Re: [twdev] Wrapping up the enhancements to the TW5 web server

2018-07-03 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Hello Jeremy,

I really appreciate all of these new features and will give this a 
proper test within the next few days.

Fun fact: I don't know how you knew, but the static file server route 
uses the same path that my current main wiki also uses to serve static 
files, meaning all links/_canonical_uri's will work out of the box for 
me. Thank you!

It should be of note that we also now require at least node version 
v9.6.0 to run the server (earlier versions don't support options to 
createServer for http)


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Re: [twdev] Improving TiddlyWiki 5 web server functionality

2018-06-24 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Dear Jeremy,

I also really welcome those changes and currently I mostly use the 
server with a few routes that I added (serving attachments) to it 
myself. I'll keep this short, but I definitely like the changes made 
already and I look forward to having it be in the next version.

Here however are a suggestions that have come up for me in the past:

* CSRF protection for both the browser messaging (plugin library) 
architecture as well as the PUT/DELETE rest api. It is scary to know 
that iframes or any other website that I visit can inject javascript 
tiddlers while running the server. This might work in tandem with the 
new authentication.

(Hint: the plugin library architecture uses the cookie variable already, 
but does not include/check for a nonce for some reason when getting a 

* A module (route) that serves rendered tiddlers, instead of serving 
them as json. This is the unique ability of having the wiki run under 
node and while possibly obscure, there is a lot of creative things one 
can do with this with regards to browser integration (think 
tampermonkey) or access to formatted data in the wiki from say bash or 
other external programs.

* HTTPS support would be neat, not sure if its possible to include a 
self signed certificate, but node's built in http(s) server is fully 
able to serve over https as well.

Thank for tackling the server overhaul and also for reading,


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Re: [twdev] Simple Way to Share Tiddlers with Node and Git (cross post from normal group)

2018-06-08 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Dear Jeremy,

I would very much like for a such feature to be added to the code. The 
amount of times where I have created a new tiddler and didn't have an 
idea of how its going to be tagged and sorted from the start is pretty 
large and it always made me slightly sad that they just end up in the 
normal directory(*) and aren't automatically sorted, even though I 
defined clever categories in $:/config/FileSystemPaths.

Do you think it would be wise to just run the filters again whenever a 
tiddler is saved?


(*): This happens to >50% of tiddlers for me.

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Re: [twdev] Seeking Thoughts On ... embed / object / iframe in TW

2018-06-08 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Hi Josiah,

from what I can tell, in certain browsers, the use of the  tag 
disallows the javascript contexts of both sites to communicate via 
messages. This would be the desired behaviour when embedding things into 
your tiddlywiki, as  where it is allowed are also allowed to 
inject javascript into your wiki, effectively taking it over, should it 
be a malicious site.


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Re: [twdev] Large Attachments TW5

2018-03-02 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Hi Joe,

this is most definitely possible and something I think most people in 
the community already use. The way I do it is to put these "external" 
files into a "files/" directory in the node server directory and add a 
tiddler with the "_canonical_uri" field set to the relative path to the 
file, so that TW can work its magic when displaying them, i.e. in a 
player for audio/video or in a frame for pdf files or just displaying 
them as images.

While I use a simple server modification to do this, there is Arlen's 
TiddlyServer [1] to accomplish this or alternatively the http-server 
branch [2] in the TiddlyWiki Git repository, which SO desparately needs 
to get merged in to the main branch, but you can rebase it to the 
current version, that should work fine IMO.




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Re: [twdev] [TW5] enable cancelling popups in tc-single-tiddler-window

2018-02-21 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Hi Simon,

that is almost the right place yes, if you have a look at 
|core/modules/startup/startup.js| [1], you will see that it initializes 
it without the rootElement being given anyway. The next problem is that 
all widgets regardless of the window they are rendered in will use 
|$tw.popup.triggerPopup()|, so we can't have multiple popup handler 
(i.e. one per window). The actual event listener however will be 
registered in |$|.

As it stands I see two ways you could make the core properly handle this:

 * Turn the global window variable in |core/modules/startup/window.js|
   into |$tw.openWindows| and make sure that all open windows including
   the main one are listed there and then have the Popup mechanism
   iterate through these and register itself (to all of them).
 * Have the Popup mechanism use [2] to register itself to the
   appropriate window by default and only change this if the
   rootElement option was set. (Not sure how well this would work in
   other browsers, but it would require the least change)



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Re: [twdev] [TW5] enable cancelling popups in tc-single-tiddler-window

2018-02-21 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Hi Simon,

unfortunately this is a shortcoming of the current PopupMechanism in 
TiddlyWiki and will require changes to the core. The only way to open 
and close the popup seems to be with a button.

If you happen to know javascript you could in theory write a 
plugin/widget to fix this by adding $tw.popup as an event listener to 
the window root dom element. Alternatively I imagine this would be fixed 
by having $ register the event listener on the ownerElement 
or on all open windows.


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Re: [twdev] Re: [Idea?]Browser sidebar panel for TW notes

2018-02-19 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

That's pretty cool.

I imagine if you're running your TW in a node instance or on a server, 
all you'd need to do would be to modify '$:/core/save/empty' to a custom 
configuration and have that load in on the sidebar and you'd basically 
be done. I also remember writing a plugin at some point so that you 
could drag and drop images from webpages.

Big thanks for bringing up bookmarklets though coda! Would have never 
thought of those.


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Re: [twdev] Possible Bug: prefix-lines doesn't seem to work like documentation states

2018-01-16 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Hi RunningUtes,

as the person who originally documented this feature, I had another look 
at the code and I believe this is a bug, since in the code it seems to 
be supposed to work that way, but on line 37 of 
|$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/prefix-lines.js|, it seems to 
end up comparing an integer to a string.


Am 17.01.2018 um 06:26 schrieb RunningUtes:
I posted this to the general TW forum 
but no one has responded...

A tm-edit-text-operation is supposed to preform an operation on 
selected text but it doesn't seem to do as the documentation lists. 

If selected text is bolded, the '' is added as a prefix and as a 
suffix. If the same text is already bolded and the operation is run 
again, the '' is removed. See the rules in 

This doesn't seem to happen for the prefix-lines operation.

For example, select several lines of text and press the unordered list 
button. A * will be added as a prefix according to the rules in 
$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/list-bullet. If the same text is selected and 
the unordered list button is pressed again, the * is not removed. In 
fact, nothing happens. The documentation states that the prefix should 
be removed from the selected lines.

Is this a bug in the code of the current TW?

The problem seems to be in 

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Re: [twdev] A shadow tiddler IS....

2017-06-01 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Hi Mat,

you're not quite right. Take a look here:

When TW starts up,  it at some point loads all the tiddlers it can find 
into whats called the tiddler store in memory. Now those also include 
the plugin tiddlers, e.g. '$:/core'.
Afterwards, there is another step, where TW "unpacks" the plugins and 
their contents are written into the shadow tiddler store, which is a 
separate location in memory, where TW stores them as actual tiddlers.

So yes, "the store" for shadow tiddlers is in memory, just like for 
ordinary tiddlers and the aforementioned redirection is on the lowest 
level of accessing a tiddler by its title, which makes reading from that 
tiddler behave exactly like for any other tiddler.

{{Note: While typing this, I noticed that there was potential for 
confusion: What I refer to as the "tiddler store" in the text above is 
the place where TW keeps the tiddlers of a wiki _after_ booting up, in 
working memory. The "tiddler store" that you spoke of below refers to 
the section of the HTML code of a saved TW, where the _saved_ tiddlers 
are stored and from where they will be read into working memory, when 
the TW boots. And as you noticed, the shadow tiddlers are contained 
within the plugin tiddlers in the saved section and are only unpacked at 
boot time into the separate shadow tiddler store located in "working 
memory". The link above shows a timeline of this process.}}


Am 01.06.2017 um 02:06 schrieb Mat:

Thanks Andreas!

- Shadow tiddlers exist separately from normal tiddlers and are
therefore effectively marked as "originating from a plugin"

The thing is, I don't find them in the source in any other place than 
inside the plugin.

- When you click on a title in a plugins content list, what you
see as the tiddler that pops up, is TW internally redirecting to
the separate shadow tiddler store to determine the contents of the
shadow tiddler.

"redirect to the shadow tiddler store" - ...where would this be? Is 
"the store" not the plugin? Surely, it can't be in memory, right?

I could imagine that what was presented as a shadow tid was really 
something like a /transclusion/ presenting the JSON fields from the 
plugin via a template... but if this was the case then I think we'd 
have generally more powerful JSON features...

Again, thanks for your input.


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Re: [twdev] A shadow tiddler IS....

2017-05-31 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Hey Mat,

I must admit, I did have to read up on how shadow tiddlers are actually 
treated within TW, but here is my take on your statements:

- Shadow tiddlers exist separately from normal tiddlers and are 
therefore effectively marked as "originating from a plugin"

- When you click on a title in a plugins content list, what you see as 
the tiddler that pops up, is TW internally redirecting to the separate 
shadow tiddler store to determine the contents of the shadow tiddler.

- When the shadow tiddler is closed, TW removes it from the story 
list... nothing special here

- There is no create/delete mechanism in place when you view shadow tiddlers

- The important distinction is that the internal shadow tiddler store is 
read-only, meaning, if you edit and save a shadow tiddler (even without 
modifications), TW saves to the regular tiddler store, thus turning the 
tiddler into a "normal" tiddler, since now TW  will no longer redirect 
to the shadow tiddler store behind the scenes.

I hope this was actually more helpful than it was confusing, feel free 
to ask away if any more questions about this arise.


Am 31.05.2017 um 19:10 schrieb Mat:

Someone, please correct the following statements:

Shadow tiddlers don't really exist as individual tiddlers but are 
*only *present in the plugin (in JSON format).

When you click on a title in a plugins content list, what you see as 
the single tiddler is*created at that moment*.

When the single shadow tiddler is closed, it is *deleted*.

There is some *special mechanism* that prevents the TW from getting 
*dirty *from this create/delete (i.e open/close) as long as no editing 
is involved.

If the shadow tid is edited, it works as an overwrite because there is 
some TW mechanism that, as part of loading a plugin,*runs through the 
shadow titles list and compares it* to existing tiddler titles to see 
if there is an overwrite to use instead of the shadow.

Thank you!


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Re: [twdev] Best approach for data into TW, every day?

2017-02-28 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Hi Mat,

when it comes to things like this, it is important to be aware that the 
"good solution with TW in a very short time" is probably a bad idea in a 
professional setting. When it comes to sensitive and important data, you 
practically almost always want an established and tested (and secure, 
reliable...) solution.

I've played around with interfacing TW to various external data sources, 
but the way it always worked was that the TW becomes something of a 
central datastore (or the tiddlyweb-store behind it). And while there 
have been experiments to interface TW with various database 
applications, I imagine that if you want a _proper_ solution to your 
intranet problem, you would want this to go a lot further and get 
something where TW would be sort of a "User Interface" or "Client" to a 
more established storage solution in the background (with read and write 

I think the cool thing is that with some clever engineering, you can 
make almost any dataset look like a collection of tiddlers.


Am 01.03.2017 um 01:17 schrieb Mat:
What would it take for TW to be able to present external dataj so it 
is workable with, in TW?

 I.e if we assume data like; customer contact info, orders, billing, 
critical dates etc can be fetched from various places into one 
place... what would such a place be and what format should the data 
ideally be in for it to be used as seamlessly as possible with TW?

I assume there is no clean cut answer for this but I'd love to hear 
your thoughts on the matter.

The background is that I recently started working at a company that 
uses a /load/ of software tools for internal admin and to capture the 
workflowbasecamp, freshdesk, highrise, several custom solutions as 
well as file storage solutions and tools for communication. Several 
attempts have been made to create some intranet solutions but it is 
really frustrating that for MANY of problems that we stumble on I feel 
I could make pretty good solutions with TW in a very short time. ..if 
it could just fetch the input data somehow.



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Re: [twdev] Drag'n drop is standard in HTML5 but not in TW...?

2016-08-10 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Hi Mat,

all of the Drag features in TW are implemented using said (HTML5) 
API. Therefore there is a lot of drag you can do and TW will do the 
right thing. (Think of tiddlers being imported and such.)
Could you make a gallery with widgets and macros ? Well yes and no, such 
a gallery would require to write a lot of javascript code and is nothing 
you would be able to do with standard TW tools. You could think of the 
widget/macro system as something similiar to a flow-based programming 
language with the exception that the overall resulting structure will be 
a tree rather than an arbitrary graph.
So such a "code editor" would essentially manipulate a tree structure, 
making drag just a small part of the puzzle to correctly wire 
things together.


Am 10.08.2016 um 10:55 schrieb Mat:
Drag'n drop in HTML5 is a standard feature 
explicitly say ...but it still seems to require JS?)

But we don't have it fully in TW.

IF we had it, would it enable us to make a "gallery" of widgets and 
macros, either as calls or the actual code, that one drag'n drops into 
(e.g) the editor?

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Re: [twdev] Re: $reveal widget popup is always at the top of the tiddler.

2015-07-13 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Am 13.07.2015 um 19:40 schrieb Jeremy Ruston:
Some more detail would be handy. At the moment the core only requires 
that the reveal widget and the button widget are within the same 
relative coordinate system.

I remember this issue coming up in the past but I couldn't find the 
relevant GitHub ticket/group post.

Best wishes


Hi Jeremy,

that seems to be a good requirement. I don't really know much about the 
issue, other than that there is trouble when you use the popup mechanic 
with tables. In my quick tests the issue also .. well popped up .. when 
both button and reveal widget were in the same table cell. It seems to 
be an issue with the absolute positioning of the reveal-element. (As in, 
the absolute positioning parent is different from the offsetparent)

And yes, I couldn't find a ticket either.


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Re: [twdev] Re: $reveal widget popup is always at the top of the tiddler.

2015-07-13 Thread 'Andreas Hahn' via TiddlyWikiDev

Am 13.07.2015 um 16:55 schrieb Henry Padilla:

OK, it looks like the position is a table thing.

If I get the button out of the table it will popup where it's 
supposed to. if not, even if it's static text, it will show at the top 
of the tiddler.

The $reveal widget can be in the table, but the $button cannot.

Tom P.


this is a more or less well known bug, TiddlyWiki is currently incapable 
of handling this correctly. Therefore I think your only choice at the 
moment is to try to not use a table.

@TWNerds: This is because instead of the element, 
the nearest table cell is used to calculate the offset that is used to 
position the popup at the button.

See [1].



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