Scheme, Scam, Flim, Flam
Yes, I forgot about the club aspect of your scheme.
You let me call someone who wants to join your Get Rich Quick Club and "invite" 
them into the $250 $500 or $1,000 level.  They send you the money to join your 
club and you send me my portion.  Is this money taxed as legitimate income or 
are you a not-for-profit entity?  Well, I suppose there is a way around that 

Patti - Michigan (The home of the Amway Corporation and it's legitimate)

---- Westgold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hello -- Sorry, Patti -- you do not understand how my program works at all. 
> What you said is wrong. It is not MLM or a pyramid in any way. You do not 
> call people and ask them to send you money. Last year I was looking for 
> people to help me return phone calls from people who answered my ads, 
> because there were so many I couldn't keep up with them.  Maybe that is what 
> you saw.  I needed some people to help me call the lists of people who 
> answered my ads, and invite them to listen to the information call.  That's 
> all we have to do --  invite people to come to a live call where they hear 
> how this program works. We do not ask people for money.  There is no selling 
> or explaining, they explain everything on the call so we don't have to.  If 
> anyone would like to check it out, please lte me know & I'll be happy to 
> book you for a call, they're held everyday.
> It is a private club where we all help each other learn how to leverage our 
> money and make it grow by inviting others to join our club.  It has been 
> going for over 6 years and has over 55,000 members in 16 countries.  It is 
> very solid. I just found it last summer, and am averaging $10,000 a month. 
> All we have to do is invite people to listen to the live call which explains 
> exactly how it works, and it is their choice to join or not.  If someone you 
> invited to the call joins, you get their sign-up money.  It is very 
> straightforward.  There is no way to fail unless you don't invite anybody. 
> Everybody is an equal member, there are no multi-levels where some people 
> make more money than others.  Everybody is equal and has an equal chance to 
> succeed. The more people you invite to the information call, the more will 
> join, and the more money you will receive.  Very straightforward.  This is 
> totally different from other things you may have seen.   Not everything on 
> the web is a scam, I personally know a lot of people making $100K or more on 
> the web every year.  It's a perfectly legitimate way to make a living, and 
> perhaps the only way to make a good living for those who are disabled or in 
> pain.
> I've been trying to make a good living on the web for almost 10 years, since 
> I can't go out to work anymore.  I tried a lot of different things, and this 
> is by far the easiest and best.  It was a great blessing to me when my 
> friend told me about this last summer, and we all pass on this blessing by 
> helping as many people as we can by throwing out financial lifelines to 
> those who need more money in their lives.
> If you don't like this concept of people helping people to leverage their 
> money, I'll be glad to get you set up in one of the businesses I was doing 
> last year before I found this one.  They're more "real", with real products 
> that you have to sell, etc.  It will take more work to make a decent amount 
> of money, but I'll be happy to teach you how to do one or two of them.  I 
> made $108,000 in 2006-7 with a couple of those businesses.  I have learned a 
> lot in my 10 years on the web.  You can do well also, if you have someone 
> who will teach you how to do it the right way.
> I am offering to help anybody who would like to make some extra money.  I 
> know how hard it is to make money when you're disabled in any way. And 
> recently there have been more than the usual number of posts from people 
> saying they can't afford special medical treatments, PT, pool time, extra 
> nursing care, etc.  I just want to offer my help. I didn't expect to get 
> shot down. My heart is pure -- I would never tell you dear souls about any 
> business that is a scam.  I have a few perfectly legitimate businesses to 
> show you, if anyone are interested.  If you're not, that's fine too..... but 
> please don't prejudge before you even know the real story.
> take care -- Michelle

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