Hi again

I tried to get closer to your original concept by making this site:
http://tiddly.bplaced.net/MainStory (which is a TW with most of the
tiddlers from a-pm)
replacing <<tiddler {{config.options.txtSelectStoryACTIVESTORY}}>>
<<jQSorter 'dp33' columns: {{config.options.txtSelectStoryACTIVESTORY}}
It seems to work - however changes made to ie Story1 via jQSorter in
the MainMenu - isn't updated in the storytiddler "Story1" ... - and I
still get the "no source tiddlers defined for generating columns"
error message..

regards Måns Mårtensson

On 3 Aug., 22:37, Måns <humam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I made "something work" like this:
> <<jQSorter 'dp33'  info:"##info" content: show story:"historie" >>
> in the tiddler 
> "HistorieSortering"http://tiddly.bplaced.net/index.html#HistorieSortering
> -m
> On 3 Aug., 22:30, Måns <humam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Mario
> > I'm not quite following you regarding the column thing - I'm not using
> > your original TW as a template 
> > here:http://tiddly.bplaced.net/index.html#VisSlides(click"sortér" to get
> > the JQSorter UI in the active "storytiddler", however it's all stories/
> > tiddlerlinkslists tagged with "historie"(story in Danish) showing
> > up  )
> > I get this error when putting "<<jQSorter 'dp33' columns:
> > {{config.options.txtSelectStoryACTIVESTORY}} " into the mainmenu:
> > "no source tiddlers defined for generating columns"
> > cheers Måns Mårtensson
> > On 3 Aug., 18:46, PMario <pmari...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > For switching to different stories inside mainMenu I made the
> > > SelectStoryMacro [1]. Have a look at the main menu there.
> > > instead of
> > > <<tiddler {{config.options.txtSelectStoryACTIVESTORY}}>>  you could
> > > use.
> > > <<jQSorter 'dp33' columns: {{config.options.txtSelectStoryACTIVESTORY}}
> > > Which should give you a jQsorter inside the mainMenue and selectStory
> > > should make it switchable.
> > > didn't test it, but it should work
> > > [1]http://a-pm.tiddlyspot.com/#SelectStoryMacro

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