[tw5] Re: [marketing TW] How can we create many specific entrances?

2018-04-13 Thread Jel
I'll expand on this from general principles, in fact.
To make an operation work, management theory somewhat flippantly looks at 
bringing a set of Ms together in a harmonious balance, inputs which produce 
output. Men, Money, Machines, Materials, Methods, Marketing, Motivation, 
Madness - the list goes on and on. Marketing's in there, for sure, but it 
doesn't rule the roost as the MadMen would like. You use machines, tools, 
to turn materials into product. The basic lifecycle is start>loop (Inputs, 
Output, Storage)>end. Storage included things like all forms of asset, ie 
bank balances, stock, you name it. It balances Output-Input, ie growth. 
Marketing simply targets one part of the output, it isn't the output, nor 
is it anything else, oither than a cost reducing the bank balances in hand.
Never ever mix input and output up. That's a con-job, and illegal, it was 
seen off in the early 1970s.
Does TW need marketing? Not in the way you propose. Perhaps some of TW's 
tools which focus on the specific sub-classes of what TW produces (the 
ideas you list may do, but the most TW needs in the way of marketing is to 
maintain presence. Your sub-instantiation shows you neither understand the 
product, nor have the experience to correct your understanding yourself. 
You should have asked WHY it doesn't do what you want. That would have 
taught you something about yourself, that you have to put effort in to get 
what you need. Instead, you want to take over the world so you don't have 
to. Cruise missiles have just visited one of the more notable protagonists 
of that argument. Let me in conclusion offer you another managemnt truism: 
just as there's a triangle in physics, Speed=Distance/Time, so there is in 
marketing, Speed=Cost/Beauty. If you want instant gratification, then it'll 
cost you. As the Syrians have just discovered: I hope they feel it was 
worth it.
So how do you translate your marketing aspiration to your personal goal? If 
the wheels aren't out there already, you do what the rest of us did, you 
build one, or make a better one. And that doesn't mean sitting there hoping 
someone will do it for you, it means rolling up your sleeves and learning 
how to make something better, the message being that God helps those who 
help themselves. Or in a more secular society, there ain't no such thing as 
a free lunch.
So as a final thought, here is a Round Tuit 
Make the most of it.  

On Saturday, 14 April 2018 06:43:15 UTC+1, Jel wrote:
> NO! Tiddlywiki is a tool, not a con. Sorry, marketeers, this tool is as 
> attractive as a lathe - and lathes can be very attractive to someone who 
> knows and appreciates their features and facilities. If you know how to use 
> a lathe, you can make something, or a tool to make something, which *is* 
> defined by a market need, the same here. But the market does NOT define the 
> tool. So clear off, marketing men, stop trying to take *everything* over 
> with your variants in The Kings New Clothes:if you're so brilliant in your 
> omniscient knowledge, go play in your own sandpit and produce something 
> better. Tiddlywiki succeeds precisely BECAUSE it isn't specific:to a need. 
> If I have a need, to meet, it firstly needs specification, by examining 
> thoughts, squeezing here, expanding there, filtering and sorting sheep from 
> goats, until my ducks are in a row and a complex network of interacting 
> considerations can be reduced to a linear explanation "because A then B". 
> TW allows that kind of network, so we can twist it, push and pull it, until 
> what we have on the screen is a series of tiddlers which make sense. This 
> sorts out the messes you specialise in creating 
> <http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/012/051/development.jpg>, 
> because it cuts through the rhubarb and allows the design team to correct 
> its targetting. A lathe is something simple which can have specialist 
> features added as needed: it spins something so something else can shape 
> it. If I need a toolpost, I bolt it on. Equally so with TW: it is at heart 
> simply a heap of conceptual memes, how you sort them out and what you do 
> with them is entirely up to you, with what you bolt on by way of add-ins. 
> In a way, even the Tiddler-Journal split's an error, journals are simply 
> derivative Tiddlers.
> Effectively, what you're doing is getting the tail to wag the dog. In pure 
> logic terms, marketing drills down towards a specific definition of an 
> instance of something needed - and that is as far as it goes, TW goes the 
> other way, generalising so it can handle as much as possible. That's 
> precisely why it's useful, and exactly what you hate. Well, 

[tw5] Re: [marketing TW] How can we create many specific entrances?

2018-04-13 Thread Jel

NO! Tiddlywiki is a tool, not a con. Sorry, marketeers, this tool is as 
attractive as a lathe - and lathes can be very attractive to someone who 
knows and appreciates their features and facilities. If you know how to use 
a lathe, you can make something, or a tool to make something, which *is* 
defined by a market need, the same here. But the market does NOT define the 
tool. So clear off, marketing men, stop trying to take *everything* over 
with your variants in The Kings New Clothes:if you're so brilliant in your 
omniscient knowledge, go play in your own sandpit and produce something 
better. Tiddlywiki succeeds precisely BECAUSE it isn't specific:to a need. 
If I have a need, to meet, it firstly needs specification, by examining 
thoughts, squeezing here, expanding there, filtering and sorting sheep from 
goats, until my ducks are in a row and a complex network of interacting 
considerations can be reduced to a linear explanation "because A then B". 
TW allows that kind of network, so we can twist it, push and pull it, until 
what we have on the screen is a series of tiddlers which make sense. This 
sorts out the messes you specialise in creating 
because it cuts through the rhubarb and allows the design team to correct 
its targetting. A lathe is something simple which can have specialist 
features added as needed: it spins something so something else can shape 
it. If I need a toolpost, I bolt it on. Equally so with TW: it is at heart 
simply a heap of conceptual memes, how you sort them out and what you do 
with them is entirely up to you, with what you bolt on by way of add-ins. 
In a way, even the Tiddler-Journal split's an error, journals are simply 
derivative Tiddlers.
Effectively, what you're doing is getting the tail to wag the dog. In pure 
logic terms, marketing drills down towards a specific definition of an 
instance of something needed - and that is as far as it goes, TW goes the 
other way, generalising so it can handle as much as possible. That's 
precisely why it's useful, and exactly what you hate. Well, hate yourself, 
because that's where the error lies. TW does NOT need branding, or a 
makeover, or any of the fancy-pants add-ons which will turn it into 
functional candy-floss in time. And yes, I am a TW Classic User because the 
TW5 makeover threw some parts of the baby I need out with the bathwater: 
what you should have done was tidy up the OO structure, sure, but at the 
same time with the extensions needed to preserve TWC interfacing. It's 
exactly what MS has to do with Windows, keep a compatibility-mode until 
orphaned code is eventually upgraded to become compatible. Just like the 
TW5 coders, MS failed to do in the early versions, they've learned the 
lesson and preserve backwards compatibility now, and that's a lesson to 
keep in mind for the future.
I date so far back in computing my surname's at the centre of all code (I'm 
Jeremy Main, and MAIN() came from a bad joke 50 years ago, contributing to 
the design of one of the first compilers which Bell Labs picked over when 
planning how to write C). The quid pro quo of working in OpenSource is that 
your work too is OpenSource, so although you should be the person who 
defines how your code mutates over time, if you abandon it, as LEWCID did, 
then it reverts to community property and it's one of the functions of the 
community steering group to take orphaned code in hand and find it a new 
stepfather. That's how to complete the TW5 migration, and it does NOT mean 
peddling hogwash.
In fact, you demonstrate your inability to get things straight inside your 
first clause. From a marketing point? What is a marketing point? I take it 
you mean a point of view, but if you're so muddy-minded as not to be 
precise in your definitions, then what hope does anyone have of meeting 
your requirements? Within four words, you already created the kind of 
confusion shown in that cartoon. 

On Wednesday, 11 April 2018 06:16:37 UTC+1, Mat wrote:
> From a marketing point, TW suffers from being too general. It kind of 
> solves everything but this means someone looking for, say, recipe data base 
> tool will choose "The Recipe Data Base Tool" rather than "TiddlyWiki". And 
> someone looking for the Keto 
>  diet 
> will turn to... you get it. And so on for every subject/issue/need.
> So, what would it take for TW to have "multiple entrances"? One "entrance" 
> that really is for 'recipe people'. Another that really attracts those 
> feeling ketosis. Etc.
> I have some thoughts (not necessarily great or practical ones) but before 
> I let them steer your associations, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
> How can we actually make this be real? (as opposed to hypothetically if we 
> had a marketing budget etc)
> <:-)

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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki time manager plugin

2017-07-21 Thread Jel
I've at various times used two tools which might be a basis for this. They 
were both started over 20 years ago, so their patebt rights should have 
lapsed: the idea of such rights is to protect start-ups, rather thab to 
give ab eterbal mobopoly. The first, I don't recall its name or designer, 
however it's at least 30 years old, the second is so ancient I'm fairly 
certain it cannot be claimed.
The core is the use of journals as a diary scheduler. The first and 
simplest idea is a bar line on the lower margin showing elapsed time, with 
markers linking to journals. A future journal is your life scheduler, a 
past journal is the diary. Three Up-Down-Sideways buttons on the right end 
of the bar (ie the bar itself lives in a box) give future, access today's 
journal, past, and a menu button on the LHS or top gives everything else 
. The second idea is to somewhat adapt all the manual small paper diary 
systems (no names, no pack drill) to TW, so what are now simply Tiddlers 
and Journals expand to include People to contact, Activities, Goals, each 
of these also a Tag,  These have become so uniquitous that although 
certain operations might wish to protect their coding ideas, they still 
have to challenge the oldest I know of, Rudyard Kiplings  "Serving Men" as 
a master model, which rather subverts their claims to copyright. and 
patent. Another planning model I learned nearly 5 years ago is the military 
Orders template, 
structure-Questions, and a third is a memory aid, 
"Men-Money-Materials-Machines-Methods-Motivation", as template structures.

On Tuesday, 3 October 2006 19:10:10 UTC+1, grough wrote:
> I have an idea for a TiddlyWiki macro/plugin that I desperately need,
> http://www.kiplingsociety.co.uk/poems_serving.htm
> but I'm not an experienced JavaScript or macro developer. I'm
> wondering if anybody here can point me to something that exists
> already, or steer me in the right direction. The idea is for a very
> simple time management tool - something that tells you what you're
> supposed to be doing right now until some time later.
> Here's a usage scenario that will clarify its purpose:
> It's 6:15PM, and I have my personalized TiddlyWiki open in my browser
> ready to do some work. I look at the header section of my wiki and I
> see a message...
> Work on website design until 8PM - open notes
> I click "open notes" and my WebDesignIdeas tiddler opens up. I look
> at my notes, work on the site for a couple of hours, taking more notes
> as I go. Now it's 8:05PM, and I notice the message has changed. It
> says...
> Put together MP3 mix for Meg until 9:30PM - open notes
> I click "open notes" and my TunesForMeg tiddler opens up. So you
> get the idea... It's just a time management tool that tells you what
> you're supposed to be doing at the present time.
> I'm not sure how the actual task list would be implemented as a
> tiddler. Something like:
> [Work on website design] 6PM 8PM WebDesignIdeas
> [Put together MP3 mix for buddy] 8PM 9:30PM TunesForMeg
> So that when you call <> at a certain time, the correct
> task (if one exists) is rendered in its place. I suspect somebody has
> already built a TiddlyWiki task system that could be used instead of
> reinventing the wheel.
> I imagine the DatePlugin (http://www.tiddlytools.com/#DatePlugin) would
> be helpful somehow. As for the rest of the guts of the macro/plugin,
> I'm a little mystified.
> If anyone has any ideas or can point me in the right direction, I would
> be very grateful.
> Gavin

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[tw] Re: How do i use this type of list

2014-12-01 Thread Jel
The above replies work for TW5 series.
To do the same in TW3:
#put the *.tw-list ol* overwrite code in StyleSheet and lose the hyphen. No 
need for a tag - I'll leave you to play with extracting this to its own 
NestedStyleSheet tiddler.
#the **yourcode** wrapper becomes a *{{twlist{* 
yourcode *}}}* wrapper

On Friday, 19 September 2014 07:04:55 UTC+1, aamaadmi wrote:
> i want to use list as
> 1 test
>   1.1 test
>   1.1.1 test
> test
> and not
>  1 test
>  1 test
>1 test
>   1 test

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[tw] Re: TW5 ordered list problem

2014-11-30 Thread Jel
A more TW approach is to build everything under each # into a tiddler and 
use the <> macro to transclude it. If you add th excludeLists 
tag to the tiddler, it won't show in the lists. The wikifier only sees it 
as a single object and doesn't bother with altering counters, so it's a 
good general technique if you want to mix the unmixable such as inserting a 
local top-level ordered list into a longer one 

On Sunday, 2 February 2014 18:14:11 UTC, cangaroo joe wrote:
> I want to use ordered lists in TW5 but using the # sign displays the same 
> number 1. at the front of every item of the list.

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[tw] Re: Family trees + visualisation

2009-10-08 Thread Jel

Good man! I'm using TW for historical research (somewhere in between
Indiana Jones and Robert Langdon, with the exception that these are
real academics working on the real history of science and we've found
something seriously hard in the fifteenth century) which is bedevilled
by the impossibility to link to the genealogies of European nobility
who were driving the thing. Either TW overloads with genealogical
data, or I can't see who's linked to who. One essential add-on will be
a gedcom interface, as I see you are using gedcom-ish tables
underneath, I think preferably the old data-defined structure rather
than the new XML one, although you'll need to be thinking of going in
that direction with the TW development plan. An interim cludge will be
to find a way of working with Yann Perrin's inline slicer.
As your application's fairly hard-wired, I think I'll be using it as a
background reference from my main TW file.

On Oct 6, 12:27 pm, rakugo  wrote:
> I'm not sure how interesting genealogy is within the TiddlyWiki
> community but I have recently finished a first version of a family
> tree vertical for TiddlyWiki.
> I am posting it to the community in case there is an interest in me
> developing this any further...
> Blog 
> post:http://www.jonrobson.me.uk/posts/Finally%20a%20Family%20Tree%20Vertical
> Example Demo:http://www.jonrobson.me.uk/familytree/
> Jon
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[tw] Re: TiddlySpot and UploadTiddlerPlugin??

2009-04-06 Thread Jel

Still trying to home in on it myself - I loaded a set of useful addins
to the client-side download and suddenly it wouldn't upload, so I
started afresh and added one at a time, uploading and downloading
after each until it hung after loading FET. It's just possible it's
any plugin starting with Fo, as the other I haven't yet formally
eliminated is Footnotes, could be both. Same thing under IE7 and
FF3.08 so it's not the engine, under XP. There really shouldn't be any
cross-feed, but I've got a couple of design servers on the same
machine etc etc it could be moronic AI of sorts.

On Apr 6, 2:14 pm, Daniel Baird  wrote:

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[tw] Re: Plugin installation

2009-04-05 Thread Jel

One minor tuning correction to the above "How to install a plugin the
hard way" notes for any complete newbies here - use the view command
on the menu just above the tiddler before copying the text, what's
displayed in the ordinary window hides some of the code.

On Apr 4, 11:56 pm, Måns  wrote:

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[tw] Re: TiddlySpot and UploadTiddlerPlugin??

2009-04-05 Thread Jel

While there, can you sort out the conflict between Udo's
ForEachTiddler and the Upload code, please? FET stops Upload somewhere
between the Save and Upload, presumably by hijacking something you
need, although why it should it a puzzle - unless you're arguing over
the FET name itself?

On Apr 5, 1:51 pm, Daniel Baird  wrote:

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[tw] Re: Beginner's guide to Yann Perrin's E.A.S.E utilities

2009-04-05 Thread Jel

Many thanks, I'll have a play once I've resolved a conflict between
FET and the TiddlySpot uploader. The other package I'll be examining
is the Navigation one...
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[tw] Beginner's guide to Yann Perrin's E.A.S.E utilities

2009-03-27 Thread Jel

As a relative tyro here (for all that I go back to the ark in computer
terms), I was wrestling to understand what Yann means when it comes to
installing his tools, because the use of the term Command is
relatively ambigous - and rare. However, by dint of burning
braincells, I eventually discovered how it's done, and felt that it's
worth adding a note here to help others along behind me, particularly
those who aren't programmers, as Yann doesn't appear to have provided
the necessary on his site.
At a superficial level, what you have to do is add "format", ''slicer"
or "tongue" (in exact lower case) to the end of the EditTemplate row
in the ToolbarCommands shadow tiddler. Be careful not to delete the |
at the end, or you'll wipe out the edit menu irrecoverably. You also
have to download the easyFormat, easySlicer, and easyTongue tiddlers,
together with their parent class in the E.A.S.E tiddler, from his
website. Close any open tiddlers, save the TW off and refresh it:
you'll then see the relevant additions to the command menu just above
the tiddler when you're editing it. The Slicer uses a rather nifty 8<
scissors smiley...
Anyone who can tell me how to invoke those elsewhere, please guide my
hand and complete the job here.
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