Re: WAR files

2001-07-26 Thread John Hebert

Erin Lester wrote:

 Can anyone point me to some information about creating WAR files.

  Supposedly you can create them with deploytool, but I only know
  how to do this with the gui version and don't have an x-windows
  server on the server I'm working on.

Very easy. Use Ant: . Ant is 
the default build tool (like 'make') for Jakarta applications.
And take a look at the Tomcat source examples/ and 
examples/build.xml files to see how Ant builds a WAR file.

 I've also read that you can use jartool to create WAR
 files, but the instructions said you will need to create your own version
 of the deployment descriptor.  What does this mean?  create my own
 web.xml?  I have a web.xml but don't really use it for much (not all the
 servlets are in the web.xml).

Yup, it means create your own web.xml. Just make sure it is in 

 Is there anything special we need to do in the web.xml/deployment
 descriptor file?


 and will a WAR created with the jar tool preserve the
 directory structure of the application?


John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Upgrading tomcat

2001-07-26 Thread John Hebert

Tia Haenni wrote:

 Has anyone gone from 3.2.1 up to 3.3? Does it require a complete uninstall
 of previous versions? Is it best to go with 3.3 or wait for 4.0? Thanks,

On a Linux box, an uninstall is not needed. I assume it is the same on 
an MS-Windows box. The different versions of Tomcat are simply installed 
parallel to each other. You do have to shutdown the old install, as the 
new install will try to use the same port numbers (8007, 8009, 8080, etc).

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Forbidden error, you are unable to access /examples from this server: please help, veryurgent

2001-07-25 Thread John Hebert

raghu wrote:

 /i did as u said, but still i am getting the same error.  I now doubt if is working properly or not?/
 /No, i am running only tomcat with apache, please help/

Did you download the binary version of I tried this a few 
months ago and had a problem with it. Try downloading the source for 
Tomcat and compile the mod_jk code in src/native (I think).


John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: update some configuration files without restarting tomcat

2001-07-25 Thread John Hebert

zze-messager FTM balr002 wrote:

 Is it possible to update the file $TOMCAT/conf/tomcat-users.xml without
 re-starting tomcat ? 
 Same question with the file $WEB_APP/web-inf/web.xml.

Nope. Those xml files are read at startup.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: apj13 not working

2001-07-25 Thread John Hebert

What's your classpath look like?


isleofdogs wrote:

 My system: Tomcat/Apache+mod_ssl/RedHat 7.1
 ---[Howto snippet]--
 mod_jk can use either the original Ajpv12 protocol or the newer Ajpv13
 protocol. Both protocols are enabled by default. The Ajp13 Connection
 Handler in Tomcat will give you the
 benefit of a faster protocol and the ability to identify requests made via
 The following block enables Ajpv13 in your TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml file. 
 ---[Howto snippet]--
 According to this, I can just put this block in with the
 rest of the Interceptors. I made sure not to put it after
 the LoadOnStartupInterceptor which loads last.
 When I do, I get the following at startup:
 ERROR reading /usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3/conf/server.xml
 At Line 188 /Server/ContextManager/RequestInterceptor/
 className=org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13Interceptor port=8009
 FATAL: configuration error
 This installation works fine with Ajp12.
 Am I missing something?
 Why is Ajp12 an Interceptor while Ajp12 is Connector?

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: starting/testing tomcat3.2.3

2001-07-24 Thread John Hebert

Sampath K Settipalli wrote:

  When I start tomcat 3.2.3 using sh start it displays
 following lines
 Using classpath:
 10:27am sampath@einsteinium ~squid/depot/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3/bin
Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages 2001-07-24

 10:28:00 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /examples )
 2001-07-24 10:28:00 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /admin )
 2001-07-24 10:28:00 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx(  )
 2001-07-24 10:28:00 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )
 2001-07-24 10:28:01 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler
 on 8080
 2001-07-24 10:28:01 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting Ajp12ConnectionHandler
 on 8007
which I guess is starting tomcat correctly. Now when I want to test
 it http://localhost:8080 it says server not found. I didn't make any
 changes in server.xml like context root or so . I tried different ports
 other than 8080. Still it doesn't display test page / examples . I tried
 telnet/ping and timed out. Its on Solaris 5.7
 I'm not sure whats happening. I don't find any /logs/tomcat.log file to
 check for any errors.
 Can you please suggest.
 Thanks in Advance,

Weird. It should work. Stupid question: Does 'localpath' resolve to Try changing your debug levels in server.xml from 0 to 
something higher like 5 or 9.


John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: tomcat 3.2.3 configuration

2001-07-24 Thread John Hebert

Aaron Cooper wrote:

 Hi folks
I am really stumped here and am wondering if someone can lend a helping hand.  I 
want to create my own web application.  From what I have read, if I put a directory 
under /webapps, tomcat will automatically add that directory to its web applications 
using ContextManager.
   I created a /baseball directory under /webapps, however, whenever I type in 
 http://localhost:8080/baseball, it does not find the directory.  So, I went and 
changed server.xml and added the Context path=/baseball docBase=webapps/baseball 
 /Context.  But that also did not work :)
 Is there something I am doing wrong here? I've noticed in the /webapps directory 
there exists .war files... do I need to do create a war file? if so, how? 
 Any help would be greatly appreciated! 
 Aaron Cooper


Nothing is wrong, other than that there is no application under 
baseball. Read and 
try playing with the examples.


John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Wat is JDBC realm basically

2001-07-24 Thread John Hebert

Mehul S Dave wrote:

I am sorry to ask this easiest query but i dont have any idea about it.
Wat is JDBC realm . Wat is it all about wat can i do with it?

A JDBCRealm is the default database connection used for getting security 
information such as username, password and role for user logins in a web 

This is a very simple definition, so you should read and 
setup the suggested tables and data on a JDBC capable SQL server and 
uncomment the appropriate tags in server.xml. I recommend PostgreSQL 

Good luck!


John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: tomcat 3.2.3 configuration

2001-07-24 Thread John Hebert

William Kaufman wrote:

 It should be

Ah, thanks William for clarifying that better than I could! :)

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Servlet web hosting?

2001-07-24 Thread John Hebert

Tim O'Neil wrote:

 At 08:51 PM 7/23/2001, you wrote:


 If you want to run a server though make sure you get a
 static ip assignment. It's a real pain to run a server
 with a dynamic ip.

Doesn't have to be. Take a look at They provide 
free scripts that report your dynamically assigned IP back to, which then updates its DNS records. I use them and it works 
fine. I assume other dynamic IP hosting services work in a similar manner.

Of course, this is not a good idea for a production server that has to 
be up 24X7 since there could be a delay when reporting the new IP, but 
for development work, it will do the job.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: tomcat-user.xml

2001-07-24 Thread John Hebert

Sankaranarayanan Ganapathy wrote:

 What is this file used for?

Provides basic security info when using servlets that provide logins via 
Basic or Form based authentication. Think of it as an example of how the 
real JDBCRealm database should be set up.

 What happens if tomcat is run without this file?

Nothing, if you don't hit a servlet that needs security. You will have 
to modify your server.xml as well.

 Can somebody explain?

Hope this helps just a bit.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: help please!

2001-07-24 Thread John Hebert

Aaron Cooper wrote:

I've checked documentation and have tried things already suggested, but still 
without success. Does anyone know where I could go to get information or give me some 
I have placed a /baseball under /webapps.  When I type in 
http://localhost:8080/baseball from my UNIX workstation, it works fine.  However, 
when I type the URL/baseball from my PC, it cannot find the directory.  Apache came 
already set up with tomcat, I do not understand why it wont show from my PC, when the 
/examples directory shows perfectly finr from my PC.  

Hmmm. Make sure your browser cache is clean. What you are doesn't seem 
like it should work.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Plz - Anyone have any ideas

2001-07-23 Thread John Hebert

Nance, Michael wrote:

 thanks again for replying
 I DO NOT have those lines in my httpd.conf... what I have 
 in my apache start up is a -Include mod_jk.conf   (whcih is a copy of
 I receive one message that this won't work  but it is the way we do JServ (I
 am trying to switch from JServ)
 Is that correct?

When you say apache start up, what do you mean exactly? Can you send 
me an example of the script or file that you are describing? Have you 
tried using the Include directive in httpd.conf?

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: question

2001-07-23 Thread John Hebert

isleofdogs wrote:

 I am installing the latest binary version of Tomcat
 with Apache 1.3.19 on a Linux box.
 The user guide has the following in the mini 
 Tomcat-Apache config file:
 # (1) Loading the jserv module that serves as Tomcat's apache adapter.
  LoadModule jserv_module libexec/
 I read in the FAQ that I should use the Tomcat shared object here.
 Where do I get that? It's not part of the binary download
 and I don't see it on the download page.
 Do I need to make my own?
 If so, which one do I make?
 iod is the old connector and is being replaced by, 
which you can find here:


John Hebert

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: problem solved

2001-07-23 Thread John Hebert

isleofdogs wrote:

 I now have apache+mod_ssl running and talking to port 8007
 and running servlets w/o error.
 Based on the config I sent in my last message plus some
 cleaning done in the tomcat config files this is now
 Thanks especially to John to pointing me to the newest
 version of jk_mod

Do you mean me? I was just out at the local bar having an afternoon pint 
of Guiness, so I'm glad you solved it, as I'm in no shape to help at the 
moment. :P

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: question

2001-07-23 Thread John Hebert

John Bazeley wrote:

 The ApJServX directives are from mod_jserv.
 if you delete the entire mod_jk info from httpd.conf
 and add
 include /usr/local/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto
 to the bottom, you should find it spring into life.
 This file is auto generated when tomcat starts (based on
 the info you provide to tomcat in server.xml etc) and
 should contain the mod_jk connection information for
 each of your webapps. Start tomcat first, though :-)

Oops, wrong John. Hey John! :)

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Apache-Tomcat integration.

2001-07-23 Thread John Hebert

Gurjeet Singh Osahan wrote:

 I am not able to configure Tomcat with apache.
 I am able to run both servers indepently.
 Next I put the file in libexec directory.
 Next I add the include statement in httpd.conf file
 when i run tomcat it starts fine.
 When i run apache it gives a error :
 invalid command 'loadmodule', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module 
 not included in your server environment.


1.  Make sure your Apache has DSO support. You can check this with 
$APACHE_HOME/bin/httpd -l. If you see mod_so.c in the output, DSO 
support is available. If it's missing, you may have to recompile or 
reinstall Apache.

It looks like you don't have DSO support compiled into Apache.

Hope this helps.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: re + New Question

2001-07-23 Thread John Hebert

Jerry QU wrote:

 which jk_mod should i download from or

Be sure to read:

* Find out whether your Apache has EAPI support. If you compiled it yourself from 
source, EAPI is probably not compiled in, unless you added it yourself (perhaps with 
mod_ssl). You need to build with or without EAPI to match your Apache 
configuration. If you install a mismatched, $APACHE_HOME/bin/apachectl 
configtest will warn you.

I can't tell you what you need without knowing how you compiled Apache 
httpd. Try em all in succession.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: connecting to apache PLZ HELP, VERY FUSTRATED!!

2001-07-20 Thread John Hebert


Did you follow the instructions on integrating Tomcat and Apache?


Paul wrote:

 I have installed apache 1.3 and tomcat 3.2 on a Linux 6.1 system.  They
 both run 
 fine stand alone (I can see the apache test page and the tomcat examples
 my browser).  However, when I try to run a JSP example I get...
 Error: 500
 Location: /examples/jsp/colors/colrs.jsp
 Internal Servlet Error:

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Jakarta build failed ?

2001-07-19 Thread John Hebert


Your classpath contains an extra / character, so it's not finding the 
ant.jar file.


Farag, Hany M (Hany) wrote:

 I'm getting this error when install Jakarta ?
 I read the documentation and followed all the instruction added all the jar
 files required and env var and still getting this errors.
 classpath is
 Buildfile: build.xml
  [copy] Copying 9 files to
 [javac] Compiling 2 source files to
 er/compiler/ Class
 javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.ValidationMessage not found in import.
 [javac] import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.ValidationMessage;
 er/compiler/ Class
 javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.ValidationMessage not found in import.
 [javac] import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.ValidationMessage;
 [javac] 2 errors
 Total time: 11 seconds
 It cant find these 2 class although i added the servelet jar as a java ext
 and put in as an env var.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

real time chat for Tomcat users?

2001-07-19 Thread John Hebert

I'm noticing that a LOT of traffic on this mailing list consists of 
questions that can be answered pretty quickly (not that there's anything 
wrong with that (: ) and might be better served (no pun intended) in a 
real time format.

So, I've setup a group conference via Jabber at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm going to try to hang out there during 
my work day (~0800 to 1800 CST6CDT), but others can keep it going round 
the clock.

I welcome anyone who is interested to hang out there to ask questions 
and get answers. I'm not an expert, but a group of us together can be 
pretty smart. :)

If you don't know what Jabber is, see

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: help!

2001-07-19 Thread John Hebert

Tim O'Neil wrote:

 At 07:06 AM 7/19/2001, you wrote:
 Roger Ruan wrote:

 Dear Sir,

 I am using tomcat on windows 2000.
 I have a problem:
  For IIS of Windows 2000 professional version only support 10 
 connections,I want to replace IIS with Apache,but I do not know if 
 Apache supports the ASP or not.Our codes are developed in 
 JSP/servlets and ASP.

 Happy to help someone convert from proprietary to free software!
 No doubt. But don't you need to get advanced server
 to go over 10 client connections? I thought the limit
 was imposed by the os, not just iis.
 Oh, and if you insist on using M$ as a server platform
 get ready to pay a regular fee and the os locked to the
 hardware config of the machine (whatever that means, some
 kind of license enforcement or something) and other great

Ah, didn't know that but should have guessed. My last M$ experience was 
with NT 4.0, and NT Workstation did have the 10 client connection limit, 
which is why there are so many Windows 98 based webservers running Apache.

Roger, Tim is right, switching IIS with Apache won't fix the connection 
limit problem. I recommend you switch to Linux, which runs Java and 
Tomcat just swell.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: distribution

2001-07-19 Thread John Hebert

Knoll, Craig wrote:

 In the binary distribution folders, there are several files. I know I need but what is used for?

 Do I need this file in conjunction with Tomcat? Is it for JSP?


 Is the usage of this file documented? 

After you unarchive this file, take a look at 

I believe this is the source for Tomcat servlet.jar. Tomcat is an 
application server for the methods/functions contained in the 
servlet.jar. Um, can anyone else come up with a better explanation? Like 
St. Augustine, I know what it is until you ask me to explain it. :)

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Plz - Anyone have any ideas

2001-07-19 Thread John Hebert


Or, once you get a running, stable app server configuration, just point 
your httpd.conf include directive to a specific copy of your 
mod_jk.conf-auto file:

Include /usr/local/tomcat/conf/copy_of_mod_jk.conf-auto

Hope this helps!

John Hebert

Nance, Michael wrote:

 I am trying to switch our current configuration from Apache/Tomcat/Mod_Jserv
 Apache/Tomcat/Mod_Jk.  I obtained the source files and built
 I removed the include of JServ.  
 I have a few questions and a problem.  When tomcat starts up it generates
 mod_jk.conf-auto.  Where do I put customized JKMounts?
 It appears that Apache is starting ok but not sure if Tomcat is.  in the
 I am getting
 [jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed errno = 146
 [jk_ajp12_worker.c (152)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, Error sd = -1
 I have read the docs and don't see what I am missing.
 Please help!

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Plz - Anyone have any ideas

2001-07-19 Thread John Hebert

Nance, Michael wrote:

 Thanks for your reply
 The weird thing is in our current env does not include those files in the
 htttpd.conf file.  They are included 
 in a _Include when we start up Tomcat separately.  Would the tomcat.conf
 still be read because I noticed that it was including JServ and not Mod_JK

Hmmm, now you have me stumped. Don't know. Try messing around with 
tomcat.conf and see. Anybody else?


John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: help me

2001-07-18 Thread John Hebert

zw wrote:

 I want to download a installation package for tomcat on AIX OS ,May you 
 help me?

I can not find an installation package for Tomcat on AIX. Can you compile source code 
on AIX?

If so, try downloading and compiling:

Sorry I can not be more helpful.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: How to configure web.xml to setup init parameters for JSP

2001-07-18 Thread John Hebert

Simon Chan wrote:

 However, I do not know how to configure web.xml to put init params for 
 JSP.  May I have a example? Many thx


Take a look at the parameter initialization section in:

Hope this helps!

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: JSP Setup.

2001-07-18 Thread John Hebert

Tim Ashman wrote:

 I'm new to Tomcat and have Tomcat and apache playing together.  I've 
 been able to create servlets, and have them successfully run.  I am now 
 trying to learn JSP but when I put the *.jsp files onto the server I 
 can't get them to run.  I receive 404 errors.  I've looked though the 
 online help, etc and most of it seems a little confusing.
 Am I just placing the .jsp's in the wrong place?  Do I need some .jar 
 files that don't come with the standard java/tomcat installs?

Sounds like they are either in the wrong place or Apache is not 
configured to point to the correct place. The jasper.jar is the jar file 
that handles .jsp's. Need more info in order to help you further, 
specifically config info (httpd.conf, server.xml).

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Crystal Reports

2001-07-18 Thread John Hebert

Hey, I know something Dmitri doesn't know! :)

Crystal Report files are database query results handled by a client 
application to display them.

Bill, of course Tomcat can serve them. Check out ../tomcat/conf/web.xml, 
specifically the mime-mapping section. But, Tomcat cannot _process_ 
them. Dmitri is correct in saying that Tomcat only executes servlets. 
You may have a specific reason for wanting to use Tomcat, but I think 
(w/o more info) that using Apache to serve w/ Tomcat integrated to 
handle other servlet stuff is your best bet.


Dmitri Colebatch wrote:

 I'm not sure what crystal report files are, but from your email I gather
 they are a script that apache handles nicely.  Tomcat is a dedicated
 servlet engine - if it aint a servlet, dont make tomcat serve it... I
 assume you'll be having apache sit in front of tomcat anyway, so just
 continue as you have been.
 On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Bill May wrote:

A question

Is it possible to configure Tomcat to serve Crystal Report (.rpt files)

With Apache this is achieved by calling an executable in the cgi-bin directory 

I suppose the question is Does Tomcat support cgi scripts ?

Bill May

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Starting apache and Tomcat

2001-07-18 Thread John Hebert

Nance, Michael wrote:

 I have seen this asked before but have not seen an answer.
 When I try to start apache with mod_jk I get the error
 ... fatal: relocation error ...
 / symbol fdatasync: referenced symbol not found
 What is wrong?

Do you have the correct for your system? Are you missing any 
libs that is trying to reference? Not really sure what the 
problem is. Sounds like you would have to get a hold of the source for and run it through a debugger.

I am using on a RedHat 6.2 and it works fine.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: tomcat ssl direct help

2001-07-18 Thread John Hebert

Tan WeeSiong wrote:

 i am facing a lot of problems with tomcat 3.2.1
 the ssl direct has alreadi cause me a lot of problems
 i tried to import certs of v3 and try to let it run as
 a server cert but it doesn't work
 the default tomcat webpage cannot be display 
 and the tomcat shows these error msg 
 2001-03-22 03:47:18 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
 2001-03-22 03:47:18 - Ctx(  ): IOException in:
 R( /) Socket closed
 but when i try 
 keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
 the v1 cert works and ssl can be working
 please reply me as soon as possible because i have
 alreadi dwell on this problem for a very long time 
 and i think i am going mad alreadi.The internet
 doesn't really help much... 
 please give me the solutions in detail and as simple
 to understand as possible
 please i really appreciate your helpthanks


I do not have a detailed answer but I do suggest that you use the latest 
release version of Tomcat. Are you certain that SSL v3 is supported by 
Tomcat 3.2.1?

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Double Click

2001-07-18 Thread John Hebert

Wang, Jianming wrote:

 I have an hyperlink, when user click on it, it will update the database.  My
 question is how can I deal with the case when user double click on the link?
 Thank you in advance for your help.

You will have to detect the double-click in the client application, 
which I assume is a web browser. This will require something like 
JavaScript or VBScript, which is off-topic for this list. Try 
researching DOM (Document Object Model) on the web. There is a lot of 
information on DOM available.

Here is a link to help you get started:

Now that I think about it, you could determine if the second click was 
submitted within a certain time frame and if any parameters had changed. 
If false, then ignore second request.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Images in Tomcat

2001-07-18 Thread John Hebert

Fredrik Liden wrote:

 I have a navigationbar that changes images when the user moves the mouse
 over it.
 This navigationbar works and looks normal when viewed on my own computer.
 But when I run it through the server the images won't work properly. It
 looks pretty messed up to be exact. Anyone know how to get around this?
 I'm running Tomcat as a standalone webserver/servletengine

Either it is a file path problem or the mime types are not being 
declared correctly in ../tomcat/conf/web.xml.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer


2001-07-17 Thread John Hebert


 I have a Tomcat at a Linux and 
 a Oracle 8.05.
 What the JDBC driver that i must 
 install ?
 And where i can learn about it ?

I don't know the specific driver information, but this might help:

Sorry, it is not in Portuguese. There may be a translation elsewhere on 
the Oracle web site.

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Re: Oracle JDBC in CLASSPATH for Tomcat 4.0

2001-07-17 Thread John Hebert

Scott Brinker wrote:

 Alas, it's still not finding it. I now have the in the
 following locations:
 ...(the latter being my web app), in addition to the CLASSPATH environment
 variable. Any other thoughts?

Can you confirm it is a valid archive (jar -t

John Alex Hebert
System Engineer

Is corrupt?

2001-04-23 Thread John Hebert

I believe that the file
might be corrupt. I didn't think so at first and suspected that it was something I was 
doing wrong,
but I've downloaded the file a few times and would only get the error:

[root@webserver bin]# ./apachectl start
Syntax error on line 8 of /usr/local/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto:
API module structure `jk_module' in file /usr/local/apache/libexec/ is 
garbled - perhaps this is not an Apache module DSO?
./apachectl start: httpd could not be started

I saw Henri Gomez's announcement about the Tomcat v3.2.2-beta-3 version being 
available as well as the,
 so I
tried that instead and httpd started.

Has anybody else had problems getting
to work?

John Hebert
System Engineer
Changing your state of mind through sound.