In the spirit of sharing and collaboration I thought it would be good
of me to share how I am using the TiddlyWiki and how all of you have
helped me.

I work for a large company that has a massive IT department
coordinating all of the "tools" available to us . . . Windows XP,
Microsoft Office, Microsoft Communicator, Lotus Notes, Blackberry for
selected few, etc. I have continued to be frustrated by the lack of
innovation in the use of IT technology as a tool to make our work more
efficient, effective, better. Especially in light of the fact that we
are going through a large manpower reduction initiative and now more
than ever need to work in a collaborative, group share environment. We
have a large intranet structure and multiple sites sharing information
across the organization. Our particular manufacturing facility has not
yet utilized our Plant Website to share information with our approx.
1600 employees. This is because we as a site utilize a shared drive
structure for data and files. Also, the website is not interactive and
does not allow for dynamic input, no blogs, postings,etc. I am looking
to utilize the TiddlyWiki as a "wrapper" for our Shared Drive
structure (this is what a intranet is anyways, right?). It will become
the front end for data sharing and collaboration. Employees can create
local TiddlyWiki's that can emphasize critical documents that Windows
Explorer is unable to do. Users will not only be able to create files
and store, but will now be able to provide content to the stored files
emphasizing importance and usage. Also, in light of the fact that the
Sharepoint tool has been put on hold due to funding concerns, this
tool is even more attractive. The TiddlyWiki I have been putting
together with the help of this discussion group is a Workorder
Posting, Tracking, Knowledge Share TiddlyWiki. Traditionally we have
utilized Microsoft Excel or Access to track project items. These files
sit on a shared drive and get updated by a few people with little
interaction, getting presented at periodic intervals to staff (no
interaction). I felt that I needed to create a TiddlyWiki usage that
resided inside the TiddlyWiki where other employees would have to go
to see status of workorders and provide updates to others about the
status of their projects. Using the CommentsPlugin, DiscussionPlugin,
FormTiddlerPlugin, DataTiddlerPlugin, ForEachTiddlerPlugin,
TableSortingPlugin  have allowed me to create a tool that I believe
will increase workflow communications, tracking, input, collaboration,
etc. All users will be able to input workorders, view open and closed
workorders through canned queries, interact with the requestors and
workers as work is performed, and document status of the project as it
progresses. I am excited to kick this off next week.

Sorry for the dialogue, but thought other users would appreciate how
this tool will be used. Thanks again.

Sites used to help me . . . (thank you) - David Gifford's help
file - used to learn - Ken Girard - example of
sortable table -  Udo Borkowski site used for
DataTiddler, FormTiddler, ForEachTiddler Plugins -         Saq Imtiaz for the TableSortingPlugin - Eric Shulman site used for
CommentsPlugin, DiscussionPlugin, SearchOptionsPlugin

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