Re: AW: mailing list or news group??

2001-05-17 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

> Hassan Siddiqui wrote:
> > I vote for a web-based forum - all you need is a web browser,
> > which you all no doubt have or you wouldn't have subscribed
> > to this forum in the first place!
I think a lot of people are in the same situation (only email enabled 
internet connection), and I think that should be really unfair to restrict 
the list to a web page... Anyway, to get the same level of functionnalities 
that an email client provide, you should create a really good (and complex, 
and slow) website... Indeed, you are totally free to use the email client you 
want, and you are free to learn how to use it. Most of them include powerfull 
thread followings and of course email filtering, that allow you to manage the 
list the way you want. For example, if you don't use catalina but just tomcat 
3.x, you can redirect all email about TC4 or catalina to the trash... If you 
don't use Netscape Server, or Solaris, or IBM JDK, you can do the same... 
Yes, it will take you 10 minutes to do it, but once it is made, everything is 
far more confortable than a web based interface.

The solution that can be good for everybody, is to keep the mailing list, to 
it people can subsribe if they want to receive all the mail, and a web 
interface (not far from the mailing list archive interface) that allow you to 
read the emails.
So if you don't want to receive all the emails, just go to the archives, read 
them, and if you want to post a message, just send it to the mailing list (I 
don't know if you can post if you are not subscribed, but if you can, there's 
no problem anymore. If you cannot, opening the list to people that didn't 
subscribe could be the solution).


> I may have a web browser...  But I'm somewhat restricted in trying to
> surf to websites...  Our internet connection over here is also rather
> slow...
> I vote for the Mailing list...;-)

Fwd: Re: Install Tomcat on Wíndows 95

2001-05-17 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

> Hi again,
> maybe but if if I have a slight look at my configuration I'm very shure
> that Tomcat works with JAVA_HOME pointing to c:\jdk1.3\bin ...

It's because when Tomcat start, it looks for the java executables, and if it
can find it in the path, then build the JAVA_HOME from this location instead
of using yours... So if your PATH points to the JDK/bin directory, your
JAVA_HOME won't be used. So you can even suppress it.

Anyway, RTFM (tomcat_ug.html):

Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the root directory of your
JDK hierarchy, then add the Java interpreter to your PATH environment


Re: Install Tomcat on Wíndows 95

2001-05-17 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

> Hi,
> your entry
> set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3
> is probably not right...
> Yo must point to the /bin directory instad... where the executables files
> are located
Sorry, but it's wrong. The JAVA_HOME must point to the JDK root directory.
Only the PATH must point to the directory containing the executables files.

> set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3\bin
> should work...
Won't work !

Re: session object problem with cookies disabled

2001-05-10 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

The default way to store object on the client side is by using cookie: if you 
disabled cookie, you cannot use session.

There is an other way, that I never tried myself, which is to use an old 
method called urlencoding. Indeed, instead of storing session in a cookie, 
you store it in the url, like an argument.
I don't know if you can store a lot of thing that way, but it is possible.


> I've a problem running Tomcat + IIS 5.0 on Win2K. I've tried Tomcat 3.2.1,
> 3.2.2, 3.3-m2.
> Everything works fine unless the session example: a new session is created
> everytime I add a new item in my cart so it contains always only one item!
> All is OK with Tomcat as stand-alone. Every other example works with IIS,
> so redirect is ok and all basic config also.
> Cookies are turned off (I need my app to work also if users turn off
> cookies)
> I don't know if I'm missing something in IIS configuration or in Tomcat's
> one.
> I've searched in Tomcat mailing list (user and dev), in apache bug
> database, but no answer to this problem with session object.
> Thanks.
> Filippo

Re: instanciate a servlet when tomcat starts

2001-05-09 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

Hi Sandrine,

You have to change (or create if doesn't exist) the web.xml file that comes 
in the WEB-INF directory.

The example below is the entire content of a web.xml file that loads the 
ServletInit servlet and instantiate it (to the name defined by servlet-name) 
on startup. The load-on-startup property must be different than 0 to have the 
servlet loaded and instantiate at the startup of the app (when tomcat starts).



> Hi,
> I've a servlet that loads properties from a file to load them in the System
> properties.
> I'd like this servlet to be instanciated when Tomcat starts.
> With Jserv, i used the file.
> I think it must be simple, but i really don't now tomcat and all the
> configuration file!
> Thanks
> Sandrine

Re: Developing on a different platform from production

2001-05-09 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

Hi Bill,

We are developping on MS Windows 2000 boxes (as a lot of people I think), and 
we deploy our apps on Linux servers (again, as a lot of people... ;-) ).

We never had any problems, but we always compile the source code on a 
development machine running exactly the same environment as the server. 
Anyway, we used to compile on Windows and deploy on Linux, and we never had 
any problem of incompatibility. Now our compilation of the source code on the 
same OS is just a consequence of a quality plan.

> Generally, we try to to develop and test on the same platforms (Solaris)
> that we will be deploying on - but I am curious as to whether that is
> really necessary.  Has anyone ran into issues of developing and testing on
> one platform and deploying on another?  I would like to put some Linux
> machines out there (a bit cheaper...) for development and testing - but am
> wondering if this could cause problems as we deploy onto the Sunboxes. 
> Your thoughts, experiences, and comments would be welcome.
> Thanks!
> Bill Penberthy
> Sr. Functional Architect
> IQNavigator

Re: AW: wired CLASSPATH behaviour

2001-05-07 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

Hi Roman,

It is not a limitation of the classloader, but it's just about the way Tomcat 
works: it only appends jar files to its own classpath (which seems not to be 
the same classpath that you define within your system) which are in the 
WEB-INF/lib directory of the application. So, as jar files and zip files have 
the same file format (in fact jar files are zip files), you just need to 
rename them to make them taken into consideration by tomcat).


> hay Noel,
> no I have not tried this. I thought about, but this would mean that the
> classloader does not support .zip files anymore. And I have not heard about
> any change like this.
> But it's still a good idea. I will give it a try and report results.
> thx
> roman
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Noel E. Lecaros [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Montag, 7. Mai 2001 12:02
> Betreff: Re: wired CLASSPATH behaviour
> Hi, Roman
> Just a thought, but have you tried RENAMING the file to
> db2java.jar?
> Regards,
> Noel Lecaros
> "Gerteis, Roman" wrote:
> > Hay there,
> >
> > when I was deploying a application on Tomcat 3.2.1 we had some really
> wired
> > Problems with CLASSPATH issues.
> >
> > First of all this is the environment:
> > * apache 1.3.14
> > *
> > * tomcat 3.2.1
> > on Redhat 6.2
> > JVM 1.3 (Sun distribution)
> >
> > ok. So we were putting JDBC Drivers of IBM ( on various
> > places where we should be able to put them.
> >
> > 1. we put it into the $TOMCAT_HOME/lib/ to be include for whole tomcat.
> (did
> > not work)
> > 2. we put it into the CLASSPATH environment inside the
> > $TOMCAT_HOME/ script (did not work)
> > 3. we put it into $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/our_app/WEB-INF/lib/ (did not
> > work) 4. we unpacked the zip file and put the package tree under
> > $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/our_app/WEB-INF/classes/ --> YUHEE, it worked.
> >
> > the depressing part of it was, that and the _right_ Path to
> > it was shown in the CLASSPATH variable on every of the setups
> > (System.out.println, or shellscript ECHO). But the JDBC Driver Manager
> > dumped no suitable driver found.
> >
> > It took me quite a lot of time to make the application run, cause there
> was
> > no reason for the failure (If you have a package in your classpath, then
> you
> > would suggest that it is loaded, right?).
> >
> > Anyways. The whole adventure brings me to the conclusion that either the
> > CLASSPATH environment of Sun JDK 1.3 for Linux is not working properly or
> ..
> > the dynamic loading of packages of TomCat is not fully reliable (which I
> > honestly do not believe).
> >
> > Does anyone had similar Problems, and can someone give me a tip for where
> to
> > put JDBC Driver packages inside a Webapp? (WEB-INF/lib/ I thought,
> but)
> > thx. and regards
> > roman

Re: tomcat + linux + graphics

2001-05-04 Thread Benoit Jacquemont


I had the same problem some time ago. I need to generate graphics with AWT 
and due to problem with JVM, I needed to install a X server.
The first solution that came to my mind was to start an xterm after launching 
the X server in the rc.local with a -e option to launch a script running 

So I had a X server that consume memory and CPU on a Web server that do not 
need any graphics interface...

Then I found a library that replace some AWT classes and allow you to 
generate graphics without any X server running !!
The package is a GNU one, it's called PJA and you can download it from the 
following website:

So, I installed this package (no need to recompile, just some add to the java 
command line of tomcat), removed the X server from my web server, and save 
disk space, save CPU ressource and freed a lot of memory !!

So, my advice is you should try it, and forget about Java limitation of the 


> i'm having big problems with graphics dynamically created with tomcat on
> linux. on windows, the servlet works fine, on linux i have to start tomcat
> going to the server, starting X and then starting tomcat. i want to do this
> automatically and i want to connect tomcat to X windows without going to
> the server. did anybody solve this problem? it would help to get a working
> startup script for tomcat including the connection to a running X.
> thanks,
> michael

Re: ODBC-JDBC ** with JSP ** : 'No suitable driver'

2001-05-02 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

> Ok, I'll try that.
> Nevertheless, I already tried to put the developped classtree of
> (oracle.jdbc) in the lib directory (unzipped file), and
> it didn't work properly either. I may guess that renaming the .zip in .jar
> would have the same (non-)effect, wouldn't it ?

No really, because Tomcat adds the jar files to the classpath, not the lib 
directory itself. If you unzip the file into the lib directory, it wouldn't 
have any effect because of that.


Re: ODBC-JDBC ** with JSP ** : 'No suitable driver'

2001-05-02 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

Try to rename the into classes12.jar.

Tomcat only adds the jar files existing in the lib directory to its classpath.

> Thanx, Tom. But I already did that, and also the nls* file matching the
> release.
> It doesn't work better..
> Jean-François
> >put the in the $TOMCAT_HOME/lib directory.
> >
> >regards, tom
> >
> >> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> >
> > Von: JFC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Gesendet: Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2001 16:33
> > Betreff: ODBC-JDBC ** with JSP ** : 'No suitable driver'
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi  ~
> >
> > Sorry if this issue has recently come, I'm new to this mailing list.
> > Please  be lenient...  ^-^
> >
> > My problem is quite wide-spread, as I can see on different FAQ, but none
> > of  them solution it. Maybe you can help.
> >
> > I'm trying to run a JSP application under Jakarta on PC Win 2000 Server,
> > IIS 5, Jakarta as NT service.
> > And I'm getting the error "No suitable driver" on the getConnection(...)
> > method call, when trying to connect to an Oracle 8i instance.
> >
> > I mention that a standalone Java program running with the MS JVM calling
> > the same method with the same arguments on the same Oracle instance.
> >
> > Thank you for your help  ~
> >
> > JF

Re: Tomcat and MySQL

2001-04-30 Thread Benoit Jacquemont


Try to put your mysql-comp.jar and mysql-uncomp.jar in the war/WEB-INF/lib of 
your app.

It should do the trick.

> Hi to all!
> I use Tomcat together with mysql to store my data.
> I wrote an servlet at school that uses an Oracle Database to store and
> retrieve data. It worked fine. So I wanted to use this servlet at home too.
> I changed the JDBC driver but now i get in the tomcat.log file an
> exception. The source of the exception is, that i cn't connect to my
> database. in my tomcat.log - file i found this entry:
> 2001-04-30 10:50:05 - Ctx( /examples ): Exception in: R( /examples +
> /servlet/Navigation + null) - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/gjt/mm/mysql/Driver
>   at JDBCAdapter.(
>   at Navigation.doGet(
>   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>   at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService( at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
>   at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
>   at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(
>9 7)
>   at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
>   at
> org.apache.tomcat.service.connector.JNIConnectionHandler.processConnection(
>   at org.apache.tomcat.service.JNIEndpoint.service(
> Before i had some other errors. I change the classpath that the mysql-jdbc
> driver is also in it. And now the error mentioned above occours.
> Is this a problem of my classpath and why does the exception writes:
> org/gjt/mm/my an not
> I know this is not a problem of tomcat, but I think many of you use the
> mysql database with java.
> Perhaps someone can help me.
> Thanks in advance,
>   Robert

Re: apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=16777215

2001-04-23 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

Really happy that worked for you.

But, anyway and just for information (;-) ), this solution comes directly 
from the mod_jk-howto.html file from the Jakarta project documentation...

Yes it's written in small characters, but it is written... ;-)

Extract from the mod_jk-howto.html:
 For Linux: apxs -o -I../jk -I/usr/local/jdk/include 
-I/usr/local/jdk/include/linux -c *.c ../jk/*.c

Your build may fail because the object files from the ../jk directory have 
been compiled to the current directory, rather than their source directory. 
Running gcc -shared -o *.o should finish the build.


> It worked for me too!
> Thanks a lot, unbelievable simple solution for what I thought already was
> impossible.
> Thanks again,
> Klaas-Pieter
> Benoit Jacquemont wrote:
> > I had the same problem some months ago.
> >
> > In fact, all the object files have been compiled, now you just need to
> > build the from them:
> > Just go to the directory where the objects files are located and try:
> >
> > gcc -shared -o *.o
> >
> > You will get a file.
> >
> > It worked for me very fine, so I hope it will be the same for you.
> >
> > Benoît

Re: apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=16777215

2001-04-23 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

I had the same problem some months ago.

In fact, all the object files have been compiled, now you just need to build 
the from them:
Just go to the directory where the objects files are located and try:

gcc -shared -o *.o

You will get a file.

It worked for me very fine, so I hope it will be the same for you.


> Hi there,
> After long searching, trying and investigating I have to say that I can
> not figure it out. My last hope is you guys (&girls) and I wonder if
> someone knows the solution for this problem. I've seen many similar
> problems, but none like this exactly.
> My system:
> Debian Linux, testing
> Apache 3.19 compiled with DSO support
> Binary tomcat 4.0 works fine !
> Trying to install from the source of tomcat-3.2.1
>  And there is where my misery started
> For some kind of odd reason apxs does not want to compile the mod_jk at
> all.
> I execute :
> /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -o -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include -c *.c ../jk/*.c
> And this is the result:
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c mod_jk.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_ajp12_worker.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_ajp13.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_ajp13_worker.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_connect.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_jni_worker.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_lb_worker.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_map.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_msg_buff.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_nwmain.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_pool.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_sockbuf.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_uri_worker_map.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_util.c
> gcc -DLINUX=22 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -DNO_DL_NEEDED  -I/usr/local/apache/include -I/usr/java/include/linux
> -I../jk -I/usr/java/include  -c ../jk/jk_worker.c
>   -o jk_worker.o jk_util.o jk_uri_worker_map.o jk_sockbuf.o
> jk_pool.o jk_nwmain.o jk_msg_buff.o jk_map.o jk_lb_worker.o
> jk_jni_worker.o jk_connect.o jk_ajp13_worker.o jk_ajp13.o
> jk_ajp12_worker.o mod_jk.o
> apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=16777215
> No matter what I try, ( remove apache, reconfigure and reinstall it for
> example) I simply cannot get this "piece of cake" done. Seems like
> nobody has troubles with it and if they have it, then the rc number is
> almost never the same I remember Scott having a problem with it, but
> couldn't find a solution altough he said he had a solution.
> People, many thanks for helping me out with this one.
> I'd like to connect apache and tomcat sooner or later!
> Regards,
> Klaas-Pieter

RE: Asking for an Opionio on Apache & Tomcat or Just Apache

2001-04-17 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

I think you have to change the DirectoryIndex directive in the httpd.conf
(add index.jsp as a directory index file):

DirectoryIndex index.html index.jsp


> I have tomcat running within apache. This was recommended by
> the user guide for
> performance reasons. I'm wondering if running tomcat within
> apache has anything
> to do with why I can't serve index.jsp as a default file for
> my application
> directories. Do I have to anything on the apache end?
> Thanks.
> "Sam Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/17/2001 02:27:28 AM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cc:(bcc: Suha Yacoub/IL/ONE)
> Subject:  Re: Asking for an Opionio on Apache & Tomcat or Just Apache
> > >Please take a time to provide me with the following
> opinion. I spend some
> > >time configuring Tomcat and Apache. Because of deadline
> constaints and
> the
> > >fact that some allready developed code has been devloped using only
> Tomcat
> > >as standalone, the prototype team is focusing on just
> using Tomcat. Does
> > >anybody know if that approach is good? Personally I feel
> very reluctant
> in
> > >following that approach, but I have to convence by team
> leader why Tomcat
> by
> > >itself won't do the same work as Apache & Tomcat  together will.
> > >
> > >Any  opinions are wellcome
> Beyond the fact that Apache will give you a wealth of options for
> configuration, it serves static pages MUCH faster than
> tomcat. Once you get
> SSL working with Apache, its pretty transparent to tomcat for
> example - your
> servlets will use SSL without any extra work by yourself.
> sam

RE: Tomcat and multipart request

2001-04-17 Thread Benoit Jacquemont


First of all, you should totally forget about JSDK. Tomcat is the reference
implementation of the Servlet API from SUN. So delete your JSDK folder
before continuing (;-) ).

Anyway, Tomcat handles perfectly multipart request.


>   Hi all,
>   I want to use Tomcat to do multipart request. I used to
> work with JServ
> and had difficulties to do multipart request. Is it possible
> to do it with
> Tomcat. if it's the case, what version of JSDK do I have to use?
>   thanks for help
>   David.
> Tel: 02.99 05.34.25
> Fax:
> Sogitec Industries
> 24, Avenue Lavoisier
> ZI du Champ Niguel
> 35174 BRUZ CEDEX

RE: ** Does Tomcat need Restart **

2001-04-17 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

This feature exists, it is defined by the reloadable parameter for the
Context. But it is an alpha version feature, so you always need to restart


> Hi,
> Is there any option in tomcat CONFIGURATION by which, I can
> instruct Tomcat
> to restart automatically whenever a servlet gets modified (i.e. I
> re-compile the servlet).
> I am running Tomcat and Apache on Linux OS.
> Regards,
> Marathe

RE: problem

2001-04-11 Thread Benoit Jacquemont


It looks like the Ajp12connector isn't working. You should check the
server.xml to see if the connector is properly define. The Ajp12 connector
is needed to shutdown tomcat.


> Hi,
> I'm trying to shutdown Tomcat using
> but when I type that i get the following message:
> Using classpath:
> /usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/lib/ant.jar:/usr/java/jakarta-t
> omcat-3.2.1/lib/jasper.jar:/usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/lib/
> jaxp.jar:/usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/lib/parser.jar:/usr/ja
> va/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/lib/servlet.jar:/usr/java/jakarta-tomc
> at-3.2.1/lib/test:/usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/lib/webserver
> .jar:/usr/java/jdk1.3/lib/tools.jar:/usr/java/jakarta-tomcat-3
> .2.1/lib/servlet.jar:.
> Stop tomcat
> Connection refused
> at Method)
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.task.StopTomcat.execute(
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.stopTomcat(
> at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.execute(
> at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.main(
> I've never had problems shutting it down before. Can someone
> tell why it
> would be refusing the Connection and how I can go about fixing it.
> I apologize if I am asking a question that is easily fixed.
> If you need
> more info from me, let me know.
> I'm using Tomcat 3.2.1 on linux
> Thanks,
> Luoi
> --
> D. Shun-Luoi Fong
> 821 Melrose Avenue
> Iowa City, IA 52246
> ---
> Colossions 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive
> through philosophy
> or empty deception, according to the traditions of men,
> according to the
> elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.
> ---

RE: prob with shutdown script

2001-04-09 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

 The reason why you can'a shutdown your tomcat is because you remove the
ajp12 connector description in your server.xml file.
Ajp12 is used to connect to tomcat and to shutdown it. Additionnaly, it also
used to connect to Apache, but even if you don't use Apache you have to have
an ajp12 connector. Try to add ths lines in your server.xml file just before
the first connector:

You can change the port value if this one is already in use.


> I'm sure it is probably a newbie problem!  Your help is
> appreciated though!  I
> looked it up in the archive but didn't see a clear answer.
> thanks again - d
> beg file
> --
>  path="logs/tomcat.log"
> customOutput="yes" />
>  path="logs/servlet.log"
> customOutput="yes" />
>  path="logs/jasper.log"
> verbosityLevel = "INFORMATION" />
>  className="org.apache.tomcat.context.AutoSetup" />
>  className="org.apache.tomcat.context.DefaultCMSetter" />
>  className="org.apache.tomcat.context.WorkDirInterceptor" />
>  className="org.apache.tomcat.context.WebXmlReader"
> />
>  className="org.apache.tomcat.context.LoadOnStartupInterceptor" />
>  className="org.apache.tomcat.request.SimpleMapper"
> debug="0" />
>  className="org.apache.tomcat.request.SessionInterceptor" />
>  className="org.apache.tomcat.request.SecurityCheck"
> />
>  className="org.apache.tomcat.request.FixHeaders" />
>  className="org.apache.tomcat.service.SimpleTcpConnector">
>  value="org.apache.tomcat.service.http.HttpConnectionHandler"/>
>  docBase="/local/apps/tomcat,v3.1.1/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/devJ
> SP" debug="0"
> reloadabl
> e="true" >
>  reloadable="true" >
>  reloadable="true" >
>  debug="0" reloadable="true"
> >
> end file
> --
> -
> Benoit Jacquemont wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Send us your server.xml file to check up. The more
> information you can give,
> > the sooner you're problem will be solved. For the moment,
> it looks like a
> > missing ajp12 listener.
> >
> > Benoit
> >
> > > I'm just starting with tomcat install and config.  I sent
> > > this on Friday.
> > > Would greatly appreciate any help for those that have gotten
> > > past this.
> > > I'm on Solaris 2.6, tomcat 3.1.1.
> > >
> > > thanks!
> > >
> > > Deidra Powell wrote:
> > >
> > > > I was trying to get tomcat going and I too am having
> > > trouble with the
> > > > stop script.  I looked in your archives, but see nothing on
> > > how to fix
> > > > it.  Well, except for one on ajp12 in front of connection
> > > name which is
> > > > not helping.
> > > >
> > > > Can you help me?  What is missing or wrong?  Below is there
> > > sequence of
> > > > errors:
> > > >
> > > > thanks!
> > > > ==
> > > >
> > > > Stop tomcat
> > > > Connection refused
> > > > at Method)
> > > > at Code)
> > > > at Code)
> > > > at
> > > >
> > > > at
> > >
> > > > at
> > > > at
> > > > at
> > > org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.stopTomcat(Compiled Code)
> > > > at
> org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.execute(
> > > > at
> org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.main(
> > > > =
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Deidra
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >

RE: prob with shutdown script

2001-04-09 Thread Benoit Jacquemont


Send us your server.xml file to check up. The more information you can give,
the sooner you're problem will be solved. For the moment, it looks like a
missing ajp12 listener.


> I'm just starting with tomcat install and config.  I sent
> this on Friday.
> Would greatly appreciate any help for those that have gotten
> past this.
> I'm on Solaris 2.6, tomcat 3.1.1.
> thanks!
> Deidra Powell wrote:
> > I was trying to get tomcat going and I too am having
> trouble with the
> > stop script.  I looked in your archives, but see nothing on
> how to fix
> > it.  Well, except for one on ajp12 in front of connection
> name which is
> > not helping.
> >
> > Can you help me?  What is missing or wrong?  Below is there
> sequence of
> > errors:
> >
> > thanks!
> > ==
> >
> > Stop tomcat
> > Connection refused
> > at Method)
> > at Code)
> > at Code)
> > at
> >
> > at
> > at
> > at
> > at
> org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.stopTomcat(Compiled Code)
> > at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.execute(
> > at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.main(
> > =
> >
> > --
> > Deidra

RE: TomCat installation

2001-04-06 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

Hi David,

There's really good documentation with the Tomcat 3.2.1 distribution:
howto-tomcat et howto-tomcat-apache. I use these well-written to build my
systems based on Tomcat and Apache, and they're work great.

Anyway, since Tomcat is a Java program, you just need to copy it into a
directory and expand all the file and directory from the tar.gz.
Then set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to your java path (for example:
/usr/local/jdk1.3), and use the script which is in the
TOMCAT_HOME/bin directory. Sometimes, on Windows, you need to start once the
tomcat_env script before starting tomcat to set all the environment

>   Hi all,
>   I've just downloaded TomCat 3.1.1 to use it on Solaris
> and on Windows too.
> It seems there is no installation instructions. So I have several
> questions:
>   - How do I have to specify to Apache Server to workwith TomCat?
>   - It seems there is a web.xml file in which they have
> put some servlets
> caracteristics. Do I have to put in it all the informations
> on my servlets?
>   How do I have to install TomCat?
>   thanks for help
>   David.
> Tel: 02.99 05.34.25
> Fax:
> Sogitec Industries
> 24, Avenue Lavoisier
> ZI du Champ Niguel
> 35174 BRUZ CEDEX

RE: Newbie with TomCat

2001-04-06 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

Hi David,

Anyway, Tomcat comes in replacement of Jserv and according to the Jakarta
Project Team, you should use it instead of JServ, which is not maintained
any more. So there is non reason to think that Tomcat is weaker that JServ,
it should be even more powerful and stable than Jserv.


>   Hi all,
>   I'm new using tomcat. I used to use Apache JServ1.2 for
> my application. I
> have about 70 differents servlets with about 50 users. So you
> can imagine
> the number of connections I can have to my Oracle DataBase.
>   Does anyone can tell me if Tomcat can support this use?
>   Do you think this is a good solution in my use case?
>   Thanks for help
>   David.

> Tel: 02.99 05.34.25
> Fax:
> Sogitec Industries
> 24, Avenue Lavoisier
> ZI du Champ Niguel
> 35174 BRUZ CEDEX

TR: Which version of tomcat to use with JBuilder 4.0(Foundation)?

2001-04-05 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

Thanks for your help scott, but I was just trying to help somebody else. I
don't have any problem to run Tomcat under Jbuilder. But I think your answer
will really help Qingjian Du.

Thank you for him ! ;-)


-Message d'origine-
De : Scott Sanders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoye : jeudi 5 avril 2001 17:40
Objet : Re: Which version of tomcat to use with JBuilder

Fairly straightforward.

First, install the version of Tomcat that you want to use.  I have tried
and succeeded with 3.0,3.1,3.2,3.2.1,3.3-dev,4.0-dev

Second, make sure that Tomcat runs by itself.  Then shut it down.

Third, in JBuilder under Project | Project Properties:
   a) In the paths tab, under the Required Libraries sub-tab, add the
Tomcat jar files (for Tomcat 4 this is just bootstrap.jar)
   b)Under the run tab, set the main class to the class that the
.sh|.bat files use to run Tomcat (for T4 this is
   c) if necessary set the VM Parameters.  Note that I always set the
Tomcat home property by adding -Dtomcat.home=/path/to/tomcat on the VM
parameters line.  Also, when using Tomcat 4 with the bootstrap class,
you need to add the word start as the single parameter on the
Application Parameters.
   d) Set up your server.xml and your web.xml files properly (I cannot
help you with this ;-)

Then you can compile, run, and even debug your servlets!  Hooray!

Scott Sanders

PS If you need more help, just ask, as I use JBuilder 4 on both Windows
and Linux with no problems whatsoever.

Benoit Jacquemont wrote:

> I use JBuilder 4.0 Foundation on a Win200Pro machine with Tomcat 3.2.1.
> it works really fine. But I used to use the Tomcat 3.1 sometimes ago and
> works great as well.
> What do you do to run Tomcat under JBuilder ?
> Benoit
>> I want to install the tomcat servlet, and I have installed JBuilder
>> 4.0(Foundation) on my machine (WinNT). I just wonder if someone knows
>> the version of tomcat (build) I need to install. I tried
>> tomcat 3.1, but
>> failed to run it.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Qingjian

RE: Which version of tomcat to use with JBuilder 4.0(Foundation)?

2001-04-05 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

I use JBuilder 4.0 Foundation on a Win200Pro machine with Tomcat 3.2.1. And
it works really fine. But I used to use the Tomcat 3.1 sometimes ago and it
works great as well.

What do you do to run Tomcat under JBuilder ?


> I want to install the tomcat servlet, and I have installed JBuilder
> 4.0(Foundation) on my machine (WinNT). I just wonder if someone knows
> the version of tomcat (build) I need to install. I tried
> tomcat 3.1, but
> failed to run it.
> Thanks in advance.
> Qingjian

RE: mod_jk for MAC OS X (FreeBSD)

2001-04-03 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: Darwin Buyson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Tue Apr 03, 2001  04:57:37 PM Etc/GMT
> > Subject: Re: mod_jk for MAC OS X (FreeBSD)
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, April 3, 2001, at 03:21 PM, Benoit Jacquemont wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>> -Message d'origine-
> >>> De : Darwin Buyson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >>> Envoye : mercredi 4 avril 2001 02:04
> >>> Objet : Re: mod_jk for MAC OS X (FreeBSD)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> on 3/4/01 5:17 am, Benoit Jacquemont at
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> So, you've got the tomcat 3.2.1 sources, and the Apache
> >>> 1.3.1x tarball on
> >>>> your Mac ?
> >>>>
> >>>> What command did you try to build the mod_jk.c ?
> >>>>
> >>>>> Thanks for the reply! Could you give me some pointers on how
> >>>>> I can do this?
> >>>>> I tried to follow the instructions on the tomcat website, but
> >>>>> sadly failed.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Any help would be much appreciated.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> thanks,
> >>>>> darwin
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> I used:
> >>>
> >>> ./usr/sbin/apxs -o
> >>> -I../jk-I/Library/Java/include-I/Library/Java/include/freebsd -c
> >>> *.c../jk/*.c
Just to be sure:  do you use a space character between your line argument, I
mean, is there any a space between
-I../jk-I/Library/Java/include and -I/Library/Java/include/freebsd ?
Because, it has to.
AS between *.c and ../jk/*.c

> >>
> >> And what kind of errors do you get when you execute this command ?
> >>
> >> cc -DDARWIN -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
> -g -O3 -pipe
> -I/usr/include/httpd
> >> -I../jk -I/Library/Java/include
> -I/Library/Java/include/freebsd  -c
> >> mod_jk.c
> >> ../jk/jk_pool.h:116: undefined type, found `jk_pool_atom_t'
> >> mod_jk.c:679: undefined type, found `jk_pool_atom_t'
> >> cpp-precomp: warning: errors during smart preprocessing,
> retrying in
> >> basic mode
> >> In file included from ../jk/jk_util.h:66,
> >>  from mod_jk.c:90:
> >> ../jk/jk_pool.h:116: parse error before `jk_pool_atom_t'
> >> mod_jk.c: In function `jk_handler':
> >> mod_jk.c:679: `jk_pool_atom_t' undeclared (first use in
> this function)
> >> mod_jk.c:679: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
> >> mod_jk.c:679: for each function it appears in.)
> >> mod_jk.c:679: parse error before `buf'
> >> mod_jk.c:680: `buf' undeclared (first use in this function)
> >> apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=1
> >>
> >> not really sure what any of this means!!
> >

RE: mod_jk for MAC OS X (FreeBSD)

2001-04-03 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Darwin Buyson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Envoye : mercredi 4 avril 2001 02:04
> Objet : Re: mod_jk for MAC OS X (FreeBSD)
> on 3/4/01 5:17 am, Benoit Jacquemont at 
> > So, you've got the tomcat 3.2.1 sources, and the Apache 
> 1.3.1x tarball on
> > your Mac ?
> > 
> > What command did you try to build the mod_jk.c ?
> > 
> >> Thanks for the reply! Could you give me some pointers on how
> >> I can do this?
> >> I tried to follow the instructions on the tomcat website, but
> >> sadly failed.
> >> 
> >> Any help would be much appreciated.
> >> 
> >> thanks,
> >> darwin
> > 
> > 
> I used:
> ./usr/sbin/apxs -o
> -I../jk-I/Library/Java/include-I/Library/Java/include/freebsd -c
> *.c../jk/*.c

And what kind of errors do you get when you execute this command ?

RE: mod_jk for MAC OS X (FreeBSD)

2001-04-03 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

So, you've got the tomcat 3.2.1 sources, and the Apache 1.3.1x tarball on
your Mac ?

What command did you try to build the mod_jk.c ?

> Thanks for the reply! Could you give me some pointers on how
> I can do this?
> I tried to follow the instructions on the tomcat website, but
> sadly failed.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> thanks,
> darwin

RE: mod_jk for MAC OS X (FreeBSD)

2001-04-03 Thread Benoit Jacquemont


You should really try to build a mod_jk, it's not that difficult, really.


> Hi,
> I'm trying to configure apache to work with tomcat on Mac 
> OSX, which is
> essentially FreeBSD, but cannot find mod_jk for FreeBSD. The 
> only versions I
> can find are solaris and linux.
> I am very new to unix so I don't even have a clue how to 
> build my own from
> source.
> If anyone has the file, please forward it to me at:
> or if anyone can give me some advice on how to get started, 
> this would be
> much appreciated.
> Darwin Buyson

RE: ** for Linux Redhat 6.2- required **

2001-04-03 Thread Benoit Jacquemont


I don't see any problem in your file, but in your
httpd.conf you're including the tomcat-auto conf file. I had a lot of
problem with that file until I paste the content into the httpd.conf and I
customize it. I really think that dispatching your configuration in several
files is not a good idea. It makes difficult to find errors.


> Hi,
> Thanks for the immeediate response.
> I'd configured the and httpd.conf for the same.
> I'm sending you the same  can you please tell me what more
> changes i need
> to make
> (See attached file: attached file: httpd.conf)
> Awaiting for an early response.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Prashanth Marathe D
> Phone: 667-8355 Ext.: 262
> __
> What kind of changes have you made on your file ?
> Did you customize it to suit your needs ?
> You shoud also have a look on your httpd.conf to see wether
> your configured
> your workers or not.
> Benoit
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've first downloaded the same from the link and got the
> > error "garbled ".
> >
> > so  then i made my own and now I'm getting the
> > following error
> >
> > Apache:error_log says
> > Tue Apr  3 12:42:41 2001] [emerg] (2)No such file or
> > directory: Error while
> > opening the workers
> >
> > Tomcat : mod_jk.log says
> > [jk_ajp12_worker.c (201)]: In jk_worker_t::validate, resolve failed
> > [jk_ajp12_worker.c (203)]: In jk_worker_t::validate, Error
> > localhost 8007
> > [jk_worker.c (164)]: wc_create_worker validate failed for ajp12
> > [jk_worker.c (229)]: build_worker_map failed to create workerajp12
> >
> > Waiting for a early response.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Prashanth Marathe D
> > Phone: 667-8355 Ext.: 262
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Benoit Jacquemont
> >
> >>cc:
> >
> >   Subject:
> > RE: ** for Linux Redhat
> > 04/03/01 03:32 PM 6.2- required
> > **
> > Please respond to
> >
> > tomcat-user
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > You can get one from the jakarta web site:
> >
> /bin/linux/i38
> 6/
> I use Tomcat 3.2.1.
> This version of the mod_jk worked for me with a Apache
> 1.3.12, and when I
> installed a Apache 1.3.19, it was said 'garbled', and I had to build a
> But building it under Linux is really painless and I get a
> working version in less than 1 minute.
> Benoit
> > Hi,
> >
> > OS: Linux Redhat ver 6.1
> > Apache ver-1.3.14
> > Tom Cat ver-3.2.1
> > Required file:
> > If anyone has this file, could you please send us?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Prashanth Marathe D
> > Phone: 667-8355 Ext.: 262

RE: ** for Linux Redhat 6.2- required **

2001-04-03 Thread Benoit Jacquemont

What kind of changes have you made on your file ?

Did you customize it to suit your needs ?

You shoud also have a look on your httpd.conf to see wether your configured
your workers or not.


> Hi,
> I've first downloaded the same from the link and got the
> error "garbled ".
> so  then i made my own and now I'm getting the
> following error
> Apache:error_log says
> Tue Apr  3 12:42:41 2001] [emerg] (2)No such file or
> directory: Error while
> opening the workers
> Tomcat : mod_jk.log says
> [jk_ajp12_worker.c (201)]: In jk_worker_t::validate, resolve failed
> [jk_ajp12_worker.c (203)]: In jk_worker_t::validate, Error
> localhost 8007
> [jk_worker.c (164)]: wc_create_worker validate failed for ajp12
> [jk_worker.c (229)]: build_worker_map failed to create workerajp12
> Waiting for a early response.
> Regards,
> Prashanth Marathe D
> Phone: 667-8355 Ext.: 262
> Benoit Jacquemont
>   Subject:
> RE: ** for Linux Redhat
> 04/03/01 03:32 PM 6.2- required
> **
> Please respond to
> tomcat-user
> Hi,
> You can get one from the jakarta web site:


I use Tomcat 3.2.1.
This version of the mod_jk worked for me with a Apache 1.3.12, and when I
installed a Apache 1.3.19, it was said 'garbled', and I had to build a But building it under Linux is really painless and I get a
working version in less than 1 minute.


> Hi,
> OS: Linux Redhat ver 6.1
> Apache ver-1.3.14
> Tom Cat ver-3.2.1
> Required file:
> If anyone has this file, could you please send us?
> Regards,
> Prashanth Marathe D
> Phone: 667-8355 Ext.: 262

RE: ** for Linux Redhat 6.2- required **

2001-04-03 Thread Benoit Jacquemont


You can get one from the jakarta web site:

I use Tomcat 3.2.1.
This version of the mod_jk worked for me with a Apache 1.3.12, and when I
installed a Apache 1.3.19, it was said 'garbled', and I had to build a But building it under Linux is really painless and I get a
working version in less than 1 minute.


> Hi,
> OS: Linux Redhat ver 6.1
> Apache ver-1.3.14
> Tom Cat ver-3.2.1
> Required file:
> If anyone has this file, could you please send us?
> Regards,
> Prashanth Marathe D
> Phone: 667-8355 Ext.: 262