Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list/understanding TM

2008-04-17 Thread LinLeftwi
I think we need to be realistic about this.  If I had a husband who  was 
disabled I am not sure I would be happy all the time.  You can't fully  
anything if you haven't walked in someone else's shoes.  Just  like anything 
in life.  Everyone is different.  Some people can handle  it and some can't.  
Going through 18 months of cancer with my husband was  no walk in the park.  
Not being able to take away his pain and watching him  die was way more 
difficult than TM for me.  But I would never have left him  and he would have 
left me after I got hit with TM.  He stepped up to  the plate and did all the 
things I could not do and sometimes I feel like was  there something else I 
could have done for him.  It will be three years on  April 21 that he died.  
has been quite a journey.  But I finally  feel like I can go on.  So many 
emotions and changes in the past few  years.  My Mother-in Law would like me to 
find someone, but I don't  know.  Even though I do pretty well, I can't see 
myself with someone  normal.  I know they would not understand what I am going 
through and I  don't want to worry about that.
  Linda in Pa

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Re: [TMIC] Misunderstood

2008-04-17 Thread pjv1234
Scheme, Scam, Flim, Flam
Yes, I forgot about the club aspect of your scheme.
You let me call someone who wants to join your Get Rich Quick Club and invite 
them into the $250 $500 or $1,000 level.  They send you the money to join your 
club and you send me my portion.  Is this money taxed as legitimate income or 
are you a not-for-profit entity?  Well, I suppose there is a way around that 

Patti - Michigan (The home of the Amway Corporation and it's legitimate)

 Westgold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Hello -- Sorry, Patti -- you do not understand how my program works at all. 
 What you said is wrong. It is not MLM or a pyramid in any way. You do not 
 call people and ask them to send you money. Last year I was looking for 
 people to help me return phone calls from people who answered my ads, 
 because there were so many I couldn't keep up with them.  Maybe that is what 
 you saw.  I needed some people to help me call the lists of people who 
 answered my ads, and invite them to listen to the information call.  That's 
 all we have to do --  invite people to come to a live call where they hear 
 how this program works. We do not ask people for money.  There is no selling 
 or explaining, they explain everything on the call so we don't have to.  If 
 anyone would like to check it out, please lte me know  I'll be happy to 
 book you for a call, they're held everyday.
 It is a private club where we all help each other learn how to leverage our 
 money and make it grow by inviting others to join our club.  It has been 
 going for over 6 years and has over 55,000 members in 16 countries.  It is 
 very solid. I just found it last summer, and am averaging $10,000 a month. 
 All we have to do is invite people to listen to the live call which explains 
 exactly how it works, and it is their choice to join or not.  If someone you 
 invited to the call joins, you get their sign-up money.  It is very 
 straightforward.  There is no way to fail unless you don't invite anybody. 
 Everybody is an equal member, there are no multi-levels where some people 
 make more money than others.  Everybody is equal and has an equal chance to 
 succeed. The more people you invite to the information call, the more will 
 join, and the more money you will receive.  Very straightforward.  This is 
 totally different from other things you may have seen.   Not everything on 
 the web is a scam, I personally know a lot of people making $100K or more on 
 the web every year.  It's a perfectly legitimate way to make a living, and 
 perhaps the only way to make a good living for those who are disabled or in 
 I've been trying to make a good living on the web for almost 10 years, since 
 I can't go out to work anymore.  I tried a lot of different things, and this 
 is by far the easiest and best.  It was a great blessing to me when my 
 friend told me about this last summer, and we all pass on this blessing by 
 helping as many people as we can by throwing out financial lifelines to 
 those who need more money in their lives.
 If you don't like this concept of people helping people to leverage their 
 money, I'll be glad to get you set up in one of the businesses I was doing 
 last year before I found this one.  They're more real, with real products 
 that you have to sell, etc.  It will take more work to make a decent amount 
 of money, but I'll be happy to teach you how to do one or two of them.  I 
 made $108,000 in 2006-7 with a couple of those businesses.  I have learned a 
 lot in my 10 years on the web.  You can do well also, if you have someone 
 who will teach you how to do it the right way.
 I am offering to help anybody who would like to make some extra money.  I 
 know how hard it is to make money when you're disabled in any way. And 
 recently there have been more than the usual number of posts from people 
 saying they can't afford special medical treatments, PT, pool time, extra 
 nursing care, etc.  I just want to offer my help. I didn't expect to get 
 shot down. My heart is pure -- I would never tell you dear souls about any 
 business that is a scam.  I have a few perfectly legitimate businesses to 
 show you, if anyone are interested.  If you're not, that's fine too. but 
 please don't prejudge before you even know the real story.
 take care -- Michelle

[TMIC] Fw: FW: [This is Amazing....Votes against U.S.]

2008-04-17 Thread Dex Packard

- Original Message - 
From: Judy Baker 
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 8:02 AM
Subject: Fwd: FW: [This is AmazingVotes against U.S.]

Note: forwarded message attached.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.---BeginMessage---

How they vote in the United Nations: Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations records: Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time United Arab Emirates vote s against the U. S. 70% of the time. Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time. Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time. Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time. Algeria votes against /FONT the United States 74% of the time. Oman votes against the United States 74% of the time. Sudan votes against FONT lang=0 face="Comic Sans M S" color=#008080 size=4 the United States 75% of the time. Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time. Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time. Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time. Lebanon 
votes against the United States 80% of the time. India votes against the United States 81% of the time. Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time. Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time. U S Foreign Aid to those that hate us:Egypt, B for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2 billion annually in US Foreign Aid.Jordan votes 71% against the United StatesAnd receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid .Pakistan votes 75% against the United State!
 sReceives $6,721,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.India votes 81% against the United StatesReceives $143,699,000 annually.P
erhaps it is time to get out of the UN and give the tax savings back to the American workers who are having to skimp and sacrifice to pay the taxes (and gasoline). Pass this along to every taxpaying citizen you know.
Disgusting isn't it? We are either brain dead, or our heads should be examined. 

---End Message---

[TMIC] Foot Drop

2008-04-17 Thread Bgunny7682
I just got the last edition of action Magazine, from the  United Spinal 
Assoc. There's an advertisement in there about a thing called NESS  L300 for 
drop. It isn't an orthotic so there's no cumbersome plastic that  wraps around 
your leg. It looks like there's an electical device that wraps  around the 
knee, and another one that attaches to the shoe. The number to find  out about 
is 1-800-211-9136. They also have a web site at It  looks like 
it might send some kind of signal to the Peroneal nerve that controls  the 
ankle. It's battery operated. What the hell, give it a shot.

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