RE: JK2 config problem [RESOLVED]

2004-02-26 Thread Kent Boogaart
Hmmm, I didn't forget the attachments but this mail list must not support
attachments . . .

So here is my original file:



# dev communication channel
info=channel for dev

# dev worker

# sys test communication channel
info=channel for sys test

# sys test worker

# map all dev requests to dev worker
info=map all

# map all sys test requests to sys test worker
info=map all

And here is the simplified one:



# dev communication channel
info=channel for dev

# dev worker

# sys test communication channel
info=channel for sys test

# sys test worker

# map all dev requests to dev worker
info=map all

# map all sys test requests to sys test worker
info=map all


-Original Message-
From: Subir Sengupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 27 February 2004 6:08 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: JK2 config problem [RESOLVED]

Did you forget the attachment?

-Original Message-
From: Kent Boogaart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 7:30 PM
Subject: JK2 config problem [RESOLVED]

Typical - as soon as I post I figure it out. All I had to do was alter
the second IIS site so that the 'jakarta' virtual directory points to
the same location as the first site (D:\tomcat41\bin\native\).

With that modification, the existing file correctly
forwards requests based on the host IP. In fact, the
file can be simplified even further to be more readable. A simplified
version is attached.

Hope this info is useful to others . . .


Hello all,

Here's my problem: I would like to have two Tomcat processes running on
the one machine, each with a my web-app available via the default
context (/). Furthermore, I would like each site to be available via
IIS. I have tried for days to get this up and running but with no luck.
I could not find any substantial documentation on
configuration anywhere. Therefore I have been cross-referencing with JK1
configuration and with the JK2 source code. Following is my set up.

Tomcat 1

Directory: D:\tomcat41\
Name: Development

The for this tomcat contains: channelSocket.port=8009

The for this tomcat (which is shared for all
Tomcats) is attached. As you can see, I have tried to resolve requests
from the different IP addresses to the different Tomcats.

The server.xml file for this tomcat contains this connector definition:

Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
acceptCount=10 bufferSize=2048 compression=off
connectionLinger=-1 connectionTimeout=2
connectionUploadTimeout=30 debug=0 disableUploadTimeout=false
enableLookups=true maxKeepAliveRequests=100 maxProcessors=75
minProcessors=5 port=8009
proxyPort=0 redirectPort=8443 scheme=http secure=false
serverSocketTimeout=0 tcpNoDelay=true tomcatAuthentication=true
useURIValidationHack=false   Factory

Tomcat 2

Directory: D:\tc_system_test\
Name: System test

The for this tomcat contains: channelSocket.port=8010

The server.xml file for this tomcat contains exactly the same connector
definition as Tomcat 1 except the port is 8010 instead of 8009.

IIS Site 1 (Development)

jakarta virtual dir points to: D:\tomcat41\bin\native\

IIS Site 2 (System Test)

jakarta virtual dir points to: D:\tc_esm_system_test\bin\native\


When I navigate to the development site via it
works and I get my default page. When I navigate to the system test site
via I get a zero size reply error. If I go
directly to Tomcat everything works OK.

Looking at the ISAPI logs I can see that the development site logs this:

HttpFilterProc started
Virtual Host redirection

JK2 config problem

2004-02-25 Thread Kent Boogaart
Hello all,

Here's my problem: I would like to have two Tomcat processes running on the
one machine, each with a my web-app available via the default context (/).
Furthermore, I would like each site to be available via IIS. I have tried
for days to get this up and running but with no luck. I could not find any
substantial documentation on configuration anywhere.
Therefore I have been cross-referencing with JK1 configuration and with the
JK2 source code. Following is my set up.

Tomcat 1

Directory: D:\tomcat41\
Name: Development

The for this tomcat contains: channelSocket.port=8009

The for this tomcat (which is shared for all Tomcats) is
attached. As you can see, I have tried to resolve requests from the
different IP addresses to the different Tomcats.

The server.xml file for this tomcat contains this connector definition:

Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
acceptCount=10 bufferSize=2048 compression=off connectionLinger=-1
connectionTimeout=2 connectionUploadTimeout=30 debug=0
disableUploadTimeout=false enableLookups=true maxKeepAliveRequests=100
maxProcessors=75 minProcessors=5 port=8009
proxyPort=0 redirectPort=8443 scheme=http secure=false
serverSocketTimeout=0 tcpNoDelay=true tomcatAuthentication=true
useURIValidationHack=false   Factory

Tomcat 2

Directory: D:\tc_system_test\
Name: System test

The for this tomcat contains: channelSocket.port=8010

The server.xml file for this tomcat contains exactly the same connector
definition as Tomcat 1 except the port is 8010 instead of 8009.

IIS Site 1 (Development)

jakarta virtual dir points to: D:\tomcat41\bin\native\

IIS Site 2 (System Test)

jakarta virtual dir points to: D:\tc_esm_system_test\bin\native\


When I navigate to the development site via it works
and I get my default page. When I navigate to the system test site via I get a zero size reply error. If I go directly to
Tomcat everything works OK.

Looking at the ISAPI logs I can see that the development site logs this:

HttpFilterProc started
Virtual Host redirection of : 80
[/index.jsp] is a servlet url - should redirect to ajp13:
check if [/index.jsp] is pointing to the web-inf directory
HttpExtensionProc started
HttpExtensionProc got a worker for name ajp13:
channelSocket.receive(): Error receiving message body -1 53
workerEnv.processCallbacks() Error reading reply
ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 12
handler.response() Header[0] [Content-Type] = [text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1]
handler.response() Header[1] [Content-Length] = [61]
handler.response(): status=200 headers=2
Into jk_ws_service_t::head
Into jk_ws_service_t::write
HttpExtensionProc service() returned OK

System test, on the other hand, contains this in the log:

HttpFilterProc started
In HttpFilterProc Virtual Host redirection of : 80
HttpFilterProc [/index.jsp] is a servlet url - should redirect to
HttpFilterProc check if [/index.jsp] is pointing to the web-inf directory

It repeats these four lines 9 or 10 times and never reaches the
HttpExtensionProc. Looking at the code I can see that the threadPool
registry entry affects how the HttpExtensionProc is executed. I tried
changing it from the existing value of 5 (which does not use a pool) to 10
(which should use the pool). It had no effect.

Can anyone shed some light on this? I hope I have been clear in my
explanation of the problem. If not, I would be happy to clarify. Thanks
heaps for any help.


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JK2 config problem [RESOLVED]

2004-02-25 Thread Kent Boogaart
Typical - as soon as I post I figure it out. All I had to do was alter the
second IIS site so that the 'jakarta' virtual directory points to the same
location as the first site (D:\tomcat41\bin\native\).

With that modification, the existing file correctly
forwards requests based on the host IP. In fact, the
file can be simplified even further to be more readable. A simplified
version is attached.

Hope this info is useful to others . . .


Hello all,

Here's my problem: I would like to have two Tomcat processes running on the
one machine, each with a my web-app available via the default context (/).
Furthermore, I would like each site to be available via IIS. I have tried
for days to get this up and running but with no luck. I could not find any
substantial documentation on configuration anywhere.
Therefore I have been cross-referencing with JK1 configuration and with the
JK2 source code. Following is my set up.

Tomcat 1

Directory: D:\tomcat41\
Name: Development

The for this tomcat contains: channelSocket.port=8009

The for this tomcat (which is shared for all Tomcats) is
attached. As you can see, I have tried to resolve requests from the
different IP addresses to the different Tomcats.

The server.xml file for this tomcat contains this connector definition:

Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
acceptCount=10 bufferSize=2048 compression=off connectionLinger=-1
connectionTimeout=2 connectionUploadTimeout=30 debug=0
disableUploadTimeout=false enableLookups=true maxKeepAliveRequests=100
maxProcessors=75 minProcessors=5 port=8009
proxyPort=0 redirectPort=8443 scheme=http secure=false
serverSocketTimeout=0 tcpNoDelay=true tomcatAuthentication=true
useURIValidationHack=false   Factory

Tomcat 2

Directory: D:\tc_system_test\
Name: System test

The for this tomcat contains: channelSocket.port=8010

The server.xml file for this tomcat contains exactly the same connector
definition as Tomcat 1 except the port is 8010 instead of 8009.

IIS Site 1 (Development)

jakarta virtual dir points to: D:\tomcat41\bin\native\

IIS Site 2 (System Test)

jakarta virtual dir points to: D:\tc_esm_system_test\bin\native\


When I navigate to the development site via it works
and I get my default page. When I navigate to the system test site via I get a zero size reply error. If I go directly to
Tomcat everything works OK.

Looking at the ISAPI logs I can see that the development site logs this:

HttpFilterProc started
Virtual Host redirection of : 80
[/index.jsp] is a servlet url - should redirect to ajp13:
check if [/index.jsp] is pointing to the web-inf directory
HttpExtensionProc started
HttpExtensionProc got a worker for name ajp13:
channelSocket.receive(): Error receiving message body -1 53
workerEnv.processCallbacks() Error reading reply
ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 12
handler.response() Header[0] [Content-Type] = [text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1]
handler.response() Header[1] [Content-Length] = [61]
handler.response(): status=200 headers=2
Into jk_ws_service_t::head
Into jk_ws_service_t::write
HttpExtensionProc service() returned OK

System test, on the other hand, contains this in the log:

HttpFilterProc started
In HttpFilterProc Virtual Host redirection of : 80
HttpFilterProc [/index.jsp] is a servlet url - should redirect to
HttpFilterProc check if [/index.jsp] is pointing to the web-inf directory

It repeats these four lines 9 or 10 times and never reaches the
HttpExtensionProc. Looking at the code I can see that the threadPool
registry entry affects how the HttpExtensionProc is executed. I tried
changing it from the existing value of 5 (which does not use a pool) to 10
(which should use the pool). It had no effect.

Can anyone shed some light on this? I hope I have been clear in my
explanation of the problem. If not, I would be happy to clarify. Thanks
heaps for any help.


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Multiple JK2's on one Machine

2004-01-27 Thread Kent Boogaart

I am attempting to set up two separate Tomcat installations on one machine,
each available via IIS. The problem I have is that JK2 retrieves its
configuration from the registry. Therefore, multiple JK2s on the same
machine must have the same configuration. Is there a way to tell the JK2 to
retrieve its configuration from a different registry key? Or perhaps there
is some other way around this problem?

O/S: Windows 2000 SP4
Tomcat Version: 4.1.29
IIS Version: 5.0

Thanks for any help,

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RE: Retrieving the context path from a standalone class

2004-01-08 Thread Kent Boogaart

 I took a look at lucene's indexing code.  It seems like you
 can construct an Analyzer from a Reader (so an
 InputStreamReader constructed from the InputStream returned
 by ServletContext#getResourceAsStream
 would work), and then use a RAMDirectory as the IndexWriter's
 Directory argument.  Alternatively you an use an FSDirectory
 if you want to save the index to disk, use the one directory
 where the container will let you write, the directory
 accessible via (File)
 That should work, no?

Won't that index the JSP source ?

Probably.  AFAIK there's no way to get the HTML that a JSP page would
show without an actual request.

Yoav Shapira

Yes it does index the source code which was what I was trying to avoid. I
understand that I need to request the page in order to execute it. That is
why I was trying to construct a URL via which I could request it.

Anyhow, everything's working fine in terms of indexing (including JSP
execution). It's just that I was trying to eliminate the need for an
environment variable for the context path. I will use Jacob's generic method
of obtaining it instead of an env entry and all will be sweet.

Thanks heaps for your help everyone,

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RE: Retrieving the context path from a standalone class

2004-01-07 Thread Kent Boogaart
Thanks for your input Shapira and Mike . . . don't get me wrong, I don't
want the servlet spec to change unless it really is wrong in this regard. If
it isn't then I want to know the correct way to deal with the problem.

Sorry for my confusion about the recommended ServletRequestListener solution
- it stems from the fact that this interface was introduced in the 2.4 API.
I am using Tomcat 4.1 which, I understand, only supports the 2.3 API. I
would need Tomcat 5 for such a solution but it is certainly nice to know.

So let's consider the RequestDispatcher. As I mentioned, it is easy enough
for me to get an appropriate instance of RequestDispatcher. The problem is,
in order to include the response, I need an instance of ServletRequest and

public void RequestDispatcher.include(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response) throws . . .

I obviously don't have these in my indexing class. I considered rolling my
own but how would I implement the getContextPath() method in
HttpServletRequest? I'd be going around in circles.

So what about the ServletContext.getResource(String) option? Well, I tried
this and it returns a URL such as:


However, as you'd expect, reading this URL yields the contents of the JSP
rather than the results of executing the JSP. I figured I could somehow
easily translate this URL into a http URL. I looked at the URL(URL context,
String spec) URL constructor but it does not help because of the changing of

Of course, I could simply replace the jndi:/ with http://; and then
insert the correct port number - which I have as an env entry :-(  - but I'm
not convinced this is a good idea either.

The only thing I didn't understand in your email was the comment re docBase.
I'm not sure what this is - in particular, are you talking HTML document
base or some other mechanism - can you enlighten me?

Actually I just thought of another argument for supplying deployment
information to the developer - feel free to shoot me down. In my web app I
have a filter called ProtocolFilter. It simply switches the client in and
out of SSL as specified by filter options. In order to perform the switch,
the ports must be known. I currently have these ports defined as env entries
so that the filter (and other code) can pick them up. How else could I
possibly do this?

Thanks again,


[kb] OK, but how can my app be agnostic of the context path if I need
to do
things like dynamically construct URLs? Why does the need to request a
resource in the same web app constitute a design flaw? Surely this is a
fairly common requirement . . . how else would I index dynamic
Also, if the web app should be completely agnostic of the context path,
does the HttpServletRequest interface define a method to retrieve it?

The getContextPath method is there primarily to address HTML
restrictions (links).  Other ways to access dynamic resources revolve
around using the docBase as your reference, not the server root, and
include the RequestDispatcher calls and ServletContext#getResource
calls.  Both of these are agnostic of the context path as far as the
application developer is concerned, which is good design.

As you already mentioned, you can hack around this in various ugly ways,
e.g. including the context path as a context-param in web.xml.  This is
an easy out many people take.  But since you said you wanted to know the
clean approach, and I was glad to hear that, I'm trying to explain that
approach and the reasoning behind it.

[kb] Not entirely sure what you mean here. Are you saying I should
write a
servlet that also implements ServletContextListener? If so, how do I

No, that's not what I meant.  I meant exactly what I said, I'll try it
again without spaces when referring to servlet API classes: make your
ServletContextListener also a ServletRequestListener.  You will get
notified when the first request comes in.  At that time, you grab the
context path and store it so that your other classes can retrieve it
without needing an HttpServletRequest object.

A filter is also a possible solution, and there are several others.
Both the filter and the approach above will run the indexing on the
first request, which is not what you want.  (Although it's trivial to
tie a wget request to the server startup script).  Perhaps you can
modify your existing indexing class to use ServletContext#getResource
calls rather than whatever you're using now that requires the context

Yoav Shapira

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RE: Retrieving the context path from a standalone class

2004-01-06 Thread Kent Boogaart
Hi Shapira,

Please see below for my responses.


You're missing a few things:

1. The context path is (according to the spirit of the servlet spec) to
be decided by the server administrator, just like the port on which the
webapp will run.  Your application should be completely agnostic of the
actual context path.  This is not a design flaw in the servlet API, but
a flaw in your own application's current design.

[kb] OK, but how can my app be agnostic of the context path if I need to do
things like dynamically construct URLs? Why does the need to request a
resource in the same web app constitute a design flaw? Surely this is a
fairly common requirement . . . how else would I index dynamic resources?
Also, if the web app should be completely agnostic of the context path, why
does the HttpServletRequest interface define a method to retrieve it?

2. If you want to keep your current design, simply start the indexing
thread when the first request comes in using its context path.  You can,
for example, have your servlet context listener class also be a servlet
request listener, and do something on the first incoming request only.

[kb] Not entirely sure what you mean here. Are you saying I should write a
servlet that also implements ServletContextListener? If so, how do I
instigate the first request to the servlet (again, without knowing the
context path)? Wouldn't it make more sense to implement a filter and run the
index the first time the filter runs? The filter could pass the context path
to the indexing thread for subsequent usage. Of course, the indexing would
only take place once a request is received - I'd rather a solution that
allows the indexing to run on app startup.

3. This is a user, i.e. the tomcat-user list, question, so please
continue discussion there.  This list is for internal tomcat development

[kb] Sorry, I knew that - just wasn't thinking straight on a Tuesday evening


Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Kent Boogaart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 12:34 AM
Subject: Retrieving the context path from a standalone class

Hi all,

I have a class in my web app that runs in a separate thread. It's
responsibility is to re-index the site every x minutes (I am using
for site searches). It recursively loops over the relevant files within
web app folder and attempts to index each one (the web app must be
at this stage). I have this working for HTML and plain text resources.
However, I would like to include JSPs in my index. Of course, I need to
request each JSP to get any meaningful information for the index.

I have a class that implements the ServletContextListener interface and
stores a global reference to the ServletContext object. Originally I
this would be all I needed to dynamically request JSPs. I figured you
retrieve the servlet context path from the ServletContext object in
construct a URL to request - how silly of me! It seems you cannot
the context path from anywhere other than the HttpServletRequest
Besides being a major design flaw (?), this complicates things for me.
cannot dynamically construct a request URL because I don't know the
path and my application must be able to run under any context path
the default one.

I thought about using the ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher() method.
However, I needed an implementation of HttpServletRequest and
HttpServletResponse in order to use the dispatcher. HttpServletRequest,
just mentioned, defines the getContextPath() method which I obviously
implement. The JSPs in my application already rely on this method
the correct context path. Hence, this was not an option.

I also thought of having a servlet that loads on start-up set a global
variable containing the context path. However, I would need the servlet
be requested in order to obtain an instance of HttpServletRequest from
I could extract the context path - the parameters to the init() method
of no help.

A possible solution is to define an environment entry for the web app
duplicates the details of the context path. This is an awful solution
should not be necessary. Can anyone shed some light on this? Am I
something embarrassingly obvious here?


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RE: Tomcat and Log4J

2003-12-17 Thread Kent Boogaart
 Howdy, Your problem is not log4j, it's commons-logging, which is nearly
always the culprit. The issue arises if log4j is in a classloader below
commons-logging, so
 commons-logging doesn't know log4j is there. You're configuring log4j OK,
and if you used a log4j Logger rather than a commons-logging Log, you'd see
 behavior. But you're using a commons-logging Log, which uses the
commons-logging configuration, which is tied to your server and outputs to
the console. Yoav
 Shapira Millennium ChemInformatics 


Thanks for the advice. I tried using Log4J directly by one of my classes
and, like you said, it worked. However, I wanted to stick with commons
logging since this is (supposedly) the most flexible logging solution.
Therefore, I tried sticking log4j.jar into ${TOMCAT_HOME}/common/lib and
log4j.xml into ${TOMCAT_HOME}/common/classes. This worked for Tomcat classes
but not my own (my log output was still going to stdout). This had me

After further stuffing around, one of my work collegues mentioned he'd
gotten around this problem by including commons-logging.jar and
commons-logging-api.jar in his web app. I tried this and it worked. I then
removed commons-logging-api.jar from my web app and it still worked.

In a way this all kind of makes sense - my web app has its own commons
logging package which finds the log4j package and the configuration.
However, I am surprised that this was all necessary. I am also surprised
that it is (I think) undocumented.

Anyways, thanks for your help.


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Re: Default context for web app

2003-12-16 Thread Kent Boogaart
Didn't work. So I can't do what you're doing. Strange. Are you dead certain
you don't have an /eSM/ context?


Hi Adam,

It's a bit hard to tell for certain since I have disabled the manager app.
However, I can tell you that there is only one directory below
work/Standalone/localhost and it is called _. Tomcat used to create two
directories here when it started two contexts - _ and eSM.

Also, when I start Tomcat on the command line I can see that my webapp is
only started once. I have a ServletContextListener implementation that
outputs version details etc. I used to see this information output twice but
now I only see it once.


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Tomcat and Log4J

2003-12-16 Thread Kent Boogaart

I have been trying all day to get Tomcat and Log4J to cooperate. I have
looked through many posts to this mailing list but have been unable to find
any extra information that helps me.

I am running Tomcat 4.1.27 on a Windows 2000 machine. My web app has
log4j-1.2.8.jar in its WEB-INF/lib directory. I have a config file called
log4j.xml in my WEB-INF directory. To load the configuration, I have a
ContextStartupListener implementation with this code in it:

//first things first - initialise the logging sub-system
try {
System.out.println(Initialising Log4J . . .);
String configFile =

//provide default
if ((configFile == null) || (.equals(configFile.trim(
configFile = /WEB-INF/log4j.xml;

String filename =

System.out.println(. . . done);
} catch (Throwable t) {
System.err.println(Exception occurred:  + t);
t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(System.err));

//now create the log
log =

log.trace(trace enabled);
log.debug(debug enabled); enabled);
log.warn(warn enabled);
log.error(error enabled);
log.fatal(fatal enabled);

My log4j.xml file is defined as:

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM log4j.dtd

log4j:configuration debug=false
appender name=custom
param name=File
param name=DatePattern value='.'-MM-dd/

layout class=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
param name=ConversionPattern value=%d
%-5p [%c] %m%n/

level value=debug/
appender-ref ref=custom/

As you can see, I have tried to redirect all logging for my webapp to a
custom log file. If I set the log4j.debug system property to true, I can see
that Log4J is successfully finding and using my configuration file. Indeed,
the custom.log file is created. However, none of my log statements are
directed to this file. Instead, they go straight to the console as per
usual. Also, the debug level is the same as usual (ie. level is info instead
of debug as specified in config file).

What's really interesting is that there is some output in custom.log.
However, this output belongs to JBoss client classes (my application
utilises JBoss as an app server). Note that I am running Tomcat standalone -
not as part of a JBoss installation. Here is a sample from custom.log:

2003-12-17 14:54:13,653 DEBUG
[] Extracting
SpyConnectionFactory from reference
2003-12-17 14:54:13,914 DEBUG
[] The
GenericConnectionFactory is:
GenericConnectionFactory:[EMAIL PROTECTED],conne
ctionProperties={UIL_ADDRESS_KEY=, PingPeriod=0,
2003-12-17 14:54:13,974 DEBUG [] Setting the
clockDaemon's thread factory
2003-12-17 14:54:14,024 DEBUG
[] Handing out ClientIL:
2003-12-17 14:54:14,024 DEBUG
2003-12-17 14:54:14,134 DEBUG

It seems Log4J is being used for JBoss client classes but not for my own.
What am I doing wrong here? I have also checked to ensure that
${CATALINA_HOME}/common/lib does not contain any logging-related JARs except
for commons-logging-api.jar. Similarly, I have made sure that my web app
does not contain any logging-related JARs except for log4j-1.2.8.jar.

Sorry for the long post and thanks for even reading this far. I'd appreciate
any help anyone can offer.


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Re: Default context for web app

2003-12-15 Thread Kent Boogaart
When I do that, I get a context at / and a context at eSM. In
$TOMCAT_HOME/work/Standalone/localhost/ tomcat makes both _ and eSM.

I use exactly the same context config as you, except some I don't declare
since the defaults are the same. The only one I don't recognise is
'displayName' - can't see it in the docs. What is it?

As I originally said, putting it in ROOT is the only way I have found to
avoid this. But I guess it's not important.



Do you have autoDeploy and deployXml set to false in your Host element? If
so then I'm not sure why you are getting two contexts . . .


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Re: Default context for web app

2003-12-11 Thread Kent Boogaart
Hi Adam,

I am currently running against version 4.1.27 of Tomcat. I did not alter the
name of my deploy directory. Here is my Context element (with env entries


My WAR file is called eSM.war and, as you can see, my deploy directory is
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/eSM. Note, however, that Tomcat uses
$TOMCAT_HOME/work/Standalone/localhost/_ as the working directory for the
web app since the path is .


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Default context for web app

2003-12-10 Thread Kent Boogaart
Hi all,

I am trying make my web application available via the default context. In
other words, when I type http://localhost:8080/ in a browser on the local
machine I want my web app to appear rather than the Tomcat default web app.

I figured I'd just need to alter my context's path to  (empty string) and
alter the existing root context to use /root for it's path rather than .
Whilst this kind of works (my web app is available via
http://localhost:8080/) it has an unfortunate side effect. My web app is
started up twice - once in the  context and again in another context based
on my web app's name (/eSM).

How can I use the default context and only the default context for my web


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Re: Default context for web app

2003-12-10 Thread Kent Boogaart
Wow - thanks for all the help people. Just thought I'd update you on how I
resolved this.

Firstly, I removed all Context elements from conf/server.xml except my
own. Then I set autoDeploy to false on the Host element.

This almost got everything working as required. However, the admin and
manager web apps were still deployed which was unacceptable because they
would be available via a live IP. This was because the deployXML attribute
was set to true. I set this to false and then only my context was

Thanks again!


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Jk2, IIS, BASIC Authorization problem

2003-12-02 Thread Kent Boogaart

I have my web app set up to require BASIC authorization for a subdirectory.
Everything works fine when running directly through Tomcat. However, when I
run via IIS (version 5 on a win 2000 machine) it does not work.

I have done some analysis and found that the Jk2 ISAPI filter appears to be
stripping the authorization header off the request. Does anyone have any
ideas how to work around this? I have read of other people having similar
difficulties with jk1 but the resolution does not apply to jk2.

Thanks for any help,

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Tomcat 4.1, IIS : configuring IIS log output

2003-10-22 Thread Kent Boogaart
Hi all,

My first post here. I am trying to get IIS to output the details of requests
forwarded onto Tomcat rather than just the name of the ISAPI redirector DLL.
For example, if IIS receives a GET request http://host/folder/index.jsp; it

[date] [time] [c-ip] GET /jakarta/isapi_redirector2.dll - 200

I would prefer something like this in the log:

[date] [time] [c-ip] GET /folder/index.jsp - 200

This question has been asked before
([EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg32127.html)
but I cannot find an answer anywhere. Can anyone point me in the right


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