OMG Nerve Pain.


Yikes.  I get it in the banding around my torso.  Down my right leg, on the
outside, from the top of the hip to the bottom of the foot, and some on the
left foot too, but not nearly as bad.


It gets bad enough that I want to check out some times.  I have found that
lyrica helps.  And percodan.  And now my pain doctor has me on cesamet and
oxycontin just to keep me sane.


And the cold:  We just came through a -40 degree temperature spell - that
was awful.  I actually had to stay at home for a few days as my mobility was
seriously affected.  This morning it is only -20, so my legs are only half
as bad.  Lol.  




From: Janice Nichols [] 
Sent: December 19, 2009 9:15 PM
Subject: [TMIC]


Okay, I have another question.       When we talk about nerve pain, are we
all talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of calves?     Or
do you all

have some other areas that are affected?    Does it ever get bad enough that
it makes you all down?     Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the
leg.   I just

wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same areas.           Janice

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