2003-03-20 Thread Astro

Note: disclaimer at the bottom of this article says this is a 

Who ever wrote this has a 
you ask me!

20th March, 2003 02:30 GMThttp://www.GuluFuture.comBy 
Makup Aniol Shyte, BBCNN 20 March 2003 Iraqi 
troops around the port city of Basra came under sustained fire late Wednesday 
after Allied commanders ordered an early attack to stop Iraqi looting, 
pillaging, raping and cooking of live infants, local sources have stated. 

Advancing allied forces came across makeshift ovens 
in vacated Iraqi positions around the city, which contained the partly cooked 
bodies of babies, said an allied spokesperson speaking on condition of 
"Apparently, they have been without food supplies for weeks now and 
have taken to snatching babies from local women and consuming them in front of 
the mothers beore raping the women," the spokesperson said.Official 
sources are still refusing to confirm the reports, but would not rule them out 
as a trigger for the allied advance. But a military spokesperson did confirm 
that Iraqi soldiers have been looting shops and breaking into homes to steal 
from locals."There comes a point where you have to take action to defend 
the local Iraqi population against intolerable abuses," said Major Slauter 
Hardon of the British 7th Armoured brigade. "We reached that position late on 
However, he refused to comment on reports that British troops have 
been turning away hordes of Iraqi soldiers who are seeking to surrender to 
allied units."I really cannot confirm that," he said, "but we simply do 
not have the facilities or capability to cater for mass surrenders this early in 
the campaign. Best thing for Iraqi soldiers no longer keen to support this evil 
dictator would be to drop their weapons and go home."
INCUBATORSMeanwhile, American convoys moving towards Umm Qasr 
have reportedly detained a unit of fleeing Iraqi soldiers with incubators likely 
stolen from the local hospital."The incubators still had babies inside," 
said an officer who refused to identify himself to reporters. "At least in the 
last Gulf war they had the decency to remove the babies before stealing the 
incubators. Probably they intended to eat them at some point."According 
to other unnamed sources, Allied advances have been slowed by having to clear 
starving Iraqi soldiers kneeling in the middle of the roads begging food from 
advancing American troops.FLEEING
In late developments, a US military spokesman refused to confirm 
reports that a plane carrying Saddam Hussein had escaped being shot down as the 
toppled dictator fled to Jordan, because he has forced some of the "human 
shield" peace protestors to board the plane with him.
Also, late Wednesday force commanders in the Basra area confirmed 
that they had bombed "command and control" positions which had been cleverly 
disguised as churches, hospitals and civillian housing.According to 
others who have returned from bombing missions, Iraqi psychological warfare 
brigades have taken to dressing themselves up as civillians and lying on the 
ground around strategic villages pretending to have their arms and legs blown 
off."We've been here before you know," one officer told reporters at a 
post raid briefing. "We are not going to fall for such tired old tricks." 
"Bet you the next thing is the Iraqi elite Republican Guard will begin 
shelling and bombing non-military targets in a pathetic effort to incriminate us 
in these types of actions," allegedly said an unnamed local commander, speaking 
on condition of anonymous anonimity, according to unconfirmed 
reports.Notes:  The use of the term 
"allied commanders" means commanders of the forces of countries which have 
allied with each other in this war to liberate Iraq. It is not a cheap trick to 
play off the use of the same term to describe command structures in the Second 
World War.  The use of the words "liberate Iraq" means allow 
democratic structures be established. The issue of the sale of Iraqi natural 
resources and infrastructure to multinational corporations at knockdown prices 
is beyond the mission objectives of Allied commanders.CAUTION:  War fanatical members of the public who 
happen across this report shoud beware that this is in fact a SATIRICAL article. 
 Satire is a form of wry black comedy which relates 
essential truths in an oblique manner. Persons with war-focussed tunnel vision 
have been known to mistake this type of material for factual 
20th March, 2003 02:30 GMThttp://www.GuluFuture.comBy 
Makup Aniol Shyte, BBCNN 20 March 2003 Iraqi 
troops around the port city of Basra came under sustained fire late Wednesday 
after Allied commanders ordered an early attack to stop Iraqi looting, 
pillaging, raping and cooking of live 

CSPAN Caller

2003-03-20 Thread flashbac

This AM, I heard a caller to CSPANwho 
claimedto be a senior intelligence analyst (would not disclose the agency 
he worked for). In discussing the current situation with Iraq, he seemed 
disillusioned, saying there was fabrication of evidence on both sides (like 
Ellsburg and The Pentagon Papers?). He also mentioned PNAC several times 
and how they're controlling the situation. He either said he would be 
resigning at the end of the month or in 30 days, I can't remember 

If, in fact, this caller was who he claimed to be, 
his call was indeed an interesting one. Was anyone else listening who 
could fill in the holes? I just happened to flip to CSPAN, and as luck 
would have it, no paper/pencil were handy.


US is Criticized for its Plans to Use Land Mines with Timers

2003-03-20 Thread jeani

DANGERUS is criticized for its plans to use land mines with timers 

By Ross Kerber, 
Globe Staff, 3/20/2003 
To deny Iraqi 
forces access to sites containing chemical or biological weapons, US military 
commanders have plans under certain scenarios to drop small land mines from 
warplanes around enemy weapons sites, preventing Iraqis from taking away or 
using dangerous arms. 
Leftover land mines take a 
huge toll on civilians, 800 deaths per month worldwide, according to the United 
Nations Children's Fund. 
To minimize civilian 
casualties during and after an assault, US military doctrine calls for almost 
all mines to include timers that cause them to self-destruct after a preset 
The mines also include 
deactivation features, so they will eventually disarm themselves, even if the 
timers fail. A newer generation of computer-controlled land mines meant to 
further reduce civilian casualties won't be ready in time for an invasion of 
But the US policy on mines is 
at odds with that of Britain and most other nations, which have agreed not to 
use land mines. In Britain, members of Parliament are demanding that their 
forces stick to a treaty it has signed banning use of land mines. 
There is a dispute whether 
the kind of mines that US forces plan to use would be a violation of the treaty, 
although the United States has not signed it. 
In the United States, 
opponents of land mines say that the use of such munitions in an attack on Iraq 
would be a blow to the campaign to ban their use. That campaign took off in the 
1990s with the backing of figures like Vermont activist Jody Williams, who 
shared the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for her advocacy against land mines, and the 
late Princess Diana. 
''The more the US uses or 
retains the right to use land mines, the more the government is on the outside 
of the international norm banning these indiscriminate weapons of terror,'' said 
Gina Coplon-Newfield, coordinator of US Campaign to Ban Landmines, a Boston 
group that first called attention to the Pentagon's intentions. ''No land mine 
is smart enough to distinguish between a soldier and a child.'' 
Members of Congress including 
Representative James P. McGovern, Democrat of Worcester, have also called on 
President Bush not to use land mines in Iraq. 
In a letter last month to 
Bush, McGovern said that spreading land mines in Iraq ''would pose serious 
dangers to innocent civilians, our own troops, and future peacekeepers involved 
with post-conflict reconstruction.'' 
Since 1997, 131 countries 
have ratified a treaty banning such weapons. Neither the United States nor Iraq 
has agreed to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, 
Production, and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction, which 
is better known as the Ottawa convention. 
The Clinton administration 
said it would try to end the use of land mines everywhere except Korea by 2003 
and in Korea by 2006. The Bush administration is reviewing the policy. 
''We are committed to 
developing a policy that addresses both humanitarian and war-fighting 
concerns,'' said a Pentagon official who would only respond to questions on 
condition of anonymity. In an e-mail message, the official said that any use of 
land mines by the United States would be consistent with international laws on 
conventional weapons and that allied nations ''that are parties to Ottawa would 
follow their own obligations in accordance with that treaty.'' 
''At the same time, the 
United States has a responsibility to protect its men and women in uniform,'' 
the official wrote. ''The use of land mines by US forces does not contribute to 
the global land mine problem.'' Members of Britain's Parliament have asked the 
government of Prime Minister Tony Blair to seek assurances from US officials 
that mines won't be used in an attack on Iraq. 
''It would be a tragic irony 
if a conflict that is supposed to be about upholding international arms controls 
resulted in the UK and others effectively tearing up their commitments,'' said 
Richard Lloyd, director of Landmine Action, a London organization that lobbies 
against the weapons and runs mine-clearing operations in Africa. Steve Atkins, a 
spokesman for the British Embassy in Washington, said Britain remains ''fully 
committed to our obligations under Ottawa.'' 
''The US is well aware of our 
position on antipersonnel land mines,'' he said. 
But the use of mines 
described by the Pentagon might not violate the Ottawa convention under an 
interpretation in which the mines could be classified as ''antihandling 
devices,'' Atkins said. Unlike mines, which are meant to kill or injure, Atkins 
said, antihandling devices are meant to prevent the enemy from using equipment 
or facilities, like a weapons factory. 
US plans to deploy land mines 
came to light at a 

Anti-War Protests Sweep Globe Following Launch of Strikes in Iraq

2003-03-20 Thread jeani


  Published on 
  Thursday, March 20, 2003 by Agence France 

  Anti-War Protests Sweep Globe Following Launch 
  of Strikes in Iraq 
  Anti-war protests erupted across the 
  globe following the start of the US-led war against Iraq, with hundreds of 
  thousands expected to march to demand a quick end to air strikes on 

An Australian uses his 
surfboard as a placard as thousands march towards the U.S. Consulate 
and the Prime Minister's office in Sydney, March 20, 2003. A wave of 
anti-war protests began to roll across Europe and the Middle East on 
Thursday after the opening salvos of the war against Iraq sparked 
angry demonstrations in Asia and Australia. Barely three hours after 
the first U.S. missiles struck Baghdad, a crowd that organizers put 
at 40,000 and which police said numbered 'tens of thousands' brought 
Australia's second largest city, Melbourne, to a standstill. (James 
  Between 80,000 and 100,000 demonstrators 
  thronged central Athens in response to the launch of targetted strikes 
  against Iraqi targets, according to initial police estimates, but 
  organizers put the figure at at least 200,000.
  "It's unprecedented. People continue 
  coming," said Vera Michailidou of the leftist anti-globalization group 
  Action 2003, as protestors marched past the British embassy to the US 
  mission, both heavily guarded by riot police.
  Greek demonstrators, many of them 
  high school students, adopted "Bush -- killer" as their slogan of choice, 
  condemning US President George W. Bush for attempting to disarm Iraq and 
  topple Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein by force.
  Anti-war groups around the world have 
  organized protests on Thursday to voice anger over the way in which 
  Washington and London have defied popular opposition to launch a second 
  Gulf war.
  Millions have marched to oppose the 
  war in past weekends, dogging world leaders that have backed Bush's 
  campaign, like Prime Ministers Tony Blair of Britain, Jose Maria Aznar of 
  Spain and Silvio Berlusconi of Italy.
  The protest in Athens, the biggest so 
  far for the day, followed angry anti-US demonstrations across Pakistan and 
  spirited marches in Australia, which has contributed some 2,000 troops to 
  the US-led coalition against Saddam.
  "Saddam Hussein is a hero of 
  Muslims," shouted one protestor in the Islamist-ruled city of Peshawar in 
  northwest Pakistan, where hundreds of students, lawyers and journalists 
  denounced US "aggression" in Iraq.
  A coalition of secular anti-war 
  groups launched a boycott of US fast food outlets like McDonald's and 
  Kentucky Fried Chicken, which are enormously popular with Pakistanis. More 
  rallies were expected later Thursday.
  In Indonesia, the world's largest 
  Muslim-populated nation, about 1,000 protestors gathered outside the 
  heavily guarded US embassy in Jakarta, carrying signs reading, "Bush, go 
  to hell" and "Terrorism No, Justice Yes."
  In Australia, thousands took to the 
  streets just hours after the first air strikes against Iraqi targets, with 
  more than 10,000 protesting in central Sydney and 20,000 in the country's 
  second city Melbourne.
  One woman was arrested at the US 
  consulate in Melbourne for splashing red paint and scrawling "killing has 
  started" on statues outside the building, police said.
  "It's about sending the Americans a 
  message, and this is their address," said one demonstrator outside the 
  consulate, Catherine Robson.
  Security has been stepped up at US 
  embassies and consulates around the world as many anti-war groups have 
  called for demonstrations outside the diplomatic missions to show contempt 
  for the US insistence on ousting Saddam by force.
  Some 20,000 students in Berlin 
  peacefully marched toward the US embassy near the city's Brandenburg Gate, 
  carrying placards reading "Give peace a chance" and "War is not the 
  Another 5,000 students rallied 
  outside the US consulate in the southern city of Munich, with 7,000 
  demonstrating in Saarbruecken in the west. Peace groups said some 250 
  protests would be staged in Germany -- where opposition to war in strong 
  -- throughout the day.
  Thousands of students streamed out of 
  classrooms across Denmark, Switzerland, Spain and Italy, with Swiss 
  schoolchildren carrying the rainbow-striped flags which have become a 
  symbol for peace in Europe.

RE: This email just rec'd---Must READ!!!!!!Fw: Attention NY Smokers URGENT Message!!

2003-03-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi All,
Well it seems the idiots in NY don't like free trade, or free commerce,
I just recieved this letter from the Reservation where I purchase my
Ciggarettes ( Please save the lectures on the dangers of smoking). It will
now be Illegal to have free commerce? I have written back to the reservation
to find out the bill # and those responsible for it . Regardless of whether
you Smoke or not or how you feel about it, this is very Important issue,
Because if they can stop you purchasing cigs on line, they will stop you
from purchasing anything else they want control over, including herbs, plant
seeds, clothing or anything made from hemp, ( not marijuanna), and
eventually everything else. Next thing you know it will be illegal to drive
into a reservation to make a purchase!
This is just one more footprint crushing our constitution! One more
right removed!

- Original Message -
From: Ojibwas/Senecas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Subject: Attention NY Smokers URGENT Message!!

 Dear NY State Customers;

 It appears that within two weeks the State of NY will sign a new bill into
law that may make it illegal for you to have cigarettes delivered to you
from any retail location or internet company via a common carrier delivery
system such as UPS or FedEx.  We feel this law is unfair and
unconstitutional; however, it will go into effect nonetheless.  Time will
tell if this law will pass constitutional muster.  Ojibwas/Senecas have
always complied with applicable laws of the USA.

 For the time being we suggest that you may want to increase your order to
get yourself through the next few months. We have added extra staff and
inventory to fill your orders. Even if you are on our Auto Ship Program this
may be a good time to inventory some additional cigarettes. You can place
your orders at or or call our
toll free number 1-800-490-7999.

 After the law goes into effect we will keep you informed of all legal
 developments and hopefully the Law will be overturned.

 Customer Service @ Ojibwas/Senecas Trading Post

 To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Some Dare Call it Treason

2003-03-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Some Dare Call it Treason 
Bill Berkowitz  WorkingForChange
 Wednesday 19 March 2003

  War with Iraq opens door for accusations that continuing protests 
  are anti-American and un-patriotic
 ABCNEWS reported on March 18 that "the government 
will begin detaining dozens of suspected Saddam Hussein sympathizers in at least 
five U.S. cities this week. 
 According to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, 
"Iraqi state agents, Iraqi surrogate groups, other regional extremist 
organizations and ad hoc groups, and disgruntled individuals may use this time 
period to conduct terrorist attacks against the United States and our interests 
either here or abroad." 
 Saddam Hussein has rejected President Bush's 
ultimatum to leave Iraq. At home, the Department of Homeland Security raised the 
terror alert to orange, indicating a high risk of attacks. When history's 
deadliest one-day display of air power hits Iraq, thousands of Iraqis will be 
shocked, awed and killed and President Bush will be well started on his road to 
empire building. 
 What will happen to the US anti-war movement when 
the bombs start falling on Iraq? 
 As Paul Loeb and Geov Parrish recently wrote on this 
site, before the 1991 Gulf War "major protests surged through American and 
European cities, hoping to stop the war before it started. But once the war 
began, mainstream debate over the wisdom of war quickly became supplanted by the 
insistence that anything other than relentless cheerleading was disloyal to the 
troops -- and to the country." 
 If massive protests continue after U.S. bombs start 
pounding Iraq, expect the anti-war movement to be lambasted by President Bush's 
pro-war minions. Radio and television pundits will crank up the volume, labeling 
protests un-patriotic and anti-American. Some may equate dissent with treason. 
Expect long-winded one-sided debates on the Fox News Channel, MSNBC and CNN 
focusing on the nature of treason. 
 With even the mildest Congressional condemnation of 
war with Iraq stifled, the Bush Administration will take advantage of a jingoist 
climate and try and rush through the Justice Department's newly drafted 
"Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003," aka PATRIOT Act II. This draconian 
measure would expand the government's powers to gather intelligence on the home 
front; increased surveillance and the prosecution of American citizens could 
become the order of the day. 
 Over the past few months, as the US moved closer to 
war, pro-war columnists and radio and television gas bags began a campaign to 
demonize protesters, labeling them anti-American, Communists, or apologists for 
Hussein. Religious people and groups speaking out against the war, Hollywood 
celebrities, dissenting academics, "human shields" in Iraq, people committed to 
non-violent civil disobedience, and the all-too-few-but-gutsy politicians have 
all come under fire from pro-Bush critics. 
 For quite some time, the Fox News Channel's Bill 
O'Reilly has been saying that dissent reflects America's freedom of expression 
before the advent of hostilities -- but after the war starts, anti-war 
protesters should take their signs and go home. 
 On a recent edition of his nightly program, O'Reilly 
said that "Once the war against Saddam Hussein begins, we expect every American 
to support our military, and if you can't do that, just shut up. Americans, and 
indeed our foreign allies who actively work against our military once the war is 
underway, will be considered enemies of the state by me. 
 "Just fair warning to you, Barbra Streisand and 
others who see the world as you do. I don't want to demonize anyone, but anyone 
who hurts this country in a time like this, well, let's just say you will be 
spotlighted. Talking points invites all points of view and believes vigorous 
debate strengthens the country, but once decisions have been made and lives are 
on the line, patriotism must be factored in." 
 In early March, Fox News reported that Senator 
Lindsay Graham had asked Attorney General John Ashcroft "to provide him with a 
legal assessment of those Americans headed to or already in Iraq to offer 
themselves as 'human shields.'" Graham compared Americans acting as human 
shields with John Walker Lindh. 
 "It is my opinion that any American who voluntarily 
engages in conduct to impede a potential American military operation, and who 
thereby endangers the lives of our nation's men and women in uniform, is 
participating in a program designed to weaken the power of the United States to 
wage war successfully. I strongly believe efforts to impede a potential military 
operation against Iraq should be strongly dealt with and I am seeking your 
assistance in this matter." 
 A recent column by conservative columnist Michelle 
Malkin echoed Senator Graham's sentiments: "What color is a human shield?" 
Malkin writes. "Crayola needs to 


2003-03-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What about the CIVILIANS?




March 20, 2003 
The NYPD yesterday began distributing gas masks and other protective gear to 
thousands of cops to help safeguard them in the event of a chemical or 
biological attack in the Big Apple. 
The kits contain several protective masks, an escape hood with self-contained 
breathing units and goggles, as well as a first-aid kit and hygiene package 
complete with eyewash solution, decontamination towels and a germicidal wipe. 
About 15,000 cops will get the gear, paid for with a $4 million federal 

The kits, which cost $361, are being distributed first to transit cops and 
other officers assigned to patrol duties. 
Police officials said the gear will safeguard cops in the "hot zone" for 
about an hour. 
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said they've "been trying to get the [gear] for 
a long time." 
He said they are looking for additional funding so they can provide all NYPD 
cops with the gear. 
The masks were distributed as the NYPD continued girding for a possible 
terror strike. 
Beefed-up security plans include additional cops and bomb-sniffing dogs on 
patrol at vulnerable targets such as subways, landmarks, tourist attractions, 
hotels, places of worship, Wall Street and major television news outlets. 
And most of Manhattan is ringed by cop checkpoints at bridges and tunnels and 
across 96th Street on all southbound avenues. 
Officials have also tightened the security net around the city's reservoir 
system and the Indian Point nuclear power plants in Westchester County. 
Meanwhile, the FBI yesterday warned that Iraqi diplomatic vehicles in the Big 
Apple must stay within the five boroughs. 
In an intelligence bulletin, the FBI said "suspicious activity involving 
vehicles bearing Iraqi diplomatic license plates should be reported immediately 
to the nearest Joint Terrorism Task Force." 
The FBI also ordered Iraqi diplomatic vehicles in Washington to remain within 
25 miles of the office. 
Iraq has two sanctioned offices in the United States, one for the U.N. 
mission on East 79th Street, and one in the Algerian embassy in Washington. 
The FBI issued the warning because they're worried that Iraqi diplomats might 
try to launch terror attacks in America or abroad, as they did with two-man 
terror teams during the 1991 Gulf War. 
Meanwhile, Gov. Pataki yesterday dispatched 120 new state troopers to help 
protect New York's border against terrorists. 

Additional reporting by Larry Celona, Brian Blomquist and Joe McGurk 

"The strongest reason for people to retain the 
right to
keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, 

to protect themselves against tyranny in 
government."-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 
Karma A Bitch!

John Mellencamp Releases Anti-War Song

2003-03-20 Thread sdehodge

This document contains frames, which cannot 
be edited. The original document is attached.
Title: John Mellencamp


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John Mellencamp

2003-03-20 Thread sdehodge

Mellencamp Releases Anti-War 
SongJohn Mellencamp has written a little ditty about Geor...more



John Mellencamp.url
Description: Binary data

So where is the ones from 9/11?

2003-03-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]



March 20, 2003 -- HOUSTON - In one of the most significant debris 
discoveries yet from the shattered Columbia, searchers found a data recorder 
that may hold valuable clues as to what destroyed the space shuttle, the 
accident investigation board said last night. 
A spokeswoman for the board, Laura Brown, said the recorder was intact but 
sustained some heat damage. Officials are hoping that temperature and 
aerodynamic pressure data can be retrieved from its magnetic tape. 
Brown compared the recorder to a plane's black box. 
"We have no way of knowing whether the data can be recovered," she said. But 
she added that if it can, "it will give us, hopefully, a lot of information 
about what was going on with the orbiter." 

Brown said such recorders normally are turned on just before a space shuttle 
begins its descent through the atmosphere. 
Columbia disintegrated over Texas on Feb. 1 during its atmospheric re-entry. 
All seven astronauts were killed. 

"The strongest reason for people to retain the 
right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against 
tyranny in government."-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 
Karma A Bitch!


2003-03-20 Thread Joseph A. Shearey


If this article is a satire and a sick 
piece of humor, then WHY ARE YOU BROADCASTING IT? The Power Hour has been 
seeking the truth by exposing information like this. This will no doubt will be 
placed next to thebaby and the incubator story: both misleading. And here 
you are making their efforts complicated.

I don't care aboutthe disclaimer. 
That one-line disclaimer is insufficient to warn people of this propaganda. But 
it does notice you that "Persons with war-focussed tunnel vision have been known 
to mistake this type of material for factual 
reporting".And if 
you know that there are a certain group of people who will accept this as true, 
WHY ARE YOU FEEDING THEM? Why are you knowingly and intentionally passing 
MISINFORMATION? Do you get a thrill from such 

Quit passing this garbage on this newslist. 
I have to weed through so many articles as it is and to see this cross my screen 
is appalling. When I read things like this I think it's meant to stir up 
problems. None of us need that.



 Original Message - 

  To: The Power Hour 
  Cc: Power Hour Flash 
  Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 6:19 
  Note: disclaimer at the bottom of this article says this is a 
  Who ever wrote this has a 
  verySICKSENSE OF HUMORif you ask me!
  20th March, 2003 02:30 GMThttp://www.GuluFuture.comBy 
  Makup Aniol Shyte, BBCNN 20 March 2003 Iraqi 
  troops around the port city of Basra came under sustained fire late Wednesday 
  after Allied commanders ordered an early attack to stop Iraqi looting, 
  pillaging, raping and cooking of live infants, local sources have stated. 
  Advancing allied forces came across makeshift 
  ovens in vacated Iraqi positions around the city, which contained the partly 
  cooked bodies of babies, said an allied spokesperson speaking on condition of 
  "Apparently, they have been without food supplies for weeks now and 
  have taken to snatching babies from local women and consuming them in front of 
  the mothers beore raping the women," the spokesperson said.Official 
  sources are still refusing to confirm the reports, but would not rule them out 
  as a trigger for the allied advance. But a military spokesperson did confirm 
  that Iraqi soldiers have been looting shops and breaking into homes to steal 
  from locals."There comes a point where you have to take action to 
  defend the local Iraqi population against intolerable abuses," said Major 
  Slauter Hardon of the British 7th Armoured brigade. "We reached that position 
  late on Wednesday."
  However, he refused to comment on reports that British troops have 
  been turning away hordes of Iraqi soldiers who are seeking to surrender to 
  allied units."I really cannot confirm that," he said, "but we simply 
  do not have the facilities or capability to cater for mass surrenders this 
  early in the campaign. Best thing for Iraqi soldiers no longer keen to support 
  this evil dictator would be to drop their weapons and go home."
  INCUBATORSMeanwhile, American convoys moving towards Umm 
  Qasr have reportedly detained a unit of fleeing Iraqi soldiers with incubators 
  likely stolen from the local hospital."The incubators still had babies 
  inside," said an officer who refused to identify himself to reporters. "At 
  least in the last Gulf war they had the decency to remove the babies before 
  stealing the incubators. Probably they intended to eat them at some 
  point."According to other unnamed sources, Allied advances have been 
  slowed by having to clear starving Iraqi soldiers kneeling in the middle of 
  the roads begging food from advancing American 
  In late developments, a US military spokesman refused to confirm 
  reports that a plane carrying Saddam Hussein had escaped being shot down as 
  the toppled dictator fled to Jordan, because he has forced some of the "human 
  shield" peace protestors to board the plane with him.
  Also, late Wednesday force commanders in the Basra area confirmed 
  that they had bombed "command and control" positions which had been cleverly 
  disguised as churches, hospitals and civillian housing.According to 
  others who have returned from bombing missions, Iraqi psychological warfare 
  brigades have taken to dressing themselves up as civillians and lying on the 
  ground around strategic villages pretending to have their arms and legs blown 
  off."We've been here before you know," one officer told reporters at a 
  post raid briefing. "We are not going to fall for such tired old tricks." 
  "Bet you the next thing is the Iraqi elite Republican Guard will begin 
  shelling and bombing non-military targets in a pathetic effort to incriminate 
  us in these types of actions," allegedly said an unnamed 

Iraq Oil Wells May Have Been Set on Fire

2003-03-20 Thread flashbac
Title: Iraq Oil Wells May Have Been Set on Fire 

Iraq Oil Wells May Have Been Set on Fire 
The Associated PressThursday, March 20, 2003; 12:17 PM 

Orange flames could be seen Thursday on the horizon in the direction of the 
southern Iraqi oil center Basra, and U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said 
three or four oil wells may have been set afire.
Witnesses in Kuwait about eight miles south of the border said the flickering 
flames were spotted after a series of explosions that shook buildings in the 
It was not known if the flames resulted from the explosions.
The Arab satellite television channel Al-Arabiya reported that fires had 
erupted in Iraq's al-Rumeila field west of Basra and just north of the Kuwaiti 
Associated Press reporter Ross Simpson, embedded with a Marine unit in 
northern Kuwait, says he was told by a battalion commander that "three oil wells 
have been torched" in Iraq. He said he had no first-hand confirmation of the 
Rumsfeld said the Pentagon was trying to get additional information.
Even before the war began, the Pentagon expressed fears that Saddam Hussein 
had planned to sabotage Iraq's oil fields. A loss of oil from Iraq - home to the 
world's second-largest reserves - could crimp supplies for importing countries, 
and deny U.S. and British governments an asset they hope will help pay for 
postwar efforts.
In 1991, Iraqi troops destroyed more than 700 well heads in Kuwait, turning 
its oil fields into a desert inferno that took seven months to extinguish.
"Needless to say, it is a crime for that regime to be destroying the riches 
of the Iraqi people," Rumsfeld said in Washington.

© 2003 The Associated Press 


Description: Binary data

Re: GOT SHORTWAVE GEAR You might hear some interesting traffic on 11.175 mhz USB

2003-03-20 Thread JAYE
- Original Message -
To: The Power Hour [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Power Hour Flash Stats
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 1:09 PM
Subject: GOT SHORTWAVE GEAR You might hear some interesting traffic on
11.175 mhz USB

Re: GOT SHORTWAVE GEAR You might hear some interesting traffic on11.175 mhz USB

2003-03-20 Thread HRH

Ya need to be looking for square waves

JAYE wrote:

- Original Message -
To: "The Power Hour" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Power Hour Flash Stats"
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 1:09 PM
Subject: GOT SHORTWAVE GEAR You might hear some interesting traffic on
11.175 mhz USB




Are we prepared for the consequences?

2003-03-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

AGHDAD, Iraq, Thursday, March 20 — Iraqi television broadcast a speech 
by a defiant Saddam Hussein this morning, a few hours after the first blasts on 
Baghdad. In it, he exhorted his people to "draw your swords" against invaders 
and referred to the United States government as "criminals" and "Zionists."
"God willing, we will take them to the limit where they lose their patience 
and any hope to achieve what they have planned and what the Zionist criminals 
have pushed them to do," he said. It was unclear whether the address had been 
recorded previously.
According to one translation, he said, "The criminal little Bush has 
committed a crime against humanity." Another had him referring to "Junior Bush." 
"The strongest reason for people to retain the 
right to
keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, 

to protect themselves against tyranny in 
government."-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 
Karma A Bitch!


2003-03-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Interesting thought I had while reading this article. Not that I agree 
with it or not but, It will be used as a lesson, and tool in implementing a new 
world order. Call me crazy, but this is what I read.Bush by using his OWN 
judgemnet and Sovereign authority in going to war, pushing the protesters 
to turn more towards the UNWhen all is said and done more and more people 
will be screaming for us the US to be a bigger part of the UN. The reasoning 
being , " We don't want another crazy loon in the office taking us, our sons and 
daughters to war, endless slaughter, and maimed life!" People will be ( as many 
are now ) begging for UN intervention, thus giving their sovereignty and 
eventually all their rights and FREEDOMS over to this 
beastly governing body, ( run BTW bydictators who have slaughtered their 
own people). Willingly relinquishing their own thought processes, allowing the 
UN to dictate how they should feel , WHO or WHAT they should Worship, how they 
should spend their time, what they should read, watch or listen to. I am Afraid 
I have just seen their master plan before my eyes, for those of us who will 
oppose such a system, I don't know where we will fit in. I believe society will 
do all they can to change our minds, what we see, and even lie to us about all 
our belief systems. Only our FAITH in a true creator and 
TRUTH will stop them from their brain-washing of us. 
Some of us will give up the fight if we fall away from our networks and 
truth speakers, ( like Alex Jones, Dave and Joyce, Stadtmiller, etc), for 
them it will be a victory for the beast system, for the rest of us who hold 
outI DO NOT KNOW, Perhaps death, which in itself would be a lot better then 
being a slave to a demon on your knees for life, Perhaps Exile, which won't be 
bad if we are together. I do Know WE WILL NOT SURVIVE IFWE TRY TO DO IT 
Iraq and 


  this articleE-mail this 
  articleWrite to 
  the editors 
he Bush Administration has launched a war against Iraq, a war that is 
unnecessary, unwise and illegal. By attacking a nation that has not attacked us 
and that does not pose an immediate threat to international peace and security, 
the Administration has violated the United Nations Charter and opened a new and 
shameful chapter in US history. Moreover, by abandoning a UN inspection and 
disarmament process that was working, it has chosen a path that is an affront 
not only to America's most cherished values but to the world community. The UN 
did not fail; rather, Washington sought a UN imprimatur for a war it had already 
decided to wage and scorned it when the Administration couldn't get its way. 

To justify the war, the President has invoked the doctrine of "preventive" 
war, under which the United States is to be the sole judge of that doctrine's 
legitimacy and application. Thus, the war is about more than Iraq; it is about 
the character of our society and the international order in which we live. The 
Administration hopes that a quick victory will not only silence critics and 
confer an ex post facto legitimacy on the war but also give momentum to its 
larger political agenda. But even if there are minimal casualties and 
devastation, that will not justify overturning international norms developed 
over sixty years. Nor can it legitimize a worldview that will make Americans the 
target of international outrage and make the world less secure. 
Americans will soon be forced to confront the question of who is to pay for 
what is about to unfold. The White House has withheld from Congress and the 
American people the true political, humanitarian and economic costs of the war 
and of the occupation that is to follow, but even by the most modest estimates, 
they will be staggering. In addition to lost lives in Iraq and ruptured 
friendships around the world, they include grave domestic damage; by adding $200 
billion or more in war-related costs to the cost of his tax cuts for the 
wealthy, Bush has signed a death warrant for many social welfare programs and 
damaged our society for years to come. The costs also include the renewed threat 
of nuclear proliferation from countries, including North Korea, fearful of 
leaving themselves without a deterrent to US aggression. 
Another issue that must be confronted is the postwar agenda in the Middle 
East. Already hawks are arguing that the United States should use a conquered 
Iraq as a base for increased military pressure on Iran and Syria, with the goal 
of further "regime change." If the Administration chooses this course, it will 
put the lie to its rhetoric about bringing democracy to the region. Instead, it 
must work cooperatively with the European Union, Russia and the UN to dismantle 
Israeli settlements in the occupied territories and bring about a viable 
Palestinian state. 
If we are present at the 

Ranch Rescue Members Arrested In South Texas

2003-03-20 Thread Tee

Ranch Rescue Members Arrested In South Texas
Special Report By Michael Gaddy
Information has been received that two members of Ranch Rescue, who were 
patrolling the border in South Texas, have been arrested and charged with 
Aggravated Assault.
The arrests stem from actions taken by members of Ranch Rescue on the night 
of 3/18. Jack Foote, spokesman for Ranch Rescue, said that they had 
detained two out of several hundred illegals, gave them food, water, and a 
ride to the border. The Ranch Rescue members (names given only as Hank and 
Casey) were both arrested on charges of aggravated assault with a weapon 
and are currently in Hogg County jail. No bail has been set at this time. 
Foote insists both men were on private property.

The detained individuals were questioned and one had a work visa from El 
Salvador in
his possession, which meant he could have ridden the bus across the border 
and did not have to be where he was and by being on private property he was 
trespassing regardless of his work visa.

The area where the crossing occurred was a location of one of the worst 
rattlesnake infestations in the area and that particular fencing between 
the borders of Mexico  the US is one of the absolute hardest to enter. It 
was obvious these two individuals had to work exceedingly hard to cross 
where they did.

The detained individuals were fed, given fresh water and blankets to keep 
warm and then taken by van (belonging to a RR member) to the main gate of 
the ranch they'd trespassed on, and let go.

The arrests appear to have been made by the Texas Rangers with assistance 
from Jim Hogg County Sheriff, Erosmo Alarcon. Alarcon recently was the 
author of a warning to citizens of paramilitary activities in the area. It 
would appear at this time to have been a backhanded affront to the members 
of Ranch Rescue who are trying to protect our porous border.

As of this writing no bail has been set for the two. Information received 
indicates both are being held at: Texas Rangers Detention
Company D
6502 S. New Braunfels
San Antonio, TX 78223
| 210-532-2923

Prosecution for the government in this case may encounter a problem as Jack 
Foote of Ranch Rescue reports that a RR videographer filmed the entire 
episode and a French Journalist was also filming.

Updates to follow.


OT- For Fun

2003-03-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Take all American women who are within five years of 
menopause - train us for a few weeks, outfit us with automatic weapons, 
grenades, gas masks, moisturizer with SPF15, Prozac, hormones, chocolate, and 
canned tuna - drop us (parachuted, preferably) across the landscape of IRAQ, and 
let us do what comes naturally. 

Think about it. Our anger quotient alone, even when 
doing standard stuff like grocery shopping and paying bills, is formidable 
enough to make even armed men in turbans tremble.

We've had our children; we would gladly suffer or die to 
protect them and their future. We'd like to get away from our husbands, if 
they haven't left already. And for those of us who are single, the prospect of 
finding a good man with whom to share life is about as likely as being struck by 
lightning. We have nothing to lose.

We've survived the water diet, the protein diet, the 
carbohydrate diet, and the grapefruit diet in gyms and saunas across America and 
never lost a pound. We can easily survive months in the hostile terrain 
ofIRAQ with no food at all!

We've spent years tracking down our husbands or lovers in 
bars, hardware stores, or sporting events...finding Bin Laden in some cave will 
be no problem.

Uniting all the warring tribes ofIRAQ in a new 
government?Oh, please ... we've planned the seating arrangements for in-laws 
and extended families at Thanksgiving dinners for years ... we understand tribal 

Between us, we've divorced enough husbands to know every 
trick there is for how they hide, launder, or cover up bank accounts and money 
sources. We know how to find that money and we know how to seize it with or 
without the government's help!

Let us go and fight. Imagine their terror as we 
crawl like ants with hot-flashes over their godforsaken 

I'm going to write my Congresswoman. You should, 
strongest reason for people to retain the rightto keep and bear arms 
is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in 
government."-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 
Karma A Bitch!

Top White House anti-terror boss resigns

2003-03-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
White House anti-terror boss resigns By P. Mitchell 
ProtheroFrom the Washington Politics  Policy DeskPublished 
3/19/2003 5:37 PMWASHINGTON, March 19 (UPI) -- The top National 
Security Council official in the war on terror resignedthis week for what a 
NSC spokesman said were personal reasons, but intelligence sources say the move 
reflects concern that the looming war with Iraq is hurting the fight against 
terrorism.Rand Beers would not comment for this article, but he and 
several sources close to him are emphatic thatthe resignation was not a 
protest against an invasion of Iraq. But the same sources, and other current 
andformer intelligence officials, described a broad consensus in the 
anti-terrorism and intelligence community that an invasion of Iraq would divert 
critical resources from the war on terror.Beers has served as the NSC's 
senior director for counter-terrorism only since August. The White Housesaid 
Wednesday that he officially remains on the job and has yet to set a departure 
date. "Hardly a surprise," said one former intelligence official. "We 
have sacrificed a war on terror for a war with Iraq. I don't blame Randy at all. 
This just reflects the widespread thought that the war on terror is being set 
aside for the war with Iraq at the expense of our military and intel resources 
and the relationships with our allies."A Senate Intelligence Committee 
staffer familiar with the resignation agreed that it was not a protest against 
the war against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein but confirmed that frustration is 
widespread in the anti-terror establishment and played a part in Beers' 
decision."Randy said that he was 'just tired' and did not have an 
interest in adding the stress that would come with a war with Iraq," the source 
said.The source said that the concern by the administration about low 
morale in the intelligence community lednational security adviser 
Condoleezza Rice to ask Beers twice during an exit interview whether 
theresignation was a protest against the war with Iraq. The source said that 
although Beers insisted it was not, the tone of the interview concerned Rice 
enough that she felt she had to ask the question twice."This is a very 
intriguing decision (by Beers)," said author and intelligence expert James 
Bamford. "There is a predominant belief in the intelligence community that an 
invasion of Iraq will cause more terrorism than it will prevent. There is also a 
tremendous amount of embarrassment by intelligence professionals that there have 
been so many lies out of the administration -- by the president, (Vice President 
Dick) Cheney and (Secretary of State Colin) Powell -- over Iraq."Bamford 
cited a recent address by President Bush that cited documents, which allegedly 
proved Iraq wascontinuing to pursue a nuclear program, that were later shown 
to be forgeries."It is absurd that the president of the United States 
mentioned in a speech before the world information from phony documents and no 
one got fired," Bamford said. "That alone has offended intelligence 
professionals throughout the services."But some involved in the fight on 
terror said that it was dangerous to look too far into one resignation 
--particularly from an official who has not blamed the war on 
Iraq."I found his resignation shocking," said one official closely 
involved in the domestic fight on terror. "And itmight reflect a certain 
frustration over the allocation of resources. But I'm not positive that there's 
aconsensus (among intelligence services) that deposing Saddam's regime is a 
bad idea for fighting terror. Ithink that there are serious concerns about 
resources and alienating allies, but some of us see an upside."But 
others point out that the CIA warned Congress last year that an invasion might 
lead to a rise interrorism. This, they say, is evidence there's more than 
just ambivalence about the war among the spycommunity."If it was 
your job to prevent terror attacks, would you be happy about an action that many 
see asunnecessary, that is almost guaranteed to cause more terror in the 
short-term?" said one official. "I know I'm not (happy)."Beers joined 
the NSC in August after heading the State Department's International Narcotics 
and LawEnforcement branch, where he ran the Plan Colombia program to fight 
narco-traffickers in that country.Beers served both Bush administrations as 
well as serving in similar capacities with both the Clinton andReagan 
administrations. Copyright © 2001-2003 United Press 
strongest reason for people to retain the rightto keep and bear arms 
is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in 
government."-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 

ot for fun is not serious.

2003-03-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I sent a story OT for fun...IT was supposed to be 
TONGUE-IN-CHEEK Please don't take it seriously.
strongest reason for people to retain the rightto keep and bear arms 
is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in 
government."-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 
Karma A Bitch!

Re: OT- For Fun

2003-03-20 Thread Rebekah

All I can say is, GO GIRLS!!! Very funny and don't kid yourself, it's true.


Take all American women who are within five years of  menopause - train us
for a few weeks, outfit us with automatic weapons,  grenades, gas masks,
moisturizer with SPF15, Prozac, hormones, chocolate, and  canned tuna - drop
us (parachuted, preferably) across the landscape of IRAQ, and  let us do
what comes naturally.

Think about it. Our anger quotient alone, even when  doing standard stuff
like grocery shopping and paying bills, is formidable  enough to make even
armed men in turbans tremble.

We've had our children; we would gladly suffer or die to  protect them and
their future. We'd like to get away from our husbands, if  they haven't
left already. And for those of us who are single, the prospect of  finding
a good man with whom to share life is about as likely as being struck by
 lightning. We have nothing to lose.

We've survived the water diet, the protein diet, the  carbohydrate diet,
and the grapefruit diet in gyms and saunas across America and  never lost
a pound. We can easily survive months in the hostile terrain  ofIRAQ with
no food at all!

We've spent years tracking down our husbands or lovers in  bars, hardware
stores, or sporting events...finding Bin Laden in some cave will  be no problem.

Uniting all the warring tribes ofIRAQ in a new  government?
Oh, please ... we've planned the seating arrangements for in-laws  and extended
families at Thanksgiving dinners for years ... we understand tribal  warfare.

Between us, we've divorced enough husbands to know every  trick there is
for how they hide, launder, or cover up bank accounts and money  sources.
We know how to find that money and we know how to seize it with or  without
the government's help!

Let us go and fight. Imagine their terror as we  crawl like ants with hot-flashes
over their godforsaken  terrain.

I'm going to write my Congresswoman. You should,  too!
"The  strongest reason for people to retain the right
to keep and bear arms  is, as a last resort, 
to protect themselves against tyranny in  government."
-- Thomas Jefferson Papers,  334
Ain't  Karma A Bitch!

OT and fun-KC

2003-03-20 Thread Leslie
Way to go! Perhaps we better figure something out;
especially for us single ones. Please let me know if
ya'll unite in any way!! 

Thanks for all the advice that comes thru the Power


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