RE: Start and stop server

2003-12-19 Thread Michael Coughlan
> There is a Startup and Shutdown batch scripts in your Tomcat's bin
> directory.

I also remember that Tomcat 4 also used to be a Windows Service, for
stopping, starting, and running on startup.

Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Services

I've moved to Tomcat on Linux and can't verify that fact.

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Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?

2003-12-21 Thread Michael Coughlan
This might seem like an embarrassing question (or a poor post for the
Tomcat-user list), but why would a developer want to download JBoss with
Tomcat bundled instead of Tomcat alone?

Does the Jakarta project have a competing open-source appsever product?

I understand why someone would need an application server for Apache, but
isn't Tomcat prepared to track sessions, manage DB connection objects with
JDBC, etc? Does JBoss provide standard code for "Shopping Carts"? What does
it offer that Tomcat does not?

I'm sure there is a good reason for App Servers. If someone can clue me in
as to the limits of Tomcat and the common uses of an App Server, I would
appreciate it.

The only decent Documentation for JBoss is for sale. Their site was not very
informative. I don't know if I trust their POV anyway.

In the mealtime, I've got the JBoss installer tar to try out and no manual.


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RE: Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?

2003-12-21 Thread Michael Coughlan
Thanks for the reply.

> Tomcat is a servlet (and jsp) container. Thats it, nothing else. Zippo.

Understood. Although Tomcat seems to be more robust than Apache in tracking
sessions and saving state, which is what App Servers did in the past.

> JBoss is a full J2EE server which offers all the J2EE services

To help drive the point home, can someone please give a few more examples of
"J2EE services"?

I swear, I've looked through all the Sun App server and Jboss literature and
there is very little about what one might do with them.

Finally, the Jakarta project seems so robust, why is there no Jakarta
equivalent? Or is there?

Thanks again.

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RE: Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?

2003-12-21 Thread Michael Coughlan
Thanks again for the reply, Tim. As you can tell, I am a little confused
although it's becoming somewhat more clear.

> J2EE includes JMS, EJB, and a bunch of other acronyms.
> should
> have a whitepaper about j2ee and everything it can do.

I think I can imagine that whitepaper. This might be the source of my

I was under the impression that JMS, EJBs, etc. were supplied by the J2EE
SDK. If so, what does JBoss give me on top of that SDK?

Let's take JMS as an example:

I remember compiling and running Java Messenger Service code examples as
stand alone Java programs (without JBoss). I just assumed that I was able
and expected to write servlets to make use of the robust JMS Development

Was I wrong?

If not, then what exactly would JBoss offer on top of the J2EE SDK and

Does JBoss (WebShere, BEA Weblogic) offer some kind of JMS Servlet libraries
on top of the already robust J2EE sdk? Do they simply give persistence? I
can't seem to find a direct answer to that question.

> There is an apache project called Geronimo but it is in its
> infancy (i think).

I can imagine that the existence of JBoss would steal some of Geronimo's
thunder despite the cool project name.

Thanks again and best regards,


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RE: Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?

2003-12-22 Thread Michael Coughlan
Thanks for the great reply.

> You are mixing several different things:

I agree. Sorry to be so thick, everyone. I hope I am not too far off topic
with this conversation thread, but I simply don't understand how JBoss
differs from the J2EE SDK.

> - J2EE is a spec that consists of several technologies.
>   Most of these technologies can stand for them selves
>   and be used without the others. (Some of them are
>   related or even dependend to some extend)

Sure. It's a spec. That I understand.

> - JBOSS is an implementation of that spec.

So they say.

So, why heck would I want it if I have the J2EE SDK and other fun Sun
dowloads? Doesn't Sun offer *thee original* implementation of that spec

Does JBoss rely on the J2EE SDK? Does it try to replace it? Is it a bunch of
Sun downloads repakcaged in one big .tar?

Is JBoss really an App Server? Does it run it's own asynchronous threads
outside of the standard Tomcat threads?

>   It doesn't implement all technologies from scratch but
>   integrates other projects to implement some of them.
>   (Like tomcat to implement Servlets and JSP, or use
>   JavaMail and JDBC from sun)

It sounds to me like JBoss is simply repackaging Tomcat, Ant, and some other
Jakarta stuff along with the Sun J2EE SDK and some common jar files like
Javamail and JDBC.

Is so, then it also sounds to me like all they're trying to do is save
developers a few downloads so that they can sell some expensive centralized

Not a bad idea, but it's not for me because I already have all of that

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RE: Problem with Excel and Word Documents

2003-12-22 Thread Michael Coughlan
> While downloading/viewing a file from a jsp page, there are no
> problems encountered by IE. But, when the same is opened on
> Netscape 7.0 (and up), the file is opened up in the same window
> and all the data is improperly rendered because NS cannot
> interpret the file properly.

Are you familiar with MIME types? If not, then Google "MIME types".

According to the HTTP spec, the HTTP Accept header specifies the media MIME

Try looking up the "res.setContentType()" function to set that header value
for your HttpServletResponse.

Before you send some response "res", I believe you should specify the
content type with that function.

Netscape is probably to spec.

Windows cheats by parsing the file extension (.txt, .xls, .doc) to help you

I believe there are also MIME !ELEMENTS that can be added to web.xml to
achieve this as well within Tomcat.



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RE: Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?

2003-12-22 Thread Michael Coughlan
> (J2EE SDK the is not intended as a tool for production)

Thanks for the post. Can you please clarify?
Are you saying that the J2EE SDK is not production quality while JBoss is?


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RE: Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?

2003-12-22 Thread Michael Coughlan
>   Perhaps this will help you decide which application server to use.

This Matrix is excellent. Thanks, James.

I noticed that J2EE x Tomcat was not checked off?

For my project, I will need servlets with J2EE, JMS etc.

Why can't I simply use Tomcat along with the J2EE SDK?

It seems to me that I might want to blow away my Tomcat install and unpack
JBoss (with Tomcat).


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RE: (OT) Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?

2003-12-22 Thread Michael Coughlan
> Sun want's to sell their Sun ONE software, so the
> licence for the free J2EE SDK is restricted. (For
> internal use and development)
> (But this is getting quite off topic for this list)

Thanks for the reply. Now it's clear to me.

As James stated in his last email "Sun's implementation also uses Tomcat" as
does JBoss.

So many people are using Tomcat with J2EE as part of a greater bundle, that
I bet it's a common newbie assumption that Tomcat alone supports J2EE.

Clearly it does not.

The fact that the Sun J2EE is a reference implementation and not meant for
production came as another bonus surprise - directly relevant to my bogus
J2EE install anyway.

I think that all this information is on-topic and very important. Many
people who are new to Tomcat grab the .tar installer from the Jakarta site,
and come to this list for immeadiate help.

I think it's a great thing for the archives to show that if you want
servlets with full J2EE functionality then you had best stop that Tomcat
install and download the JBoss installer (or some competing bundled product)
instead, and yet don't worry. You'll still be using Tomcat in the end.

Sure, all this information is on the web, but I believe it's purposefully
convoluted because everyone's trying to make a buck. Sun wants to give and
sell the SDK. Tomcat is free but rebundled with commercial products (and
semi-commercial products with deliberately little documentation - aka

As if it all wasn't confusing enough. But thanks to you all on the list, now
I know the score.

Thanks again,


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HelloWorld embedded applet not being served

2003-12-22 Thread Michael Coughlan
I'm having trouble serving up a fairly simple embedded applet from the
O'reilly Servlet Programming tutorials.

Tomcat can't seem to find the applet that I request from loginpage.html
using this line of HTML.

The HTML page is served just fine, but both IE and Netscape seem to bring up
an empty applet. I see the Sun logo in the browser so I am assuming it's a
Tomcat config issue and not a local client problem.

Does Tomcat expect applets to reside next to servlets in the WEB-INF/classes
directory? I can't seem to find much documentation and Tomcat and the

This was the web.xml IN used for the example above. It was my best guess. I
scanned the DTD but didn't find the relevant ELEMENTS or ATTRIBUTES.


Tomcat version 4.1.27 gave me this output with debug=99

2003-12-22 13:24:52 StandardHost[localhost]: Mapping request URI
2003-12-22 13:24:52 StandardHost[localhost]:   Trying the longest context
path prefix
2003-12-22 13:24:52 StandardHost[localhost]:  Mapped to context ''
2003-12-22 13:24:52 StandardHost[localhost]: Mapping request URI
2003-12-22 13:24:52 StandardHost[localhost]:   Trying the longest context
path prefix
2003-12-22 13:24:52 StandardHost[localhost]:  Mapped to context ''
2003-12-22 13:24:52 StandardHost[localhost]: Mapping request URI
2003-12-22 13:24:52 StandardHost[localhost]:   Trying the longest context
path prefix
2003-12-22 13:24:52 StandardHost[localhost]:  Mapped to context ''
2003-12-22 13:24:57 HostConfig[localhost]: Deploying discovered web


Mike C

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RE: HelloWorld embedded applet not being served

2003-12-22 Thread Michael Coughlan
> I'm having trouble serving up a fairly simple embedded applet from the
> O'reilly Servlet Programming tutorials.


I now see the debudding information at the bottom of the browser:


I need to point out the Oreilly com package to the servlet by changing the
applet codebase to the proper path.

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RE: Linux Kernel 2.6.0 success

2004-01-03 Thread Michael Coughlan
> -Original Message-
> From: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 8:19 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Linux Kernel 2.6.0 success
> I am successfully running the latest Apache/Tomcat4/mod_jk/openssl/jdk
> with the new kernel 2.6.0 with RedHat9.

Was there some kernel advancement that improves Tomcat's performance? 

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RE: Setting Up Tomcat for Multiple Users

2004-01-04 Thread Michael Coughlan
> I read something on the $CATALINA BASE but don't know how to deploy
> that. Would be grateful for any help given

I am no expert, but I believe $CATALINA BASE would only be helpful if
everyone had his or her own Tomcat server each of which pulled classes and
other files from a base install. That's most useful for clustering.

Netbeans is a free IDE from Sun that comes with it's own internal Tomcat
server bundled inside the IDE. Consider incorporating it in your class.

I am very impressed with it's debugger, and each student might benefit from
breaking and fixing the server.xml. Besides, at some point everyone in
Javaland needs to deal with an IDE.

If you insist on having a central server, then you want something similar to
apache's public_html.

I don't know if Tomcat alone has that functionality, but you might get what
you need by Apache running tomcat as a module.


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