[tw] Working with ForEachTiddler Macro

2008-11-28 Thread pearl08

New to wiki's. Working with the ForEachTiddler Macro and trying to
understand the capabilities of the 'write' - output of the macro. Am I
limited to a certain subset of formats, or is there a way to output
data in a 'table' format utilizing the "|" syntax?



 . . . this doesn't work.

Any direction would be appreciated.

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[tw] Re: Working with ForEachTiddler Macro

2008-11-28 Thread pearl08

Thank you all for your feedback. This is my first posting in this user
group and it always reassuring when learning somethin' new to have
quality, timely feedback. Thank you.

Ken - looking to use the example provided. Is there also a way to
perform cascading sorts on more than one data field? Say I have some
like tiddlers with data containing a date, item number, description,
and owner . . . I'd like to sort the tiddler data by item number then
date. Is this possible in the ForEachTiddler macro?

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[tw] Re: Working with ForEachTiddler Macro

2008-11-28 Thread pearl08

Sorry, I guess I should fiddle around a little more before
posting . . . I figured out how to sort on multiple 'fields'.

'tiddler.data("date") && tiddler.data("itemnumber")'   .  .  . this

Ken - trying to use the example you have on sortable tables. For the
following content . . .


I got the following error . . .

<>: Extra parameter behind 'write': begin "|
sortable|k\n|Date|Requestor|Area|Owner|Description|IE|IE Start|IE End|
IE Status|C Start|C End|C Status|Link|h\n" end

Am I missing a plugin??

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[tw] Re: Working with ForEachTiddler Macro

2008-11-29 Thread pearl08

I cut and paste the tiddler content directly from Ken's 'Need TM' at
http://no-sin.com/wiki/WorkTracker.html . . .

Need TM Tiddler . . .

|These need to have the Trainer Materials sent.|
|Once you send it, un-mark it|

Columns are sortable

. . . and substituted only the data names that I use and still get the
"Extra parameter behind 'write' error. There must be something special
in his plugin.

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[tw] Re: Working with ForEachTiddler Macro

2008-11-29 Thread pearl08

I found out that I had ForEachTiddlerPlugin 1.0.5. I imported version
1.0.8 and now the error goes away. I am able to use the actionList
items of begin, end, and none. However, the table is still not
'sortable'. I reviewed the javascript function of sortable. I included
the javascript directly in my html, however, no luck yet on getting
the sortable functionality to work properly.

For you pros at this . . . does it make sense that I am able to see
the sortable functionality working in Ken's site using Firefox, but am
unable to get it to function properly in my html using the same

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[tw] Re: Working with ForEachTiddler Macro

2008-11-29 Thread pearl08

Excellent . . . imported the plugin and all works well. Thank you very
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[tw] Re: Working with ForEachTiddler Macro

2008-11-29 Thread pearl08

In the spirit of sharing and collaboration I thought it would be good
of me to share how I am using the TiddlyWiki and how all of you have
helped me.

I work for a large company that has a massive IT department
coordinating all of the "tools" available to us . . . Windows XP,
Microsoft Office, Microsoft Communicator, Lotus Notes, Blackberry for
selected few, etc. I have continued to be frustrated by the lack of
innovation in the use of IT technology as a tool to make our work more
efficient, effective, better. Especially in light of the fact that we
are going through a large manpower reduction initiative and now more
than ever need to work in a collaborative, group share environment. We
have a large intranet structure and multiple sites sharing information
across the organization. Our particular manufacturing facility has not
yet utilized our Plant Website to share information with our approx.
1600 employees. This is because we as a site utilize a shared drive
structure for data and files. Also, the website is not interactive and
does not allow for dynamic input, no blogs, postings,etc. I am looking
to utilize the TiddlyWiki as a "wrapper" for our Shared Drive
structure (this is what a intranet is anyways, right?). It will become
the front end for data sharing and collaboration. Employees can create
local TiddlyWiki's that can emphasize critical documents that Windows
Explorer is unable to do. Users will not only be able to create files
and store, but will now be able to provide content to the stored files
emphasizing importance and usage. Also, in light of the fact that the
Sharepoint tool has been put on hold due to funding concerns, this
tool is even more attractive. The TiddlyWiki I have been putting
together with the help of this discussion group is a Workorder
Posting, Tracking, Knowledge Share TiddlyWiki. Traditionally we have
utilized Microsoft Excel or Access to track project items. These files
sit on a shared drive and get updated by a few people with little
interaction, getting presented at periodic intervals to staff (no
interaction). I felt that I needed to create a TiddlyWiki usage that
resided inside the TiddlyWiki where other employees would have to go
to see status of workorders and provide updates to others about the
status of their projects. Using the CommentsPlugin, DiscussionPlugin,
FormTiddlerPlugin, DataTiddlerPlugin, ForEachTiddlerPlugin,
TableSortingPlugin  have allowed me to create a tool that I believe
will increase workflow communications, tracking, input, collaboration,
etc. All users will be able to input workorders, view open and closed
workorders through canned queries, interact with the requestors and
workers as work is performed, and document status of the project as it
progresses. I am excited to kick this off next week.

Sorry for the dialogue, but thought other users would appreciate how
this tool will be used. Thanks again.

Sites used to help me . . . (thank you)
http://www.giffmex.org/twfortherestofus.html - David Gifford's help
file - used to learn
http://no-sin.com/wiki/WorkTracker.html - Ken Girard - example of
sortable table
http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/ -  Udo Borkowski site used for
DataTiddler, FormTiddler, ForEachTiddler Plugins
http://tw.lewcid.org/ - Saq Imtiaz for the TableSortingPlugin
http://www.tiddlytools.com - Eric Shulman site used for
CommentsPlugin, DiscussionPlugin, SearchOptionsPlugin

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[tw] Autosave option not working with the DiscussionPlugin

2008-12-03 Thread pearl08

I've benn using the DiscussionPlugin / CommentPlugin's (http://
www.tiddlytools.com) to facilitate a "blog" type use. Unfortunately,
when in the 'Discussion' type and after a 'post', the tiddler does not
Autosave the tiddler. I have had users provide feedback in a
'Discussion' tab and not make any additional changes, close the
tiddler without saving and lost their content added. Autosave is a
good tool to make sure content is not lost. Is there something I can
do to make sure the 'post' command triggers an Autosave action?
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[tw] Re: Is there any plugins for providing site users leave messages on my tiddlywiki site?

2008-12-03 Thread pearl08

> If someone still interested I could publish sources later when all ok.

I'm interested to see the source in action. I've been trying to
utilize CommentPlugin and DiscussionPlugin (unable to get AutoSave to
work with this). I've also been looking for BramChen's CommentPlugin
to work. Have not yet been able to get this imported properly. Please
post when you're ready.



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[tw] Re: Autosave option not working with the DiscussionPlugin

2008-12-05 Thread pearl08

Thanks for all the feedback.

After looking through all the options I've landed on using Bram Chen's
CommentPlugin (http://www.tiddlyguv.org/CommentsPlugin.html). It
displays front and center in the tiddler content and tracks the number
of comments as they are added. I had no problems importing into an
empty.html tiddlywiki, but had much difficulty importing into one of
my existing tiddlywiki's (probably due more to my inexperience than
anything else). Here's a couple of notes for anyone else with a
problem (these were not obvious in any of the documentation) . . .

Insert the following at the end of "ViewTemplate", if not already
there. . .


This should enable output of the tiddler.

Insert the following into the "StyleSheet", if not already
there . . .


You may also need to actually input this manually into the tiddlywiki
you are working on. This did not import into my existing wiki's

Also, in some cases I had to make sure that "tagging" is commented out
of the "ViewTemplate".

I'm still too novice to know why all this worked, or did not, however,
I seem to be able to plug along and get what I'm looking for.

Again, Thanks for the Feedback!

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[tw] Re: Autosave option not working with the DiscussionPlugin

2008-12-05 Thread pearl08

> Are you using this online, or is this TiddlyWiki located on a shared
> drive? If it is located online then it is not going to work, but there
> are some server side versions that might support such. Check 
> here:http://tiddlyvault.tiddlyspot.com

I'm using this on a shared drive. Working outside the corporate
Firewall is not yet an option. We have all kinds of "secret info" at
my company.
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[tw] TiddlySaver.jar doesn't seem to work

2008-12-07 Thread pearl08

I've create some TiddlyWiki's using Firefox on my Mac. This has all
worked very well. I am now trying to use Safari on these same
TiddlyWiki's, but am unable to save the changes made in the wiki.

I understand the requirement for TiddlySaver.jar to enable saving with
Safari. I am able to start a new TiddlyWiki from the empty.html
template. I go through the steps of trusting the applet, etc. Saving
works fine.

The problem appears to be with files started in Firefox. When they are
later opened with Safari it does not go through the steps of trying to
trust the applet. TiddlySaver.jar is placed in the same directory.

Is there a way to manually initiate the opening of this applet. I've
looked in the source code and can not find any noticeable difference
with the empty.html that is working properly.

Any help is appreciated.
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[tw] Re: How to make a non-editable TW, and revert it back

2008-12-07 Thread pearl08

Thanks for the simple solution. I was just coming into the group to
query on this very topic.

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