[TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

2009-12-20 Thread Jude Hoops
Hi Guys,

It's been a while, but it's me, Jude...
For those of you who recall my name, I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to 
get back into the swing of things.  The death of our dear Pam really took the 
wind out of my sails and laid me low for all this time. 

Not one darn thing has changed in my life except that we have added another 
mouth to feed, and he eats constantly and I have yet to find a food that he 
won't eat.  His name is Harley, after Dave's best human friend and is part 
Spaniel/Beagle.  Harley is white with silvery/black large spots and a black 
circle around one eye.  Once Dave figures out how to send pictures to the 
Internet we will post some of the whole family. 

Dave is adjusting well to being retired, especially now that he has a buddy 
to hang around with.  I'm not sure what they do out there, but they go tramping 
through the woods behind the house and chase squirrels and whatever else.  
Harley puts his nose to the ground and pulls poor Dave along behind him whether 
Dave wants to go there or not.

I have remained pretty much stuck in my bed due to almost constant UTI's and a 
serious aversion to wearing briefs although I have to when I go out which is 
not often.  In fact, I now even have a doctor who makes home visits and I 
really like him so far.  I need to call him as soon as his office opens and 
make arrangements to go to the hospital since I believe I have one seriously 
broken ankle/foot.  This brittle-bone disease is for the birds.

I was inspecting my feet and toes for whatever one checks their Transverse 
Myelitis feet against; black spot, spider webs and such, and just like several 
years ago, I heard a cracking sound and although I have very little sensation, 
it does seem to hurt quite a bit.

So anyway...what's up will all of you people?  What kind of trouble have my old 
friends gotten into?  C'mon, spit it out...You know I will get it out of you 
sometime...as the old adage goes, you can run, but you can't hide.   Ok, 
let's start with you Doctor Rick; have you and the fam gone on any neat 
excursions out into the wilds of the world?  And how is Terry doing?  Still up 
and getting around in spite of good old TM?  Miss Ella...I haven't heard a word 
from you or any of your 105 sisters.  I'm sure that you are busy getting ready 
for some celebration or another.  I know it's got to be someone's birthday or 

I now have a new computer with which I am having a love/hate relationship with. 
 This one does all kinds of new tricks and treats, but it's not the right time 
of year for that so it's not cooperating.  It's got to have something to do 
with that inch or so of white stuff littering the ground, looking like it's 
going to stay for three or four months.  And now, if Dave agrees that I need to 
be seen by the doc, I will probably need to go out for x-rays.

 Well friends, I won't take up any more of your time and will let you know what 
the Dr. has to say and if I get casted, what color I will choose.

Lots and lots of love,



2009-12-20 Thread Janet Dunn
OMG Nerve Pain.


Yikes.  I get it in the banding around my torso.  Down my right leg, on the
outside, from the top of the hip to the bottom of the foot, and some on the
left foot too, but not nearly as bad.


It gets bad enough that I want to check out some times.  I have found that
lyrica helps.  And percodan.  And now my pain doctor has me on cesamet and
oxycontin just to keep me sane.


And the cold:  We just came through a -40 degree temperature spell - that
was awful.  I actually had to stay at home for a few days as my mobility was
seriously affected.  This morning it is only -20, so my legs are only half
as bad.  Lol.  




From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: December 19, 2009 9:15 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC]


Okay, I have another question.   When we talk about nerve pain, are we
all talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of calves? Or
do you all

have some other areas that are affected?Does it ever get bad enough that
it makes you all down? Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the
leg.   I just

wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same areas.   Janice

Re: [TMIC] Nerve Pain

2009-12-20 Thread kevin weilacher
My nerve pain runs from where my lesion is (L4,L5 and S1 which is right at the 
tailbone) all the way through my butt and down through the back of both of my 
legs down to my knees. The pain in the tailbone area is a real bad burning 
sensation and then when it gets down to the backs of my legs, it feels like my 
skin is literally being ripped apart. There are times when I will feel the 
backs of my legs with my fingers, just to check to make sure there isn't an 
open wound there because the sensation is so strong.
The colder the weather also makes the sensation stronger and also in the summer 
if I have been outside doing any kind of physical activity.
There are times that the sensations are so bad that I can't even lay on my back 
in bed because I can't stand having the backs of my legs or my butt touching 
the sheets and most times it is hard just to sit in a chair for any longer than 
a few minutes at a time and when I am sitting I don't sit flat on my butt, I 
have to sit cocked over to one side or the other.
Does it get bad enough to get me down..?Short answeryes.

Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio (Canton)

From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, December 19, 2009 11:14:35 PM
Subject: [TMIC] 

Okay, I have another 
question.   When we talk about nerve pain, are 
we all talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of 
calves? Or do you all
have some other areas that are 
affected?Does it ever get bad enough that it makes you all 
down? Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the 
leg.   I just
wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same 


Re: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

2009-12-20 Thread Jan Hargrove
Hey, Jude!!

Great to see your name pop up, and what a jolly letter, too.
I bet Harley has alot to do with that..Frank is always telling 
me what our 2 Shih Tzus and our daughter's Shih Tzu are doing
they keep him running!!  Glad to hear that Dave is fitting into 
retirement life

It is my fondest hope that you don't have a broken ankle! one
consolation tho'...if they cast it you won't ne able to feel the itch 
when it gets to that stage of healing...

I have much left to do for our fanily gathering this week so I'll
get off here. Again, it's good to hear from you!!

Hugs, janh  Stillwater, OK 

Hi Guys,
It's been a while, but it's me, Jude...
For those of you who recall my name, I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to 
get back into the swing of things.  The death of our dear Pam really took the 
wind out of my sails and laid me low for all this time. 
Not one darn thing has changed in my life except that we have added another 
mouth to feed, and he eats constantly and I have yet to find a food that he 
won't eat.  His name is Harley, after Dave's best human friend and is part 
Spaniel/Beagle.  Harley is white with silvery/black large spots and a black 
circle around one eye.  Once Dave figures out how to send pictures to 
the Internet we will post some of the whole family. 
Dave is adjusting well to being retired, especially now that he has a buddy 
to hang around with.  I'm not sure what they do out there, but they go tramping 
through the woods behind the house and chase squirrels and whatever else.  
Harley puts his nose to the ground and pulls poor Dave along behind him whether 
Dave wants to go there or not.

I have remained pretty much stuck in my bed due to almost constant UTI's and a 
serious aversion to wearing briefs although I have to when I go out which is 
not often.  In fact, I now even have a doctor who makes home visits and I 
really like him so far.  I need to call him as soon as his office opens and 
make arrangements to go to the hospital since I believe I have one seriously 
broken ankle/foot.  This brittle-bone disease is for the birds.

I was inspecting my feet and toes for whatever one checks their Transverse 
Myelitis feet against; black spot, spider webs and such, and just like several 
years ago, I heard a cracking sound and although I have very little sensation, 
it does seem to hurt quite a bit.

So anyway...what's up will all of you people?  What kind of trouble have my old 
friends gotten into?  C'mon, spit it out...You know I will get it out of you 
sometime...as the old adage goes, you can run, but you can't hide.   Ok, 
let's start with you Doctor Rick; have you and the fam gone on any neat 
excursions out into the wilds of the world?  And how is Terry doing?  Still up 
and getting around in spite of good old TM?  Miss Ella...I haven't heard a word 
from you or any of your 105 sisters.  I'm sure that you are busy getting ready 
for some celebration or another.  I know it's got to be someone's birthday or 
I now have a new computer with which I am having a love/hate relationship 
with.  This one does all kinds of new tricks and treats, but it's not the right 
time of year for that so it's not cooperating.  It's got to have something to 
do with that inch or so of white stuff littering the ground, looking like it's 
going to stay for three or four months.  And now, if Dave agrees that I need to 
be seen by the doc, I will probably need to go out for x-rays.
 Well friends, I won't take up any more of your time and will let you know what 
the Dr. has to say and if I get casted, what color I will choose.
Lots and lots of love,

Re: [TMIC] asking for prayers

2009-12-20 Thread Jan Hargrove

My prayers go out to your son and all your family, just know
he's getting the help he needs.  

Please keep us updated on his condition.

Hugs, janh Stillwater, OK

From: Barbara Alma balmat...@aol.com
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, December 19, 2009 11:55:18 PM
Subject: [TMIC] asking for prayers

Our son Daniel was admitted into the Intensive Care Unit of the hosital 
yesterday with complications of the flu.  He has been sick for two weeks, and 
has had 4 different visits to the E/R and doctor's offices during that time.  

The first visit to the E/R he was dehydrated and had chest x-rays, and it 
looked like something was starting in one lung so antibiotics were started 
then.  At that time the doctor said that if he had waited another day it would 
have been pretty bad, but it looked like they caught it before any 

After 6 days he went into a doctor's office in town when he was having some 
difficulty breathing.  He now had pneumonia in both lungs, had a breathing 
treatment and another antibiotic.  Then he had a return appt for that Friday.  
He went in on Friday and they administered some oxygen and referred him to a 
pulmonary specialist at the hospital, so he went there and they did more tests 
and he now he was dehydrated again which caused blood clots in his lungs and in 
one leg.  He's getting lots of breathing treatments, oxygen, blood thinners and 
doing a bit better tonight.  They had all told him to go to bed, get lots of 
rest and get lots of fluids.  So, he did!  He did nothing else.

Needless to say I'm scared!  

I am not an overly religious person, but I am a spiritual person who believes 
that prayers are very powerful.  For those who believe in prayers and who do 
pray, can you please add my son to yours?  I would appreciate it so much.  

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC] asking for prayers

2009-12-20 Thread Grace M.
Consider it done, Barbara.


Re: [TMIC]

2009-12-20 Thread Grace M.
*Neve pain or neuropathic pain, refers to the type of pain that is being
experienced, not a particular location.  *
*Neuropathic Pain
*Neuropathic pain results from injury to nerves in either the central
nervous system or the peripheral body. It can be described as burning,
tingling, shooting, stabbing, or shocking. Injury to the brain, brain
tumors, diabetic neuropathy, and herpes zoster are all examples of things
that may cause this type of pain. Neuropathic pain can be more difficult to
treat than nociceptive. *  *


2009-12-20 Thread Patricia Cooley


I don't know if I can help, but my pain isn't bad at all.  I have been
experiencing what I call a Charlie horse in the back of my thigh in my left
leg (that is my good one) and it goes down the leg to my foot and causes my
foot to turn in until the spasm is over.  When I try to straighten it,  I
can't keep it straight it goes right back.  It only lasts for a few seconds.
It helps if I try to straighten out my leg as you would with a regular
Charlie horse.  The most of my discomfort is in my feet which I think is
neuropathy.  My feet always feel so cold they actually burn.  It is funny
though but they don't bother me at night when I go to bed  I hope this


Patti - Wisconsin


From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 10:15 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] 


Okay, I have another question.   When we talk about nerve pain, are we
all talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of calves? Or
do you all

have some other areas that are affected?Does it ever get bad enough that
it makes you all down? Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the
leg.   I just

wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same areas.   Janice

RE: [TMIC] asking for prayers

2009-12-20 Thread Patricia Cooley


I am so very sorry to all the problems Daniel is having.  Rest assured I
will include him in my prayers, and will him to my prayer basket.  I pray
for all the TM'ers every night, but I will say a special prayer just for
Daniel.  I believe in prayers too, without them I don't think I could cope.


Patti - Wisconsin


From: Barbara Alma [mailto:balmat...@aol.com] 
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 11:55 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] asking for prayers


Our son Daniel was admitted into the Intensive Care Unit of the hosital
yesterday with complications of the flu.  He has been sick for two weeks,
and has had 4 different visits to the E/R and doctor's offices during that


The first visit to the E/R he was dehydrated and had chest x-rays, and it
looked like something was starting in one lung so antibiotics were started
then.  At that time the doctor said that if he had waited another day it
would have been pretty bad, but it looked like they caught it before any


After 6 days he went into a doctor's office in town when he was having some
difficulty breathing.  He now had pneumonia in both lungs, had a breathing
treatment and another antibiotic.  Then he had a return appt for that
Friday.  He went in on Friday and they administered some oxygen and referred
him to a pulmonary specialist at the hospital, so he went there and they did
more tests and he now he was dehydrated again which caused blood clots in
his lungs and in one leg.  He's getting lots of breathing treatments,
oxygen, blood thinners and doing a bit better tonight.  They had all told
him to go to bed, get lots of rest and get lots of fluids.  So, he did!  He
did nothing else.


Needless to say I'm scared!  


I am not an overly religious person, but I am a spiritual person who
believes that prayers are very powerful.  For those who believe in prayers
and who do pray, can you please add my son to yours?  I would appreciate it
so much.  

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

RE: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

2009-12-20 Thread Patricia Cooley
Hi Jude:


I am so glad to receive your post. We haven't heard from you in a long while
and I was beginning to worry about you.  I know the loss of our dear Pam has
affected all of us.  I think about her all the time and miss her and the
jokes she used to post.  I know I haven't been posting a lot lately and I
think the loss of Pam had a lot to do with it.


I am so sorry to hear you may have broken your foot.  At least when
something like that happens we don't feel the pain so much.  Let us know
what happens when you see the Doc.  It sounds like you and Dave are both
enjoying the new addition to your family.  Pets can do so much to enrich our
lives.  With Dave retiring, it gives him an outlet that he needs. So much
has been happening here.  My daughter, who lives down the street, is
relocating up north to Waupaca.  As a result, we have our house for sale so
we can be close to family.  At this stage of our lives, we need to be near
family.  The last time we moved was before TM, so it is going to be so much
harder as I have difficulty doing all that needs to be done.  We haven't
sold our home yet, but during the holidays not too many people are out
looking.  I just pray that it will be sooon.  I will miss my
granddaughters so very much.


I wish you, Dave and Harley a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and
hope to see more posts from you next year!


Patti - Wisconsin



om: Jude Hoops [mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com] 
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 7:30 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!


Hi Guys,


It's been a while, but it's me, Jude...

For those of you who recall my name, I'm sorry it has taken so long for me
to get back into the swing of things.  The death of our dear Pam really took
the wind out of my sails and laid me low for all this time. 


Not one darn thing has changed in my life except that we have added another
mouth to feed, and he eats constantly and I have yet to find a food that he
won't eat.  His name is Harley, after Dave's best human friend and is part
Spaniel/Beagle.  Harley is white with silvery/black large spots and a black
circle around one eye.  Once Dave figures out how to send pictures to the
Internet we will post some of the whole family. 


Dave is adjusting well to being retired, especially now that he has a
buddy to hang around with.  I'm not sure what they do out there, but they
go tramping through the woods behind the house and chase squirrels and
whatever else.  Harley puts his nose to the ground and pulls poor Dave along
behind him whether Dave wants to go there or not.


I have remained pretty much stuck in my bed due to almost constant UTI's and
a serious aversion to wearing briefs although I have to when I go out which
is not often.  In fact, I now even have a doctor who makes home visits and I
really like him so far.  I need to call him as soon as his office opens and
make arrangements to go to the hospital since I believe I have one seriously
broken ankle/foot.  This brittle-bone disease is for the birds.


I was inspecting my feet and toes for whatever one checks their Transverse
Myelitis feet against; black spot, spider webs and such, and just like
several years ago, I heard a cracking sound and although I have very little
sensation, it does seem to hurt quite a bit.


So anyway...what's up will all of you people?  What kind of trouble have my
old friends gotten into?  C'mon, spit it out...You know I will get it out of
you sometime...as the old adage goes, you can run, but you can't hide.
Ok, let's start with you Doctor Rick; have you and the fam gone on any
neat excursions out into the wilds of the world?  And how is Terry doing?
Still up and getting around in spite of good old TM?  Miss Ella...I haven't
heard a word from you or any of your 105 sisters.  I'm sure that you are
busy getting ready for some celebration or another.  I know it's got to be
someone's birthday or something.


I now have a new computer with which I am having a love/hate relationship
with.  This one does all kinds of new tricks and treats, but it's not the
right time of year for that so it's not cooperating.  It's got to have
something to do with that inch or so of white stuff littering the ground,
looking like it's going to stay for three or four months.  And now, if Dave
agrees that I need to be seen by the doc, I will probably need to go out for


 Well friends, I won't take up any more of your time and will let you know
what the Dr. has to say and if I get casted, what color I will choose.


Lots and lots of love,









Re: [TMIC] asking for prayers

2009-12-20 Thread Janice Nichols
I am so so sorry to hear about your son.   I also believe in prayer and will do 
my best for you and your son.   Please keep us informed on how he is

From: Barbara Alma 
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 11:55 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: [TMIC] asking for prayers

Our son Daniel was admitted into the Intensive Care Unit of the hosital 
yesterday with complications of the flu.  He has been sick for two weeks, and 
has had 4 different visits to the E/R and doctor's offices during that time.  

The first visit to the E/R he was dehydrated and had chest x-rays, and it 
looked like something was starting in one lung so antibiotics were started 
then.  At that time the doctor said that if he had waited another day it would 
have been pretty bad, but it looked like they caught it before any 

After 6 days he went into a doctor's office in town when he was having some 
difficulty breathing.  He now had pneumonia in both lungs, had a breathing 
treatment and another antibiotic.  Then he had a return appt for that Friday.  
He went in on Friday and they administered some oxygen and referred him to a 
pulmonary specialist at the hospital, so he went there and they did more tests 
and he now he was dehydrated again which caused blood clots in his lungs and in 
one leg.  He's getting lots of breathing treatments, oxygen, blood thinners and 
doing a bit better tonight.  They had all told him to go to bed, get lots of 
rest and get lots of fluids.  So, he did!  He did nothing else.

Needless to say I'm scared!  

I am not an overly religious person, but I am a spiritual person who believes 
that prayers are very powerful.  For those who believe in prayers and who do 
pray, can you please add my son to yours?  I would appreciate it so much.  

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC] asking for prayers

2009-12-20 Thread jrushton
 It is done, dear Barbara..Jeanne in Dayton, WA
---Original Message---
From: Jan Hargrove
Date: 12/20/2009 9:43:43 AM
To: Barbara Alma;  tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] asking for prayers
My prayers go out to your son and all your family, just know
he's getting the help he needs.  
Please keep us updated on his condition.
Hugs, janh Stillwater, OK

From: Barbara Alma balmat...@aol.com
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, December 19, 2009 11:55:18 PM
Subject: [TMIC] asking for prayers

Our son Daniel was admitted into the Intensive Care Unit of the hosital
yesterday with complications of the flu.  He has been sick for two weeks,
and has had 4 different visits to the E/R and doctor's offices during that
The first visit to the E/R he was dehydrated and had chest x-rays, and it
looked like something was starting in one lung so antibiotics were started
then.  At that time the doctor said that if he had waited another day it
would have been pretty bad, but it looked like they caught it before any
After 6 days he went into a doctor's office in town when he was having some
difficulty breathing.  He now had pneumonia in both lungs, had a breathing
treatment and another antibiotic.  Then he had a return appt for that Friday
  He went in on Friday and they administered some oxygen and referred him to
a pulmonary specialist at the hospital, so he went there and they did more
tests and he now he was dehydrated again which caused blood clots in his
lungs and in one leg.  He's getting lots of breathing treatments, oxygen,
blood thinners and doing a bit better tonight.  They had all told him to go
to bed, get lots of rest and get lots of fluids.  So, he did!  He did
nothing else.
Needless to say I'm scared!  
I am not an overly religious person, but I am a spiritual person who
believes that prayers are very powerful.  For those who believe in prayers
and who do pray, can you please add my son to yours?  I would appreciate it
so much.  

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC] Nerve Pain

2009-12-20 Thread jrushton
 Yes, Janice, and Kevin, I'm sure most of us can relate exactly to what you
both say.  The pain never seems to go away but oh, when it gets bad it is
really bad.. I explained mine like the pain of the worst burn I've ever had.
 It gets so bad it almost makes you not want to breathe for fear of making
it worse.. Jeanne in Dayton, WA
---Original Message---
From: kevin weilacher
Date: 12/20/2009 8:17:50 AM
To: Janice Nichols;  tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Nerve Pain
My nerve pain runs from where my lesion is (L4,L5 and S1 which is right at
the tailbone) all the way through my butt and down through the back of both
of my legs down to my knees. The pain in the tailbone area is a real bad
burning sensation and then when it gets down to the backs of my legs, it
feels like my skin is literally being ripped apart. There are times when I
will feel the backs of my legs with my fingers, just to check to make sure
there isn't an open wound there because the sensation is so strong.
The colder the weather also makes the sensation stronger and also in the
summer if I have been outside doing any kind of physical activity.
There are times that the sensations are so bad that I can't even lay on my
back in bed because I can't stand having the backs of my legs or my butt
touching the sheets and most times it is hard just to sit in a chair for any
longer than a few minutes at a time and when I am sitting I don't sit flat
on my butt, I have to sit cocked over to one side or the other.
Does it get bad enough to get me down..?Short answeryes.

Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio (Canton)

From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, December 19, 2009 11:14:35 PM
Subject: [TMIC] 

Okay, I have another question.   When we talk about nerve pain, are we
all talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of calves? Or
do you all
have some other areas that are affected?Does it ever get bad enough that
it makes you all down? Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the
leg.   I just
wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same areas.   Janice


RE: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

2009-12-20 Thread kimr1999
Jude so glad to see your back!  You were missed by all!

--- On Sun, 12/20/09, Patricia Cooley patticoo...@wi.rr.com wrote:

From: Patricia Cooley patticoo...@wi.rr.com
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!
To: 'Jude Hoops' heyjude48...@aol.com, tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 11:34 AM

Hi Jude:
I am so glad to receive your post. We haven’t heard from you in a long while 
and I was beginning to worry about you.  I know the loss of our dear Pam has 
affected all of us.  I think about her all the time and miss her and the jokes 
she used to post.  I know I haven’t been posting a lot lately and I think the 
loss of Pam had a lot to do with it.

I am so sorry to hear you may have broken your foot.  At least when something 
like that happens we don’t feel the pain so much.  Let us know what happens 
when you see the Doc.  It sounds like you and Dave are both enjoying the new 
addition to your family.  Pets can do so much to enrich our lives.  With Dave 
retiring, it gives him an outlet that he needs. So much has been happening 
here.  My daughter, who lives down the street, is relocating up north to 
Waupaca.  As a result, we have our house for sale so we can be close to 
family.  At this stage of our lives, we need to be near family.  The last time 
we moved was before TM, so it is going to be so much harder as I have 
difficulty doing all that needs to be done.  We haven’t sold our home yet, but 
during the holidays not too many people are out looking.  I just pray that it 
will be sooon.  I will miss my granddaughters so very much.
I wish you, Dave and Harley a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and 
hope to see more posts from you next year!
Patti - Wisconsin
om: Jude Hoops [mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com] 
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 7:30 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

Hi Guys,


It's been a while, but it's me, Jude...

For those of you who recall my name, I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to 
get back into the swing of things.  The death of our dear Pam really took the 
wind out of my sails and laid me low for all this time. 


Not one darn thing has changed in my life except that we have added another 
mouth to feed, and he eats constantly and I have yet to find a food that he 
won't eat.  His name is Harley, after Dave's best human friend and is part 
Spaniel/Beagle.  Harley is white with silvery/black large spots and a black 
circle around one eye.  Once Dave figures out how to send pictures to 
the Internet we will post some of the whole family. 


Dave is adjusting well to being retired, especially now that he has a buddy 
to hang around with.  I'm not sure what they do out there, but they go tramping 
through the woods behind the house and chase squirrels and whatever else.  
Harley puts his nose to the ground and pulls poor Dave along behind him whether 
Dave wants to go there or not.


I have remained pretty much stuck in my bed due to almost constant UTI's and a 
serious aversion to wearing briefs although I have to when I go out which is 
not often.  In fact, I now even have a doctor who makes home visits and I 
really like him so far.  I need to call him as soon as his office opens and 
make arrangements to go to the hospital since I believe I have one seriously 
broken ankle/foot.  This brittle-bone disease is for the birds.


I was inspecting my feet and toes for whatever one checks their Transverse 
Myelitis feet against; black spot, spider webs and such, and just like several 
years ago, I heard a cracking sound and although I have very little sensation, 
it does seem to hurt quite a bit.


So anyway...what's up will all of you people?  What kind of trouble have my old 
friends gotten into?  C'mon, spit it out...You know I will get it out of you 
sometime...as the old adage goes, you can run, but you can't hide.   Ok, 
let's start with you Doctor Rick; have you and the fam gone on any neat 
excursions out into the wilds of the world?  And how is Terry doing?  Still up 
and getting around in spite of good old TM?  Miss Ella...I haven't heard a word 
from you or any of your 105 sisters.  I'm sure that you are busy getting ready 
for some celebration or another.  I know it's got to be someone's birthday or 


I now have a new computer with which I am having a love/hate relationship 
with.  This one does all kinds of new tricks and treats, but it's not the right 
time of year for that so it's not cooperating.  It's got to have something to 
do with that inch or so of white stuff littering the ground, looking like it's 
going to stay for three or four months.  And now, if Dave agrees that I need to 
be seen by the doc, I will probably need to go out for x-rays.


 Well friends, I won't take up any more of your time and will let you know what 
the Dr. has to say and if I get casted, what color I will choose.


Lots and lots of love,









RE: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me! (ATT. PATTI)

2009-12-20 Thread Alle111
Dan read your post and asked that I send this. Hope  everyone is having a 
nice day.Ella
In a message dated 12/20/2009 3:52:18 P.M. Eastern Standard  Time, 
MontzMagic writes:


Re: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

2009-12-20 Thread Akua

Congratulations on your new family member.
I yearn for a pooch. I love my remaining
kitty, but like dogs and cats together. sigh.
I know too well that dogs require daily
long walks, which i can't do. So celebrate!
Harley will tell you stories about what he
found if you ask him, and he will love
you up. 

so sorry to hear
about the foot. I'm having mouth
problems. Had my wisdom tooth removed
and felt no pain after. But  weeks later
have incredible wrenching. Dentist
says its muscle spasms and it is
scary bad and i go through  PTSD
flashbacks of the pain on the way
to TM.  BUT i'm thinking he's right
because ibuprofen wipes it out, as
awful as it is, and so do warm compresses.
I'm perversely bothered by two days
of ibuprofen use-- don't like
this on top of my required aspirin
but i am too distracted with mouth
pain plus the dull hum of  TM's
pain in the butt.

I wish you healing and joy.
Happy Holidays!


Re: [TMIC]

2009-12-20 Thread rj_rankin
Those are the same areas that I've dealt with. Bachlophen (no clue on the 
spell) neurotin really made a difference
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Janet Dunn j.d...@shaw.ca
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 06:41:07 
To: 'Janice Nichols'jan...@centurytel.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [TMIC]

OMG Nerve Pain.


Yikes.  I get it in the banding around my torso.  Down my right leg, on the
outside, from the top of the hip to the bottom of the foot, and some on the
left foot too, but not nearly as bad.


It gets bad enough that I want to check out some times.  I have found that
lyrica helps.  And percodan.  And now my pain doctor has me on cesamet and
oxycontin just to keep me sane.


And the cold:  We just came through a -40 degree temperature spell - that
was awful.  I actually had to stay at home for a few days as my mobility was
seriously affected.  This morning it is only -20, so my legs are only half
as bad.  Lol.  




From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: December 19, 2009 9:15 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC]


Okay, I have another question.   When we talk about nerve pain, are we
all talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of calves? Or
do you all

have some other areas that are affected?Does it ever get bad enough that
it makes you all down? Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the
leg.   I just

wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same areas.   Janice

[TMIC] I love you guys

2009-12-20 Thread Barbara Alma

I just came on to TMIC and am overwhelmed at the show of support by my family 
here.  It is so heartwarming to see how many have came on and offered up 
support and prayers for our family at this time. 

We were told this morning that Dan will be in the hospital for about a week, 
and that he should be fine, but it will take a while for him to recover from 
this.  We can be patient .. although it is hard watching him go through 

Again, thank you all and I cannot express how much this means to me.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

2009-12-20 Thread L T CHERPESKI
Hi Jude,

So good to see you here!  Last time we talked, you were getting acquainted 
with your new computer.  It looks like you're now the Master!  Harley sounds 
adorable!  Please post a picture of him when you can.   

Jude, you know we all miss Pam.  I don't think a day goes by that I don't think 
about the long phone conversations we had.  I did send Dan a note to let him 
know that we are thinking of him also.

Let's hope that ankle is not broken.  Now that your computer knows who's BOSS, 
please keep posting so we all know how you're doing.

love and hugs,

Linda - Eagle, ID
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jude Hoopsmailto:heyjude48...@aol.com 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.commailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 6:30 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

  Hi Guys,

  It's been a while, but it's me, Jude...
  For those of you who recall my name, I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to 
get back into the swing of things.  The death of our dear Pam really took the 
wind out of my sails and laid me low for all this time. 

  Not one darn thing has changed in my life except that we have added another 
mouth to feed, and he eats constantly and I have yet to find a food that he 
won't eat.  His name is Harley, after Dave's best human friend and is part 
Spaniel/Beagle.  Harley is white with silvery/black large spots and a black 
circle around one eye.  Once Dave figures out how to send pictures to the 
Internet we will post some of the whole family. 

  Dave is adjusting well to being retired, especially now that he has a buddy 
to hang around with.  I'm not sure what they do out there, but they go tramping 
through the woods behind the house and chase squirrels and whatever else.  
Harley puts his nose to the ground and pulls poor Dave along behind him whether 
Dave wants to go there or not.

  I have remained pretty much stuck in my bed due to almost constant UTI's and 
a serious aversion to wearing briefs although I have to when I go out which is 
not often.  In fact, I now even have a doctor who makes home visits and I 
really like him so far.  I need to call him as soon as his office opens and 
make arrangements to go to the hospital since I believe I have one seriously 
broken ankle/foot.  This brittle-bone disease is for the birds.

  I was inspecting my feet and toes for whatever one checks their Transverse 
Myelitis feet against; black spot, spider webs and such, and just like several 
years ago, I heard a cracking sound and although I have very little sensation, 
it does seem to hurt quite a bit.

  So anyway...what's up will all of you people?  What kind of trouble have my 
old friends gotten into?  C'mon, spit it out...You know I will get it out of 
you sometime...as the old adage goes, you can run, but you can't hide.   Ok, 
let's start with you Doctor Rick; have you and the fam gone on any neat 
excursions out into the wilds of the world?  And how is Terry doing?  Still up 
and getting around in spite of good old TM?  Miss Ella...I haven't heard a word 
from you or any of your 105 sisters.  I'm sure that you are busy getting ready 
for some celebration or another.  I know it's got to be someone's birthday or 

  I now have a new computer with which I am having a love/hate relationship 
with.  This one does all kinds of new tricks and treats, but it's not the right 
time of year for that so it's not cooperating.  It's got to have something to 
do with that inch or so of white stuff littering the ground, looking like it's 
going to stay for three or four months.  And now, if Dave agrees that I need to 
be seen by the doc, I will probably need to go out for x-rays.

   Well friends, I won't take up any more of your time and will let you know 
what the Dr. has to say and if I get casted, what color I will choose.

  Lots and lots of love,

Re: [TMIC] asking for prayers

2009-12-20 Thread L T CHERPESKI

I'm sorry to hear that your son is sick.  Have already said a prayer for him 
and will continue.  Please keep us updated as you are able.

Linda (ID)
  - Original Message - 
  From: Barbara Almamailto:balmat...@aol.com 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.commailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 10:55 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] asking for prayers

  Our son Daniel was admitted into the Intensive Care Unit of the hosital 
yesterday with complications of the flu.  He has been sick for two weeks, and 
has had 4 different visits to the E/R and doctor's offices during that time.  

  The first visit to the E/R he was dehydrated and had chest x-rays, and it 
looked like something was starting in one lung so antibiotics were started 
then.  At that time the doctor said that if he had waited another day it would 
have been pretty bad, but it looked like they caught it before any 

  After 6 days he went into a doctor's office in town when he was having some 
difficulty breathing.  He now had pneumonia in both lungs, had a breathing 
treatment and another antibiotic.  Then he had a return appt for that Friday.  
He went in on Friday and they administered some oxygen and referred him to a 
pulmonary specialist at the hospital, so he went there and they did more tests 
and he now he was dehydrated again which caused blood clots in his lungs and in 
one leg.  He's getting lots of breathing treatments, oxygen, blood thinners and 
doing a bit better tonight.  They had all told him to go to bed, get lots of 
rest and get lots of fluids.  So, he did!  He did nothing else.

  Needless to say I'm scared!  

  I am not an overly religious person, but I am a spiritual person who believes 
that prayers are very powerful.  For those who believe in prayers and who do 
pray, can you please add my son to yours?  I would appreciate it so much.  

  Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC]

2009-12-20 Thread Janice Nichols
It does help and is very similar to mine, except I do have that *...@#$^* 
sharp pain!! Hate it.When I go in to my pain management doc on
12/31, he will put stuff in my back in several places and I will be a new 
woman - for a while! 

From: Patricia Cooley 
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 10:20 AM
To: 'Janice Nichols' ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] 



I don't know if I can help, but my pain isn't bad at all.  I have been 
experiencing what I call a Charlie horse in the back of my thigh in my left leg 
(that is my good one) and it goes down the leg to my foot and causes my foot to 
turn in until the spasm is over.  When I try to straighten it,  I can't keep it 
straight it goes right back.  It only lasts for a few seconds.  It helps if I 
try to straighten out my leg as you would with a regular Charlie horse.  The 
most of my discomfort is in my feet which I think is neuropathy.  My feet 
always feel so cold they actually burn.  It is funny though but they don't 
bother me at night when I go to bed  I hope this helps.


Patti - Wisconsin


From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 10:15 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] 


Okay, I have another question.   When we talk about nerve pain, are we all 
talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of calves? Or do you 

have some other areas that are affected?Does it ever get bad enough that it 
makes you all down? Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the leg.   
I just

wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same areas.   Janice

Re: [TMIC] I love you guys

2009-12-20 Thread jrushton
 You, your family, and Dan are welcome as sunshine. We may not have the
answers but we do have the love and support that has no end.  Merry
Christmas, dear ones...Jeanne in Dayton, WA
---Original Message---
From: Barbara Alma
Date: 12/20/2009 6:50:35 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] I love you guys
I just came on to TMIC and am overwhelmed at the show of support by my
family here.  It is so heartwarming to see how many have came on and offered
up support and prayers for our family at this time. 
We were told this morning that Dan will be in the hospital for about a week,
and that he should be fine, but it will take a while for him to recover from
this.  We can be patient .. although it is hard watching him go through
Again, thank you all and I cannot express how much this means to me.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

2009-12-20 Thread Janice Nichols
Re: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!Akua,
I am deathly afraid of tooth pain - again it is too close to the nerve pain 
from TM. Hope you get those spasms under control and gone soon!

From: Akua 
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 3:47 PM
To: Jude Hoops ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

Congratulations on your new family member.
I yearn for a pooch. I love my remaining
kitty, but like dogs and cats together. sigh.
I know too well that dogs require daily
long walks, which i can't do. So celebrate!
Harley will tell you stories about what he
found if you ask him, and he will love
you up. 

so sorry to hear
about the foot. I'm having mouth
problems. Had my wisdom tooth removed
and felt no pain after. But  weeks later
have incredible wrenching. Dentist
says its muscle spasms and it is
scary bad and i go through  PTSD
flashbacks of the pain on the way
to TM.  BUT i'm thinking he's right
because ibuprofen wipes it out, as
awful as it is, and so do warm compresses.
I'm perversely bothered by two days
of ibuprofen use-- don't like
this on top of my required aspirin
but i am too distracted with mouth
pain plus the dull hum of  TM's
pain in the butt.

I wish you healing and joy.
Happy Holidays!


Re: [TMIC] Nerve Pain

2009-12-20 Thread Janice Nichols

From: jrushton 
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 11:38 AM
To: kevin weilacher ; tmic 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Nerve Pain

   Yes, Janice, and Kevin, I'm sure most of us can relate exactly to what 
you both say.  The pain never seems to go away but oh, when it gets bad it is 
really bad.. I explained mine like the pain of the worst burn I've ever had.  
It gets so bad it almost makes you not want to breathe for fear of making it 
worse.. Jeanne in Dayton, WA

  ---Original Message---

  From: kevin weilacher
  Date: 12/20/2009 8:17:50 AM
  To: Janice Nichols;  tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Nerve Pain

  My nerve pain runs from where my lesion is (L4,L5 and S1 which is right 
at the tailbone) all the way through my butt and down through the back of both 
of my legs down to my knees. The pain in the tailbone area is a real bad 
burning sensation and then when it gets down to the backs of my legs, it feels 
like my skin is literally being ripped apart. There are times when I will feel 
the backs of my legs with my fingers, just to check to make sure there isn't an 
open wound there because the sensation is so strong.
  The colder the weather also makes the sensation stronger and also in the 
summer if I have been outside doing any kind of physical activity.
  There are times that the sensations are so bad that I can't even lay on 
my back in bed because I can't stand having the backs of my legs or my butt 
touching the sheets and most times it is hard just to sit in a chair for any 
longer than a few minutes at a time and when I am sitting I don't sit flat on 
my butt, I have to sit cocked over to one side or the other.
  Does it get bad enough to get me down..?Short answeryes.

  Kevin Weilacher
  N.E. Ohio (Canton)

  From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Sat, December 19, 2009 11:14:35 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] 

  Okay, I have another question.   When we talk about nerve pain, are 
we all talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of calves? Or 
do you all
  have some other areas that are affected?Does it ever get bad enough 
that it makes you all down? Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the 
leg.   I just
  wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same areas.   Janice


Re: [TMIC]

2009-12-20 Thread Janice Nichols
I also take Baclofen and Neurontin.I feel it is a good combination - keeps 
my legs settled down so I can sleep at nite.

From: rj_ran...@yahoo.com 
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 6:41 PM
To: Janet Dunn ; 'Janice Nichols' ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC]

Those are the same areas that I've dealt with. Bachlophen (no clue on the 
spell) neurotin really made a difference 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Janet Dunn j.d...@shaw.ca 
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 06:41:07 -0700
To: 'Janice Nichols'jan...@centurytel.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [TMIC]

OMG Nerve Pain.


Yikes.  I get it in the banding around my torso.  Down my right leg, on the 
outside, from the top of the hip to the bottom of the foot, and some on the 
left foot too, but not nearly as bad.


It gets bad enough that I want to check out some times.  I have found that 
lyrica helps.  And percodan.  And now my pain doctor has me on cesamet and 
oxycontin just to keep me sane.


And the cold:  We just came through a -40 degree temperature spell – that was 
awful.  I actually had to stay at home for a few days as my mobility was 
seriously affected.  This morning it is only -20, so my legs are only half as 
bad.  Lol.  




From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: December 19, 2009 9:15 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC]


Okay, I have another question.   When we talk about nerve pain, are we all 
talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of calves? Or do you 

have some other areas that are affected?Does it ever get bad enough that it 
makes you all down? Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the leg.   
I just

wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same areas.   Janice

Re: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

2009-12-20 Thread Akua
thanks Janice... it feels like nerve/root pain, but it's where the 
tooth no longer is.
It has awakened me for two nights-- just like TM used to, so I'm 
getting desperate.

Hope it will be gone by Christmas.

Happy solstice!

I am deathly afraid of tooth pain - again it is too close to the 
nerve pain from TM. Hope you get those spasms under control and 
gone soon!


From: mailto:a...@artfarm.comAkua
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 3:47 PM
To: mailto:heyjude48...@aol.comJude Hoops ; 

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

Congratulations on your new family member.
I yearn for a pooch. I love my remaining
kitty, but like dogs and cats together. sigh.
I know too well that dogs require daily
long walks, which i can't do. So celebrate!
Harley will tell you stories about what he
found if you ask him, and he will love
you up. 

so sorry to hear
about the foot. I'm having mouth
problems. Had my wisdom tooth removed
and felt no pain after. But  weeks later
have incredible wrenching. Dentist
says its muscle spasms and it is
scary bad and i go through  PTSD
flashbacks of the pain on the way
to TM.  BUT i'm thinking he's right
because ibuprofen wipes it out, as
awful as it is, and so do warm compresses.
I'm perversely bothered by two days
of ibuprofen use-- don't like
this on top of my required aspirin
but i am too distracted with mouth
pain plus the dull hum of  TM's
pain in the butt.

I wish you healing and joy.
Happy Holidays!



Re: [TMIC]

2009-12-20 Thread rj_rankin
Can u mentally function after neurotin?  I'm writing my dissertation so I'm 
always battle - ok which to deal with as the greater distrator - pain or lala 
land lol
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 22:43:22 
To: rj_ran...@yahoo.com; Janet Dunnj.d...@shaw.ca; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC]

I also take Baclofen and Neurontin.I feel it is a good combination - keeps 
my legs settled down so I can sleep at nite.

From: rj_ran...@yahoo.com 
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 6:41 PM
To: Janet Dunn ; 'Janice Nichols' ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC]

Those are the same areas that I've dealt with. Bachlophen (no clue on the 
spell) neurotin really made a difference 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Janet Dunn j.d...@shaw.ca 
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 06:41:07 -0700
To: 'Janice Nichols'jan...@centurytel.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [TMIC]

OMG Nerve Pain.


Yikes.  I get it in the banding around my torso.  Down my right leg, on the 
outside, from the top of the hip to the bottom of the foot, and some on the 
left foot too, but not nearly as bad.


It gets bad enough that I want to check out some times.  I have found that 
lyrica helps.  And percodan.  And now my pain doctor has me on cesamet and 
oxycontin just to keep me sane.


And the cold:  We just came through a -40 degree temperature spell – that was 
awful.  I actually had to stay at home for a few days as my mobility was 
seriously affected.  This morning it is only -20, so my legs are only half as 
bad.  Lol.  




From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: December 19, 2009 9:15 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC]


Okay, I have another question.   When we talk about nerve pain, are we all 
talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of calves? Or do you 

have some other areas that are affected?Does it ever get bad enough that it 
makes you all down? Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the leg.   
I just

wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same areas.   Janice

Re: [TMIC] I love you guys

2009-12-20 Thread Janice Nichols
I don't think there is anything harder in the world than watching your child 
suffer. Bless you and your family.

From: Barbara Alma 
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 6:50 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: [TMIC] I love you guys

I just came on to TMIC and am overwhelmed at the show of support by my family 
here.  It is so heartwarming to see how many have came on and offered up 
support and prayers for our family at this time. 

We were told this morning that Dan will be in the hospital for about a week, 
and that he should be fine, but it will take a while for him to recover from 
this.  We can be patient .. although it is hard watching him go through 

Again, thank you all and I cannot express how much this means to me.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC]

2009-12-20 Thread Janice Nichols
Actually, I have never felt any affect mentally with neurontin.I take 1800 
mg a day - what do you take?Janice

From: rj_ran...@yahoo.com 
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 10:46 PM
To: Janice Nichols ; Janet Dunn ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC]

Can u mentally function after neurotin? I'm writing my dissertation so I'm 
always battle - ok which to deal with as the greater distrator - pain or lala 
land lol 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net 
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 22:43:22 -0600
To: rj_ran...@yahoo.com; Janet Dunnj.d...@shaw.ca; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC]

I also take Baclofen and Neurontin.I feel it is a good combination - keeps 
my legs settled down so I can sleep at nite.

From: rj_ran...@yahoo.com 
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 6:41 PM
To: Janet Dunn ; 'Janice Nichols' ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC]

Those are the same areas that I've dealt with. Bachlophen (no clue on the 
spell) neurotin really made a difference 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Janet Dunn j.d...@shaw.ca 
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 06:41:07 -0700
To: 'Janice Nichols'jan...@centurytel.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [TMIC]

OMG Nerve Pain.


Yikes.  I get it in the banding around my torso.  Down my right leg, on the 
outside, from the top of the hip to the bottom of the foot, and some on the 
left foot too, but not nearly as bad.


It gets bad enough that I want to check out some times.  I have found that 
lyrica helps.  And percodan.  And now my pain doctor has me on cesamet and 
oxycontin just to keep me sane.


And the cold:  We just came through a -40 degree temperature spell – that was 
awful.  I actually had to stay at home for a few days as my mobility was 
seriously affected.  This morning it is only -20, so my legs are only half as 
bad.  Lol.  




From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: December 19, 2009 9:15 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC]


Okay, I have another question.   When we talk about nerve pain, are we all 
talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of calves? Or do you 

have some other areas that are affected?Does it ever get bad enough that it 
makes you all down? Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the leg.   
I just

wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same areas.   Janice

Re: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

2009-12-20 Thread Janice Nichols
I am so glad to hear from you!It's about time.Is Harley a pup or an 
older dog?I love animals too.
We just got a new computer and it does take some time adjusting.
   I hope you have made contact with the doc's to get all of
your currant problems taken care of. Let us know what they find.
So glad to have you back, Janice

From: Jude Hoops 
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 7:30 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: [TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

Hi Guys,

It's been a while, but it's me, Jude...
For those of you who recall my name, I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to 
get back into the swing of things.  The death of our dear Pam really took the 
wind out of my sails and laid me low for all this time. 

Not one darn thing has changed in my life except that we have added another 
mouth to feed, and he eats constantly and I have yet to find a food that he 
won't eat.  His name is Harley, after Dave's best human friend and is part 
Spaniel/Beagle.  Harley is white with silvery/black large spots and a black 
circle around one eye.  Once Dave figures out how to send pictures to the 
Internet we will post some of the whole family. 

Dave is adjusting well to being retired, especially now that he has a buddy 
to hang around with.  I'm not sure what they do out there, but they go tramping 
through the woods behind the house and chase squirrels and whatever else.  
Harley puts his nose to the ground and pulls poor Dave along behind him whether 
Dave wants to go there or not.

I have remained pretty much stuck in my bed due to almost constant UTI's and a 
serious aversion to wearing briefs although I have to when I go out which is 
not often.  In fact, I now even have a doctor who makes home visits and I 
really like him so far.  I need to call him as soon as his office opens and 
make arrangements to go to the hospital since I believe I have one seriously 
broken ankle/foot.  This brittle-bone disease is for the birds.

I was inspecting my feet and toes for whatever one checks their Transverse 
Myelitis feet against; black spot, spider webs and such, and just like several 
years ago, I heard a cracking sound and although I have very little sensation, 
it does seem to hurt quite a bit.

So anyway...what's up will all of you people?  What kind of trouble have my old 
friends gotten into?  C'mon, spit it out...You know I will get it out of you 
sometime...as the old adage goes, you can run, but you can't hide.   Ok, 
let's start with you Doctor Rick; have you and the fam gone on any neat 
excursions out into the wilds of the world?  And how is Terry doing?  Still up 
and getting around in spite of good old TM?  Miss Ella...I haven't heard a word 
from you or any of your 105 sisters.  I'm sure that you are busy getting ready 
for some celebration or another.  I know it's got to be someone's birthday or 

I now have a new computer with which I am having a love/hate relationship with. 
 This one does all kinds of new tricks and treats, but it's not the right time 
of year for that so it's not cooperating.  It's got to have something to do 
with that inch or so of white stuff littering the ground, looking like it's 
going to stay for three or four months.  And now, if Dave agrees that I need to 
be seen by the doc, I will probably need to go out for x-rays.

 Well friends, I won't take up any more of your time and will let you know what 
the Dr. has to say and if I get casted, what color I will choose.

Lots and lots of love,