Re: [TMIC] Re: Medicare and meds

2005-11-19 Thread FHargr3092
Both of us are on Medicare.and have State Employee insurance as our seecondary.The secondary has a drug plan and they've told us that they're going to enroll all membership to the Medicare drug plan and incorporate it into our present drug plan with no changes except those annual changes they make in what it costs for their services...We've used the heck out of that program and medicare and are completely happy with how much they cover!! 

Medicare has taken care of me since the onset of tm and I've been very pleased!!
I've been in the hospital 3 more times since then and Frank has had numerous surgeries and they (with our secondary) have covered it all except our copay for doc visits and drugs. Of course, we do pay Medicare Part B and pay to get our secondary insurance..which is stilll less than I paid for our health insurance while
I was still teaching!!

It certainly has made life easier not having to worry about the financial end of all our
various ails!!

Just my 2ยข.janh Stilllwater, OK

[TMIC] Re: Medicare and meds

2005-11-19 Thread BobbyJim

Well, am actually covered by two HMOs. Am a 
retired civil servant and the CSC supplies me with a small choice of 
plans. I chose Aetna because it was cheaper than BC-BS. The problem 
with Aetna is that few doctors accept it here in Memphis so I went to work part 
time at the FedEx Hub and signed up with CIGNA, and so far so good. 
So why don't I drop Aetna..??? Because I can't. If I drop it I 
cannot re-enroll ever (CSC rules) and I don't plan to work at the Hub much 
longer. So for now, my payments to Aetna are wasted.

Nobody has urged me to enroll in Medicare, not so 
far. We'll see how this one plays out.
As for the docs am seeing, my PCP is a good one 
and so are both the ophthalmologists I've been consulting re my impending 
(second) cataract operation next spring. With the open source system 
now in vogue I can pick any specialist I want, and without a 
referral. Nice.
What am not crazy about is how the co-pays have 
jumped in price.

Bobberino in Elvisland, where summer finally 
played itself out... (must've been the time change 

From: Alton Ryder 
To: BobbyJim ; tmic Sent: 
Friday, November 18, 2005 9:29 PM Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: 
Medicare and meds
on 11/18/05 8:46 PM, BobbyJim wrote:  I see 
no point on going on 
Medicare.-I'm surprised your 
employer does not require it. From the employer's viewpoint, Medicare is a way 
to get the government to pick up 80% of the costs instead of the insurance 
company and thereby the entity paying for the insurance.I am lucky. My 
employer, Digital Equipment Corporation, was acquired by Compaq which in turn 
was acquired by HP. [I've been retired for 13 years.] My primary insurance is 
Medicare, my secondary UHC.UHC hides behind Medicare, so, in effect, I have no 
secondary until I hit major medical, which I did for three years or 
so.I'm a happy puppy. I go to any physician or specialist I choose, so I 
get good care. Don't get me going about the years I was victim to 
HMO's.There are downsides to Medicare. Some physicians will not accept 
Medicare assignment. It doesn't matter if they at least submit the paperwork to 
Medicare. If they don't, you have to do a lot of paperwork. I had a few expenses 
over the years where I had to submit the papers myself; in every case I failed 
to do so in time and ate the charges. [I've got a problem that way.] Also, 
Medicare does not cover expenses outside the country.Alton, who keeps 
detailed spread sheets on medical expenses 

[TMIC] Re: Medicare and meds

2005-11-18 Thread BobbyJim

Well, am 65 y.o. and me missus is ten years 
younger. We are both covered by an HMO, which includes a drug plan, visual 
and dental coverage as well.

Even tho I qualify, am not going on Medicare as am 
still gainfully employed and covered by a reputable (?) HMO. I've 
heard on the radio that as long as am employed and under an HMO, I'll pay no 
penalties if I defer my Medicare coverage. After all, Medicare deductions 
are still being 'stolen' out of my paycheck, whether am 65 or not. So why 
pay twice
Not this chap. Also, our prescription 
drug coverage takes care of all our meds, including the very very expensive 
Avonex, minus, but of course, the co-payment.

If any of you are covered by an HMO with a good 
prescription drug coverage, unless your meds are not included, I see no point on 
going on Medicare.Not at this point.
Any contrary opinions.??? Do 

Bobberino in finally cold Elvisland; summer is 
finally over, a week before Gobble-Gobble Day.

Re: [TMIC] Re: Medicare and meds

2005-11-18 Thread Alton Ryder
on 11/18/05 8:46 PM, BobbyJim wrote:

  I see no point on going on Medicare.

I'm surprised your employer does not require it. From the employer's
viewpoint, Medicare is a way to get the government to pick up 80% of the
costs instead of the insurance company and thereby the entity paying for the

I am lucky. My employer, Digital Equipment Corporation, was acquired by
Compaq which in turn was acquired by HP. [I've been retired for 13 years.]
My primary insurance is Medicare, my secondary UHC.UHC hides behind
Medicare, so, in effect, I have no secondary until I hit major medical,
which I did for three years or so.

I'm a happy puppy. I go to any physician or specialist I choose, so I get
good care. Don't get me going about the years I was victim to HMO's.

There are downsides to Medicare. Some physicians will not accept Medicare
assignment. It doesn't matter if they at least submit the paperwork to
Medicare. If they don't, you have to do a lot of paperwork. I had a few
expenses over the years where I had to submit the papers myself; in every
case I failed to do so in time and ate the charges. [I've got a problem that
way.] Also, Medicare does not cover expenses outside the country.

Alton, who keeps detailed spread sheets on medical expenses