Re: C-[aeuk] not working after building from source

2014-06-25 Thread Frank Terbeck

Kartik Agaram wrote:
 spawn: /usr/bin/zsh -- 

Since you're using zsh, my guess is that this is not a tmux problem at
all. I bet your $EDITOR or your $VISUAL looks like vi (like vim or
similar). Then zsh chooses its default line editor mode to be vi
instead of emacs. Those inverted '^A' strings you're seeing (in your
screenshot for example) are zsh's way to insert special characters, that
are not bound to any actions (C-a, C-e etc are not bound by default in
vi-mode by default).

Since you clearly want emacs mode in zsh's line editor, put this into
your zsh setup before you do any other keyboard setup:

  bindkey -e

That will force emacs mode in zsh's line editor.

Regards, Frank

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Re: Why tmux doesn't have command line help, --help or --version?

2014-06-19 Thread Frank Terbeck
anatoly techtonik wrote:
 Tmux is awesome, but I can not use it without Google. For example, I tried
 to get some version to see if some changes in last releases can be the
 source of weirdness that I am experiencing running irssi under it.

Why google, when there's a perfectly fine manual?

% man tmux

= -VReport the tmux version.

Regards, Frank

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nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
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Re: Re : Re: tmux 1.9a in cygwin

2014-05-30 Thread Frank Terbeck wrote:
 Thnak you Mark for working to make tmux run under cygwin. I tried
 before (actually also tried with mingw) but did'nt get it right. So,
 once you succeed it would be great if you could provide, for the rest
 of us who can't fix it, a step by step explainatory tuto to complete
 the task successfully.

For the record (because it sounds like you think tmux fundamentally
doesn't work in cygwin, yet), I got a working tmux in cygwin on the
windoze machine at work. And I didn't do anything special to get it
working. I just installed the package that is supplied by cygwin's

No idea, what's causing the OP's problem, though.

Regards, Frank

In protocol design, perfection has been reached not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
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Re: Process in pane freezes

2014-05-02 Thread Frank Terbeck
Kaushal wrote:
 That was it!! You are a savior!! Thanks!
 I was able to recreate that dreading freeze using Ctrl-s. I'm
 unbinding that key from tcsh immediately.

 I wonder why anyone would want to freeze their terminal.. an April
 fools joke? :)

Nope. This is a concept called in-band flow control¹, which is often
used in serial links, which is how terminals used to be connected to
computers and is what terminal emulators... well, emulate.

Regards, Frank


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Re: [PATCH 1/1] FAQ: Mention why session-attach has 'dots'

2013-08-31 Thread Frank Terbeck
Nicholas Marriott wrote:
 * Why do I see dots around a session when I attach to it?

 tmux limits the size of the window to the smallest attached session. If

Isn't it rather smallest attached client?

Regards, Frank

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Re: tmux not respecting disabled control flow

2013-05-14 Thread Frank Terbeck
Nicholas Marriott wrote:
 Sounds like it doesn't work for noninteractive shells, probably need to
 put the stty somewhere that your shell always reads even if

 Surely vim should be turning off flow control itself though?

I think that turning flow control off is the only reasonable thing for a
full-screen application such as vim. Vim isn't the only one that doesn't
do it though. From the top of my head neither do mutt, cmus and wyrd.
I'm sure there are lot of other ones that don't do it either.

Regards, Frank

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Re: tmux not respecting disabled control flow

2013-05-14 Thread Frank Terbeck
Marco wrote:
 On 2013–05–14 Nicholas Marriott wrote:
 Surely vim should be turning off flow control itself though?

 As Frank already pointed out, it happens with all applications.

To be fair, there are applications that do the right thing. The terminal
version of emacs for example.

You could create a wrapper script like this:


stty -ixon
exec $@

And then make tmux spawn programs like this:

wrapper mutt -f ~/Mail/Inbox

Regards, Frank

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Re: tmux not respecting disabled control flow

2013-05-14 Thread Frank Terbeck
Marco wrote:
 On 2013–05–14 Marco wrote:
 I know you think the programs are at fault, but apparently it's
 common practice to make applications respect the stty setting,
 regardless if it makes sense or not. It's just not practical to
 file a bug report against so many applications.

 Is there anything that can be done from within tmux?

I suppose having an option for new-window and new-session and/or a
server setting that sets the default state of the flowcontrol in the
terminals tmux provides, wouldn't be a completely ridiculous thing to
ask for.  But I know about nothing of tmux's internals to quickly whip
up a patch for that.

Regards, Frank

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Re: tmux not respecting disabled control flow

2013-05-14 Thread Frank Terbeck
Thomas Adam wrote:
 On 14 May 2013 21:24, Frank Terbeck wrote:
 I suppose having an option for new-window and new-session and/or a
 server setting that sets the default state of the flowcontrol in the
 terminals tmux provides, wouldn't be a completely ridiculous thing to
 ask for.  But I know about nothing of tmux's internals to quickly whip
 up a patch for that.

 I'm not so sure this is a good idea. You'd end up with having to duplicate
 much of stty's functionality here.

 Chalk another one up for hook support perhaps.

Ha! Indeed. :-)

Regards, Frank

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Re: tcsh completition

2013-05-01 Thread Frank Terbeck
Anton Yuzhaninov wrote:
 Please add tcsh completion file to examples dir:
 (alongside examples/

Since these both came up, and you wonder Where's a zsh completion?,
know that a zsh tmux completion is maintained upstream.

If something is missing from it, or if it even contains bugs, feel free
to tell either me or

Regards, Frank

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Re: Integration of patches for Solaris [backspace key goes forward on Solaris Intel

2013-04-22 Thread Frank Terbeck
Hello John,

Note, that I didn't read the whole backlog. From what I gathered, your
zsh is misbehaving inside of tmux. I can guess what might be going on.
Maybe I'm onto something or maybe not. I guess we'll only know if you
try. ;)

John Long wrote:
 Yes, correct. And only with zsh. In bash backspace works as expected.

Okay. Bash uses the readline library for input handling. Zsh does not.
It has its own line editor implementation (zle: man zshzle). So,
generally, if bash works that doesn't mean anything for zsh.

Now several things could be going on here. My first and foremost guess
is, that you're actually using vi-mode without realising it.

You can find out by issuing this:

  bindkey -lL main

If that returns bindkey -A viins main you're in vi-mode. Zsh chooses
the default input mode by looking at $EDITOR and $VISUAL. If the value
looks like vi or vim or something like that it chooses vi-mode per
default. If you really want emacs mode, you can force that by doing

  bindkey -e

In any case, you can find out the current binding of a key or key
sequence in the main keymap by doing this:

  bindkey '^?'
  bindkey '^h'

If you do want vi-mode, we have to look at its default bindings. The
default binding in vi-mode is ^h - vi-backward-delete-char. There is
no default binding for ^? in the viins table (at least not according
to the manual). So, if your terminal sends ^? for backspace, you'd
have to do this:

  bindkey -M viins '^?' vi-backward-delete-char

I hope some of this helps.

Regards, Frank

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Re: tmux seems not treat $terminfo properly

2012-10-20 Thread Frank Terbeck
Bill Sun wrote:
 I'm a zsh user. I have those key bindings in .zshrc:
 [[ -n ${key[Home]} ]]  bindkey ${key[Home]} beginning-of-line
 [[ -n ${key[End]}  ]]  bindkey ${key[End]}  end-of-line

 In 'plain' xterm, the Home and End keys work perfectly. In tmux,
 however, these 2 keys won't work at all.

 In xterm, $terminfo[Home] returns 'F'. In tmux, that value returns
 nothing. Can I set tmux to treat $terminfo properly?

It's not tmux, but zsh that's at fault here - if you want to call it

You need to enable the right terminal mode while zsh's line editor is
active (man 5 terminfo: smkx, rmkx). Debian's zsh-5.0.0 package does the
right thing in its zshrc:;a=blob;f=debian/zshrc;hb=HEAD

Look at `zle-line-init()' and `zle-line-finish()'.

Regards, Frank

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