[TMIC] Update Newbie Inquiry

2006-10-11 Thread EnMChavez
Good evening Group,

I'm Newbie Michelle from Bothell, WA who was just diagnosed several weeks ago with MS. 9/10 I awoke to the numbness again in my legs only to be hospitalized two days later. Not walking without assistance the symptoms only increased throughout the week. 2000 I was diagnosed with TM after an attack with all the same symptoms but recovered with little limitations. Now just finishing finally my prednisone/steroids I am improving daily. Now walking again on my own just a little wobbly at times ;-) and muscles are strengthening. My hands are still asleep with pins and needles though due to my lesion being at C5 this time whereas before it was T5-T7. I know that I am fortunate to be recovering again and walking on my own again. I am grateful and blessed. The doctors want to put me on Copaxone (daily injection). I wanted to ask if anyone is on this, their experience with it and if insurance covers this medication. I received a letter from Shared Solutions, which is through PPARX (Partnership for Prescription Assistance) who stated that insurance companys did not cover this. We currently do not unfortunately have medical insurance and this prescription is $1,300 to $1,500 a month. OUCH! Who can afford that! We are applying for PPARX assistance of course. Also has any MSrs out there discovered any successful alternative treatments. Is Copaxone my only option? {sigh} Thanks!!! 

Bothell, WA
TM2000 to MS2006

[TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2006 #228

2006-10-11 Thread MontzMagic


[TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2006 #228

2006-10-11 Thread MontzMagic


Re: [TMIC] Neuro visit pain questions

2006-10-11 Thread JHarper33

I just wanted to thank you for that post, Rob. I appreciated 
everything you said there, and I agree.

Barbara H.

In a message dated 10/10/2006 5:38:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
   It is very difficult to truly talk about TM considering no twoof us 
  are effected in the same way. We all have similar conditions butthe degree 
  of the condition is never similar. Of course a large elementis where the 
  lesion is on the spine and probably the size of the lesion.Many TM'rs talk 
  of pain, and I do not. I have "discomfort" 24/7. Thenumbness, pins and 
  needles and banding are always there. Some days arebetter than others but 
  I have major discomfort always. I saw Dr. Kerrlast week for my annual 
  evaluation (my seventh in a row)and I asked himif I was doing better than 
  many others due to the extent TM hit me orbecause I have exercised and 
  worked so hard to be as good as I can. Hisanswer was both. Exercise is 
  very important if for no other reason thanto not go backwards and for our 
  gereral good health. I also asked him ifpatients diagnosed with TM have a 
  shorter life span (considering howhard we work to do the simplest tasks) 
  and hios answer was no. I guess Iam one of the "lucky ones". I can walk 
  without a cane, although not verylong or very far. I have been able to 
  work fulltime the past 9 years.And I push myself to not let TM stop me 
  from almost anything (with theexception of athletics). I try to never feel 
  sorry for myself and Icontinue to exercise everyday almost to the point of 
  exhaustion. I willnot give in to this condition. I am quite certain after 
  seeing Dr. Kerrthat the cure is years not decades away. I hope the people 
  who have themost severe cases especially the children will see a cure 
  first. If Ihave to live with my problem longer or not be cured at all then 
  so beit. To me life is still good anhd TM will not change that for 
  me.  When I read many of the e mails I can feel the 
  frustration andbitterness. I believe many who write are not able to work 
  and thereforehave to deal with the condition minute to minute.I who work, 
  am able toforget it until I get home and then give in to the condition. I 
  do notconsider unsubscribing due to anything anyone says. I glance quickly 
  atevery e mail and if it is not pertinent I just delete...which 
  reallytakes less than a second. If it is pertinent I reply directly to 
  theperson and not the group. I reply only to the group when I think 
  itpertains to most if not all.  As always having 
  grown up in Brooklyn NY I tend to ramble. But aday does not go by where I 
  don't pray for all of us. Let's just all hangin there and help eachother 
  and especially try to help the newcomer whomis normally so confused and 
  afraid.Love to all!Rob in New Jersey 

Re: [TMIC] Newbies, update, etc.

2006-10-11 Thread JHarper33

Hope Terry's surgery goes well with a full and uneventful 
Enjoy your trip -- it sounds lovely!

Barbara H.


2006-10-11 Thread ROSEOFRENO

Hi Jude ~
 Please don't feel badlyI think we all feel "twitchy" at 
times and sometimes wish we could take back something we said. I know I 
We all just need to forgive each otherand ourselveson those 
I so hope things will improve for you Jude.. you are a good person and 
you don't deserve what you are going through right now. 

 If you are new here..welcome to our family!! You 
have come to the right place. Ask anything you like.someone will be 
more than happy to answer any of your questions. As Bob Cook said, "Come 
on in...the water is fine." Bob, I loved your dinner table analogy...that 
was great! :-)
Sometimes when I read your letters to the list I think you missed your 
calling.you should have been a writer. Some of your letters are 

 Sandy.I have a paraplegic friend that went through the 
shoulder surgery a while back and he is doing great. Once again he is able 
to wheel his wheelchair down his boat ramp and go fishing. Make sure Terry 
keeps his shoulder immobilized just like his doc says...that's the really 
important part. Bring warm clothes when you visit the Sierraswe have 
been getting snow on the mountain tops!

 I have a question about pain meds while I'm here. have any 
of you regretted switching from Neurontin to Lyrica...? Does the Lyrica 
help you with the burning pain...? Every time I try to decrease my 
Neurontin the burning pain gets so bad I have to keep on taking it. 
 Love to all, Lynn

Re: [TMIC] Sudden Onset

2006-10-11 Thread Terry McLaughlin
I did have the spinal angiogram done while I was in acute care.  
Although it was 10 years ago, my situation was similar in that they were 
trying to rule out any vascular disease or blockage.  It's basically 
similar to a cardio-cath (except they look at your spine instead).  
Still have the scar from the 1 cm incision, but not the worst thing I've 
ever been through.

My onset was sudden, within 10 to 15 minutes after that stabbing pain in 
my back I felt pins  needles in my butt, which crawled down my legs and 
up my torso.  I thought it was a pinched nerve, so I lay down and fell 
asleep.  I woke up to intense neuropathic pain (to the point where even 
a lightweight sheet was unbearable).  Called 911 then and (after 3 
different ERs that were all overcrowded and couldn't take me) I was 
started on the IV steroids and the neverending series of tests.

This summer I had a small relapse and all the testing for MS done, but 
came back negative.  Still get scared any time I feel a buzzing or pain 
or numbness that isn't what I would consider normal.

Take care,
from New Jersey

Carol E wrote:

Hello to all,
I have been rather quiet lately, hoping to be able to write you all 
and tell you that I have a new diagnosis. But I can't do that YET!  I 
definitely think it is good to reach out and ask for everyone's 
opinions, help and support.  And that is what I am doing right now.
*I was diagnosed with TM in June 2005*.  After what was thought to be 
2 or 3 relapses within 1 year, my neuro thought I might have MS.  
After a repeat brain MRI and a Vision Evoked Response Test, which both 
were negative for MS, he discussed my case with 2 of his 
colleagues.  One said I have MS and to start me on drugs right away 
and the other one said I did not have MS and not to start me on 
drugs.  When I asked my neuro which side of the fence he was on, he 
said he liked to know what he was treating and with me he didn't know. 
I went to see Dr. Kerr this past August.  He was very emphatic that I 
did not have MS and he thought it was doubtful that I had TM.  Since 
I had coronary artery bypass surgery about 9 years ago, he was leaning 
toward possibly of vascular disease in my back, ie, maybe a blockage 
in my vessels in my spine leading to my lower extremities.  So...back 
home I came to have more testing.  He sent a letter to my local 
doctor, outlining his suggested test.  My local doctor is very slowly 
going through these tests.  To date, I have had only 2 of them; the 
ultrasound of the descending aorta and an MRA of the spine.  (I had 
never heard of an MRA)  Both of which are negative.  So the *next test 
is a spinal angiogram.*  _*Has anyone had this performed?*_ 
*My **symptoms began* with a slight low back pain while bending over 
the bathtub to give my granddaughter a bath.  After that, she went to 
sleep in her swing, and I napped on the sofa.  When I awoke about 1 
hour later, my right leg had an intense needles and pins feeling from 
the toes up to the knee.  Within in 1 hour, this needles and pins 
feeling progressed up to my hip.  I went home to bed and the next 
morning I could not move my right leg.  I had to lift it out of bed.  
I had only slight tingling in my left toes and that was all on my left 
side.  *Now 16 months later*, my left leg has decreased sensitivity 
and slight banding, but I have good muscle control.
I remember complaining to my doctor about a backache 2 months prior to 
the onset of this. He ordered an x-ray of my back, which was 
negative.  I also remember around this same time, my bottom having a 
needles and pins feeling when I sat in my office chair.  I just 
laughed it off thinking I needed to get off my butt and go out and 
make some sales calls (to doctors no less).  My local doctors said the 
pain from giving the baby a bath and these other things have nothing 
to do with my current problem, TM or whatever!  Oh, one last thing I 
found interesting.  Dr. Kerr said my spinal tap that I had while in 
the hospital June 2005 was negative for TM.  So could someone explain 
why my doctors continued with a diagnosis of TM?
Carol in Culver, IN
Living in limbo, but sure can't do it! 
TM T8-T10 (maybe)

- Original Message -
*From:* Robert Pall mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com mailto:TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Monday, October 09, 2006 8:36 AM
*Subject:* RE: [TMIC] Sudden Onset

My TM started as a feeling of first my right leg going numb,
followed about an hour later with my left leg doing the same. In
all it took less than 3 hours for me to lose all sensation below
my waist. Even  though it is over 9 years ago I cannot recall any
pain whatsoever. In fact all of my discomfort started months later
when some feeling returned. Unfortunatley the feeling that
returned was pins and needles, numbness, and 

Re: [TMIC] Update Newbie Inquiry

2006-10-11 Thread Carol E

Hi Michelle,
In regards to your question, "Is 
Copaxone my only option?" Please take a look at the 
followingwebsite. It does an excellent job of comparing the MS 
drugs. Hope it will help you. Sorry that I don't have any answers 
for you regarding prescription assistance.

Carol in Culver, IN

  - Original Message - 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 2:25 
  Subject: [TMIC] Update  Newbie 
  Good evening Group,I'm Newbie Michelle 
  from Bothell, WA who was just diagnosed several weeks ago with MS. 9/10 
  I awoke to the numbness again in my legs only to be hospitalized two days 
  later. Not walking without assistance the symptoms only increased 
  throughout the week. 2000 I was diagnosed with TM after an attack with 
  all the same symptoms but recovered with little limitations. Now just 
  finishing finally my prednisone/steroids I am improving daily. 
  Now walking again on my own just a little wobbly at times ;-) and muscles are 
  strengthening. My hands are still asleep with pins and needles though 
  due to my lesion being at C5 this time whereas before it was T5-T7. I 
  know that I am fortunate to be recovering again and walking on my own 
  again. I am grateful and blessed. The doctors want to put me on 
  Copaxone (daily injection). I wanted to ask if anyone is on this, their 
  experience with it and if insurance covers this medication. I received a 
  letter from Shared Solutions, which is through PPARX (Partnership for 
  Prescription Assistance) who stated that insurance companys did not cover 
  this. We currently do not unfortunately have medical insurance and this 
  prescription is $1,300 to $1,500 a month. OUCH! Who can afford 
  that! We are applying for PPARX assistance of course. Also has any 
  MSrs out there discovered any successful alternative treatments. Is 
  Copaxone my only option? {sigh} Thanks!!! 
  MichelleBothell, WATM2000 to MS2006 

Re: [TMIC] Update Newbie Inquiry

2006-10-11 Thread Carol E

Michelle! Hello Again,
I was just looking over the website I sent you, 
and guess WHAT? There is information listed on it about Industry-Sponsored Sites for Patient Information and/or Financial 
Assistance. You'll find it about half way down the page. 
Carol in Culver

  - Original Message - 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 2:25 
  Subject: [TMIC] Update  Newbie 
  Good evening Group,I'm Newbie Michelle 
  from Bothell, WA who was just diagnosed several weeks ago with MS. 9/10 
  I awoke to the numbness again in my legs only to be hospitalized two days 
  later. Not walking without assistance the symptoms only increased 
  throughout the week. 2000 I was diagnosed with TM after an attack with 
  all the same symptoms but recovered with little limitations. Now just 
  finishing finally my prednisone/steroids I am improving daily. 
  Now walking again on my own just a little wobbly at times ;-) and muscles are 
  strengthening. My hands are still asleep with pins and needles though 
  due to my lesion being at C5 this time whereas before it was T5-T7. I 
  know that I am fortunate to be recovering again and walking on my own 
  again. I am grateful and blessed. The doctors want to put me on 
  Copaxone (daily injection). I wanted to ask if anyone is on this, their 
  experience with it and if insurance covers this medication. I received a 
  letter from Shared Solutions, which is through PPARX (Partnership for 
  Prescription Assistance) who stated that insurance companys did not cover 
  this. We currently do not unfortunately have medical insurance and this 
  prescription is $1,300 to $1,500 a month. OUCH! Who can afford 
  that! We are applying for PPARX assistance of course. Also has any 
  MSrs out there discovered any successful alternative treatments. Is 
  Copaxone my only option? {sigh} Thanks!!! 
  MichelleBothell, WATM2000 to MS2006