[tw5] Re: Polly (3) -- Downloads as HUB

2019-08-11 Thread @TiddlyTweeter
Mark S. wrote:
> Just uploaded a new branch:
> https://github.com/Marxsal/polly/tree/core-enabled
> This version is hopefully forward compatible with Powershell Core 6. That 
> is, you
> can use it with PS 5, and also with PS 6 -- which means it can be used with
> Linux and maybe Mac OS.
> Looking for feedback to make sure nothing has broken with it running under 
> standard PS 5.
> For use under Linux, there is no documentation yet. But you can just run 
> "pwsh" to 
> start powershell, and then from there invoke the script with  polly.ps1. 
> After invoking,
> a starter settings.ini file will be created, but still using windows 
> defaults. Quit out of the 
> script and use your favorite editor to modify settings.ini. Then start the 
> script again.
> Not sure if environmental variable expansion works, but it should be able 
> to make use of 
> directory names that start with / or ~ .

I'll comment about this on GHub in a bit. 
I think its worth thinking through how to cater for variant platforms.
For instance, maybe platform dependent # INTERNAL SETTINGS might be moved 
to secondary scripts or .ini?

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[tw5] Re: Polly (3) -- Downloads as HUB

2019-08-11 Thread @TiddlyTweeter
Great news on cross-platform PSCore possibility!

Mark S. wrote:

> I've been experimenting with Powershell Core on linux. It took less than 
> 10 minutes to install, and takes about 150megs of space. So
> the barrier to usage is pretty low. It will be even lower if PS gets into 
> the major distributions. For those who aren't familiar with
> Linux distributions, in Linux most distributions come with a package 
> manager. With a package manager you don't have to hunt down
> software at individual web sites. Instead you just open the manager, tell 
> it that you want Open Office, Firefox, and Gnumeric, and in 
> a few minutes it's all installed.
 The good news is that Polly's menus looked the same right out of the gate. 
> Somehow PS handled the directory structures well enough

that nothing special had to be done to see the usage file or load 
> settings.ini. Obviously, the part of TT's code that invokes notepad would
> need to be tweaked. 
> So far the only thing PS has completely rejected is the BufferSize setting.
> @TT -- how important is this setting? The screens looked OK. I'm thinking 
> it would be possible to wrap the code with a check for platform 
> so it doesn't throw an error.

The *BufferSize* is under the # CONSOLE section. That entire console 
section may not be required on Linux. 

The BufferSize sets the "internal" size of Windows console (not the actual 
size of displayed window which I set in the batch file launchers). 
I set it it wide and high so (1) long lines don't wrap; (2) you can scroll 
up what has happened without the buffer running out.

> There were some conflicts between linux alias names and PS names. They can 
> be resolved by using full PS names.

OK. Changing all aliases to full PS names might be a good idea. 
Makes code longer but perhaps more readable cross-platform

There may or may not be some issues relating to the path separator, but 
> further testing is required.

This is an interesting issue.* \ v. /*. 
I noticed on Windows a lot of time you can use them interchangeably.
Hopefully PSCore supports that so we don't need to change too much.

> At the moment it looks like it might be possible to make Polly forward 
> compatible with Powershell Core 6, 

Sounds like it could be done! 

Mostly, in future, I'll comment on tech on GHub.


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[tw5] Re: Page media and Tiddlers

2019-08-11 Thread TonyM
Thanks Michael

On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 2:11:32 PM UTC+10, Michael Wiktowy wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> I attempted to make a label-maker-type tool that required precise control 
> over margins and positioning of labels for printing. I had some success but 
> in the end, it relied on setting particular (mostly zero) margins at the 
> browser level which made it hard for me to deploy anywhere.
> My conclusions were:
> - Different browsers frustratingly handle print media CSS differently or 
> ignore the settings completely
> - There are a ton of little spots where padding creeps in to mess up your 
> layout. I think that I zeroed most of them in my tool.
> Regardless you can drag the Label Tool tag over to an empty tiddlywiki and 
> dig around. I hope that something in the stylesheets there helps.
> http://mwiktowy.tiddlyspot.com/#Label%20Tool%20-%20Main%20Menu
> /Mike
> On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 1:03:21 AM UTC-3, TonyM wrote:
>> In relation to View and Print tiddlers with page handling - help 
>> requested 
>> I am looking at using the @page media in css. However being a css 
>> ignorant I am trying to work out how to use it
>> Specifically I want it to relate to content inside a tiddler. However 
>> most of the code out there relates to a whole html page.
>> Perhaps I need to wrap the text in a tiddler with a div that somehow 
>> specifies it is both display and print media, and to use the print css when 
>> printing.
>> I am particularly interested in defining a tiddler that uses the 
>> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-page-3/#margin-boxes margin boxes documented 
>> here, when printing but it would be nice to see the content on screen as 
>> well, a Kind of wisywig. 
>> I am building a view template that applies a style sheet that defines the 
>> @print media statement but I am hoping to transclude fields on the current 
>> tidder that contain either the content only or also some css to each 
>> "element", so I have a field called element-name and element-name-css in 
>> a tiddler.
>> @top-left-corner 
>> @top-left 
>> @top-center
>> @top-right 
>> @top-right-corner 
>> @bottom-left-corner 
>> @bottom-left 
>> @bottom-center 
>> @bottom-right 
>> @bottom-right-corner
>> @left-top
>> @left-middle
>> @left-bottom
>> @right-top
>> @right-middle
>> @right-bottom
>> After defining the whole page I want the body of the tiddler transcluded 
>> in the body of the page.
>> I am really at a loss how to do this. Especially when it comes to 
>> referring only to the current tiddler and not accidently the whole tiddlet 
>> wiki. To print I open the tiddler in new window and print from there.
>> Once this is working I will also transclude a field defining what html 
>> elements to use to throw a page break eg h1
>> Thanks in Advance
>> Tony

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[tw5] Notes in Passing - Version 5.1.20

2019-08-11 Thread TonyM

This thread is to celebrate and share new tricks and techniques that the 
new TiddlyWiki version enables. Please share your own, but please provide 
simple examples that would work on Tiddlywiki.com or discuss more complex 
possibilities in their own thread.

*Using then and else we can now use filters to output messages without 
using more complex widgets*
{{{ [all[current]tags[]limit[1]then[Has Tags]else[No tags]] }}}
Or to avoid a link being created
<$text text={{{ [all[current]tags[]limit[1]then[Has Tags]else[No tags]] 

*Generate "field value pairs" from the current tiddler to include in a new 
tiddler button*

\define field-values-here() 
<$list filter="[all[current]fields[]] -[[created]] -[[text]] -[[modified]] 
-[[title]] -[[tags]]" variable=fieldname>
 <>="""<$text text={{{ 
[gettrim[]addprefix["]addsuffix["]] ~[[""]] }}}/>"""  

Then use `<>` to populate the "pragma when creating a new 
tiddler", without tags in this example.

Without trim this often failed with unwanted spaces in the output.



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[tw5] Re: Get Tiddlers with Created Date of Current Month and Day

2019-08-11 Thread Mat
Yes the approach would probably be to use the <> macro and the 
{{!!modified}} field and format the dates to show the desired date-parts.


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[tw5] Re: Page media and Tiddlers

2019-08-11 Thread Michael Wiktowy
Hi Tony,

I attempted to make a label-maker-type tool that required precise control 
over margins and positioning of labels for printing. I had some success but 
in the end, it relied on setting particular (mostly zero) margins at the 
browser level which made it hard for me to deploy anywhere.
My conclusions were:
- Different browsers frustratingly handle print media CSS differently or 
ignore the settings completely
- There are a ton of little spots where padding creeps in to mess up your 
layout. I think that I zeroed most of them in my tool.

Regardless you can drag the Label Tool tag over to an empty tiddlywiki and 
dig around. I hope that something in the stylesheets there helps.



On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 1:03:21 AM UTC-3, TonyM wrote:
> In relation to View and Print tiddlers with page handling - help requested 
> I am looking at using the @page media in css. However being a css ignorant 
> I am trying to work out how to use it
> Specifically I want it to relate to content inside a tiddler. However most 
> of the code out there relates to a whole html page.
> Perhaps I need to wrap the text in a tiddler with a div that somehow 
> specifies it is both display and print media, and to use the print css when 
> printing.
> I am particularly interested in defining a tiddler that uses the 
> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-page-3/#margin-boxes margin boxes documented 
> here, when printing but it would be nice to see the content on screen as 
> well, a Kind of wisywig. 
> I am building a view template that applies a style sheet that defines the 
> @print media statement but I am hoping to transclude fields on the current 
> tidder that contain either the content only or also some css to each 
> "element", so I have a field called element-name and element-name-css in 
> a tiddler.
> @top-left-corner 
> @top-left 
> @top-center
> @top-right 
> @top-right-corner 
> @bottom-left-corner 
> @bottom-left 
> @bottom-center 
> @bottom-right 
> @bottom-right-corner
> @left-top
> @left-middle
> @left-bottom
> @right-top
> @right-middle
> @right-bottom
> After defining the whole page I want the body of the tiddler transcluded 
> in the body of the page.
> I am really at a loss how to do this. Especially when it comes to 
> referring only to the current tiddler and not accidently the whole tiddlet 
> wiki. To print I open the tiddler in new window and print from there.
> Once this is working I will also transclude a field defining what html 
> elements to use to throw a page break eg h1
> Thanks in Advance
> Tony

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[tw5] Re: Populate Select drop-down from folder structure

2019-08-11 Thread TonyM
In fact isview[true] also works

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[tw5] Re: Announcing the release of TiddlyWiki v5.1.20

2019-08-11 Thread Michael Wiktowy
Thanks for releasing this. Great additions and while it could be worked 
around with plugins, it is nice to have math in the core. Now that we have 
such amazing functionality, in the Mathematical Operators section, it might 
be worthwhile highlighting the limits of the 64 bit floating point ... as 
is witnessed in the "precision Operator (Examples)" -> precision[90] 
example ... thar be dragons beyond [15].

On Friday, August 9, 2019 at 11:57:44 AM UTC-3, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
> I’m delighted to announce the release of TiddlyWiki v5.1.20:
> https://tiddlywiki.com/
> This release is massive. Some of the many highlights:
> * New conditional filter operators “then” and “else”
> * New mathematics and string filter operators
> * Improved handling of duplicates in filters
> * Improved keyboard shortcuts
> * New saver for saving the single file version direct to GitHub or GitLab
> * New BrowserStorage plugin for saving tiddlers in browser local storage
> * New InnerWiki plugin for rendering TiddlyWiki screenshots
> * New and improved translations for Catalan, Chinese Simplified and 
> Chinese Traditional, French, German, US English
> * Several new performance optimisations
> * New palettes and a new palette manager for more easily editing them
> * New and fixed animations for several system actions
> * Improved handling of JSON files
> * New mechanism to add plugins to a wiki from the command line
> * New “savewikifolder” and “deletetiddlers" commands for Node.js
> * Many bug fixes
> You can upgrade your existing single file wikis at: 
> https://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html
> As usual, please exercise caution when working with an upgrade, and take 
> care to take plenty of backups. Comments and questions welcome.
> It only remains to offer my sincere thanks to the many people who gave up 
> their time and talents to contribute to this release.
> Best wishes
> Jeremy

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[tw5] Re: Populate Select drop-down from folder structure

2019-08-11 Thread Michael Wiktowy
I think that this should work:

"[field:isview[true]] -[[Graphsearch]] -[[Live View]]"

I am assuming here that "isview" is the field name and "true" is the 
content if it is to be included that folder.


On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 7:42:18 PM UTC-3, MagoArcade wrote:
> Thanks Mat - I see your thinking. However, these tiddlers don't have any 
> tags and it's from a 3rd party plugin, so I can't influence that. They do, 
> however, have a unique field: "isview: true" - could I leverage this 
> somehow in a filter?
> On Sunday, 11 August 2019 20:59:57 UTC+1, Mat wrote:
>> The method would be to identify what is common for those tiddlers, 
>> presumably by opening one and looking at their common tag and then making a 
>> filter. Something like
>> "[tag[thecommontag]] -[[Graphsearch]] -[[Live View]]" (make sure those 
>> last two are actually titled so, so it is not only their captions)
>> You put this in - as almost always - the ListWidget. 
>> <$list filter="the above">
>> Ths is used to generat the list of "options" for the selectwidget, so you 
>> put this insdie the selectwiget. Here is the general idea:
>> <$select>
>> <$list filter="the above">
>> You'll have to work out the details.
>> <:-)

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[tw5] Get Tiddlers with Created Date of Current Month and Day

2019-08-11 Thread TonyM
Have you tried filtering for created fields with a prefix of mmdd ? You can 
use the now macro with a format of 0mm0dd to get today's value.


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[tw5] Re: Populate Select drop-down from folder structure

2019-08-11 Thread MagoArcade
Thanks Mat - I see your thinking. However, these tiddlers don't have any 
tags and it's from a 3rd party plugin, so I can't influence that. They do, 
however, have a unique field: "isview: true" - could I leverage this 
somehow in a filter?

On Sunday, 11 August 2019 20:59:57 UTC+1, Mat wrote:
> The method would be to identify what is common for those tiddlers, 
> presumably by opening one and looking at their common tag and then making a 
> filter. Something like
> "[tag[thecommontag]] -[[Graphsearch]] -[[Live View]]" (make sure those 
> last two are actually titled so, so it is not only their captions)
> You put this in - as almost always - the ListWidget. 
> <$list filter="the above">
> Ths is used to generat the list of "options" for the selectwidget, so you 
> put this insdie the selectwiget. Here is the general idea:
> <$select>
> <$list filter="the above">
> You'll have to work out the details.
> <:-)

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[tw5] Upgrade Issue

2019-08-11 Thread 'mervin mecklenburg' via TiddlyWiki
I have a problem with upgrading one of my wikis.  I have several wikis, the 
others upgrade ok.  However, I have been unable to upgrade my largest, most 
important wiki for several upgrades.  The problem precedes the most recent 
upgrade, which occurred this week.

Here is what happens when I attempt to upgrade.  I download the upgrade 
mechanism from https://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html and pull in the wiki, as 
is required.  The mechanism appears to process the wiki, as it should, But 
instead of providing a list of tiddlers, it returns the tittle of the 
entire Tiddlywiki file.  So, the mechanism appears to handle the entire 
tiddlywiki as a single tiddler, and the upgrade fails.

I provide the following additional information in the hopes that it helps 
someone devise a solution.  The wiki in question is encoded with version 
5.1.16.  However, the difficulty arose under a previous version.  The 
current tiddlywiki file came into existence after I created a workaround 
that extended the same functionality I enjoyed under the version previous 
to 5.1.16 to the current file.  The workaround involved creating a new 
tiddlywiki, under version 5.1.16, and then gradually transferring the 
tiddlers of the old tiddlywiki to the newly created wiki.  I can use the 
same process with the current upgrade.  However, as you can guess, I would 
rather the file I now have upgrade as it should.

I have tried deleting all of the overwritten tiddlers within the wiki.  
This does nothing to change the behavior that I describe above.  Has anyone 
experienced this with their own work, and can anyone think of a way to 
address this issue?

I would be grateful for any response that you give.


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[tw5] Re: Polly (2) -- Downloads as HUB

2019-08-11 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Well, another thread has gotten long. Heres' a new one:


TT and I will be trying to take more of the techno-babble over to GH, so 
this next thread will be quieter.

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[tw5] Polly (3) -- Downloads as HUB

2019-08-11 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki

Just uploaded a new branch:


This version is hopefully forward compatible with Powershell Core 6. That 
is, you
can use it with PS 5, and also with PS 6 -- which means it can be used with
Linux and maybe Mac OS.

Looking for feedback to make sure nothing has broken with it running under 
standard PS 5.

For use under Linux, there is no documentation yet. But you can just run 
"pwsh" to 
start powershell, and then from there invoke the script with  polly.ps1. 
After invoking,
a starter settings.ini file will be created, but still using windows 
defaults. Quit out of the 
script and use your favorite editor to modify settings.ini. Then start the 
script again.
Not sure if environmental variable expansion works, but it should be able 
to make use of 
directory names that start with / or ~ .

I have no way of testing how things work on Mac, so am dependent on 
feedback. I suspect
that it should work very similarly to Linux.

I would like to incorporate this branch going forward as quickly as 
possible, so developments 
in polly will immediately carry over to the other major platforms.

TT and I will be holding (we think) more of our technical discussions over 
on GH, so hopefully
this thread will be quieter than the previous two.

-- Mark

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[tw5] Re: Small Color PIcker and RGB output

2019-08-11 Thread Thomas Elmiger
Hi MagoArcade,

Maybe my Coloraction-Plugin 
could be part of your solution, as it can transform colours to other 
formats. (*toRgbString* is even the default action)

So it could turn a hexadecimal value into the format "rgb(r, g, b)" – still 
not exactly what you need, but maybe useful none the less?

All the best,

Unfortunately, this will only achieve half your desired goal.  The problem 
> is that the browser-supplied HTML control will ONLY write the chosen color 
> using a CSS-compatible *hexadecimal* value (e.g., "#rrggbb"), rather than 
> the comma-separated decimal R,G,B values you want.

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[tw5] Re: Populate Select drop-down from folder structure

2019-08-11 Thread Mat
The method would be to identify what is common for those tiddlers, 
presumably by opening one and looking at their common tag and then making a 
filter. Something like

"[tag[thecommontag]] -[[Graphsearch]] -[[Live View]]" (make sure those last 
two are actually titled so, so it is not only their captions)

You put this in - as almost always - the ListWidget. 

<$list filter="the above">

Ths is used to generat the list of "options" for the selectwidget, so you 
put this insdie the selectwiget. Here is the general idea:

<$list filter="the above">

You'll have to work out the details.


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[tw5] Populate Select drop-down from folder structure

2019-08-11 Thread MagoArcade
OK - so here's a tricky one. How can I populate a select field in a tiddler 
from the folder structure available in TiddlyWiki>More>Explorer? I have 
this structure, which is dynamic:

[image: tiddlymapviews.png]

I want to grab everything under "views/" with no duplication and make it 
selectable via a drop down. So in this instacne, the dropdown would consist 


Graph Search

Live View


As a bonus for 50 points, I'd also ideally like to remove "Graph Search" 
and "Live View" from the options.

Any ideas?


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[tw5] Re: Small Color PIcker and RGB output

2019-08-11 Thread Eric Shulman
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 12:08:39 PM UTC-7, Eric Shulman wrote:
> <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/ColourPicker/New" type="color" tag="input"/>
> addendum: You can use the $edit-text widget's field="..." param to write 
the selected color value into a specified field rather than the default 
"text" field.


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[tw5] Re: Small Color PIcker and RGB output

2019-08-11 Thread Eric Shulman
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 11:07:59 AM UTC-7, MagoArcade wrote:
> How can I insert a small color picker into a tiddler and have it output to 
> R,G,B format. The standard color picker has way too much associated with it 
> (Doc link 
> ).
> eg:
> All I really want is the button at the bottom, next to the text box. 
> Also, I'm needing a way to save it to a field in this format:
> 198,3,7
> i.e. RGB in decimal

The "button at the bottom" is actually an HTML input, with type="color", 
and if you dig into the TWCore "colour-picker" code 
($:/core/macros/colour-picker), you will find this line:

<$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/ColourPicker/New" type="color" tag="input"/>

This creates the button you want.  However... the actual appearance AND 
function of the color input depends your specific platform and browser.  If 
your browser doesn't support the color button directly, it may render as a 
regular input field into which you can TYPE the color value.  Of course, 
you should change the target tiddler name to the title of the tiddler in 
which you want the color selection to be stored.

Unfortunately, this will only achieve half your desired goal.  The problem 
is that the browser-supplied HTML control will ONLY write the chosen color 
using a CSS-compatible *hexadecimal* value (e.g., "#rrggbb"), rather than 
the comma-separated decimal R,G,B values you want.

For more details, see 

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools: "Small Tools for Big Ideas" (tm) http://tiddlytools.github.io/
InsideTiddlyWiki: The Missing Manuals



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[tw5] Re: Using TiddlyWiki in multiple tabs?

2019-08-11 Thread Klaus
Thanks for the tip! It is definitly useful for me.

However, it is so for a different use-case, as it won't allow freely mixing 
tiddly-wiki tabs with webpages and PDFs. 

 But I'd say bob remains the better option for me.

For me it is about being able to freely intersperse tabs from webmail, 
pdfs, and whatnot. Tabs within a browser tab don't help me with that, in 
the same way Windows in the desktop environments window manager don't help; 
Only browser tabs currently allow freely grouping and reordering related 
content manually.

On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 2:47:31 AM UTC+2, TonyM wrote:
> See BJ's story Top tabs. You can keep the tabs inside Tiddlywiki this way.
> http://bjtools.tiddlyspot.com/
> Rehards
> Tony
> On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 8:24:16 AM UTC+10, TonyM wrote:
>> Bob is your only option then. The Bob exe install is very easy. I would 
>> say bob is multi-access.
>> I have a large and sophisticated to do projects and reference wiki that I 
>> use everyday. I like using a 3 screen setup but my key wiki only needs one 
>> window. Perhaps there are design decisions you have made that are making 
>> additional tabs more desirable. One feature you may like tabs within 
>> tiddlywiki for open tiddlers. I will look for that plugin.
>> Regards
>> Tony

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Re: [tw5] Re: Using TiddlyWiki in multiple tabs?

2019-08-11 Thread Klaus-Dieter Bauer
Thanks for the tip! It is definitly useful for me.

However, it is so for a different use-case, as it won't allow freely mixing
tiddly-wiki tabs with webpages and PDFs.

 But I'd say bob remains the better option for me.

For me it is about being able to freely intersperse tabs from webmail,
pdfs, and whatnot. Tabs within a browser tab don't help me with that, in
the same way Windows in the desktop environments window manager don't help;
Only browser tabs currently allow freely grouping and reordering related
content manually.

Am So., 11. Aug. 2019 um 02:47 Uhr schrieb TonyM :

> See BJ's story Top tabs. You can keep the tabs inside Tiddlywiki this way.
> http://bjtools.tiddlyspot.com/
> Rehards
> Tony
> On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 8:24:16 AM UTC+10, TonyM wrote:
>> Bob is your only option then. The Bob exe install is very easy. I would
>> say bob is multi-access.
>> I have a large and sophisticated to do projects and reference wiki that I
>> use everyday. I like using a 3 screen setup but my key wiki only needs one
>> window. Perhaps there are design decisions you have made that are making
>> additional tabs more desirable. One feature you may like tabs within
>> tiddlywiki for open tiddlers. I will look for that plugin.
>> Regards
>> Tony
>> --
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[tw5] Small Color PIcker and RGB output

2019-08-11 Thread MagoArcade
Hi all,

How can I insert a small color picker into a tiddler and have it output to 
R,G,B format. The standard color picker has way too much associated with it 
(Doc link 

[image: colorpicker.png]
All I really want is the button at the bottom, next to the text box. 

Also, I'm needing a way to save it to a field in this format:


i.e. RGB in decimal

Any advice appreciated!

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[tw5] Re: Polly (2) -- Downloads as HUB

2019-08-11 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki

I've been experimenting with Powershell Core on linux. It took less than 10 
minutes to install, and takes about 150megs of space. So
the barrier to usage is pretty low. It will be even lower if PS gets into 
the major distributions. For those who aren't familiar with
Linux distributions, in Linux most distributions come with a package 
manager. With a package manager you don't have to hunt down
software at individual web sites. Instead you just open the manager, tell 
it that you want Open Office, Firefox, and Gnumeric, and in 
a few minutes it's all installed.

The good news is that Polly's menus looked the same right out of the gate. 
Somehow PS handled the directory structures well enough
that nothing special had to be done to see the usage file or load 
settings.ini. Obviously, the part of TT's code that invokes notepad would
need to be tweaked. 

So far the only thing PS has completely rejected is the BufferSize setting. 

@TT -- how important is this setting? The screens looked OK. I'm thinking 
it would be possible to wrap the code with a check for platform 
so it doesn't throw an error.

I haven't checked zipping yet.

There were some conflicts between linux alias names and PS names. They can 
be resolved by using full PS names.

There may or may not be some issues relating to the path separator, but 
further testing is required.

I was able to perform a test run and restore and backup one file. Haven't 
gotten to parrots yet.

At the moment it looks like it might be possible to make Polly forward 
compatible with Powershell Core 6, perhaps
losing some functionality. I have zero access to Mac devices, so hopefully 
when it's available someone
can help out there.


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[tw5] Re: Polly (2) -- Downloads as HUB

2019-08-11 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
The more human-like a programming language becomes, the more wordier it 
Programming humans themselves is the wordiest language of them all.

On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 4:28:09 AM UTC-7, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> Ciao Mark
> Just an FYI on 
> I kinda know what I'm doing with it (until I forget), since I made it.
> But on the latest iteration on "performance" I realised ...
> *"This is taking longer to document than code!" *
>  Since its ephemeral, I won't worry too much in future on documenting 
> testing. 
> I'll JUST give the outcome.
> TT

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Re: [tw5] Re: Does anybody know the meaning of this error?

2019-08-11 Thread Pit.W.

Hello Birthe,

thats the one I am using, worked fine for a long time, and works in some 
single file wikis, in some ot does not.

The behaviour is quite erratic and I could not figure out a pattern.

I wonder what this error means.


Am 11.08.2019 um 15:18 schrieb Birthe C:

Hi Pit W.

The plugin is old and has not been compatible for later versions.


Would you be able to use the one by kixam?


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[tw5] Re: Does anybody know the meaning of this error?

2019-08-11 Thread Birthe C
Hi Pit W.

The plugin is old and has not been compatible for later versions.


Would you be able to use the one by kixam?


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[tw5] Get Tiddlers with Created Date of Current Month and Day

2019-08-11 Thread Josh Sullivan

Basically I am trying to have something I can look at to see tiddlers from 
previous years that have the same month and day as today. For example, I 
could look and see all Tiddlers created on 11 August, from 2018, 2017, etc. 

I've been trying to get it to work, but I'm not having any luck.

Any suggestions?


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[tw5] Re: Polly (2) -- Downloads as HUB

2019-08-11 Thread @TiddlyTweeter
Ciao Mark

Just an FYI on 
I kinda know what I'm doing with it (until I forget), since I made it.

But on the latest iteration on "performance" I realised ...

*"This is taking longer to document than code!" *

 Since its ephemeral, I won't worry too much in future on documenting 

I'll JUST give the outcome.


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[tw5] Does anybody know the meaning of this error?

2019-08-11 Thread Pit.W.

 The error appears in a red window, when I create a tiddler with the
 timeline plugin (vis.js Timeline emkay plugin)

TW runs under node version 5.1.19

 Internal JavaScript Error

Well, this is embarrassing. It is recommended that you restart 
TiddlyWiki by refreshing your browser

TypeError: this.setupRules is not a function


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[tw5] Re: Prevent delete option for individual tiddlers

2019-08-11 Thread Mat
Individual tiddlers that really are shadow tiddlers in a plugin are not 
deletable (except if deleting the plugin). A "plugin" can be any collection 
of tiddlers, not necessarily some "functionality".

Another route would perhaps be to hide the delete button on specific 
tiddlers by means of styling, which can be done on an individual tiddler 
basis (per title) or e.g per tag or other identifying characteristics.


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[tw5] Prevent delete option for individual tiddlers

2019-08-11 Thread MagoArcade
Any way to do this?

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[tw5] Re: Polly (2) -- Downloads as HUB

2019-08-11 Thread @TiddlyTweeter
Ciao Mark

Just FYI.

Since we now have GitHub for the base code I will 
retire https:\tidbits.wiki\polly\polly-dev.html from net presence.


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[tw5] Re: Polly (2) -- Downloads as HUB

2019-08-11 Thread @TiddlyTweeter
Ciao Mark

In addition to *.\dev\permissions.bat* (a "zapper" for unblocking scripts 
in bulk and ExecutionPolicy change [PS 5+]) you have seen already

I wrote simple tool for path testing at *.\dev\do-pathcheck.ps1.* I did it 
for myself so I can reliably find relative addresses for dirs or files.

Though I don't think these need be in a distribution, it is interesting  
how it easy it is to make support tools.


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[tw5] Re: Polly (2) -- Downloads as HUB

2019-08-11 Thread @TiddlyTweeter
*Polly First Encounter?*

The various comments in this thread indicate that "First Encounter" with 
Polly might be best just a "Basic Setup" i.e. just *Wiki Restore*.

With "*Backup*" being level 2; and "*Parrots*" level 3.

Part of the challenge in documenting her is the richness of features. 
Enable through both variant *.ini* and *-run.*

Over time I'd hope to document a range of use cases in the docs wiki for 



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[tw5] Re: Polly (2) -- Downloads as HUB

2019-08-11 Thread @TiddlyTweeter
Mark S. wrote:
> especially in the context of USB testing, that you might
want to try some larger files to give a more realistic experience.

Right. I overlooked that so far!

The current tester is strongly focused on "Naming & Pathing". All seems 
okay on that.

Now there is testing structure I'll make a "Performance" version as it will 
be easy.

> Hence also the random thoughts about robocopy, which is supposedly more
> robust than standard copy, but actually I don't know if it's more robust 
> than
> the copy function built into PS.

I looked at various discussions on RoboCopy v. Copy-Item.

My general impression is RC is faster, especially under seriously bulk 
conditions, where it has adjustable multi-threading. 
Its options are also much richer.

However, for Polly purposes, I'm really not sure it would make much 

Let's see how Polly performs with several reasonable sized wiki. 


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Re: [tw5] Re: Problems with upgrading from 5.1.18 to 5.1.20

2019-08-11 Thread Pauline

Hi Mat,

That is exactly what I am doing. I have
  discovered what is going on. There are two downloads for every
  "upgrade", one generated automatically & another when you hit
  the big green save button. The auto generated one is wonky with
  added upgrade wizard badness. The big green button one is ok.
  Behaviour in Chrome is the same as FF, though for some reason
  there is an extra space in the generated filename. Looks like on
  my fs - larger files have the upgrade wizard added:

  $ ls -alt upgrad*
  -rwxrwx---+ 1 foo bar 3716503 Aug 11 17:36 'upgrade (2).html'
  -rwxrwx---+ 1 foo bar 17400292 Aug 11 17:36 'upgrade (1).html'
  -rwxrwx---+ 1 foo bar 3716503 Aug 11 17:28 'upgrade(3).html'
  -rwxrwx---+ 1 foo bar 17400292 Aug 11 17:28 'upgrade(2).html'
  -rwxrwx---+ 1 foo bar 3716503 Aug 11 15:14 'upgrade(1).html'
  -rwxrwx---+ 1 foo bar 17400292 Aug 11 15:14  upgrade.html
  Anyway I am happily back to all things upgraded tiddlywiki. Thanks
  for the responses. Let me know if I need to guinea pig a solution.
  This quirk would be uber annoying for non tech. people who would
  assume the first download is the correct file.


: On 11/08/19 16:34, Mat wrote:

  Hi Pauline, the problem you describe has happened
to others before - and it was because they used the wrong steps.
Could you describe each step in detail. I'll describe it as it
is supposed to be done:

Have your outdated copy on your drive.
Go to the upgrade page.
Drag the file onto the circle or click the circle and
  select your file.
In the presented checklist, don't touch anything.
...just click Upgrade button
This switches over to the big green Save button, which you
  also click.
I suggest you save it with another name so it is not
  confused with any previous file.

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Re: [tw5] Re: Problems with upgrading from 5.1.18 to 5.1.20

2019-08-11 Thread Mat
Hi Pauline, the problem you describe has happened to others before - and it 
was because they used the wrong steps. Could you describe each step in 
detail. I'll describe it as it is supposed to be done:

Have your outdated copy on your drive.
Go to the upgrade page.
Drag the file onto the circle or click the circle and select your file.
In the presented checklist, don't touch anything.
...just click Upgrade button
This switches over to the big green Save button, which you also click.
I suggest you save it with another name so it is not confused with any 
previous file.


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Re: [tw5] Re: Problems with upgrading from 5.1.18 to 5.1.20

2019-08-11 Thread Pauline

Hiya Birthe,

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately
  what works for you, doesn't for me. As I said in my post, the
  "Save upgraded TiddlyWiki file" link generates a tiddlywiki which
  includes the upgrade wizard. Nothing odd about my setup, Win7 64
  bit, latest FF & Chrome (new install), IPv6.

Does anyone have any other ideas as to
  the source of the problem?


On 11/08/19 15:05, Birthe C wrote:

Hi Pauline,

I upgraded using Firefox with no problem. You must save
  using the "Save upgraded TiddlyWiki file" link. After
  upgrading your wiki, close https://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html.
Drag your wiki to a tab in the browser.
Older $:/core should be blocked, you wouldn't want that,
  after all you are upgrading ;-)
Same thing happens if you have overwritten any of the core
  tiddlers, you will get a warning.

Better luck next time,


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