[tw] Re: JQSorterPlugin request(s)

2010-08-04 Thread PMario
On Aug 3, 10:30 pm, Måns  wrote:
> Hi Mario
> I'm not quite following you regarding the column thing - I'm not using
> your original TW as a template 
> here:http://tiddly.bplaced.net/index.html#VisSlides(click "sortér" to get
> the JQSorter UI in the active "storytiddler", however it's all stories/
> tiddlerlinkslists tagged with "historie"(story in Danish) showing
> up  )
> I get this error when putting "< {{config.options.txtSelectStoryACTIVESTORY}} " into the mainmenu:
> "no source tiddlers defined for generating columns"
Sry. I wasn't clear. You will need the code above <> which sets the
txtSelectStoryACTIVESTORY variable.

defines the header. It displayes the text inside the variable.

http://a-pm.tiddlyspot.com/#SelectStoryTest shows how it can work.


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[tw] Re: JQSorterPlugin request(s)

2010-08-04 Thread Måns
Hi again

I tried to get closer to your original concept by making this site:
http://tiddly.bplaced.net/MainStory (which is a TW with most of the
tiddlers from a-pm)
replacing <>
It seems to work - however changes made to ie Story1 via jQSorter in
the MainMenu - isn't updated in the storytiddler "Story1" ... - and I
still get the "no source tiddlers defined for generating columns"
error message..

regards Måns Mårtensson

On 3 Aug., 22:37, Måns  wrote:
> I made "something work" like this:
> <>
> in the tiddler 
> "HistorieSortering"http://tiddly.bplaced.net/index.html#HistorieSortering
> -m
> On 3 Aug., 22:30, Måns  wrote:
> > Hi Mario
> > I'm not quite following you regarding the column thing - I'm not using
> > your original TW as a template 
> > here:http://tiddly.bplaced.net/index.html#VisSlides(click"sortér" to get
> > the JQSorter UI in the active "storytiddler", however it's all stories/
> > tiddlerlinkslists tagged with "historie"(story in Danish) showing
> > up  )
> > I get this error when putting "< > {{config.options.txtSelectStoryACTIVESTORY}} " into the mainmenu:
> > "no source tiddlers defined for generating columns"
> > cheers Måns Mårtensson
> > On 3 Aug., 18:46, PMario  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > For switching to different stories inside mainMenu I made the
> > > SelectStoryMacro [1]. Have a look at the main menu there.
> > > instead of
> > > <>  you could
> > > use.
> > > <
> > > Which should give you a jQsorter inside the mainMenue and selectStory
> > > should make it switchable.
> > > didn't test it, but it should work
> > > [1]http://a-pm.tiddlyspot.com/#SelectStoryMacro

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[tw] Re: JQSorterPlugin request(s)

2010-08-04 Thread Måns
Thanks a lot Mario :-)
Now it works exactly as I had hoped it would!!!
> You will need the code above < {{config. .. also. Especially ...
I put jQsorter into my SideBarTabs: 
As it fits perfectly into the tabs - and put a link to a new tiddler
where you get an overview and can arrange tiddlers back and forth from
different stories...
This is pretty awesome...

Still - it would be wonderfull if the plugin could be cooked down to a
minimum ...

Thanks again

Måns Mårtensson

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[tw] jQSorter question - How to use another tiddlers txt or section as info?

2010-08-04 Thread Måns
Hi TwWizards PMario in particular..

Now I'm using a section from the tiddler as "preview-info"=
info:"##info" Like this:
I'd rather like to fetch the preview-info from another tiddler: a
notes-tiddler, generated by the TiddlerNotesPlugin
http://tw.lewcid.org/#TiddlerNotesPlugin. A note typically gets it's
title from the parenttiddler + "-note" as appendix. I recon it should
be sth like info:[[{{tiddler.title}}-note]]

How and where do I make the neccesary modifications?

regards Måns Mårtensson

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Re: Falling behind on accumulating actions

2010-08-04 Thread user4815162342
Thanks for all of the advice, people. I know that you are trying to be
helpful, but I wasn't asking how to deal with my own life problems. I
was asking a question about how to use a particular piece of software
which this discussion group is set up for supporting. I just figured
that explaining my scenario would be the easiest way to describe the
issue I'm talking about.

So, to be clear now: in the context of this discussion, I am
interested in how these sorts of recurring, accumulating actions might
be more easily dealt with in the scope of this software.

-- Neil

On Aug 4, 7:29 am, John Holden  wrote:
> I've got an answer, but you're not going to like it!
> It sounds like you are 'time bankrupt'!  You have taken on too much and you 
> can't meet your commitments as they fall due.  (Don't feel bad - this is 
> really normal!)  No matter how much you tinker with a fancy system, you're 
> not going to find the answer - it's like a bankrupt thinking he can make his 
> debt go away by tidying up and re-categorizing his bank statements!
> Short advice (because you're short on time!) stop messing with mGSD and go do 
> a story critique!  Firewall however much time you think it needs and get it 
> done.  Don't stop.  Remove distractions.  Reward yourself when you've 
> finished.  These are all GTD techniques - we all need to avoid falling into 
> the trap of allowing our system to become our work!  Someone once said, 
> "don't confuse the scoreboard with the game."
> Another possibility is that you are subconsciously using mGSD as a 
> distraction that allows you to procrastinate over getting your story 
> critiques done?  Time for more self discipline - focus and get one done.  
> Just one.  Don't worry about the backlog - get one done.  Then another.  
> Don't try and do ten this week; perhaps just two.
> Another technique is to 'declare a DMZ' around the backlog and start with a 
> clean slate.  It feels better.  Each week do this week's story critique and 
> one (or two) from the DMZ.  In only four weeks, your DMC will be empty.
> If you are still time bankrupt (and most of us are), try this:
> Un-commit (don’t do) something.
> Spend the time on something else
> Improved effectiveness
> Less output; no impact on life
> Improve your process to eliminate waiting time between tasks
> Improved efficiency
> (Same output in less time)
> Doing things right
> Improve your method/ process/use   technology to get the same output in less 
> time
> time saved can be spent on something else
> Improved efficiency
> Doing things right
> Do something to a lower standard of output
> spend some of the time on something else
> Improved efficiency
> Less output; same effect
> Doing things right
> “Don’t allow perfection to become the enemy of the good”
> Delegate - Offload commitments to someone else; buy or receive time from 
> someone else (but you may have to repay the favour!)
> spend your time on something else
> Improved efficiency
> Same output; less personal time
> Doing the right things
> When you've done at least three story critiques, have a look 
> atwww.43folders.com Merlin Mann is where I got this brutal type of advice 
> from.  He pulls no punches, but he's right.
> Good luck!  Stop reading this and go do a story review.
> (No offence intended)
> John
> On 4 Aug 2010, at 13:13, user4815162342 wrote:
> > I've been using mGSD for a couple of weeks, and so far it's been going
> > pretty well.
> > I have what I think is a special use case, but I'm looking for ideas
> > on how to make it easier for me, or to see how other people have
> > solved it.
> > Here's my scenario: I'm a member of a writing group, which requires
> > its members to critique at least one story written by another member
> > once a week. If you miss a week, that's okay, but you have to do two
> > the next week to get caught up. If you miss two weeks, you have to do
> > three to get caught up, etc. Well, I'm embarrassed to say that I'm now
> > behind by more than ten weeks, and I'm trying to catch up.
> > Now, for GTD, I've set up an action for each critique that I have to
> > complete. I have a tickler set up to remind me every week to add
> > another critique action. This means my 'Next Actions' is getting
> > rather long, full of all of these critiques I have to do, which makes
> > it difficult for me to see other actions (many of which have higher
> > priority, which is one reason why I'm more than ten weeks behind).
> > It's also getting harder for me to count how many I have left to do at
> > a single glance.
> > Although this is probably not a common use case for GTD, I'd like to
> > know if anyone out there has come upon a situation like this, and how
> > they have resolved it.
> > I've thought about just putting a number in the name of the tiddler,
> > or in it's notes, and then change that when I need to, but this would
> > require more mouse clicks than just completing a task, so I'd be
> > in

[tw] TiddlyThemes: backup problem update

2010-08-04 Thread Keith
Typical: following my earlier (as in minutes) post, I just discovered
that the problem seems to be with the specified backup folder.

When I do not specify a backup folder, then backups are created
without any error messages (both with "backup on save" and "autosave"

The backup folder was being used fine before I installed the theme. I
have tried different folder names; all fail.

Maybe it helps you to help me.

Thanks again,


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[tw] TiddlyThemes: new theme causes backups to fail

2010-08-04 Thread Keith
Hello all,

I have been testing out tiddlywiki for a couple of days, and I am
greatly impressed. It certainly seems to solve several organizational
issues I have.

Unfortunately, I decided to install a theme, because I want a narrower
page for my journal. The installation went okay, but I can not longer
perform backups. And strangely enough, I mean in all three of my
separate tiddlywikis (each in a different local folder).

Changes to the wiki are saved when I click on Save changes, it just
seems to be a problem with the backups. Does anybody have any ideas?

Tiddlywiki: v2.6.0 (downloaded from tiddlywiki.com yesterday)
Installation: local
Machine: OSX 10.6.4
Browser: Safari 5.0.1
Theme: LewcidOrangeBlog v1.0 (downloaded from TiddlyThemes today)
Backup folder: backup (in same directory as empty.html and
Autosave: tried on and off

Many thanks in advance of your support,


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[tw] Re: Dynamic display and editing of metadata using TiddlyWiki

2010-08-04 Thread okido
Hi Kanyimbe,

I am working on a plugin that can generate tiddlers with the filenames
from files in a directory.
A list is made of tiddlers that exist's but the file is missing.
It is partly based on the code from Eric Schulman's plugin
It is not a working plugin yet but you might try the code below by
simply pasting it in a tiddler, you need the inlinejavascript plugin
from Tiddlytools and be aware of google line breaks.
Opening and closing the tiddler starts the process, be CAREFUL there
are no safeguards build in, make sure you have a backup in case
something goes wrong.
The docs are expected to be in a sub-directory with the name docs.
Reading the metadata from files is something that I have been thinking
of and this should be possible from TW but it takes some major coding.

Goodluck, Okido

// store.deleteTiddler('test.pdf');
// store.deleteTiddler('test_1.pdf');
var out = [];
var tagslist = 'newdocs docs'; // tags that are added to tiddler
var path = 'docs'; // directory name
var user_name = 'Yourname';
var tot = 0;

  window.getCurrentFolder=function() {
  var h=document.location.href;

window.getParentFolder=function(cwd) {
var lastchar=cwd.substr(cwd.length-1,1);
if (lastchar=="/" || lastchar=="\\") 
var pos=cwd.lastIndexOf("/"); if (pos==-1) 
return pos!=-1?cwd.substr(0,pos+1):null;

window.getFileList=function(cwd) { // returns array of file info
var files=[];
if (config.browser.isIE) {
var fso = new 
if(!fso.FolderExists(cwd)) return [];
var dir=fso.GetFolder(cwd);
for(var f=new Enumerator(dir.SubFolders); !f.atEnd(); 
files.push({ path:f.item().path, 

0MM.0DD 0hh:0mm:0ss")});
for(var f=new Enumerator(dir.Files); !f.atEnd(); 
files.push({ path:f.item().path, 

0MM.0DD 0hh:0mm:0ss")});
} else { // FF
if(!window.Components) return;
{ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect"); }
catch(e) { 
alert(e.description?e.description:e.toString()); return
null; }
var file=Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;
try { file.initWithPath(cwd); } catch(e) { return []; }
if (!file.exists() || !file.isDirectory()) { return []; 
var folder=file.directoryEntries;
while (folder.hasMoreElements()) {
if (f instanceof 
name:f.leafName, size:f.fileSize,
return files;

listresults = function() {
out.push('!Linker Report');
out.push('Path used: ' + cwd );
out.push('Number of files in path: '  + files.length);
out.push('Tag added: ' + tagslist );
out.push('Username: ' + user_name );
out.push('!!Added tiddlers');


  date_conv = function(date) {// convert file date to TW date
   date = date.replace(' ','.');
   date = date.split('.');
   return new Date(date[0],date[1]-1,date[2]); // date of creation

  write_tiddler = function(title,date) {
out.push(tot++ + ' ' + '[[' + title + ']]' );
var newTitle = line[1]; // tiddler title
var newBody = '[['

[tw] Re: jQSorter question - How to use another tiddlers txt or section as info?

2010-08-04 Thread PMario
On Aug 4, 3:40 pm, Måns  wrote:
> I'd rather like to fetch the preview-info from another tiddler: a
> notes-tiddler, generated by the TiddlerNotesPlugin 
> http://tw.lewcid.org/#TiddlerNotesPlugin. A note typically gets it's
> title from the parenttiddler + "-note" as appendix. I recon it should
> be sth like info:[[{{tiddler.title}}-note]]
As I wrote the plugin I tried to wikify the whole tiddler content.
Which causes rendering problems, that's why I disabled it. But show a
tiddlers -note makes sense! I uploaded a new version of the plugin.

The new parameter is:  info:"anyText" eg: info:"-note"

The tiddler title is added by the macro.


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[tw] Re: jQSorter question - How to use another tiddlers txt or section as info?

2010-08-04 Thread Måns
Hi Mario
> .. But show a tiddlers -note makes sense! I uploaded a new version of the 
> plugin.
Brilliant & Great :-) - However the jQSorterPlugin tiddler isn't to be
found at "Source: http://a-pm.tiddlyspot.com";?? - Could you provide a
link? (I've forgotten where I found it in the first place)
> The new parameter is:  info:"anyText" eg: info:"-note"
> The tiddler title is added by the macro.
Can you still use a section? - or maybe even a section from the
notestiddler (:-notes##info)??

Maybe off topic - however related:
Are you considering to replace the icons with some of your awesome
artwork from the TiddlySpace iconproject?? - It would be great to be
able to style jQSorter to your hearts content - or maybe just have
text as replacement for the imageattachments - which in turn might
reduce the sum of tiddlers needed for the plugin to work..

Thanks a lot for looking into this - it's a great and very usefull
plugin!! - It's just the complexity of having to install a lot of
tiddlers which might scare some people from using it/trying it out -
Your documentation needs to be updated to include ALL neccesary
tiddlers - or even better cook it down to a few..
On the other hand. If you create a tiddlySpace for the jQSorterPlugin
all TiddlySpaceusers can include that space to be able to use the
plugin right?

Cheers Måns

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Re: [tw] TreeViewPlugin - how put "newHere" next to each menu item

2010-08-04 Thread Anthony Muscio
I cant answer your whole question but maybe this will help.

in my view template I have;


which amongsts other things .viewnewheartoolbarTemplate contains

where newHerePlugin has been updated to read;
merge(config.macros, {
newHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newTaskHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newsubTaskHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newProjectTaskHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newLogHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newContactHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newIssueHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newGoalHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newIdeaHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newReferenceHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newSubReferenceHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newJournalHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
testMacro: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
newSiblingHere: {
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {


The result is an extra toolbar displaying on all tiddlers with various
newhere items

Hope this helps.

Anthony Muscio
LaSourceProjects.org Open Source Sustainability Projects
LaSource.com.au  Sustainable Products and
SerendipityIdeas.com IT hints and Tips and Website hosting
Like personal Web 2.0 ? see www.tiddlywiki.com

On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 16:38, twgrp  wrote:

> [posted on TW Dev some time ago, but no response. Hoping for better
> luck here.]
> I like the TreeViewPlugin [1] for a hierarchical tree structure menu,
> but would like for  a "newTiddler" type button to appear next to each
> item in the tree menu, to easily create new correctly tagged items.
> I've located where to put it, but I don't know how to 'phrase' the
> macro there so it works - about 3 inches / 1 decimeter up from the
> bottom at:
> http://treeview.tiddlyspot.com/#TreeviewPluginPlugin2
> ...is the line:
> rtn = rtn +"\n" ;
> Q1) Various attempts to insert a the macro call do not work. I don't
> know how to "phrase" a macro call there or if that is somply the wrong
> way all together.
> Q2) Actually, it's not the core newTiddler macro I wish to use but
> newHere macro from the NewHerePlugin [2]. This creates a new tiddler
> but tagged with the name of the tiddler from where the macro was
> invoked, thus resulting in it being correctly presented in the tree
> menu. I'm guessing this affects how the macro should be called,
> containing the name of the menu item to be rendered. There are no
> instructions in the plugin itself so I don't know how to do this.
> Thank you!
> [1] http://treeview.tiddlyspot.com/
> ...or, my pref. layout: http://twt-treeview-executive.tiddlyspot.com/
> [2] http://twt-treeview-executive.tiddlyspot.com/#NewHerePlugin
> ...or originally; http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/#NewHerePlugin
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "TiddlyWiki" group.
> To post to this group, send email to tiddlyw...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> .
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki?hl=en.

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Re: [tw] ExternalTiddlersPlugin with sections?

2010-08-04 Thread Anthony Muscio
Not a full answer, but if you bring the text file into a tiddler even a
temporary tiddler then you should be able to reference sections then.

Anthony Muscio
LaSourceProjects.org Open Source Sustainability Projects
LaSource.com.au  Sustainable Products and
SerendipityIdeas.com IT hints and Tips and Website hosting
Like personal Web 2.0 ? see www.tiddlywiki.com

On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 16:11, Dave Parker  wrote:

> Is it possible to view specific sections from an external text file
> using ExternalTiddlersPlugin from tiddlytools.com?
> I tried
> <> and <> but to
> no avail.
> Is this even possible?
> thanks,
> Dave
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "TiddlyWiki" group.
> To post to this group, send email to tiddlyw...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> .
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki?hl=en.

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[tw] Re: jQSorter question - How to use another tiddlers txt or section as info?

2010-08-04 Thread Måns
> Brilliant & Great :-) - However the jQSorterPlugin tiddler isn't to be
> found at "Source:http://a-pm.tiddlyspot.com";?? - Could you provide a
> link? (I've forgotten where I found it in the first place)> The new parameter 
> is:  info:"anyText" eg: info:"-note"
I found it here: http://a-pm-experimental.tiddlyspot.com/#JQSorter -
However the source link still needs to be updated.

Regards Måns Mårtensson

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[tw] Re: ExternalTiddlersPlugin with sections?

2010-08-04 Thread Dave Parker
I've been trying various plugins to bring in the tiddler, using
ExternalTiddlersPlugin and Archive Plugin.  The sections in an
archived tiddler are only accessible after the tiddler is opened for
editing (which isn't useful).  I've been looking at IncludePlugin
again, which would work, but I don't want to bring in all the tiddlers
all at once.

Does anyone know if its possible to specify individual tiddlers using
the <> macro instead of bringing in all the tiddlers tagged
"include"?  I.e. open one tiddler with an include macro and load one
tiddler from the include source TW, open the next tiddler with the
macro which loads the next etc...

I've tried <> and <> and neither works this way

Thanks again,

On Aug 4, 7:04 pm, Anthony Muscio  wrote:
> Not a full answer, but if you bring the text file into a tiddler even a
> temporary tiddler then you should be able to reference sections then.
> Anthony Muscio
> LaSourceProjects.org Open Source Sustainability Projects
> LaSource.com.au  Sustainable Products and
> Business
> SerendipityIdeas.com IT hints and Tips and Website hosting
> Like personal Web 2.0 ? seewww.tiddlywiki.com
> On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 16:11, Dave Parker  wrote:
> > Is it possible to view specific sections from an external text file
> > using ExternalTiddlersPlugin from tiddlytools.com?
> > I tried
> > <> and <> but to
> > no avail.
> > Is this even possible?
> > thanks,
> > Dave
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "TiddlyWiki" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to tiddlyw...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki?hl=en.

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[tw] TWMobile - Great tool!

2010-08-04 Thread Knightnet
Just a reminder that if you have an iPad, check out the TWMobile app.
My project tracking file works fine even at 1.1MB with loads of

Of course, I need to adjust my layout really to make better use of the
iPad screen and I've a couple of my own plugins that don't work on
mobile Safari & I haven't had a chance yet to work out which
JavaScript is the problem, I guess I will have to install desktop
Safari in order to track down the problem.

But still, it makes the iPad into a much more useful professional

Regards, Julian Knight
http://it.knightnet.org.uk,  http://www.totallyinformation.com

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