[tw5] TW-Scripts: Update Dec 22nd

2019-12-21 Thread Mohammad
There is a new TW-Scripts update.

See it here

Code and star:https://github.com/kookma/TW-Scripts


Note: some solutions are not documented yet and will be gradually done!

Latest solutions added to TW-Scripts within last 7 days.

   1. Form and Concatenation of Inputs 

   2. A Direct Open for Edit on Wiki Crash 

   3. The RAM Usage of Tiddlywiki on Node.js 

   4. Toggle UI Elements in Edit Mode 

   5. Filter Constructor 
   6. Add a New Element to Page Controls 

   7. Replace or Rename Fields 
   8. Combo Search: Standard and Filter Search 

   9. Hide Part of Text 
   10. Custom Style and Classes in Wikitext 

   11. Hashtag to Tag 
   12. Easy Local Saving with WebDav 

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[tw5] Re: Combo Searchbox: search both as "standard search" and "filter search"

2019-12-21 Thread Mohammad
Added to TW-Scripts

On Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 9:30:17 AM UTC+3:30, Mohammad wrote:
> This may be answered already, but I could not find in in the forum
> *idea*: have a search box (an $edit-text) which lets you to search both 
> by filter and by simple keywords
> *use case*: one search box and do both standard and filter search
> *a quick proposal*
> Create a tiddler in https://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/
> put the below text inside and give a try.
> perform searches like standard search and then like filter search and let 
> me know your feedback.
> \define standardSearch()
> Standard search
> <$list filter="[search:title,caption,text[$(searchTerms)$]]">
> <$link/>
> \end
> \define filterSearch()
> Filter search
> <$list filter=<> >
> <$link/>
> \end
> \define combo-search()
> <$vars pattern="^\["
> combo search <$edit-text tiddler=<> tag=input/>  
> <$reveal state=<> type="nomatch" text="">
> <$set name=searchTerms tiddler=<> field=text>
> <$list filter="[minlength[3]limit[1]]" emptyMessage="Search 
> text too short" variable=ignore>
> <$list filter="[regexp]" 
> emptyMessage=<> >
>  <>
> \end
> <>
> *Question*:
>1. what is the best regexp pattern here?
>2. how to improve the performance
> --Mohammad

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[tw5] Re: Finally upgrading to TW5, troubleshooting aliases ('alias' fieldname > 'aliases' ?)

2019-12-21 Thread Mohammad
Added to TW-Scripts

On Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 8:20:58 PM UTC+3:30, Mohammad wrote:
> Springer,
>  I noticed you want to change the field name itself NOT the field value.
>  So just do as below
>- create a new tiddler like "change my alias"
>- in the text body copy and paste the below code
> <$button> Change alias to aliases
> <$list filter="[all[tiddlers]has[alias]]">
> <$action-setfield aliases={{!!alias}}/>
> <$action-deletefield alias/>
>- save and click the button
>- Always make a backup and work on the trial wiki!
> How it works
>- find all tiddlers has a filed called alias
>- copy the content of alias field to a new field aliases
>- delete the old field alias
> --Mohammad

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[tw5] Re: TW5: How to create another ADD tiddler button with predefined content?

2019-12-21 Thread Mohammad
Added to TW-Scripts

On Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 3:51:11 PM UTC+3:30, Eric Shulman wrote:
> On Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 3:17:36 AM UTC-8, Chuck R. wrote:
>> On the right side of my TW there are default buttons like "+" which adds 
>> a new tiddler. How do I add another ADD button which has predefined content 
>> and tags? I'm adding one study per new tiddler and I'd like each study 
>> tiddler to have a tag of "study" but also have this content as a template: 
>> Source: 
>> ! Findings
>> ! Abstract
>> I'm new to this type of changes to TW so if you could explain each steps, 
>> where each data goes, and speak slowly, I think I will get it. :)
> The right hand panel is called "the Sidebar".  The "Page Controls" buttons 
> that appear at the top of the sidebar (e.g., "new tiddler", "control 
> panel", "save changes", etc.) are not stored in a single tiddler.  Rather, 
> each button definition has it's own tiddler, and these tiddlers are all 
> tagged with "$:/tags/PageControls" to indicate that they should appear in 
> that part of the Sidebar.
> To define your own button, create a new tiddler (e.g., "MyButton")
> 1) First, add the $:/tags/PageControls tags to that tiddler.
> 2) Next, enter your button definition into the text area, like this:
> <$button class="tc-btn-invisible"
><$list filter="[match[yes]]">
>   {{$:/core/images/spiral}}
><$list filter="[match[yes]]">
>   <$text text="New Study"/>
><$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" tags="study" 
> text={{MyButtonTemplate}}/>
> 3) Then, add a new field named "caption".  In this field, enter:
> {{$:/core/images/spiral}} New Study
> 4) and add another new field named "description".  In this field, enter:
> Use this button to create a new Study tiddler with default content
> Then, create a separate tiddler named "MyButtonTemplate", containing the 
> default content you want, i.e.,
> Source: 
> ! Findings
> ! Abstract
> Once you have defined these tiddlers, it will automatically appear as a 
> Page Control at the top of the Sidebar.
> You can re-position this button to put it the desired order alongside the 
> other PageControls
> To do this, open the $:/ControlPanel (click the gear icon in the Sidebar).
> 1) The $:/ControlPanel has multiple levels of "tabs" for getting to the 
> controls you need.
> 2) Select the "Appearance" tab (across the top).  This will show a second 
> level of tabs:
> "Palette", "Story View", "Theme", "Toolbars" and "Theme Tweaks".
> 3) Select the "Toolbars" tab.  This will show a third level of tabs, 
> displayed vertically on the left:
> "Edit Toolbar", "Editor Toolbar", "Page Toolbar" and "View Toolbar".
> 4) Select the "Page Toolbar" tab.  This will display a set of checkboxes, 
> showing all the buttons that are tagged with "$:/tags/PageControls".
> If you've created your tiddler correctly, your new button will appear at 
> the bottom of this list.
> To reposition it, just grab it with the mouse and drag it to move it 
> within the list.
> That should do it.  Let me know how it goes...
> enjoy,
> -e

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[tw5] Re: Restore last N tiddler edits idea

2019-12-21 Thread Mohammad
Added to TW-Scripts

On Sunday, December 22, 2019 at 9:09:21 AM UTC+3:30, Eric Shulman wrote:
> On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 8:37:41 PM UTC-8, TonyM wrote:
>> Whilst doing some development today with advanced macros I was displaying 
>> a tiddler that abended the wiki. 
>>- Unfortunately I had default tiddlers of [list[$:/StoryList]] so it 
>>would always display on load. 
>>- I edited the html file directly and removed [list[$:/StoryList]] 
>>from $:/DefaultTiddlers 
>>- and I can now use an indirect way to edit the tiddler before 
>>displaying it so I can fix the problem
>> I've run into similar problems when working on macros
> that are recursive and get into a "runaway" condition
> which never terminates, and eventually crashes the page.
> Here's a little "OpenForEdit" tiddler that can help with the above 
> situation.
> Select a tiddler to edit:
> <$select tiddler="$:/temp/openforedit">
><$list filter="[all[tiddlers]]"> <> <
> /$list>
> <$button>edit
><$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param={{$:/temp/
> openforedit}} />
> Then, to bypass the DefaultTiddlers on startup, just add "#OpenForEdit" to 
> the end of your URL.
> When the above tiddler is loaded, select the offending tiddler from the 
> list and press the "edit" button
> to jump directly into edit mode, bypassing any view mode problems that 
> tiddler may have.
> enjoy,
> -e

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[tw5] Re: Saving the concatenation of the values of two variables in a new variable

2019-12-21 Thread Mohammad
Added to TW-Scripts

Two tiny corrections!

<$vars first={{!!lastname_temp}} second={{!!firstname_temp}}/>


<$vars second={{!!lastname_temp}} second={{!!firstname_temp}} >

(note to removed slash)

On Sunday, December 22, 2019 at 1:43:31 AM UTC+3:30, Eric Shulman wrote:
> On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 1:28:19 PM UTC-8, Matthias Katerbow 
> wrote:
>> I'm trying to save the concatenation of the values of two variables in a 
>> new variable:
>> \define linkup(firststring,secondstring) [[$firststring$, 
>> $secondstring$]]
>> | First Name|<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' 
>> tiddler="$:/state/NewIndividualForm" 
>> field='firstname_temp' placeholder='First Name'/>|
>> | Last Name|<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' 
>> tiddler="$:/state/NewIndividualForm" field='lastname_temp' 
>> placeholder='Last Name'/>|
>> <$set name="title_temp">
>> <$macrocall $name="linkup" 
>> firststring={{$:/state/NewIndividualForm!!lastname_temp}} 
>> secondstring={{$:/state/NewIndividualForm!!firstname_temp}}/>
>> Unfortunately the new variable <> stays empty.
> TiddlyWiki syntax can be a bit confusing if you are used to other 
> scripting/programming languages.  Here's some code that should achieve 
> the results you intended:
> \define linkup() [[$(first)$, $(second)$]]
> <$tiddler tiddler="$:/state/NewIndividualForm">
> | First Name|<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' field='firstname_temp' 
> placeholder='First Name'/>|
> | Last Name |<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' field='lastname_temp' 
>  placeholder='Last Name' />|
> <$vars first={{!!lastname_temp}} second={{!!firstname_temp}}/>
>... you can use <> here to refer to the combined result
> notes:
>  * The <$set> widget doesn't work the way you were using it. The proper 
> syntax is
> <$set name="variablename" value="...">
>   ... variablename is "in scope" and its value can be used here
> * The <$vars> widget provide a similar operation to <$set>, but has a 
> cleaner syntax:
> <$vars variablename="...">
>... variablename is "in scope" and its value can be used here
> * Everything (except the linkup macro definition) is inside a <$tiddler> 
> widget to set the context, so you can just refer to the fields without 
> having to specify the tiddler each time
> * I shortened the variable "firststring" and "secondstring" to just 
> "first" and "second"
> * The $vars widget gets the input from the temporary fields and puts them 
> into variables
> * The <> macro uses $(...)$ syntax to access the variable values 
> instead of passing them as parameters.
> * I omitted the use of "title_temp", since references to <> while 
> *inside* the <$vars>... block will do the same thing .
> That last point is important to remember: everything in TiddlyWiki is 
> context dependent, so variables only exist WITHIN the scope of their 
> container.
> I hope this makes helps things to begin to make more sense...let me know 
> how it goes.
> enjoy,
> -e
> Eric Shulman
> InsideTiddlyWiki (http://www.TiddlyTools.com/InsideTW)
> TiddlyTools.com: "Small Tools for Big Ideas!" (tm)

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[tw5] Re: Combo Searchbox: search both as "standard search" and "filter search"

2019-12-21 Thread Mohammad
 That's a nice trick to standard search box :-)

On Sunday, December 22, 2019 at 4:07:56 AM UTC+3:30, TonyM wrote:
> Mohammad
> In my examples the extended one is what I would like to propose to add to 
> the default since it allows a system tiddler to appear in the standard 
> search if it has a caption. You can add captions to the many tools you have 
> shared and users can find them in the standard search.
> I would like your view on this
> Tony

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[tw5] Re: Restore last N tiddler edits idea

2019-12-21 Thread Eric Shulman
On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 8:37:41 PM UTC-8, TonyM wrote:
> Whilst doing some development today with advanced macros I was displaying 
> a tiddler that abended the wiki. 
>- Unfortunately I had default tiddlers of [list[$:/StoryList]] so it 
>would always display on load. 
>- I edited the html file directly and removed [list[$:/StoryList]] 
>from $:/DefaultTiddlers 
>- and I can now use an indirect way to edit the tiddler before 
>displaying it so I can fix the problem
> I've run into similar problems when working on macros
that are recursive and get into a "runaway" condition
which never terminates, and eventually crashes the page.

Here's a little "OpenForEdit" tiddler that can help with the above 

Select a tiddler to edit:
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/openforedit">
   <$list filter="[all[tiddlers]]"> <> <

   <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param={{$:/temp/
openforedit}} />

Then, to bypass the DefaultTiddlers on startup, just add "#OpenForEdit" to 
the end of your URL.
When the above tiddler is loaded, select the offending tiddler from the 
list and press the "edit" button
to jump directly into edit mode, bypassing any view mode problems that 
tiddler may have.


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[tw5] Re: List on current tiddler footer only on certain title

2019-12-21 Thread Scott Kingery
Thanks for the explanation, Eric!

On Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 8:59:30 PM UTC-8, Eric Shulman wrote:
> On Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 8:32:05 PM UTC-8, Scott Kingery wrote:
>> I tried to do the reverse
>> <$list filter="[all[current]title[Home]]">
>> to have it show up only on Home. It doesn't work and ends up showing on 
>> all tiddlers.
> https://tiddlywiki.com/#Selection%20Constructors
> * Most operators derive their output from their input. For example, many 
> of them output a subset of their input, and thus truly live up to the name 
> of "filters", narrowing down the overall output of the containing run. 
> These operators are called selection modifiers.
> * A few operators ignore their input and generate an independent output 
> instead. These are called selection constructors: they construct an 
> entirely new selection.
> The "[title[...]]" filter operator is a selection constructor.  Thus, in 
> your filter expression, it doesn't matter that title[Home] is preceded by 
> all[current].  It will always result in the value "Home" being returned by 
> the filter.
> Fortunately, there are several selection modifier filter operators that 
> you can use to get the results you want:
> * [all[current]field:title[Home]] tests to see if the field named title 
> has a value of "Home"
> or
> * [all[current]match[Home]] tests the value of "all[current]" to see if it 
> matches the literal text "Home"
> note: you can also replace "all[current]" with the variable 
>  (SINGLE angle brackets for filters!), thus:
> * [field:title[Home]]
> or
> * [match[Home]]
> Any of the above filters should work for your desired end goal.
> enjoy,
> -e
> .  For your purposes, you should use "field:title[Home]" which tests the 
> input to see if 

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[tw5] Re: search operator and variables

2019-12-21 Thread Mohammad
This is an All-in-One search tools! (it is a run and learn tool!)
I appreciate to put these description in SearchAndDestroy documentation 


On Sunday, December 22, 2019 at 2:05:21 AM UTC+3:30, Eric Shulman wrote:
> Yet another big update to http://tiddlytools.com/filtergenerators.html
>  SearchAndDestroy
> * I added individual "reset" buttons for each part of the input table, so 
> you can clear each separately (the existing "clear all" button still 
> applies to all inputs at once)
> * use of my "edit-list" macro for all inputs (except the search term 
> itself) to provide combined edit-text and select list functionality.  This 
> allows you to enter values or pick pre-defined values from a list.  Note 
> that the edit-text fields use the "focusPopup" feature to automatically 
> show the list as soon as you put the cursor in the edit field.
> * some of the lists are 'self-filtering' so that as you type, the list 
> choices are automatically updated to only show items that contain the 
> current input text.
> * the "prefix" edit-list has a separate button that adds/removes a long, 
> auto-generated list of system tiddler "folders" making it easier to use for 
> exploring the core shadows (which has nearly 2000 tiddlers!)
> (be sure to select "shadows" or "tiddler+shadows" in the first edit-list, 
> so that the results will actually find shadow definitions)
> * rather than limiting the output (using "limit[n]", as you have done), I 
> added "overflow-y:auto" and "max-height:50vh" styles to the output display, 
> so that you can scroll through the results
> -e

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[tw5] Restore last N tiddler edits idea

2019-12-21 Thread TonyM

Whilst doing some development today with advanced macros I was displaying a 
tiddler that abended the wiki. 

   - Unfortunately I had default tiddlers of [list[$:/StoryList]] so it 
   would always display on load. 
   - I edited the html file directly and removed [list[$:/StoryList]] from 

   - and I can now use an indirect way to edit the tiddler before 
   displaying it so I can fix the problem

The idea came to me if with every tiddler open to edit we took a copy of 
the tiddler and stored it in something like but different to Mohammads 
trash, perhaps with a maximum number like 20 based on most recently 
selected editing time, such they can be restored. With a special URI 
similar to the Safe mode we could open a special tiddler listing in order a 
restore button for the last 20 edited tiddlers. Click will restore the 
content of that tiddler, Or edit it directly (Without the view template) 
one could save and reload to return with the edited tiddler or in a state 
prior to the last save.

This would help recover from an error in a single tiddler (or more) without 
needing to revert to html file edits. Not always if the fault is a tiddler 
displayed by the page of course, unless a special page template was set.

It is a type of version control limited to N recent changes.

What do you think?


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[tw5] Re: CSS Wikitext in macro issue

2019-12-21 Thread Eric Shulman
On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 5:06:58 PM UTC-8, David Allen wrote:
> \define color_picker(label,field)
> $label$
> <$edit-text field="$field$" type="number" class="custom_select"/>
> {{!!$field$}}
> \end

Wikification does not occur *inside* parameters.  To achieve the results 
you want, you want to use a macro to construct the entire style="..." 
attribute value, like this:
\define colorstyle()  background-color: rgb({{!!$field$}}, {{!!$field$}}, 
{{!!$field$}});text-align: center;

and then, in your output macro, write:
> >{{!!$field$}} 

That should work.  Let me know how it goes.


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[tw5] Re: Saving the concatenation of the values of two variables in a new variable

2019-12-21 Thread Eric Shulman
On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 4:42:54 PM UTC-8, TonyM wrote:
> I assume there is a \end for the \define in the various code samples.

It a single line define, where the definition is *on the same line* as the 
\define.  No need for a \end


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[tw5] Re: CSS Wikitext in macro issue

2019-12-21 Thread A Gloom

> Found something that works and lets me use multiple such instances of this 
> macro

Nice! *poclets code* >> << : D

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[tw5] Re: CSS Wikitext in macro issue

2019-12-21 Thread David Allen
Found something that works and lets me use multiple such instances of this 

\define color_picker(label,field)


<$edit-text field="$field$" type="number" class="custom_select"/>

.style_$field$ {background-color: rgb({{!!$field$}}, 
{{!!$field$}}, {{!!$field$}}); padding: 10px;}


On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 8:03:10 PM UTC-6, David Allen wrote:
> I did and it didn't work
> On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 7:59:27 PM UTC-6, A Gloom wrote:
>> the field value transclusion may need a template to apply styling if I'm 
>> understanding correctly
>> have you tried wikitext styling markup?
>> Eric summed it up well here-- 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/NDASkeP2oMA/Bfr9tID2AwAJ

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[tw5] Re: Combo Searchbox: search both as "standard search" and "filter search"

2019-12-21 Thread TonyM
All here or in some off line WIkis, often half done. 

When I come up with a good idea, I test it and confirm it works, but do not 
yet polish it up and publish like others. If a question demands I will 
provide targeted info but this polishing takes time, especially since I 
always find a few ways to make it even better and these need work so I cant 
publish them.


On Sunday, December 22, 2019 at 12:28:55 PM UTC+11, A Gloom wrote:
> Psat website or the tiddlywiki.psat.com.au has not had many updates but 
>> hopefully will soon.
>> Regards
> So where's all your coding secrets then?  >> << 

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[tw5] Re: CSS Wikitext in macro issue

2019-12-21 Thread David Allen
I did and it didn't work

On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 7:59:27 PM UTC-6, A Gloom wrote:
> the field value transclusion may need a template to apply styling if I'm 
> understanding correctly
> have you tried wikitext styling markup?
> Eric summed it up well here-- 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/NDASkeP2oMA/Bfr9tID2AwAJ

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[tw5] Re: CSS Wikitext in macro issue

2019-12-21 Thread A Gloom
the field value transclusion may need a template to apply styling if I'm 
understanding correctly


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[tw5] Re: CSS Wikitext in macro issue

2019-12-21 Thread A Gloom
the field value transclusion may need a template to apply styling if I'm 
understanding correctly

have you tried wikitext styling markup?

Eric summed it up well here-- 

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[tw5] Re: Two ideas for hiding and expanding

2019-12-21 Thread A Gloom
Glad to be occasional help (usually of no help cause of irrevelance)

Feliz Navidad, be safe

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[tw5] Re: Combo Searchbox: search both as "standard search" and "filter search"

2019-12-21 Thread A Gloom

> Psat website or the tiddlywiki.psat.com.au has not had many updates but 
> hopefully will soon.
> Regards
So where's all your coding secrets then?  >> << 

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[tw5] CSS Wikitext in macro issue

2019-12-21 Thread David Allen
\define color_picker(label,field)


<$edit-text field="$field$" type="number" class="custom_select"/>



I've finally discovered wikifying CSS, and I think I love it.  I'm trying 
to make a tiddler that contains some CSS controlling forms and the code 
above is one of the macros I use.  I'm trying to get a segment of the table 
to turn the same color (grayscale) as the value in the $field$ parameter.  
For some reason, it is not working as I have it typed out here, but it 
looks (to me) like it should.

Does anyone know if I'm doing something wrong, or a better method of doing 

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[tw5] Possible to save tiddlers as individual files?

2019-12-21 Thread TonyM

Out of the box the behavior to save individual tiddler only happens using 
nodejs or a folder based install. You can do this on top of drop box but either 
you need a server that all your devices can reach over the network or be able 
to run a  server on each device to access the folders (one at a time)

So what devices are you using?


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[tw5] Re: Saving the concatenation of the values of two variables in a new variable

2019-12-21 Thread TonyM
I assume there is a \end for the \define in the various code samples.


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[tw5] Re: Combo Searchbox: search both as "standard search" and "filter search"

2019-12-21 Thread TonyM

In my examples the extended one is what I would like to propose to add to the 
default since it allows a system tiddler to appear in the standard search if it 
has a caption. You can add captions to the many tools you have shared and users 
can find them in the standard search.

I would like your view on this


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[tw5] Re: Combo Searchbox: search both as "standard search" and "filter search"

2019-12-21 Thread TonyM

Psat website or the tiddlywiki.psat.com.au has not had many updates but 
hopefully will soon.


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[tw5] Re: Combo Searchbox: search both as "standard search" and "filter search"

2019-12-21 Thread A Gloom
looks interesting, may be helpful in my pursuits (yorr work has always been 
helpful-- I have scoured PSaT for ideas before), but first must... : )

more personal name?  I don't know... back in the ether prehistory (time of 
local BBS & Telnet, there was a Gloom, when someone said let there be tcip, 
there was a Gloom,,, though there's no Gloom on social media... so there 
must be not person any longer-- just Gloom : P )

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[tw5] Re: search operator and variables

2019-12-21 Thread Eric Shulman
Yet another big update to http://tiddlytools.com/filtergenerators.html

* I added individual "reset" buttons for each part of the input table, so 
you can clear each separately (the existing "clear all" button still 
applies to all inputs at once)
* use of my "edit-list" macro for all inputs (except the search term 
itself) to provide combined edit-text and select list functionality.  This 
allows you to enter values or pick pre-defined values from a list.  Note 
that the edit-text fields use the "focusPopup" feature to automatically 
show the list as soon as you put the cursor in the edit field.
* some of the lists are 'self-filtering' so that as you type, the list 
choices are automatically updated to only show items that contain the 
current input text.
* the "prefix" edit-list has a separate button that adds/removes a long, 
auto-generated list of system tiddler "folders" making it easier to use for 
exploring the core shadows (which has nearly 2000 tiddlers!)
(be sure to select "shadows" or "tiddler+shadows" in the first edit-list, 
so that the results will actually find shadow definitions)
* rather than limiting the output (using "limit[n]", as you have done), I 
added "overflow-y:auto" and "max-height:50vh" styles to the output display, 
so that you can scroll through the results


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[tw5] Re: viewport, screen size and tiddler size

2019-12-21 Thread Eric Shulman
On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 2:05:02 PM UTC-8, Magnus wrote:
> Forgive a silly question but what are the difference in vw/vh and using %?

vw and vh are based on the current browser "viewport" (window) dimensions,
while % is based on the current containing block-level DOM element (DIV, 
span, table cell, etc) dimensions



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[tw5] Re: Saving the concatenation of the values of two variables in a new variable

2019-12-21 Thread Eric Shulman
On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 1:28:19 PM UTC-8, Matthias Katerbow wrote:
> I'm trying to save the concatenation of the values of two variables in a 
> new variable:
> \define linkup(firststring,secondstring) [[$firststring$, $secondstring$]]
> | First Name|<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' 
> tiddler="$:/state/NewIndividualForm" 
> field='firstname_temp' placeholder='First Name'/>|
> | Last Name|<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' 
> tiddler="$:/state/NewIndividualForm" field='lastname_temp' 
> placeholder='Last Name'/>|
> <$set name="title_temp">
> <$macrocall $name="linkup" 
> firststring={{$:/state/NewIndividualForm!!lastname_temp}} 
> secondstring={{$:/state/NewIndividualForm!!firstname_temp}}/>
> Unfortunately the new variable <> stays empty.

TiddlyWiki syntax can be a bit confusing if you are used to other 
scripting/programming languages.  Here's some code that should achieve the 
results you intended:
\define linkup() [[$(first)$, $(second)$]]
<$tiddler tiddler="$:/state/NewIndividualForm">

| First Name|<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' field='firstname_temp' 
placeholder='First Name'/>|
| Last Name |<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' field='lastname_temp' 
 placeholder='Last Name' />|

<$vars first={{!!lastname_temp}} second={{!!firstname_temp}}/>
   ... you can use <> here to refer to the combined result

 * The <$set> widget doesn't work the way you were using it. The proper 
syntax is
<$set name="variablename" value="...">
  ... variablename is "in scope" and its value can be used here

* The <$vars> widget provide a similar operation to <$set>, but has a 
cleaner syntax:
<$vars variablename="...">
   ... variablename is "in scope" and its value can be used here

* Everything (except the linkup macro definition) is inside a <$tiddler> 
widget to set the context, so you can just refer to the fields without 
having to specify the tiddler each time
* I shortened the variable "firststring" and "secondstring" to just "first" 
and "second"
* The $vars widget gets the input from the temporary fields and puts them 
into variables
* The <> macro uses $(...)$ syntax to access the variable values 
instead of passing them as parameters.
* I omitted the use of "title_temp", since references to <> while 
*inside* the <$vars>... block will do the same thing .

That last point is important to remember: everything in TiddlyWiki is 
context dependent, so variables only exist WITHIN the scope of their 

I hope this makes helps things to begin to make more sense...let me know 
how it goes.

Eric Shulman
InsideTiddlyWiki (http://www.TiddlyTools.com/InsideTW)
TiddlyTools.com: "Small Tools for Big Ideas!" (tm)

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[tw5] Re: viewport, screen size and tiddler size

2019-12-21 Thread Magnus
Forgive a silly question but what are the difference in vw/vh and using %?

Den fredag 20 december 2019 kl. 15:41:55 UTC+1 skrev Eric Shulman:
> On Friday, December 20, 2019 at 6:24:54 AM UTC-8, Chuck R. wrote:
>> Others might need a slightly different way to do this. Just to add my 2 
>> cents I found some variables in https://tiddlywiki.com/#InfoMechanism. 
>> One was
>>  $:info/browser/screen/width
> Note that this value (and also the $:info/browser/screen/height) are the 
> number of *pixels* in your display,
> and do not vary based on the browser window size.  Unless unless the 
> browser window is currently maximized,
> these values will typically be greater than the actual browser window size.
> I recommend using 100vw and 100vh when computing a desired size,
> so that it will always be relative to the browser window size.
> -e

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[tw5] Saving the concatenation of the values of two variables in a new variable

2019-12-21 Thread 'Matthias Katerbow' via TiddlyWiki
Hi folks,

I'm trying to save the concatenation of the values of two variables in a 
new variable:

\define linkup(firststring,secondstring) [[$firststring$, $secondstring$]]

| First Name|<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' 
tiddler="$:/state/NewIndividualForm" field='firstname_temp' 
placeholder='First Name'/>|
| Last Name|<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' 
tiddler="$:/state/NewIndividualForm" field='lastname_temp' 
placeholder='Last Name'/>|

<$set name="title_temp">
<$macrocall $name="linkup" 

Unfortunately the new variable <> stays empty.

Any suggestions how to do that better?


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[tw5] Re: Two ideas for hiding and expanding

2019-12-21 Thread Mohammad

On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 9:18:43 PM UTC+3:30, A Gloom wrote:
> Nifty feature-- instead of a plugin, perhaps a template?
> Along the lines of Mohammad's suggestion-- a in-tiddler button-- actually 
> the stock button to hide the sidebar...
> <$reveal state="$:/state/sidebar" type="nomatch" text="no">
> <$button set="$:/state/sidebar" setTo="no" 
> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/HideSideBar/Hint}} 
> aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/HideSideBar/Caption}} 
> class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}
> <$reveal state="$:/state/sidebar" type="match" text="no">
> <$button set="$:/state/sidebar" setTo="yes" 
> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/ShowSideBar/Hint}} 
> aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/ShowSideBar/Caption}} 
> class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}
Useful addition! 

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[tw5] Possible to save tiddlers as individual files?

2019-12-21 Thread Jared Lettau
I have been extremely satisfied with with using dropbox folder integration 
to sync my .html file. However, since every save modifies the single .html 
save file:

   - Every save results in a full wiki sync to all devices which chews up 
   - While rare, dropbox versioning conflicts are between large .html 
   files, not the individual tiddlers that create the conflict.

I'd like to create/modify the tw to save each tiddler as a separate file. 
So instead of one .html file tw would save and work with as many files as 
there are tiddlers. In this way, only the tiddler files that are changed 
will sync in dropbox and conflicts will be between specific tiddlers not 
the entire .html wiki file.

*I've been unable to find a plugin that allows tw to save each tiddler as 
an individual file.*

   - Before I go make one, does one already exist?
   - Any thoughts on producing this behavior by modifying source or 
   shadow/system tiddlers?

Thank you

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[tw5] Re: Change currentTiddler within macro based on macro input

2019-12-21 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki

On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 12:27:36 PM UTC-8, David Allen wrote:
> Also, why is the ~ in front of the title again?
That means "else". So if the first run doesn't find the target tiddler, the 
second run will use the current tiddler.

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[tw5] Re: Change currentTiddler within macro based on macro input

2019-12-21 Thread David Allen
Thank you! This is working now.  I didn't know the exact syntax for doing 
<<__parameter__>> inside a filter, so that helped.

Also, why is the ~ in front of the title again?

On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 2:20:06 PM UTC-6, Mark S. wrote:
> Try
> \define img_gallery2(target_tiddler)
> <$list filter="[<__target_tiddler__>!is[missing]] 
> ~[title]">
> <>
> <>
> \end
> On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 11:32:31 AM UTC-8, David Allen wrote:
>> *I do not want a new plugin, so please don't suggest one!*
>> I have a macro as follows:
>> \define img_gallery2(target_tiddler)
>> <>
>> <>
>> \end
>> Right now, target_tiddler is not used.  single_image3 and add_gallery2 
>> both use text references for the currentTiddler variable (such as 
>> {{!!images}} ).
>> I want to expand this macro to set currentTiddler to the value of 
>> target_tiddler only if target_tiddler is defined, but leave it alone 
>> otherwise.
>> Anyone have any suggestions?
>> *I do not want a new plugin, so please don't suggest one!*

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[tw5] Re: Change currentTiddler within macro based on macro input

2019-12-21 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki

\define img_gallery2(target_tiddler)
<$list filter="[<__target_tiddler__>!is[missing]] ~[title]">



On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 11:32:31 AM UTC-8, David Allen wrote:
> *I do not want a new plugin, so please don't suggest one!*
> I have a macro as follows:
> \define img_gallery2(target_tiddler)
> <>
> <>
> \end
> Right now, target_tiddler is not used.  single_image3 and add_gallery2 
> both use text references for the currentTiddler variable (such as 
> {{!!images}} ).
> I want to expand this macro to set currentTiddler to the value of 
> target_tiddler only if target_tiddler is defined, but leave it alone 
> otherwise.
> Anyone have any suggestions?
> *I do not want a new plugin, so please don't suggest one!*

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[tw5] Re: Change currentTiddler within macro based on macro input

2019-12-21 Thread bimlas
David Allen,

I think you need to use the Tiddler widget 

\define img_gallery2(target_tiddler) 
  <$tiddler tiddler=<<__target_tiddler__>>>



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[tw5] Change currentTiddler within macro based on macro input

2019-12-21 Thread David Allen
*I do not want a new plugin, so please don't suggest one!*
I have a macro as follows:

\define img_gallery2(target_tiddler)



Right now, target_tiddler is not used.  single_image3 and add_gallery2 both 
use text references for the currentTiddler variable (such as {{!!images}} ).

I want to expand this macro to set currentTiddler to the value of 
target_tiddler only if target_tiddler is defined, but leave it alone 

Anyone have any suggestions?
*I do not want a new plugin, so please don't suggest one!*

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[tw5] Re: Two ideas for hiding and expanding

2019-12-21 Thread David Gifford
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Nice suggestions! When I get a little 
time...doing holiday stuff right now...

On Friday, December 20, 2019 at 8:56:06 AM UTC-6, David Gifford wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I came up with two solutions this morning for needs that I had:
> 1) a toggle button in viewing mode that hides / reveals content in the 
> tiddler text, hidden by CSS
> 2) a row of toggle buttons that hide / reveal elements of the edittemplate 
> (title, tags, type, field, and custom user content), in order to maximize 
> screen real estate for editing.
> See them both here: 
> https://giffmex.org/experiments/expand.edittemplate.html
> Open invitation and encouragement for someone here to refine either of 
> these and turn it into a plugin.
> Blessings, Dave

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[tw5] Re: TIP TW5: How to hide text

2019-12-21 Thread A Gloom
@Torax Malu

well, if such kind of information is so welcomed,

Of course it is


> The reveal only interpretes the tiddler only with the given template, if 
> it has type JSON. Otherwise it will display the content as normal TW-Text. 
> You can also add other protections like version-fields and so on, but I 
> think the basic ideas is visible.

Interesting code-- i can use something like that

kinda like conditional field display that selects/shows field content but 
for created and modified fileds will automatically apply date format

used with table column headers of WikiWitchery Tiddler Explorer for 
selecting any field to display in the column without having to edit the 
table code
 nomatch what displays if any field other than created or modified is 
 match -- what displays if created or modified fields are selected

 nomatch<$reveal type="nomatch" stateTitle="conditional reveal date 
format" stateField="filter-field5" text="created">
<$reveal type="nomatch" stateTitle="conditional reveal date format" 
stateField="filter-field5" text="modified">
title -1- <$view field="title"/>

 matches<$reveal type="match" stateTitle="conditional reveal date 
format" stateField="filter-field5" text="created">
created -1- <$view field={{!!filter-field5}}/> -2- <$view 
field={{!!filter-field5}} format="date" template="DD mmm "/>

<$reveal type="match" stateTitle="conditional reveal date format" 
stateField="!!filter-field5" text="modified">
modified -1- <$view field={{!!filter-field5}}/> -2- <$view 
field={{filter-field5}} format="date" template="DD mmm "/>

working example of that attached as well as demos of buttons, reveals and 
css for selective turining on/off image "layering", table column collapses, 
border altering, image rotation

also involving in-tiddler css manipulation with interactive controls-- this 
case css filters manipulation of images (but will work on other html 

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conditional reveal date format.tid
Description: Binary data

collapse table columns bar.tid
Description: Binary data

selective inline syling test.tid
Description: Binary data

[tw5] Re: Two ideas for hiding and expanding

2019-12-21 Thread A Gloom
Nifty feature-- instead of a plugin, perhaps a template?

Along the lines of Mohammad's suggestion-- a in-tiddler button-- actually 
the stock button to hide the sidebar...

<$reveal state="$:/state/sidebar" type="nomatch" text="no">
<$button set="$:/state/sidebar" setTo="no" 

<$reveal state="$:/state/sidebar" type="match" text="no">
<$button set="$:/state/sidebar" setTo="yes" 

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[tw5] Re: Combo Searchbox: search both as "standard search" and "filter search"

2019-12-21 Thread Mohammad
Hi Tony!
 Many thanks for these useful search tools!
 It seems there is potential to make very customized search boxes.


On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 10:37:28 AM UTC+3:30, TonyM wrote:
> Mohammad,
> Just sharing in case there is a method you want to use.
> Please find attached an in progress extended search of my own, using the 
> tag $:/tags/SearchResults a few times
> It appears below the standard search ( in tabs ).
> *Extended* is something I would like to introduce to the standard 
> distribution. For example edit the caption of $:/Manager
> to read "Tiddler Manager" and 
> $:/TagManager
> to read "Tag Manager"
> And they will appear as a result in the extended search if you search for 
> manager.
> It's a way of plugins and macros to include themself in the search 
> outcomes without searching all system tiddlers
> The extended search also searches for the search string in the keywords 
> fieldname of any tiddler.
> *The Hashtags* Search is a *work in progress* and has abended my wiki, 
> the method there may also be used to search for keywords independently.
> *System* is system tiddlers only and uses the caption if available (and 
> not a transclusion)
> *Tags* is for tag tiddlers only and uses the caption if available (and 
> not a transclusion)
> Regards
> Tony
> On Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 3:11:59 PM UTC+11, Mohammad wrote:
>> Hi Bimlas,
>>  I tried your combined searchbox and it is quite powerful!
>> It is a pity it was not announced here in community!
>> @David Gifford
>> This is a wiki for combined search
>> https://bimlas.gitlab.io/demo/tw5/combined-search.html
>> Good to add to toolmap as search tool
>> --Mohammad

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