[TMIC] unsubscribe

2012-01-10 Thread Sally Wilkinson


Sally Wilkinson

Business Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277


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[TMIC] unsubscribe

2011-10-11 Thread Sally Wilkinson


Sally Wilkinson

Business Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277


 http://www.genesisdesign.uk.com/ www.genesisdesign.uk.com


 http://www.twitter.com/genesis3ddesign Description: Description: Twitter


 http://twitpic.com/photos/Genesis3DDesign Genesis Portfolio



[TMIC] Can CCSVI help with TM?

2011-07-18 Thread Sally Wilkinson

Have you guys heard anything about CCSVI + CHRONIC CEREBROSPINAL
There is much talk of it helping people with MS, but England do not do this
procedure, and Scotland do, but you can not get an appointment as they are
so busy.
As I understand it, in people with MS many of them can have thickening of
the arteries in the neck. If that is the case when they are tested they
insert balloons in the arteries, which helps with the blood flow and toxins
etc., so much so that it really can help with their symptoms, and brain fog.
So it MIGHT help TM'ers too
I have looked quite extensively on the internet including the MS site, but
there is conflicting info on there, so I am now trying to ask around
because I often feel that, to save money the UK policy to everything, is to
remain sceptical? When I had breast cancer I became more aware of what they
did not tell in terms of treatment and options, and what perhaps worked in
other countries but that was still not acceptable in the UK!
So if any of you have come across this, and have information or
commentsthey would be most welcome!
Also Rob Pall, I have lost your e-mail address. Please e-mail me at work.
Many thanks
Sally in the UK. (whose husband Roger has TM)

[TMIC] unsubscribe

2010-07-08 Thread Sally Wilkinson

I have been trying to unsubscribe for days as I am going on holiday, and
will get into trouble if all the messages keep coming through on this work
computer. I can not seem to do this.this time and have any trouble in
the past!




Sally Wilkinson

Business Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277



[TMIC] unsubscribe

2010-07-05 Thread Sally Wilkinson


Sally Wilkinson

Business Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277



[TMIC] unsubscribe

2010-06-24 Thread Sally Wilkinson


Sally Wilkinson

Business Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277



[TMIC] Bladder control

2009-01-30 Thread Sally Wilkinson
Hi Guys


Thank you to all of you who replied! I have forwarded your e-mails to my
husband, who I will make sure understands your comments, and gets checked
out by his doc for any prostate problems!


Thanks again



Sally Wilkinson

Business Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277



[TMIC] Bladder control

2009-01-29 Thread Sally Wilkinson
Hi Guys


Am I right in thinking that bladder control can be an issue with TM? My TM
husband thinks its not, and that his visits to the loo 7-10 times a night
and needing to suddenly pee urgently at any time have nothing to do with his


Kind regards


Sally in the UK


Sally Wilkinson

Business Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277



[TMIC] Jude

2009-01-21 Thread Sally Wilkinson
Years ago when I did not know which way was up Jude helped me so much. It's
my husband that has TM, and I really struggled with so many issues I was not
even sure I had the strength to stay with him, and Jude was there to help me
and she often made me laugh too. I hope it will be possible for someone to
tell her that I am thinking of her and am sending her every positive thought
I have in my head. 


Sally in the UK 


Sally Wilkinson

Business Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277



[TMIC] have you heard of HSP?

2009-01-20 Thread Sally Wilkinson
Hi there


My husband Roger has had TM for 9 years! BUT...his mother
has had problems with her legs for years. His brother who was a paramedic
also has problems with his legs now, and after about a year trying to find
out what the problem is, has been told he has Hereditary spastic paraplegia!


If you look at the symptoms for HSP it is very similar to TM.


We understand there is a blood test to identify HSP, which Roger will get
very soon hopefully. So there we are trying to get our heads round TM
still.. and this comes along just to blow our tiny minds!


You may all know of HSP, in which case please TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW!! Also
if you have a family member with similar symptoms to you, it might be an
idea to investigate HSP?


I have no idea what your politics are, but please let me wish you all a
wonderful day. I am from the UK and your new president has given so many
people here a bit of hope, which is such a positive thing!


Kind regards 


Sally in the UK


[TMIC] unsubscribe

2008-10-30 Thread Sally Wilkinson


Sally Wilkinson

Business Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277



[TMIC] The name of the drug

2008-10-28 Thread Sally Wilkinson
Which I totally forgot to mention (just call me a twonk!) is Alemtuzumab 


Sorry guys


Sally in the UK

FW: [TMIC] MS drug /maybe??

2008-10-27 Thread Sally Wilkinson

Hi there

This is excellent information, and the reason that I re-subscribed. I am
a wife of a TM'er in the UK, and wanted to find out if this drug was
suitable for people that have TM. In the UK the media never cover TM. Do
we know yet?
I only came back on line on Friday so I may have missed something
regarding this matter! Any information would be greatly received.

Many people helped me a great deal a couple of years ago, as I had so
many questions, and a husband unwilling to ask, and doctors in the UK in
the dark about TM. Thank you so much to those people.

I must say that one of the reasons I did not stay on the list was that
people said they would pray for me, which I found very upsetting and
also annoying. In the subject heading I had no idea before I read their
post that it would contain such statements, so I am not sure about the
advice given to Sandy? How do you know to delete it before you have read
it? And if you read it before deleting the damage is done.

I am an atheist and I would never think to mention it. Positive thoughts
can mean many things to many people, so why not just say that? Sandy and
Rob are so right when they say it's just not a place for politics or
religion. BUT if you mark the content in the subject heading and people
on the list think they might be offended they can DELETE!

Anyway this is just the opinion of a TM'ers wife from the UK! Please
take no notice of my ramblings if it gives offence!

Kind regards

Sally in the UK!

-Original Message-
Sent: 25 October 2008 01:05
To: TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] MS drug /maybe??

My daughter saw this article on Yahoo and sent it on to me. Very
since some of us have TM/MS I thought you might want to read it... 
It's certainly an improvement over what's being going on with some of
TM'ers on this list. :)

Frank. welcome back!! you certainly arrived with an agenda!!! Now
this article tell us what you think and then have your martini...

There is always Hope! Trudy

- Researchers at the University of Cambridge said they have found that
alemtuzumab, a drug originally developed .
 LONDON (AFP) - Researchers at the University of Cambridge said
they have found that a drug originally developed to treat leukaemia can
and even reverse the debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis (MS).
 In trials, alemtuzumab reduced the number of attacks in sufferers and
helped them recover lost functions, apparently allowing damaged brain
to repair so that individuals were less disabled than at the start of
 The ability of an MS drug to promote brain repair is unprecedented,
Dr Alasdair Coles, a lecturer at Cambridge university's department of
clinical neurosciences, who coordinated many aspects of the study.
 We are witnessing a drug which, if given early enough, might
stop the advancement of the disease and also restore lost function by
promoting repair of the damaged brain tissue.
 The MS Society, Britain's largest support charity for those affected
the condition, said it was delighted at the trial's results, which
must be
followed up with more research before the drug can be licensed.
 This is the first drug that has shown the potential to halt and even
reverse the debilitating effects of MS and this news will rightly bring
to people living with the condition day in, day out, said head of
Lee Dunster.
 MS is an auto-immune disease that affects millions of people
including almost 100,000 in Britain and 400,000 in the United States.
 It is caused by the body's immune system attacking nerve fibres in the
central nervous system, and can lead to loss of sight and mobility,
depression, fatigue and cognitive problems. There is no cure, and few
effective treatments.
 In the trial, 334 patients diagnosed with early-stage
MS who had not previously been treated were given alemtuzumab or
beta-1a, one of the most effective licensed therapies for similar MS
 After three years, alemtuzumab was found to reduce the number of
the patients suffered by 74 percent over the other treatment, and reduce
risk of sustained accumulation of disability by 71 percent over
 Many individuals who took alemtuzumab also recovered some of their
functions, becoming less disabled by the end, while the disabilities of
other patients worsened, the study in the New England Journal of
 Alastair Compston, professor of neurology and head of the clinical
neurosciences department at Cambridge, said alemtuzumab was the most
promising experimental drug for the treatment of MS.
 He expressed hope that further trials will confirm that it can both
stabilise and allow some recovery of what had previously been assumed to
irreversible disabilities.
 Alemtuzumab was developed in Cambridge and has been 

[TMIC] unsubscribe

2007-03-16 Thread Sally Wilkinson


Sally Wilkinson

Business Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277



[TMIC] TM question from Sally/UPDATE!

2007-01-24 Thread Sally Wilkinson

May I just tell all of you how fantastic you all are! Thank you so much!
have had so many of you contact me both on and off the list, and I have just
written this to Cody, which is by way of an update and might make my
thoughts a bit clearer to you guys?



Thank you so much for taking time out to write to me. I do know how lucky we
are and I think in a way that's why I felt so angry with my husband. He did
get TM from a flu shot in Dec 2000, and is now the very best he has been
health wise since then. Every specialist back, neuro ETC  has told us
through the years that they and their families DO NOT HAVE THESE JABS
Roger has avoided them on that basis and because of what happened to him in

That is why I am so shocked that he would put himself in grave danger. The
consequences of his actions in having this pneumonia shot could make him far
worse, and he may have to cancel the spinal implant op he is due to have in
May. Which we fort very hard for. He has under gone intensive physio at the
end of 2006 to enable him to have this op..so I see it as him trying
to sabotage our current life and his op.

 I have had counseling so that I could grief about the loss of my husband's
fitness and mood swings etc and to come to terms with being his career on an
on-going basis. I resolved all of those issues and felt we were going from
strength to strength.

I am now not sure how much I respect him anymore, and do know that if his
level of disability increases as a result of this shot I will not be able to
continue as it was self inflicted. He is not an idiot which makes this
harder to bear.

I feel I am being totally rational, and this the only way I have managed to
calm down and stop crying by giving myself permission to leave if I have to.

I am what I am.. as they say!

Kind regards 


Sally in the UK



[TMIC] TM question from Sally!

2007-01-22 Thread Sally Wilkinson
Hi Guys


I really need to run something by you please. My husband who you may
remember got TM in Dec 2000, and who can walk with a stick, got TM from a
flu jab we are sure. He went to the Doc's on Thursday and the nurse in the
surgery said he should have a jab for pneumonia. He ran that past the Doctor
who said I don't see why
??? So he had it done there and then. He then told me he'd
had it done.

How could anyone be so incredibly stupid?

Why would he tell me? And how can I work through this?

I have not lost my health to TM but I have lost a lot of my husband to TM.
My life has been devastated by TM too.


As you can tell I'm very hurt, angry and frightened. You can also get
horrific side effects from this 2nd jab so I am terrified for his health and
wondering how our marriage can carry on if he suffers no adverse side
effects or further disability as he has been so stupid and did not even
discuss it with me 1st. I do know this though I will run as far and as fast
as I can if something else happens to him coz as far as I'm concerned its
self inflicted this time.


I would really welcome your thoughts and comments.especially if you
can shed any light on wot might of motivated him to have this jab, and then
to tell me?


I have been awake crying since 4am and now I'm at work I keep getting upset
again. Sorry to come to the list with all of this but my other friends do
not quite understand the implications here!


Sally in the UK



Sally Wilkinson

Business Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277



[TMIC] Hello!

2006-04-26 Thread Sally Wilkinson

Any idea when the TMers in the UK might receive
their copy of the journal please?


Sally in the UK.

Sally Wilkinson

Busness Development Manager

Genesis Design

The Barn Ipsden Oxfordshire OX10 6AS

+44(0)1491 682277


[TMIC] Another fish oil question! Perhaps to the TM ladies only?

2006-03-14 Thread Sally Wilkinson

Sorry to ask this but has anyone found that their stomach
bloats right out taking fish oil? Ive been on it for nearly a week plus
I am not due a period for 2 weeks and I have been watching my food intake. 2 years
ago I had lost 6 stone but have been really stuck and now really want to lose
more as I really do need to!

I have a pair of black jeans that are the measure
of my previous weight loss which I have worn for the last 2 years (WELL NOT
EVERY DAY AND I HAVE WASHED THEM!!) Which now will not do up! Which seems so
odd as I have been taking the fish oil. and
dieting for 2 weeks!

Plus may I state that it is my husband that has TM, so I
hope you dont mind me joining in on this one?

Take good care of yourselves

Sally in the UK

[TMIC] could this help?

2005-12-14 Thread Sally Wilkinson

My husband recently trailed a device to help his back pain
and to help him be steadier on his feet! We
are in the UK, so forgive me if you guys already
know all about this!

Its a bit bigger than a mobile phone and has wires
and electrodes x2 which are placed near the top of the spine and near the
bottom of the spine. It sends pulses from 1 electrode to the other. Its
called Acticare.

After using it for a week my husband felt that the pain was greatly
reduced and that his walking got faster and steadier! He had
to hand it back to the pain clinic after a week, and went home and ordered one
via the internet, which arrived the next day. ( it was £200) Over the last few
weeks he feels the benefit more and more. Of course you have to charge it and
be without it sometimes, and than the pain is back to its usual levelbut
you know that you can get the device back on and you will soon feel much

You would have to have help to put the sticky gel pads on as
they go right in the middle of your back! If anyone wants any further info
please let me know and I will try and help!

It was Harrietts e-mail that inspired me to share!
Hope it helps someone.

Kind regards

Sally in the UK.

[TMIC] Glucosamine

2005-12-13 Thread Sally Wilkinson

Hi Guys

Do any of you already take the above and has it had any
positive benefits? Also is this new or is it what Ive seen advertised a
lot in the UK to strengthen bones? Sorry to be
such a ding bat..but hey
thats just me!

Many thanks in advance

Sally in the UK.