Thanks for the great reply.

> You are mixing several different things:

I agree. Sorry to be so thick, everyone. I hope I am not too far off topic
with this conversation thread, but I simply don't understand how JBoss
differs from the J2EE SDK.

> - J2EE is a spec that consists of several technologies.
>   Most of these technologies can stand for them selves
>   and be used without the others. (Some of them are
>   related or even dependend to some extend)

Sure. It's a spec. That I understand.

> - JBOSS is an implementation of that spec.

So they say.

So, why heck would I want it if I have the J2EE SDK and other fun Sun
dowloads? Doesn't Sun offer *thee original* implementation of that spec

Does JBoss rely on the J2EE SDK? Does it try to replace it? Is it a bunch of
Sun downloads repakcaged in one big .tar?

Is JBoss really an App Server? Does it run it's own asynchronous threads
outside of the standard Tomcat threads?

>   It doesn't implement all technologies from scratch but
>   integrates other projects to implement some of them.
>   (Like tomcat to implement Servlets and JSP, or use
>   JavaMail and JDBC from sun)

It sounds to me like JBoss is simply repackaging Tomcat, Ant, and some other
Jakarta stuff along with the Sun J2EE SDK and some common jar files like
Javamail and JDBC.

Is so, then it also sounds to me like all they're trying to do is save
developers a few downloads so that they can sell some expensive centralized

Not a bad idea, but it's not for me because I already have all of that

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