourselves the space to simply sit in
the present moment and observe our experience without judgement. Being
immersed in nature is like the exact opposite of being driven by
technology… It’s filled with so much timeless beauty that it pulls you out
of the internal world of thoughts & ideas. It helps you become grounded in
the present moment so you can have more access to mental & emotional
clarity. As nature calls your senses outwards, you’ll find yourself being
less absorbed with what’s happening in your head and more tuned in with the
daily experience of life.

*3. Using Your Senses  *One of the biggest lessons I ever learned from
nature was that it’s possible to increase the capacity of human sensory
awareness . Most
people dramatically underestimate the importance of basic seeing, hearing,
feeling & observation skills. Did you know that many of the most common
“learning disabilities” like autism & attention deficit disorder have a
strong sensory component to them? A lot of the therapies that help people
to overcome learning challenges are focused around providing meaningful
sensory stimulation. Like many people growing up surrounded by modern
technology, I spent the first part of my life fairly disconnected from the
ability to consciously use sensory awareness to make observations about my
world. I also *really* struggled with focus and attention. But I still
remember the first time I consciously practiced my sensory awareness skills
outside by looking at plants & trees, and listening to distant bird sounds.
It opened up a whole new world of discovery that has dramatically
transformed my mental clarity and capacity to learn faster by watching &
listening carefully.

*4. Unstoppable Focus   *Along with the increases in overall awareness that
come from being surrounded by nature, you’ll notice that your ability to
focus will also really improve. Nature teaches focus by first quieting your
mind of the distractions, and 

Re: Hindi / Urdu poem

2022-12-02 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
CNU wrote this: तानासाही
मृत देहि बड़े चौक पे
किसी को नहीं कोही सरोकार
तड़प  उठी आत्मा कोही करे
मृत देहका अंतिम संस्कार
लचर आत्मा दे नहीं
तानासाही को मदत की पुहार
तानासाही ने  हुकम दिया
हे आत्मा तु स्वयं अपने
कंडे पर ले  सूद का भार   More or less it means:  dictatorship
dead body on big square
no one cares
Someone should do the yearning soul
cremation of dead body
do not give poor soul
cry for help to dictator
dictator ordered
oh soul you yourself
take the burden of interest on the stake  KR IRS 31222

On Sat, 3 Dec 2022 at 00:00, cnu pne  wrote:

> In 1980 Hindi teacher Shri Saksena, in the department expressed that like
> cartoon no one writes snippets by in Hindi or Urdu .
> I visualized a helpless corpse lying on the road. I scribbled 4 lines on
> the  paper and left on the table.
> To my surprise, it was published in the house magazine next issue.
> Hope some appropriatly translate in English
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CULTURAL QA 12-2022-03

2022-12-02 Thread 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty

CULTURAL QA 12-2022-03


Q1   What is normal in Mumbai, but weirdin other places?

A1   Kandarp Joshi, Lives in Canada(2019–present)Wed

Large families living in extremely small, one roomhouses. 

It's fairly normalfor poor people to live in small houses. But even if one is 
middleclass, earning well, then too living in a one room house that too in 
jointfamilies is not at all considered weird in Mumbai.

Mumbai, a city ofdreams in India, is facing severe problems of over population 
and the city is a peninsula. So theyhave limited space to expand.

I visited myfather's childhood friend once, before few years. They had 5 adults 
living in avery small one room house. That guy, his wife his son and daughter, 
and hismother.  We were 4 who visited them. And his son and daughter hadto go 
for a walk to make some space for us to sit comfortably.

And to my surprise,that guy told my father that a developer offered them 70 
lacs INR (85,000 USDapprox) at that time for that place. The builder wanted it 
for redevelopment. Idon't remember the area, but it felt like a downtown.

But they were happy there as the place was near to theirwork and everyone 
living around them was like a family.

I couldn't have hadsurvived even one night at that place due to claustrophobia. 
And they weredwelling there for years.Mumbaihas less space but big hearts, 

Q2   What are the benefits of letting yourblood flow to your head? For 
instance, doing a handstand against a wall.

A2   Ken Saladin, Former professor ofhistology (microscopic anatomy)9h

I doubt thatthere’s any benefit to it. It might even present more risk than 
benefit—such asstroke or, if an undetected aneurysm were present, its rupture. 
It feels quiteunpleasant to me to hang upside down, and I find it hard to see 
that posture asbeneficial in any way.

My note- It is a good advice to those performseershasanam.

Q3   How does dust on a window airconditioner affect its cooling 

A3   Gopala Krishnan, Former AssistantGeneral Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966–2004)Just now

In split  air conditioners there will be dust filtersin the indoor unit . 
Further there could be dust on surface just being in aroom. Dust in 
filtersobstruct entering cool air to the indoor unit, though produced by 

After taking outthe outer cover, cleaning the filter with brush and washing 
with water andrefitting and placing would make a lot of change in cooling. 

One should notforget to clean outer cover also. 

It ispreferable to carry out the work with skilled/ semiskilled people than by 
self.Even an accidental fall of cover may break it’s fitting points with the 

Q4   Do all trains in India have separateclasses for second sitting and 
sleeper coaches?

A4   Prasanna Bhalerao, Knows abouttrains.4h

In India, thetrains of the following main types:

Day time long(ish)distance commuter trains (express)

Night time longdistance sleeper trains (mail/express)

Slow trainsstopping at all stations (known as passenger trains)

I am not including suburban transport in the above suchas Mumbai/Chennai 
locals, Metros in various cities, etc.Within the above, there are premium (full 
AC) trains, superfast trains,non-superfast trains, etc.

***Generally sleeper trains will not be having sittingreserved class. They will 
have one or more of the following classes:

AC First Class(1A)    AC 2-Tier Sleeper (2A)

AC 3-Tier Sleeper(3A) (please never call this as 3rd AC; IR does not have a 3rd 

AC 3-Tier EconomySleeper (3E) (please never call this as 3rd AC; IR does not 
have a 3rd class)

3-Tier (non-AC)Sleeper class (S) - same as 3A but without AC  (all of the above 
are sleeper class coaches)

General/unreserved class

General classreserved for ladies only or disabled only

The day-time trainswill not be having any sleeper-type reserved class. They 
will have one or moreof the following classes:

AC Executive ClassSitting (EC)

AC Chair CarSitting (CC)

Second ClassSitting (2S)


General classreserved for ladies only or disabled only

Long distance slow trains (passenger trains) will havegeneral unreserved and 
sometime a 3-Tier (non-AC) sleeper coach.

My note- At onetime we had sleeper cum sitting non AC coaches. We could reserve 
for seat/sleeper. Thesee coaches have been withdrawn by railway now.

Q5   Will the human ovum that are releasedand didn't get fertilized be 
absorbed again or will they get discharged withthe shed of uterine lining in 

A5   Ken Saladin, Former professor ofhistology (microscopic anatomy) 
Nov 27

If an ovum isn’t fertilized, it dies in about 12 to 24 hours, even before itcan 
reach the uterus. By the time of menstruation ~2weeks later, there’s no trace 
of it left. It disintegrates long before then.

My note- I have added this QA for information  about ovum. 

The Symbiotic Economics-Communication ( Chapter 1,Continued)

2022-12-02 Thread Markendeya Yeddanapudi
*Mar*The Symbiotic Economics-Communication ( Chapter 1,Continued)

There are millions and millions of pores on your skin. They inhale and
exhale. The slightest touch anywhere on your skin, affects your body
informing all the cells in your body, triggering the bacteria in you to
take symbiotic action, creating hormonal effects. Every nano part of you,
participates in nature, in the planet earth, as a limb of earth. You live
by continuously feeling, as part of earth. You are an active participant,
synchronizing your life with the living earth, or Gaia. Your life is a saga
of feelings, musing and music. You are a nano Universe in the Universe of
infinity. But every feeling you feel travels via the air, when you exhale
the related smells, on earth and via quantum entanglement affects the
electromagnetic waves.

The feelings of you are the feelings of the 100,000 trillion bacteria in
you. You need not be numbed by the big numbers, the humbling
quantification, that there are billions of galaxies, our Milky Way is a
minor Galaxy, that our Sun is a minor star, that our earth is a minor
planet, that the lithosphere or the surface of the earth (continents and
Oceans) is just 00.04% of earth’s mass etc.Your feelings ultimately travel
and participate in the electromagnetic waves, participating in diverse
photon-syntheses. The basic fact is that every part of a whole has claim to
feel as the whole. You can go on feeling happy that you are becoming more
and more powerful, as a part of the Universe, when a new star, or galaxy or
Quasar is discovered or science yourself and feel how insignificant you
are, as you have to do sciencing by thinking that you are an outsider,
observer, not part of nature, the basic foolishness which sciencing demands.

But when you feel as the Universe, with the power of affecting the universe
with your feelings, you continuously gather strength. And you exhale your
feelings, your happiness and confidence, into the air which the other
organisms inhale. There is a continuous butterfly effect, emanating from
every organism. You can feel your importance and strength, when you realize
that you can cause the butterfly effects continuously.

The fundamental principle of Symbiotic Economics is that every person is
important and very significant, and recessions are caused by those who
think that their weeping is economic forecasting. Happiness and hope
travels and spreads and similarly unhappiness also.

In free, lush, thick, and healthy nature there is no room for unhappiness
if only you breathe freely. Unfortunately today every university is busy
causing depression and a feeling of insignificance, by using the
quantification to damage the basic feature of nature, creating rapture. One
must remember continuously that not one feeling or emotion can be really
quantified, unless one accepts the assumptions of Psychometrics for
convenience to wade in unreality. In free nature, there is only rapture.

It is for every University to pull education out of the basic depressing
approaches. Every University must have free and lush nature as part of its
library, where a student feels directly from nature, where he gets the
freedom from books and computers.


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Thank you

2022-12-02 Thread Ramalingam Narayanan

Dear All,

I would like to thank one and all for their involvement and concern in
suggesting so many alternatives for getting my life certificate issued.

I am glad to inform you that finally I got my life certificate issued
yesterday by a simple procedure. I filled in the details like my PPO
number, non-reemployment and non-remarriage declaration in the prescribed
format issued by the bank (IOB), got it notarized by a notary public
nearby, scanned and sent by mail along with scanned copies of my Aadhaar,
passport and PAN. I got the approval from the bank by e mail in two days
time. Now, I feel relieved. Now, I am sending the relevant hardcopies by
post, as a backup, through someone travelling to India in another few days.

All I had to spend was $6, paid to the notary.

I thank all my well wishers once again. In this process, I got many friends
and well wishers.

Prof R Narayanan, Bangalore, Camp: USA

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Hindi / Urdu poem

2022-12-02 Thread cnu pne
In 1980 Hindi teacher Shri Saksena, in the department expressed that like 
cartoon no one writes snippets by in Hindi or Urdu .
I visualized a helpless corpse lying on the road. I scribbled 4 lines on the  
paper and left on the table.
To my surprise, it was published in the house magazine next issue.
Hope some appropriatly translate in English 

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2022-12-02 Thread 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty


Dear friends,

The word cover has got many meanings. One of them isthe paper covers of 
different types available in stationery shops. We getcovers in post office also 
for fixed charges. Many institutions have their owncovers and affix /engrave 
stamp for sending.  This posting is about different type of coversand some 
related topics. Hope an interesting reading.  I have also touched obsolete 
covers also. 

Gopalakrishnan 2-12-2022

1. Complimentcovers

Compliment covers are printed compliments from and aline to fill up our name. 
These covers have beautiful printing of flowers the front and printed 
either in very quality paper or medium quality paper.Size is approximately 

At one time I used to get compliment covers with one rupee coin affixed in 
top.Many used to give compliments as 201, 501, 1001 etc. 

Some people used to offer compliment in the same coverinvitation is given by 
the persons inviting.

2. Greetingcovers.

There is reduction in sending new-year, Onam, Xmas etc.greetings after the 
appearance of watts app, E mail, mobile, Land phone etc.  Still post offices 
receive large bags ofgreetings on the eve of New Year. Many feel greetings sent 
by post in printed NewYear cover and card with their signature to friends will 
not equal to ones sendby Email etc. 

Before telegraph service was discontinued, telegraph offices had 
greetingscovers. Greetings send by telegram was enclosed on these specialcovers 
and sent to address persons.

On the counter these greeting covers were sold alsofor those who want greetings 
in telegraph greeting covers.

3. Post officeinsured, registered, ordinary and inland covers.

>From post office on those days we could get insurance  covers to send items 
>with insurance. Atone time registration coverswere available. If the weight 
>increased or postal rate increased, one had toaffix additional stamps.  I made 
>fivesearches with different combination to find out whether registered  
>coveris now prevalent.  I could not confirm. I think it is dis continued.  
>Cover to send letters  valued Rs 5-00  and Inland cover are available now. 

4. Governmentoffice covers.

The state Government prepares covers of its own. Theyaffix service stamp, 
almost identical to postal stamp. Many Government institutionsprint the letter 
clearly visible addressee and staple and send as inlandletter. They make 
payment at post office. 

The pass port is now sent in  specified size small thick yellow cover byspeed 

5. Discontinuedcovers.

Earlier post office had airmail, express delivery  covers. Express delivery 
isdiscontinued which was done on Sunday. 

I received my first interview letter  for higher secondary teacher from 
TranvancoreDevaswam board, Trivandrum as express delivery letter. I had to 
attendinterview on Monday morning at 10 AM. Catching a fast passenger bus in 
theearly morning somehow I reached Trivandrum by 9.30 AM and Devaswam board 
officeat Nanthancode by 10 AM. 

6. Economyslips

The P& T department and later Telecom departmenthad such economy slips which 
were pasted to flab and all details of addressentered in it (in new covers) and 
just pasted the other end to cover. So using economy slips the same covercould 
be used for 4-5 transactions. At one time warning letters weresent if new cover 
was sent without economy to telecom offices. 

7. Covers withtransparent windows.  

Such covers were first started to ensure there is no mistake while writing the 
address.It saved time also in writing the address. The letter inside was folded 
so thataddressee could be visibly seen by the postal department while sorting 
and fordelivery through these windows. These are used by banks, credit 
carddepartments etc. In these covers a  portion of the cover paper is replaced 
with atransparent paper pasted there. 

8. On the spotsupply of covers and fabric inside covers.

The private curriers appeared and they started tosupply covers suited to the 
item to be sent. Most probably covers with looseworn cotton inside pasted to 
the thick cover had their beginning  from them. These cotton inside covers 
arecostly, but widely used nowadays.  I havenot seen such covers with window. 
It is available in all stationery shops. 

9. Specialcovers from labs.

Labs issued test reports in very high qualitypaper  and cover with their 
addressprinted. It is supposedonly doctor should see the contents. Probably for 
preservation very high qualitycovers are printed. But 95 % educated patients 
used to see the result  before giving the cover to doctor. This gavethem some 
sort of mental peace. 

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