Re: [Thunar-dev] Removal of the location button

2011-11-07 Thread Benedikt Meurer

On Nov 7, 2011, at 07:59 , Nick Schermer wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 12:39 AM, Jannis Pohlmann wrote:
  * I can't remember having clicked it a single time.
 Sounds like a valid and well-argumented reason to drop it. +1 for me.



Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] sort files by extension in Thunar?

2010-11-12 Thread Benedikt Meurer

On Nov 12, 2010, at 13:44 , Mikhail Batser wrote:

 That's another one case which demonstrate us all the stupidity of Linux 
 developers :)

I doubt there is even a single line of code in Thunar contributed by a Linux 
developer. So your post is kinda off-topic here.

 I had been a Linux user for several years, and I got completely sick of the 

Which is also off-topic, since Thunar has nothing to do with Linux.
Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] sort files by extension in Thunar?

2010-11-12 Thread Benedikt Meurer

On Nov 12, 2010, at 16:09 , Mikhail Batser wrote:

 I'm very sorry for my offensive words. But they were not meant to be sent to 
 the mailing list, but only to Michal Kaut who asked about sorting files.
 The problem is that I use the famous Mozilla Thunderbird, and although it has 
 two separate buttons for Reply and Reply to mailing list, they both reply 
 to the mailing list... which I've just learnt by this case. Excellent! :-(
 So I am apologising.

Mails from the Xfce mailing lists have Reply-To: set, so this is why the 
Reply button generates a reply to the mailing list.
Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Patch for adding emblem support to thunarx master

2009-12-08 Thread Benedikt Meurer

On Dec 7, 2009, at 17:25 , Adam Plumb wrote:

 Thanks for your suggestions with the new functions.  I've updated my patch 
 (and the bugzilla ticket) with the new functionality.  I also changed the 
 behavior of the add_emblem function to not allow adding an emblem that is 
 already present.  Does this seem like the correct behavior?

Behavior seems good, tho kinda inefficient implementation using 
thunar_file_set_emblems(). But this is all up to Jannis anyway.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Patch for adding emblem support to thunarx master

2009-12-07 Thread Benedikt Meurer

On Dec 7, 2009, at 08:11 , Brian J. Tarricone wrote:

 One little thing because it's an obvious problem:
   gchar *(*get_mime_type)   (ThunarxFileInfo *file_info);
   gboolean   (*has_mime_type)   (ThunarxFileInfo *file_info,
  const gchar *mime_type);
 +  void   (*set_emblem)  (ThunarxFileInfo *file_info,
 + const gchar *emblem_name);
   gboolean   (*is_directory)(ThunarxFileInfo *file_info);

I'd suggest to use

 thunarx_file_info_add_emblem(file_info, emblem_name)
 thunarx_file_info_remove_emblem(file_info, emblem_name)


Thunar will have to take care of updating the display items (i.e. via a signal, 
tho that could cause too much noise in certain situations) whenever emblems are 
added/removed (this should not schedule a relayout, just a redraw on the 
views). Plugins like the VCS plugins would then determine the appropriate 
emblems in an asynchronous fashion (i.e. separate process/thread) and attach 
the emblems via a main thread idle callback.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar and accessibility

2008-11-11 Thread Benedikt Meurer
On Nov 11, 2008, at 02:38 , Brian J. Tarricone wrote:

 Quiring, Sam wrote:

 I am exploring the at-spi accessibility interface on Ubuntu.  I  
 a simple dump program that displays data about the accessible  
 on my desktop.  Thunar is running on my desktop.  My dump program
 displays everything in the Thunar window, except it cannot find any  
 about the table of files in either Detailed List view or the Icon
 view.  I have not tried the Compact List view.  The dump program is
 able to dump information in the table cells for the Thunar Shortcuts
 side pane, so I am confident that the dumper is working.

 I first posted a query to the accessibility mailing list and they  
 if the Thunar widgets used to display the content of the file view  
 possibly custom widgets?  The point of that question is that all  
 gtk+ widgets have accessibility info, if someone wrote a custom  
 the accessibility info might not be working yet.

 So I thought I'd ask the Thunar developers about the state of

 Yup, Thunar does indeed use custom widgets for the tree view and icon
 view at least.  I'm surprised Benny didn't add even some accessibility
 support; I know I've seen code from him before that's done this.

I worked on a11y support for ExoIconView, and it did even work to some  
degree, but I couldn't get it to work properly due to various gtk bugs  
IIRC, hence I dropped it from libexo. The tree view should work just  
fine, it's just a stupid GtkTreeView.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] code for loading folder contents in same window instead of opening a new one

2008-07-29 Thread Benedikt Meurer
anna wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'd like to ask if someone would be kind enough to explain to me how the 
 changing a directory works with respect to the thunar source code (and how I 
 can pass my own directory to that process). 
 What I'm trying to pull is a homebrew patch for spring loaded folders (yes I 
 know there has been discussion before, I just wanted to do it to learn 
 something new).
 It's sort of half working - I got it to open a new window when I hover over a 
 folder with the contents of that folder. 
 I modified thunar-standard-view.c, and set a timer in the function 
 thunar_standard_view_get_dest_actions that gets triggered when you hover.
 It then (in a nutshell) runs the following code:
 /* popup a new window */
 application = thunar_application_get ();
 new_window = thunar_application_open_window (application, 
 file, gtk_widget_get_screen (G_OBJECT(window)));
 /* grabs focus for new window, prevents accidental launches*/
 gtk_widget_grab_focus (new_window);
 annawindow = 1;
 This opens up a new window.
 What I really want is to be able to load the contents of the folder that Im 
 hovering over in the SAME window. This way I don't need additional actions to 
 close all the spring loaded windows when the drop is done (unecessarily 
 complicated imo).
 BUT I'm not sure how to do this correctly. I've found several functions in 
 the code that appear to do something similar, and from what I understand 
 opening a folder (say on double click) requires sending a signal to change 
 directory... but that kind of goes over my head  Like I said I'm still 
 learning a lot.
 So yeah, if someone would be so kind as to explain the bit about changing the 
 direcotry... I think could take it from there. 

You are probably looking for thunar_window_set_current_directory().

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Mounting CD-ROMs

2008-06-25 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Michael Goth wrote:
 When I plug in a USB drive, I get this icon in the Thunar side pane that 
 lets me mount the drive. This used to work with CD-ROMs also. But since 
 some time now, no icon appears when i put in a CD into the drive. I can 
 still mount it manually on the command line and it still gets detected 
 and mounted in the xfce places plugin.
 Any ideas what could be wrong here (Thunar, HAL, dbus, ...)? I'm using 
 Thunar from Debian Sid (Thunar 0.9.0) with volume management disabled.

I guess you disabled the hal-addon-storage handling for the device.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Tree_Model and Bugs 2502, 2902, 3602 and 4051

2008-06-24 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Ward wrote:
 Working with Xfce/Thunar I soon noticed bug 2502 (freezes when hiding 
 switched on). This bug seems to be related to bug 4051, 3602, and 2902. 
 Since I'm pretty new to Thunar and have only limited experience in C, I 
 would like to know whether my understanding of these bugs is correct. As 
 far as I can see browsing through the source code and enabling all debug 
 logs the following goes wrong.
 All misery starts in 'thunar/thunar_tree_model.c'. It's the model of the 
 model-view combination for the GTK_Tree_View widget that shows the 
 directory tree. When the user activates a node in the tree, the node 
 opens and shows all subnodes within the node. However, each subnode 
 wants to know whether it has at least one subnode itself, because of the 
 nice little triangle it then needs to show. The TreeView widget asks 
 thunar_tree_model whether a node has a subnode. At this moment 
 thunar_tree_model queries the node and creates an iterator for every 
 subnode it finds. However, every iterator contains a file/directory 
 object that wants to be notified of any changes - not only _of_ the 
 directory, but also _in_ the directory. This does cause some problems 
 for a directory like /proc and /dev.
 Problems worsen because of caching within thunar_tree_model. I'm not 
 sure about this (bit complicated due to the filter on top of the model 
 and the ref_node mechanism that allows caching), but it seems that the 
 file/directory objects are kept alive as long as the thunar_tree_model 
 exists. This also implies that the directory/file objects want to be 
 informed of all changes within each directory (if /proc is shown, a 
 directory object exists for every subdir in /proc and every subdir wants 
 to be informed about every change _within_ that subdir. This add up!!)
 Unfortunately, we're not there yet. Thunar uses FAM/GAMIN for monitoring 
 the filesystem. FAM/GAMIN uses efficient kernel monitoring to monitor 
 changes to normal mounts (ext2/ext3/reiserfs etc). However, FAM/Gamin 
 falls back to polling on special mount points like /proc, /dev (and SD 
 cards, Fuse mounts etc...) So now Thunar wants be informed about changes 
 to /proc and subdirs and FAM/Gamin polls everything. This is pretty time 
 consuming (many, many files, and even more notifications since many 
 files in /proc change every millisecond). This causes the crashes 
 mentioned in the bug reports.
 This explains the problems in bug 2502/3602 (crashes/freezes 
 hiding/unhiding) because hiding/unhiding simply involves requerying all 
 nodes. Especially hiding is tricky because all nodes are polled (is it 
 suddenly a hidden file/dir??) It also explains bug 2902 (Thunar slows 
 down browsing larger subdirs). As mentioned there by Jan Rathmann, this 
 behaviour is specific for newer versions of GTK (maybe the new TreeView 
 is more aggressive in obtaining information)?
 A solution would consists of two steps:
 1) Prevent caching too many nodes within thunar_tree_model, preferably 
 prevent creation of these nodes.
 2) If possible, prevent poll notifications. This does imply that 
 information might be outdated, but there is a speed/accuracy trade-off.

I'm aware of most of these issues. My preferred solution would be to
'svn remove thunar-tree-*.[ch]' all together, but there are a few people
that would complain. So feel free to send patches to address these issues.

Looking back... the best solution would probably be to completely
disable that smart on-demand loading, always display triangles in
front of folders and trigger on the tree view expanded events explicitly.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] GVfs

2008-06-21 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Erlend Davidson wrote:
 Are there any plans to implement GVfs in Thunar?

Yes. But that will require quite a lot of rewrites and time is always
against us.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] A few issues with Thunar volume management

2008-05-13 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Denís Fernández Cabrera wrote:
 Hello, everyone.
 I have been using Thunar for a while, and I think by far that it is
 the best file manager out there --- it's fast, it's simple, and it
 does what it must.
 But I have a problem managing volumes with several partitions in
 Thunar, using the automatic volume management provided: I have a 512MB
 external HD with three partitions, which get automounted whenever I
 plug it in. But:
 - Whenever I unmount one of the partitions, the other ones get
 unmounted too (actually, all the HD). The partition I unmounted
 disapears from the location sidebar in Thunar, but not the other ones.
 - If I click on one of the non-unmounted partitions, Thunar will
 remount it *and* the previously unmounted partition will appear again
 in the sidebar.

Yes, that's the expected behavior. Tho, it could indeed be improved.

 I have also noticed that after copying a large amount of data to this
 HD (a backup of several GB) Thunar won't let me unmount the disk... or
 rather, it will, but it will pop out an error saying that the disk is
 busy. When I check which application is using the disk, it says that
 Thunar is, even if the file copy dialog has finished its task, and
 even if the red notification popup says that Thunar has finished
 working with the disk. The only way I have found to unmount the disk
 after one of these large backups was to kill Thunar, which would free
 the disk for unmount.
 Are these known bugs, or am I doing something wrong / is there
 something wrong in my setup?

D-Bus applies a timeout to all calls. If your disk is slow or has a 
large cache, it may take longer to sync than the timeout, tho unlikely. 
May also be a bug in the HAL communication, did you try with another 
file manager?

 Thanks in advance,

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] temporarily disable thunar-volman

2008-05-13 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Gauvain Pocentek wrote:
 Gauvain Pocentek wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm searching for a way to disable the automounting of devices
 temporarily. I use a script which creates partitions on an USB key, and
 thunar mounts those partitions as soon as they are created.

 Killing thunar didn't seem to do the trick.
 It did actually, but still, that's not an elegant solution...

Preferences - Advanced - [ ] Enable Volume Management
Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] ThunarVFS, volumes and pathes

2008-02-20 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Christophe Chapuis wrote:
 Well, looks like I've partially found why my problem occurs...
 It looks like when I'm listing all the known volumes and ask for they
 mount path, it returns me pathes like file:///media/sda1,
 file:///media/sda2, ..., the volume being mounted or not. Therefore
 I understand that as a consequence
 thunar_vfs_volume_manager_get_volume_by_info doesn't work well.

thunar_vfs_volume_manager_real_get_volume_by_info() iterates only 
mounted volumes, see thunar-vfs-volume-manager.c:259.

 I don't have any idea where it did take that sort of path, it's not at
 all like that in my fstab, for example.

The paths above are generated by Thunar for volumes where HAL does not 
report a path. They will change once HAL reports a valid path (i.e. once 
the volume is mounted).


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] ThunarVFS, volumes and pathes

2008-02-20 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Christophe Chapuis wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 9:13 AM, Benedikt Meurer
 Christophe Chapuis wrote:
   Well, looks like I've partially found why my problem occurs...
   It looks like when I'm listing all the known volumes and ask for they
   mount path, it returns me pathes like file:///media/sda1,
   file:///media/sda2, ..., the volume being mounted or not. Therefore
   I understand that as a consequence
   thunar_vfs_volume_manager_get_volume_by_info doesn't work well.

  thunar_vfs_volume_manager_real_get_volume_by_info() iterates only
  mounted volumes, see thunar-vfs-volume-manager.c:259.

 Oh, I didn't see that. But this doesn't explain why it doesn't find a
 volume for a local file... which is obviously on a mounted device. So
 I guess I've got a problem with HAL which returns an invalid path, or
 no path at all...
   I don't have any idea where it did take that sort of path, it's not at
   all like that in my fstab, for example.

  The paths above are generated by Thunar for volumes where HAL does not
  report a path. They will change once HAL reports a valid path (i.e. once
  the volume is mounted).

 Well, all of the volumes returned by thunar_vfs where of the form
 /media/sdaX. For the unmounted one, I understand that it generates
 its own path. But for my root partition, for example, I really don't
 understand: I would expect a path like file:///. Is it possible that
 my HAL returns an invalid path ?
 Perhaps should I have a different approach ?

Hm, check the HAL properties for the volumes.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] ThunarVFS, volumes and pathes

2008-02-17 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Christophe Chapuis wrote:
 Hello !
 I'm currently trying to develop a little plugin for cairo-dock, in
 order to have a better integration inside Xfce. It consists in
 implementing some wrapper methods to do simple things with the VFS,
 like listing the volumes, accessing the trash, (un)mounting, etc...
 I've finished the first draft, and it begins to work. But I'm facing
 some problems with some functions of ThunarVfs... So perhaps you have
 some ideas about it.
 1) I'm trying to use thunar_vfs_volume_manager_get_volume_by_info in
 order to know if a given URI is mounted or not. For example, I've got
 file:///home/chris/Documents, which is abviously mounted because it
 is on /home. But it doesn't find the volume! I just get a NULL
 pointer Why ?

Hm, this function simply checks all currently reported volumes (from 
HAL) for a volume that contains the actual file. See 
thunar-vfs-volume-manager.c. Dunno why that should fail for you.

 2) I would like to get the unix path of the trash. I used
 thunar_vfs_path_dup_string with a ThunarVfsPath associated with
 trash:/, but it returns /... How could I retrieve
 /home/chris/.local/share/Trash ?

You cannot retrieve the Unix path, because there might not even be 
something like this (well, actually currently, there needs to be one, 
but this will change in the future).

 If you could help me, I'd be very grateful !

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] How to use the eject function

2007-12-12 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
 I can confirm that I have no Eject button in the shortcuts pane
 without the patch, and and Eject button with the patch.
 Committed. Bug Brian to fix xfdesktop as well.
 Are there patches against 4.4.2?

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] How to use the eject function

2007-12-11 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Tino Keitel wrote:
 the changelog for Thunar 0.9.0 mentions this:
 Use the correct HAL property to determine whether a given volume or
 device requires eject (Bug #3119).
 As I wasn't aware that #3119 was already fixed in SVN, I opened #3466
 and created my own fix. It asks HAL for the eject flag:
 +  /* an eject menu entry is shown if this returns true */
 +  volume_hal-eject = libhal_drive_requires_eject (hd);
 The SVN changeset for revision 25647 shows that Benny did it in the
 same way:
 +  /* check if the drive requires eject */
 +  volume_hal-requires_eject = libhal_drive_requires_eject (hd);
 However, all the devices that previously had an eject button in the
 context menu don't have it anymore with 4.4.2. I checked the lshal
 output and the eject property is still there for the device:
 storage.requires_eject = true  (bool)
 I noticed that the changes done by Benny use a function
 thunar_vfs_volume_is_ejectable(), whereas I just modified
 thunar_vfs_volume_is_disc() to return true for devices with the eject
 I assume that the new eject feature in 4.4.2 is tested and working, I
 just don't know _how_ it works. Can anyone enlighten me what I have to
 do to get the eject button back for my iPod, card reader etc.?

Hm, there seems to be an error in thunar-shortcuts-view.c. The Eject
Volume action is only added for discs. Try the attached patch.


Index: thunar-shortcuts-view.c
--- thunar-shortcuts-view.c	(revision 26428)
+++ thunar-shortcuts-view.c	(working copy)
@@ -834,13 +834,12 @@
   gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), item);
   gtk_widget_show (item);
-  /* check if the volume is a disc */
-  if (thunar_vfs_volume_is_disc (volume))
+  /* check if the volume is ejectable */
+  if (thunar_vfs_volume_is_ejectable (volume))
   /* append the Eject Volume menu action */
   item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (_(E_ject Volume));
   g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT (item), activate, G_CALLBACK (thunar_shortcuts_view_eject), view);
-  gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item, thunar_vfs_volume_is_ejectable (volume));
   gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), item);
   gtk_widget_show (item);
Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] How to use the eject function

2007-12-11 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Tino Keitel wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 09:29:24 +0100, Benedikt Meurer wrote:
 Hm, there seems to be an error in thunar-shortcuts-view.c. The Eject
 Volume action is only added for discs. Try the attached patch.
 While looking at the source, I wondered if the same patch is necessary
 for thunar-tree-view.c, too.

Of course, but first, let's see if that works for the shortcuts pane.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] How to use the eject function

2007-12-11 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Tino Keitel wrote:
 I can confirm that I have no Eject button in the shortcuts pane
 without the patch, and and Eject button with the patch.

Committed. Bug Brian to fix xfdesktop as well.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.2.0

2007-12-03 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Jean-Philippe Guillemin wrote:
 For your information :
 Thunar 0.8.1svn + Volman 0.1.2 worked perfectly.
 After upgrade to Thunar 0.9 + Volman 0.2.0 : volume management is OK 
 except CDROM handling (no desktop icon anymore).
 Rollback to previous versions and restart of XFCE instantly fixes the 
 Someone else can confirm ?

Works perfectly. Which version of xfdesktop? Does Thunar display the
CD-ROM in the side pane?


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.2.0

2007-12-03 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Jean-Philippe Guillemin wrote:
 I confirm the bug on another machine, hal, thunar and volman build 
 cleanly, but no more CDROMS after install of new versions.
 Please post the hal-device output for the CD-ROM volume and drive
 Below, hal info with audio CD inserted :

Audio CDs will not be shown by Thunar anymore.

 udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part_1_size_732665856'
   block.device = '/dev/sr0'  (string)
   block.is_volume = true  (bool)
   block.major = 11  (0xb)  (int)
   block.minor = 0  (0x0)  (int)
   block.storage_device = 
 '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_DVD_LS_DW1655'  (string)
   info.capabilities = {'volume.disc', 'volume', 'block'} (string list)
   info.category = 'volume'  (string)
   info.interfaces = {'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume', 
 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume'} (string list)
   info.parent = 
 '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_DVD_LS_DW1655'  (string)
   info.udi = 
 '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part_1_size_732665856'  (string)
   linux.hotplug_type = 3  (0x3)  (int)
   linux.sysfs_path = '/sys/block/sr0/fakevolume'  (string)
   org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_argnames = {'extra_options', 
 'extra_options'} (string list)
   org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_execpaths = 
 {'hal-storage-eject', 'hal-storage-eject'} (string list)
   org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_names = {'Eject', 'Eject'} 
 (string list)
   org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_signatures = {'as', 'as'} 
 (string list)
   storage.model = ''  (string)
   volume.block_size = 2048  (0x800)  (int)
   volume.disc.capacity = 735051776  (0x2bd0)  (uint64)
   volume.disc.has_audio = true  (bool)
   volume.disc.has_data = false  (bool)
   volume.disc.is_appendable = false  (bool)
   volume.disc.is_blank = false  (bool)
   volume.disc.is_rewritable = false  (bool)
   volume.disc.type = 'cd_r'  (string)
   volume.fstype = ''  (string)
   volume.fsusage = ''  (string)

Here's the cause: Thunar only shows volumes with mountable filesystems.
Everything else is skipped.

Thunar-dev mailing list

[Thunar-dev] Broken volman support in Thunar 0.9.0 (Was: thunar-volman 0.2.0)

2007-12-03 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Benedikt Meurer wrote:
 On the other side I will have to find another way to start the CD player 
 when audio CDs are inserted ... or  patch Thunar to put audio CD support 
 back ... any chance you would have this code somewhere ?
 In thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c:1012, remove the check for the fsusage of the
 Err, now that I see this code. It should check for fsusage after
 emitting device-added. Of course, this way, thunar-volman won't work
 for CDs. I'll fix that.

The support for thunar-volman is kinda broken in the latest release,
because all volumes without mountable filesystems are handled to

It'd be nice if distributors would apply the attached patch, that fixes
the issue.

Index: thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c
--- thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c	(revision 26428)
+++ thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c	(working copy)
@@ -1007,9 +1007,7 @@
   hv = libhal_volume_from_udi (context, udi);
   /* HAL might want us to ignore this volume for some reason */
-  if (G_UNLIKELY (hv != NULL
- (libhal_volume_should_ignore (hv)
-  || libhal_volume_get_fsusage (hv) != LIBHAL_VOLUME_USAGE_MOUNTABLE_FILESYSTEM)))
+  if (G_UNLIKELY (hv != NULL  libhal_volume_should_ignore (hv)))
   libhal_volume_free (hv);
@@ -1020,38 +1018,42 @@
   if (G_LIKELY (hv != NULL))
-  /* determine the UDI of the drive to which this volume belongs */
-  drive_udi = libhal_volume_get_storage_device_udi (hv);
-  if (G_LIKELY (drive_udi != NULL))
+  /* check if we have a mountable file system here */
+  if (libhal_volume_get_fsusage (hv) != LIBHAL_VOLUME_USAGE_MOUNTABLE_FILESYSTEM)
-  /* determine the drive for the volume */
-  hd = libhal_drive_from_udi (context, drive_udi);
-  if (G_LIKELY (hd != NULL))
+  /* determine the UDI of the drive to which this volume belongs */
+  drive_udi = libhal_volume_get_storage_device_udi (hv);
+  if (G_LIKELY (drive_udi != NULL))
-  /* check if we already have a volume object for the UDI */
-  volume_hal = thunar_vfs_volume_manager_hal_get_volume_by_udi (manager_hal, udi);
-  if (G_LIKELY (volume_hal == NULL))
+  /* determine the drive for the volume */
+  hd = libhal_drive_from_udi (context, drive_udi);
+  if (G_LIKELY (hd != NULL))
-  /* otherwise, we allocate a new volume object */
-  volume_hal = g_object_new (THUNAR_VFS_TYPE_VOLUME_HAL, NULL);
-  volume_hal-udi = g_strdup (udi);
+  /* check if we already have a volume object for the UDI */
+  volume_hal = thunar_vfs_volume_manager_hal_get_volume_by_udi (manager_hal, udi);
+  if (G_LIKELY (volume_hal == NULL))
+  /* otherwise, we allocate a new volume object */
+  volume_hal = g_object_new (THUNAR_VFS_TYPE_VOLUME_HAL, NULL);
+  volume_hal-udi = g_strdup (udi);
-  /* update the volume object with the new data from the HAL volume/drive */
-  thunar_vfs_volume_hal_update (volume_hal, context, hv, hd);
+  /* update the volume object with the new data from the HAL volume/drive */
+  thunar_vfs_volume_hal_update (volume_hal, context, hv, hd);
-  /* add the volume object to our list if we allocated a new one */
-  if (g_list_find (THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME_MANAGER (manager_hal)-volumes, volume_hal) == NULL)
-  /* add the volume to the volume manager */
-  thunar_vfs_volume_manager_add (THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME_MANAGER (manager_hal), THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME (volume_hal));
+  /* add the volume object to our list if we allocated a new one */
+  if (g_list_find (THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME_MANAGER (manager_hal)-volumes, volume_hal) == NULL)
+  /* add the volume to the volume manager */
+  thunar_vfs_volume_manager_add (THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME_MANAGER (manager_hal), THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME (volume_hal));
-  /* release the reference on the volume */
-  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (volume_hal));
+  /* release the reference on the volume */
+  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (volume_hal));
+  /* release the HAL drive */
+  libhal_drive_free (hd);
-  /* release the HAL drive */
-  libhal_drive_free (hd);
Thunar-dev mailing list

[Thunar-dev] Thunar 0.9.0 and libexo 0.3.4 releases

2007-12-02 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Hello everybody,

I just released Thunar 0.9.0 and exo 0.3.4 as part of the upcoming
Xfce 4.4.2, which will be released tomorrow. The separate tarballs are
provided for users of Xfce 4.2.x refusing to upgrade to Xfce 4.4.x,
and users of other desktop environments. This is a bugfix release that
fixes several bugs found since the 0.8.0 release.

You will need at least libxfce4util 4.2.2, GTK+ 2.6.4, shared-mime-info
0.15 and desktop-file-utils 0.10 to build and run Thunar. In addition
Gamin or FAM are highly recommended to enable file system monitoring in
Thunar. For HAL support on Linux, the libhal-storage-devel package is
required (0.5.0 or above). Furthermore if you want to use the trash
panel applet, you will need the Xfce Panel 4.4.x or above and D-Bus
0.34 or above. The README file contains a complete list of dependencies
and optional packages.

The official announcement is available at:

Several screenshots are available at:

The source tarballs and the graphical installers can be downloaded from:

Installation instructions and documentation are available at:

Please report bugs to the Xfce Bug Tracker (product Thunar) at:

Have fun,

Thunar-dev mailing list

[Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.2.0

2007-12-02 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Hello everybody,

I just released thunar-volman 0.2.0 which includes bugfixes and several
new translations. thunar-volman provides automatic management of
removable drives and media for Thunar, without adding another daemon to
your desktop sessions. It requires Thunar 0.5.1svn or above, HAL 0.5.0
or above and D-BUS 0.32 or above.



Release notes:


Have fun,

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Invert selection action in Thunar

2007-10-31 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Fernando Maróstica wrote:
 Hello thunar hackers!

Hello Fernando,

 I'm a new Thunar user.
 First of all I must say that Thunar is a great file manager !!
 The invert-selection is a feature request in thunar to have an option to
 invert the current selection. That is, if we have 25 items in a folder,
 and we select any 10 random items, on clicking Invert Selection, the
 other 15 items will be selected, and the original 10 items will be
 Please, take a look at:
 Use Case:
 When I'm backing up data from a certain directory, I select some files
 that would fit on a CD. After burning these files, I'd like to be able
 to select the remaining ones easily, so I can put them on another disc.
 Right now I have to unselect the files, and then manually choose the
 ones I haven't burned carefully. Or, insert the burnt disc and compare
 visually myself to only choose the files which haven't been burnt. This
 is tedious and not very confortable when you're doing the same operation
 repeatedly or when the number of files is large.
 This email contain my first patch to contribute with Thunar File Manager
 Revolution :-)
 I hope that is useful.

Your patch leaks the memory returned from g_strdup_printf() when
constructing the tree path. BTW: You don't need to create a string for
the path first (see GtkTreePath documentation).

Other than that, the patch looks good. Dunno how useful the Invert
Selection feature is; atleast I've never seen a feature request for
this besides the one from botsie. Maybe others can comment on this?

 Fernando Maróstica.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Select all files from select_path

2007-10-26 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Fernando Maróstica wrote:
 I want select all files using the standard_view-select_path. But I
 don't want using the standart_view-selec_all.
 'Cause I want compare all select files with a criteria. The Firt thing
 is get all files from current directory (List of ThunarFiles). So, The
 second thing is compare every item with every selected items (List of
 GtkTreePath) and select only unselect item yet. 
 Bellow follow the code:
 static void
 thunar_standard_view_action_foo (GtkAction  *action,
  ThunarStandardView *standard_view)
   ThunarFolder *folder;
   _thunar_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_ACTION (action));
   _thunar_return_if_fail (THUNAR_IS_STANDARD_VIEW (standard_view));
   folder = thunar_list_model_get_folder (standard_view-model);
   if (G_LIKELY(folder != NULL)) {
   files = g_list_copy (thunar_folder_get_files (folder));
 (standard_view)-get_selected_items (standard_view);
   THUNAR_STANDARD_VIEW_GET_CLASS (standard_view)-unselect_all
   for (lp = files; lp != NULL; lp = lp-next) {
   /* files is a list of ThunarFiles */
   /* I need convert files in a list of GtkTreePath */
   /* ??? */
   GtkTreePath *path;
   path = gtk_tree_path_new();
   /* file doesn't work, 'cause is ThunarFile I need GtkTreePath */
   THUNAR_STANDARD_VIEW_GET_CLASS (standard_view)-select_path 
 (standard_view, path);
   g_list_free (files);
   g_list_free (lp);
 Is there any way or sample to convert ThunarFile into GtkTreePath?

get_selected_items() returns a GList of GtkTreePaths. If you want to
query a subset of the files in a ThunarListModel, see the
thunar_list_model_get_paths_for_pattern() method for an example.

 Best Regards.
 Fernando Maróstica.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar get all files from standarview

2007-10-24 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Fernando Maróstica wrote:
 I think that the correct way is:
 ThunarFolder *folder;
 folder = thunar_list_model_get_folder (standard_view-model);
 if (G_LIKELY (folder != NULL))
 files =  thunar_folder_get_corresponding_file (folder);
 Is it ok Benedikt??

No. Use thunar_folder_get_files(). Hint: Look at the function
definitions. Each function is preceeded with gtkdoc text.

 Fernando Maróstica.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar and Custom Actions

2007-08-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Bernhard Walle wrote:
 in the openSUSE 10.3 build, custom actions are missing in Thunar. Can
 someone here explain me what’s required at compile time to enable
 custom actions? Does it depend on some Gtk feature?

Nothing special. Did you check the config.log file?


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] PDF Thumbnailer

2007-08-06 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Erlend Davidson wrote:
 The GNOME thumbnailers are used by default. Any thumbnailer installed
 via a .desktop file overrides a conflicting GNOME thumbnailer.
 But what if, as in the case for a pdf/ffmpeg thumbnailer I want to 
 under-ride (as a fallback) the gnome ones?

Not possible ATM.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] PDF Thumbnailer

2007-08-06 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Erlend Davidson wrote:
 Benedikt Meurer wrote:
 Erlend Davidson wrote:
 The GNOME thumbnailers are used by default. Any thumbnailer installed
 via a .desktop file overrides a conflicting GNOME thumbnailer.
 But what if, as in the case for a pdf/ffmpeg thumbnailer I want to 
 under-ride (as a fallback) the gnome ones?
 Not possible ATM.
 it's actually pretty tricky to implement my suggestion in 
 thunar-vfs-update-thumbnailers-cache.c.  It would need to store an 
 multidimensional array of the mimetypes, the thumbnailer and the 
 priority and only select the thumbnailers with the highest priority.

I'd suggest to create a simple script for such thumbnailers, which tries
to invoke the GNOME thumbnailer first, if present, and falls back to
your custom thumbnailer. That way you don't need any tricky stuff in
Thunar, and esp. no confusing priorities, but you can handle everything
in your thumbnailer scripts.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] HTML documents falsely recognized as application/x-mozilla-bookmarks

2007-08-03 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 For a few days now Thunar claims that HTML documents are bookmark files with 
 MIME type application/x-mozilla-bookmarks instead of text/html.
 How can I fix this? Grepping ~/.local/share for the wrong MIME type yields 

Well Thunar uses the shared mime database, as said. So, probably some
application registered that mime type for .html files. Check

 Regards, Mathias

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] svgz thumbnails on Thunar

2007-08-02 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 $ gzip -S z graphic.svg 
 $ file -i graphic.svgz 
 graphic.svgz: application/x-gzip
 Yep, on my machine files with the svgz extension come up as 
 image/svg+xml-compressed ...
 Well, on your machine. That it doesn’t happen here should be enough reason for
 research before implementation. Did you also use file -i to get the MIME 

file doesn't use the shared mime database and Thunar doesn't use file,
so we don't need to care about that.

 Regards, Mathias

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Sort by MIME category

2007-07-28 Thread Benedikt Meurer
 Like many file managers, Thunar has a sort by type option. Is this 
 based simply on file extension?

 Would it be possible to sort by MIME category? I would like to have 
 images separated from audio and text files for example, with all known 
 image formats grouped together. Inside a MIME category, files could then 
 be sorted alphabetically or by MIME type.

 Thanks for this great file manager.
 Sort by Type does sorting based on the comment of the MIME type.

 I am sorry but this is not sorting based on the MIME category.
 In my work folder, I have files of kind (as reported by file properties 
 in Thunar 0.8.0, sorted by type):
 Gimp Image
 EPS Image
 PDF document
 plain text
 PNG Image
 I would like the following sorting:
 (application category)
 PDF document
 (image category)
 Gimp Image
 EPS Image
 PNG Image
 (text category)
 plain text

That would be possible. But possibly confusing to the user.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Problem with nfs lock on FreeBSD

2007-07-20 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Henri-Pierre Charles wrote:
 Hello list, I use xfce-4.4.1 on FreeBSD 6.2 enviroment on a nfs based
 file system.
 I use nfslock.
 Thunar freeze if I launch it then nfslock is running, and work like a charm
 if I stop nfslock. Is there any reason why thunar can't handle nfslock ?

Try ktrace'ing Thunar to see where it hangs.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Some ideas :)

2007-02-06 Thread Benedikt Meurer
François K. wrote:
 Sure I know it, but I think the vista bar would be much more easy-to-use.
 The what?! O_o  Hey, be polite will you?
 Dude, I don't know if you were joking or what but be open-minded, 
 everything isn't bad in Windows. There are also good ideas that don't 
 come from free softwares.

Uh? There's life outside the free software community? Amazing... ;-)

 Oh, ugly.  I don't see the need for this since you can easily switch
 between Tree pane (Ctrl+T) and Bookmark pane (Ctrl+B).  Yes, it's
 another shortcut to learn, I hope you won't hyperventilate.
 Dude, I know shortcuts, but shortcuts ARE NOT user-friendly. Do you 
 really think that someone who is discovering XFCE and Thunar is going to 
 read the whole doc and learn every shortcut ? I'm just trying to make it 
 as easy as possible :)

The good thing about these shortcuts is that you don't need to read any
docs at all. The menu item shows the shortcut, very intuitive and
consistent with other applications.

 If we want to make people use anything else than M$, we have to make it 
 at least as easy to use (I mean, for *everyone*), and not only for 
 computer addicts ;)

I don't want to make anyone use anything else than M$. People are free
to use whatever they want, even Linux.

 I maintain that the hybrid toolbar would be great :p

Maybe you want to cook a widget class for this?

 What about the copy manager ? Any thought on it ?

Doesn't sound like a useful idea. At least I don't see any realistic
use-case here.

 - Fr.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar-thumbnailers updated

2007-02-05 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Erlend Davidson wrote:
 ...looks wrong to me.
 Having additional mime types doesn't hurt. Restricting to the mime types
 Ok, I've just updated SVN.
 Is there a page in the documentation explaining what formats thunar can 
 thumbnail by default (i.e. without thunar-thumbnailers) and what their 
 dependencies are?  Users won't realise they need totem for video 
 thumbnails to work.  It would also help me think of thumbnailers to 
 implement in thunar-thumbnailers.

 There's quite a nice video thumbnailer using mplayer, which I hope to 
 Basically all supported GNOME thumbnailers. I doubt that there's a
 complete list of these. Nevertheless installing a video thumbnailer
 won't hurt. Thunar will use that instead of the GNOME fallback.
 Actually Dirk Vanden Boer is writing a videothumbnailer (he posted to 
 goodies-dev).  It's already very good, although it only works for 
 ffmpeg-based files.

Yep seen that. Definitely something for thunar-thumbnailers. He should
get an account for goodies SVN.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] A nice (imho) improvement for Thunar's Renamer

2007-02-04 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Petros wrote:
 When you want to rename multiple files it would be nice to be able to
 change the order of the files in the list inside the renamer with a
 dragdrop method or updown buttons or any other intuitive way. So, when
 you want to prefix files with numbers (eg. ##-filename), you just fix
 the order as you wish and then apply the numbering renaming task.
 For example, you may want to number these 3 files : filename1, filename2
 and filename3. When you select them in thunar, they are added in the
 renamer's list in the order they were in thunar's list. If you have
 ordered them by name they show up in the renamer's list ordered by name,
 if you have ordered them by date they are passed ordered by date and so
 on... However, you may want to number them as 01-filename3, 02-filename1
 and 03-filename1. So, in these situations it's really handy to be able
 to change manually the order of the files in the renamer's list.

Please file a feature request at

 Have fun,

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar-thumbnailers updated

2007-02-04 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Erlend Davidson wrote:
 I have updated thunar-thumbnailers 
 ( in 
 svn.  I've added grace project file thumbnailing.  It now installs 
 mimetypes for digital camera raw files, and for .agr grace project files.
 Everything works smoothly here, but could people please test it?  If 
 there are no objections I'll make a release.

Looks good. Just one minor thingy: How about installing only a single
mime definition file thunar-thumbnailers.xml unconditionally?


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Unmount removable devices systemtray app

2007-02-03 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
 Another brain storm item: I have an external hard disk which contains
 multiple partitions. Before I can remove the device, I must find out
 which partitions are on that specific disk and unmount all partitions
 separately from an alphabetical ordered list...
 Yeah, I've thought about that in conjunction with thunar: if you unmount
 one partition on a removable drive with multiple, it'll pop up a
 notification that it's safe to remove, which, if any of the other
 partitions are mounted, it's not.

Yep, that should be fixed in exo-mount. It shouldn't be that difficult
to check whether the storage device has additional volumes that are
mounted (tho one needs to take care of special devices such as floppy
drives). File a bug report and feel free to attach a patch. ;-)

 Utopia: If a device has only one volume, only display that volume and if
 there are more than one display the Manufacturer+device name (or any
 other udev variable which makes sense) and unmount all volumes present
 on that device...
 The problem is in the dependencies.  Right now it's a *very* simple app
 that just uses thunar-vfs.  Working with HAL and figuring out what
 volumes go with what drives increases the complexity quite a bit, and I
 may not even be able to use thunar-vfs anymore, which would be a shame
 (thunar-vfs makes a lot of things trivially easy).  Though I suppose
 using the new exo-hal stuff might help matters, but the easy async
 notification in thunar-vfs would be lost, and I'd have to reimplement
 that using HAL directly (i.e., copy/paste from thunar-vfs).
 I'll look into it...

I'll probably drop the bsd volume backend and make ThunarVfsVolume
require HAL, so that'll be doable then.

BTW: I think this status icon should be part of Thunar then. That way we
can also handle things like leaving mounted folders first, etc.
properly. I'll look into merging it once completed if you don't mind.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-29 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 But it does:
 $ cat /proc/mounts | grep flashdisk
 /dev/flashdisk /media/flashdisk vfat 
  0 0
 (But not as /dev/sda, of course.)

That's the problem: /dev/flashdisk and /dev/sda do not identify the same
device (i.e. one is a char device and the other's a block device, or the
rdev numbers do not match) and the device file paths are different. So
how should the software know that it's mounted?

Just to be sure; post the output of ls -ld /dev/{sda,flashdisk}

 Regards, Mathias

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman: Not enough memory

2007-01-29 Thread Benedikt Meurer
MrLoba wrote:
 Hi all,
 I got this error message when plug a usb/cd/dvd media: thunar-
 volman: Not enough memory
 I compiled thunar-volman whit --enable-
 I tried thunar-volman --device-added udi-of-device and 
 obtained the same error message.
 I'm using Slackware 11 (kernel 2.6.18) 
 with xfce 4.4 udev-0.97 dbus-0.62 hal-
 Thunar volume manager is 
 Should be the problem caused by a wrong hal configuration?!

This probably means that libhal_ctx_new() returned NULL.

 Thanks in advance,

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-29 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 $ cat /proc/mounts | grep flashdisk
 /dev/flashdisk /media/flashdisk vfat 
  0 0
 (But not as /dev/sda, of course.)
 That's the problem: /dev/flashdisk and /dev/sda do not identify the same
 device (i.e. one is a char device and the other's a block device, or the
 rdev numbers do not match) and the device file paths are different. So
 how should the software know that it's mounted?

 Just to be sure; post the output of ls -ld /dev/{sda,flashdisk}
 But I alread told you[0] that /dev/flashdisk is just a symlink to /dev/sda
 provided by one of my custom udev rules. So it IS the same device, only known
 under an unstable (read: changes depending on the order I plug the devices in)
 and a more meaningful and stable identifier.

Well, if it's a symlink, then exo-mount-point should be able to locate
that... weird... post the output of ls -ld /dev/{sda,flashdisk}.

 Regards, Mathias

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-29 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Benedikt Meurer wrote:
 Mathias Brodala wrote:
 $ cat /proc/mounts | grep flashdisk
 /dev/flashdisk /media/flashdisk vfat 
  0 0
 (But not as /dev/sda, of course.)
 That's the problem: /dev/flashdisk and /dev/sda do not identify the same
 device (i.e. one is a char device and the other's a block device, or the
 rdev numbers do not match) and the device file paths are different. So
 how should the software know that it's mounted?

 Just to be sure; post the output of ls -ld /dev/{sda,flashdisk}
 But I alread told you[0] that /dev/flashdisk is just a symlink to /dev/sda
 provided by one of my custom udev rules. So it IS the same device, only known
 under an unstable (read: changes depending on the order I plug the devices 
 and a more meaningful and stable identifier.
 Well, if it's a symlink, then exo-mount-point should be able to locate
 that... weird... post the output of ls -ld /dev/{sda,flashdisk}.

And just to be sure: You are using Thunar 1.0 and exo 0.3.2 now?

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-29 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 No, not yet. (Since when exists version 1.0 of Thunar? Wasn’t version 0.8
 released just recently?) Thunar is running as 0.5.0rc2 and libexo as

Err, 0.8.0 of course and there's the problem: 0.5.0rc2 doesn't
resolve device symlinks. You'll need thunar 0.8.0 and exo 0.3.2.

 Regards, Mathias

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] R: Re: thunar-volman: Not enough memory

2007-01-29 Thread Benedikt Meurer
MrLoba wrote:
 Hi Benedikt,
 in tvm-device.c line 145
 if (!libhal_ctx_init
 (context, derror))
goto error0;
 is the call to libhal_ctx_init 
 Is this a thunar-volman bug or is a problem of my 
 Where can i get some specific information to better 
 configure hal?!

Well, certainly an issue with libhal. Check libhal_ctx_init() and try to
figure out why it fails on your system.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] disable the xG removable media label

2007-01-28 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Erlend Davidson wrote:

 the latest Thunar shows my USB-stick as a 1G removeable media (1G
 entfernbarer Datenträger in German), because I didn't set a label when
 I formated it. Of course I could set the label now...
 In my eyes, the 1G... thingie s too long for the left pane, 
 1G removeble media is a pretty useful name actually.  Size is a good 
 way of telling the devices apart if they don't have a label - even 
 non-technical users would find this easy to use.
 The problem I see here is with long labels in thunar for any device.  
 For example if I insert a CD labelled Photographs from Holiday this 
 pushs the divider over to the right to fit all the letters in, which 
 looks a little ugly and means my three columns on icons in the 
 right-pane becomes just two.  Also, when I remove the device thunar 
 doesn't move the divider back again.

Unless you're using an older version of Thunar, this shouldn't happen
anymore. The text renderer used for the shortcuts pane will
automatically ellipsize the name.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-28 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 PS: After an mount error occured, Thunar should not activate „Unmount device“,
 since the device could not been mounted. It should only do this on successful

Is the volume.is_mounted property set?

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-28 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 Hello Benedikt.
 Benedikt Meurer, 28.01.2007 17:41:
 Mathias Brodala wrote:
 PS: After an mount error occured, Thunar should not activate „Unmount 
 since the device could not been mounted. It should only do this on 
 Is the volume.is_mounted property set?
 Yes, it is. Before:
   volume.is_mounted = false  (bool)
   volume.mount_point = ''  (string)
   volume.is_mounted = true  (bool)
   volume.mount_point = '/media/flashdisk'
 And now that I’ve seen this output, I tried mounting it again, got the 
 error but this time actually entered the directory. And what can I say: Thunar
 did, aside from the error, mount the device correctly. (And obviously did
 before; the error message lead me to think that the mount has failed.)
 Can you do something about the error message?

Post the error message.

 Regards, Mathias

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-28 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 Hello Benedikt.
 […] I tried mounting it again, got the mentioned
 error but this time actually entered the directory. And what can I say: 
 did, aside from the error, mount the device correctly. (And obviously did
 before; the error message lead me to think that the mount has failed.)

 Can you do something about the error message?
 Post the error message.
 Failed to mount Flashdisk.

 Failed to determine the mount point for /dev/sda.

Thunar was unable to find /dev/sda in /proc/mounts, which is rather
weird if the file system was mounted.

 Regards, Mathias

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Developing a new app for Xfce

2007-01-25 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Gregory Bonik wrote:
 I want to write some application (card game, for example) for my 
 favorite desktop environment, but I haven't found any tutorial/example 
 or recommendation how to do it (which libraries and functions to use 
 etc.), there is only raw documentation on libxfcegui4 and friends.
 Does Xfce try to be closed, i.e. to keep a limited number of 
 applications for it? Or is the appearance of such tutorial just a 
 question of time? I think that appearance of different apps written 
 specially for Xfce should bring more popularity and usability to it, so 
 it's no reason to keep Xfce closed. Especially now, when Xfce becomes a 
 _real_ desktop environment with own file manager etc.
 Excuse me if this mail list is not appropriate place for this question.

This is a question for the xfce4-dev ML... in short: You don't need the
Xfce libraries to write a card game. GTK+ suffices. libexo might be
useful, but the other xfce libs probably do not contain anything that
will help you with the card game.

An xfce4-games project sounds like a nice idea. Maybe you should sign up
for a goodies account.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Developing a new app for Xfce

2007-01-25 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Gregory Bonik wrote:
 Of course I know that its base is GTK+, I already have experience of 
 writing GTK programs, that's why I decided to write something for Xfce. 
 I just wanted to ask if there are some look-n-feel standards etc. for 
 Xfce application.

Xfce applications - like most other GTK+-based applications - follow the

 Please excuse me for confusing a mailing list. I really looked like an 
 idiot :-)

I don't think so.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman bug

2007-01-22 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Ben Ford wrote:
 When I plug my iPod (with use as drive enabled) in, two devices are
 recognized.  One is the mass storage device $name_of_ipod and the
 other is Apple iPod Device.  The mass storage device is mounted and
 the other pops up a mount warning.

I don't have an iPod and I don't know about the hardware details. Maybe
Brian can shed some light on this.

Meanwhile you can send the hal-device output of the affected devices.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar filesystem monitoring broken? (gamin)

2007-01-21 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
 But gam_server is running?
 Okay Benny, I demand clarification! Do you posses powers unknown to
 mankind or something?!

 As of right now, its suddenly working .. and I have absolutely NO IDEA
 why .. I changed exactly zero things regarding gamin.

 Granted, I compiled thunar with --enable-debug=full, yet, that
 shouldn't actually make a difference now, should it?

 What I noticed though is the following: Before I recompiled thunar it
 used to go into some sort of daemon mode whenever I executed it from
 the console (means, it started itself and forked into the background
 leaving me with a usable console). It doesn't do that anymore now.
 Maybe you can make something out of that ..
 Uhm, Thunar never forked itself into the background, atleast not the
 upstream version. The --daemon command line option simply keeps Thunar
 running even if the last window is closed (for the trash support).
 --enable-debug=full doesn't change anything wrt file system monitoring.
 Dunno what's going on there.
 I think what he's talking about is that, when 'Thunar --daemon' is
 running already, and you run a normal Thunar instance, instead of
 starting a new process, it calls the daemon via the dbus interface to
 open a new window, and then quits.  From the perspective of sitting at
 the terminal, it just looks like the Thunar started from the terminal
 has forked into the background.

Ah, ok, could thought of that as well. ;-)


Thunar-dev mailing list

[Thunar-dev] Thunar 0.8.0 and libexo 0.3.2 releases

2007-01-21 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Hello everybody,

I just released Thunar 0.8.0 and exo 0.3.2 as part of the long awaited
Xfce 4.4.0, which will be released in a few hours. The separate tarballs
are provided for users of Xfce 4.2.x refusing to upgrade to Xfce 4.4.x,
and users of other desktop environments. This is the final release of
Thunar, but since not all items from the roadmap were completed, it is
not yet the 1.0.0 version.

You will need at least libxfce4util 4.2.2, GTK+ 2.6.4, shared-mime-info
0.15 and desktop-file-utils 0.10 to build and run Thunar. In addition
Gamin or FAM are highly recommended to enable file system monitoring in
Thunar. For HAL support on Linux, the libhal-storage-devel package is
required (0.5.0 or above). Furthermore if you want to use the trash
panel applet, you will need the Xfce Panel 4.4BETA1 or above and D-Bus
0.34 or above. The README file contains a complete list of dependencies
and optional packages.

The official announcement is available at:

Several screenshots are available at:

The source tarballs and the graphical installers can be downloaded from:

Installation instructions and documentation are available at:

Please report bugs to the Xfce Bug Tracker (product Thunar) at:


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar 0.8.0 and libexo 0.3.2 releases

2007-01-21 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Alexandre Moreira wrote:
 I just released Thunar 0.8.0 and exo 0.3.2 as part of the long awaited
 Xfce 4.4.0, which will be released in a few hours. The separate tarballs
 are provided for users of Xfce 4.2.x refusing to upgrade to Xfce 4.4.x,
 and users of other desktop environments. This is the final release of
 Thunar, but since not all items from the roadmap were completed, it is
 not yet the 1.0.0 version.

 You will need at least libxfce4util 4.2.2, GTK+ 2.6.4, shared-mime-info
 0.15 and desktop-file-utils 0.10 to build and run Thunar. In addition
 Gamin or FAM are highly recommended to enable file system monitoring in
 Thunar. For HAL support on Linux, the libhal-storage-devel package is
 required (0.5.0 or above). Furthermore if you want to use the trash
 panel applet, you will need the Xfce Panel 4.4BETA1 or above and D-Bus
 0.34 or above. The README file contains a complete list of dependencies
 and optional packages.

 The official announcement is available at:

 Several screenshots are available at:
 Are those screenshots recent ?

Err... NOW they're up2date. ;-)

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] raw thumbnailer

2007-01-21 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Jens Luedicke wrote:
 as requested by Benny on IRC:
 (Canon CR2 RAW image)

People with digital photo cameras, please send a link to a sample RAW
image and the description of your camera model.


Thunar-dev mailing list

[Thunar-dev] thunar-archive-plugin 0.2.4

2007-01-20 Thread Benedikt Meurer
This is a minor update with new and updated translations:
- Updated translations: Carles Muñoz Gorriz (ca), Roberto Pariset (it)
- New translations: Amanpreet Singh Alam (pa), Gunther Furtado (pt_BR)


Release notes:

Website (with screenshots):

Have fun,

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar filesystem monitoring broken? (gamin)

2007-01-19 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Moritz Heiber wrote:
 On Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:19:19 +0100
 Benedikt Meurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Works fine here, using gamin-0.1.7_2 on FreeBSD. Maybe an inotify
 problem? Try changing the gamin config to use stat and try again.
 That would certainly surprise me as it used to work before. I'm using
 gamin 0.1.8 over here. Inotify is compiled into the kernel and should
 work propperly. Any way we might be able to test it or a way we may see
 what thunar does?

Use poll instead of notify, see:


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar filesystem monitoring broken? (gamin)

2007-01-19 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Moritz Heiber wrote:
 On Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:48:31 +0100
 Benedikt Meurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use poll instead of notify, see:
 And here comes the followup: Doesn't work either. I'm pretty clueless

But gam_server is running?


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Question about thunar-volman.

2007-01-18 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Alexandre Moreira wrote:
 Hello, Benny.
 I have not been able to test volman yet, buried in work for a few days
 now, but there is something I'd like to ask you if it is able to do,
 and if it is not, if it would be hard to implement or anything like
 I've seen that it can mount a usb storage device once plugged, if the
 user so decides. Now, would it unmount the device when it gets
 unplugged ? I just found that the most inconvenient part of the manual
 process, so I thought it would be a nice feature to have if it doesn't
 already has it (and if hal triggers enough events to make that
 I mean, its hard to forget the mount something when you KNOW you
 want to use it... but forgetting to unmount it after usage is done is
 the most common scenario (at least to my fish-like memory).

Forgetting to unmount means to loose data in most cases, no matter if
the device is being forgotten or not.

I've read that HAL should clean up the mount of the device was removed
without unmount, but that doesn't seem to work. At least on my FreeBSD
box that caused trouble, messing up the system.

This is always the same issue, no matter if you're talking about Linux,
Windows, OS X, etc. File systems must be unmounted to avoid data loss.

BTW: This issue has nothing to do with thunar-volman or Thunar.

 Alexandre Moreira.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar and removable disks on firewire

2007-01-18 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Stavros Giannouris wrote:
 Thanks for the tip. Now the disk is recognized as removable[1], but
 still doesn't show up in thunar. What else should I look for?

 By the way,
 - gnome-volume-manager mounts the volume automagically, even
 without the storage.removable attribute
 - After a bit of digging around, I found this bit, I don't know if it
 is relevant:
 Most USB devices aren't removable. Not in the HAL sense of the
 word at least. They are however hotpluggable, which the device is
 correctlymarked as.
 * Removable: Media can be removed but device node remains.
 * Hotpluggable: Media cannot be removed without making the device node
 Removable devices in Linux are things like floppys and cdroms. Most
 other things are hotpluggable.

I was pretty sure, I checked the storage.hotplugged value as well, but
that wasn't the case. svn up to get the fix.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Shortcuts window.

2007-01-18 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Alexandre Moreira wrote:
 This is more a what do you think? or a should we be consistent with
 them? than a feature request. It is rather insignificant so, if you
 don't have much time just ignore it.
 I noticed that Thunar follows an approach much alike the
 GtkFileChooser, its interface really resembles it when in the
 shortcuts window.
 There is one little inconsistency between our (as in Thunar's)
 behavior and theirs (as in GtkFileChooser).
 in GtkFileChoser, whenever you double click a shortcut, it opens the
 file view to it. In thunar it acts on a single click.
 I don't know if this difference was intended and I really don't care
 about which one is best, since both work just the same to me. But I
 just thought it was worth mentioning since perhaps it just skipped the
 revisions of the devs and they think otherwise.

Thunar had that double-click as well. But there's no need to require
double-click here, so single-click does as well.

 Now to a more interesting request. I think I read somewhere in this
 list that the current SVN version has the ability to display user's
 shortcuts on the top bar when on pathbar mode, and I think this is
 To go with such an option and make those freaking minimalists (like
 me) happy I'd just ask that someone made it possible to simply right
 click in a folder and Add to shortcuts, that way I (and possibly
 other weird minimalistic desktop freaks like me) could simply  disable
 the side bar completely, and realy on these rather hidden-but-useful
 What do you think ? It should not be hard to implement I guess

I don't get what you are talking about.

 Best Regards,
 Alexandre Moreira.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar and removable disks on firewire

2007-01-17 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Stavros Giannouris wrote:
   storage.removable = false  (bool)


 What's amiss?

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thunar and removable disks on firewire

2007-01-17 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Stavros Giannouris wrote:
 Stavros Giannouris wrote:
   storage.removable = false  (bool)
 What's amiss?
 Interesting. So this is probably a HAL issue, and I have to take the
 issue upon them?

The problem is that the storage device is attached to the SCSI bus (-
Firewire), and so that doesn't tell its a removable device. You'd have
to look upwards in the device tree whether a firewire device is involved.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Unmount CD by pressing eject button on device

2007-01-17 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Harold Aling wrote:
 I seem to be getting 'Failed to mount volume name. An unknown error
 occured.' errors when inserting a (windows)cdrom since I upgraded to
 Thunar r24519. (see attachment)
 The volume is however properly mounted and volman even asks if he/she
 should run the 'Autorun.exe' file...
 What info do you need?

Well, unknown error is hard to trace. That's generated by the HAL mount
script. You could try to debug that script to see what's wrong.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-16 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 Hello Benedikt.
 Benedikt Meurer, 16.01.2007 08:39:
 Mathias Brodala wrote:
 This [error] appears when I try to compile libexo from SVN.
 Pass --enable-maintainer-mode to
 OK, this worked. Now could you tell me how I can point Thunar to look for 
 in my special directory instead of the usual ones?
 It is currently installed under ~/Archive/deb/xfce/exo/svn/install and Thunar
 has to look there since my local version is too old.

Setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH, LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS should do the trick. Tho,
there I'm no sure if libtool will pick up the correct lib if the old one
is installed in the linker default path.

 Regards, Mathias

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-16 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 You got one point there. The information that the device is removable is not
 that useful since all devices in that section are. But the size at least 
 me to determine what’s what.

Right, I forgot about that. ;-)

But exo-hal cannot only be used for volumes, but for HAL devices in

 With information about the device tree I could try to add some more
 smartness to exo-hal to figure out an even better name for your flashdisk.
 You’re talking about my devices? What exactly do you need?

hal-device dump of the volume, it's storage device and the parent of the
storage device might help.

 Oh, and after
 plugging in the device, the following messages appeared:

 libhal-storage.c 1056 : INFO: called LIBHAL_FREE_DBUS_ERROR but dbusError 
 was not set.
 libhal-storage.c 1056 : INFO: called LIBHAL_FREE_DBUS_ERROR but dbusError 
 was not set.
 libhal-storage.c 1056 : INFO: called LIBHAL_FREE_DBUS_ERROR but dbusError 
 was not set.
 Looks like an old HAL version.
 Version is running here. But since it’s only an info, I won’t worry
 about it.

Hm, here, but I don't see that warning.

 Regards, Mathias

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-16 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 Hello Benedikt.
 Benedikt Meurer, 16.01.2007 17:46:
 Mathias Brodala wrote:
 With information about the device tree I could try to add some more
 smartness to exo-hal to figure out an even better name for your flashdisk.
 You’re talking about my devices? What exactly do you need?
 hal-device dump of the volume, it's storage device and the parent of the
 storage device might help.
 Here it is:
 0: udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_F874_A601'
   volume.unmount.valid_options = { 'lazy' } (string list)
   volume.mount.valid_options = { 'ro', 'sync', 'dirsync', 'noatime', 
 'nodiratime', 'noexec', 'quiet', 'remount', 'exec', 'utf8', 'shortname=', 
 'codepage=', 'iocharset=', 'umask=', 'dmask=', 'fmask=', 'uid=' } (string 
   org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_execpaths = { 
 'hal-storage-mount', 'hal-storage-unmount', 'hal-storage-eject' } (string 
   org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_argnames = { 'mount_point fstype 
 extra_options', 'extra_options', 'extra_options' } (string list)
   org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_signatures = { 'ssas', 'as', 'as' 
 } (string list)
   org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_names = { 'Mount', 'Unmount', 
 'Eject' } (string list)
   info.interfaces = { 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume' } (string list)
   volume.ignore = false  (bool)
   info.udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_F874_A601'  (string)
   info.product = 'Volume (vfat)'  (string)
   volume.size = 131072000  (0x7d0)  (uint64)
   volume.num_blocks = 256000  (0x3e800)  (int)
   volume.block_size = 512  (0x200)  (int)
   info.capabilities = { 'volume', 'block' } (string list)
   info.category = 'volume'  (string)
   volume.is_partition = false  (bool)
   volume.is_disc = false  (bool)
   volume.linux.is_device_mapper = false  (bool)
   volume.is_mounted_read_only = false  (bool)
   volume.is_mounted = false  (bool)
   volume.mount_point = ''  (string)
   volume.label = ''  (string)
   volume.uuid = 'F874-A601'  (string)
   volume.fsversion = 'FAT32'  (string)
   volume.fsusage = 'filesystem'  (string)
   volume.fstype = 'vfat'  (string)
   storage.model = ''  (string)
   block.storage_device = 
   block.is_volume = true  (bool)
   block.minor = 0  (0x0)  (int)
   block.major = 8  (0x8)  (int)
   block.device = '/dev/sda'  (string)
   linux.hotplug_type = 3  (0x3)  (int)
   info.parent = 
   linux.sysfs_path_device = '/sys/block/sda/fakevolume'  (string)
   linux.sysfs_path = '/sys/block/sda/fakevolume'  (string)

 1: udi = 
   info.addons = { 'hald-addon-storage' } (string list)
   block.storage_device = 
   info.udi = 
   storage.partitioning_scheme = 'none'  (string)
   storage.removable.media_size = 131072000  (0x7d0)  (uint64)
   storage.requires_eject = false  (bool)
   storage.hotpluggable = true  (bool)
   info.capabilities = { 'storage', 'block' } (string list)
   info.category = 'storage'  (string)
   info.product = 'USB 2.0 128MB'  (string)
   info.vendor = ''  (string)
   storage.size = 0  (0x0)  (uint64)
   storage.removable = true  (bool)
   storage.removable.media_available = true  (bool)
   storage.physical_device = 
   storage.lun = 0  (0x0)  (int)
   storage.firmware_version = '2.00'  (string)
   storage.serial = 'USB_USB_2.0_128MB_31191A401F52404B'  (string)
   storage.vendor = ''  (string)
   storage.model = 'USB 2.0 128MB'  (string)
   storage.drive_type = 'disk'  (string)
   storage.automount_enabled_hint = true  (bool)
   storage.media_check_enabled = true  (bool)
   storage.no_partitions_hint = false  (bool)
   storage.bus = 'usb'  (string)
   block.is_volume = false  (bool)
   block.minor = 0  (0x0)  (int)
   block.major = 8  (0x8)  (int)
   block.device = '/dev/sda'  (string)
   linux.hotplug_type = 3  (0x3)  (int)
   info.parent = 
   linux.sysfs_path_device = '/sys/block/sda'  (string)
   linux.sysfs_path = '/sys/block/sda'  (string)

 I guess you could use volume.label of the device but I must admit that I don’t
 know how to set volume labels for fat32 partitions/devices. I tried mkdosfs 
 the label did not appear in hal-device’s output.

The volume.label is used if not-empty. Besides that there doesn't seem
to be a lot of useful information available. Not even the info.vendor is
set. We could use info.product, but that's not really useful

Re: [Thunar-dev] latest svn 24475 won't compile

2007-01-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Maximilian Schleiss wrote:
 I just tried out compiling the latest version and it stops with this error:
 cc1: warnings being treated as errors
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c: In function ‘tvtj_exif_parse_ifd’:
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:371: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ushort’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:385: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ushort’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:389: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ulong’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:400: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ushort’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:403: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ushort’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:409: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ushort’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:410: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ushort’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:411: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ushort’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:412: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ulong’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:431: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ushort’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:434: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ulong’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:446: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ulong’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c: In function ‘tvtj_exif_extract_thumbnail’:
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:490: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ushort’ differ in signedness
 thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c:494: warning: pointer targets in passing 
 argument 2 of ‘tvtj_exif_get_ulong’ differ in signedness
 make[3]: *** [libthunar_vfs_1_la-thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.lo] Error 1
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/maximilian/newsvn/thunar/thunar-vfs'
 make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/maximilian/newsvn/thunar/thunar-vfs'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/maximilian/newsvn/thunar'
 make: *** [all] Error 2
 Not being too sure if I was missing something I tried svn 24474 and it 
 compiles ok.



Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Unmount CD by pressing eject button on device

2007-01-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Harold Aling wrote:
 Dear list,
 Until recently I was able to eject CDs/DVDs by pressing the physical
 button on the device itself. It now seems that the only way to eject is
 by rightclicking the (mounted)device icon and selecting Eject Volume.
 My bad or buggy?

HAL emits a signal when the Eject button is pressed, but I didn't care
to check so far, and so Thunar never used that. Maybe you had some other
software installed that was listening for this HAL signal?


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Unmount CD by pressing eject button on device

2007-01-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Harold Aling wrote:
 Until recently I was able to eject CDs/DVDs by pressing the physical
 button on the device itself. It now seems that the only way to eject is
 by rightclicking the (mounted)device icon and selecting Eject Volume.

 My bad or buggy?

 HAL emits a signal when the Eject button is pressed, but I didn't care
 to check so far, and so Thunar never used that. Maybe you had some other
 software installed that was listening for this HAL signal?
 Dunno... Maybe something built into Ubuntu or something?
 Should this be filed as a feature request for Thunar in bugzilla?



Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Unmount CD by pressing eject button on device

2007-01-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Harold Aling wrote:
 Until recently I was able to eject CDs/DVDs by pressing the physical
 button on the device itself. It now seems that the only way to
 eject is
 by rightclicking the (mounted)device icon and selecting Eject

 My bad or buggy?
 HAL emits a signal when the Eject button is pressed, but I didn't care
 to check so far, and so Thunar never used that. Maybe you had some
 software installed that was listening for this HAL signal?
 Dunno... Maybe something built into Ubuntu or something?

 Should this be filed as a feature request for Thunar in bugzilla?


Patch attached, please test.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-vfs Ubuntu package

2007-01-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Jani Monoses wrote:
 Checking the libthunar-vfs-1-2 Ubuntu package[1] I noticed that libjpeg
 is missing from the depencies. Without libjpeg, thunar will not be able
 to use the fast JPEG thumbnailer, nor the (very) recent EXIF thumbnail
 extractor. Because several users will want to use Thunar to access their
 digital cameras, I'd suggest to add libjpeg to the list of requirements.
 noted, thanks.

Ah, and one additional note: You can drop the dependency on pmount now.


Thunar-dev mailing list

[Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Hello everybody,

I just released the first version of the Thunar Volume Manager. It adds
automatic management of removable drives and media to Thunar, without
adding another daemon to your desktop sessions. It requires Thunar
0.5.1svn or above, HAL 0.5.0 or above and D-BUS 0.32 or above.



Release notes:


Have fun,
Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Alexandre Moreira wrote:
 I just released the first version of the Thunar Volume Manager. It adds
 automatic management of removable drives and media to Thunar, without
 adding another daemon to your desktop sessions. It requires Thunar
 0.5.1svn or above, HAL 0.5.0 or above and D-BUS 0.32 or above.
 Just a silly question but, how does it manage to get the events
 without being a daemon ?

Voodoo magic ;-)

Ok, maybe not... Thunar acts as a proxy between hald and thunar-volman.
Since Thunar is running and monitoring HAL events anyway, that's pretty
easy. Whenever HAL reports a new device, Thunar runs thunar-volman to
handle the new device (if Volume Management is enabled).

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 I just released the first version of the Thunar Volume Manager. It adds
 automatic management of removable drives and media to Thunar, without
 adding another daemon to your desktop sessions. It requires Thunar
 0.5.1svn or above, HAL 0.5.0 or above and D-BUS 0.32 or above.
 Just to make sure: Will thunar-volman know to mount, say, my digital camera
 based on its entry in /etc/fstab?

 I’ve created some udev rules and specific directories to dedicate each of 
 my usb
 devices its own symlink under /dev and directory to mount. This way I don’t 
 to mess with /dev/sdXn devices, whereas X and n are almost always different,
 depend on the order I plug devices in.
 thunar-volman uses exo-mount. Since HAL refuses to mount fstab entries,
 exo-mount will use plain old mount command to mount the device. So,
 yes, that should work. It's exactly the same as mounting devices from
 And the latter does not work for me. *That* was the reason I asked. I was sure
 that I already described this, but anyway:
 I plug in my Hama flashdisk for example. Thanks to hal+udev I now have the
 following entries in /dev:
   lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2007-01-15 22:46 /dev/flashdisk - sda
   brw-rw 1 root floppy 8, 0 2007-01-15 22:46 sda
 But Thunar shows only „sda“ in its sidepanel instead of „flashdisk“. We 
 discussed this somewhere else and you (or maybe someone else, I’m not sure) 
 me that this was a hal problem. I remember sending a mail regarding this to 
 hal ML but never received an answer.
 So, what will thunar-volman do? Will it show/mount the device as sda or 

That seems to be a rather old version of Thunar. Update to the latest
SVN version, that should fix the problem.

 Regards, Mathias

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Benedikt Meurer wrote:
 thunar-volman uses exo-mount. Since HAL refuses to mount fstab entries,
 exo-mount will use plain old mount command to mount the device. So,
 yes, that should work. It's exactly the same as mounting devices from
 And the latter does not work for me. *That* was the reason I asked. I was 
 that I already described this, but anyway:

 I plug in my Hama flashdisk for example. Thanks to hal+udev I now have the
 following entries in /dev:

   lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2007-01-15 22:46 /dev/flashdisk - sda
   brw-rw 1 root floppy 8, 0 2007-01-15 22:46 sda

 But Thunar shows only „sda“ in its sidepanel instead of „flashdisk“. We 
 discussed this somewhere else and you (or maybe someone else, I’m not sure) 
 me that this was a hal problem. I remember sending a mail regarding this to 
 hal ML but never received an answer.

 So, what will thunar-volman do? Will it show/mount the device as sda or 
 That seems to be a rather old version of Thunar. Update to the latest
 SVN version, that should fix the problem.

...and here's why: ;-)

Up to 0.5.0, Thunar used pmount, gnome-mount or halmount, whatever was
available. However all these utilities behave differently, and of
course, they behave differently on various platforms. Esp. pmount is
tricky, since it doesn't use the HAL Mount method, which could confuse
HAL (and software using HAL - Thunar, xfdesktop, ...). That's why I
added exo-mount, which uses HAL if possible (as said, HAL cannot mount
entries in fstab) and (hopefully) behaves the same on different
platforms (some platforms require special care, and exo-mount takes care
of that).

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman 0.1.0

2007-01-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mathias Brodala wrote:
 Hello Benedikt.
 $ make
 /usr/bin/make  all-recursive
 make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ashura/Archive/deb/xfce/exo/svn/trunk'
 Making all in exo
 make[2]: Entering directory `/home/ashura/Archive/deb/xfce/exo/svn/trunk/exo'
 /usr/bin/make  all-am
 make[3]: Entering directory `/home/ashura/Archive/deb/xfce/exo/svn/trunk/exo'
 make[3]: *** No rule to make target `exo-aliasdef.c', needed by 
 `libexo_0_3_la-exo-aliasdef.lo'.  Stop.
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ashura/Archive/deb/xfce/exo/svn/trunk/exo'
 make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ashura/Archive/deb/xfce/exo/svn/trunk/exo'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ashura/Archive/deb/xfce/exo/svn/trunk'
 make: *** [all] Error 2
 This appears when I try to compile libexo from SVN.

Pass --enable-maintainer-mode to

 Regards, Mathias

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Unmount CD by pressing eject button on device

2007-01-15 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mike Massonnet wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 04:59:24PM +0100, Benedikt Meurer wrote:
 Harold Aling wrote:
 Until recently I was able to eject CDs/DVDs by pressing the physical
 button on the device itself. It now seems that the only way to
 eject is
 by rightclicking the (mounted)device icon and selecting Eject

 My bad or buggy?
 HAL emits a signal when the Eject button is pressed, but I didn't care
 to check so far, and so Thunar never used that. Maybe you had some
 software installed that was listening for this HAL signal?
 Dunno... Maybe something built into Ubuntu or something?

 Should this be filed as a feature request for Thunar in bugzilla?
 Patch attached, please test.
 I doesn't work on my laptop.  I listened to dbus events, but nothing is
 happening if I press the eject button.  Is there anything else I can do
 to check the event?

Did you try with dbus-monitor --system? If so and you don't see the
DeviceCondition signal with the EjectPressed name, then HAL/Linux
doesn't support the eject button on your CD-ROM drive.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Proposed small patch for startup notification

2007-01-14 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Gregoire Gentil wrote:
 I propose a small patch to slighty improve the startup notification in
 Thunar. I noticed that it differed slightly from the startup
 notification used in the launcher of the panel which works better under
 certain circunstance. See the proposed attached patch.

I've just committed a fix based on your patch.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Mounting fails due to no available org.freedesktop.Hal services

2007-01-13 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Jannis Pohlmann wrote:
 On Fri, 12 Jan 2007 22:40:10 +0100, Benedikt Meurer wrote:
 Jannis Pohlmann wrote:
 But: Whenever I start thunar with a running hald (sorry, my last
 mail contained a lot of hald-* processes, but not hald itself)
 and try to mount one of the devices, I get this:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ thunar
 Thunar: Failed to connect to the D-BUS session bus: Failed to
 connect to socket /tmp/dbus-TTavTtFLD4: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
 D-Bus system daemon not running.

 And after that, hald is not running anymore (but the helper apps
 are, as listed my last mail). Weird, isn't it?
 Well, either a problem with D-Bus or a problem with HAL.
 Probably, yes. It's just that I can't really verify what's wrong. I've
 D-BUS 1.0.1, D-BUS GLib bindings 0.72 and HAL installed on my
 system (Lunar Linux, so none of the original config files - like
 /etc/dbus-1/system.d/hal.conf - were modified).
 Now if I start D-BUS and HAL and try to mount something, I get this
 ... is not provided by any .service files error message. After that,
 hald isn't running anymore. This is what happens as root. Now if I set
 up D-BUS to give normal users access to some HAL-related D-BUS
 services, like you suggested to Samuel in his bug report, I get exactly
 the same error.
 I know the package versions are pretty much bleeding edge as Lunar
 isn't bound to fixed package release cycles, but nonetheless I'd love
 to be able to get some more debugging information out of
 Thunar/HAL/D-BUS to find a fix for this annoyance. After all, I
 remember that it worked before exo-mount was introduced.

HAL is probably crashing in the Mount method. Run hald with --daemon=no

 - Jannis

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] A Standard for Thumbnailers

2007-01-13 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Erlend Davidson wrote:
 The latter would be more useful I think - a kind of faster drop-in 
 replacement for convert that only does thumbnails, although am I correct 
 in saying pipes (|) are relatively slow?

Pipes are simply buffers in the kernel, with a reader and a writer. If
you want to avoid the syscalls involved here and the two processes,
you'll need to write your own version of dcraw.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman

2007-01-12 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Nick Schermer wrote:
 Does this mean we have a working volume manager and we don't need
 Brian's xfce4-volume-manager test project (in the Xfce repo) anymore?

Hm, didn't even that this test project existed. Well, basically, yes.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] A Standard for Thumbnailers

2007-01-12 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Jens Luedicke wrote:
 On 1/12/07, Benedikt Meurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Checking my own source again... you should be able to store the
 thumbnail as JPEG. thunar_vfs_thumb_factory_generate_thumbnail() will
 also accept JPEGs and convert them to PNGs internally.

 does it also accept PPM?
  -e Extract the camera-generated thumbnail, not the raw image.
 You'll get either a JPEG or a PPM file, depending on the camera.

If GdkPixbuf accepts PPM's, then yes. Check the output of


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] thunar-volman

2007-01-12 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Jani Monoses wrote:
 Benedikt Meurer wrote:
 For the brave: I've just imported an initial version of the
 thunar-volman, which provides automatic handling of removable drives and
 media for Thunar. This requires a really recent version of Thunar.

 It's designed to look and behave similar to gnome-volume-manager, tho of
 course, it's not bug-compatible. ;-)
 this looks nice. In the past weeks I was considering moving to g-v-m in 
 xubuntu because it's pref GUI and autostart spec support but seems like 
 there will be no need. The reason ubuntu is going with gnome-mount and 
 dropping pmount for the next version is support for encrypted disks and 
 a GUI for the mount utility. Will these be matched by exo-mount and 

thunar-volman lets exo-mount handle encrypted file systems, just like
every other file system. exo-mount currently doesn't support encrypted
file systems, simply because I haven't bothered to figure out how to
test that. It should be relatively easy to add. If anyone wants to help,
go ahead.

I don't know what you mean by GUI for the mount utility. exo-mount
uses libnotify to give visual feedback of progress and pops up an error
dialog if mount/eject/unmount fails. Besides that, what kind of GUI do
you need?


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] [Patch] Make Properties Dialog track selection

2007-01-12 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Ori Bernstein wrote:
 I've written a patch to make Thunar reuse the same properties dialog and 
 the contents based on the last-selected file. This is quite useful when
 managing stuff like manually renaming a large number of files by hand, or 
 for managing screen clutter when going thorugh a large number of files.

 The patch is attached at
 I'm aware of this patch, but I don't think it's something for Thunar by
 Ok, that's your choice to make, although I'll keep applying this patch to 
 whenever I build it, since it really does make managing properties of large
 numbers of files at once a breeze. For example, I just copied over a bunch of
 files from a backup, and wanted to change permissions on a few, so I just 
 properties and rolled through all the files.
 I'm just wondering if you could explain your reasons for rejecting this
 patch -- Perhaps there's some way I can keep the increased functionality,
 but modify it to be acceptable.

It changes the way the properties dialog works, which is unexpected and
probably confusing for the user.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Mounting fails due to no available org.freedesktop.Hal services

2007-01-12 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Jannis Pohlmann wrote:
 But: Whenever I start thunar with a running hald (sorry, my last mail
 contained a lot of hald-* processes, but not hald itself) and try to
 mount one of the devices, I get this:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ thunar
 Thunar: Failed to connect to the D-BUS session bus: Failed to connect
 to socket /tmp/dbus-TTavTtFLD4: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt

D-Bus system daemon not running.

 And after that, hald is not running anymore (but the helper apps are,
 as listed my last mail). Weird, isn't it?

Well, either a problem with D-Bus or a problem with HAL.

 - Jannis

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] A Standard for Thumbnailers

2007-01-11 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Stanislav Brabec wrote:
 BTW: I fail to see the problem here. How often do people regenerate
 thumbnails that +1 or 2 seconds for 40 JPEGs makes a difference?
 It's important because it gives an impression of slowness and
 unresponsiveness. And you rarely generate them, but you import pictures
 from digital cameras rather often.
 Here the I/O is definitely the limiting factor from my experience.
 Accessing data on digital cameras is very slow with the models I've tested.
 No, for digital cameras the limiting factor is the stupidity of the
 Small jpeg-EXIF-embedded thumbnail is most often stored in first few
 blocks of the image. You can create thumbnail much faster than you can
 load the image.
 Mid-size jpeg thumbnail (typically 640x480) is typically stored in last
 few blocks of the image and you need only few additional seeks to find
 exact start point. You can again create thumbnail faster than to load
 You can try to compare my dcraw-thumbnailer with Nautilus jpeg
 thumbnailer to see the difference:
 Note that this page also contain classical thumbnailer, which reads
 the whole file and scales it down by its own.

Can we perhaps use this trick for the dcraw thumbnailer? Jens/Erlend?

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] A Standard for Thumbnailers

2007-01-11 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Erlend Davidson wrote:
 However, thunar-vfs-pixbuf-thumbnailer-1 is optimised for this purpose 
 (uses the jpg resizing trick mentioned on the xdg mailing list) and 
 takes just 0.1 seconds to convert the jpeg to a png - but I can't pipe 
 the output from dcraw into it.  For this reason would it be possible to 
 add an option to thunar-vfs-pixbuf-thumbnailer-1 which enables it to 
 take the input image from stdin?

The thunar-vfs-pixbuf-thumbnailer doesn't use any special tricks, it
just a wrapper for GdkPixbuf routines. Check the source it's really simple.


Thunar-dev mailing list

[Thunar-dev] thunar-volman

2007-01-11 Thread Benedikt Meurer
For the brave: I've just imported an initial version of the
thunar-volman, which provides automatic handling of removable drives and
media for Thunar. This requires a really recent version of Thunar.

It's designed to look and behave similar to gnome-volume-manager, tho of
course, it's not bug-compatible. ;-)

The difference (advantage) to gnome-volume-manager is that it (a)
doesn't require GNOME and (b) doesn't require an additional daemon. To
avoid the daemon, Thunar was extended to act as a proxy between HAL and
thunar-volman, which means whenever HAL reports a new device,
thunar-volman is invoked to handle it according to it's configuration.
That was pretty simple, because Thunar has to monitor HAL events anyway.
This is of course optional.

Consider thunar-volman experimental. I've tested it with HAL on FreeBSD
and so far that seems to work pretty well.

One problem I noticed however: Our applications (i.e. Xfmedia, Xfburn)
that would be spawned by the volume manager, don't provide the necessary
command line switches (i.e. Xfmedia needs a command line switch to
accept the UDI and/or the device file path of an audio CD). Xfburn on
the other hand should provide options to start compiling an audio or
data CD/DVD, and it would be really nice to drop the Linux code from
Xfburn and do the device lookup using HAL (that would also allow to pass
the HAL UDI of the newly inserted disc). Not high priority, of course, I
just thought I should mention that.

Otherwise, give it a go, if you think it's useful...

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] dcraw thumbnailer

2007-01-10 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Timothy White wrote:
 thunar-thumbnailers could install a mime type for the .MRW files.
 OK, but how do we do that?  Add it to /etc/mime.types, some distibutions
 install that file as a separate package?
 No, install new mime types into the shared mime database. See the
 shared-mime-info page on for details. IIRC there was
 also an automake tutorial for this on
 I still have no luck. NEF files are seen as TIFF's, and the default
 thumbnailer manages to get the embedded thumbnails. MRW files are
 simply unknown, or reported as a mrw document.
 The raw thumbnailers desktop entry contains the correct MIME types, we
 just need it detecting the correct MIME types.

Adding glob patterns for *.nef and *.mrw should do the trick. See the
shared mime database specification.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] dcraw thumbnailer

2007-01-09 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Timothy White wrote:
 With my Minolta, it doesn't.
 $dcraw -w -i PICT3834.MRW
 PICT3834.MRW is a MINOLTA DYNAX 5D image.

 Can you check what your system seems the mimetype as...
 $ file -i -b PICT3834.MRW
 $ file -i -b PICT3834.MRW

file doesn't use the shared mime database. Thunar might guess a
different mime type. Open the properties dialog and move the mouse over
the Type label, it'll show the guessed mime type as tooltip.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] dcraw thumbnailer

2007-01-09 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Timothy White wrote:
 With my Minolta, it doesn't.
 $dcraw -w -i PICT3834.MRW
 PICT3834.MRW is a MINOLTA DYNAX 5D image.

 Can you check what your system seems the mimetype as...
 $ file -i -b PICT3834.MRW
 $ file -i -b PICT3834.MRW
 file doesn't use the shared mime database. Thunar might guess a
 different mime type. Open the properties dialog and move the mouse over
 the Type label, it'll show the guessed mime type as tooltip.
 Executable. So no dice.

thunar-thumbnailers could install a mime type for the .MRW files.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] dcraw thumbnailer

2007-01-09 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Samuel Verstraete wrote:
 On Tue, 09 Jan 2007 12:59:24 +0100
 Benedikt Meurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Samuel Verstraete wrote:
 Thunar guessed those nef files correctly but it's still is not
 Is the thumbnailers cache up2date (grep
 ~/.cache/Thunar/thumbnailers.cache for the mime type)?
 Doesn't seem to be there 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ /usr/libexec/thunar-vfs-update-thumbnailers-cache-1 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ grep nikon ./.cache/Thunar/thumbnailers.cache 
 The mime type is recognize by Thunar as: 
 Kind: Nikon raw image
 in the hover up window image/x-nikon-nef
 As said... i'm clueless :)

Does the thumbnailer .desktop file specify image/x-nikon-nef as MimeType?


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] dcraw thumbnailer

2007-01-09 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Erlend Davidson wrote:
 thunar-thumbnailers could install a mime type for the .MRW files.
 OK, but how do we do that?  Add it to /etc/mime.types, some distibutions 
 install that file as a separate package?

No, install new mime types into the shared mime database. See the
shared-mime-info page on for details. IIRC there was
also an automake tutorial for this on

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] dcraw thumbnailer

2007-01-09 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Mike Massonnet wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 08:02:28PM +, Erlend Davidson wrote:
 There is a postscript thumnailer in there too now. This is a tad slow 
 (worst is 3 seconds per file), and I don't see that being a fixable 
 problem - it's just the way postscript is stored. I was thinking about a 
 couple of things in relation to this. It might be an idea to give 
 thumbnailers a priority in the .desktop files - keep the slowest ones 
 until last, and to give a way out if there is ever a conflict between 
 two thumbnailers wanting to do the same mimetype (i.e. choose the 
 fastest one which has all of TryExec satisfied)?
 What about using the directory /dev/shm (if it exists) to do the
 compilation?  For the record, it is a filesystem in RAM which is
 noticeably faster than hard-disk access.

You can use tmpfs for this.


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] dcraw thumbnailer

2007-01-07 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Jens Luedicke wrote:
 I made a dcraw thumbnailer for RAW image files:
 Tested with *.cr2 files (image/x-canon-crw).

Nice. Something for thunar-thumbnailers, Erlend?


Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Thumbnails for HTML documents

2007-01-07 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Erlend Davidson wrote:
 Attached a rough latex thumbnailer. Uses latex to generate a dvi and
 then convert to output a png.
 You should cleanup the temporary files used by your script.
 Latex can leave quite a lot of temporary files behind after a compile.  
 How should I deal with these temporary files?  If the original latex 
 file is document.tex then the temporary files generated by latex will be 
 document.[aux,log,toc] (sometimes there are more if there are errors, or 
 bibtex files) - but I'm not currently checking to see if files by these 
 names are already in /tmp ... so I might be overwriting some other log file.
 Should I create a subdirectory in /tmp (maybe the name of which is the 
 md5sum of document.tex??) compile into that directory (so the .dvi file 
 and all the temporary files go in there) and then rm -r /tmp/[directory] ?

Yes, or use mkdtemp() to create a temporary directory.

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] [Patch] Make Properties Dialog track selection

2007-01-07 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Ori Bernstein wrote:
 I've written a patch to make Thunar reuse the same properties dialog and 
 the contents based on the last-selected file. This is quite useful when
 managing stuff like manually renaming a large number of files by hand, or just
 for managing screen clutter when going thorugh a large number of files.
 The patch is attached at

I'm aware of this patch, but I don't think it's something for Thunar by

Thunar-dev mailing list

Re: [Thunar-dev] Eject Failure

2007-01-03 Thread Benedikt Meurer
Cory Christison wrote:
 When ever I go to eject a CD/DVD from my drive, via the desktop 
 icon, or in Thunar I get the message:
 /** (gnome-eject:11361): WARNING **: Eject failed for
 Unknown failure.
 Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using Gentoo Linux, if 
 that is of any help.
 Also, I get the a similar problem and error when I try to mount my 
 USB thumb drive. Could these problems be permissions related? I can 
 mount/unmount fine when using root.

Better ask on the HAL mailinglist or on a Gentoo-related forum what the
Unknown failure. could mean.

 Cory Christison

Thunar-dev mailing list

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