Yes, Janice, and Kevin, I'm sure most of us can relate exactly to what you
both say.  The pain never seems to go away but oh, when it gets bad it is
really bad.. I explained mine like the pain of the worst burn I've ever had.
 It gets so bad it almost makes you not want to breathe for fear of making
it worse.. Jeanne in Dayton, WA
-------Original Message-------
From: kevin weilacher
Date: 12/20/2009 8:17:50 AM
To: Janice Nichols;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Nerve Pain
My nerve pain runs from where my lesion is (L4,L5 and S1 which is right at
the tailbone) all the way through my butt and down through the back of both
of my legs down to my knees. The pain in the tailbone area is a real bad
burning sensation and then when it gets down to the backs of my legs, it
feels like my skin is literally being ripped apart. There are times when I
will feel the backs of my legs with my fingers, just to check to make sure
there isn't an open wound there because the sensation is so strong.
The colder the weather also makes the sensation stronger and also in the
summer if I have been outside doing any kind of physical activity.
There are times that the sensations are so bad that I can't even lay on my
back in bed because I can't stand having the backs of my legs or my butt
touching the sheets and most times it is hard just to sit in a chair for any
longer than a few minutes at a time and when I am sitting I don't sit flat
on my butt, I have to sit cocked over to one side or the other.
Does it get bad enough to get me down..?    Short answer....yes.

Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio (Canton)

From: Janice Nichols <>
Sent: Sat, December 19, 2009 11:14:35 PM
Subject: [TMIC] 

Okay, I have another question.       When we talk about nerve pain, are we
all talking about from top of back thighs down to bottom of calves?     Or
do you all
have some other areas that are affected?    Does it ever get bad enough that
it makes you all down?     Mine will do that-like a knife tearing down the
leg.   I just
wondered if we all felt the same thing in the same areas.           Janice



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