[tw] Re: Tiddler Title question

2011-06-14 Thread axs
oops, that's what I meant :) 
glad it's working.


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[tw] Re: Tiddler Title question

2011-06-12 Thread axs
That won't work because the .title element is a block element, which means 
it stretches to fill the parent container. One way to achieve the effect you 
want is to edit your PageTemplate:

change this line:

div class='title' macro='view title'/div

to this:

div class='title' span class=highlightTitle macro='view 

then in your StyleSheet add:



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[tw] Re: Tiddler Title question

2011-06-11 Thread axs
If you have a .title{ } definition in your stylesheet, add


to it. If you don't have one, add

text-align: center;

to your StyleSheet.


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[tw] Re: Re : Re: Re : Odg.: More distinguishable tiddlers?

2011-06-10 Thread axs
just do

body {
background: lightBlue;

then :)

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[tw] Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: Re : Odg.: More distinguishable tiddlers?

2011-06-10 Thread axs
did you add PMario's code AFTER the lightBlue code?

/* give tiddlers 3d style border and explicit background */ 
.tiddler { 
background: [[ColorPalette::Background]]; 
border-right: 2px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]] solid; 
border-bottom: 2px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]] solid; 
margin-bottom: 1em; 
padding:1em 2em 2em 1.5em; 

adding this after the body CSS will change the tiddler background but keep 
the lightblue on the body.


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[tw] Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: Re : Odg.: More distinguishable tiddlers?

2011-06-10 Thread axs
Almost...get rid of the second body background definition, like so:

*/*{{{*/ *
body {
background: lightBlue;
*/* give tiddlers 3d style border and explicit background */ *
*.tiddler { *
*background: [[ColorPalette::Background]]; *
*border-right: 2px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]] solid; *
*border-bottom: 2px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]] solid; *
*margin-bottom: 1em; *
*padding:1em 2em 2em 1.5em; *
*} *

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[tw] Re: Automatically Append Text to Existing tiddler Content Upon Editing

2011-06-09 Thread axs
Hi MHill,

The following code will do what you want (except that the time is in a 24-hr 
format) for the case of editing an existing tiddler:

config.commands.editTiddler.handler_old = 
config.commands.editTiddler.handler = function(evt,src,title){
var text = jQuery(story.getTiddler(title)).find('textarea[edit=text]');
var leadingNewline = text.val() ? '\n\n' : '' ;
text.val(text.val() + leadingNewline + '[' + (new 
Date().formatString('-0MM-0DD hh:mm')) + '] ');

Put that in a tiddler, name it whatever you want, and tag it with 
'systemConfig'. Restart TW and edit.


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[tw] Re: Automatically Append Text to Existing tiddler Content Upon Editing

2011-06-09 Thread axs
Good catch, PMario. and nice plugin. I never use my TW's in readonly mode, 
so I didn't even think of that. I'll update my code with your improvements, 
in case someone wants to have this work with the regular edit command:

config.commands.editTiddler.handler_old = 
config.commands.editTiddler.handler = function(evt,src,title){
var tiddlerElem = story.getTiddler(title);

if(!readOnly  !!~jQuery(tiddlerElem).attr('tags').indexOf('systemConfig') 
){ return; }

var text = jQuery(tiddlerElem).find('textarea[edit=text]');
var leadingNewline = text.val() ? '\n\n' : '' ;
text.val(text.val() + leadingNewline + '[' + (new 
Date().formatString('-0MM-0DD hh:mm')) + '] ');

There may be other issues that come out in actual use. I'll try to address 
them in this thread if anyone uses this code.


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[tw] Re: Screwy Tab CSS

2011-06-06 Thread axs
Hi Dave, 

If I open the MainMenu tiddler in the story displayArea, everything looks 
fine. The reflow that you described happens only in the menu on the side. 
This is because you have set a fixed width of 26.5em on your #mainMenu in 
the styleSheet. This causes block elements like the tabSet to reflow if they 
don't fit.
To fix, you'll have to change the width on #mainMenu. 

Also, I noticed that if I remove the overflow:auto on your #mainMenu, then 
it fixes the problem for the current tabSet. If you plan to add more items 
to JudeTOC, then you'll run into the problem again, so it's best to increase 
the width of mainMenu. Or you could have the main menu contain links to each 
sub-TOC tiddler, instead of being a vertical tabset. This would make more 
sense to me, but it's not my call to make. 

Hope this helps. Blessings, brother!


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[tw] Re: Tabs CSS to differentiate tiddlylinkexisting and tiddlylinknonexisting?

2011-06-06 Thread axs
This would not be a CSS solution, but a javascript one. You will need a 
plugin that runs code right after the tabset is displayed to search each tab 
and change the style of the tabs with links in them.

I've created a preliminary plugin that does this: 

To see an example:


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[tw] Re: Can I reduce the spacing between paragraphs?

2011-06-05 Thread axs

That is not a bug, it's just not a feature that I targeted with the plugin. 
I targeted 2+ linebreaks to be converted to 1 element with a specified 
styling. A list inserts only one linebreak after it, and therefore it is 
ignored by my plugin. I'll try to make it insert two linebreaks after lists, 
and then it'll target them. If I get it working, I'll post an update to this 


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[tw] Re: Can I reduce the spacing between paragraphs?

2011-06-05 Thread axs

Grant, I don't quite get this: are you saying ti works in some of your TW's 
but not in others? Do you have an example tiddlywiki online that we can look 
at to help troubleshoot?


Neat, what in one tiddlywiki I have the buttons do not open the box 
where I can edit the values, and in NoteStorm I can edit the 
parameters, but they dont do anything really, unless I add extra 
spaces in a list and then it looks the same as always... so I am 
clueless I guess to see how this helps.. might be my tiddlywikies...

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[tw] Re: Can I reduce the spacing between paragraphs?

2011-05-26 Thread axs
Hi folks,

There is a new plugin [1] out that replaces consecutive line breaks with a 
single linebreak whose styling can be controlled. Check it out!


[1] http://axs.tiddlyspot.com/#LineBreakPlugin

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[tw] Re: Can I reduce the spacing between paragraphs?

2011-05-26 Thread axs

Thanks for the suggestions. I've updated the plugin to allow live 
edits/updates to the style. 


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[tw] Re: Can I reduce the spacing between paragraphs?

2011-05-25 Thread axs
To remove spaces before/after lists, put the following in your stylesheet:

ul {

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Re: [tw] Re: excluding tags from TagsTreePlugin

2011-05-24 Thread axs
Hi again, 

I hope someone fixes TagsTreePlugin for you, but in the meantime, I've made 
a plugin out of my earlier code, which may be useful. If not, just ignore 

It can be found here: http://axs.tiddlyspot.com/#TagglyTagsMenuPlugin. Take 
a look, let me know if it does what you need and if anything needs tweaking.


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[tw] Re: Hot to move backstage section?

2011-05-23 Thread axs
Here's something to get you started:

1. Put the following in your 'backstage' tiddler. Note that this is pretty 
much what you had with some code added. You will need the 
InlineJavascriptPlugin* to make this work.

div id=backstageCloak/div 
div id=backstageButton style=display:none;visibility:hidden;/div 
div id=backstageAreadiv id=backstageToolbar/div/div 
div id=backstage 
div id=backstagePanel/div 

2. Put the following in a tiddler tagged 'systemConfig':

The plugin you create removes the original backstage. The code at the end of 
your tiddler re-instantiates the backstage every time the tiddler is 
displayed, and makes the backstage visible. I've added styling to hide the 
backstageButton, because it seems like it's not necessary in this type of 

I tried this out in Safari and it works and looks ok in the default 
TiddlyWiki theme. You may have to play with the CSS to make it look like 
what you want.


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Re: [tw] Re: excluding tags from TagsTreePlugin

2011-05-23 Thread axs
I wonder if this would work for 
you: http://axs.tiddlyspot.com/#TagglyTagButtonPlugin. I made it a while ago 
for myself for easy menu auto-generation. I use it in my book TW* for the 
table of contents; click on contents to see an example of this.

I just added support for 'excludeLists.' 

Note that this code modifies the core tag  macro. If there is interest, 
I could rewrite it to be a stand-alone macro.



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Re: [tw] Re: excluding tags from TagsTreePlugin

2011-05-23 Thread axs
um, actually this is not a fix for TagsTree, but a separate plugin which 
changes tag [[tagName]] to make a menu. I don't know what Rename Tag 
is, so can't help you there. If this is something that would be useful, I 
could make this into a separate macro that would leave the native tag 
macro intact.

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[tw] Re: Boolean logic help

2011-05-14 Thread axs
hmm... i don't think it should error out. store.getTiddlerSlice() should 
return undefined when the slice doesn't exist, and the comparison should be 
perfectly valid. What is the error that you get? Try just doing 
store.getTiddlerSlice manually with the slice name and see what the error 
console tells you.

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[tw] Re: I think I can finally state what is missing from TiddlyWiki

2011-05-05 Thread axs
Tobias is correct, HideWhenPlugin allows complex javascript boolean logic. 
Even the plugin's home page* gives a good example

div macro=showWhen tiddler.modifier == 'BartSimpson'img 

That's pretty powerful if you ask me. You can put it any arbitrary statement 
in there that returns either true or false and you should be all set. The 
only 'downside' is that this plugin is not wrapped in a standard macro that 
allows in-line usage. However, you might be able to use it in tiddler 
content as long as you wrap it in html/html tags. Then, to parse the 
content, you'd have to use Eric's HTML formatting plugin from 


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[tw] Re: TW-OS a TiddlyWiki Operating System

2011-05-05 Thread axs
Mans, I like the TW logo :)

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[tw] Re: Cannot add cellpadding

2011-04-30 Thread axs
Hi Claudio, 

Use padding instead of cellpadding. Also, it may be easier to apply it 
to the table as a whole by adding your padding definition to the borderless 


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[tw] Re: Customizing TiddlyWiki tables

2011-04-30 Thread axs
Hi Craig,

Try adding the following definitions to your stylesheet one by one (if you 
have an updated browserand it's not IE), and the following table to 


Is it possible to define a CSS class that can be applied to a table 

* sets explicit heights for thead and tfoot? 

.customTable thead{
.customTable tfoot{

* can set a specific height for a specific body row? 

.customTable tr:nth-child(3){

* can set a specific width for the entire table?



* sets explicit widths for each column? 

all columns:
.customTable tr td {
width: 20px;

the second column:
.customTable tr td:nth-child(2){

* apply a specific font-family definition to a specific row, specific 
column, alternating rows, alternating columns? 

even rows:
.customTable tr:nth-child(even){

odd rows:
.customTable tr:nth-child(odd){

every other column AFTER the 3rd column
.customTable tr td:nth-child(2n+3){

and here are some for fun:

.customTable tr:hover{
color: purple;

.customTable tr td:hover{
text-align: center;

I create some tables that tend to be too wide. What would render best 
for me is to be able to set the width and font-size for certain 

You can target specific rows and columns with the :nth-child selector which 
has as parameters something like xn+y. The basic usage is this: the style 
definition will be applied to every x-th child, beginning with the y-th 
child. So .customTable tr td:nth-child(5n+2) will target every 5th td (table 
cell) of every tr (table row) , beginning with the 2nd td of that tr. 

Keep in mind that Cascading Style Sheets CASCADE. So, some definitions may 
clash and in this case the last one takes precedence. For example, if you 
had just pasted all of those definitions that I gave above into your 
stylesheet, the second width definition would overrule the first, and your 
table would be 700px wide instead of filling the parent container (100% 
width). BUT then we get to the .customTable tr td line that will override 
each table cell's width and set it to 20px, effectively undoing BOTH of the 
previous table width definitions. And then the .customTable tr 
td:nth-child(2) definition would overrule the previous width definition and 
make every 2nd table cell of every row (basically the 2nd column) 60px wide. 
If this order of definitions was reversed, the table may look much 

Hope this gets you on the right track.


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[tw] Re: ANN: TidQL - tiddler query language

2011-04-13 Thread axs
This is very very cool! Thank you, FND.

I have a suggestion: could you allow for a flag to switch btwn 
case-sensitive and case-insensitive searches? right now it seems to be 
case-sensitive - on your site searching for ?.title('baz') doesn't give the 
Baz tiddler, but ?.title('Baz') does. This is definitely not a 
show-stopper, but a small suggestion.


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[tw] Re: What's so special about Tiddly

2011-04-06 Thread axs
* build *complete applications* using plugins, scripts, stylesheets,


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[tw] Re: Help with autosave in form

2011-04-05 Thread axs
looking at your form, it looks like the only thing that will happen on 
submitting is what is contained in your onsubmit code. So you never even 
call story.closeAllTiddlers();autoSaveChanges(); because that is in separate 
a element, and the onclick there doesn't fire when you click on the submit 
button. You should move those statements up to your onsubmit code at the 
appropriate sections, and get rid of the a before the button. 

also autoSaveChanges() will save the TW only if the AutoSave option is 
enabled. use saveChanges() to save w/o respect to that setting.


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[tw] Re: Open file to specific tiddler

2011-04-03 Thread axs
Hi Faulk28

Use a hash (#) character:

TiddlyWiki.html#foo. There are spaces in title, I believe the correct syntax 
is to use double brackets: TiddlyWiki.html#[[foo bar]]. For multiple 
tiddlers, use: TiddlyWiki.html#[[foo]][[bar]] OR use a space between tiddler 

You can easily generate such links (though they will be escape the url, 
replacing spaces and brackets with the correct code) by using the permaview 
button (link to all currently open tiddlers in the story) or the pemalink 
button (link to only that tiddler).


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[tw] Re: TW-TreeView-Executive: How to install TagglyTagging?

2011-04-03 Thread axs
Hi raefeld, 

What you need is the TagglyTaggingPlugin, found 
at http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/#TagglyTaggingPlugin. Import that tiddler.

What you have imported is not the actual plugin, but an example tiddler.


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[tw] Re: How to run code just before a tiddler with specific tag is shown

2011-04-03 Thread axs
HideWhenPlugin [1] will do what you want. Install it and add the following 
to your View Template

span macro=showWhenTagged album
span macro=showAlbumCover/span


[1] http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/#HideWhenPlugin

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[tw] Re: How to run code just before a tiddler with specific tag is shown

2011-04-03 Thread axs
woops, you need to close that outer span properly: the last line should be 
/span not span. You may want to use a div, depending on what your 
macro showAlbumCover spits out and how you want it positioned.

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[tw] Re: script from button repeats once

2011-04-01 Thread axs
This happens *every* time you click the button? I couldn't replicate your 
problem using your script, which suggests the issue is not with the script.

Do you happen to have this script in ProblemTemplate4? If you do, make sure 
it has a label just like this one. If it doesn't, that's the a scenario I 
could imagine that would cause this behavior.


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[tw] Re: Javascript in ViewTemplate?

2011-03-28 Thread axs
You could try the HideWhenPlugin [1] in your Templates to selectively 
display/hide contents based on various tiddler fields.

It *would* be useful to be able to use script tags in Templates, but I 
haven't figured out how to get that working yet. I just use HideWhenPlugin 
for now...


[1] http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/#HideWhenPlugin

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[tw] Re: jquery code in tiddler

2011-03-28 Thread axs
try loading the Flot library inside your script tag before calling your code 
and only call the code if the library loads:

//your code goes here

- this assumes you've placed the plugin in the same folder as your TW file.
- the original page that you referred to also loads an excanvas.min.js 
script. if it's necessary for this to work, make sure you load it as well


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[tw] Re: Moved tags to the bottom, but...

2011-03-28 Thread axs
some (probably all) browsers have an option to set a minimum font size for 
web-pages. I suspect this setting has been set/changed in your case. try 
another browser, try re-installing, or better yet check how to change this 
setting in your specific browser.

for example, in safari 5 on a mac, the setting is found in:
preferences - advanced - universal access - never use font sizes smaller 

in chrome, go to settings:
under the hood - web content - customize fonts - minimum font size


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[tw] Re: jquery code in tiddler

2011-03-28 Thread axs
 But I do not understand why loading it in MarkupPreHead does not work. 

im not sure, but i think it's because TW loads jQuery after any Markup 
pre/post head (or any of those shadow tiddlers), thus overwriting any jquery 
plugins loaded before that point. i think. 

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[tw] Re: Creating cross-references with ckeditor

2011-03-20 Thread axs
try installing the HTML formatting plug [1]. I'm pretty sure this will allow 
you to use normal wikitext alongside ckeditor. let us know how it turns out



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[tw] Re: Creating cross-references with ckeditor

2011-03-20 Thread axs
that link should have been 

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[tw] default tag for new tiddler

2011-03-16 Thread axs
Hi folks,

I am customizing a TW to fit a specific application that I am
developing. I hope to distribute this, so I am trying to make it as
predictable and basic as possible (if that makes sense).

Anyway, i would like new tiddlers to have a default tag. I know I can
specify this in the newTiddler macro, BUT what I would like is for
TiddlyLinks to non-existing tiddlers (tiddlyLinkNonExisting) to have
an additional step of providing a default tag to the new tiddler,
specified by an option (config.options.txtDefaultTag).

I'm thinking I need to modify onClickTiddlerLink() (possibly
createTiddlyLink() ???), but I'm not entirely sure what's the best

Has anyone done this before? Can anyone point me in the right


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[tw] Re: default tag for new tiddler

2011-03-16 Thread axs
woops, sorry folks, I just figured it out:


nvm :)

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[tw] Re: default tag for new tiddler

2011-03-16 Thread axs

...and i'm back:

does anyone know how to make clicking on a tiddlyLinkNonExisting
automatically open the new Tiddler in edit mode (in addition to having
a default tag, which AutoTaggerPlugin takes care of)?


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[tw] Re: default tag for new tiddler

2011-03-16 Thread axs

 does anyone know how to make clicking on a tiddlyLinkNonExisting
 automatically open the new Tiddler in edit mode (in addition to having
 a default tag, which AutoTaggerPlugin takes care of)?

In case anyone needs this in their TW, here is my solution:
I changed the following line in TaggedTemplateTweakPlugin (which I was
already using):

if (!tiddler) return coreTemplate


if (!tiddler) return config.tiddlerTemplates[DEFAULT_NEW_TEMPLATE];

where config.tiddlerTemplates[DEFAULT_NEW_TEMPLATE] and
DEFAULT_NEW_TEMPLATE are defined in a systemConfig tiddler.


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[tw] Re: Transclude an arbitrary piece of tiddler?

2011-03-16 Thread axs
haven't used it, but there is a part plugin that a lot of people
I hope it still works in TW 2.6. You can try it out at:



On Mar 16, 2:27 pm, Kosmaton kosma...@gmx.com wrote:

 Is there a way/plugin to transclude an arbitrary piece of tiddler,
 presumably marking it with some identifier syntax?

 Example usage: to transclude part of a paragraph, where inserting
 section headers would mess up the source tiddler flow.

 Looks like /%!hiding headers%/ doesn't do the trick.




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[tw] Re: default tag for new tiddler

2011-03-16 Thread axs
On Mar 16, 2:34 pm, Måns humam...@gmail.com wrote:
 Wauw :-) That was a tricky one! - Would you consider publishing your
 document, when you are finished?
 I would really like so see it in action..

Here's a link* to the current iteration of my TW. It's a frontend to a
book. The target audience is medical students. It's about 95% done.
The last things I am planning on adding are more buttons to the edit
toolbar in edit mode, such as specific highlighter colors. Lemme know
if you have any suggestions :)


* http://goljanpathology.tiddlyspot.com/

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[tw] Re: default tag for new tiddler

2011-03-16 Thread axs
1) I understand your concerns
2) I am not releasing your plugins
3) Modified plugins get a new name in my TW AND are commented to
indicate changes
4) This TW is not shared for profit, but may be distributed among

back to the topic:

I made a new constant DEFAULT_NEW_TEMPLATE, because I need it to be


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[tw] Re: Transclude an arbitrary piece of tiddler?

2011-03-16 Thread axs
 Is there a way/plugin to transclude an arbitrary piece of tiddler,
 presumably marking it with some identifier syntax?

There is a PartTiddlerPlugin* (not developed by me) that I've seen
mentioned quite a bit. I haven't tried it, but it looks like a good
approach to what you need.


* http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/#PartTiddlerPlugin

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[tw] Re: default tag for new tiddler

2011-03-16 Thread axs
On Mar 16, 4:30 pm, Eric Shulman elsdes...@gmail.com wrote:
 Story.prototype.chooseTemplateForTiddler = function(title,template) {
         // get core template and split into theme and template name
         if (!store.getTiddler(title))
                 return config.tiddlerTemplates[DEFAULT_EDIT_TEMPLATE];

oh, and thank you for the elegant hijack. I will try to use this
approach more often in my coding. Right now, I'm in a very early stage
w/ TW experience, so it has been easier to modify plugins at the
appropriate locations to suit my needs. I will put more effort into
using these hijacking techniques.


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[tw] Re: Popups above the label

2011-03-04 Thread axs
I'm new to TiddlyWiki. Just started coding for it. I did see the
offsets in Popup.show(), but for some reason I couldn't get it to work
when I passed different values to it. So I write ShowAbove(). Anyway,
thanks for the update. I'm learning more and more about TiddlyWiki

edit: I just checked out your plugin on tiddlytools, and the popups in
the example are both appearing above the link, but like *way* above,
in the middle of the page. Not sure if it's another plugin that is
messing up the behavior or what...


On Mar 4, 8:22 am, Eric Shulman elsdes...@gmail.com wrote:
  Is there a popup plugin that displays the popup above the label?

 The TiddlyTools ShowPopup transclusion has been re-written as a
 TiddlySpace-compatible plugin:


 In addition to converting to a plugin, I've added a new keyword
 parameter: above.  When present, the popup will be placed above the
 label, instead of below it.


 * there actually wasn't a need for a new Popup.showAbove() function...
 the existing TWCore Popup.show() function already allows you to
 specify an (x,y) *offset* to position the popup relative to its
 label.  All that is needed is to fetch the .outerHeight() of the popup
 contents and use that as a *negative* y-value in the {x:..., y:...}
 offset parameter, like this:

 var h=jQuery(d).outerHeight();
 (where 'd' is the div containing the rendered popup contents).

 * The new showPopup macro uses *named* parameters, so that they
 can now occur in any order, and use of placeholders for default
 values is no longer needed.

 * The plugin defines a *shadow tiddler* named ShowPopup that provides
 a backward-compatible 'wrapper' around the showPopup macro, so
 that tiddler ShowPopup with: ... will continue to work in your
 existing content, without *requiring* you to edit your tiddlers to use
 the new macro syntax.

 Eric Shulman
 TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
 Was this answer useful? If so, please help support TiddlyTools:

    TiddlyTools direct contributions: (paypal)
    UnaMesa tax-deductible contributions:
    TiddlyWiki consulting:

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[tw] Re: Popups above the label

2011-03-04 Thread axs
Ok, I just tested the plugin in a clean tiddlywiki. Works as expected,
except that when you call the regular showPopup, the popup covers up
the calling element. No biggie, but the following line needs to be
changed in the code:

var offset={x:0,y:this.getAttribute('above')=='true'?-
var offset={x:0,y:this.getAttribute('above')=='true'?-

On Mar 4, 12:14 pm, axs alexst...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm new to TiddlyWiki. Just started coding for it. I did see the
 offsets in Popup.show(), but for some reason I couldn't get it to work
 when I passed different values to it. So I write ShowAbove(). Anyway,
 thanks for the update. I'm learning more and more about TiddlyWiki

 edit: I just checked out your plugin on tiddlytools, and the popups in
 the example are both appearing above the link, but like *way* above,
 in the middle of the page. Not sure if it's another plugin that is
 messing up the behavior or what...


 On Mar 4, 8:22 am, Eric Shulman elsdes...@gmail.com wrote:

   Is there a popup plugin that displays the popup above the label?

  The TiddlyTools ShowPopup transclusion has been re-written as a
  TiddlySpace-compatible plugin:


  In addition to converting to a plugin, I've added a new keyword
  parameter: above.  When present, the popup will be placed above the
  label, instead of below it.


  * there actually wasn't a need for a new Popup.showAbove() function...
  the existing TWCore Popup.show() function already allows you to
  specify an (x,y) *offset* to position the popup relative to its
  label.  All that is needed is to fetch the .outerHeight() of the popup
  contents and use that as a *negative* y-value in the {x:..., y:...}
  offset parameter, like this:

  var h=jQuery(d).outerHeight();
  (where 'd' is the div containing the rendered popup contents).

  * The new showPopup macro uses *named* parameters, so that they
  can now occur in any order, and use of placeholders for default
  values is no longer needed.

  * The plugin defines a *shadow tiddler* named ShowPopup that provides
  a backward-compatible 'wrapper' around the showPopup macro, so
  that tiddler ShowPopup with: ... will continue to work in your
  existing content, without *requiring* you to edit your tiddlers to use
  the new macro syntax.

  Eric Shulman
  TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
  Was this answer useful? If so, please help support TiddlyTools:

     TiddlyTools direct contributions: (paypal)
     UnaMesa tax-deductible contributions:
     TiddlyWiki consulting:

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[tw] Re: player plugin not working over http

2011-03-04 Thread axs
Could it be that you passed an absolute URL rather than a relative URL
to the player?

On Mar 4, 11:05 am, Seba sebastjan.hri...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am using player plugin [1] and it works great offline. I simply keep
 files to be played in the same folder as tiddly.
 However, the player won't play when tiddly is viewed over http.
 I uploaded the entire folder and it finds the file, but it won't play

 Any ideas?



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[tw] where to report bugs? findPosX and findPosY problems

2011-03-04 Thread axs
Hi, I'm not sure where your code is maintained and whether there is
any method for bug reporting, but I've found a small bug:

When using a button with fixed position (either explicitly defined or
inherited, such as in a fixed top menu, such as I am doing), and
calling a popup with that button, the popup appears in a completely
different place. I hijacked findPosX() and findPosY() to use
jQuery's .offset() function, and it solves the problem.


try{return jQuery(el).offset().left;}
catch(err){return findPosX_old(el);}


try{return jQuery(el).offset().top;}
catch(err){return findPosY_old(el);}

When an element has position:fixed, it's offsetParent is the window
and returns 'null' stopping the original findPosY() fn. Thus, you
don't get the true offset of a fixed position element. This may not be
the case in IE and Mozilla browsers, but I don't have access to them
right now to test. In safari and chrome on my Mac, the behavior is as
described above.

jQuery .offset() accounts for this behavior and returns the correct
offset() regardless of the 'position' styling.

This code could be put into a plugin, or this behavior could be fixed
in the next TW release.

any feedback is welcome.

see http://axs.tiddlyspot.com/#%5B%5Btesting%20fixed%20position%20buttons%5D%5D
for examples.

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[tw] Re: where to report bugs? findPosX and findPosY problems

2011-03-04 Thread axs
 I hijacked findPosX() and findPosY() to use
 jQuery's .offset() function, and it solves the problem.

err, actually that's not a hijack as such, just a rewrite :)

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[tw] Re: where to report bugs? findPosX and findPosY problems

2011-03-04 Thread axs
On Mar 4, 2:54 pm, Eric Shulman elsdes...@gmail.com wrote:
 Please see:


 This is an open ticket with platform-specific issues.  

Thanks for the help, but this tweak does not address the
position:fixed issue with popups. I did test my previous link in FF
however, and it is a non-issue. I guess (webkit users)/(developers
interested in webkit users) will just have to steer clear of fixed-
position elements.


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[tw] Re: replace/disable Definition list formatter

2011-03-03 Thread axs
Thank you very much, Eric!
This is exactly what I was looking for.


On Mar 3, 9:52 pm, Eric Shulman elsdes...@gmail.com wrote:
  I don't want every colon/semicolon to be replaced with
  a line break and indent as the Definition list does:
  ; term
  : description
  I want colons and semicolons to be left alone.

 Look for the list formatter.  It handles bullet lists (*), numbered
 lists (#), and term/description lists (;/:).  You can replace the list
 formatter's match and lookahead patterns to disable handling for
 term/description syntax by creating a tiddler (e.g,
 [[DisableDLFormatterPlugin]]), tagged with systemConfig, containing
 the following lines of javascript code:

 var f=config.formatters[config.formatters.findByField(name,list)];

 The first line locates the list formatter in the TW core-defined
 global config.formatters object.

 The second and third lines redefine the 'match' and 'lookahead'
 patterns to remove ;: from the allowable target characters.

 Once these lines of code are applied (when you save and reload), the
 TW core's list formatter will no longer recognize ; and :, and will
 leave them alone so they will be rendered as normal content.

 Eric Shulman
 TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
 Was this answer useful? If so, please help support TiddlyTools:

    TiddlyTools direct contributions: (paypal)
    UnaMesa tax-deductible contributions:
    TiddlyWiki consulting:

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