Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-09 Thread Bob Camp

Welcome to the world of trying to measure this stuff …

> On Jan 9, 2015, at 6:53 AM, steph.rey  wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm trying to measure Alan Deviations using Timelab and some frequency 
> counters.
> The device under test is a GPSDO using a TCXO as référence
> I've an HP58503B GPSDO which feeds my counters. I've tried an HP5342A, 0-18 
> GHz, 1 Hz resolution and a Philipps PM6654C, 0.01Hz resolution.
> In Timelab, the plot with the HP5342A is around 10e-7 which correspond to 1Hz 
> and with the PM6654C, the plot is around 10e-10.
> I would suspect that this is still the counter which limits the actual 
> response of my device under test.

Yes, the counters and TCXO are limiting your measurements. 

> My question are :
> - how to measure Alan Deviations with levels below 10e-12/10e-13 ?

How much money do you have to spend? ( There are expensive commercial ways to 
do this).

No matter what, you will need a “better than” reference. That’s not going to be 
cheap. Most of us simply get a second GPSDO and compare them. The assumption is 
that they both are the same and you can allocate the error equally between 
them. With three you can more accurately allocate the error. 

A DMTD is the “cheap” way to get the actual measurement done. 

> What can be the application of measurement Alan deviation > 10e-10 ? I guess 
> most of the low frequency

There are a number of systems applications that very much need good ADEV. 
Getting into why this or that nav or com system needs it would take a bit of 

> - The HP53503 GPS is given to be 10e-11 / 10e-12. I guess this will limit 
> anyway the measurement floor. I've a Rb source, but it's stability is within 
> the same range. What kind of reference would be more suitable for such 
> measurements ?

If you want to do it directly, a hydrogen maser is a good way to go. That’s 
silly expensive. Just compare GPSDO’s, that’s a lot cheaper. 

> - With the PM6654C on 15h measurement, I can see some frequency jumps of 800 
> Hz which are not relevants with the GPSDO undertest. I suspect error in data 
> transmission. This makes the overall measurement totally wrong (10e-5). The 
> counter is in talk only mode. I'd like to get rid of these points maybe 40-50 
> points out of 1. Is there a way to do that from Timelab or the only 
> option is to export the file and process manually the data ?

You can expand the data and zap the offending segments. It’s done on the phase 

Have Fun.


> Thanks & cheers
> Stephane
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-09 Thread steph.rey

Hi Bob,

Many thanks for your prompt and detailled answer.

My question on applications wasn't on good ADEV where I perfetcly 
understand the need, but actually what could be the applications of 
measuring BAD ADEV (>10e-7). That was my point asking what king of 
application can we cover by measuring such high ADEV when you have 
counters with resolution not greater than 0.01Hz

However you bring to me part of the answer when you talk about the 
reference and the way to get something cheap and better than 10e-12. I 
will investigate on DMTD. However, even if you have a beautiful Maser 
source, will you improve anything above the resolution of your counter. 
In other words, with my 0.01Hz counter, will I improve my measurement if 
I replace my GPSDO source with something much better ? I feel the 
resolution of the counter will anyway limit the ADEV floor, right ? If 
the last digit of the counter do not move how could we measure something 
smaller ?
The counters I'm using are not running on their own reference (OCXO or 
TCXO) but with the HP58503b which is a GPS disciplined OCXO but with 
stability in the range of 10e-11 or 10e-12 at best.

I'm working for a big lab where possibly I could have nice piece of 
equipment but this is always easier to find alternatives solutions at 
lower price. On the application I'm working on we're looking for phase 
stability in the range of fs at several GHz. One of the project I'm 
working will use a femtosecond laser modulated at 88 Mhz that some 
people want to use as RF reference for the 3 GHz source. I'm pretty sure 
this can't achieve the phase stability requirement and I'm trying to 
illustrate this.
However even for my ham activites where I'm trying to design low noise 
LOs, I'd like to have a tool able to measure goog frequency and phase 


On Fri, 9 Jan 2015 07:48:42 -0500, Bob Camp  wrote:


Welcome to the world of trying to measure this stuff …

On Jan 9, 2015, at 6:53 AM, steph.rey  wrote:

Dear all,

I'm trying to measure Alan Deviations using Timelab and some 
frequency counters.

The device under test is a GPSDO using a TCXO as référence

I've an HP58503B GPSDO which feeds my counters. I've tried an 
HP5342A, 0-18 GHz, 1 Hz resolution and a Philipps PM6654C, 0.01Hz 

In Timelab, the plot with the HP5342A is around 10e-7 which 
correspond to 1Hz and with the PM6654C, the plot is around 10e-10.
I would suspect that this is still the counter which limits the 
actual response of my device under test.

Yes, the counters and TCXO are limiting your measurements.

My question are :
- how to measure Alan Deviations with levels below 10e-12/10e-13 ?

How much money do you have to spend? ( There are expensive commercial
ways to do this).

No matter what, you will need a “better than” reference. That’s not
going to be cheap. Most of us simply get a second GPSDO and compare
them. The assumption is that they both are the same and you can
allocate the error equally between them. With three you can more
accurately allocate the error.

A DMTD is the “cheap” way to get the actual measurement done.

What can be the application of measurement Alan deviation > 10e-10 ? 
I guess most of the low frequency

There are a number of systems applications that very much need good
ADEV. Getting into why this or that nav or com system needs it would
take a bit of time.

- The HP53503 GPS is given to be 10e-11 / 10e-12. I guess this will 
limit anyway the measurement floor. I've a Rb source, but it's 
stability is within the same range. What kind of reference would be 
more suitable for such measurements ?

If you want to do it directly, a hydrogen maser is a good way to go.
That’s silly expensive. Just compare GPSDO’s, that’s a lot cheaper.

- With the PM6654C on 15h measurement, I can see some frequency 
jumps of 800 Hz which are not relevants with the GPSDO undertest. I 
suspect error in data transmission. This makes the overall measurement 
totally wrong (10e-5). The counter is in talk only mode. I'd like to 
get rid of these points maybe 40-50 points out of 1. Is there a 
way to do that from Timelab or the only option is to export the file 
and process manually the data ?

You can expand the data and zap the offending segments. It’s done on
the phase plot.

Have Fun.


Thanks & cheers
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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-09 Thread Jim Lux

On 1/9/15 7:42 AM, steph.rey wrote:

Hi Bob,

Many thanks for your prompt and detailled answer.

My question on applications wasn't on good ADEV where I perfetcly
understand the need, but actually what could be the applications of
measuring BAD ADEV (>10e-7). That was my point asking what king of
application can we cover by measuring such high ADEV when you have
counters with resolution not greater than 0.01Hz

However you bring to me part of the answer when you talk about the
reference and the way to get something cheap and better than 10e-12. I
will investigate on DMTD. However, even if you have a beautiful Maser
source, will you improve anything above the resolution of your counter.
In other words, with my 0.01Hz counter, will I improve my measurement if
I replace my GPSDO source with something much better ? I feel the
resolution of the counter will anyway limit the ADEV floor, right ? If
the last digit of the counter do not move how could we measure something
smaller ?

The various heterodyne techniques (DMTD is but one) let you use your 
counter for many more digits than it has. Essentially what you do is 
beat your unknown against the standard, and count the difference 
frequency.  What you really do is put an offset in one (say 100Hz on a 
10 MHz standard) so you're accurately measuring a 100 Hz instead of a 10 
MHz signal. Your counter then gets down into the microHz.

The other approach is to use one standard to drive the ADC clock to 
sample the unknown, and then post process in software.  Once you've got 
a series of numbers, you can get infinite precision in software. 
there's a variety of schemes here too.

The counters I'm using are not running on their own reference (OCXO or
TCXO) but with the HP58503b which is a GPS disciplined OCXO but with
stability in the range of 10e-11 or 10e-12 at best.

I'm working for a big lab where possibly I could have nice piece of
equipment but this is always easier to find alternatives solutions at
lower price. On the application I'm working on we're looking for phase
stability in the range of fs at several GHz. One of the project I'm
working will use a femtosecond laser modulated at 88 Mhz that some
people want to use as RF reference for the 3 GHz source. I'm pretty sure
this can't achieve the phase stability requirement and I'm trying to
illustrate this.
However even for my ham activites where I'm trying to design low noise
LOs, I'd like to have a tool able to measure goog frequency and phase


On Fri, 9 Jan 2015 07:48:42 -0500, Bob Camp  wrote:


Welcome to the world of trying to measure this stuff …

On Jan 9, 2015, at 6:53 AM, steph.rey  wrote:

Dear all,

I'm trying to measure Alan Deviations using Timelab and some
frequency counters.
The device under test is a GPSDO using a TCXO as référence

I've an HP58503B GPSDO which feeds my counters. I've tried an
HP5342A, 0-18 GHz, 1 Hz resolution and a Philipps PM6654C, 0.01Hz

In Timelab, the plot with the HP5342A is around 10e-7 which
correspond to 1Hz and with the PM6654C, the plot is around 10e-10.
I would suspect that this is still the counter which limits the
actual response of my device under test.

Yes, the counters and TCXO are limiting your measurements.

My question are :
- how to measure Alan Deviations with levels below 10e-12/10e-13 ?

How much money do you have to spend? ( There are expensive commercial
ways to do this).

No matter what, you will need a “better than” reference. That’s not
going to be cheap. Most of us simply get a second GPSDO and compare
them. The assumption is that they both are the same and you can
allocate the error equally between them. With three you can more
accurately allocate the error.

A DMTD is the “cheap” way to get the actual measurement done.

What can be the application of measurement Alan deviation > 10e-10 ?
I guess most of the low frequency

There are a number of systems applications that very much need good
ADEV. Getting into why this or that nav or com system needs it would
take a bit of time.

- The HP53503 GPS is given to be 10e-11 / 10e-12. I guess this will
limit anyway the measurement floor. I've a Rb source, but it's
stability is within the same range. What kind of reference would be
more suitable for such measurements ?

If you want to do it directly, a hydrogen maser is a good way to go.
That’s silly expensive. Just compare GPSDO’s, that’s a lot cheaper.

- With the PM6654C on 15h measurement, I can see some frequency jumps
of 800 Hz which are not relevants with the GPSDO undertest. I suspect
error in data transmission. This makes the overall measurement
totally wrong (10e-5). The counter is in talk only mode. I'd like to
get rid of these points maybe 40-50 points out of 1. Is there a
way to do that from Timelab or the only option is to export the file
and process manually the data ?

You can expand the data and zap the offending segments. It’s done on
the phase plot.

Have Fun.



Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-09 Thread Bob Camp

If your only instrument is a counter.

— and —

You never measure past 1x10^-10 with that counter

— and —

Measurements that bounce around with a standard deviation of the difference 
between readings of 1x10^-10 are ok. 

— then —

No, you don’t need anything better than a 1x10^-10 ADEV. 

Most people would be bothered by a counter that has an typical jump of 1x10^-10 
between every reading, so most would want a standard that’s a bit better than 

In addition, if you want to guarantee accuracy of a reading, you probably want 
something that’s 5X to 10X better than the level that stops the reading jitter. 

Simply put - ADEV is not standard deviation of frequency. Your frequency 
counter measures frequency. Going from one to the other means you want to have 
better ADEV than you might think. 


> On Jan 9, 2015, at 10:42 AM, steph.rey  wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> Many thanks for your prompt and detailled answer.
> My question on applications wasn't on good ADEV where I perfetcly understand 
> the need, but actually what could be the applications of measuring BAD ADEV 
> (>10e-7). That was my point asking what king of application can we cover by 
> measuring such high ADEV when you have counters with resolution not greater 
> than 0.01Hz
> However you bring to me part of the answer when you talk about the reference 
> and the way to get something cheap and better than 10e-12. I will investigate 
> on DMTD. However, even if you have a beautiful Maser source, will you improve 
> anything above the resolution of your counter. In other words, with my 0.01Hz 
> counter, will I improve my measurement if I replace my GPSDO source with 
> something much better ? I feel the resolution of the counter will anyway 
> limit the ADEV floor, right ? If the last digit of the counter do not move 
> how could we measure something smaller ?
> The counters I'm using are not running on their own reference (OCXO or TCXO) 
> but with the HP58503b which is a GPS disciplined OCXO but with stability in 
> the range of 10e-11 or 10e-12 at best.
> I'm working for a big lab where possibly I could have nice piece of equipment 
> but this is always easier to find alternatives solutions at lower price. On 
> the application I'm working on we're looking for phase stability in the range 
> of fs at several GHz. One of the project I'm working will use a femtosecond 
> laser modulated at 88 Mhz that some people want to use as RF reference for 
> the 3 GHz source. I'm pretty sure this can't achieve the phase stability 
> requirement and I'm trying to illustrate this.
> However even for my ham activites where I'm trying to design low noise LOs, 
> I'd like to have a tool able to measure goog frequency and phase stability...
> Stephane
> On Fri, 9 Jan 2015 07:48:42 -0500, Bob Camp  wrote:
>> Hi
>> Welcome to the world of trying to measure this stuff …
>>> On Jan 9, 2015, at 6:53 AM, steph.rey  wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I'm trying to measure Alan Deviations using Timelab and some frequency 
>>> counters.
>>> The device under test is a GPSDO using a TCXO as référence
>>> I've an HP58503B GPSDO which feeds my counters. I've tried an HP5342A, 0-18 
>>> GHz, 1 Hz resolution and a Philipps PM6654C, 0.01Hz resolution.
>>> In Timelab, the plot with the HP5342A is around 10e-7 which correspond to 
>>> 1Hz and with the PM6654C, the plot is around 10e-10.
>>> I would suspect that this is still the counter which limits the actual 
>>> response of my device under test.
>> Yes, the counters and TCXO are limiting your measurements.
>>> My question are :
>>> - how to measure Alan Deviations with levels below 10e-12/10e-13 ?
>> How much money do you have to spend? ( There are expensive commercial
>> ways to do this).
>> No matter what, you will need a “better than” reference. That’s not
>> going to be cheap. Most of us simply get a second GPSDO and compare
>> them. The assumption is that they both are the same and you can
>> allocate the error equally between them. With three you can more
>> accurately allocate the error.
>> A DMTD is the “cheap” way to get the actual measurement done.
>>> What can be the application of measurement Alan deviation > 10e-10 ? I 
>>> guess most of the low frequency
>> There are a number of systems applications that very much need good
>> ADEV. Getting into why this or that nav or com system needs it would
>> take a bit of time.
>>> - The HP53503 GPS is given to be 10e-11 / 10e-12. I guess this will limit 
>>> anyway the measurement floor. I've a Rb source, but it's stability is 
>>> within the same range. What kind of reference would be more suitable for 
>>> such measurements ?
>> If you want to do it directly, a hydrogen maser is a good way to go.
>> That’s silly expensive. Just compare GPSDO’s, that’s a lot cheaper.
>>> - With the PM6654C on 15h measurement, I can see some frequency jumps of 
>>> 800 Hz which are not relevan

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-09 Thread Magnus Danielson


On 01/09/2015 12:53 PM, steph.rey wrote:

Dear all,

I'm trying to measure Alan Deviations using Timelab and some frequency
The device under test is a GPSDO using a TCXO as référence

I've an HP58503B GPSDO which feeds my counters. I've tried an HP5342A,
0-18 GHz, 1 Hz resolution and a Philipps PM6654C, 0.01Hz resolution.

In Timelab, the plot with the HP5342A is around 10e-7 which correspond
to 1Hz and with the PM6654C, the plot is around 10e-10.
I would suspect that this is still the counter which limits the actual
response of my device under test.

My question are :
- how to measure Alan Deviations with levels below 10e-12/10e-13 ? What
can be the application of measurement Alan deviation > 10e-10 ? I guess
most of the low frequency
- The HP53503 GPS is given to be 10e-11 / 10e-12. I guess this will
limit anyway the measurement floor. I've a Rb source, but it's stability
is within the same range. What kind of reference would be more suitable
for such measurements ?
- With the PM6654C on 15h measurement, I can see some frequency jumps of
800 Hz which are not relevants with the GPSDO undertest. I suspect error
in data transmission. This makes the overall measurement totally wrong
(10e-5). The counter is in talk only mode. I'd like to get rid of these
points maybe 40-50 points out of 1. Is there a way to do that from
Timelab or the only option is to export the file and process manually
the data ?

I've use the PM6654C with TimeLab. I wire the 10 MHz from the GPSDO and 
then the PPS to Channel A. Channel B has whatever signal I want to 
measure. By letting TimeLab know the frequency, it can adjust for any 
slipped cycles on the fly. This works well. The PM6654C has a 
single-shot resolution of 2 ns, which comes from the internal 500 MHz 
counting clock. This gives ~ 2E-9/tau (very coarse level) measurement 
limit. If you want to reach the 1E-12 resolution mark you need another 
2000 of resolution gain, which is what you get if you mix your 10 MHz 
signal with a 10,005 MHz clock or lower. The Dual Mixer Time Difference 
(DMTD) is more likely to work well, as it provides some cancellation of 
the transfer clock. Slew-rates needs to be shaped, so you probably need 
a lower frequency to get some additional gain (and thus margin) and then 
amplifier stages on the beat signal. It's a tricky subject which 
requires a lot of attention to a bunch of details.

I'd stay of the HP5342A as it will create dead-time in the measurements, 
which has a bias factor to it.

The comments and suggestions you have received so far is also good comments.

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-13 Thread Stéphane Rey
Hi there,

I'm still working on the ADEV measurement and here is what I've experimented 
today and few questions which are arising, that for sure have probably an easy 

After having measured my 10 MHz GPSDOs with 1Hz and 0.01Hz resolution with 
HP8342A and Phillips PM6654C, I've seen the effect of resolution on the ADEV. 
With the 0.01 Hz resolution I could only achieve 1E-9 at 10 MHz which is very 
likely the floor limitation from the counter resolution. Actually I hope my 
GPSDO is better than that (~1E-12)
The PM6654C can measure Time Intervals with a resolution of 0.01ps and an 
averaging time of 96s. I've then launch a new acquisition from Timelab, 
selecting Frequency difference instead of frequency only. I've not seen a time 
interval mode so I think this measurement gives nothing usable. The counter 
runs upon its own OCXO and I've connected two different GPSDO, one on each 
channel. I've tried both the internal gating as well as external gating with 
the 1PPS from the HP GPSDO with same result. The time interval is about 450ps 
with a variation of about 50ps. I've got an ADEV plot which is now in the range 
of 1E-12 / 1E-13.

However here are my questions :

- Can I use Frequency difference mode from Timelab to monitor time intervals ? 
If no is there a way to use the time interval measurement from the counter with 
Timelab to plot ADEV ?

- In case the principle of plotting ADEV from Time Interval, what is the 
interpretation of the result ? The ADEV shows the relative stability between 
the two GPSDO... So, practically what does it bring ? And how to use this 
method if I want to characterize a device ?

- I've googled for the DMTD and discovered the method. The principle seems 
clear and easy even if I know there might be several pitfails but here again, I 
don't know how to use the method or perform  the result interpretation. In that 
method there is the LO and at leadt two DUTs inputs. I do understand that the 
method gives a relative stability between the two DUT... And what  ? IF I've a 
device to characterize how can I get something useful by comparing with an 
other device that I do not know ? Where am I wrong here ?

- stupid question on Timelab. If I let Timelab in Auto to select the period 
between two samples (correctly detected), the time scale of the graph is wrong. 
For instance, a 3h plot stops at 2000s (0.5h)... Here again, I miss something 
but what ? 

I'm sorry as it's probably weird questions already discussed many times but any 
comment or URL to point to would be a great help.

Many thanks

-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Bob Camp
Envoyé : vendredi 9 janvier 2015 23:57
À : Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


If your only instrument is a counter.

— and —

You never measure past 1x10^-10 with that counter

— and —

Measurements that bounce around with a standard deviation of the difference 
between readings of 1x10^-10 are ok. 

— then —

No, you don’t need anything better than a 1x10^-10 ADEV. 

Most people would be bothered by a counter that has an typical jump of 1x10^-10 
between every reading, so most would want a standard that’s a bit better than 

In addition, if you want to guarantee accuracy of a reading, you probably want 
something that’s 5X to 10X better than the level that stops the reading jitter. 

Simply put - ADEV is not standard deviation of frequency. Your frequency 
counter measures frequency. Going from one to the other means you want to have 
better ADEV than you might think. 


> On Jan 9, 2015, at 10:42 AM, steph.rey  wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> Many thanks for your prompt and detailled answer.
> My question on applications wasn't on good ADEV where I perfetcly 
> understand the need, but actually what could be the applications of 
> measuring BAD ADEV (>10e-7). That was my point asking what king of 
> application can we cover by measuring such high ADEV when you have 
> counters with resolution not greater than 0.01Hz
> However you bring to me part of the answer when you talk about the reference 
> and the way to get something cheap and better than 10e-12. I will investigate 
> on DMTD. However, even if you have a beautiful Maser source, will you improve 
> anything above the resolution of your counter. In other words, with my 0.01Hz 
> counter, will I improve my measurement if I replace my GPSDO source with 
> something much better ? I feel the resolution of the counter will anyway 
> limit the ADEV floor, right ? If the last digit of the counter do not move 
> how could we measure something smaller ?
> The counters I'm using are not running on their own reference (OCXO or TCXO) 
> but with the HP5

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-13 Thread Stéphane Rey
Hi Magnus,  

For some reason I've missed this message and the one from Jim until now ! This 
answers many of the questions I had. For my defense, I've 3000 messages since 
the last 3 months on the list !!!

ah, yes, I'd like to get even better than 1E-12. 1E-14 would be perfect but my 
best standards for now are a HP GPSDO and an Effratrom FRK Rb which both are 
around 1E-12 'only'. I may have to invest in something better if prices are 
acceptable. I guess I won't be able to measure beyond the standard itself.

The method you describes gives tau=2E-9 ? This is more or less what I could get 
with the frequency measurement (even a bit lower). So what is the benefit of 
the time interval measurement here against the frequency measurement ?

However if I hear what you says, the GPSDO provides the 10 MHz standard 
reference for the counter, the GPSDO PPS on channel A and channel B receives 
for instance a 10 MHz signal I want to measure. 
So what will be the result of Time A-B then ? I do not understand why you put 
the PPS on channel A instead of something of the same frequency than the DUT ? 
How the time A-B will behave with these two different frequencies... " By 
letting TimeLab know the frequency, it can adjust for any slipped cycles on the 
fly." I guess this is what I've not understood.

Now if I mix down the 10 MHz DUT with a 10.005 reference to increase the 
resolution, I'll get 5 kHz on channel B and still PPS on channel A ? Again I do 
not understand what will happen with these two signals on the time A-B. If I 
push your method a bit more, I could even get a beat frequency of 1 Hz and with 
10-digits I would have increased my resolution by 10E6. Then I will be limited 
by the standard stability but on the principle would it work as well ? 
On that document
 it says (page 6) the accuracy of measurement is improved by a factor v/vb (the 
DUT and offset LO 1/2.PI.f). So it sounds to me that there is a compromise 
between resolution increase and accuracy. If I chose a beat frequency of 1 Hz 
the accuracy will not be improved but the resolution will be, right ? 

What is the transfer clock you're talking about ? and by the way should the 
offset LO be as stable as the standard reference meaning greater than the DUT ? 

Well, it's far too late here to let my brain working anymore. I will perform 
further experiments tomorrow at the office.

Thanks & cheers

-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Magnus 
Envoyé : samedi 10 janvier 2015 02:05
À :
Cc :
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


On 01/09/2015 12:53 PM, steph.rey wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm trying to measure Alan Deviations using Timelab and some frequency 
> counters.
> The device under test is a GPSDO using a TCXO as référence
> I've an HP58503B GPSDO which feeds my counters. I've tried an HP5342A,
> 0-18 GHz, 1 Hz resolution and a Philipps PM6654C, 0.01Hz resolution.
> In Timelab, the plot with the HP5342A is around 10e-7 which correspond 
> to 1Hz and with the PM6654C, the plot is around 10e-10.
> I would suspect that this is still the counter which limits the actual 
> response of my device under test.
> My question are :
> - how to measure Alan Deviations with levels below 10e-12/10e-13 ? 
> What can be the application of measurement Alan deviation > 10e-10 ? I 
> guess most of the low frequency
> - The HP53503 GPS is given to be 10e-11 / 10e-12. I guess this will 
> limit anyway the measurement floor. I've a Rb source, but it's 
> stability is within the same range. What kind of reference would be 
> more suitable for such measurements ?
> - With the PM6654C on 15h measurement, I can see some frequency jumps 
> of
> 800 Hz which are not relevants with the GPSDO undertest. I suspect 
> error in data transmission. This makes the overall measurement totally 
> wrong (10e-5). The counter is in talk only mode. I'd like to get rid 
> of these points maybe 40-50 points out of 1. Is there a way to do 
> that from Timelab or the only option is to export the file and process 
> manually the data ?

I've use the PM6654C with TimeLab. I wire the 10 MHz from the GPSDO and then 
the PPS to Channel A. Channel B has whatever signal I want to measure. By 
letting TimeLab know the frequency, it can adjust for any slipped cycles on the 
fly. This works well. The PM6654C has a single-shot resolution of 2 ns, which 
comes from the internal 500 MHz counting clock. This gives ~ 2E-9/tau (very 
coarse level) measurement limit. If you want to reach the 1E-12 resolution mark 
you need another
2000 of resolutio

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-13 Thread John Miles
> - Can I use Frequency difference mode from Timelab to monitor time intervals ?
> If no is there a way to use the time interval measurement from the counter 
> with
> Timelab to plot ADEV ?

If you feed in frequency samples, it will convert them to phase-difference 
samples internally, so the program itself doesn't really care.  The use of 
frequency data has a few drawbacks such as less accurate ADEV plots due to the 
counter's dead time between readings, but it's the easiest way to get started 
and is perfectly usable for many purposes.

In general you should avoid letting the counter do any averaging.  Except in 
very specific circumstances, any apparent improvement in ADEV measurement floor 
will be illusory.   There are exceptions, but this isn't something you want to 
mess with until you're very comfortable with the rest of the measurement 
process.  Your counter's true ADEV measurement floor at t=1s should be assumed 
to be close to its single-shot resolution specification (e.g., 100 ps = about 

> - In case the principle of plotting ADEV from Time Interval, what is the
> interpretation of the result ? The ADEV shows the relative stability between 
> the
> two GPSDO... So, practically what does it bring ? And how to use this method 
> if I
> want to characterize a device ?

An ADEV graph shows frequency stability statistics at different intervals, 
ranging from the rate at which the readings are returned from the counter (tau 
zero, at the left end of the plot) to a maximum interval that's related to how 
long you let the measurement run.  It's much too deep a subject to go into in 
an email; see for more pointers.

Again, TimeLab always plots ADEV from time interval/phase data, even if you 
give it frequency readings.  ADEV is fundamentally a frequency stability 
metric, but it can be computed identically from either TI or frequency samples 
(assuming zero dead time).  
> - stupid question on Timelab. If I let Timelab in Auto to select the period
> between two samples (correctly detected), the time scale of the graph is 
> wrong.
> For instance, a 3h plot stops at 2000s (0.5h)... Here again, I miss something 
> but
> what ?

The TimeLab manual, for one thing. :)  Hit the books (specifically , page 31).

-- john, KE5FX
Miles Design LLC

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-14 Thread Stéphane Rey
Hi John,

I hadn't noticed before you were here as well   ;-)

Thanks for answering. So I do understand I can use Timelab in frequency 
difference even if my counter sends data in TI in nanoseconds. Great.
Ah and thanks for the manual link. I didn't remember this was in the manual of 
the Timepod 
Will investigate further today

-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de John Miles
Envoyé : mercredi 14 janvier 2015 07:26
À : 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 

> - Can I use Frequency difference mode from Timelab to monitor time intervals ?
> If no is there a way to use the time interval measurement from the 
> counter with Timelab to plot ADEV ?

If you feed in frequency samples, it will convert them to phase-difference 
samples internally, so the program itself doesn't really care.  The use of 
frequency data has a few drawbacks such as less accurate ADEV plots due to the 
counter's dead time between readings, but it's the easiest way to get started 
and is perfectly usable for many purposes.

In general you should avoid letting the counter do any averaging.  Except in 
very specific circumstances, any apparent improvement in ADEV measurement floor 
will be illusory.   There are exceptions, but this isn't something you want to 
mess with until you're very comfortable with the rest of the measurement 
process.  Your counter's true ADEV measurement floor at t=1s should be assumed 
to be close to its single-shot resolution specification (e.g., 100 ps = about 

> - In case the principle of plotting ADEV from Time Interval, what is 
> the interpretation of the result ? The ADEV shows the relative 
> stability between the two GPSDO... So, practically what does it bring 
> ? And how to use this method if I want to characterize a device ?

An ADEV graph shows frequency stability statistics at different intervals, 
ranging from the rate at which the readings are returned from the counter (tau 
zero, at the left end of the plot) to a maximum interval that's related to how 
long you let the measurement run.  It's much too deep a subject to go into in 
an email; see for more pointers.

Again, TimeLab always plots ADEV from time interval/phase data, even if you 
give it frequency readings.  ADEV is fundamentally a frequency stability 
metric, but it can be computed identically from either TI or frequency samples 
(assuming zero dead time).  
> - stupid question on Timelab. If I let Timelab in Auto to select the 
> period between two samples (correctly detected), the time scale of the graph 
> is wrong.
> For instance, a 3h plot stops at 2000s (0.5h)... Here again, I miss 
> something but what ?

The TimeLab manual, for one thing. :)  Hit the books (specifically , page 31).

-- john, KE5FX
Miles Design LLC

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and follow the instructions there.

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-14 Thread Magnus Danielson

Bonjour Stéphane,

On 01/14/2015 02:16 AM, Stéphane Rey wrote:

Hi Magnus,

For some reason I've missed this message and the one from Jim until now ! This 
answers many of the questions I had. For my defense, I've 3000 messages since 
the last 3 months on the list !!!

ah, yes, I'd like to get even better than 1E-12. 1E-14 would be perfect but my 
best standards for now are a HP GPSDO and an Effratrom FRK Rb which both are 
around 1E-12 'only'. I may have to invest in something better if prices are 
acceptable. I guess I won't be able to measure beyond the standard itself.

The method you describes gives tau=2E-9 ? This is more or less what I could get 
with the frequency measurement (even a bit lower). So what is the benefit of 
the time interval measurement here against the frequency measurement ?

I've been sloppy with the scaling factor, so there is a fixed scaling 
factor for the noise that the single-shot resolution produces, and that 
would be a measurement limit that if everything else is ideal would 
dominate. This quantization noise is sqrt(1/12) or about 0.289 if I 
remember correctly, so that is the scale-factor. It will also have a 
1/tau slope. So that is how you can expect this noise to behave, it will 
look like white phase noise, but isn't, it is highly systematic noise, 
and if you play nicely with it, you can measure below it. However, doing 
so is non-trivial.

I have one counter that does that. The good old HP5328A with the Option 
040-series of boards will introduce noise to the counting 100 MHz 
oscillator such that averaging gets you down towards 10 ps rather than 
10 ns resolution in TI mode. However, it does not help you to get nice 
frequency or stability measures.

I've not taken the time to detail-analyse the ADEV scaling factor 
thought, I should do that, but it follows the general formula of 
ADEV(tau) = k*t_res/tau

where t_res is the single-shot resolution and k is a constant.
There is more to this, as counters can show up non-linearities of 
several sorts, and that the trigger conditions of the input has been 
optimized, which can be slew-rate limited for many counters and conditions.

So, anyway, there is a bit of hand-waving in there, but I thought it was 
better to get you to "get" the basic trend there first, and then we can 
discuss the detailed numbers, as theory is one thing and achieved number 
can be quite a different one.

As for frequency and time-interval measurements, if properly done, they 
can be used interchangeably without much impact. Realize that frequency 
and time-interval measurements will both be based on time-interval 
measurements as the core observation inside the counter, so the 
single-shot resolution limit applies to them both. However, subtle 
details lies in how the counter works and there is ways that the 
frequency precision can be lost. A good counter is the SR620, but the 
way it does the frequency measure, you need to calibrate the internal 
delay to make it "on the mark" measure. Using it in time-interval mode 
and you can eliminate that offset, because the start and stop measure of 
your signal under test is done with the same channel, with essentially 
the same delay both trigger-times.

Another subtle detail is that when you make frequency measurements, you 
arm your counter, the start channel triggers, you wait the time you have 
programmed as the measurement time before you arm the stop channel, and 
then it triggers, after which you then read out your coarse counter of 
cycles, the interpolator states for the start and stop channels and 
well, the count of the time-base (which should be known), you calculate 
the frequency and output and well, once you cleared the "bench" from 
that measure you then arm the counter core of the next measurement. The 
time from the stop event to the following start event is called the 
dead-time. This dead-time is a period when the signal is not being 
observed. The actual time between the measures (time between the start 
events) and the length of the measures (time between the start and stop 
events) will not be the same, this will create a measurement bias in the 
ADEV. If you can establish the length of the dead-time you can 
compensate the measures. Very very few people do this these days, part 
of it is ignorance, part of it is why bother when you can use any of a 
number of techniques that avoid the dead-time altogether.

Being able to measure frequency does not easily convert into making 
quality ADEV measures.

Also, another danger of using frequency measures is that many modern 
counters use one of several techniques to improve the frequency 
measurement resolution by using things like linear regression. This 
behaves as a narrow-band filter, and the ADEV measures for white noise 
depend on the bandwidth of the system, and well, very very few 
measurements is annotated with their bandwidth, so traceable ADEV 
measurements will not be done there, and this pre-filtering effect 

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-14 Thread Stéphane Rey
Bonjour Magnus,

Many thanks for your very long and detailed answer. I've read quickly bu will 
go deeper tonight.

Here are the results of today experiments... which are not giving anything 
valuable... I still don't understand the results I get  :-/

With the PM6654C, I've put the HP GPSDO on the standard input, the 1 PPS on 
channel A and the 10 MHz from the DUT (GPSDO as well) on channel B. This gives 
something in the range of 2E-9 which looks like the counter resolution, right ? 
The gating takes 4s and the Time A-B displays a value like 64 E-6
Now if I downmix the channel B to 5 kHz (LO is a DDS Standford & Reseach 
generator), I have a sinus with lower amplitude and no squarer in my hand at 
the moment to shape the signal. Anyway, I do the same operation and I get on 
the display two more digits like xx.xx E-6 but the ADEC is in the range of 
E-7 I do not understand at all this fact. Even if the slew rate is not 
great, I was expecting an improvement.
Note that the values displayed are always changing quite a lot between two 
samples. For instance with the 5 KHz channel B signal, I can read first sample 
at 27.11E-6, in the next one is 31.22E-6... which sounds huge, right ?

I've then found an HP5370A and tried the same operation. Unfortunately the 5 
kHz output is too low for the HP5370A sensitivity. I need an amplifier or 
sqauerer here but had no time to build on today.
Si I could not get anything valuable with the HP5370A at the moment...


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Magnus 
Envoyé : mercredi 14 janvier 2015 08:04
À :
Cc :
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 

Bonjour Stéphane,

On 01/14/2015 02:16 AM, Stéphane Rey wrote:
> Hi Magnus,
> For some reason I've missed this message and the one from Jim until now ! 
> This answers many of the questions I had. For my defense, I've 3000 messages 
> since the last 3 months on the list !!!
> ah, yes, I'd like to get even better than 1E-12. 1E-14 would be perfect but 
> my best standards for now are a HP GPSDO and an Effratrom FRK Rb which both 
> are around 1E-12 'only'. I may have to invest in something better if prices 
> are acceptable. I guess I won't be able to measure beyond the standard itself.
> The method you describes gives tau=2E-9 ? This is more or less what I could 
> get with the frequency measurement (even a bit lower). So what is the benefit 
> of the time interval measurement here against the frequency measurement ?

I've been sloppy with the scaling factor, so there is a fixed scaling factor 
for the noise that the single-shot resolution produces, and that would be a 
measurement limit that if everything else is ideal would dominate. This 
quantization noise is sqrt(1/12) or about 0.289 if I remember correctly, so 
that is the scale-factor. It will also have a 1/tau slope. So that is how you 
can expect this noise to behave, it will look like white phase noise, but 
isn't, it is highly systematic noise, and if you play nicely with it, you can 
measure below it. However, doing so is non-trivial.

I have one counter that does that. The good old HP5328A with the Option 
040-series of boards will introduce noise to the counting 100 MHz oscillator 
such that averaging gets you down towards 10 ps rather than
10 ns resolution in TI mode. However, it does not help you to get nice 
frequency or stability measures.

I've not taken the time to detail-analyse the ADEV scaling factor thought, I 
should do that, but it follows the general formula of
ADEV(tau) = k*t_res/tau
where t_res is the single-shot resolution and k is a constant.
There is more to this, as counters can show up non-linearities of several 
sorts, and that the trigger conditions of the input has been optimized, which 
can be slew-rate limited for many counters and conditions.

So, anyway, there is a bit of hand-waving in there, but I thought it was better 
to get you to "get" the basic trend there first, and then we can discuss the 
detailed numbers, as theory is one thing and achieved number can be quite a 
different one.

As for frequency and time-interval measurements, if properly done, they can be 
used interchangeably without much impact. Realize that frequency and 
time-interval measurements will both be based on time-interval measurements as 
the core observation inside the counter, so the single-shot resolution limit 
applies to them both. However, subtle details lies in how the counter works and 
there is ways that the frequency precision can be lost. A good counter is the 
SR620, but the way it does the frequency measure, you need to calibrate the 
internal delay to make it "on the mark" measure. Using it in time-interval mode 
and you can eliminate that of

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-17 Thread Magnus Danielson

Bonsoir Stéphane,

(For Stéphane's unedited reply, look in the Current state thread)

On 01/17/2015 12:36 AM, Stéphane Rey wrote:
> Hi,
> I've took the time to read carefully your long and detailed message 
Magnus and this was very interesting. I've learned many things that have 
enabled me to investigate further. Ah yes, you're right saying that the 
more you fall into these things, the more you discover that you have to 
learn. Recently I've worked a lot on PLLs and I've actually learned a 
lot on special care to ensure low noise Very interesting. By the way 
I'm still working on this topic to improve again the noise (currently on 
a 3 GHz LO)

Good that you found it useful.

> Here are some experiment results :

> 1.   Setup #1 (blue plot)
> HP5370A
> standard input from HP GPSDO
> EXT input not connected, internal Arming 0.4s rate
> START input from 10 MHz distribution unit RacalDana 9478 Rubidium
> 2.   Setup #2 (pink plot)
> HP5370A
> standard input from HP GPSDO
> EXT input not connected, internal Arming 0.4s rate
> START input from DUT (10 MHz homemade GPSDO)
> I'm not sure this is the proper way to connect everything... but this 
is the setup providing the lowest ADEV... which is between 1E-10 and 
1E-13. But is the truth ?

> I feel strange the two plots having the same decreasing path along a 
linear slope (I mean linear on the log-log plot) ... I'm not sure of 
what I'm measuring ? Could this be the system measurement floor ? By the 
way how to measure the ADEV floor of a system other than having a source 
greater than the measurement system ?

The slope is to be expected from the ADEV matching white PM noise, 
because it behaves similar enough to it on the ADEV plot.
Please see the Allan Deviation wikipedia page, where I amongst other 
things added the power-law noise section with a handy table.

> What could be these oscillations on the homemade (not by me) GPSDO  ?

Could be. Do use the phase plot (press p) to see if you have visible 
wobblings or something.

> I've tried to downmix the DUT 10 MHz to few kHz using a SR DDS 
generator and a double balanced mixer from minicircuit via a low pass 
filter tuned at 100 kHz, but the level wasn't high enough for the 
counter (which I found strange as it was already nearly 200mV). I hadn't 
anything in hands to make a squarer quickly so I've just added a 
Minicircuits RF amplifier. The level was good but the ADEV has jumped to 
1E-6. The signal was noisy already on the oscilloscope which I know is 
for sure the cause.

Did you set the original frequency to 10 MHz in TimeLab?
As you mix-down, TimeLab needs to be told what the original frequency 
was, it will calculate the gain and adjust the scale accordingly.

Check your Acquire window.

> I need to make a squarer. I was hesitating between several methods : 
using a CMOS gate, but this will increase the flicker noise from what 
I've read, using an amplifier and clamping diodes or a fast comparator 
which might create some noise around the trigger point... Any 
recommendation there ?

Check out the Wenzel two-transistor design:

Buffer the output with an inverter or so.

> I'll try to make this squarer next week to continue my investigations

The joy of lab sessions.

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-18 Thread Bob Camp

I’m a little concerned about the measurement setup here. Based on the quoted 
text, there have been a few messages in the thread that have not showed up 


The “start” input on the counter is defined below. The “stop” input is not 
defined. Is the counter running in time interval mode or in frequency mode? 

IF it’s in time mode - what is the stop hooked to? 

IF it’s in frequent mode - what is the gate time set to ? 

Is the “standard input” the missing front panel input or is it the external 
reference input on the back panel? 


I’m looking at the data on the link:

In both cases the slope is roughly 1/tau. Both plots end up in the 3 to 4 x 
10^-13  range at 100 to 300 seconds. That’s suspiciously good performance for a 
rubidium or a GPSDO. Which is what makes me wonder about the setup.

The Blue plot (1 pps?) ran for 18 minutes and has 1,114 points in it. The Pink 
plot ran for about 9 minutes and has a bit over 500 points in it. Both seem 
reasonable for a 1 pps to 10 MHz sort of setup. That may explain part of my 
confusion above. 

Again - I apologize if this all got explained in a post that went missing here.


> On Jan 17, 2015, at 7:34 PM, Magnus Danielson  
> wrote:
> Bonsoir Stéphane,
> (For Stéphane's unedited reply, look in the Current state thread)
> On 01/17/2015 12:36 AM, Stéphane Rey wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've took the time to read carefully your long and detailed message Magnus 
> > and this was very interesting. I've learned many things that have enabled 
> > me to investigate further. Ah yes, you're right saying that the more you 
> > fall into these things, the more you discover that you have to learn. 
> > Recently I've worked a lot on PLLs and I've actually learned a lot on 
> > special care to ensure low noise Very interesting. By the way I'm still 
> > working on this topic to improve again the noise (currently on a 3 GHz LO)
> Good that you found it useful.
> > Here are some experiment results : 
> >
> >
> > 1.   Setup #1 (blue plot)
> >
> > HP5370A
> >
> > standard input from HP GPSDO
> >
> > EXT input not connected, internal Arming 0.4s rate
> >
> > START input from 10 MHz distribution unit RacalDana 9478 Rubidium
> >
> > 2.   Setup #2 (pink plot)
> >
> > HP5370A
> >
> > standard input from HP GPSDO
> >
> > EXT input not connected, internal Arming 0.4s rate
> >
> > START input from DUT (10 MHz homemade GPSDO)
> >
> > I'm not sure this is the proper way to connect everything... but this is 
> > the setup providing the lowest ADEV... which is between 1E-10 and 1E-13. 
> > But is the truth ?
> >
> > I feel strange the two plots having the same decreasing path along a linear 
> > slope (I mean linear on the log-log plot) ... I'm not sure of what I'm 
> > measuring ? Could this be the system measurement floor ? By the way how to 
> > measure the ADEV floor of a system other than having a source greater than 
> > the measurement system ?
> The slope is to be expected from the ADEV matching white PM noise, because it 
> behaves similar enough to it on the ADEV plot.
> Please see the Allan Deviation wikipedia page, where I amongst other things 
> added the power-law noise section with a handy table.
> > What could be these oscillations on the homemade (not by me) GPSDO  ?
> Could be. Do use the phase plot (press p) to see if you have visible 
> wobblings or something.
> > I've tried to downmix the DUT 10 MHz to few kHz using a SR DDS generator 
> > and a double balanced mixer from minicircuit via a low pass filter tuned at 
> > 100 kHz, but the level wasn't high enough for the counter (which I found 
> > strange as it was already nearly 200mV). I hadn't anything in hands to make 
> > a squarer quickly so I've just added a Minicircuits RF amplifier. The level 
> > was good but the ADEV has jumped to 1E-6. The signal was noisy already on 
> > the oscilloscope which I know is for sure the cause.
> Did you set the original frequency to 10 MHz in TimeLab?
> As you mix-down, TimeLab needs to be told what the original frequency was, it 
> will calculate the gain and adjust the scale accordingly.
> Check your Acquire window.
> > I need to make a squarer. I was hesitating between several methods : using 
> > a CMOS gate, but this will increase the flicker noise from what I've read, 
> > using an amplifier and clamping diodes or a fast comparator which might 
> > create some noise around the trigger point... Any recommendation there ?
> Check out the Wenzel two-transistor design:
> Buffer the output with an inverter or so.
> > I'll try to make this squarer next week to continue my investigations
> The joy of lab sessions.
> Cheers,
> Magnus
> _

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-18 Thread Charles Steinmetz

Stephane wrote:

I need to make a squarer. I was hesitating between several methods 
: using a CMOS gate, but this will increase the flicker noise from 
what I've read, using an amplifier and clamping diodes or a fast 
comparator which might create some noise around the trigger 
point... Any recommendation there ?

The basic Wenzel design can be optimized with attention to a few 
details (see below).

Note that bias must be supplied to the LM329 (or whatever reference 
you use for the bases), which is not shown.  The 20v supply should be 
quiet.  The 1k emitter resistors can be replaced with quiet current 
sources, if you want to go to the trouble -- but with a quiet 20v 
supply, that should not be necessary (and designing quiet current 
sources is its own challenge).

I posted a variant of this circuit for 3v logic on 12/25/14, which 
you can find in the archive.  The power supply decoupling shown in 
that version (100uF tantalum + 1uF X7R ceramic + 10nF C0G or X7R 
ceramic) is superior to what is shown below).

Best regards,


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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-18 Thread Magnus Danielson

Hi Bob,

On 01/18/2015 04:25 AM, Bob Camp wrote:


I’m a little concerned about the measurement setup here. Based on the quoted 
text, there have been a few messages in the thread that have not showed up here.

The messages got accidentally posted in the wrong thread.


The “start” input on the counter is defined below. The “stop” input is not 
defined. Is the counter running in time interval mode or in frequency mode?

IF it’s in time mode - what is the stop hooked to?

IF it’s in frequent mode - what is the gate time set to ?

Is the “standard input” the missing front panel input or is it the external 
reference input on the back panel?

I was also considering the setup strange in this regard. Common switched in?


I’m looking at the data on the link:

In both cases the slope is roughly 1/tau. Both plots end up in the 3 to 4 x 
10^-13  range at 100 to 300 seconds. That’s suspiciously good performance for a 
rubidium or a GPSDO. Which is what makes me wonder about the setup.

The Blue plot (1 pps?) ran for 18 minutes and has 1,114 points in it. The Pink 
plot ran for about 9 minutes and has a bit over 500 points in it. Both seem 
reasonable for a 1 pps to 10 MHz sort of setup. That may explain part of my 
confusion above.

Again - I apologize if this all got explained in a post that went missing here.

Not really. The plots looks to me like measurement setup baseline plots, 
with some sine noise in them.

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-18 Thread Bob Camp

Ok, I didn’t think I’d seen the plots before. 

I agree that the plots look like “counter limited” data. That’s a fine 
explanation at the shorter Tau’s. I also agree that some sort of periodic 
“stuff” is getting into one of the signals and creating the ripple. What I’m 
wondering about (and what makes me question the setup) is the fact that the 
data is still “counter limited” at the mid to low parts in 10^-13 level at just 
a bit over 100 seconds. A telecom  Rb is doing pretty well to be at 1x10^-12 at 
100 seconds. Most GPSDO’s are doing well to be mid parts in 10^-12 at that tau. 
Simply put, the data continues to be counter limited to a pretty low point. 


> On Jan 18, 2015, at 7:13 AM, Magnus Danielson  
> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> On 01/18/2015 04:25 AM, Bob Camp wrote:
>> Hi
>> I’m a little concerned about the measurement setup here. Based on the quoted 
>> text, there have been a few messages in the thread that have not showed up 
>> here.
> The messages got accidentally posted in the wrong thread.
>> =
>> The “start” input on the counter is defined below. The “stop” input is not 
>> defined. Is the counter running in time interval mode or in frequency mode?
>> IF it’s in time mode - what is the stop hooked to?
>> IF it’s in frequent mode - what is the gate time set to ?
>> Is the “standard input” the missing front panel input or is it the external 
>> reference input on the back panel?
> I was also considering the setup strange in this regard. Common switched in?
>> =
>> I’m looking at the data on the link:
>> In both cases the slope is roughly 1/tau. Both plots end up in the 3 to 4 x 
>> 10^-13  range at 100 to 300 seconds. That’s suspiciously good performance 
>> for a rubidium or a GPSDO. Which is what makes me wonder about the setup.
>> The Blue plot (1 pps?) ran for 18 minutes and has 1,114 points in it. The 
>> Pink plot ran for about 9 minutes and has a bit over 500 points in it. Both 
>> seem reasonable for a 1 pps to 10 MHz sort of setup. That may explain part 
>> of my confusion above.
>> Again - I apologize if this all got explained in a post that went missing 
>> here.
> Not really. The plots looks to me like measurement setup baseline plots, with 
> some sine noise in them.
> Cheers,
> Magnus
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list --
> To unsubscribe, go to
> and follow the instructions there.

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-18 Thread Stéphane Rey

First, please do apologize for the confusion answering in the bad email. That's 
things I'm absolutely able to do when replying at 3 am ! Again, sorry for that 
and thanks Magnus for having corrected this.

Back to my setup :

There is indeed nothing on the STOP input of the HP5370a. The standard 10 MHz 
comes from the GPSDO HP-58503B and feeds the HP5370a Standard input. Its ADEV 
is given on page 240 of that document : We see that 
the shape is starting at about 2E-12 at 1s, increase to 2E-11 at 100s before 
decreasing again down to E-13 for above 10E3s...

The setup #1 was using the Racal DANA Rb connected on the START input which is 
specified at E-9 / E-10, given on page 16 of the manual :
The EXT input receives the 1PPS from the HP58503b. It apparently drives both 
the START and the STOP of the acquisition (the two lights are blinking and the 
time between two measurement is no longer adjustable from the front panel RATE 
potentiometer and the period between two samples is 1.0s (detected by Timelab). 

But yes, the ADEV plot sounds really strange as it goes incredibly low after 
few seconds which is not consistent with the stability of the sources I'm using 
which is why I felt something was wrong

On Setup #2 I've only replaced the Racal Dana Rb with the GPSDO to test. I've 
not made this design and not checked yet anything on it. Could  these 
oscillations be from power supply noise ? To be checked. But how can it follow 
the ADEV plot of the Racal Dana Rb ? mmm Coincidence is not something I 
like too much and I believe something is clearly wrong in my measurement 

But what ???

On the Timelab setup screen before launching the acquisition I've left all the 
parameters as it without touching them. I've just seize 10E6 in the frequency 

Ah, by thay Magnus, for the downmixed test I've forgotten to change this value, 
I will check on monday when back at the office.


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Bob Camp
Envoyé : dimanche 18 janvier 2015 14:44
À : Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


Ok, I didn’t think I’d seen the plots before. 

I agree that the plots look like “counter limited” data. That’s a fine 
explanation at the shorter Tau’s. I also agree that some sort of periodic 
“stuff” is getting into one of the signals and creating the ripple. What I’m 
wondering about (and what makes me question the setup) is the fact that the 
data is still “counter limited” at the mid to low parts in 10^-13 level at just 
a bit over 100 seconds. A telecom  Rb is doing pretty well to be at 1x10^-12 at 
100 seconds. Most GPSDO’s are doing well to be mid parts in 10^-12 at that tau. 
Simply put, the data continues to be counter limited to a pretty low point. 


> On Jan 18, 2015, at 7:13 AM, Magnus Danielson  
> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> On 01/18/2015 04:25 AM, Bob Camp wrote:
>> Hi
>> I’m a little concerned about the measurement setup here. Based on the quoted 
>> text, there have been a few messages in the thread that have not showed up 
>> here.
> The messages got accidentally posted in the wrong thread.
>> =
>> The “start” input on the counter is defined below. The “stop” input is not 
>> defined. Is the counter running in time interval mode or in frequency mode?
>> IF it’s in time mode - what is the stop hooked to?
>> IF it’s in frequent mode - what is the gate time set to ?
>> Is the “standard input” the missing front panel input or is it the external 
>> reference input on the back panel?
> I was also considering the setup strange in this regard. Common switched in?
>> =
>> I’m looking at the data on the link:
>> In both cases the slope is roughly 1/tau. Both plots end up in the 3 to 4 x 
>> 10^-13  range at 100 to 300 seconds. That’s suspiciously good performance 
>> for a rubidium or a GPSDO. Which is what makes me wonder about the setup.
>> The Blue plot (1 pps?) ran for 18 minutes and has 1,114 points in it. The 
>> Pink plot ran for about 9 minutes and has a bit over 500 points in it. Both 
>> seem reasonable for a 1 pps to 10 MHz sort of setup. That may explain part 
>> of my confusion above.
>> Again - I apologize if this all got explained in a post that went missing 
>> here.
> Not really. The plots looks to me like measurement setup

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-18 Thread Magnus Danielson


On 01/18/2015 02:44 PM, Bob Camp wrote:


Ok, I didn’t think I’d seen the plots before.

I agree that the plots look like “counter limited” data. That’s a fine 
explanation at the shorter Tau’s. I also agree that some sort of periodic 
“stuff” is getting into one of the signals and creating the ripple.

Yes, that much is expected.

What I’m wondering about (and what makes me question the setup) is the fact 
that the data is still “counter limited” at the mid to low parts in 10^-13 
level at just a bit over 100 seconds. A telecom  Rb is doing pretty well to be 
at 1x10^-12 at 100 seconds. Most GPSDO’s are doing well to be mid parts in 
10^-12 at that tau. Simply put, the data continues to be counter limited to a 
pretty low point.

In a setup where you feed both start and stop the same signal, the 
measurement noise of the counter setup will behave like that. Since the 
time-difference between the start and stop is very small, there is 
almost no lower-frequency noise included into the measurement, so the 
scaled variant of the noise will just keep going downwards.

If you actuallly measure two sources, the initial slope will be that of 
the counter noise, but then pan out into the sum of the two sources.

This is why I was considering that it was wired up as a instrument noise 

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-18 Thread Bob Camp

Effectively you only have one signal into the counter. It’s simply measuring 
the 1/tau measurement floor of the 5370. If your objective is to measure the 
ADEV of the measurement floor of the counter, that’s fine. Your plot looks a 
lot like the one half way down on:

It’s in the “Time Interval Measurement” section. 

ADEV of a standard is done by comparing two references against each other. With 
a 5370 typically one source starts a reading and the other source stops the 
reading. There are many different ways to set this up. A lot depends on the 
sources you have. 

One common way is: Set the counter to start / stop time interval mode. Let a 
PPS start the reading and a 10 MHz stop the reading. You will get data once a 
second. The time difference between start and stop will be the phase of the 10 
MHz sampled once a second. 

The tricky part of this is getting all the buttons and knobs on the 5370 set to 
the right mode. It’s a fairly complex device. A quick way to debug the time 
mode on the counter: Feed the PPS to both inputs and have one trigger positive 
and the other trigger negative. You will read the pulse width (either high or 
low) of the PPS signal. 

The plot you will get will still be limited by the counter measurement floor at 
short time periods. Past 100 seconds or so you should be seeing the combined 
ADEV of your two sources. If the ADEV of each source is at the same level, then 
the sources are better than the reading by the square root of 2. If one source 
is much better than the other, the reading is essential the ADEV of the poorer 


> On Jan 18, 2015, at 9:37 AM, Stéphane Rey  wrote:
> Hello,
> First, please do apologize for the confusion answering in the bad email. 
> That's things I'm absolutely able to do when replying at 3 am ! Again, sorry 
> for that and thanks Magnus for having corrected this.
> Back to my setup :
> There is indeed nothing on the STOP input of the HP5370a. The standard 10 MHz 
> comes from the GPSDO HP-58503B and feeds the HP5370a Standard input. Its ADEV 
> is given on page 240 of that document : 
> We see that 
> the shape is starting at about 2E-12 at 1s, increase to 2E-11 at 100s before 
> decreasing again down to E-13 for above 10E3s...
> The setup #1 was using the Racal DANA Rb connected on the START input which 
> is specified at E-9 / E-10, given on page 16 of the manual : 
> The EXT input receives the 1PPS from the HP58503b. It apparently drives both 
> the START and the STOP of the acquisition (the two lights are blinking and 
> the time between two measurement is no longer adjustable from the front panel 
> RATE potentiometer and the period between two samples is 1.0s (detected by 
> Timelab). 
> But yes, the ADEV plot sounds really strange as it goes incredibly low after 
> few seconds which is not consistent with the stability of the sources I'm 
> using which is why I felt something was wrong
> On Setup #2 I've only replaced the Racal Dana Rb with the GPSDO to test. I've 
> not made this design and not checked yet anything on it. Could  these 
> oscillations be from power supply noise ? To be checked. But how can it 
> follow the ADEV plot of the Racal Dana Rb ? mmm Coincidence is not 
> something I like too much and I believe something is clearly wrong in my 
> measurement 
> But what ???
> On the Timelab setup screen before launching the acquisition I've left all 
> the parameters as it without touching them. I've just seize 10E6 in the 
> frequency field.
> Ah, by thay Magnus, for the downmixed test I've forgotten to change this 
> value, I will check on monday when back at the office.
> Stephane
> -Message d'origine-----
> De : time-nuts [] De la part de Bob Camp
> Envoyé : dimanche 18 janvier 2015 14:44
> À : Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 
> counters
> Hi
> Ok, I didn’t think I’d seen the plots before. 
> I agree that the plots look like “counter limited” data. That’s a fine 
> explanation at the shorter Tau’s. I also agree that some sort of periodic 
> “stuff” is getting into one of the signals and creating the ripple. What I’m 
> wondering about (and what makes me question the setup) is the fact that the 
> data is still “counter limited” at the mid to low parts in 10^-13 level at 
> just a bit over 100 seconds. A telecom  Rb is doing pretty well to be at 
> 1x10^-12 at 100 seconds. Most GPSD

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-18 Thread Magnus Danielson

Bonjour Stéphane,

On 01/18/2015 03:37 PM, Stéphane Rey wrote:


First, please do apologize for the confusion answering in the bad email. That's 
things I'm absolutely able to do when replying at 3 am ! Again, sorry for that 
and thanks Magnus for having corrected this.

Ah well, that's water under the bridge now. I only mentioned it for 
Bob's reference.

Back to my setup :

There is indeed nothing on the STOP input of the HP5370a. The standard 10 MHz 
comes from the GPSDO HP-58503B and feeds the HP5370a Standard input. Its ADEV 
is given on page 240 of that document : We see that 
the shape is starting at about 2E-12 at 1s, increase to 2E-11 at 100s before 
decreasing again down to E-13 for above 10E3s...

The setup #1 was using the Racal DANA Rb connected on the START input which is 
specified at E-9 / E-10, given on page 16 of the manual :
The EXT input receives the 1PPS from the HP58503b. It apparently drives both 
the START and the STOP of the acquisition (the two lights are blinking and the 
time between two measurement is no longer adjustable from the front panel RATE 
potentiometer and the period between two samples is 1.0s (detected by Timelab).

If you run the counter in frequency or period mode, you normally use the 
STOP input, which is then internally split to the START and STOP channels.

If you run the counter in TI mode, then they are usually separate, but 
you can force them the same using the START COMMON switch.

We tend to use the TI mode, with two basic setup:

Stoopid simple: PPS to START and measured clock to STOP. This setup has 
the down-side that the jitter of the PPS (which can be much higher than 
that of the clock) can dominate, if so, the next setup is relevant:

Standard setup: PPS to ARM/EXT input to trigger measurement. DUT to 
START channel and reference clock to STOP channel. Sometime the clocks 
is interchanged, sometimes it is important, somtimes not.

Record the TI data.

But yes, the ADEV plot sounds really strange as it goes incredibly low after 
few seconds which is not consistent with the stability of the sources I'm using 
which is why I felt something was wrong

OK, you made what we call a instrument noise limit measurement. Then you 
do the same thing as a normal measure, but you have start and stop 
channels see the same signal split. It may be good to let the stop 
channel has a meter or two of additional coax to de-correlate the rising 
edges. This setup will let you measure the effect of white noise, 
slew-rate and counter resolution. It can be good for fault analysis and 
see if the setup gives reasonable noise or if you can improve it. 
Adjustment of the trigger points will select a point of optimal 
slew-rate (and sometimes avoid false-trigger noise) and thus finding the 
optimum trigger noise.

Squaring up the signal may be a nice way to improve the setup.

Anyway, such setup has the 1/tau plot behavior and that was what I saw. 
The fact that you kept going down was a clear clue that you where doing 
such a setup rather than doing a suitable delta.

Now, try the two setups I proposed, letting the STOP channel being 
delayed with about 1 meter extra cable, and record the result. Do share 
for comments. Then, using the setup giving the lowest trace for measure 
your two other sources as DUT.

On Setup #2 I've only replaced the Racal Dana Rb with the GPSDO to test. I've 
not made this design and not checked yet anything on it. Could  these 
oscillations be from power supply noise ? To be checked. But how can it follow 
the ADEV plot of the Racal Dana Rb ? mmm Coincidence is not something I 
like too much and I believe something is clearly wrong in my measurement

But what ???

Re-arranging the setup and it will be interesting to see both these 
setups. Then we can start making some comments on that result.

On the Timelab setup screen before launching the acquisition I've left all the 
parameters as it without touching them. I've just seize 10E6 in the frequency 

Usually that's all that is needed.

Ah, by thay Magnus, for the downmixed test I've forgotten to change this value, 
I will check on monday when back at the office.

If you only have your TIM file with you back home, all you have to do is 
to press (e) to Edit the trace, as I recall it. I might have edited the 
file directly also. When doing that, I helped another time-nut at one time.

Uncheck the "Use Input Frequency" and then input 10 MHz (or whatever) to 
"DUT Frequency".

To actually make gains from a mixer-setup, you need to do more 
processing to filter and square up, but for the moment, it's just a nice 
lab-exercise. :)

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-18 Thread Stéphane Rey
Thanks a lot Bob and Magnus for your very helpful comments.

The HP5370a was indeed in TI mode. By the way what is the difference with 
+/-TI, the button just aside...

But I guess I understand where I've missed something : I've tried to put the Rb 
on channel A and the DUT on channel B but result was always the same but I do 
understand now that there is indeed a switch to change from COMmon to SEParate 
and it was always on COM meaning I believe that channel B wasn't used. This 
explains a lot of things I did not understand. I'm sorry for these so basic 
issues that might have been solved if I had read carefully the HP5370a manual 

So possible conclusions until now are that I have actually measured the ADEV 
floor of the system rather than my DUT... which is already nice. The second 
conclusion from these oscillations seen with the GPSDO under test is that there 
is very likely in this GPSDO design a systemic noise added to the 10 MHz output 
(power supply, PCB coupling, ... I'll make further investigations on it later 

I will experiment all the suggestions you made and will come back. For 
information the 1PPS from the HP58503b has a positive pulse width that is only 
few us length.

Now, when considering that the method is to compare the DUT to an other source, 
I assume then that the other source shall be at least 1 order of magnitude 
better than the DUT. Otherwise this will be impossible to distinguish who is 
the instability contributor between the source and DUT, right ? 

Then the second question is what kind of very stable source can be used to 
measure DUT which could be Rb or GPSDO which are already in the range of 10E-10 
to 10E-12 < 100s ?


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Magnus 
Envoyé : dimanche 18 janvier 2015 16:47
À :
Cc :
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 

Bonjour Stéphane,

On 01/18/2015 03:37 PM, Stéphane Rey wrote:
> Hello,
> First, please do apologize for the confusion answering in the bad email. 
> That's things I'm absolutely able to do when replying at 3 am ! Again, sorry 
> for that and thanks Magnus for having corrected this.

Ah well, that's water under the bridge now. I only mentioned it for Bob's 

> Back to my setup :
> There is indeed nothing on the STOP input of the HP5370a. The standard 10 MHz 
> comes from the GPSDO HP-58503B and feeds the HP5370a Standard input. Its ADEV 
> is given on page 240 of that document : 
> We see that 
> the shape is starting at about 2E-12 at 1s, increase to 2E-11 at 100s before 
> decreasing again down to E-13 for above 10E3s...
> The setup #1 was using the Racal DANA Rb connected on the START input 
> which is specified at E-9 / E-10, given on page 16 of the manual : 
> The EXT input receives the 1PPS from the HP58503b. It apparently drives both 
> the START and the STOP of the acquisition (the two lights are blinking and 
> the time between two measurement is no longer adjustable from the front panel 
> RATE potentiometer and the period between two samples is 1.0s (detected by 
> Timelab).

If you run the counter in frequency or period mode, you normally use the STOP 
input, which is then internally split to the START and STOP channels.

If you run the counter in TI mode, then they are usually separate, but you can 
force them the same using the START COMMON switch.

We tend to use the TI mode, with two basic setup:

Stoopid simple: PPS to START and measured clock to STOP. This setup has the 
down-side that the jitter of the PPS (which can be much higher than that of the 
clock) can dominate, if so, the next setup is relevant:

Standard setup: PPS to ARM/EXT input to trigger measurement. DUT to START 
channel and reference clock to STOP channel. Sometime the clocks is 
interchanged, sometimes it is important, somtimes not.

Record the TI data.

> But yes, the ADEV plot sounds really strange as it goes incredibly low 
> after few seconds which is not consistent with the stability of the 
> sources I'm using which is why I felt something was wrong

OK, you made what we call a instrument noise limit measurement. Then you do the 
same thing as a normal measure, but you have start and stop channels see the 
same signal split. It may be good to let the stop channel has a meter or two of 
additional coax to de-correlate the rising edges. This setup will let you 
measure the effect of white noise, slew-rate and counter resolution. It can be 
good for fault analysis and see if the setup gives reasonable noise or if you 
can improve it. 
Adjustment of the trigger points will select a poin

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-18 Thread Bob Camp

> On Jan 18, 2015, at 4:34 PM, Stéphane Rey  wrote:
> Thanks a lot Bob and Magnus for your very helpful comments.
> The HP5370a was indeed in TI mode. By the way what is the difference with 
> +/-TI, the button just aside...
> But I guess I understand where I've missed something : I've tried to put the 
> Rb on channel A and the DUT on channel B but result was always the same but I 
> do understand now that there is indeed a switch to change from COMmon to 
> SEParate and it was always on COM meaning I believe that channel B wasn't 
> used. This explains a lot of things I did not understand. I'm sorry for these 
> so basic issues that might have been solved if I had read carefully the 
> HP5370a manual first.

I’ve set that same switch the wrong way several times in the last year. It’s 
very frustrating ….

> So possible conclusions until now are that I have actually measured the ADEV 
> floor of the system rather than my DUT... which is already nice. The second 
> conclusion from these oscillations seen with the GPSDO under test is that 
> there is very likely in this GPSDO design a systemic noise added to the 10 
> MHz output (power supply, PCB coupling, ... I'll make further investigations 
> on it later on).
> I will experiment all the suggestions you made and will come back. For 
> information the 1PPS from the HP58503b has a positive pulse width that is 
> only few us length.

That sounds about right.

> Now, when considering that the method is to compare the DUT to an other 
> source, I assume then that the other source shall be at least 1 order of 
> magnitude better than the DUT. Otherwise this will be impossible to 
> distinguish who is the instability contributor between the source and DUT, 
> right ? 

If you can afford a source (or find a source) that’s 10X better, this would be 
the ideal solution. 

> Then the second question is what kind of very stable source can be used to 
> measure DUT which could be Rb or GPSDO which are already in the range of 
> 10E-10 to 10E-12 < 100s ?

Your GPSDO is probably around 2x10^-12 at 1 second. Your Rb probably gets to a 
floor of ~3x10^-13 at a few thousand seconds. An HP5071A with a high 
performance tube could be used to check the Rb at longer tau’s. A hydrogen 
maser could also be used. Buying a fully working version of either one will 
cost you the price of a nice new car (or a couple of new cars).  A (rare) BVA 
OCXO could be used for shorter tau’s. 

A more practical (lower cost) approach is to compare multiple copies of the 
same device. With two Rb’s you can get a good guess at the worst they could 
each be doing. With three of them, you can make a pretty good guess about which 
one is best / which one is worst. The same approach also works with GPSDO’s. 
The catch on GPSDO’s is that the filters in them switch time constants 
automatically, so comparing them in an identical state can be tough. 

One way to get around problems with things like GPSDO’s is to have multiple 
standards and use them for different ranges of Tau. OCXO’s have good ADEV close 
in. Picking up a few and comparing them is pretty cheap. Rb’s have better ADEV 
at longer tau (> 300 sec). Comparing three or four is not as cheap as with 
OCXO’s but it’s not totally crazy. Running several GPSDO’s long enough to 
settle to their longest time constant is another way to go. 

Lots of choices. Lots of ways to clutter up the basement with TimeNut stuff…


> Stephane
> -Message d'origine-
> De : time-nuts [] De la part de Magnus 
> Danielson
> Envoyé : dimanche 18 janvier 2015 16:47
> À :
> Cc :
> Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 
> counters
> Bonjour Stéphane,
> On 01/18/2015 03:37 PM, Stéphane Rey wrote:
>> Hello,
>> First, please do apologize for the confusion answering in the bad email. 
>> That's things I'm absolutely able to do when replying at 3 am ! Again, sorry 
>> for that and thanks Magnus for having corrected this.
> Ah well, that's water under the bridge now. I only mentioned it for Bob's 
> reference.
>> Back to my setup :
>> There is indeed nothing on the STOP input of the HP5370a. The standard 10 
>> MHz comes from the GPSDO HP-58503B and feeds the HP5370a Standard input. Its 
>> ADEV is given on page 240 of that document : 
>> We see that 
>> the shape is starting at about 2E-12 at 1s, increase to 2E-11 at 100s before 
>> decreasing again down to E-13 for above 10E3s...
>> The setup #1 was using the Racal DANA Rb

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-18 Thread John Miles
> One way to get around problems with things like GPSDO’s is to have multiple
> standards and use them for different ranges of Tau. OCXO’s have good ADEV
> close in. Picking up a few and comparing them is pretty cheap. Rb’s have 
> better
> ADEV at longer tau (> 300 sec). Comparing three or four is not as cheap as 
> with
> OCXO’s but it’s not totally crazy. Running several GPSDO’s long enough to
> settle to their longest time constant is another way to go.

On that subject, I should probably mention that the current TimeLab beta (at ) has a realtime N-cornered hat display.  
I needed that feature to measure a bunch of OCXOs against a pair of Corby's 
trick 5065As, so I finally bit the bullet and added it.  It is very cool, 
subject to the (many!) caveats with separated-variance measurements in general.

This feature should work with measurements taken by counters as well, but I 
haven't tested that yet.  Even worse, I won't have time in the immediate future 
to document it very extensively.  Short version: measure three devices against 
each other, and then use the 'e'dit dialog to assign Source A and Source B 
labels to each of the resulting three plots.  Go to the ADEV or other xDEV 
measurement view and hit ctrl-h to toggle the N-cornered hat display mode.  The 
program will use your assigned source labels to separate the individual source 

It won't work if you don't spell the source names consistently between each 
pair of measurements; if any of the measurements have different t0 intervals, 
bin counts, or trace history settings; if you don't read the mouseover help 
text for the Source A/B fields in the trace properties dialog; or if you don't 
read everything Bill Riley has written about 3-corner hat measurements.  

TimePod users can assign the source labels at acquisition time, via the new 
fields in the Advanced tab.  Read the new mouseover text for the Stability and 
Ch0/Ch1/Ch2 fields _carefully_.   Users of counters, or those who want to 
render existing files in 3-cornered hat mode, will need to add source labels in 
the 'e'dit dialog.

Symmetricom/Microsemi 3120A users should email me offline if interested.  I 
don't have a beta for the 3120A app yet, but it will be there eventually...

-- john, KE5FX
Miles Design LLC 

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-19 Thread Magnus Danielson

Bonsoir Stéphane,

On 01/18/2015 10:34 PM, Stéphane Rey wrote:

Thanks a lot Bob and Magnus for your very helpful comments.

The HP5370a was indeed in TI mode. By the way what is the difference with 
+/-TI, the button just aside...

But I guess I understand where I've missed something : I've tried to put the Rb 
on channel A and the DUT on channel B but result was always the same but I do 
understand now that there is indeed a switch to change from COMmon to SEParate 
and it was always on COM meaning I believe that channel B wasn't used. This 
explains a lot of things I did not understand. I'm sorry for these so basic 
issues that might have been solved if I had read carefully the HP5370a manual 

Good. This confirmation makes sense to be and Bob, now we can relax as 
the mystery is solved.

So possible conclusions until now are that I have actually measured the ADEV 
floor of the system rather than my DUT... which is already nice. The second 
conclusion from these oscillations seen with the GPSDO under test is that there 
is very likely in this GPSDO design a systemic noise added to the 10 MHz output 
(power supply, PCB coupling, ... I'll make further investigations on it later 

It's a great opportunity to learn the tools, and once you have the 
tools, you can see if you can't improve things.

I will experiment all the suggestions you made and will come back. For 
information the 1PPS from the HP58503b has a positive pulse width that is only 
few us length.

This only makes it hard to view on a scope, but long enough to reliably 
trigger your counter and scope.

Now, when considering that the method is to compare the DUT to an other source, 
I assume then that the other source shall be at least 1 order of magnitude 
better than the DUT. Otherwise this will be impossible to distinguish who is 
the instability contributor between the source and DUT, right ?

For a simple setup, yes. But then we are the time-nuts, we have ways of 
handling these things. :) Let's get you started with the basic 
measurement, it will be a good start.

Then the second question is what kind of very stable source can be used to measure 
DUT which could be Rb or GPSDO which are already in the range of 10E-10 to 10E-12 
< 100s ?

Time-nuts tend to spend their time and money getting even more stable 
clocks and tools. If you have the right tool, you can measure near and 
*under* the noise-level of your reference, but not without running into 
issues. One such trick is called cross-correlation, while another is to 
use three-corner hat techniques.

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-19 Thread Stéphane Rey
Bonsoir Magnus (Are you in Sweeden ?) 

Being able to measure high stability and low phase noise is definitely a need 
for me as I'm trying to design low noise synthesizers and I'm already reaching 
the limits of my current tools for phase noise and I can't afford an E5052 for 
my own. At work I've one but I will probably not stay after august. And anyway 
I need such tools in my lab at home...
As low-noise and stable synthetizers depends on the standard used, I need as 
well to measure them as well...

Let's start with this simple experiments and once I will understand the ins and 
outs I will try to improve. I know techniques of cross-correlations and you've 
already talked about DMTD that for sure I will have to come to...

Good night

-Message d'origine-
De : Magnus Danielson [] 
Envoyé : dimanche 18 janvier 2015 22:46
À : Stéphane Rey; 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
Cc :
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 

Bonsoir Stéphane,

On 01/18/2015 10:34 PM, Stéphane Rey wrote:
> Thanks a lot Bob and Magnus for your very helpful comments.
> The HP5370a was indeed in TI mode. By the way what is the difference with 
> +/-TI, the button just aside...
> But I guess I understand where I've missed something : I've tried to put the 
> Rb on channel A and the DUT on channel B but result was always the same but I 
> do understand now that there is indeed a switch to change from COMmon to 
> SEParate and it was always on COM meaning I believe that channel B wasn't 
> used. This explains a lot of things I did not understand. I'm sorry for these 
> so basic issues that might have been solved if I had read carefully the 
> HP5370a manual first.

Good. This confirmation makes sense to be and Bob, now we can relax as the 
mystery is solved.

> So possible conclusions until now are that I have actually measured the ADEV 
> floor of the system rather than my DUT... which is already nice. The second 
> conclusion from these oscillations seen with the GPSDO under test is that 
> there is very likely in this GPSDO design a systemic noise added to the 10 
> MHz output (power supply, PCB coupling, ... I'll make further investigations 
> on it later on).

It's a great opportunity to learn the tools, and once you have the tools, you 
can see if you can't improve things.

> I will experiment all the suggestions you made and will come back. For 
> information the 1PPS from the HP58503b has a positive pulse width that is 
> only few us length.

This only makes it hard to view on a scope, but long enough to reliably trigger 
your counter and scope.

> Now, when considering that the method is to compare the DUT to an other 
> source, I assume then that the other source shall be at least 1 order of 
> magnitude better than the DUT. Otherwise this will be impossible to 
> distinguish who is the instability contributor between the source and DUT, 
> right ?

For a simple setup, yes. But then we are the time-nuts, we have ways of 
handling these things. :) Let's get you started with the basic measurement, it 
will be a good start.

> Then the second question is what kind of very stable source can be used to 
> measure DUT which could be Rb or GPSDO which are already in the range of 
> 10E-10 to 10E-12 < 100s ?

Time-nuts tend to spend their time and money getting even more stable clocks 
and tools. If you have the right tool, you can measure near and
*under* the noise-level of your reference, but not without running into issues. 
One such trick is called cross-correlation, while another is to use 
three-corner hat techniques.


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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-19 Thread Bob Camp

> On Jan 18, 2015, at 5:12 PM, Stéphane Rey  wrote:
> Bonsoir Magnus (Are you in Sweeden ?) 
> Being able to measure high stability and low phase noise is definitely a need 
> for me as I'm trying to design low noise synthesizers and I'm already 
> reaching the limits of my current tools for phase noise and I can't afford an 
> E5052 for my own. At work I've one but I will probably not stay after august. 
> And anyway I need such tools in my lab at home…

If you have tools at work, the best possible thing to do is to get some 
oscillators / standards characterized. If you *know* what this or that 
oscillator is doing in terms of ADEV or phase noise at this Tau or frequency 
offset, it’s much easier to figure a lot of this out. 

The most basic way to do phase noise in the basement is with a single mixer 
setup running into some sort of audio FFT device. A sound card can be used or 
an audio spectrum analyzer. Parts are < $100 to get one setup once you can do 
the audio measurements. 

For ADEV, a DMTD or it’s cousin, the single mixer is the easy way to go. The 
single mixer does not get a lot of discussion these days. It is much easier to 
set up than a DMTD. It does require an offset oscillator. Once you have a 
single mixer phase noise setup, you are about half way to a single mixer ADEV 
setup. Cost for one is < $100 in parts. You already have a counter to collect 
the data out of it.

In both cases you are running a comparison device. Having a characterized OCXO 
to compare to is a really nice thing. 


> As low-noise and stable synthetizers depends on the standard used, I need as 
> well to measure them as well...
> Let's start with this simple experiments and once I will understand the ins 
> and outs I will try to improve. I know techniques of cross-correlations and 
> you've already talked about DMTD that for sure I will have to come to...
> Good night
> Stephane
> -Message d'origine-
> De : Magnus Danielson [] 
> Envoyé : dimanche 18 janvier 2015 22:46
> À : Stéphane Rey; 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
> Cc :
> Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 
> counters
> Bonsoir Stéphane,
> On 01/18/2015 10:34 PM, Stéphane Rey wrote:
>> Thanks a lot Bob and Magnus for your very helpful comments.
>> The HP5370a was indeed in TI mode. By the way what is the difference with 
>> +/-TI, the button just aside...
>> But I guess I understand where I've missed something : I've tried to put the 
>> Rb on channel A and the DUT on channel B but result was always the same but 
>> I do understand now that there is indeed a switch to change from COMmon to 
>> SEParate and it was always on COM meaning I believe that channel B wasn't 
>> used. This explains a lot of things I did not understand. I'm sorry for 
>> these so basic issues that might have been solved if I had read carefully 
>> the HP5370a manual first.
> Good. This confirmation makes sense to be and Bob, now we can relax as the 
> mystery is solved.
>> So possible conclusions until now are that I have actually measured the ADEV 
>> floor of the system rather than my DUT... which is already nice. The second 
>> conclusion from these oscillations seen with the GPSDO under test is that 
>> there is very likely in this GPSDO design a systemic noise added to the 10 
>> MHz output (power supply, PCB coupling, ... I'll make further investigations 
>> on it later on).
> It's a great opportunity to learn the tools, and once you have the tools, you 
> can see if you can't improve things.
>> I will experiment all the suggestions you made and will come back. For 
>> information the 1PPS from the HP58503b has a positive pulse width that is 
>> only few us length.
> This only makes it hard to view on a scope, but long enough to reliably 
> trigger your counter and scope.
>> Now, when considering that the method is to compare the DUT to an other 
>> source, I assume then that the other source shall be at least 1 order of 
>> magnitude better than the DUT. Otherwise this will be impossible to 
>> distinguish who is the instability contributor between the source and DUT, 
>> right ?
> For a simple setup, yes. But then we are the time-nuts, we have ways of 
> handling these things. :) Let's get you started with the basic measurement, 
> it will be a good start.
>> Then the second question is what kind of very stable source can be used to 
>> measure DUT which could be Rb or GPSDO which are already i

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-19 Thread steph.rey
Actually I'm working in the RF department of a big lab, designing RF 
electronics mainly in microwaves range. I'm luckilly having some tools 
around to play with and a lot of components like 
mixers/amplifiers/couplers/splitters/attenuators, ... almost whatever 
the frequency is up to several tens of GHz.
At home since the last 20 years I could as well get nice instruments. 
The next two measuring tools really missing and for which I'm limited 
are the phase noise and stability measurement and possibly a good 
standard. My Effratom FRK Rb is old and probably not the best from a 
phase noise and stability point of view but until now has never been 
characterized. Otherwise I've almost everything I need up to 40 GHz I 

I'm doing further measurement right now which sounds much much more 
consistent. I will share tonight.


On Mon, 19 Jan 2015 08:59:58 -0500, Bob Camp  wrote:


On Jan 18, 2015, at 5:12 PM, Stéphane Rey  

Bonsoir Magnus (Are you in Sweeden ?)

Being able to measure high stability and low phase noise is 
definitely a need for me as I'm trying to design low noise 
synthesizers and I'm already reaching the limits of my current tools 
for phase noise and I can't afford an E5052 for my own. At work I've 
one but I will probably not stay after august. And anyway I need such 
tools in my lab at home…

If you have tools at work, the best possible thing to do is to get
some oscillators / standards characterized. If you *know* what this 

that oscillator is doing in terms of ADEV or phase noise at this Tau
or frequency offset, it’s much easier to figure a lot of this out.

The most basic way to do phase noise in the basement is with a single
mixer setup running into some sort of audio FFT device. A sound card
can be used or an audio spectrum analyzer. Parts are < $100 to get 

setup once you can do the audio measurements.

For ADEV, a DMTD or it’s cousin, the single mixer is the easy way to
go. The single mixer does not get a lot of discussion these days. It
is much easier to set up than a DMTD. It does require an offset
oscillator. Once you have a single mixer phase noise setup, you are
about half way to a single mixer ADEV setup. Cost for one is < $100 

parts. You already have a counter to collect the data out of it.

In both cases you are running a comparison device. Having a
characterized OCXO to compare to is a really nice thing.


As low-noise and stable synthetizers depends on the standard used, I 
need as well to measure them as well...

Let's start with this simple experiments and once I will understand 
the ins and outs I will try to improve. I know techniques of 
cross-correlations and you've already talked about DMTD that for sure 
I will have to come to...

Good night

-Message d'origine-
De : Magnus Danielson []
Envoyé : dimanche 18 janvier 2015 22:46
À : Stéphane Rey; 'Discussion of precise time and frequency 

Cc :
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with 
Timelab and counters

Bonsoir Stéphane,

On 01/18/2015 10:34 PM, Stéphane Rey wrote:

Thanks a lot Bob and Magnus for your very helpful comments.

The HP5370a was indeed in TI mode. By the way what is the 
difference with +/-TI, the button just aside...

But I guess I understand where I've missed something : I've tried 
to put the Rb on channel A and the DUT on channel B but result was 
always the same but I do understand now that there is indeed a switch 
to change from COMmon to SEParate and it was always on COM meaning I 
believe that channel B wasn't used. This explains a lot of things I 
did not understand. I'm sorry for these so basic issues that might 
have been solved if I had read carefully the HP5370a manual first.

Good. This confirmation makes sense to be and Bob, now we can relax 
as the mystery is solved.

So possible conclusions until now are that I have actually measured 
the ADEV floor of the system rather than my DUT... which is already 
nice. The second conclusion from these oscillations seen with the 
GPSDO under test is that there is very likely in this GPSDO design a 
systemic noise added to the 10 MHz output (power supply, PCB 
coupling, ... I'll make further investigations on it later on).

It's a great opportunity to learn the tools, and once you have the 
tools, you can see if you can't improve things.

I will experiment all the suggestions you made and will come back. 
For information the 1PPS from the HP58503b has a positive pulse width 
that is only few us length.

This only makes it hard to view on a scope, but long enough to 
reliably trigger your counter and scope.

Now, when considering that the method is to compare the DUT to an 
other source, I assume then that the other source shall be at least 1 
order of magnitude better than th

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-19 Thread Magnus Danielson


Your new three-corner hat feature is really cool. Already tried it, even 
if I did not spend quality time on setting source labels correctly.

Whenever I have a setup capable of running it, I will test-spin it again.

I suspect that when you make separate measurements, the noise of the 
individual sources does not match up perfectly which may reduce quality, 
especially systematics like hum.


On 01/19/2015 03:23 AM, John Miles wrote:

One way to get around problems with things like GPSDO’s is to have multiple
standards and use them for different ranges of Tau. OCXO’s have good ADEV
close in. Picking up a few and comparing them is pretty cheap. Rb’s have better
ADEV at longer tau (> 300 sec). Comparing three or four is not as cheap as with
OCXO’s but it’s not totally crazy. Running several GPSDO’s long enough to
settle to their longest time constant is another way to go.

On that subject, I should probably mention that the current TimeLab beta (at ) has a realtime N-cornered hat display.  
I needed that feature to measure a bunch of OCXOs against a pair of Corby's 
trick 5065As, so I finally bit the bullet and added it.  It is very cool, 
subject to the (many!) caveats with separated-variance measurements in general.

This feature should work with measurements taken by counters as well, but I 
haven't tested that yet.  Even worse, I won't have time in the immediate future 
to document it very extensively.  Short version: measure three devices against 
each other, and then use the 'e'dit dialog to assign Source A and Source B 
labels to each of the resulting three plots.  Go to the ADEV or other xDEV 
measurement view and hit ctrl-h to toggle the N-cornered hat display mode.  The 
program will use your assigned source labels to separate the individual source 

It won't work if you don't spell the source names consistently between each 
pair of measurements; if any of the measurements have different t0 intervals, 
bin counts, or trace history settings; if you don't read the mouseover help 
text for the Source A/B fields in the trace properties dialog; or if you don't 
read everything Bill Riley has written about 3-corner hat measurements.

TimePod users can assign the source labels at acquisition time, via the new 
fields in the Advanced tab.  Read the new mouseover text for the Stability and 
Ch0/Ch1/Ch2 fields _carefully_.   Users of counters, or those who want to 
render existing files in 3-cornered hat mode, will need to add source labels in 
the 'e'dit dialog.

Symmetricom/Microsemi 3120A users should email me offline if interested.  I 
don't have a beta for the 3120A app yet, but it will be there eventually...

-- john, KE5FX
Miles Design LLC

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-19 Thread John Miles
> John,
> Your new three-corner hat feature is really cool. Already tried it, even
> if I did not spend quality time on setting source labels correctly.
> Whenever I have a setup capable of running it, I will test-spin it again.
> I suspect that when you make separate measurements, the noise of the
> individual sources does not match up perfectly which may reduce quality,
> especially systematics like hum.

True, and Bill Riley's documents emphasize that simultaneous measurements are 
best.  That's easy to do with the SMA jacks on the TimePod but more of a 
challenge with counters, unless you buy several of them and run them from 
separate GPIB adapters or serial dongles.  

IMO, if you can keep correlation, tonal artifacts, and other systematic errors 
under control and make long-enough measurements to generate a lot of data 
points in the tau range of interest, then the technique should work well with 
non-simultaneous acquisitions.  At the end of the day it's no better or worse 
than the quality of the individual ADEV measurements.  You have to be wary of 
measurements at taus where any of the traces have large error bars or are 
wandering up and down over time, or where some of the traces are suspiciously 
close to each other.

-- john, KE5FX
Miles Design LLC

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-20 Thread Attila Kinali
On Mon, 19 Jan 2015 08:59:58 -0500
Bob Camp  wrote:

> The most basic way to do phase noise in the basement is with a single mixer 
> setup running into some sort of audio FFT device. A sound card can be used or 
> an audio spectrum analyzer. Parts are < $100 to get one setup once you can do 
> the audio measurements. 

2-3 years ago, i got a presentation of an italian amateur radio on
how to measure phase noise of osciallators using this technique in quite
detail. Only draw back is that the presentation is in italian. If someone
wants this presentation, please contact me off list.

Attila Kinali

It is upon moral qualities that a society is ultimately founded. All 
the prosperity and technological sophistication in the world is of no 
use without that foundation.
 -- Miss Matheson, The Diamond Age, Neil Stephenson
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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-20 Thread Stéphane Rey

Following the tests results in the previous email, today I've performed 
additional measurements showing that the repeatability of the GPSDO DUT is not 
great but is coming from the design. I've tested several over sources and 
repeatability is correct.

I can already make some measurement. Good ! 

Now I'd like to improve. First I'm going to implement a squarer and then I will 
work on the DMTD... I'm thinking to make a setup on the table, and possibly 
make a small PCB then.

Any comment for the tests results of yesterday here under ? 


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Stéphane Rey
Envoyé : lundi 19 janvier 2015 22:32
À : 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


Here are the results of today's experiments. plots and TIM files attached to 
this email.

Setup #1 : dark blue
I've done again the floor measurement with same conditions : HP58503 for 10 MHz 
Standard, 1PPS for the EXT gating and the Rb on channel A. Same result 

Setup #2 : Pink
Then I've made what Magnus has suggested, i.e. using the 1 PPS on Channel A, 
the Rb on channel B and internal gating The ADEV has increased by more than 
1 order of magnitude. I guess this confirms the 1PPS stability is lower than 
the 10 MHz

Setup #3-6 : Dark Green, Red, Light blue and Dark yellow.
I've measured several times the GPSDO DUT with SEParate inputs. 1PPS on EXT, Rb 
on channel A and DUT on channel B. This gives 4 different plots... When 
starting the measurement the plots starts directly at different values... Mmmm 
very strange. Is it coming for the setup of the GPSDO ? To be investigated 
further with other sources. This is the plan for tomorrow. However the overal 
shape of the plot sounds relevant to me.

Setup #7-8 + #9 not showed here
I've tested the suggested splitted same signal on both inputs with 1m coax for 
channel B. I've discovered that when swaping the GPSDO on the standard input 
and the Rb on the channel A I have a slight difference. In order to confirm 
I've made two time each measurement and this confirms that having the Rb on 
channel A and GPSDO on the standard input gives the lowest ADEV. The setup #9 
which is the same than the light green gives the superimposed plot on that 
one... So what does it mean ? One of the two sources is better than the other, 
but which one ? 

Some other comments :
- Swaping signals between channel A and B gives the same ADEV (setup #4 and 5, 
light blue and red)
- On some measurement on the GPSDO DUT, (not displayed here), I could see 
during the measurement suddenly an increase of one order of magnitude. The 
HP5370A do not show any difference (the time interval value continues to move 
with a beat but visually impossible to quantify if the value between two values 
has increased. No explanation for that. I'll redo the test with some other 
sources to check if it comes for the measurement system or the GPSDO DUT

In conclusion,
1. swaping the Rb and HP58503 doesn't give the same result. The GPSDO has 
standard seems the best (or the Rb measured) 2. the measurement on the GPSDO 
DUT gives different results with nearly one order of magnitude difference but 
shape is still the same.
3. the 1PPS must be connected on the EXT gating input

What do you think ? 


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de steph.rey 
Envoyé : lundi 19 janvier 2015 16:44 À : Discussion of precise time and 
frequency measurement Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured 
with Timelab and counters

 Actually I'm working in the RF department of a big lab, designing RF  
electronics mainly in microwaves range. I'm luckilly having some tools  around 
to play with and a lot of components like  
mixers/amplifiers/couplers/splitters/attenuators, ... almost whatever  the 
frequency is up to several tens of GHz.
 At home since the last 20 years I could as well get nice instruments. 
 The next two measuring tools really missing and for which I'm limited  are the 
phase noise and stability measurement and possibly a good  standard. My 
Effratom FRK Rb is old and probably not the best from a  phase noise and 
stability point of view but until now has never been  characterized. Otherwise 
I've almost everything I need up to 40 GHz I  guess.

 I'm doing further measurement right now which sounds much much more  
consistent. I will share tonight.

 On Mon, 19 Jan 2015 08:59:58 -0500, Bob Camp  wrote:
> Hi
>> On Jan 18, 2015, at 5:12 PM, Stéphane Rey 
>> wrote:
>> Bonsoir Magnus (Are you in Sweeden ?)
>> Being able to measure high stability and low phase noise is 
>> definit

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-21 Thread Magnus Danielson


On 01/20/2015 01:55 AM, John Miles wrote:


Your new three-corner hat feature is really cool. Already tried it, even
if I did not spend quality time on setting source labels correctly.

Whenever I have a setup capable of running it, I will test-spin it again.

I suspect that when you make separate measurements, the noise of the
individual sources does not match up perfectly which may reduce quality,
especially systematics like hum.

True, and Bill Riley's documents emphasize that simultaneous measurements are 
best.  That's easy to do with the SMA jacks on the TimePod but more of a 
challenge with counters, unless you buy several of them and run them from 
separate GPIB adapters or serial dongles.

IMO, if you can keep correlation, tonal artifacts, and other systematic errors 
under control and make long-enough measurements to generate a lot of data 
points in the tau range of interest, then the technique should work well with 
non-simultaneous acquisitions.  At the end of the day it's no better or worse 
than the quality of the individual ADEV measurements.  You have to be wary of 
measurements at taus where any of the traces have large error bars or are 
wandering up and down over time, or where some of the traces are suspiciously 
close to each other.


For oscillators, they should have been turned on long enough such that 
any drift is negligible. Alternatively you process out the quadratic 
trend out of it. The later should be accompanied by some quality measure 
of how much remaining systematics there is (see Jim Barnes PTTI paper on 
Drift Estimators).

Also, identifying systematic noises (such as in phase-noise plot) and 
notching them out before processing should improve the quality of the 
3/N-cornered hat processing, since it really is for solving power-sums 
of random noise, but not for systematic noise.

Until such processing of each measurement is in place, we have to make 
as clean measurement runs as possible, which is the basic quality of the 

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-24 Thread Stéphane Rey
Hi guys.

After several experiments I could discover that the "bad" ADEV from the two 
GPSDO DUT are due to GPS lock losses. This is probably because the antenna is 
outside the windows but half the sky is hidden. We can see the on the frequency 
plot the sharp change of 0.5Hz and the locking. Good point.

I'm now trying to evaluate various architectures of 2-channels squarers and a 
DMDT. For that I'm designing a PCB with 4 squarers : simple 74ac04 gate biased 
at VCC/2, a LT1016 comparator, the transistor based differential amplifier from 
Winzel and the one from Charles. I will add two balanced mixers (minicircuits), 
IF filters and amplifiers. 
Does anyone has an idea of what I could add for this evaluation ? 


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Stéphane Rey
Envoyé : mardi 20 janvier 2015 23:15
À : 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


Following the tests results in the previous email, today I've performed 
additional measurements showing that the repeatability of the GPSDO DUT is not 
great but is coming from the design. I've tested several over sources and 
repeatability is correct.

I can already make some measurement. Good ! 

Now I'd like to improve. First I'm going to implement a squarer and then I will 
work on the DMTD... I'm thinking to make a setup on the table, and possibly 
make a small PCB then.

Any comment for the tests results of yesterday here under ? 


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Stéphane Rey 
Envoyé : lundi 19 janvier 2015 22:32 À : 'Discussion of precise time and 
frequency measurement'
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


Here are the results of today's experiments. plots and TIM files attached to 
this email.

Setup #1 : dark blue
I've done again the floor measurement with same conditions : HP58503 for 10 MHz 
Standard, 1PPS for the EXT gating and the Rb on channel A. Same result 

Setup #2 : Pink
Then I've made what Magnus has suggested, i.e. using the 1 PPS on Channel A, 
the Rb on channel B and internal gating The ADEV has increased by more than 
1 order of magnitude. I guess this confirms the 1PPS stability is lower than 
the 10 MHz

Setup #3-6 : Dark Green, Red, Light blue and Dark yellow.
I've measured several times the GPSDO DUT with SEParate inputs. 1PPS on EXT, Rb 
on channel A and DUT on channel B. This gives 4 different plots... When 
starting the measurement the plots starts directly at different values... Mmmm 
very strange. Is it coming for the setup of the GPSDO ? To be investigated 
further with other sources. This is the plan for tomorrow. However the overal 
shape of the plot sounds relevant to me.

Setup #7-8 + #9 not showed here
I've tested the suggested splitted same signal on both inputs with 1m coax for 
channel B. I've discovered that when swaping the GPSDO on the standard input 
and the Rb on the channel A I have a slight difference. In order to confirm 
I've made two time each measurement and this confirms that having the Rb on 
channel A and GPSDO on the standard input gives the lowest ADEV. The setup #9 
which is the same than the light green gives the superimposed plot on that 
one... So what does it mean ? One of the two sources is better than the other, 
but which one ? 

Some other comments :
- Swaping signals between channel A and B gives the same ADEV (setup #4 and 5, 
light blue and red)
- On some measurement on the GPSDO DUT, (not displayed here), I could see 
during the measurement suddenly an increase of one order of magnitude. The 
HP5370A do not show any difference (the time interval value continues to move 
with a beat but visually impossible to quantify if the value between two values 
has increased. No explanation for that. I'll redo the test with some other 
sources to check if it comes for the measurement system or the GPSDO DUT

In conclusion,
1. swaping the Rb and HP58503 doesn't give the same result. The GPSDO has 
standard seems the best (or the Rb measured) 2. the measurement on the GPSDO 
DUT gives different results with nearly one order of magnitude difference but 
shape is still the same.
3. the 1PPS must be connected on the EXT gating input

What do you think ? 


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de steph.rey 
Envoyé : lundi 19 janvier 2015 16:44 À : Discussion of precise time and 
frequency measurement Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured 
with Timelab and counters

 Actually I'm working in the RF department of a big lab, designing RF  
electronics mainly in microwav

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-24 Thread Stéphane Rey

Just a stupid question on Timelab.
Why do I have the plot with 1/4 for the time actually used for the measurement 
? I can see that the plot is updated every 4 samples but the scale is not 
relevant. The sample interval is correctly set (1s) 


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Stéphane Rey
Envoyé : mardi 20 janvier 2015 23:15
À : 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


Following the tests results in the previous email, today I've performed 
additional measurements showing that the repeatability of the GPSDO DUT is not 
great but is coming from the design. I've tested several over sources and 
repeatability is correct.

I can already make some measurement. Good ! 

Now I'd like to improve. First I'm going to implement a squarer and then I will 
work on the DMTD... I'm thinking to make a setup on the table, and possibly 
make a small PCB then.

Any comment for the tests results of yesterday here under ? 


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Stéphane Rey 
Envoyé : lundi 19 janvier 2015 22:32 À : 'Discussion of precise time and 
frequency measurement'
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


Here are the results of today's experiments. plots and TIM files attached to 
this email.

Setup #1 : dark blue
I've done again the floor measurement with same conditions : HP58503 for 10 MHz 
Standard, 1PPS for the EXT gating and the Rb on channel A. Same result 

Setup #2 : Pink
Then I've made what Magnus has suggested, i.e. using the 1 PPS on Channel A, 
the Rb on channel B and internal gating The ADEV has increased by more than 
1 order of magnitude. I guess this confirms the 1PPS stability is lower than 
the 10 MHz

Setup #3-6 : Dark Green, Red, Light blue and Dark yellow.
I've measured several times the GPSDO DUT with SEParate inputs. 1PPS on EXT, Rb 
on channel A and DUT on channel B. This gives 4 different plots... When 
starting the measurement the plots starts directly at different values... Mmmm 
very strange. Is it coming for the setup of the GPSDO ? To be investigated 
further with other sources. This is the plan for tomorrow. However the overal 
shape of the plot sounds relevant to me.

Setup #7-8 + #9 not showed here
I've tested the suggested splitted same signal on both inputs with 1m coax for 
channel B. I've discovered that when swaping the GPSDO on the standard input 
and the Rb on the channel A I have a slight difference. In order to confirm 
I've made two time each measurement and this confirms that having the Rb on 
channel A and GPSDO on the standard input gives the lowest ADEV. The setup #9 
which is the same than the light green gives the superimposed plot on that 
one... So what does it mean ? One of the two sources is better than the other, 
but which one ? 

Some other comments :
- Swaping signals between channel A and B gives the same ADEV (setup #4 and 5, 
light blue and red)
- On some measurement on the GPSDO DUT, (not displayed here), I could see 
during the measurement suddenly an increase of one order of magnitude. The 
HP5370A do not show any difference (the time interval value continues to move 
with a beat but visually impossible to quantify if the value between two values 
has increased. No explanation for that. I'll redo the test with some other 
sources to check if it comes for the measurement system or the GPSDO DUT

In conclusion,
1. swaping the Rb and HP58503 doesn't give the same result. The GPSDO has 
standard seems the best (or the Rb measured) 2. the measurement on the GPSDO 
DUT gives different results with nearly one order of magnitude difference but 
shape is still the same.
3. the 1PPS must be connected on the EXT gating input

What do you think ? 


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de steph.rey 
Envoyé : lundi 19 janvier 2015 16:44 À : Discussion of precise time and 
frequency measurement Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured 
with Timelab and counters

 Actually I'm working in the RF department of a big lab, designing RF  
electronics mainly in microwaves range. I'm luckilly having some tools  around 
to play with and a lot of components like  
mixers/amplifiers/couplers/splitters/attenuators, ... almost whatever  the 
frequency is up to several tens of GHz.
 At home since the last 20 years I could as well get nice instruments. 
 The next two measuring tools really missing and for which I'm limited  are the 
phase noise and stability measurement and possibly a good  standard. My 
Effratom FRK Rb is old and probably not the best from a  p

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-24 Thread Bob Camp

If you go back in the archives and look for the discussions on “Collins hard 
limiter” they will lead you to some other areas to consider when trying to 
square low frequency sine wave signals. The quick summary is that you need a 
series of bandwidth limited limiter stages ahead of what ever you use as a 
squaring circuit. There are a number of ways to make these stages, each with 
their benefits and drawbacks. The limiting process has a much larger impact on 
the results than the choice of squaring circuit. 


> On Jan 24, 2015, at 3:07 PM, Stéphane Rey  wrote:
> Hi guys.
> After several experiments I could discover that the "bad" ADEV from the two 
> GPSDO DUT are due to GPS lock losses. This is probably because the antenna is 
> outside the windows but half the sky is hidden. We can see the on the 
> frequency plot the sharp change of 0.5Hz and the locking. Good point.
> I'm now trying to evaluate various architectures of 2-channels squarers and a 
> DMDT. For that I'm designing a PCB with 4 squarers : simple 74ac04 gate 
> biased at VCC/2, a LT1016 comparator, the transistor based differential 
> amplifier from Winzel and the one from Charles. I will add two balanced 
> mixers (minicircuits), IF filters and amplifiers. 
> Does anyone has an idea of what I could add for this evaluation ? 
> Cheers
> Stephane
> -Message d'origine-
> De : time-nuts [] De la part de Stéphane Rey
> Envoyé : mardi 20 janvier 2015 23:15
> À : 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
> Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 
> counters
> Hi,
> Following the tests results in the previous email, today I've performed 
> additional measurements showing that the repeatability of the GPSDO DUT is 
> not great but is coming from the design. I've tested several over sources and 
> repeatability is correct.
> I can already make some measurement. Good ! 
> Now I'd like to improve. First I'm going to implement a squarer and then I 
> will work on the DMTD... I'm thinking to make a setup on the table, and 
> possibly make a small PCB then.
> Any comment for the tests results of yesterday here under ? 
> Cheers
> Stephane
> -Message d'origine-----
> De : time-nuts [] De la part de Stéphane Rey 
> Envoyé : lundi 19 janvier 2015 22:32 À : 'Discussion of precise time and 
> frequency measurement'
> Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 
> counters
> Hi
> Here are the results of today's experiments. plots and TIM files attached to 
> this email.
> Setup #1 : dark blue
> I've done again the floor measurement with same conditions : HP58503 for 10 
> MHz Standard, 1PPS for the EXT gating and the Rb on channel A. Same result 
> (hopefully)
> Setup #2 : Pink
> Then I've made what Magnus has suggested, i.e. using the 1 PPS on Channel A, 
> the Rb on channel B and internal gating The ADEV has increased by more 
> than 1 order of magnitude. I guess this confirms the 1PPS stability is lower 
> than the 10 MHz
> Setup #3-6 : Dark Green, Red, Light blue and Dark yellow.
> I've measured several times the GPSDO DUT with SEParate inputs. 1PPS on EXT, 
> Rb on channel A and DUT on channel B. This gives 4 different plots... When 
> starting the measurement the plots starts directly at different values... 
> Mmmm very strange. Is it coming for the setup of the GPSDO ? To be 
> investigated further with other sources. This is the plan for tomorrow. 
> However the overal shape of the plot sounds relevant to me.
> Setup #7-8 + #9 not showed here
> I've tested the suggested splitted same signal on both inputs with 1m coax 
> for channel B. I've discovered that when swaping the GPSDO on the standard 
> input and the Rb on the channel A I have a slight difference. In order to 
> confirm I've made two time each measurement and this confirms that having the 
> Rb on channel A and GPSDO on the standard input gives the lowest ADEV. The 
> setup #9 which is the same than the light green gives the superimposed plot 
> on that one... So what does it mean ? One of the two sources is better than 
> the other, but which one ? 
> Some other comments :
> - Swaping signals between channel A and B gives the same ADEV (setup #4 and 
> 5, light blue and red)
> - On some measurement on the GPSDO DUT, (not displayed here), I could see 
> during the measurement suddenly an increase of one order of magnitude. The 
> HP5370A do not show any difference (t

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-24 Thread Adrian
Hi Stéphane,

have you read W. Riley's paper on a DMTD system?


Stéphane Rey schrieb:
> Hi guys.
> After several experiments I could discover that the "bad" ADEV from the two 
> GPSDO DUT are due to GPS lock losses. This is probably because the antenna is 
> outside the windows but half the sky is hidden. We can see the on the 
> frequency plot the sharp change of 0.5Hz and the locking. Good point.
> I'm now trying to evaluate various architectures of 2-channels squarers and a 
> DMDT. For that I'm designing a PCB with 4 squarers : simple 74ac04 gate 
> biased at VCC/2, a LT1016 comparator, the transistor based differential 
> amplifier from Winzel and the one from Charles. I will add two balanced 
> mixers (minicircuits), IF filters and amplifiers. 
> Does anyone has an idea of what I could add for this evaluation ? 
> Cheers
> Stephane
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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-24 Thread Magnus Danielson

Bob et Stéphane,

The "Collins hard limiter" is a fancy squarer circuit.

In short, the Collins hard limiter is what I hinted about in my earlier 
message. Rather than hitting the hard limiter of the comparator 
directly, with the slew-rate issue I gave.

Collins observed that if you provide a linear amplifier (with limiting), 
you can increase the slew-rate of the signal. At the same time you will 
add noise from the amplifier. Now, to limit the noise going forward, you 
bandwidth limit the amplifier, which is fine as long as it supports the 
outgoing slew-rate of that amp. This helps you a bit and many times a 
single linear stage suffice to make the trigger noise sufficiently low, 
but then you can cascade these, and for many research DMTD setups has 
some hand-hacked variant. Collins then made a systematic approach to 
optimize the bandwidth and gain for a number of stages. Collins did 
however not think about amplifiers with different noise-contributions, 
but Bruce Griffiths have then generalized it further. This makes sense, 
since for higher slew-rates, you need faster amps, but their 
noise-contribution will be fairly low considering the high slew-rate 
coming into it.

The original Collins article is not freely available. Therefore I 
recommend you to dip your nose into Bruce pages:

Zero Crossing Detectors and Collins:


So, "squaring up" with 74AC04 or comparator and similar stuff might be 
an interesting exercise, but you end up doing the same exercise as going 
straight into the counters comparator. Try to amplify yourself out of 
the situation, try different gain settings. Make the habit of measuring 
the slew-rate (at the trigger point).

It's interesting to note that not many counter support the feature of 
measuring slew-rate directly, the closest one usually get is to get the 
rise-time, but it needs scaling with the difference of the start and 
stop trigger-points, and you want them not at 10%-90% but closer.


On 01/24/2015 11:36 PM, Bob Camp wrote:


If you go back in the archives and look for the discussions on “Collins hard 
limiter” they will lead you to some other areas to consider when trying to 
square low frequency sine wave signals. The quick summary is that you need a 
series of bandwidth limited limiter stages ahead of what ever you use as a 
squaring circuit. There are a number of ways to make these stages, each with 
their benefits and drawbacks. The limiting process has a much larger impact on 
the results than the choice of squaring circuit.


On Jan 24, 2015, at 3:07 PM, Stéphane Rey  wrote:

Hi guys.

After several experiments I could discover that the "bad" ADEV from the two 
GPSDO DUT are due to GPS lock losses. This is probably because the antenna is outside the 
windows but half the sky is hidden. We can see the on the frequency plot the sharp change 
of 0.5Hz and the locking. Good point.

I'm now trying to evaluate various architectures of 2-channels squarers and a 
DMDT. For that I'm designing a PCB with 4 squarers : simple 74ac04 gate biased 
at VCC/2, a LT1016 comparator, the transistor based differential amplifier from 
Winzel and the one from Charles. I will add two balanced mixers (minicircuits), 
IF filters and amplifiers.
Does anyone has an idea of what I could add for this evaluation ?


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Stéphane Rey
Envoyé : mardi 20 janvier 2015 23:15
À : 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


Following the tests results in the previous email, today I've performed 
additional measurements showing that the repeatability of the GPSDO DUT is not 
great but is coming from the design. I've tested several over sources and 
repeatability is correct.

I can already make some measurement. Good !

Now I'd like to improve. First I'm going to implement a squarer and then I will 
work on the DMTD... I'm thinking to make a setup on the table, and possibly 
make a small PCB then.

Any comment for the tests results of yesterday here under ?


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Stéphane Rey 
Envoyé : lundi 19 janvier 2015 22:32 À : 'Discussion of precise time and 
frequency measurement'
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


Here are the results of today's experiments. plots and TIM files attached to 
this email.

Setup #1 : dark blue
I've done again the floor measurement with same conditions : HP58503 for 10 MHz 
Standard, 1PPS for the EXT gating an

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-25 Thread Charles Steinmetz

Stephane wrote:

I'm now trying to evaluate various architectures of 2-channels 
squarers and a DMDT. For that I'm designing a PCB with 4 squarers : 
simple 74ac04 gate biased at VCC/2, a LT1016 comparator, the 
transistor based differential amplifier from Winzel and the one from Charles.

Note that squaring a 10MHz sine wave and squaring a 10 or 100Hz mixer 
output are two very different tasks.  If you start at baseband, a 
Collins-style multi-stage limiting amp is a great benefit.  That is 
generally not necessary if you start at 10MHz (or if you do use a 
Collins-style limiter it needs far fewer stages).  All of the 
squarers you mention work well at 10MHz, but not as well at baseband.

The LT1719 is easier to apply and faster than the LT1016.  You may 
want to use that instead of the 1016.  The LT1719 and LT1715 
datasheets show the simplest possible implementation (see below).

The MPSH81 devices in my version are available in surface-mount 
(MMBTH81) if that is more convenient.  Other fast transistors will 
also work (BFT92, BFT93, BFG31).

Best regards,


time-nuts mailing list --
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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-25 Thread Stéphane Rey
Hi everyone.

Many thanks for your very useful comments.
I had already seen most of the documents you were pointing but not on the
collins and Bruce discussion around the multistage filter. However I've
already seen this approach in the document from Allan

At first I had in mind to square the 10 MHz but this is the aim of the
evaluation board to evaluate various architectures. So I will implement
several squarers including the Collins Approach both at 10 MHz and 100 Hz
and all the blocks will have input and output connectors so that I will be
able to test several layouts.

I will show you the final design.


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Charles
Envoyé : dimanche 25 janvier 2015 08:08
À : Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and

Stephane wrote:

>I'm now trying to evaluate various architectures of 2-channels squarers 
>and a DMDT. For that I'm designing a PCB with 4 squarers :
>simple 74ac04 gate biased at VCC/2, a LT1016 comparator, the transistor 
>based differential amplifier from Winzel and the one from Charles.

Note that squaring a 10MHz sine wave and squaring a 10 or 100Hz mixer output
are two very different tasks.  If you start at baseband, a Collins-style
multi-stage limiting amp is a great benefit.  That is generally not
necessary if you start at 10MHz (or if you do use a Collins-style limiter it
needs far fewer stages).  All of the squarers you mention work well at
10MHz, but not as well at baseband.

The LT1719 is easier to apply and faster than the LT1016.  You may want to
use that instead of the 1016.  The LT1719 and LT1715 datasheets show the
simplest possible implementation (see below).

The MPSH81 devices in my version are available in surface-mount
(MMBTH81) if that is more convenient.  Other fast transistors will also work
(BFT92, BFT93, BFG31).

Best regards,


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antivirus Avast.

time-nuts mailing list --
To unsubscribe, go to
and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-25 Thread Bob Camp

The approach in the original NIST paper below was sort of a “best guess” about 
how to do the limiting and filtering. When the paper was presented, a number of 
us questioned how that part of the circuit was arrived at. The conversation 
more or less ended up with “that’s something we can investigate further”. The 
Collins paper (and Bruce’s work based on it) is a much better way to look at 
the 10 Hz squaring process. At 10 MHz, that stuff is not needed.


> On Jan 25, 2015, at 10:44 AM, Stéphane Rey  wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> Many thanks for your very useful comments.
> I had already seen most of the documents you were pointing but not on the
> collins and Bruce discussion around the multistage filter. However I've
> already seen this approach in the document from Allan
> (
> At first I had in mind to square the 10 MHz but this is the aim of the
> evaluation board to evaluate various architectures. So I will implement
> several squarers including the Collins Approach both at 10 MHz and 100 Hz
> and all the blocks will have input and output connectors so that I will be
> able to test several layouts.
> I will show you the final design.
> Cheers
> Stephane
> -Message d'origine-
> De : time-nuts [] De la part de Charles
> Steinmetz
> Envoyé : dimanche 25 janvier 2015 08:08
> À : Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and
> counters
> Stephane wrote:
>> I'm now trying to evaluate various architectures of 2-channels squarers 
>> and a DMDT. For that I'm designing a PCB with 4 squarers :
>> simple 74ac04 gate biased at VCC/2, a LT1016 comparator, the transistor 
>> based differential amplifier from Winzel and the one from Charles.
> Note that squaring a 10MHz sine wave and squaring a 10 or 100Hz mixer output
> are two very different tasks.  If you start at baseband, a Collins-style
> multi-stage limiting amp is a great benefit.  That is generally not
> necessary if you start at 10MHz (or if you do use a Collins-style limiter it
> needs far fewer stages).  All of the squarers you mention work well at
> 10MHz, but not as well at baseband.
> The LT1719 is easier to apply and faster than the LT1016.  You may want to
> use that instead of the 1016.  The LT1719 and LT1715 datasheets show the
> simplest possible implementation (see below).
> The MPSH81 devices in my version are available in surface-mount
> (MMBTH81) if that is more convenient.  Other fast transistors will also work
> (BFT92, BFT93, BFG31).
> Best regards,
> Charles
> ---
> L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le 
> logiciel antivirus Avast.
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list --
> To unsubscribe, go to
> and follow the instructions there.

time-nuts mailing list --
To unsubscribe, go to
and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-26 Thread Stéphane Rey
I do understand. 
Has anyone already compared the performances of squaring the 10 MHz vs squaring 
the IF ? 


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Bob Camp
Envoyé : dimanche 25 janvier 2015 19:01
À : Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


The approach in the original NIST paper below was sort of a “best guess” about 
how to do the limiting and filtering. When the paper was presented, a number of 
us questioned how that part of the circuit was arrived at. The conversation 
more or less ended up with “that’s something we can investigate further”. The 
Collins paper (and Bruce’s work based on it) is a much better way to look at 
the 10 Hz squaring process. At 10 MHz, that stuff is not needed.


> On Jan 25, 2015, at 10:44 AM, Stéphane Rey  wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> Many thanks for your very useful comments.
> I had already seen most of the documents you were pointing but not on 
> the collins and Bruce discussion around the multistage filter. However 
> I've already seen this approach in the document from Allan
> (
> At first I had in mind to square the 10 MHz but this is the aim of the 
> evaluation board to evaluate various architectures. So I will 
> implement several squarers including the Collins Approach both at 10 
> MHz and 100 Hz and all the blocks will have input and output 
> connectors so that I will be able to test several layouts.
> I will show you the final design.
> Cheers
> Stephane
> -Message d'origine-
> De : time-nuts [] De la part de 
> Charles Steinmetz Envoyé : dimanche 25 janvier 2015 08:08 À : 
> Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement Objet : Re: 
> [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters
> Stephane wrote:
>> I'm now trying to evaluate various architectures of 2-channels 
>> squarers and a DMDT. For that I'm designing a PCB with 4 squarers :
>> simple 74ac04 gate biased at VCC/2, a LT1016 comparator, the 
>> transistor based differential amplifier from Winzel and the one from Charles.
> Note that squaring a 10MHz sine wave and squaring a 10 or 100Hz mixer 
> output are two very different tasks.  If you start at baseband, a 
> Collins-style multi-stage limiting amp is a great benefit.  That is 
> generally not necessary if you start at 10MHz (or if you do use a 
> Collins-style limiter it needs far fewer stages).  All of the squarers 
> you mention work well at 10MHz, but not as well at baseband.
> The LT1719 is easier to apply and faster than the LT1016.  You may 
> want to use that instead of the 1016.  The LT1719 and LT1715 
> datasheets show the simplest possible implementation (see below).
> The MPSH81 devices in my version are available in surface-mount
> (MMBTH81) if that is more convenient.  Other fast transistors will 
> also work (BFT92, BFT93, BFG31).
> Best regards,
> Charles
> ---
> L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le 
> logiciel antivirus Avast.
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- To unsubscribe, go to 
> and follow the instructions there.

time-nuts mailing list -- To unsubscribe, go to
and follow the instructions there.

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antivirus Avast.

time-nuts mailing list --
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and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-26 Thread Bruce Griffiths
The performance of the 2 systems should be comparable provided the similar 
equivalent noise bandwidths are used.Every 10Mhz edge needs to be timestamped 
with ps resolution and the resulting phase samples low pass filtered and 
decimated to achieve this.The 10MSPS picosecond or better resolution time 
stamping with femtosecond integral linearity will be a bit of a challenge to 

 On Tuesday, 27 January 2015 3:26 PM, Stéphane Rey  

 I do understand. 
Has anyone already compared the performances of squaring the 10 MHz vs squaring 
the IF ? 


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Bob Camp
Envoyé : dimanche 25 janvier 2015 19:01
À : Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 


The approach in the original NIST paper below was sort of a “best guess” about 
how to do the limiting and filtering. When the paper was presented, a number of 
us questioned how that part of the circuit was arrived at. The conversation 
more or less ended up with “that’s something we can investigate further”. The 
Collins paper (and Bruce’s work based on it) is a much better way to look at 
the 10 Hz squaring process. At 10 MHz, that stuff is not needed.


> On Jan 25, 2015, at 10:44 AM, Stéphane Rey  wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> Many thanks for your very useful comments.
> I had already seen most of the documents you were pointing but not on 
> the collins and Bruce discussion around the multistage filter. However 
> I've already seen this approach in the document from Allan
> (
> At first I had in mind to square the 10 MHz but this is the aim of the 
> evaluation board to evaluate various architectures. So I will 
> implement several squarers including the Collins Approach both at 10 
> MHz and 100 Hz and all the blocks will have input and output 
> connectors so that I will be able to test several layouts.
> I will show you the final design.
> Cheers
> Stephane
> -Message d'origine-
> De : time-nuts [] De la part de 
> Charles Steinmetz Envoyé : dimanche 25 janvier 2015 08:08 À : 
> Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement Objet : Re: 
> [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters
> Stephane wrote:
>> I'm now trying to evaluate various architectures of 2-channels 
>> squarers and a DMDT. For that I'm designing a PCB with 4 squarers :
>> simple 74ac04 gate biased at VCC/2, a LT1016 comparator, the 
>> transistor based differential amplifier from Winzel and the one from Charles.
> Note that squaring a 10MHz sine wave and squaring a 10 or 100Hz mixer 
> output are two very different tasks.  If you start at baseband, a 
> Collins-style multi-stage limiting amp is a great benefit.  That is 
> generally not necessary if you start at 10MHz (or if you do use a 
> Collins-style limiter it needs far fewer stages).  All of the squarers 
> you mention work well at 10MHz, but not as well at baseband.
> The LT1719 is easier to apply and faster than the LT1016.  You may 
> want to use that instead of the 1016.  The LT1719 and LT1715 
> datasheets show the simplest possible implementation (see below).
> The MPSH81 devices in my version are available in surface-mount
> (MMBTH81) if that is more convenient.  Other fast transistors will 
> also work (BFT92, BFT93, BFG31).
> Best regards,
> Charles
> ---
> L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le 
> logiciel antivirus Avast.
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- To unsubscribe, go to 
> and follow the instructions there.

time-nuts mailing list -- To unsubscribe, go to
and follow the instructions there.

L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le logiciel 
antivirus Avast.

time-nuts mailing list --
To unsubscribe, go to
and follow the instructions there.

time-nuts mailing list --
To unsubscribe, go to
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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-01-27 Thread steph.rey

Thanks a lot for your comment Bruce,

I need to feel a bit deeper the ins and outs of the methods so I guess 
I will anyway implement both methods on an evaluation PCB and 
characterize each method. This will bring to me some actual data to 
compare. I will share the results of course.
The plan is to have an eval PCB with 4 independant 10 MHz squarers, 
isolation amplifiers, mixers, low pass filters and multistage limiting 
amplifier. Each block will have input/output connectors so that I can 
combine any architecture with these blocks. The PCB will receive a low 
noise PSU as well.
Before I start the design if one thinks about something to add in the 
evaluation, this is very welcome.


On Tue, 27 Jan 2015 03:24:44 + (UTC), Bruce Griffiths 

The performance of the 2 systems should be comparable provided the
similar equivalent noise bandwidths are used.Every 10Mhz edge needs 

be timestamped with ps resolution and the resulting phase samples low
pass filtered and decimated to achieve this.The 10MSPS picosecond or
better resolution time stamping with femtosecond integral linearity
will be a bit of a challenge to achieve.

 On Tuesday, 27 January 2015 3:26 PM, Stéphane Rey

 I do understand.
Has anyone already compared the performances of squaring the 10 MHz
vs squaring the IF ?


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de Bob 

Envoyé : dimanche 25 janvier 2015 19:01
À : Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Objet : Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab
and counters


The approach in the original NIST paper below was sort of a “best
guess” about how to do the limiting and filtering. When the paper was
presented, a number of us questioned how that part of the circuit was
arrived at. The conversation more or less ended up with “that’s
something we can investigate further”. The Collins paper (and Bruce’s
work based on it) is a much better way to look at the 10 Hz squaring
process. At 10 MHz, that stuff is not needed.


On Jan 25, 2015, at 10:44 AM, Stéphane Rey  

Hi everyone.

Many thanks for your very useful comments.
I had already seen most of the documents you were pointing but not 
the collins and Bruce discussion around the multistage filter. 

I've already seen this approach in the document from Allan

At first I had in mind to square the 10 MHz but this is the aim of 

evaluation board to evaluate various architectures. So I will
implement several squarers including the Collins Approach both at 10
MHz and 100 Hz and all the blocks will have input and output
connectors so that I will be able to test several layouts.

I will show you the final design.


-Message d'origine-
De : time-nuts [] De la part de
Charles Steinmetz Envoyé : dimanche 25 janvier 2015 08:08 À :
Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement Objet : Re:
[time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and 

Stephane wrote:

I'm now trying to evaluate various architectures of 2-channels
squarers and a DMDT. For that I'm designing a PCB with 4 squarers :
simple 74ac04 gate biased at VCC/2, a LT1016 comparator, the
transistor based differential amplifier from Winzel and the one 
from Charles.

Note that squaring a 10MHz sine wave and squaring a 10 or 100Hz 

output are two very different tasks.  If you start at baseband, a
Collins-style multi-stage limiting amp is a great benefit.  That is
generally not necessary if you start at 10MHz (or if you do use a
Collins-style limiter it needs far fewer stages).  All of the 

you mention work well at 10MHz, but not as well at baseband.

The LT1719 is easier to apply and faster than the LT1016.  You may
want to use that instead of the 1016.  The LT1719 and LT1715
datasheets show the simplest possible implementation (see below).

The MPSH81 devices in my version are available in surface-mount
(MMBTH81) if that is more convenient.  Other fast transistors will
also work (BFT92, BFT93, BFG31).

Best regards,


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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-02-06 Thread Attila Kinali
Moin Magnus,

On Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:07:54 +0100
Magnus Danielson  wrote:

> For oscillators, they should have been turned on long enough such that 
> any drift is negligible. Alternatively you process out the quadratic 
> trend out of it. The later should be accompanied by some quality measure 
> of how much remaining systematics there is (see Jim Barnes PTTI paper on 
> Drift Estimators).

Do you mean "The measurement of linear frequency drift in oscillators", ?

Attila Kinali

It is upon moral qualities that a society is ultimately founded. All 
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use without that foundation.
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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-02-08 Thread Magnus Danielson

Hej Attila,

On 02/06/2015 01:22 PM, Attila Kinali wrote:

Moin Magnus,

On Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:07:54 +0100
Magnus Danielson  wrote:

For oscillators, they should have been turned on long enough such that
any drift is negligible. Alternatively you process out the quadratic
trend out of it. The later should be accompanied by some quality measure
of how much remaining systematics there is (see Jim Barnes PTTI paper on
Drift Estimators).

Do you mean "The measurement of linear frequency drift in oscillators", ?

Yes. I use the PTTI link

I was just lazy to dig the link up when I wrote that.

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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-02-12 Thread Attila Kinali
On Tue, 20 Jan 2015 08:39:13 +0100
Attila Kinali  wrote:

> 2-3 years ago, i got a presentation of an italian amateur radio on
> how to measure phase noise of osciallators using this technique in quite
> detail. Only draw back is that the presentation is in italian. If someone
> wants this presentation, please contact me off list.

Azelio Boriani was so kind to translate the presentation.
You can find the original pdfs and the Azelio's translations

Attila Kinali

It is upon moral qualities that a society is ultimately founded. All 
the prosperity and technological sophistication in the world is of no 
use without that foundation.
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Re: [time-nuts] question Alan deviation measured with Timelab and counters

2015-02-13 Thread Bob Camp

Wow, that guy did a *lot* of work on all that. Congratulations to the him and 
those kind enough to translate it.

Per an off list request there’s at least one additional circuit to add to his 

Wire the RF as shown on page 17 of the MAdS slides but:

1) Use an RPD-1 (or modern equivalent) as the phase detector. 
2) the 50 ohm on the filter input goes to 500 ohms. 
3) Run an OP-37 (or modern equivalent) on +/- 18V 
4) + input of the OP-37 goes straight to the lowpass filter output 
(Bruce has correctly recommend protection here if you don’t trust your supplies)
5) The - input of the OP-37 gets 100 ohms to ground and (roughly) 1K ohm to the 

You now have a low(er) noise amp with fewer parts (other than the -18V supply). 
 It also has no low frequency cutoff. That makes 
it useful for a few more things. There may / will be some peaking in the 
lowpass filter on the mixer. Exactly how much depends on the parts 
you use. You can either measure the peaking or model it.

I would put blocking caps in between the mixer RF inputs and the J1 and J2. 
Mixers seem to last longer that way. John has suggested 
running blocking on both sides of the BNC’s to nuke a ground loop. That may 
also be a good idea. You might simply try running 
the mixer using it’s input transformers for isolation. That may or may not work 
depending on what’s really inside. 


The other comment is that the “lock box” portion of the circuit for pages 17 
and 18 is missing. The lock box drives the EFC on one  of
the OCXO’s you are testing. Without it you can’t really do a phase noise test. 
Yes, it’s not an exciting circuit, but you do need it
to make the thing work. Given that the guy already had a massive number of 
topics to cover, it’s understandable that it’s missing.

What you need:

1) A DC pickoff point from the preamp. In the circuit above, the output of the 
OP-37 is fine. 
2) Some means of varying the gain. A pot or switched resistors both work. 
3) An ability to crank in an offset. Again a pot works pretty well.
4) The ability to invert the signal if needed. 

The amp, pots, switches, drives the EFC on one of your test devices. You fiddle 
the offset to get them locked with zero DC on the preamp output.
You fiddle the gain to get the low end of your measurement down far enough to 
be useful. I’ve seen people do this all with a couple of pots and
a 9V battery. I typically do it with a pair of op-amps. 

You can add caps to the circuit. You can model the cutoff of the circuit. You 
can noise load and measure the impact of the circuit. All of these 
enhancements help at the low frequency end. None are needed if you are just 
starting out. 

Once you have this preamp (the OP-37 stuff) built up, it also works as the 
input for a single mixer ADEV setup. You need to put a limiter on the 
output, but there is no more RF work to do. With a little planning, you can 
have a phase noise and ADEV front end all in one box / all on one pc board. None
of it is really critical. I’ve made them up a number of times on a chunk of 
copper clad. It will probably take you more time to build up a low noise / 
clean / reliable /
ground isolated power supply than to make up the rest of the circuit. A ground 
loop through any of this will drive you a bit nuts. 

I would make up the power supply from scratch. Current required is nearly 
nothing (< 100 ma). You want an isolated supply, and if if faults you have big 
problems. Good 
old 7818 and 7918 regulators are plenty quiet enough. Op amps are good at 
rejecting audio frequency noise. Resist the temptation to hook anything else to 
the supply that feeds this box. Depending on the op-amps you pick, your supply 
may be +/-12 up to +/- 20V. The idea is to run as much gain as you can in the 
without getting into clipping. The idea is *not* to blow out them out with a 
higher than rated supply. 


Yes there’s a bit of calibration involved in getting this running. You can play 
with other mixers, they won’t be 500 ohm output. There is nothing special about 
an op amp 
that’s old enough to vote. This isn’t quite a single weekend project. It is if 
you have all the parts on hand and have done it a couple times. It should not 
be more than a couple 
weeks of fiddling to get one running. Cost wise, you should be able to do it 
for < $100 using perf board and copper clad. If you go the full up ADEV route 
that probably tacks on 
another few bucks and another weekend or two.   


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