Re: Tomcat + SSL

2003-10-03 Thread Christopher Williams
Change keystrokeFile to keystoreFile and keystrokePass to


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Re: HTML quoting

2003-10-03 Thread Christopher Williams
Here's a simple method to quote the most important character entities:

 * Handles a couple of problematic characters in strings that are
printed to
 * an HTML stream, replacing them with their escaped equivalents
 * @param s an input string
 * @return the escaped string
public static String escapeSpaces(String s)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int nChars = s.length();
for (int i = 0; i  nChars; i++)
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (' ' == c)
else if ('' == c)
else if ('' == c)
else if ('\' == c)
else if ('' == c)
return sb.toString();

A more complete solution would be to look up the complete list of character
entities (e.g 'HTML and XHTML The Definitive Guide'), build a lookup table
and use each character as an index into that table.

Chris Williams.

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Re: Printing with page breaks.

2003-10-03 Thread Christopher Williams
It's possible with CSS.  Check out:


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Re: HTML quoting

2003-10-03 Thread Christopher Williams

 It is obvious then that a space would be #032; or #x20; since 32 is
 the ascii code for a space. Though i cannot quite figure out why you
 would want to escape a space...

I escape spaces and character entities in form fields; if you do the
input name=x size=20 maxlength=20 value=%= someVal %
and someVal contains space characters (or worse, ''), it won't display
properly.  If you escape the spaces, it will, and this is what I use the
method for.

If I'm emitting HTML where I know what it will be beforehand, I simply
include any appropriate character entities in my resource strings.

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SSL Client authentication: what goes in tomcat-users.xml?

2003-10-03 Thread Christopher Williams
Following the advice from this link

I tried to get SSL client authentication to work by setting the following
entry in tomcat-users.xml:
user username=CN=x, OU=y, O=z, L=a, S=b, C=c password= roles=user/

where x,y,z,etc. have real but unimportant values.  Evidently Tomcat somehow
matches the distinguished name from my certificate against an entry in the
users file, presumably to establish the user's role.  If it fails to make a
match, no authentication takes place which, I guess, is why I was able to
access protected pages but getUserPrincipal() was returning null.  However,
when I start Tomcat I get the error:
GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener: Exception creating UserDatabase MBeans for
UserDatabase ObjectName: Invalid
(key,value) pair - username=CN=x

So, what do I put in tomcat-users.xml to get client certificate
authentication to work?  Do I have to escape the '=' signs in some way?

TIA (as I really want to put this issue to bed),

Chris Williams.

P.S. If somebody tells me to read the FAQ, please specify WHICH FAQ.  I've
read hundreds over the past few days trying to get to the bottom of

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Re: URL in Location Bar

2003-10-01 Thread Christopher Williams
Use frames.  However, you are trying to change the way people use the web
and your users won't like that.  People expect the URL in the location bar
to reflect where they are - that way they can bookmark pages and such like.

Kind regards,

Chris Williams.

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Re: SSL Client Authorization

2003-10-01 Thread Christopher Williams

Here are some instructions on using OpenSSL to set up your own CA.


Step 1.  Go to and download the source code.  Even Windows
users need to build it, so you'll need access to a C compiler.  You may be
able to get hold of prebuilt binaries on the web and you can certainly get
hold of the GNU C compiler or you can use Borland and Microsoft compilers.
There are good build instructions included with the source distribution, so
I won't go into build details.

Step 2.  Create directories to hold your CA keys, your server keys and, if
you want to use SSL client authentication, your client keys.  For the sake
of argument let's assume that these directories are called ssl/ca,
ssl/server and ssl/client.

Step 3.  Create a private key and certificate request for your own CA:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -out ssl/ca/ca.csr -keyout

Step 4.  Create your CA's self-signed certificate (note lasts one year -
increase the days setting to whatever you want):
openssl x509 -trustout -signkey ssl/ca/ca.key -days 365 -req -in
ssl/ca/ca.csr -out ssl/ca/ca.pem
WINDOWS USERS:If you copy the ca.pem file to ca.crt and edit the file so
that the strings TRUSTED CERTIFICATE read CERTIFICATE, you can import
your CA certificate into your trusted root certificates store.

Step 5.  Import the CA certificate into the JDK certificate authorities
keytool -import -keystore $JAVA_JOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file
ssl/ca/ca.pem -alias my_ca

Windows users need to replace $JAVA_HOME with %JAVA_HOME%.

Step 6.  Create a file to hold your CA's serial numbers.  This file starts
with the number 2:
echo 02  ssl/ca/


Step 7.  Create a keystore for your web server.
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -keystore
ssl/server/server.ks -storetype JKS

Step 8.  Create a certificate request for your web server:
keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file
ssl/server/server.csr -keystore ssl/server/server.ks

Step 9.  Have your CA sign your certificate request:
openssl x509 -CA ssl/ca/ca.pem -CAkey ssl/ca/ca.key -CAserial
ssl/ca/ -req -in ssl/server/server.csr -out
ssl/server/server.crt -days 365

Step 10.  Import your signed server certificate into your server keystore:
keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore
ssl/server/server.ks -trustcacerts -file ssl/server/server.crt
You should see a message Certificate reply was installed in keystore.

Step 11.  Import your CA certificate into your server keystore:
keytool -import -alias my_ca -keystore
ssl/server/server.ks -trustcacerts -file ssl/ca/ca.pem
This step is only necessary if you wish to use SSL client authentication
with Tomcat.

Step 12. Set up an SSL connector for Tomcat.  I assume that you know, or can
find out, how to do this.  Open up conf/server.xml in a text editor and
search for the text keystoreFile.  Ensure that the attribute value is the
keystore you've created above.


Step 13.  Create a client certificate request:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:512 -nodes -out ssl/client/client1.req -keyout

Step 14.  Have your CA sign your client certificate.
openssl x509 -CA ssl/ca/ca.pem -CAkey ssl/ca/ca.key -CAserial
ssl/ca/ -req -in ssl/client/client1.req -out
ssl/client/client1.pem -days 365

Step 15.  Generate a PKCS12 file containing your client key and client
openssl pkcs12 -export -clcerts -in ssl/client/client1.pem -inkey
ssl/client/client1.key -out ssl/client/client1.p12 -name

Step 16.  Import the PKCS12 file into your web browser to use as your client
certificate and key.

Repeat steps 13-16 as often as required.

Step 17.  Enable client certificate authentication in Tomcat.  Open up
conf/server.xml and search for the text clientAuth.  Set the value of the
attribute to true.

I apologize in advance for any typing errors.  Hopefully, it's all correct
and you should all be able to get up to speed with OpenSSL.

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SSL Client authentication woes

2003-10-01 Thread Christopher Williams
My setup:
Windows XP Pro
JDK 1.4.1

I'm hoping to get SSL client authentication working for web services.  I set
up Tomcat for SSL ages ago and it works fine.  However, I run into multiple
problems when I attempt to use SSL client authentication.

I have enabled client authentication by changing the value of clientAuth
in server.xml to true.  I removed all security-constraint and
login-config entries from my web.xml as they didn't appear to have any
effect (question: am I right to do so?  I've done my research on the web and
there are no consistent instructions for what to do).

When I access https://localhost:8443/ in Internet Explorer, I get notified
that a private key is being used and the server home page displays fine.
However, when I first access the page, the following stack trace appears on
Tomcat's console:

 PoolTcpEndpoint: Handshake failed Remote host closed connection
during handshake
 Caused by: SSL peer shut down incorrectly
 ... 7 more
 ThreadPool: Caught exception executing
[EMAIL PROTECTED], terminating thread

Does anybody know what the problem is here?

The second thing is, I want to know who's accessing pages and web services.
That's the whole point of authentication, right?  However, when SSL client
authentication is in force, the following calls all return null:


This seems most bizarre.  At some point these calls must return non-null
values as they are used in
org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SSLAuthenticator.  Does anybody know
whether there are any server settings to make these calls return the correct

Ideally, I would like to have just one or two URL-patterns protected by SSL,
like you do with HTTP authentication rather than it being all or nothing.
Is this possible with Tomcat?

Kind regards,

Chris Williams.

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Re: Configuring server.xml for SSL breaks Tomcat

2003-09-26 Thread Christopher Williams

2 suggestions:
1. Upgrade your JDK to 1.4.x.  JSSE is now integrated with the Java Runtime
and, you never know, this step alone might fix your problem.
2. Create and configure the SSL connector using the Admin tool instead of
manually editing server.xml.

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Re: Authentication - based on request parameters

2003-09-26 Thread Christopher Williams

HttpServletRequest is simply an interface.  If you wanted to subclass it,
you would have to implement every member of the interface.  However, you
could do this easily enough by passing every method that you didn't want to
implement to the original request object, for example:

public class MySpecialHttpServletRequest implements HttpServletRequest
private HttpServletRequest origRequest;

public MySpecialHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest origRequest)
this.origRequest = origRequest;

public String getAuthType()
return origRequest.getAuthType();


public boolean isUserInRole(String role)
// Do your own stuff

And then in your JSP you would have something like

request = new MySpecialHttpServletRequest(request);

However, if I were thinking of implementing an entire J2EE interface simply
to handle a single method, I'd be questioning whether I was going in the
right direction.  If you have something that is working, you may want to
consider keeping it.  Alternatively, why not try to use Tomcat's role-based
security architecture rather than overriding it?

Something else that occurs to me is that your security model appears to
depend on a GET parameter in the request (?site=MySite).  A client could
easily change this value to circumvent your security.  A better model is
that your logon page sets a value in the Session object to identify the
user.  Then the security depends on a very long, random session ID and it is
vanishingly unlikely that a client will be able to change this ID (either in
a URL or a cookie) and, by chance, hit on a valid session ID belonging to
another user.

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Re: Authentication - based on request parameters

2003-09-26 Thread Christopher Williams
The problem is that your model does not seem to be based on a secret and
site names don't have a lot of entropy.  I don't know enough about your
model to give you examples of possible attacks, but it seems to be similar
to an access control model where you ask to people to enter their user ID
but no password.  Saying Oh, the client has to know a valid user name to
get in would not be enough to make this a secure model.  If you store the
remote site information in the Session, this information is stored-server
side and a client never even gets the chance to have a go at circumventing

The role model can be made to work.  You have a list of clients, or sites,
and you assign them roles.  You create a table of role-to-permissions or
simply declare the required roles in your JSP.  Then in your pages make the
following access check:

// This gives MyApp/saveEditedPage.action in your original example; you
may also use
// getServletPath() to give you saveEditedPage.action
String requestURI = request.getRequestURI();
// Implement this method yourself
String[] permittedRoles = getPermittedRoles(requestURI);
boolean accessAllowed = false;
for (int i = 0; i  permittedRoles.length; i++)
if (request.isUserInRole(permittedRoles[i]))
accessAllowed = true;

This is simply an example, of course, and I don't know whether such a scheme
would work for you.

- Original Message - 
From: Morten Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: Authentication - based on request parameters

 Why is that a security-issue?
 I wan't the user to enter the site by cliking on a link or whatever, so
 that the user enters the site using that request. It should be OK, that
 user tryes to go to a restricted page by writing

 But if that is done and the user has not got rights to do it, then he is
 being rejected...


 Morten Andersen

 PS: I did consider the role-based model form tomcat, but that is
 coarse-grained, in the sense that it is based on 1 role for one web-app,
 and that is not suficient.

 Something else that occurs to me is that your security model appears to
 depend on a GET parameter in the request (?site=MySite).  A client
 easily change this value to circumvent your security.  A better model is
 that your logon page sets a value in the Session object to identify the
 user.  Then the security depends on a very long, random session ID and it
 vanishingly unlikely that a client will be able to change this ID (either
 a URL or a cookie) and, by chance, hit on a valid session ID belonging to
 another user.
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 Morten Andersen
 Master of applied mathematics and computer science
 Amanuensis (in e-learning)

 The Maersk Institute of Production technology at Southern Danish
 Campusvej 55
 DK-5230 Odense M
 +45 6550-3654
 +45 6171-1103

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Re: HOW INCREASE URL length size ?

2003-09-26 Thread Christopher Williams

I suspect that the underlying question is I want to stick loads of GET
parameters in a URL, more than 451 characters' worth.  How?.  The answer
is: don't.  Do something else instead:
2. Store stuff in the Session.

Kind regards,

Chris Williams.

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Re: Javaw

2003-09-23 Thread Christopher Williams
Use Windows Scripting.  Let's say that your program is called myApp and that
the batch file that you use to run it is called run_myApp.bat.  Simply
create a script file called run_myApp.vbs and use the following VBScript

Set objShell = Wscript.createObject(

Obviously, your script requires a little more work; you need to build the
path to your class and setup the Java classpath, but fundamentaly this is
all you need to do to run javaw without a console.

Your work isn't quite done, however.  I find that Norton Antivirus puts up a
seriously hostile dialog box when I run a VBS script directly.  To this end
you need to create a scripting host file.  Let's call it run_myApp.wsh:


You can execute this .wsh file from Start\Run or from a link on the desktop
or whatever.

Kind regards,

Chris Williams.

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Re: Single Login Authentication with Tomcat

2003-09-23 Thread Christopher Williams
 I believe somewhere on I saw an article about setting up
 JAAS as a tomcat realm to use NT authorisation.

There's a big problem with JAAS and the NTLoginModule: it gives you the
details of the currently logged on user.  For a web app, this will be the
user under which Tomcat is being run, not the person who has typed in his
name and password in his browser.

There are two solutions:
1. Use JNDI realm to talk to Active Directory.
2. Collect credentials yourself and use native code to call the WinAPI
function LogonUser.

I have written a centralized authentication service.  One of the modules
that I created to authenticate users against a Windows domain uses method 2

Kind regards,

Chris Williams.

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Tomcat appears to cause erroneous ClassCastException (see message for circumstances)

2003-09-23 Thread Christopher Williams
I am using Tomcat 5 (I think) as a servlet and web service container via
JWSDP 1.2.  My OS is Windows XP Professional SP 2.

I have written a centralized authentication service which uses a pluggable
authentication module architecture.  Each authentication module derives from
an abstract base class com.inmezzo.authn.logon.Logon which is contained in a
JAR file called inMezzo_AuthnLogon.jar, copied to common/lib.  I supply a
number of authentication modules (Win32, LDAP and others) with the service.
These are in a package called com.inmezzo.authn.server and are contained in
a WAR in webapps and they all work fine.

However, the general pattern is that custom authentication modules will use
a completely different package hierarchy and will be stored in their own JAR
files in common/lib.  This, however, causes problems.

When my web app loads, the following code is executed (note that much of it
is used simply to provide debug output for this post):

String aClassName = m_props.getProperty(authenticator,
Class aClass = Class.forName(aClassName);
System.out.println(Class is  + aClass);
System.out.println(Class package is  + aClass.getPackage());
System.out.println(Classloader is  + aClass.getClassLoader());
System.out.println(Superclass is  + aClass.getSuperclass());
System.out.println(Superclass package is  +
Object o = aClass.newInstance();
System.out.println(New object is  + o);
System.out.println(New object is a Logon object:  +
(o instanceof com.inmezzo.authn.logon.Logon));
m_authenticator = (com.inmezzo.authn.logon.Logon) o; // Boom!
catch(Exception e)

When this code attempts to load a custom authenticator running under Tomcat,
I get the following output:

Class is class rdc.users.RIOLogon
Class package is package rdc.users
Classloader is StandardClassLoader
Superclass is class com.inmezzo.authn.logon.Logon
Superclass package is package com.inmezzo.authn.logon
New object is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New object is a Logon object: false
java.lang.ClassCastException at...

When, however, I execute the same code from the command line, I get the
output that I would expect:

Class is class rdc.users.RIOLogon
Class package is package rdc.users
Classloader is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Superclass is class com.inmezzo.authn.logon.Logon
Superclass package is package com.inmezzo.authn.logon
New object is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New object is a Logon object: true

Can anybody tell me what the problem is here?  I don't think that I'm trying
to do anything too perverse.  Is there perhaps a configuration setting for
Tomcat that will fix this?  Alternatively, can anybody confirm whether it is
worth my while to rewrite the abstract base class as an interface?  I'm
loath to do this only to find that it doesn't fix the problem.

Thanks in advance for any light that you can shed on this matter,

Chris Williams.

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Follow on from ClassCastException question

2003-09-23 Thread Christopher Williams
I've implemented the logon architecture using an interface which all
authenticator modules implement, so that the attempted cast now reads:

m_authenticator = (ILogon) o;

That still causes a ClassCastException.  Bummer!

Chris Williams.

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Re: newbie jasperException

2003-09-22 Thread Christopher Williams

Your JSP code is wrong.  The %@ page import... % directive needs to go at
the top of the page.  When the Jasper compiler turns it into Java, that
directive gets turned into one or more Java import statements, and you
wouldn't stick those in the middle of your code.

Remember, all the HTML gets turned into Java code, as follows:
So that your import statements (and the class variable declaration %!
Vector v; %) appear inside a servlet doGet() method, which is illegal
Java.  In spite of the superficial similarities, JSP is not really like PHP.
The PHP interpreter turns embedded PHP code into HTML, while the JSP
compiler turns HTML into Java (and then the Java compiler turns it into byte
code).  It will help you to keep this in mind when writing JSP code.

BTW, I'm a little troubled by that %! Vector v; % declaration.  This
turns v into an instance variable of the servlet class that Jasper creates.
Is this what you intended?  If not, remove the exclamation mark and leave
the variable declaration where it is.

Kind regards,

Chris Williams.

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Re: CPU usage 100%

2003-09-22 Thread Christopher Williams

Assuming that your code is at fault, have you tried doing debug output so
you can find the part of your code that causes CPU usage to hit 100%.  Just
do this:

void myMethod() {
System.out.println(In myMethod);

You can put similar statements in your JSP code as well.


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Re: Printing from java bean to jsp page

2003-09-22 Thread Christopher Williams
If you need to capture output from a bean, don't use System.out.print - that
goes to the system console or a log file.  The out variable on a JSP page
is a object (or at least it is deep down).  You should set
this as a member variable of your bean class and write output through that.
Or, if you prefer, you could have the methods from which you want output
take a Writer object as an additional parameter.  The output of your bean
will then be part of the output of your JSP page.

Kind regards,

Chris Williams.

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OT: sloppy English

2003-09-22 Thread Christopher Williams
A lot of posts to this mailing list seem to use really lazy English: I
consistently in lowercase, missing punctuation, missing capital letters at
the start of sentences, etc.

Two things:
1. A sentence which goes something like must i do x or can i do y is hard
to read.
2. Writing like this makes you sound like a moron.

We're all educated people or otherwise we wouldn't be computer programmers.
So let's maintain some reasonable standards.

Chris Williams.

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Re: Signal 11 Error: An unexpected exception in native code outside the VM

2003-09-22 Thread Christopher Williams
Signal 11 is a segmentation error (I think), which would be caused by
attempting to access an invalid memory address.  This in turn might be
caused by attempting (in native code) to construct an instance of a Java
class that the class loader can't find, something like:

jclass clz = env-FindClass(example/somewhere/something/ClassIWant);
jmethodID mid = env-GetMethodID(clz, init, ()V);

If the FindClass call hasn't been successful, the second line will crash the
JVM.  If your project uses native code, make sure that Tomcat's class loader
can find any Java classes that you want to use.  If it doesn't, does the JVM
error trace point a finger at any native library?

Chris Williams.

P.S. You might want to try upgrading Red Hat 7.3.

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Re: Cannot run Tomcat as new user

2003-09-22 Thread Christopher Williams

Java makes tracking your own memory usage quite difficult, which is good in
some ways, not so good in others.  What you could try is temorarily removing
your web app.  Then create a dummy servlet which gets loaded when Tomcat
loads.  This servlet won't do anything, it will just hang around
periodically calling Runtime.getRuntime().gc() followed by
Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(), logging the result (use a java.util.Timer
for this).  Then re-enable your web app and see how the total is affected.
It's somewhat crude, and will require a several runs to get a half-decent
average, but it's better than nothing.

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OT: Apologies

2003-09-22 Thread Christopher Williams
Sorry, folks, I didn't mean to start a flame war.  Also, I certainly didn't
mean to call anybody a moron - I simply meant that sloppy writing makes you
sound less intelligent than you really are (and unpunctuated sentences
really are harder to read).  I also appreciate that English is not
everybody's first language.

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Re: Where should I put properties files

2003-09-19 Thread Christopher Williams
Configuration files are a problem area in Java, particularly J2EE.  You can:
1. Use a Preferences object (although I personally have found this quite
painful - you need to provide a UI to set up and administer your preferences
and system preferences require admin privileges on Windows).
2. Put your config file in a directory off the user's home directory.  Use
System.getProperty(user.home) to retrieve the home directory and build up
the path to your file.  Indicate in your documentation that the web service
must run in the context of a aprticular user.

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Re: Tomcat and native libs.

2003-09-19 Thread Christopher Williams
Have you tried synchronizing access to the native methods?  Does Tomcat and
the JVM crash when you only have one servlet using the native code?
Alternatively, can you have two instances of the object so that it is not
shared?  What are the messages printed by the JVM when it crashes?  Are you
sure that your native library is even beng found and loaded?

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Re: Tomcat and native libs.

2003-09-19 Thread Christopher Williams
I'm no Unix expert, but I believe that signal 11 is a segmentation fault
(i.e. you're accessing either an invalid memory address or one which you are
not allowed to use).  The most likely cause is a NULL pointer access.  What
you could try doing is handling signal 11 in your code.  In the remainder of
your native code you could set a global variable to the name of the current
function being executed and your signal handler could print this to STDOUT.
Then at least you can start to isolate where the problem is occurring.

Do something like the following:

#include signal.h
#include siginfo.h

char *g_currFn = ;

if (SIG_ERR == sigset(11, handler)) {
// Bummer...

void handler(int sig) {
// Print signal and offending function to STDERR
psignal(sig, (const char *) g_currFn);

int myfunc(int) {
g_currFn = myfunc;

Something that is eminently possible is that your native code is relying on
a Java class that is, say, in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext and is being loaded by
the standard Java classloader but is not being loaded by the Tomcat loader.
In this case the call:
jclass clz = env-FindClass(example/somewhere/something/ClassIWant);
jmethodID mid = env-GetMethodID(clz, init, ()V);

will access an invalid pointer and crash the virtual machine.  I know; I've
done it.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Character Set Issues (windows vs. Unix)

2003-09-16 Thread Christopher Williams

Make the database fields BLOBs as you're storing binary data.  No attempt
should then be made by your database to interpret character codes.

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Re: Can access tomcat locally but not from another machine

2003-09-16 Thread Christopher Williams
If your company is hot on security, the most likely cause is that port 8080
is blocked (possibly at the router).  Ask your admin guys about freeing it
for internal network access or try running Tomcat on port 80.  Ping doesn't
use TCP so you won't experience the same connectivity problems.

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Re: performing init operations in webapp

2003-09-16 Thread Christopher Williams
The easiest way is as follows:

Say your web service is called MyWebService.  Implement the class that does
the real work as a singleton class (i.e. private constructor, public
getInstance() method which returns the only instance of the singleton class,
creating it if it doesn't exist).  This class will be called something like
MyWebServiceImpl.  Your servant class will be a wrapper around the methods
in MyWebServiceImpl.  For example, say you expose a method called x, the
code in the servant class will call MyWebServiceImpl().getInstance().x().

Create a servlet for lifecycle management.  In your web.xml set the
loadOnStartup value to 1.  In your servlet's init() method call
MyWebServiceImpl.getInstance() and do your necessary initializing in the
getInstance() method.  In your servlet's destroy() method, call something
like MyWebServiceImpl.getInstance().shutdown() to clean up (assuming that
you've defined a shutdown() method).

Your lifecycle management servlet can do other stuff - for example acting as
the destination for post operations from any admin pages that you might

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Re: Using encodeURL - do we have to pass the jsessionID around?

2003-09-13 Thread Christopher Williams
No, it's done for you.

- Original Message - 
From: Anson Zeall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 4:43 AM
Subject: Using encodeURL - do we have to pass the jsessionID around?

 Hi guys.

 I still don't quite get how to really use encodeURL and
 encodeRedirectURL. Yes I know the syntax and how to put in the link but we have to pass the ID around to get page?



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Re: Java Mail Question

2003-09-13 Thread Christopher Williams
Java will only contact the SMTP server when you call Transport.send().

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Vertes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 10:46 PM
Subject: Java Mail Question

 Hello All,
 Quick question about Tomcat and Java Mail.  When I create a JNDI
 mail resource will it act like a Connection Pool ?  Meaning, will there
 always be a session logged into the specified SMTP server or will Tomcat
 only log into the SMTP server once I explicitly ask for a session ? 
 Thanks in advance...
 perl -e 'print pack(H*, 70766572746573406E79632E72722E636F6D0A)'

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Re: Mobile phone on serial port - Howto send sms?

2003-09-11 Thread Christopher Williams
Seems a bit cheeky: the question how do I send SMS messages using Tomcat?
is really how do I send SMS messages using Java? and there are probably
more relevant mailing lists for that question.  Anyway, presumably your
mobile phone can impersonate a Hayes modem, so you need to open up your COM
port and write Hayes commands to dial the number you want.  Then you need to
write your SMS message.  This is a standard, so you need to obtain the
appropriate standards documents.  Then you hangup the phone, again using
Hayes commands.

An alternative is to use a web-based SMS service, such as the one on Lycos,
and then post the appropriate data to the URL.  There are commercial
services available as well - do a Google search.

Here's a link to a JMS discussion thread which has an example of using a
web-based SMS service:

BTW, the Tomcat way to talk to a mobile phone is to serve WML pages.

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Re: mysite - 3rd party - mysite, session *sometimes* lost

2003-09-11 Thread Christopher Williams
I'm guessing that you redirect to the credit card processor's URL, supplying
your own URL as a GET parameter.  Try calling response.encodeURL() on your
own URL before supplying it so that the session ID is appended.

If it still doesn't work, you need to work round it by persisting the
current session state, adding some ID as a GET parameter to your own URL (be
sure to call URLEncoder.encode() on the query string) and then repopulating
the session when you're called back.

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Re: Simulating HttpSession

2003-09-11 Thread Christopher Williams
HttpSession is an interface - implement it yourself.

- Original Message - 
From: Altu B. Altnta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:15 AM
Subject: Simulating HttpSession

 Hi, How can i simulate HttpSession. Back side classes uses HttpSession
 but testing them without Tomcat seems imposible, any idea ?


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Re: The function for still not sure

2003-09-10 Thread Christopher Williams
As I said, the URL-rewriting is done by the container to allow you to use
HTTP sessions when the user of your site has disabled cookies and it does
this by appending ;jessionid=blah-blah-blah to end of your URLs prior to
the query string (?blah=stuffjabber=yakka-yakka...).  This is all in the
servlet spec.  However, you need to give the container the opportunity to do
so and for this you need to use the encodeURL methods of

Think about your JSPs.  Currently (presumably) you have links like the
a href=some_link.jspSome link/a

To enable session tracking without cookies, all you need to do is:
a href=%= response.encodeURL(some_link.jsp) %Some link/a

Likewise, whenever the logic of your page indicates that a redirect is
required, instead of calling:
you call

Check out the J2EE tutorial for examples:


- Original Message - 
From: Anson Zeall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2:56 AM
Subject: The function for response.encodeURLme still not sure

 Hi guys,

 I was asking about the login stuff before from previous emails and
 trying to avoid the use of cookies. Someone in the group asked me to try
 use sessions ...using response.encodeURL and stuff. Can someone explain a
 bit more what that does, or is there a site that can explain to me about



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Re: new Aspen Group Email

2003-09-10 Thread Christopher Williams
You need to unsubscribe using your old email address (which you will need to
enable so that you can respond to the confirmation email) and then
resubscribe using your new address, otherwise you'll generate bounce
messages in the mailing list.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 3:44 AM
Subject: new Aspen Group Email

 Due to problems with SPAM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been discontinued.

 Please note my new email address. To prevent automated systems from
obtaining my new email address, I will spell out the @ symbol. Please send
all future email to:


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Re: The function for still not sure

2003-09-10 Thread Christopher Williams
You don't use encodeURL() with the include directive.  The include directive
takes a relative path straight to the appropriate JSP and has the same
effect as, say, #include stdio.h in C code, i.e. the included file is
added to your source prior to compilation.  You couldn't write C code like
the following:

char *include_file = stdio.h;
#include include_file

And you can't do something similar with JSP files either:
String included_page = header.jsp;
%@ include file=included_page %

An even more obviously absurd example might be:
String importedPackage = java.util.;
%@ page import=importedPackage + Properties %
%@ page import=importedPackage + Vector %

Even if the JSP compiler accepted this (it won't), the output would be:
String importedPackage = java.util.;
import importedPackage + Properties;
import importedPackage + Vector;

which is illegal Java.  However, that dumb example is conceptually the same
as your
%@ include file=%= response.encodeURL(header_status_register.jsp)% %
(please note, I'm not saying that you're dumb, simply that a dumb example
can be used to illustrate a technical point).

The JSP %@ ... % directives are handled by a pre-processor, just like C
#include statements and the pre-processor does not evaluate Java (or C)

You only use encodeURL() for links and encodeRedirectURL() for redirects.

You may want to get a good book on Servlet and JSP programming.  I use the
O'Reilly volumes 'Java Servlet Programming' and 'JavaServer Pages'.
Doubtless there are other good titles but you can never go far wrong with an
O'Reilly, I always say.

- Original Message - 
From: Anson Zeall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: The function for response.encodeURLme still not sure

 Thanks a lot,

 But..for example...if I have a jsp file..that includes another jsp
 file in can I write it with encodeURL? Doesn't seem to work..

 %@ include file=%= response.encodeURL(header_status_register.jsp)
 % % doesn't work


 -Original Message-
 From: Christopher Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 5:55 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: The function for response.encodeURLme still not sure

 As I said, the URL-rewriting is done by the container to allow you to
 use HTTP sessions when the user of your site has disabled cookies and it
 does this by appending ;jessionid=blah-blah-blah to end of your URLs
 prior to the query string (?blah=stuffjabber=yakka-yakka...).  This
 is all in the servlet spec.  However, you need to give the container the
 opportunity to do so and for this you need to use the encodeURL methods
 of HttpServletResponse.

 Think about your JSPs.  Currently (presumably) you have links like the
 a href=some_link.jspSome link/a

 To enable session tracking without cookies, all you need to do is:
 a href=%= response.encodeURL(some_link.jsp) %Some link/a

 Likewise, whenever the logic of your page indicates that a redirect is
 required, instead of calling:
 you call

 Check out the J2EE tutorial for examples:


 - Original Message -
 From: Anson Zeall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2:56 AM
 Subject: The function for response.encodeURLme still not sure

  Hi guys,
  I was asking about the login stuff before from previous emails and

  trying to avoid the use of cookies. Someone in the group asked me to
  use sessions ...using response.encodeURL and stuff. Can someone
  explain a bit more what that does, or is there a site that can explain

  to me about that?


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Re: Connetion between Tomcat MySQL

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams
I'll assume that you're using Connector /J.  Stick the file
mysql-connector-java-x.y.zz-bin.jar (where x.y.zz is the version number)
in Tomcat's common/lib directory.

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Re: Connetion between Tomcat MySQL

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams
My apologies (and my tping error), the directory should be common/lib, not

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Connector/J or ODBC?

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams

Always use a native JDBC driver if one is available:
1. The JDBC-ODBC bridge adds another layer of translation and redirection,
slowing down your database operations.
2. The JDBC-ODBC bridge seems kinda flaky.  I keep on getting errors staing
that HRESULT is busy with another operation when I use the bridge.


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Re: Implementing a Login procedure, but avoiding cookies/session

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams
Magic?  Actually, you could use URL-rewriting or hidden forms, but anybody
using your page could change the value from 0 to 1 to fool your code
into thinking they'd logged on.  They could also do the same with a cookie
if they reverse engineered your cookie data (which is not hard).  Best to
use the Session object as that's stored server side, and, conveniently, goes
away when the user does.

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Re: Implementing a Login procedure, but avoiding cookies/session

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams

If cookies are disabled, Tomcat uses URL rewriting to store the session ID.
When you encode URLs you need to to use special methods to support this
feature.  These methods are defined in HttpServletResponse and are:
String encodeURL(String url)
String encodeRedirectURL(String url)

So, instead of calling:
you should call:

If the session ID is stored in a cookie, this call is a NOOP.

Does this make sense?  By the way, you may have noticed that some web sites
have a mysterious ;jsessionid=BASE64-encoded-gobbledygook added to the
URLs when you browse them (try for an example).  This
is URL-rewriting in action.  Importantly, the jsessionid value is opaque.
Unless you'd managed to spy on another user's session, there is no useful
change you could make to this value to enhance your privileges on the web
site.  The session IDs are long, random, unique strings used (presumably) as
the key to a hashtable.

Of course, there's nothing to stop you implementing a similar scheme
yourself, but there's no need.

Hope this is useful.


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Re: What are the features of Tomcat ?

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams

No unique features, I wouldn't think.  Tomcat is the reference
implementation of Sun's servlet and JSP specification, but there are other
implementations around (such as Jetty, for example).  Its support for the
spec is very thorough, of course, and it also has full support for serving
static files, SSI, CGI, etc.  Also, it's embeddable in other web servers,
such as Apache, IIS, etc.  and can add servlet and JSP support to them.  I
don't know whether anybody has bothered to write the necessary glue for any
other servlet containers so this may be a unique feature.  Oh, and
multiplatform support without compilation.

By the way, did you get the job?

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Re: Development Tools

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams
Try Eclipse or Netbeans.

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Re: Another question - validating user input in fields

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams
You'll have to handle it yourself.  You could do it server-side or
client-side with Javascript and DHTML.

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Re: Tomcat and Active Directory

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams
There's just been a similar question answered.  The URL to your Active
Directory appears to be wrong - after all I'm guessing that Active Directory
is not running on your development system.  Change the URL to:
ldap:// users...

and you might have some success.

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Re: Tomcat and Active Directory

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams
You won't get an intelligent response if you enter your LDAP URL into a web
browser, but many email clients are LDAP-compatible (e.g. Outlook Express -
add an LDAP link via the Tools\Accounts menu).  Also, you can try an LDAP
browser, such as the one at  Another
suggestion which you can try right now is to change the ldap to ldaps in
the URL - port 636 is the SSL port for LDAP.

- Original Message - 
From: Srofe, Douglas (c) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat and Active Directory

 Thanks for your response.  I have changed the url to the following:


 Our admin said to use port 636.

 However, I still get the same error saying it can't connect to

 As a test, should I be able to enter that url in the browser and get
 something meaningful?

 Thanks again.

 -Original Message-
 From: Christopher Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 10:55 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Tomcat and Active Directory

 There's just been a similar question answered.  The URL to your Active
 Directory appears to be wrong - after all I'm guessing that Active
 is not running on your development system.  Change the URL to:
 ldap:// users...

 and you might have some success.

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Re: Development Tools

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams
Having suggested Netbeans and Eclipse as possible development environments,
I've been using Textpad and Ant for about six months since I failed to
migrate JBuilder 6 to a new system (the license info got screwed up
somehow).  It works for me.  The one thing I really miss is code completion,

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Re: jk_nt_service

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams
Have you installed it as a service (with the -I switch)?  Services require
special entries in the registry so that Windows recognizes them as such.

Alternatively, you can get hold of the source code and either modify it to
dump out debug information or debug it yourself.  My guess is that for some
reason, the ServiceMain function isn't getting found.

- Original Message - 
From: Bland Clan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 10:29 AM
Subject: jk_nt_service

 I am using Tomcat 3.3.2 running on Windows 2000 Server.  When I start
 from startup.bat, everything works fine.  Yet, I want to run the server as

 I completed the setup instructions for jk_nt_service.exe (using Tomcat
 3.3.2) exactly as described in
 However, the service fails (without a Windows error) to start either from
 command line (i.e., jk_nt_service -S Jakarta) or from the Windows Services
 manager window.

 Any ideas what the problem may be?


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Re: How to use sendmail program (in Jakarta-Tomcat)

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams
Does the sendmail program use SMTP (presumably it does, because it wouldn't
be very useful otherwise)?  If so, use the JavaMail API:

import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import java.util.Properties;

String mailhost = ...;
String from = ...;
String to = ...;
String subject = ...;
String msgText = ...;

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(, mailhost);
javax.mail.Session mailConnection =
javax.mail.Session.getInstance(props, null);
Message msg = new MimeMessage(mailConnection);

msg.setContent(msgText, text/plain);
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
msg.setRecipient(new InternetAddress(to));


Two files, mail.jar and activation.jar, need to be pathed in for this code
to work.  If this isn't suitable for you, I've written some code which you
can use to talk to the SMTP server directly and will let you have if you get
in touch directly.

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Re: Development Tools

2003-09-09 Thread Christopher Williams

 I love cygwin! The ease of use of *nix, the stability of windows.

This combination makes me think of Canadians who could have had British
government, French culture and American know-how and instead got French
government, British know-how and American culture.  Apologies to all
Canadians, BTW - that was a joke I read once.

This thread could end up like that Monty Python sketch:
Geek 1 - Well I don't use anything more sophisticated than Textpad and Ant.
Geek 2 - Textpad and Ant?  Lightweight!  I use ed on a 1970s PDP-11.
Geek 3 - PDP-11?  Loser!  I hand assemble bytecodes by flicking toggle
switches on a MITS Altair.
etc. etc.

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Re: How to use classes from another webapp/context?

2003-09-08 Thread Christopher Williams
Let's say you have a web app and it's stored in my_app1.war.  Then you have
a second web app stored in my_app2.war and you want to use some really neat
classes defined in my_app1.war.  So you add my_app1.war to your second
application's classpath and stick import
in one of your source files.  Your compiler will complain that it can't find
really_neat_class because it does not have the path com/me/my_stuff, it's
in WEB-INF/classes/com/me/my_stuff instead.  Bummer.

Unfortunately, you do need to move classes common to multiple web apps into
library files.  You don't have to put the library files into common\lib,
however.  You can put the JARs in WEB-INF/lib inside your WAR file.  Never
done it myself, but it's supposed to work.

- Original Message - 
From: Ulrich Mayring [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: How to use classes from another webapp/context?

 Christopher Williams wrote:
  Easiest method:
  Put JSPs in WAR and stick in webapps
  Put classes in JAR and stick in common\lib

 I'd rather use a more complicated method, if that would allow me to put
 my classes in WARs as well :)


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Re: Tomcat and Active Directory

2003-09-08 Thread Christopher Williams
Is Active Directory running on your localhost?  Presumably not, so you need
to have ldap://host_name:port_no/ou=...;.

- Original Message - 
From: Srofe, Douglas (c) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 7:38 PM
Subject: Tomcat and Active Directory

 I am trying to use the JNDI realm to access our Active Directory.  The
 server.xml entry I have is:

Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm debug=99
 userSubtree=true /

 When I start Tomcat I get

 Catalina.start: LifecycleException:  Exception opening directory server
 on:  javax.naming.CommunicationException: localhost:389 [Root exception is
 net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect]
 LifecycleException:  Exception opening directory server connection:
 g.CommunicationException: localhost:389 [Root exception is
 tion: Connection refused: connect]

 Does anyone have any idea what may be wrong with this?


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Re: SSL/Verisign Confusion

2003-09-07 Thread Christopher Williams is the website for OpenSSL.  It's an open source
implementation of SSL / TLS together with a tremendous amount of other stuff
(such as X.509, S/MIME, every cryptographic algorithm you ever heard of).
You can also use it to set up your own CA - it's not the easiest software to
use as it takes a terrific number of command line switches, but it's
probably more convenient than having to wait on Verisign and renew your
certificates every couple of weeks.

- Original Message - 
From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: SSL/Verisign Confusion

 Hi Dave,
 how much does it cost at Verisign, and how long is it valid for? And is
 this 'openssl' you mentioned a free alternative?


 On 09/06/2003 03:21 PM Dave Wood wrote:
  I still don't know what I did wrong in the first place, but after
  over with VeriSign, all is well now.  I thought I'd share the (simple!)
  steps I took to get SSL running using keytool/tomcat in case anyone else
  might find this useful:
  # keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
  [enter a password and all necessary information, then just enter at
  password prompt]
  # cp ~/.keystore ~/.keystore-backup
  # keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.csr
  [enter same password]
  [give contents of certreq.csr to VeriSign and wait for response...]
  [NOTE: when asked to select my server software, I chose apache since
  didn't have Tomcat in their list...I don't know if this matters, but it
  # keytool -import -trustcacerts -file intermediate.crt -alias root
  [enter same password]
  [NOTE: intermediate.crt is the file found here:]
  # keytool -import trustcacerts -file public.crt -alias tomcat
  [enter same password]
  [where public.crt is the certificate sent from VeriSign after they
  their approval process]
  [finally, edit ...tomcat/conf/server.xml and enable the SSL connector
  section, adding keystorePass=[password]
  as an attribute to the Factory tag]
  Hope this helps.
  Thanks to all who provided suggestions along the way.
  -Original Message-
  From: Dave Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 11:40 AM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: RE: SSL/Verisign Confusion
  Well, after all this, I just discovered that VeriSign will basically let
  start over if it's within 30 days (which it is).  So, for now, I'm going
  down this path.  Just talked to someone at V/S who said it would take
just a
  couple hours.
  Oh, and I made a BACKUP of my new keystore file this time that now
  a single keyEntry with the alias tomcat.  I try to avoid being
stupid in
  the same way more than once! :)
  As for the programmatic approach, FWIW, I started down that path as
  but somehow I had no private key entry in the keystore (best I can
  Still not sure how I got in that messed up state.
  -Original Message-
  From: Christopher Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 9:43 AM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: SSL/Verisign Confusion
  Have you thought of manipulating the keystore programmatically?  Here's
  you'd do:
  1. Open your existing keystore
  2. Find the entry with your private key and (presumably) a temporary
  self-signed certificate.
  3. Open the certificate you got from Versign.
  4. Change the certificate in your key entry to your Verisign
  5. Save and close the keystore.
  OpenSSL doesn't understand most of the Java keystore formats, although
  can manipulate PKCS#12 files which Keytool can handle.  If you download
  BouncyCastle crypto provider, then you can use keytool to write PKCS#12
  files as well.
  Also, if the person who originally posted the question doesn't feel up
  monkeying around with the Keystore classes, I have some code that I can
  adapt to stick your Verisign certificate in your keystore.  Get in touch
  with me personally and I'll see what I can do.
  - Original Message -
  From: Jay Garala [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 3:36 PM
  Subject: RE: SSL/Verisign Confusion
  NOTE: You cannot export private key from keystore.
  -Original Message-
  From: Dave Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 10:32 AM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: RE: SSL/Verisign Confusion
  Thanks.  With the exception of the openssl doc, I've been over these
quite a
  bit.  The result is the problem I've mentioned where keytool says it
  import my certificate because the alias already exists.
  After some help I got last night, I think the question boils down to
  * once I have extracted my private key from keytool (haven't done this

Using OpenSSL to set up your own CA

2003-09-07 Thread Christopher Williams
Tons of people seem to have wondered whether they can use OpenSSL to set up
their own CA and server certificates.  The answer is most certainly and for
people who've never encountered it before, I'll tell you how.


Step 1.  Go to and download the source code.  Even Windows
users need to build it, so you'll need access to a C compiler.  You may be
able to get hold of prebuilt binaries on the web and you can certainly get
hold of the GNU C compiler or you can use Borland and Microsoft compilers.
There are good build instructions included with the source distribution, so
I won't go into build details.

Step 2.  Create directories to hold your CA keys, your server keys and, if
you want to use SSL client authentication, your client keys.  For the sake
of argument let's assume that these directories are called ssl/ca,
ssl/server and ssl/client.

Step 3.  Create a private key and certificate request for your own CA:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -out ssl/ca/ca.csr -keyout

Step 4.  Create your CA's self-signed certificate (note lasts one year -
increase the days setting to whatever you want):
openssl x509 -trustout -signkey ssl/ca/ca.key -days 365 -req -in
ssl/ca/ca.csr -out ssl/ca/ca.pem
WINDOWS USERS:If you copy the ca.pem file to ca.crt and edit the file so
that the strings TRUSTED CERTIFICATE read CERTIFICATE, you can import
your CA certificate into your trusted root certificates store.

Step 5.  Import the CA certificate into the JDK certificate authorities
keytool -import -keystore $JAVA_JOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file
ssl/ca/ca.pem -alias my_ca

Windows users need to replace $JAVA_HOME with %JAVA_HOME%.

Step 6.  Create a file to hold your CA's serial numbers.  This file starts
with the number 2:
echo 02  ssl/ca/


Step 7.  Create a keystore for your web server.
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -keystore
ssl/server/server.ks -storetype JKS

Step 8.  Create a certificate request for your web server.
keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file
ssl/server/server.csr -keystore ssl/server/server.ks
You need to edit the certificate request file slightly.  Open it up in a
text editor and amend the text which reads NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST to

Step 9.  Have your CA sign your certificate request:
openssl x509 -CA ssl/ca/ca.pem -CAkey ssl/ca/ca.key -CAserial
ssl/ca/ -req -in ssl/server/server.csr -out
ssl/server/server.crt -days 365

Step 10.  Import your signed server certificate into your server keystore:
keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore
ssl/server/server.ks -trustcacerts -file ssl/server/server.crt
You should see a message Certificate reply was installed in keystore.

Step 11.  Import your CA certificate into your server keystore:
keytool -import -alias my_ca -keystore
ssl/server/server.ks -trustcacerts -file ssl/ca/ca.pem
This step is only necessary if you wish to use SSL client authentication
with Tomcat.

Step 12. Set up an SSL connector for Tomcat.  I assume that you know, or can
find out, how to do this.  Open up conf/server.xml in a text editor and
search for the text keystoreFile.  Ensure that the attribute value is the
keystore you've created above.


Step 13.  Create a client certificate request:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:512 -nodes -out ssl/client/client1.req -keyout
The common name of the client must match a user in Tomcat's user realm (e.g.
an entry in conf/tomcat-users.xml).

Step 14.  Have your CA sign your client certificate.
openssl x509 -CA ssl/ca/ca.pem -CAkey ssl/ca/ca.key -CAserial
ssl/ca/ -req -in ssl/client/client1.req -out
ssl/client/client1.pem -days 365

Step 15.  Generate a PKCS12 file containing your server key and server
openssl pkcs12 -export -clcerts -in ssl/client/client1.pem -inkey
ssl/client/client1.key -out ssl/client/client1.p12 -name

Step 16.  Import the PKCS12 file into your web browser to use as your client
certificate and key.

Repeat steps 13-16 as often as required.

Step 17.  Enable client certificate authentication in Tomcat.  Open up
conf/server.xml and search for the text clientAuth.  Set the value of the
attribute to true.

I apologize in advance for any typing errors.  Hopefully, it's all correct
and you should all be able to get up to speed with OpenSSL.

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Re: Simple question about JSP page

2003-09-06 Thread Christopher Williams
Have you verified that the record IS getting added correctly to the DB?
Have you hit the refresh button to check that your browser isn't displaying
a stale page?  If an old page is getting displayed you can turn off page
cacheing by calling:
response.setHeader(Pragma, no-cache);

- Original Message - 
From: engp0510 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2003 3:30 AM
Subject: Simple question about JSP page

 Maybe it's a stupid question.
 Built jsps for addingsearching with MySQL. First listing all existing
 records in db and then adding a new one into database, then listing all
 records again. Now the list is the same as previous.
 How to solve it?


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OT: Annoying autresponses to posts

2003-09-06 Thread Christopher Williams
Does anybody else have this problem:

Whenever I make a post to this mailing list, I quickly get a reply from a
mail server called [EMAIL PROTECTED], with the subject The email
you authored contained a violation (either a virus or inappropriate
content).  The message body reckons that The internet domain violated the
content filtering rule Blocked Domains 2.  It is seriously annoying.

If anybody reading this uses the mail server, will they
please ask their mail admin to pass this mailing list.  Presumably, however,
they can't read anything, so is there any chance that the list admin can
unsubscribe users?

While I'm at it, another annoying autoresponse frequently posted to the
mailing list is the Inquiry receieved one from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Their website says that Alset's HelpExpressTM Service enables its partners
to send customers messages that are helpful, timely and relevant.  Hmm, not
in this case they aren't.  Can anybody at Alset Support do something about

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Re: Memory leaks?

2003-09-05 Thread Christopher Williams
It's simple good practice to close objects that have close methods when you
no longer need them (as you do with stream objects, for example).

The spec says that ResultSet objects are closed when their Statement objects
are closed and that Statement objects are closed when their Connection
objects are closed.  I personally like to keep hold of a Connection object
for the lifetime of my application (or until it fails), because connecting
to a database is an expensive operation.  Also, if you use Connection
pooling, Connection objects can be kept open for as long as your application
server or whatever is running, so that unclosed Statements with their open
ResultSets simply sit around hogging resources (and some of the resources
that they hog, such as database cursors, are not lightweight).

This is what I do for JDBC calls:

// Assume a connection has been made
Connection conn...;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;

try {
// Create a PreparedStatement and use it to open a ResultSet
// Clean up
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Do something with the error
} finally {
try {
if (null != ps) {
} catch (SQLException e) {}

This guarantees that the objects are always closed (assuming, of course,
that the close() operations succeed).  The rs.close() is, in theory,
unnecessary as the ps.close() call is supposed to close it implicitly, but
my background is in C and I always tried to free anything that I'd malloced.
It's a habit that's stuck.


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Re: How to use classes from another webapp/context?

2003-09-05 Thread Christopher Williams
Easiest method:

Put JSPs in WAR and stick in webapps
Put classes in JAR and stick in common\lib

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Re: SSL/Verisign Confusion

2003-09-05 Thread Christopher Williams
Have you thought of manipulating the keystore programmatically?  Here's what
you'd do:

1. Open your existing keystore
2. Find the entry with your private key and (presumably) a temporary
self-signed certificate.
3. Open the certificate you got from Versign.
4. Change the certificate in your key entry to your Verisign certificate.
5. Save and close the keystore.

OpenSSL doesn't understand most of the Java keystore formats, although it
can manipulate PKCS#12 files which Keytool can handle.  If you download the
BouncyCastle crypto provider, then you can use keytool to write PKCS#12
files as well.

Also, if the person who originally posted the question doesn't feel up to
monkeying around with the Keystore classes, I have some code that I can
adapt to stick your Verisign certificate in your keystore.  Get in touch
with me personally and I'll see what I can do.

- Original Message - 
From: Jay Garala [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 3:36 PM
Subject: RE: SSL/Verisign Confusion

NOTE: You cannot export private key from keystore.

-Original Message-
From: Dave Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 10:32 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: SSL/Verisign Confusion

Thanks.  With the exception of the openssl doc, I've been over these quite a
bit.  The result is the problem I've mentioned where keytool says it can't
import my certificate because the alias already exists.

After some help I got last night, I think the question boils down to this:

* once I have extracted my private key from keytool (haven't done this yet),
how do I take that key, the VeriSign intermediate certificate and my public
key certificate and get them to play together.  I'm hoping the openssl stuff
will take care of this, because keytool doesn't really seem to recognize
private keys as things that you can work with directly.

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
From: Jay Garala [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 7:12 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: SSL/Verisign Confusion

Try the Java keytool help:

Tomcat how-to:

If you have OpenSSL:

-Original Message-
From: Dave Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 1:04 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: SSL/Verisign Confusion

Thanks Bill.  I think this highlights something I'm really not

Didn't I generate an important private key somewhere along the line that I
can't just regenerate if I blow away my keystore?  I assumed the certificate
I got back from verisign would only work if I still had the original private
key I generated before sending them my request.  Is that wrong?

(I'll take a look at the link you first glance, it looks a little
hard to follow, but hopefully not).

Thanks again.


-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bill Barker
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: SSL/Verisign Confusion

Firstly, it looks like you should wipe you keystore and start again.  To use
a VS cert with Tomcat, the two options I know are:
1) Follow the instructions at
2) Using openssl or otherwise, convert your cert+key to a pkcs12 file, and
use that as your keystore (remember to set 'keystoreType=pkcs12' on the
Factory in server.xml).

Dave Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm having a problem getting an SSL certificate from Verisign working
 correctly.  I'm going to include everything I can think of that MIGHT be a
 problem.  Unfortunately, there are a couple things I can't quite remember
 for certain.  Here's the situation:

 1. I generated the initial key using an alias other than tomcat (we'll
 call it company)
 2. I generated the CSR and sent it to verisign.  I still have this file.
 3. Verisign changed the company name during the verification process (from
 an acronym to the full spelling of the name)
 4. I now have the certificate that they sent back after the validation
 5. One thing I can't account for is why when I see this:

 $ keytool -list

 Keystore type: jks
 Keystore provider: SUN

 Your keystore contains 4 entries: (...others removed...)

 company, Fri Aug 22 08:47:04 MDT 2003, trustedCertEntry,
 Certificate fingerprint (MD5):
 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 (the numbers aren't really

 ...I think I must have self-signed or something (I was doing a couple of
 these things and don't recall exactly), but I'm surprised to see
 trustedCertEntry here.

 The problem I'm having is this:

 $ keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias company -file public.crt
 Enter keystore password: xxx
 keytool error: java.lang.Exception: 

Re: setting external classes in the classpath

2003-09-05 Thread Christopher Williams
I guess that about a hundred people will respond to this.  Tomcat, for
reasons better known to itself, ignores your classpath.  The easiest
solution is to put your JAR in the Tomcat common\lib directory.
Alternatively, you can put them in WEB-INF\lib.

Question to any Tomcat developers reading: why does Tomcat ignore the class
path (and jre\lib\ext and all the other places that Java loads classes
from).  Having to stick JARs in multiple locations so that different Java
programs can find them is a serious headache, not to mention a
version-mismatch hazard.

- Original Message - 
From: Pradeep Gummi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 6:30 PM
Subject: Re:setting external classes in the classpath

 Hi all,
 I am tring to include external classes that are needed for my servlet
 class.   I tried to modify classpath in setclasspath.bat file by
 I needed all the classes in the saclasses.jar file for my servlet. When
 i restart the tomcat server, it just shows a blank page with out
 showing the default page. Is this the right way of including classes?
 - Original Message -
 From: Pradeep Gummi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Friday, September 5, 2003 8:28 am
 Subject: Re: How to use classes from another webapp/context?

  Hi Ulrich,
  I think you should get them working by placing the classes in the
  CATALINA_HOME/common/classes folder or the jars in the lib folder.
  would share the classes in all web apps. There you would be giving
  information of the catalina and system class loaders.
  grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/common/- {
  I am not sure if this is what you want. Actually I am trying to
  classes from outside catalina.home and am trying to figure out if
  is practically possible. Please update me if you have any solutions
  - Original Message -
  From: Ulrich Mayring [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Friday, September 5, 2003 4:19 am
  Subject: How to use classes from another webapp/context?
   I know that Tomcat has seperate classloaders for each webapp,
   what I
   would like to do is have JSPs in one webapp and the classes they
   use in
   another. I tried enabling the crossContext feature for the
   contexts, but that didn't work, the classes weren't found.
   Background: we have editors, who write and deploy JSP files, and
   programmers, who write and deploy classes used by JSP files. I
   like to have the editors manage their webapps with the JSP files
   via the
   HTML manager and the programmers to do the same for their webapps.
   I know that I could put the classes under the shared directory,
   but then
   they would not be in a webapp anymore and thus management via
   manager would not work anymore. Tomcat would need to be
   every change.
   I could also have the programmers give JAR files to the editors
   and have
   the editors deploy them with their webapps, but then the classes
   be duplicated across many webapps and also I don't want the
   handling JAR files.
   Is there any solution?
   Thanks in advance for any pointers,
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Re: response.sendRedirect

2003-09-05 Thread Christopher Williams
Say you're accessing pages on localhost, so your URLs take the form
then the servlet container root is http://localhost:8080/ and a redirect to
/another-war-file/another.jsp would be a redirect to:

In sendRedirect, I'm fairly sure that you simply use /cal/form/index.jsp.
That sort of pattern always works for my webapps.

- Original Message - 
From: Charlie Toohey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: response.sendRedirect

 The Servlet API doc for the sendRedirect method states:

 If the location is relative with a leading '/' the container
 it as relative to the servlet container root.

 I've looked thru the Servlet Spec and can not quite figure out what they
 by servlet container root ? Is this a typo and supposed to be servlet
 root ? Or is there really such a thing as the servlet container root, and
 so, what is it ?

 e.g. if my context path is /cal and I want to redirect to
 /cal/form/index.jsp, what would I use in sendRedirect ?
 (I know I could do a forward, but want to redirect in my situation)


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Re: Debugging outbound SSL communications?

2003-09-05 Thread Christopher Williams
You need to specify the keystore in conf\server.xml.  I assume that you've
set up the SSL connector.  Do a search on the string keystoreFile and set
the value to the correct keystore.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 5:10 PM
Subject: Debugging outbound SSL communications?

I'm using a poorly-supported external service that interacts over SSL.
I can connect fine to their production environment, but their developer
environment apparently uses a less-well-known certifying authority, and
when I try to use it I am thwarted: Connection has been shutdown: Could not find trusted
 at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder$CharsetSD.implRead(

The vendor informs me that I merely need to add the appropriate key:

 The Equifax Key is not in Java by default. You need to add it.

 1) cd $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts

 2) copy the GeoTrust root from here:
 to the file geotrustroot.cer in this directory

 3) Run this command:
 keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias geotrustroot -keystore cacerts
 -file geotrustroot.cer -storepass changeit

I've imported this key to every keystore I can find or think of on my
Mac OS X system (keytool's default one,
/Library/Java/Home/lib/security/cacerts, ~/.keystore, ~root/.keystore)
and I continue to get the same error.

So now I'm trying to figure out if a default Tomcat 4.1.24 install uses
its own keystore.  If not I'm hoping to find some way I can figure out
what key the SSL connection is being presented with, and what keystore
it's attempting to find a matching key in.  I don't know if I just have
the wrong certificate, or if I've put it in the wrong place.

Any thoughts from the gallery?

- Ert

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Re: setting the field focus with a servlet

2003-09-04 Thread Christopher Williams
Easily done, but needs Javascript.  Do something like the following in your

body onload=setFormFocus();
form name=my_form...
script language=JavaScript

function setFormFocus() {
// Set the focus to the first empty input
var eCount = this.my_form.elements.length;
for (var i = 0; i  eCount; i++) {
var e = this.my_form.elements[i];
if ((e.type == text) || (e.type == password)) {
if ((e.value == null) || (e.value == )) {



This will set focus to the first empty field on your page's form.  Award
yourself bonus usability marks.

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Re: JDBC, SQL Server 2000 and Tomcat Error

2003-09-04 Thread Christopher Williams
Have you tried using the native SQL Server driver from Microsoft?  The
JDBC-ODBC bridge is simply awful.  You can the native driver from Microsoft:

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Re: Apache Tomcat Performance Handbook

2003-09-03 Thread Christopher Williams
The book was never published and Wrox have gone bust, I believe.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 10:49 PM
Subject: Apache Tomcat Performance Handbook

  I'm looking for the Apache Tomcat Performance
 Handbook, but in every shop I check it's out of
 print. There are no used copies in ebay neither. Where
 can I get a copy of this book (I don't mind if it's a
 used one) or buy a pdf version of it ? Can you
 recommend me other books about tomcat performance or
 guide me to online resources about this subject ?
 Thanks in advance
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Re: tomcat+j2sdk+mysql-connecto+mysql

2003-09-02 Thread Christopher Williams
Try to isolate the problem.  Check that you can get a Connection object by
doing something like the following:

String driver = ...;
String url = ...;
String userName = ...;
String pw = ...;
Connection conn = null;

try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, pw);
} catch (Exception e) {

// Do something with conn...
if (null != conn) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
conn = null;

This will enable you to isolate where your problem lies.  If you can get a
Connection object then your database and JDBC driver are set up correctly,
you have the correct URL for the data source, you have a valid user name and
password and the problem lies with the Wrox ConnectionPool class.  Otherwise
some element of your database setup is incorrect.

Check that you are referencing the driver class correctly.  When I need to
talk to MySQL I use the Connector /J driver available from the MySQL web

The name of the driver is:
Check that you have spelt it correctly.

Assume that you are accessing a MySQL database called my_db on localhost.
The URL to the datasource takes the form:
If MySQL is not listening on port 3306, you will need to change the port
value.  I leave user name and password to you - you can always use root
during development.

Chris Williams.

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Re: JAASRealm with Basic Authentication

2003-09-02 Thread Christopher Williams
Quoting from the recent 'Tomcat: The Definitive Guide' book: At the time of
this writing, this realm (i.e. JAAS) implementation does not seem to
work  Possibly it still doesn't.

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Re: [Sundararaman] [Help me]

2003-08-30 Thread Christopher Williams
I would strongly advise against using the Swing timer object.  Try using a
java.util.Timer object instead.  I use this in a servlet to perform
automatic daily backups and other automated tasks.

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Re: Tomcat and MsSQL

2003-08-30 Thread Christopher Williams
Question: Are you certain that SQL Server is listening on port 1433? I've
seen it using port 1141.  Use the SQL Server network utility to check the
TCP port.

- Original Message - 
From: Frank von Daak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 10:51 AM
Subject: Tomcat and MsSQL


 maybe, someone of you can help me...

 I try to port a webapplication from asp to java...

 First, I have used Websphere for this and everything worked ok, but then I
 decided to use tomcat4 (both under debian-linux)

 My problem is the connection to a MSSQL-Database.

 As JDBC-Driver I'm using the  Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC,
 which has an official linux-support. And I cn say, that it is working very
 well with websphere...

 When I use the same jsp-files under tomcat, I get the following error,
 trying to connect the sql-server:

 [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket.

 I have copied the 3 files msbase.jar, mssqlserver.jar and msutil.jar
 $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib and it seems, that tomcat can find them (as the
 error message says)

 Here is the code, that I use to connect to the database:


 %@ page language=java import=javax.sql.DataSource,java.sql.*%

 Connection db_con;
 Statement db;

 try {
 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
   out.println(h1Der Datenbanktreiber konnte nicht gefunden werden: + e
 e.getMessage() + /h1 );

 String con = jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;User=sa;

 try {
   db_con = DriverManager.getConnection (con);
 } catch ( SQLException se ) {
   out.println(Exception...( + se.getMessage() + )br--);


 What do I have to do, to get it working with tomcat ?

 Thank you very much for your help !!!


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Re: how to make a scheduled event on tomcat

2003-08-27 Thread Christopher Williams
Use a java.util.Timer.  Store the next scheduled event time in a Preferences
object.  If Tomcat isn't running when your event is due, run it on next
startup.  Then update the event time in Preferences.

Chris Williams.

- Original Message - 
From: Vladimer Shioshvili [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:14 PM
Subject: how to make a scheduled event on tomcat

 i would like to have a method that would run every-so-often (let's say two
 weeks). i am guessing listener could be an option.. is there a better
 solution to achieve this?


 Vladimer Shioshvili

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Re: request.getRemoteUser() only non-null on protected pages

2003-08-27 Thread Christopher Williams
Which type of authentication are you using.  I find that SSL-Slient
authentication causes getUserPrincipal() (or getRemoteUser()) to return
null.  I don't know why this is.  BASIC or DIGEST authentication should work
OK, though.

If you describe your problem to me again, I may have some insights as I am
currently working on something similar.

Kind regards,

Chris Williams.

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SSL-CLIENT authentication causes getUserPrincipal() to return null. Any idea why?

2003-08-21 Thread Christopher Williams
My setup:
Windows XP Pro
JDK 1.4.2

I want to know who's accessing a certain web page after they've
authenticated to Tomcat.  No problem if I use BASIC authentication.
However, when I use SSL-CLIENT authentication, calling getUserPrincipal() on
the incoming Request object returns null, which is no use at all.

Question: is this intended behaviour (it's pretty dumb if it is)?  If not,
how do I get information about the authenticated user?


Chris Williams.

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Re: Tomcat Userdatabase

2003-08-20 Thread Christopher Williams
Try in conf/tomcat-users.xml.

- Original Message - 
From: Sjoerd van Leent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 8:58 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat Userdatabase

 I installed the last binary build on my system, however, I need access
 to the manager web application, but I don't know the username/password.
 Where can I find this, or what is this password in general?
 Sjoerd van Leent
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