[tw5] Re: Announcing TiddlyDesktop v0.0.14

2020-05-06 Thread Stefan Pfister

I don't want to critisice tiddlydesktop to much. I'm glad it really exists 
but there are some aspects which make me wondering. I made a video about 
it. It covers local storage and my user experience with tiddlydesktop.

Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F6-FzBl_Ow

Sorry about my english, I'm not an native speaker. Its just my opinion.

Best wishes 

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[tw5] Re: How to backup or clone the actual wiki inside of TW5?

2019-12-11 Thread Stefan Pfister
Alright I'll keep my bash script. Thanks for the input.

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[tw5] How to backup or clone the actual wiki inside of TW5?

2019-12-09 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi folks,

some dumb question. I would like to have a button in a tiddler, which makes 
a copy of the same tw in a folder named "backup". 

I do it now with a nice shell script on linux from the outside via bash. 
But I'm wondering if there is no way inside of tiddlywiki itself to do the 
job. I don't speak of the normal saving. It is just for creating a backup 
of the opened tiddlywiki.



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[tw5] Re: The last word in Saving?

2019-11-30 Thread Stefan Pfister
On linux mint Sarah: First start was okay. The second produces an error:

 ____  ___  
|_   _\ \  / / \ \/ / | 
  | |  \ \ /\ / /|  _|  \  /|  _|   
  | |   \ V  V / | |___ /  \| |___  
  |_|\_/\_/  |_/_/\_\_| 
  Single File TiddlyWiki executable 
  Version: 0.5.34

 [ Sat. 14:43:10 ] - Creating shadow: /tmp/e78b42e942b6f16c8020e6fb2151a2a6_
 twexe.twx/_exe/_twexe -z "/path/tiddlywiki-twe
 [ Sat. 14:43:10 ] - Zip header found at: 1185360
 [ Sat. 14:43:10 ] - Copying '/path/tiddlywiki-twexe/twexe' to '/tm
ERROR: Unable to create '/tmp/e78b42e942b6f16c8020e6fb2151a2a6_twexe.twx/_ex
   e/_twexe': Exception: Unable to copy '/path/tiddlywiki-twexe
   /twexe'  to '/tmp/e78b42e942b6f16c8020e6fb2151a2a6_twexe.twx/_exe/_tw
   exe' : EAccessViolation: Access violation
ERROR: Unable to start shadow: Unable to copy '/path/tiddlywiki-twe
   xe/twexe'  to '/tmp/e78b42e942b6f16c8020e6fb2151a2a6_twexe.twx/_exe/_
   twexe' : EAccessViolation: Access violation
 [ Sat. 14:43:10 ] - Stopping server at ''
 [ Sat. 14:43:10 ] - Restarting '/path/tiddlywiki-twexe/twexe' ' -s

Am Samstag, 30. November 2019 13:34:27 UTC+1 schrieb TiddlyTweeter:
> Ste Wilson wrote:
>> Speaking of saving i just found this possibly forgotten gem from the 
>> amazing tidgraph person
>> https://ihm4u.github.io/twexe/
> An understatement professor. Whoa! Holy-Moly Batman! KAPOW!
> Most interesting! I'm seeing if it still works.
> TT 

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[tw5] Re: [TW5] New Plugin: BobSaver, using Bob as a saver for single file wikis

2019-11-29 Thread Stefan Pfister

thanks for the clear words. Your work is very precious.

Am Freitag, 29. November 2019 11:20:07 UTC+1 schrieb Jed Carty:
> Stefan,
> In that setup there isn't any problem or anything to worry about.
> The problem is the pattern of installing something on a persons computer 
> that has potential to expose them to risk without explaining that to them. 
> I have gotten a lot of pressure to make Bob listen on as a default 
> so people don't have to change it themselves and the response when I 
> pointed out that was a very bad idea for people who didn't understand what 
> that meant was something to the effect of 'that is their problem' or 'most 
> people don't know what it means so why should they worry about it?'
> Quite literally the first request I got about the BobSaver was 'can we 
> make it listen on something other than localhost', which is asking 'can we 
> make this let other computers save files on our computer?'
> While in one persons special instance it may not be a bad idea, in general 
> that is a terrible idea. That was requested BEFORE any requests or 
> questions about security.
> So we have a system that I have been very careful to ensure that its 
> default configuration is as safe as something that functions can be and no 
> one has to worry. But there are easily accessible settings that can change 
> that. People like to play with settings and see what happens, someone may 
> be poking the settings and stumble over how they could just change this 
> to in the configuration and suddenly they can do more, 
> but unless they have the warning about what that means they have no reason 
> to be cautious.
> Despite the software being safe when configured in the way set as default, 
> someone can easily modify the configuration once they have it and expose 
> everything on their computer to all of Starbucks. So I have it set up to be 
> a safe as possible and give a big warning about the risks of changing the 
> settings, then what they decide is up to them and not my responsibility.
> As I have said before, you are not the target audience of BobEXE, I put 
> all the configuration options in and documented them so that you can modify 
> them to your hearts content, but by knowing what '' means 
> and being able to use 'bbs-script' in a sentence you show you have the 
> background to know what you are risking when you use things and can make a 
> properly informed decision about it.
> For this you know what you are doing and can take care of yourself, I am 
> worried about the people who don't have the 
> time/experience/knowledge/money/interest/whatever to get the background 
> required to know what you know about it.
> Social engineering is very easy in cases like this, it would be very easy 
> to offer help to someone that involved opening Bob or the saver component 
> up to on a public network. I want to give them the best chance I 
> can to understand what that means. Including the documentation and saying 
> that they should read it first isn't going to help, I have rather explicit 
> documentation about configuration and still people who should know better 
> ignore it and ask me questions that are directly answered, so people who 
> don't know to ask questions are not going to see it.

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[tw5] Re: [TW5] New Plugin: BobSaver, using Bob as a saver for single file wikis

2019-11-28 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi Tony,

Am Donnerstag, 28. November 2019 23:36:39 UTC+1 schrieb TonyM:
> Stephan,
> As Mark states and Jed Elsewhere people using a server program installed 
> on their computer need to be aware of it, they need to give consent to 
> possible security issues and exposure, they need to see the IP Address(s) 
> to find there wiki etc... so I do not see this being hidden by default.

I agree, no hiding by default, but it should be easier, maybe a tutorial or 
readme which explains the necessary steps, if you want to use it as a 
newbie or noob or casual user. Could be in the main bob wiki, which starts 
by default.

The vbs-script in the former post of me works good enough (for me). I can 
live with it. But I want understand. What is the security issue about it? 
I'm using only single file tiddlywikis. The bobserver is just listening on on my local PC. As far as I understand: Nobody have access 
on it from outer space, only the local user on my pc. This is only me. Am I 



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[tw5] Re: [TW5] New Plugin: BobSaver, using Bob as a saver for single file wikis

2019-11-25 Thread Stefan Pfister
Thanks it works fine on linux. On windows10 the 64bit-bobexe opens a 
terminal window and shows some messages of the node.js. It stays open all 
the time when bobwin.exe is running. How can I avoid this terminal window? 
I want to run the bobserver invisible at the background.

Am Sonntag, 24. November 2019 13:58:49 UTC+1 schrieb Jed Carty:
> Stefan,
> yes, you can suppress the browser opening. I will add a checkbox in the 
> control panel for this in the next version, but for now you need to edit 
> the manual settings.

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[tw5] Re: [TW5] New Plugin: BobSaver, using Bob as a saver for single file wikis

2019-11-24 Thread Stefan Pfister
I just want to say thank you to all of you for your great work. Just was 
curious about it and tested a usecase with a singlefile tw with 
bobsaverplugin installed. I used cherrytree and nextcloud with the 
nextcloud desktop client. The cherrytree-file is a file in the format of a 
sql-db. This file is lying in my nexcloud folder on my private raspi-nas. I 
inserted a relative link in a page of cherrytree to a tw-file in another 
folder of my nextcloud. To make a long story short. On my linux pc: I can 
open a cherrytree file with some stuff in it, like an index of my used 
tiddlywikis (lying in my nextcloud) and simply click on the link to open, 
edit and save the tiddlywiki. On my mobile SurfaceGo-Windows device: I can 
just do the same.

The big benefit of this scenario is, if you manage to create a singlefile 
bobserver which runs decently in the background automatically started: You 
can use whatever file  or program you want. Take cherrytree or a simple 
wordfile with links to a tiddlywiki. It will open with the systemwide 
installed browser and you can simply work with the tiddlywiki-file without 
doing, starting or configuring another stuff. You need simple TWs with the 
bobsaver-plugin in it. You can integrate links to tiddlywiki in every stuff 
which supports linking to files, for instance bookmarks in the browser 
should work too as a index. This stands and falls with the implementation 
of the singlefilewikibobserver as a service in the background of the used 

In the meantime, just a question: Is there even now a way to suppress the 
opening of the standard browser with a multifile-standard-wiki whenever you 
invoke a Bobexe-file?

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[tw5] Re: The last word in Saving?

2019-11-23 Thread Stefan Pfister
I'm very impressed by the bobsaver-plugin for single wiki files. It could 
be really simple for saving with single files. But it needs manual starting 
of a bobexefile. If this start of the bobserver could be automated as 
background demon or service at system startup this would be really simple 
for the non-technical casual tiddlywiki user. Just install a software as a 
permanent server in the background of your system which starts every time 
when your system boots and double click every single tiddlywiki-file for 
editing and secure saving without any hassle.

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[tw5] Re: [TW5] New Plugin: BobSaver, using Bob as a saver for single file wikis

2019-11-23 Thread Stefan Pfister
I tested the bob saver with the bobexe for linux. Looks really promising. 
But is there a easy way to start the bob server automatically as a 
background task or demon at system startup? I don't want to start bob 
manually every time after every system boot of my working pc. I don't want 
to open another wiki automatically every time when I want to write in a 
single wiki file either. 

I could be easy as only double clicking on a html file -> opens in a 
browser and bob is running in the background as a service or demon 
permanently installed.

This could be the really fool proof solution for a non-technical casual 
wiki user. Just use an html-File in the browser. And for saving install a 
server prog like the bobserver in the background, which starts every time 
when your system boots.

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[tw5] Re: [TW5] New Plugin: BobSaver, using Bob as a saver for single file wikis

2019-11-23 Thread Stefan Pfister
Just a dumb question. I use (in this scenario) a single TW-file with the 
bob plugin. To use it I have to start the bob server. How do I start the 
bob server? This information is missing. As a noob I don't know how I 
should use the bob plugin. The simple sentence "start bob" is not very 
useful for me.

Am Mittwoch, 20. November 2019 16:36:10 UTC+1 schrieb Jed Carty:
> I finally got around to adding a way for Bob to let you work with single 
> file wikis.
> The way it works is that you have Bob running, you have a plugin installed 
> in your single file wiki and then you proceed normally.

   1. Install the Bob saver plugin in your wiki and save it using the 
   manual download saver
   2. Reload the single file wiki to complete the plugin installation.
   3. Start Bob
   4. The BobSaver should be active and save/autosave should work without 
   restriction as long as you have both the BobSaver plugin installed in the 
   single file wiki and Bob is running.
  - You can start and stop Bob whenever you wish, as long as Bob is 
  running when you try to save the saver will work.

   - There are no restrictions on where files can be saved. This should 
   work on any system that can run Bob.
   - You do not have to do anything special when opening up a wiki that 
   uses the BobSaver, simply having the plugin installed and Bob running is 


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[tw5] Re: The last word in Saving?

2019-11-23 Thread Stefan Pfister

# The Goal and big question:

* a simple way for naive and casual users to save their tiddlywiki (again 
and again)*

I read this thread with much interest. In my opinium there is still one big 
aspect, which should be mainly considered. As a casual and non-technical 
user of tiddlywiki and as a teacher, who wants to show the students at 
school something with tiddlywiki I want to say:

The easiest way to use a tiddlywiki is to double-click on a file with a 
tiddlywiki in it. I doesn't matter which ending this file has. If it is 
"html", "tw" or something different. If the user can simply click on it and 
it opens in a way which makes it possible to use it without struggling with 
the saving mechanism.

This works with the so called hta-hack under Windows really well. Simply 
changing the ending of the tw-file to "hta" and you have a simple working 
one-file-tiddlywiki with saving mechanism. This is really usable. For me as 
the user the inner mechanism is not my point of interest. I can simply us 
this in class but only with windows devices. Something more universal and 
platform independent would be great.

A single TW-file with a working saving mechanism in it which opens per 
doubleclick in a browser or even in a separate portable program like 
TW-desktop (something which organises the saving) would be a great progress 
in usability for the non technical and casual user of tiddlywiki. This is 
the normal behavior of programs and files. The most simple users know this. 
This is an easy workflow. I use this kind of workflow every day. I simply 
don't want to install or configure something special in order to be able to 
save my work. But it is in most cases not much of a problem to install a 
app or a program in order to use it. I know there are restricted 
environments but for the normal user: The normal way to use a programm is 
to install something a *.exe or under linux a *.deb and simply use it.

Just my two cents.



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Re: [tw5] Re: Kindly help to start

2019-05-31 Thread Stefan Pfister
For me under Linux. The easiest way for a stable saving TW is still
tiddly-desktop. Using this tool might be easier rhen the other stuff. Just
my two cents.

Handoko Suwono  schrieb am Mo., 27. Mai 2019, 01:24:

> Forgot to put the link, it is http://datacom.co.id/tiddly_tutor.html
> You may connect me directly to my email.
> handoko -
> On Monday, May 27, 2019 at 6:19:25 AM UTC+7, Handoko Suwono wrote:
>> Hi Norbert,
>> I believe we met.
>> Please check your firefox version because later version do not support
>> tiddlyfox plugin. The plugin is used for saving your Tiddlywiki.
>> After downloading empty.html - you can rename it and open with any
>> browser, not only with firefox. Try chrome for instance. Once it pops up,
>> find the "+" sign to start with a new tiddler.
>> I made a tutorial while in Cambodia a long time ago using the classic TW.
>> Hope it still can be looked upon since most are relevant. Let me know if
>> you still have problems.
>> handoko -
>> Surabaya, Indonesia
>> On Sunday, May 26, 2019 at 10:30:53 AM UTC+7, Norbert Klein wrote:
>>> My name is Norbert KLEIN, I am living in Cambodia, and having weak
>>> Internet
>>> connection. I am 85 years old (but still somewhat alive ;-)
>>> Using Ubuntu 18.04.1 (and always Linux since several years).
>>> I read about TiddlyWiki, subscribed to the GoogleGroup - but I still
>>> cannot get started.
>>> I follow what I understand is the instruction, to start an empty TW
>>> file, and I set Firefox as the program to store files - but my computer
>>> stops there.
>>> I would very much appreciate if there would be somebody on the list to
>>> provide me one-to-one guidance to help me get started.
>>> Thank you very much.
>>> Norbert KLEIN
>>> nhk...@gmx.net
>>> --
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[tw5] Re: Narrative overview of the TiddlyWiki platform

2019-05-14 Thread Stefan Pfister

impressive text. How can I use TW with an sharepoint account? Is there some 
kind of documentation?


Am Montag, 13. Mai 2019 03:58:18 UTC+2 schrieb TonyM:
> Folks,
>- TiddlyWiki can be made into a *Hypertext Application* to run in 
>internet Explorer simply be renaming to a wikiname.hta file or operate on 
>top of *SharePoint and IIS* as an wikiname.aspx file or accessed via 
>hostname or domain address.

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[tw5] Re: Running TiddlyWiki on a PirateBox?

2019-04-12 Thread Stefan Pfister
Looks promising. I give it a try after my easter holidays.

Am Freitag, 12. April 2019 20:11:31 UTC+2 schrieb Jed Carty:
> I have Bob running on a raspberry pi, and that works fine. I have mine 
> setup as a wifi access point and it also joins the local network and is 
> available with mdns.
> Are you sure that node doesn't work with OpenWrt? I haven't used it before 
> but looking around I saw this: 
> https://github.com/nxhack/openwrt-node-packages
> And if node doesn't work one of the compiled binaries may work if it is 
> running some flavour of linux.

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[tw5] Running TiddlyWiki on a PirateBox?

2019-04-12 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi there,

I'm just curious. Has somebody managed to run, to edit  and save a 
tiddlywiki on a piratebox? 

Something like this: https://piratebox.cc/

There are two variations of the software and hardware. One is for 
OpenWrt-Systems and the other is for the raspberrypi.

There is a fork of this piratebox projekt in france: 

Would be interesting to run a wiki with bob for multiaccess. But node is 
not supported on the openwrt-software. There is only the way with a raspi 

But a singlefilewiki on the openwrt devices would be nice too.


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Re: [tw5] Re: [TW5] Bob and BobEXE version 1.2.2 Friend Potatoes

2019-04-06 Thread Stefan Pfister
Jed, can you post your raspi configuration of tw bob? I would like to use
this too on my raspi nas. Thanks, Stefan

Jed Carty  schrieb am Sa., 6. Apr. 2019, 13:44:

> Paul,
> Bob is a plugin that replaces the server component of the normal node
> tiddlywiki. The big differentiating features are that it has close to
> real-time updates to sync tiddlers between any connected browsers and the
> harddrive, multi-user features so multiple people can use and edit the same
> wiki at the same time, and features to create and manage wikis within the
> wiki itself.
> Edits made to tiddlers outside a wiki will appear in all of the browsers
> viewing that wiki almost immediately. The syncing also goes the same way,
> so if you have two browsers that are viewing the same wiki if you edit one
> of them the edits show up in the other one. This allows multiple people to
> use the same wiki at the same time without conflicting edits or losing
> information. Unfortunately this isn't the same sort of real-time
> collaboration like on google docs where you see someone else typing,
> instead when someone starts to edit a tiddler it locks that tiddler in
> every other connected browser and shows the changes after the editing is
> finished.
> The wiki management features include the ability to share a plugin library
> between all wikis served by Bob, creating new wikis from within Bob,
> converting single file wikis into node wikis, exporting node wikis as
> single file wikis with the unneeded plugins stripped out, and just about
> every configuration setting for the server can be set and modified from
> within the wiki itself. You can also fetch plugins directly from GitHub
> instead of having to drag and drop them into wikis.
> Within the next week or two I will add the ability to rename/move, delete,
> and duplicate wikis as well. And I am in the process of adding syncing
> between servers so that you could have a version on your laptop and on the
> pi at home and the two versions would sync when you are on the same network.
> I have it running on a raspberry pi 3 on my home network and it hasn't
> given me any trouble. I added a line to rc.local to start up the server
> process when the pi boots.
> --
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Re: [tw5] Re: How to export a multifile tiddlywiki (bob) as a multifile small website with material?

2019-04-03 Thread Stefan Pfister
Sounds really cool. I'm verry impressed. :-)

Jed Carty  schrieb am Mi., 3. Apr. 2019, 20:55:

> Ok. It is going to be easier to do this if I just make an action-widget
> that will move things around for you. This is something I have been
> planning for a while anyway to make using external files easier and it
> shouldn't take too terribly long.
> Once this is finished what you are going to do is download an html version
> of your wiki from the bob settings in the control panel (after I make the
> script to move the pdfs out of it) and upload that to where you host files,
> then you will make a folder called 'files' next to the html file and put
> the pdfs you want available in that folder and it should all work, as long
> as I make this correctly.
> --
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[tw5] Re: How to export a multifile tiddlywiki (bob) as a multifile small website with material?

2019-04-03 Thread Stefan Pfister
I have each tiddler in its own tid. file. I copy the html files in a folder 
and then it is accessible. I need one index.html file (name can be 
different) which points to the other files. This works. In the Bob wiki I 
make dragging and drop them in the wiki. No uri-fields.

Thanks for the quick response.

Am Mittwoch, 3. April 2019 18:05:29 UTC+2 schrieb Jed Carty:
> To be any real help I need to know a few things,
> First, when you say multi-file do you mean one html file and then all of 
> the attachments (pdfs, images, etc.) are separate files? Or do you mean 
> each tiddler is it's own .tid file?
> And second, how are these going to be hosted? If it is a situation where 
> you copy the html file into a folder and then it is accessible at some url 
> than it should be relatively simple, if it is some other setup than it 
> depends on the specifics of the setup.
> And finally, how are you putting the files in your wiki while using Bob? 
> Are you dragging and dropping them in the wiki or are you using 
> _canonical_uri fields?

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[tw5] How to export a multifile tiddlywiki (bob) as a multifile small website with material?

2019-04-03 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi folks,

I tried the zim wiki and had success with creating a bunch of linked 
html-files with the attached pdf-files in a subfolder as the result of a 
export-process. I had a small video file too as a single file.
But I would prefer to use tiddlywiki for tasks like this. 

How can I export a multifile wiki (I use bob single exe) to a multifile 
website with all the included pdf-files as single files too? 

I need the different single files, not one html-file  at the end. I want to 
upload this mini-website to a learningplatform. This would make my work at 
school a lot more easier. I could create a lesson with a lot of material 
and upload the whole mess at once as a bunch of linked html-files with 
separate pdf-files. I didn't find a way to to this with tiddlywiki, but 
what do I know as dumb beginner?

Thanks for any help,


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[tw5] Re: [TW5] How to use singleexe Bob on a stick with linux and windows pc?

2019-03-27 Thread Stefan Pfister
Jed, are you planing to expand this concept? If I understood it right, then 
there is this index-wiki for administration tasks. The working data is in 
the other sub-wikis. You can  create and open these wikis in the actual 
working directory but on usb stick too, if you change the wikisPath. But 
then you have no access to your local harddisk.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a "open wiki" menu item, in order to switch the 
storage of the wikis or to change the wikis on the fly? I mean simply click 
on "open wikis" like in other progs to open a file somewhere in the file 
system. Some file manager options like "copy", "move" or "delete" for the 
sub-wikis would be really awesome. Just my two cents.

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[tw5] Re: [TW5] How to use singleexe Bob on a stick with linux and windows pc?

2019-03-27 Thread Stefan Pfister
Heureka, it works. I have made a new index-wiki with boblinux. Your 
instructions were really necessary. The hint with "Click on the bottom + 
button, in the smaller text entry box put wikisPath, in the larger text 
entry box put the path to the wikis folder on your usb drive." was the 
missing bit.

This is better then rsync. ;) Now, I have fully functional multifile-wikis 
on my own usb stick and can change between linux and windows. I can store 
pictures and pdf-files in it and sort them like i want.

Thank you very much. You did a great job.

Am Dienstag, 26. März 2019 20:13:20 UTC+1 schrieb Jed Carty:
> Start the executable that you downloaded, it should automatically open a 
> browser with a wiki.
> In that wiki open the control panel, then Bob Settings -> Manual Settings
> Click on the bottom + button, in the smaller text entry box put wikisPath, 
> in the larger text entry box put the path to the wikis folder on your usb 
> drive.

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[tw5] Re: [TW5] How to use singleexe Bob on a stick with linux and windows pc?

2019-03-26 Thread Stefan Pfister

> With "tiddlywiki myindexwiki --server" of the usual node-version I can 
>> open the Bob-Wiki on my USB-Stick but not write any tiddler. 
Warning: Plugins required for client-server operation 
("tiddlywiki/filesystem" and "tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb") are missing from 
tiddlywiki.info file

 There is this error message at startup. Does this mean: I simply need the 
bob-node plugin on my linux system for accessing my Bob-Wiki on the 
USB-stick? This would be fine. But I don't understood the installation 
instructions on github for the manual installation.

I have on my stick:

"MyUsbFolder" with the executables in it and the folder "Wikis", 
"IndexWiki" with the usual content. How can I install the Bob-Node-Plugin 
and where to put the files? I have node installed. Works with normal 
node-wikis. Works on usb-stick too with normal node-wikis.


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[tw5] Re: [TW5] How to use singleexe Bob on a stick with linux and windows pc?

2019-03-26 Thread Stefan Pfister
I had no success with the manual settings. They have no "wikisPath". I 
tried to edit the json-file but no sucess either.

   "excludePluginList": {
  } , 
   "includePluginList": {
  } , 
   "serverInfo": {
  "host": "" , 
  "ipAddress": "" , 
  "port": "8080" , 
  "wssPort": "8081" 
  } , 
   "wikis": {
  "LeeresWiki": "./Wikis/LeeresWiki" 
  } , 
   "ws-server": {
  "port": "8080" , 
  "wssport": "8081" 


Am Montag, 25. März 2019 23:46:24 UTC+1 schrieb Jed Carty:
> To do this open put the executable wherever you want it to live on linux 
> (~/Bob is what I use on my desktop), then start it. In the index wiki open 
> the control panel -> Bob Settings -> Manual Settings, one of the entries 
> listed should say "wikisPath": "./Wikis", click on the text ./Wikis and 
> replace it with the path to the wikis folder on your usb stick when it is 
> mounted on your linux box, this will treat that as the default location for 
> wikis instead of the usual ./Wikis location. You should be able to click 
> the auto populate button to list all the wikis in the folder on your usb 
> stick after listing the path and things should work like normal.

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[tw5] Re: [TW5] How to use singleexe Bob on a stick with linux and windows pc?

2019-03-25 Thread Stefan Pfister
I found out: I can access the bobwiki on my harddisk with the linux exe. 
The bobwiki on the stick only with the windows exe. Maybe a sync with rsync 
could to the job. I synchronise the both bob-installations. 

Could this be a solid solution?

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[tw5] Re: [tw] single executable - howto serve or link to local files on a usb stick

2019-03-25 Thread Stefan Pfister
 Problem solved. I found a better way.

 1. ) Insert picture or file per drag and drop in the single executable bob 
 2. ) Bob makes a file with meta-tags and the ending meta.
 3. ) I  can link the file in the TW and it also works in a subfolder of 
the tiddler-folder

Cool: It doesn't take much space in the single-wiki-file because its a 
multifile wiki. 

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[tw5] [TW5] How to use singleexe Bob on a stick with linux and windows pc?

2019-03-25 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi there,

I tested Bob as a single executable file and put it on a usb stick with 
Fat32. I copied all executable for win and for linux.

 I can now use the stick with win10 at work. But I'm working with linux 
Mint at home. On the fat32 stick there is no linux executable running 
because it is fat32. How can I access the bob wiki on my windows stick?

Should I run node manually? I don't know how. Thanks for all help in this 
case. A tiddlywiki with this function would be great for mobile working.


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[tw5] [tw] single executable - howto serve or link to local files on a usb stick

2019-03-25 Thread Stefan Pfister

I tried to link relatively to a local image in a single executable TW on a 
usb stick. Without success.

How is the correct syntax?

My paths are:


The installation is in:



This commands all doesn't work:





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[tw5] Re: is it possible: running twine files in tw5

2019-03-24 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi Tony,

sounds interesting, thanks. I try it.


Am Samstag, 23. März 2019 04:01:18 UTC+1 schrieb TonyM:
> If you store the html in the same place as the wiki this works
>  height="600">
> I would take it further and try embedding it except I do not speak German 
> and its hard to understand as a result, but the links may be fooled by 
> tiddlywikis own structure
> If you are serving it on Node try tiddlywikiaddress/tiddlername when 
> tiddler name is a html tiddler containing your game, at that address I 
> believe the tiddler is presented as static html, rather than 
> tiddlywikiaddress#tiddlername
> I am not sure if this needs to be switched on somehow.
> Regards
> Tony
> On Friday, March 22, 2019 at 5:59:14 AM UTC+11, Stefan Pfister wrote:
>> I tried another file. Now the file was displayed but the links in the 
>> game are not working. I pasted the html-code in the file to a tiddler. The 
>> tiddlerformat is "txt/html". The game is in german but I think: This 
>> doesn't matter for this technical problem.

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[tw5] Re: is it possible: running twine files in tw5

2019-03-24 Thread Stefan Pfister
Thank you Mark.

Wow, this is really cool. It works. Now I can host twine (textonly) games 
in a simple single tiddlywiki file. I use it for classroom teaching. The 
students now can get a tiddlywiki with all of the created twine games of a 
lesson. Simply opening it with a browser - and search and play.

Including images in the game would be great, but twine 2 doesn't really 
include images in a game. It can only link to external ressources or use 
Base64 (very ugly). I want to stay with a single tiddlywiki file as the 
whole ressource.

It needs some css styling too. The viewarea of the game is very small. I 
put the following in a css file. After that I changed the palette to my 

body {
margin: 0; 

iframe {
display: block;  
background: #000;
border: none;
height: 100vh;   
width: 100vw;

Am Samstag, 23. März 2019 05:39:38 UTC+1 schrieb Mark S.:
> I'm pretty sure that the text/html mode in TW prevents javascript from 
> running.
> Personally I'm a little wary of allowing a big chunk of javascript run on 
> my machine, though *I think* it should be sandboxed.
> But you might try:
> where "mygame" is a tiddler containing your Twine game. 
> The srcdoc attribute is not supported on Microsoft (Edge, IE) browsers 
> according to the sources I found.
> Another variation of this requires you to translate the tiddler via 
> urlencode. The only tool for that in TW is a url encoding 
> filter. Kind of suspect that that would break.
> On Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 10:19:26 AM UTC-7, Stefan Pfister wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I tried to import a file of a twine game in the twine output format into 
>> tw5. But the game is not running.  Only the black background is displaying 
>> in the tiddler
>> It is running directly as a html-file in the browser. 
>> Is there a way to store twine output files in a tw5-wiki in order to play 
>> them directly?
>> Thanks,
>> Stefan

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[tw5] is it possible: running twine files in tw5

2019-03-21 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi folks,

I tried to import a file of a twine game in the twine output format into 
tw5. But the game is not running.  Only the black background is displaying 
in the tiddler.

It is running directly as a html-file in the browser. 

Is there a way to store twine output files in a tw5-wiki in order to play 
them directly?



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Re: [tw5] Re: Quinoid

2019-01-21 Thread Stefan Pfister
really cool app, thanks i got it. ;)

Am Mo., 21. Jan. 2019, 11:51 hat Watt 

> Found it, thanks.
> Steffan, if you're still looking it is here;
> https://github.com/Marxsal/Quinoid01/releases/tag/v0.0.03alpha
> --
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Re: [tw5] Re: Quinoid

2019-01-21 Thread Stefan Pfister
Link is dead: 404 error.

Am Mo., 21. Jan. 2019, 11:20 hat Mohammad 

> Watt
> Download the app
> quinoid-190120a-v0-0-0.apk
> 1.97 MB
> See the link by Mark
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Re: [tw5] Re: TW for writers: How to concatenate the contents of different tiddlers in one tiddler?

2019-01-13 Thread Stefan Pfister
It is always good to have more than one option. All my needs are satisfied.
My personal problem is yet solved. This makes TiddlyWiki really great. You
can adjust it to your needs.

Thank you all for your solutions and suggestions.

I don't know, how to mark this thread as solved. Maybe somebody can change


Am So., 13. Jan. 2019, 03:44 hat TonyM 

> Stephan,
> My above post to use the print is a working and possibly better alternate
> to exporting text.
> You can open a tiddler in a new window, and print from there to a PDF
> printer (Eg Foxit) to do this more directly.
> You can also set up a plain text printer - send to file and print to that
> printer (in Windows) to generate text files with any extension.
> Regards
> Tony
> --
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Re: [tw5] Re: TW for writers: How to concatenate the contents of different tiddlers in one tiddler?

2019-01-12 Thread Stefan Pfister
Yes, awesome is better ;)

Am Sa., 12. Jan. 2019, 16:59 hat Dave  geschrieben:

> Autocorrect? "Awesome" maybe?  :D
> --
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[tw5] Re: TW for writers: How to concatenate the contents of different tiddlers in one tiddler?

2019-01-12 Thread Stefan Pfister
A custom exporter for the result "in order into a .txt file" would be awful.

Am Freitag, 11. Januar 2019 17:50:37 UTC+1 schrieb Jed Carty:
> I think that a custom exporter would be much more useful than collecting a 
> bunch of tiddlers into one tiddler and then exporting that. You could leave 
> your tiddlers split up and then export them in order into a .txt file so 
> you don't have to do the copy and paste things.
> That is probably why this hasn't been done before.

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[tw5] Re: TW for writers: How to concatenate the contents of different tiddlers in one tiddler?

2019-01-11 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi Tony,

Am Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2019 22:53:34 UTC+1 schrieb TonyM:
> Stefan,
> Eric has given you a great solution. I think others where confused as to 
> why you wanted to do this. When your text is broken into separate tiddlers 
> you can reorder them, tag them separately and more. In fact a lot of people 
> take large tiddlers and use excise to break them up into separate tiddlers. 
> Even with separate tiddlers we can make them look like one tiddler.
I understand what you mean. I had the problem to explain the issue clear. 
Therefore I made a simplification. The solution of Eric is great. Thanks 
again @Eric.

Nevertheless as a creative writer I have different needs. Really the 
opposite of the granular tiddler philosophy. I have to form a long text of 
small chunks - a real text, not a dynamic view of text snippets. "look like 
one tiddler" is not enough. I need exactly one tiddler with the real thing. 
I have to process the long text with other software in his final state.

Now I can really do creative work: 

1.) Create different Tiddlers with the same tag for instance "story1". => 
different pieces of text in different tiddlers

2.) list all snippets (different tiddlers) in a tiddler with the line


3.) In the same tiddler I inserted the solution of eric (the definition of 
the macro is in another tiddler):


The workflow is grateful. I write different pieces of a story, a novel, a 
long text. I can show the titles as a list in a tiddler. I create a long 
text with the push of a button. And - really good stuff - I can reorder the 
pieces, the chapter, the different tiddlers with the tag "story1" with 
drag'n drop. And again push the button: A new long text with different 
order is created. With the push of a button. Every time I want.

Now I can go further. If I had to change the format of the whole text in 
order to prepare it for print or publish. I cant export the tiddler as 
tid-format as real plain text.

I don't understand why this is not requested by other people?


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[tw5] Re: TW for writers: How to concatenate the contents of different tiddlers in one tiddler?

2019-01-10 Thread Stefan Pfister

Am Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2019 18:05:40 UTC+1 schrieb Thomas Elmiger:
> Hi Stefan 
> I might have the perfect tool for you. But still in the making. Not 
> documented well, features might be missing. And it works the other way 
> round. 

Sounds interesting. ;)

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[tw5] Re: TW for writers: How to concatenate the contents of different tiddlers in one tiddler?

2019-01-10 Thread Stefan Pfister
Wow, thank you very much Eric. This is really impressive and the solution 
for my problem. It works really good. If you change the contents of the 
source-tiddlers, then the repeated call of the macro even updates the 
changes in the output-tiddler.

Really cool. You made my day. This macro should be an official built in 
core feature as a button in the tool section.


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[tw5] Re: TW for writers: How to concatenate the contents of different tiddlers in one tiddler?

2019-01-10 Thread Stefan Pfister
Yes Willy, 

you misunderstood my problem. To make a long story short: For instance - I 
have three tiddlers with text in it. Name it tiddler1, tiddler2, tiddler3. 
I want to concatenate the text in these three tiddlers. I want to merge the 
content, which is splitt into three tiddlers. I don't want to transclude. I 
want copy and paste. I want to have one sample-tiddler, in which is the 
whole text of tiddler1, tiddler2, tiddler3. The real plain text. I don't 
even want to keep the original three tiddlers (tiddler1, tiddler2, 
tiddler3). They should be deleted at the end. Sorry for my english. I'm not 
a native speaker.

Am Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2019 17:16:12 UTC+1 schrieb Willy Tanner:
> It is totally possible that I am getting you wrong but what I think you 
> describe sounds wrong. The expected behaviour of transclusion is what you 
> describe as your desired result, whilst what you describe as the outcome 
> you are seeing is the edit mode of the tiddler.
> You should definitely see the text body of the transcluded tiddlers neatly 
> combined in a single tiddler (in its display mode!)
> Hope this helps (ignore me if I misunderstood your problem)

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[tw5] Re: TW for writers: How to concatenate the contents of different tiddlers in one tiddler?

2019-01-10 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi Dave,

assuming I have *tiddler1 *with the content "This is tiddler1" and 
*tiddler2* with the content "This is tiddler2".

If I export a sample-tiddler which is transcluding these two tiddlers with 
this code:



I will have just the same in the exported tiddler. What I want is the 
content of tiddler1 an tiddler2 concatenated in one tiddler or in one 

This is tiddler1.

This is tiddler2.

How can this be achieved?


Am Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2019 15:42:42 UTC+1 schrieb Dave Gifford - 
> Hi Stefan
> Sorry, I am not following you exactly. What is the actual problem you are 
> running up against? If with transclusion you can read, print or export the 
> content in one tiddler, what do you gain by copying and pasting into one 
> tiddler?

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[tw5] TW for writers: How to concatenate the contents of different tiddlers in one tiddler?

2019-01-10 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi there,

just a noob's question. I'm writing a story. There are different tiddlers 
with parts of the story. I transcluded them in order to read in one 
tiddler. I can print it, I know. But is there a way to concatenate the 
content of the different tiddlers in only one tiddler to create the final 
and fixed version of my narration? 

In short: I want to copy and paste the content of some tiddlers with one 
special tag to only one tiddler with a press of a button. That would be 
great. Another solution could be to export many tiddlers to only one long 
textfile. I would prefer the first way, if it's possible.

Are there any solutions around? Or maybe a tip for the right coding?


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Re: [tw5] Some Christmas stats and my current situation

2018-12-28 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi Arlen,

now I use tiddlyserver too. It's really good stuff. I like to use single
TW-files in my lan at home. They are now for central access on my raspberry
pi nas. But the multifile TW's on node.js works better with tiddlyserver.
Everytime I save a tiddler in a single TW, I have to reload manually the
page. Keep on with the great work. You made my day. Now, I can really
access the same TW with different devices in my lan at home.


Am Fr., 28. Dez. 2018, 18:42 hat Arlen Beiler 

> Hi Everyone,
> I thought I would list a few interesting tidbits from my various projects.
> On Christmas Day, TW Cloud Connector for Dropbox had 1761 users on full
> Dropbox access and 1466 users on apps folder access (remember that there is
> probably significant overlap between the two). Full access has about 400
> API calls per day and Apps access has about 200. If I estimate an average
> of 20 API calls per user per day, that's 30 users per day, but not the same
> ones every day, I would assume.
> The TiddlyServer Github repo gets about 8 unique visitors per day and
> about 25 page views per day. There is certainly no way for me to track how
> many people use TiddlyServer, but people definitely do.
> Just a few fun facts. Now for the nitty gritty down-to-earth stuff.
> For the past year, I've been living in another part of the world
> volunteering my time to help some close friends. This is the main reason
> for me putting these projects on hold, as I need to make some money in
> order to keep on here. Donations do help, and I try to put work into these
> projects when I get donations. I am hoping to make some improvements to
> TiddlyServer. If you've been watching the v2.1 branch, you'll see where I'm
> headed. The TW Cloud Connector is on its own for now, but I hope to revisit
> that sometime in the future.
> Jesus bless you this Christmas season,
> Arlen
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Re: [tw5] Re: Hosting TW on a raspberry pi server access via android phone?

2018-12-01 Thread Stefan Pfister
Is there a way to save a twfile with a webdavlink? Where should I put the 
webdavlink? Where the username? Where the password?

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Re: [tw5] Re: Hosting TW on a raspberry pi server access via android phone?

2018-12-01 Thread Stefan Pfister
Ok, I'm using linux and android. On linux no problem, simply using
tiddlydesktop to save my tw-file in the nextcloud in combination with the
linux desktop client of nextcloud. On android I'm out if luck. No success
with saving. Therefore the idea to save with webdav in the nextcloud. How
can this be achieved. I didn't found any hint in the tw documentation. Only
the sentence that it should work nothing else.


Am Sa., 1. Dez. 2018, 23:54 hat TonyM 

> Syephan,
> It is possible to use WebDAV on windows, I have done it. I dont know about
> your situation.
> Regards
> Tony
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Re: [tw5] Re: Hosting TW on a raspberry pi server access via android phone?

2018-12-01 Thread Stefan Pfister
Alright I can install seafile on my raspi. It supports webdav. I'm running 
Debian Stretch with nextcloud. It supports webdav too. If there is a way to 
save a one—file—tiddlywiki with the build in save mechanism via webdav, this 
would really be a great feature. After reading all the posts in this thread. It 
seems to me that this funktionality does not work  or does not even exist. Am I 


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Re: [tw5] Re: Hosting TW on a raspberry pi server access via android phone?

2018-11-23 Thread Stefan Pfister
Nice idea, but I want to use my raspi-server. Thanks for the tip.

Am Fr., 23. Nov. 2018, 19:16 hat PMario  geschrieben:

> Hi,
> Seafile.com may be an option. There is a report, that it allows serving
> TWs and saving them back. The only think needed is to activate WebDav,
> since it is OFF by default.
> https://www.seafile.com/en/home/
> https://www.seafile.com/en/download/
> It's not the same thing, because it's similar to DropBox but with a
> completely different philosophy.
> -m
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Re: [tw5] Re: Hosting TW on a raspberry pi server access via android phone?

2018-11-22 Thread Stefan Pfister
Strange behavior: I can't see this post on Google Chromium on my linux
desktop. I can see it only on safari on the ipad?

Am Mi., 14. Nov. 2018 um 09:34 Uhr schrieb Ste Wilson :

> Mark linked to it the second post of this thread :)
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Re: [tw5] Re: Hosting TW on a raspberry pi server access via android phone?

2018-11-22 Thread Stefan Pfister
My problem is: There is still nextcloud working and listening. How can I
integrate a tiddlywiki with bob in this nexcloud installation on the raspi?

Am Do., 22. Nov. 2018 um 08:46 Uhr schrieb Stefan Pfister <

> Nice, I'm using  nextcloud with dynamic dns on my raspinas. Do you have
> any tipps or links for the installation on the raspi in combination with
> nextcloud? Installation in a subfolder maybe?
> Thanks, I'm no network expert.
> --
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[tw5] Re: Hosting TW on a raspberry pi server access via android phone?

2018-11-21 Thread Stefan Pfister
Nice, I'm using  nextcloud with dynamic dns on my raspinas. Do you have any 
tipps or links for the installation on the raspi in combination with nextcloud? 
Installation in a subfolder maybe?

Thanks, I'm no network expert.

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Re: [tw5] Re: Hosting TW on a raspberry pi server access via android phone?

2018-11-13 Thread Stefan Pfister
That would be fine. :)

TonyM  schrieb am Di. 13. Nov. 2018 um 23:15:

> Stefan,
> I cant agree with "on android there is only the buggy and outdated
> andtidwiki" because you can use Termux and then any nodeJS based TiddlyWiki
> and Noteself also works well.
> I am just setting the record strait for any future readers of this thread.
> I think that being able to deliver TiddlyWiki on raspberry pi in an easy
> package could do a lot to promote TiddlyWiki to the maker and education
> sectors. We could build a suitable edition that also supports common
> activities on a "raspberry pi".
> Regards
> Tony
> On Wednesday, 14 November 2018 02:48:51 UTC+11, Stefan Pfister wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> i have a raspberry pi nas server up and running with the image
>> nextcloudpi. That means nextcloud is running and accessible over web. How
>> can I host a tiddlywiki-file on this server? With the ability to save?
>> Tried to look up webdav. But I don't find a solution for a beginner like
>> me. I want to use my TW-File on my android phone.
>> On the desktop there is tiddly-desktop, on ios there is quine, but on
>> android there is only the buggy and outdated andtidwiki. It's really
>> unuseable. I wonder if there is  a possible solution with my own server,.
>> I need a little help. Every idea is welcome.
>> Greetings
>> Stefan
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Re: [tw5] Re: Hosting TW on a raspberry pi server access via android phone?

2018-11-13 Thread Stefan Pfister
Thanks, but what is bob? Do you have a link?

Ste Wilson  schrieb am Di. 13. Nov. 2018 um 18:23:

> I've successfully had a tiddlywiki running on bob and served over the
> Internet. Set up a dns on https://freedns.afraid.org and followed set up
> instructions on bob!
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[tw5] Hosting TW on a raspberry pi server access via android phone?

2018-11-13 Thread Stefan Pfister
Hi folks,

i have a raspberry pi nas server up and running with the image nextcloudpi. 
That means nextcloud is running and accessible over web. How can I host a 
tiddlywiki-file on this server? With the ability to save? Tried to look up 
webdav. But I don't find a solution for a beginner like me. I want to use 
my TW-File on my android phone.

On the desktop there is tiddly-desktop, on ios there is quine, but on 
android there is only the buggy and outdated andtidwiki. It's really 
unuseable. I wonder if there is  a possible solution with my own server,.

I need a little help. Every idea is welcome.


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