
2001-03-24 Thread Ian Kallen

I haven't seen any real useful answers in the archive about the
form based auth jsp security example 404'ing on

Does something need to be in server.xml to enable this?  I'm including
mod_jk-auto that tomcat generates in my httpd.conf and other examples seem
to be fine but this example is missing any explanation of its usage.  Any
pointer to how this is supposed to be configured would be appreciated!

The setup is:
Apache 1.3.19
Tomcat 3.2.1
JDK 1.2.2
FreeBSD 4.2


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen | efax: (415) 354-3326

Re: tomcat/apache/solaris - redirecting stdout/stderr

2001-03-24 Thread Milt Epstein

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Anuj Agrawal wrote:

> Tomcat archives surprisingly didn't answer this clearly. 8(( (Or
> maybe i'm blind cos i was sure this would have been addressed
> somewhere.)
> Using tomcat 3.2.1 with apache on solaris 8, starting tomcat using
> bin/startup.sh, how do i specify which files (rather than the
> console) the stdout and stderr should be redirected to?
> On Windows, it is straight-forward when running as a service - just
> modify the wrapper.properties file.

I'm using AIX, and I just using shell redirection to capture the
stdout/stderr output to files.  In fact, I actually have a script that
does it.  Basically, it makes a call like:

/path/to/tomcat/bin/startup.sh > /somedir/stdout 2> /somedir/stderr

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Software/Systems Development Group
Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

location of .jsp's

2001-03-24 Thread Shun-Luoi Daniel Fong

I noticed in the mod_jk.conf-auto that all the contexts (i.e., example,
admin, test) are located in /usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps
Can someone tell me how to configure tomcat/apache/linux (i.e. what files
to be configured and how) so that I can store .jsp files in the
public_html folder of my home directory and they are found and run. In
other words, so that I can type:
and apache sends the jsp file to tomcat and it is displayed in the window.
I've been struggling with this issue for a couple of weeks now and have
read and re-read the documentation. Maybe it tells me somewhere in the
docs how to do this, but I'm not figuring it out. So if someone could
please help me, I would really, really appreciate it.
I sent out an email earlier that gave more information about the problem I
am having. Its pasted below.

I'm using Tomcat 3.2, Apache 1.3 on Linux
and i followed your directions.
Here is what i put in my server.xml
but got these errors as follows:
1. In Netscape browser
Not Found(404)
Original request: /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp
Not found request: /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp
2. In the Terminal at the command prompt
2001-03-23 04:25:00 - Ctx(  ): 404 R(  + /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp + null) 
JSP file not found
3. In jasper.log in $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
2001-03-23 04:23:53 - Scratch dir for the JSP engine is: 
2001-03-23 04:23:53 - IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated servlets
2001-03-23 04:25:00 - JspEngine --> /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp
2001-03-23 04:25:00 -ServletPath: /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp
2001-03-23 04:25:00 -   PathInfo: null
2001-03-23 04:25:00 -   RealPath: 
2001-03-23 04:25:00 - RequestURI: /~sdfong/rubyfong/gamezone/testex.jsp
2001-03-23 04:25:00 -QueryString: null
2001-03-23 04:25:00 - Request Params:
2001-03-23 04:25:00 - Classpath according to the init parameter is:
Do you know what I did wrong and how to fix it?



D. Shun-Luoi Fong
821 Melrose Avenue
Iowa City, IA 52246

Colossions 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy
or empty deception, according to the traditions of men, according to the
elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.

Tomcat 3.3 - What are these server.xml tags for ??

2001-03-24 Thread Art Taylor

These tags are in the server.xml file in Tomcat 3.3. What are they for (I can
guess but it would be nice to have some confirmation) and will they be in
Tomcat 4.0?


  -- Art Taylor 



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Tomcat 4.0 - Multiple hosts in a Domain

2001-03-24 Thread sankar kondur


Has anyone done this using tomcat.

I have a single machine with ip address . 
I have 2 domains www.xyz.com and www.abc.com pointing
to it.
I want multiple hosts like host1.xyz.com,
host2.xyz.com, etc to point to and to
different directories on this machine.
Is it possible to do this using Tomcat 4.0


The value of the wise men is exponentially proportional to the number of idiots around 
them. Long live the idiots.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: Session tracking not working - POSTing FORMs

2001-03-24 Thread David Crooke

David Crooke wrote:

> Use an encoded URL for the ACTION parameter of the FORM tag.

Side note - with JServ this works for POSTed forms, but wouldn't work with forms
using the GET method, since JServ used a querystring argument for its rewriting

> David Wall wrote:
> > > The most likely explanation is that you are using instance variables in
> > > your servlets, instead of local variables, to represent the information
> > > for a particular request.  These variables are shared across all of the
> > > simultaneous requests to the same servlet, so it's easy for one request to
> > > scribble on the data of another request.
> >
> > Does anybody know if session tracking -- when cookies are not enabled and
> > using encodeURL/encodeRedirectURL -- works across POST requests.  I've noted
> > that it seems okay with GET requests, but is there anything that needs to be
> > done to ensure that the session id is sent correctly for FORM POSTs?
> >
> > Davd

Problem with Tomcat SSL Direct.

2001-03-24 Thread Eric Wong

I get the following exceptions form tomcat:

2001-03-22 03:47:18 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
2001-03-22 03:47:18 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R( /) Socket closed

And the browser displays the following message:

The page cannot be displayed

I can get Tomcat SSL working if I generate the .keystore the following way:

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA

But when I:

1. generate a request and key;
openssl req -new -out REQ.pem -keyout KEY.pem 
2. generate a self signed certificate;
openssl req -x509 -in REQ.pem -key KEY.pem -out CERT.pem 
3. and finally import the certificate into the .keystore;
keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file

I need this to work so I can use a certificate from verisign.

Please help!!!


Eric W.

Apache Modules For Java Application Servers

2001-03-24 Thread Aejaz Sheriff


I am not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but
since I am desperate, I am doing it anyway. I am using Apache 1.3.9 on
linux RH 6.2 as the Webserver and Weblogic 5.1 as the application
server. For large file uploads (5 Mb - 6 Mb) I receive a Apache -
Weblogic bridge time-out error.  The Apache-Weblogic bridge is actually
a .so file supplied by BEA for loading the module in Apache. I have
asked BEA people, who suggested the latest Service Packs although this
solves the problem for smaller file uploads, it still doesn't do much
for uploads of more than 5 Mb.

I was wondering if there is anyway of tackling the problem from the
Apache end ? . I am using JDK 2.x with green threads. Any help on this
will be very much appreciated.


A. Sheriff

Re: Request 2 times received

2001-03-24 Thread William Brogden

Reto Badertscher wrote:
> When generating and sending a rtf file from a servlet, the browser ask for
> - display from current location
> - saving the document
> When "display from current location" is chosen by the user, the servlet
> receives a second request (that means the file will be generated a second
> time), when "saving the document" no additional request is sent to the
> servlet.
> The following parameters are set for sending the rtf document:
>   aRes.setContentType("application/rtf");
>   aRes.setHeader("Content-disposition","attachement;filename =
> myDocument.doc");

This is just a guess, but -
 Do you think the second request might be checking to see
if the date last modified has changed? Suppose you create
a getLastModified method?

Java Cert mock exams http://www.lanw.com/java/javacert/
Author of Java Developer's Guide to Servlets and JSP 
ISBN 0-7821-2809-2

Can it be integrated with Windows 2000 ie IIS 5.0

2001-03-24 Thread Santosh Varghese


   i  would like  to  get  feedback  on  this  issue. i  want  to  integrate
tomcat  with windows 2000 running  IIS 5.0. Also i  want tomcat to  support
the  wap mime type. How  to  configure mime types in  tomcat. A speedy
response  will  be  helpful.


Request 2 times received

2001-03-24 Thread Reto Badertscher

When generating and sending a rtf file from a servlet, the browser ask for
- display from current location
- saving the document

When "display from current location" is chosen by the user, the servlet
receives a second request (that means the file will be generated a second
time), when "saving the document" no additional request is sent to the
The following parameters are set for sending the rtf document:
  aRes.setHeader("Content-disposition","attachement;filename =

I appreciate any hint/idea to avoid the additional request.

Thanks in advance

Reto Badertscher

i-netsystems GmbH
Seestr. 325, CH-8038 Zürich

phone: +41 (0)79 644 37 94
http: www.i-netsystems.com

Re: XML in parameter value tag

2001-03-24 Thread Kenneth Westelinck


I'm not sure if this will help, but have you tried:



Kenneth Westelinck

>From: "Felgenhauer, Florian, VP-EXT, FFELG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: XML in parameter value tag
>Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 14:34:36 +0100
>I tried to put XML in a servlet parameter.
>Here is the part from web.xml:
>Reading the parameter like this
>ServletConfig conf = getServletConfig();
>String configXML = conf.getInitParameter("configXML");
>I got only the text bla of the tag .
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Tomcat Standalone with SSL/Verisign

2001-03-24 Thread Simon Chatfield

I believe this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find a real
answer. I can generate my own certificates for SSL and it works fine, but when
importing the Verisign certificate, the browser and server can't seem to aggree
on an encryption algorithm. Has anyone found a solution/reason for this
problem? SUN claims it there shouldn't be any problem with it. Any ideas? Does
Verisign not use RSA?