Re: Jasper compilation of included files

2004-10-15 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Friday 15 October 2004 13:52, Dave Minter wrote:
> I'm trying to get Jasper to pre-compile my JSP pages. I've got an Ant
> task (swiped from the manual) kicking this off, and it works pretty
> well up to a point. However...
> This application has a number of pages that are built out of JSP
> fragments. Something like this:

> Obviously file B isn't valid on its own - it has an undefined label
> "s". On the other hand, A is entirely valid.
> I can't figure out a way to tell Jasper (via the Ant task) NOT to try
> to compile B.jsp on its own, without making B unavailable as an
> include to A.

I've given JSP segments (fragments) a .jspf extension and that does the 
trick for me. See the spec JSP.1.1.8.


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Character encoding in XML tag files?

2004-09-29 Thread Michael Schuerig

First things first, I'm using Tomcat 5.5.1. I'm moving some code from a 
JSP document to tag files. All of the files are in XML format. The head 
of one of my tag files looks like this";>


I'm precompiling the file with this ant target



So far, all is working. Problems start, when the file contains 
characters or constants such as 'Ü' and ' '. These result in 
errors like this

An error occurred at line: 47 in the jsp 
file: /WEB-INF/tags/veranstaltung.tagx
Generated servlet error:
Invalid character constant

The tag file is indeed encoded as ISO-8859-1. Alternatively, I tried 
UTF-8, with the declarations changed, too. The result was the same. And 
now for the weird part:

This doesn't compile

This either

But this does

And so does this

So, there have to be 3 whitespace characters after the umlaut to make it 
pass through jasper. =:-O


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Re: Character encoding in XML tag files?

2004-09-29 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Thursday 30 September 2004 02:01, Ben Souther wrote:
> I've had similar problems on FedoraCore.
> Setting the LANG evironment variable to:
> en_US.iso885915
> took care of it.

My normal locale is somewhat involved


But I just tried with [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the result was the 
same as before.

Thanks for the hint nonetheless, I'd never have thought of that.


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Example of MBean for own component?

2004-10-09 Thread Michael Schuerig

I'm looking for a simple example of how to add managability through JMX 
to a webapp. The Tomcat docs aren't helping me, unfortunately. I 
understand that Tomcat supports Commons Modeler for generating model 
MBeans. What I don't see is how to register those MBeans. Do I have to 
do this programmatically in a listener or valve? Can I do it 
declaratively in a configuration file?


Michael Schuerig Those who call the shots
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Running HSQLDB in-process?

2004-10-24 Thread Michael Schuerig

I'm trying to run HSQLDB in in-process mode in a web application. For 
this I've added a resource definition to the context file:


No problem so far. But there is a problem, when HSQLDB tries to open the 
database and can't find it:

java.sql.SQLException: Database does not exists:

Now, what I need is some hook where I can resolve this to an absolute 
path. Unfortunately, what looks like an ordinary file-URL isn't one. 
That is, AFAICT, it wouldn't help to resolve this to a jndi-URL (I 
think that's what Tomcat does). If my understanding is correct, I need 
an absolute file-URL as HSQLDB interprets the URL scheme to decide how 
to access the database (server, file in-process, in-memory).

As a last resort, I could run HSQLDB as a server and be done with it. 
But as only my single web app is using the DB there's no independent 
reason to do this.


Michael Schuerig Not only does lightning not strike
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Re: Running HSQLDB in-process?

2004-10-25 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Monday 25 October 2004 18:52, Peter Rossbach wrote:

> I think you can used ${catalina.base} or other system env variables
> inside server.xml and context.xml
> for an absolute path information. Only problem with this handling is,
> don't save your server.xml oder context.xml
> with the admin application.

Ah, good to know! I was unaware that Tomcat substitute properties in 
context.xml. I dumped the properties in my servlet (an axis-based web 
service, actually) and there doesn't seem to be a suitable property 
available. But as I'm using Spring and Log4j anyway, I noticed that

org.springframework.web.util.Log4jWebConfigurer in conjunction with

sets an appropriate property. It needs some declarations in web.xml:



Then, in context.xml



It's not pretty, rather fragile, really, as it depends on the right 
order of evaluation. The url attribute must be evaluated after 
mywebservice.root is already set.

> Tipp: use a db resource path outside your application, than deployer
> can delete all
> files without you lose the data! ;-)

Thanks for reminding me. In this case it's okay to lose the data as it's 
read-only reference data.


Michael Schuerig  The usual excuse for our most unspeakable
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Re: Running HSQLDB in-process?

2004-10-26 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Monday 25 October 2004 21:59, Michael Schuerig wrote:

> Ah, good to know! I was unaware that Tomcat substitute properties in
> context.xml. I dumped the properties in my servlet (an axis-based web
> service, actually) and there doesn't seem to be a suitable property
> available. But as I'm using Spring and Log4j anyway, I noticed that
> org.springframework.web.util.Log4jWebConfigurer in conjunction with
> org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener
> sets an appropriate property.

> It's not pretty, rather fragile, really, as it depends on the right
> order of evaluation. The url attribute must be evaluated after
> mywebservice.root is already set.

Indeed, it's not pretty and it doesn't work :-(
Tomcat keeps its Properties global, not per application instance. Thus, 
when I tried this method yesterday it worked I had another instance of 
my webapp running in the same Tomcat process before. Therefore the 
mywebservice.root property was already set. Then, when I reloaded the 
webapp, the existing property is substituted for the variable in 
context.xml. Alas, when the web app is started for the first time, the 
property is not set.


Michael Schuerig Not only does lightning not strike
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   twice, it usually doesn't strike once.  --Salman Rushdie, Fury

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Remote debugging a web app with Eclipse?

2004-11-14 Thread Michael Schuerig

I've tried to remote debug a web app with Eclipse, but didn't make the 
first hurdle. Apparently, Eclipse can't connect to Tomcat's JVM. I'm 
using Tomcat 5.5.1, J2SE 5.0 and Eclipse 3.1M3.

I take it, that in some way I need to tell the JVM that it's running in 
debug mode and what port it ought to listen on. All I found out, 
though, is that there's a deprecated -Xdebug option. Is there a short 
tutorial somewhere on remote debugging?


Michael Schuerig  Failures to use one's frontal lobes
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Re: Remote debugging a web app with Eclipse?

2004-11-14 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Sunday 14 November 2004 17:16, George Sexton wrote:
> Here is a wrapper that I use to start tomcat for remote debugging
> with Eclipse. Note that the indented CATALINA_OPTS is actually one
> long line in the batch file.

Thanks! that was easier than I expected.

I'm starting Tomcat from an ant file like this:






Michael Schuerig   Face reality and stare it down
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Removing a webapp that crashed on startup?

2004-11-30 Thread Michael Schuerig

During development I sometimes have the case that my webapp crashes on 
startup. If that happens, I stop Tomcat, remove from CATALINA_BASE 
everything that's related to my app, and start Tomcat again. Simply 
removing the rogue app from the Manager doesn't work, it raises an 

"Encountered exception LifecycleException:  Container 
has not been started"

Is there a way to remove an undead webapp without stopping and 
restarting Tomcat?


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Re: Removing a webapp that crashed on startup?

2004-11-30 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Tuesday 30 November 2004 17:09, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

> What manager command are you trying?  The manager's stop command is
> not the one to use here, since as it says the context was never
> started. But depending on when in the startup the context crashed,
> the manager's undeploy command might be useful to you.

I see I haven't been specific enough. What I meant is that I tried to 
undeploy a crashed app from the manager's web UI. I get the same result 
when I try to undeploy using the undeploy ant task.


Michael Schuerig  Thinking is trying to make up
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Tomcat 5.5 character encoding problem

2004-09-02 Thread Michael Schuerig


I've tried my luck with Tomcat 5.5 and found that it behaves different 
than 5.0.27 does as regards character encoding. Somehow the conversion 
from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 doesn't work as it should. This may well be 
due to a misconfiguration. See below for the JSP document and the two 
different output pages generated. It looks as if Tomcat 5.5 applies the 
ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 conversion twice. I'm editing the JSP document with 
Eclipse 3.1M1 and the text file encoding is set to ISO-8859-1.

I'm still pretty new to servlets, JSP, and Tomcat, so I might be 
overlooking something rather obvious.


>"; />




" "



With Tomcat 5.5 (wrong)


With Tomcat 5.0.27 (correct)


Michael SchuerigI was blessed with a birth and a death and
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I guess I just want some say in between --Ani DiFranco, Talk To Me Now

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Tomcat 5.5: installing outside webapps via Ant task doesn't seem to work

2004-09-02 Thread Michael Schuerig

With the change from Tomcat 5.0.27 to 5.5 the behavior of installing an 
app outside of $CATALINA_HOME/webapps using the Ant deploy task doesn't 
seem to work. Well, at least not for me.

Tomcat 5.0.27 just created a context configuration file in 
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost, pointing to my build directory, 

In contrast, Tomcat 5.5 copies the contents of ~/workspace/tomtest/build 
to $CATALINE_HOME/webapps/tomtest and no context configuration file is 
created in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost.

I'm still pretty new to servlets, JSP, and Tomcat, so I might be 
overlooking something rather obvious.





Michael Schuerig  Failures to use one's frontal lobes
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]can result in the loss of them.   --William H. Calvin

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Re: Tomcat 5.5: installing outside webapps via Ant task doesn't seem to work

2004-09-02 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Thursday 02 September 2004 22:43, Remy Maucherat wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 21:56:36 +0200, Michael Schuerig 
[Ant deploy task copies webapps]

> Yes, this particular case will work like that now, in order to
> simplify quite a bit the deployer (generating a trivial xml file to
> reference the context would work, but might not contain what you
> expect, which is why Tomcat copies your webappp). For now, I
> recommend giving a xml file to Tomcat if you want to point to an
> external context.

Just to make sure I understand you correctly. You mean I create a 
context file like this

copy it to $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/tomtest.xml and wait 
for Tomcat to pick it up?

Or do you mean an Ant target like this?



It doesn't work, though, as one of war, localWar, or tag is required. 
When I give a localWar, it is copied to $CATALINE_HOME/webapps, but not 
really used (and not needed) as the docBase entry in the context config 
file points somewhere else.


Michael Schuerig  Failures to use one's frontal lobes
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]can result in the loss of them.   --William H. Calvin

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Re: Tomcat 5.5: installing outside webapps via Ant task doesn't seem to work

2004-09-02 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Thursday 02 September 2004 23:41, Remy Maucherat wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 23:27:59 +0200, Michael Schuerig 

> >>description="Install application to servlet container">
> >  >  username="${manager.username}"
> >  password="${manager.password}"
> >  path="/${}"
> >  config="file://${etc}/context-local.xml" />
> >   
> >
> > It doesn't work, though, as one of war, localWar, or tag is
> > required. When I give a localWar, it is copied to
> > $CATALINE_HOME/webapps, but not really used (and not needed) as the
> > docBase entry in the context config file points somewhere else.
> It seems there's an annoying test left somewhere. Maybe in the Ant
> task itself, or it could also be a leftover check in the manager
> servlet.

Yes, there's a check in 

lines 145-149

if ((war == null) && (localWar == null) && (tag == null)) {
throw new BuildException
("Must specify either 'war', 'localWar', or 'tag' 

The manager servlet itself works with a context config file and a 
context path (not optional in this case!).


Michael Schuerig   The more it stays the same,
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]The less it changes!  --Spinal Tap, The Majesty of Rock

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Re: tomcat5 using jsvc in a chroot jail

2004-09-02 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Thursday 02 September 2004 23:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I am trying to configure tomcat 5.0.27 to run using jsvc in a chroot
> jail.

I found these two publications helpful

Jason Brittain, Ian F. Darwin
Tomcat: The Definitive Guide 
Chapter 6: Tomcat Security

Chroot Unix Services

There are several tools, such as jailer, jailtool, and makejail. In my 
case, it helped that the former two support Debian packages. I haven't 
tried to get jsvc to work.


Michael Schuerig  There is no matrix,
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]only reality.   --Lawrence Fishburn

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Security: per app policy, app root relative FilePermissions?

2004-09-07 Thread Michael Schuerig

(1) When using a SecurityManager, all permissions are managed globally 
in two senses. They're granted in a single policy file, 
conf/catalina.policy and they pertain to all installed webapps.

(2) FilePermission can't be relative to the root of a particular webapp.

That is my current understanding. If I'm wrong, where can I learn more?


Michael Schuerig   Face reality and stare it down
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]--Jethro Tull, Silver River Turning

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JDT-Compiler character encoding

2004-09-08 Thread Michael Schuerig

I've tried the following for combinations of settings, where
jspx denotes the encoding declared and used in my jspx document, 
jsp-javaEncoding is declared in conf/web.xml, and jasper-out is the 
relevant line in the generated

jspx: ISO-8859-1
jsp-javaEncoding: not explicitly set

jspx: UTF-8
jsp-javaEncoding: not explicitly set

jspx: ISO-8859-1
jsp-javaEncoding: ISO-8859-1

jspx: UTF-8
jsp-javaEncoding: ISO-8859-1

Only (3) and (4) appear correctly in the browser as "äöüÄÖÜß" (german 
umlauts). I don't think setting the javaEncoding should be necessary 
here, but I may well be misunderstanding something.

Without any javaEncoding given, jasper produces UTF-8 encoded java 
source code and the JDT compiler supposedly accepts UTF-8 as its 
default input encoding. I haven't verified the latter.

There seem to be two possible causes for the incorrect output

the JDT compiler doesn't behave as advertised, i.e., it does not take 
UTF-8 as default input encoding. *Or* the JDT compiler produces 
character output in UTF-8 which is latter erroneously treated as 


Michael Schuerig   Contests between male toads over females are
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] often settled by the depth of the croak. Maynard Smith

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Re: JDT-Compiler character encoding

2004-09-08 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Wednesday 08 September 2004 16:07, Michael Schuerig wrote:

> There seem to be two possible causes for the incorrect output
> the JDT compiler doesn't behave as advertised, i.e., it does not take
> UTF-8 as default input encoding. *Or* the JDT compiler produces
> character output in UTF-8 which is latter erroneously treated as
> ISO-8859-1.

Precompiled with Ant javac, encoding="UTF-8":

decompiled class:

Server compiled (without javaEncoding set in web.xml):
decompiled class:

Server compiled (with javaEncoding ISO-8859-1 set in web.xml):
decompiled class:

Something's amiss here. Apparently, by default the JDT compiler does not 
take UTF-8 input correctly, rather it seems to expect ISO-8859-1.

Now, is this a bug or am I misunderstanding something?


Michael Schuerig Nothing is as brilliantly adaptive
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JSP on-server compilation: classpath problem?

2004-09-08 Thread Michael Schuerig

When I deploy a JSP document with Tomcat 5.5.1 without precompiling, I 
get an error message when accessing the corresponding web page.

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: 32 in the jsp file: /test.jspx
Generated servlet error:
org.apache.jsp.tag.web.selection_tagx cannot be resolved or is not a 

An error occurred at line: 32 in the jsp file: /test.jspx
Generated servlet error:
org.apache.jsp.tag.web.selection_tagx cannot be resolved or is not a 


I can precompile the document without a problem. If I don't precompile, 
the jasper compiler does everything it's supposed to do. The following 
files all exist


For some reason, the JDTCompiler doesn't find the compiled 


Michael SchuerigThis is not a false alarm
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] This is not a test  --Rush, Red Tide

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Re: TC 5.5.1: *.tag-files not working?!

2004-09-09 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Thursday 09 September 2004 21:17, Yann Cebron wrote:
> Hi,
> I deployed my applications on TC5.5.1 and can't get any *.tag-files
> working anymore.
> My applications run fine on 5.0.28, tried w/ nightly build 20040908 -
> still no luck.

I'm having the same problem with 5.5.1 on Linux (see Subject: "JSP 
on-server compilation: classpath problem?", no replies, unfortunately). 
I don't have a solution, only a workaround. For me it works to 
precompile JSP documents before deploying. See the excerpt from my 
build.xml below









Michael Schuerig Nothing is as brilliantly adaptive
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   as selective stupidity. Rorty, The Deceptive Self

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TC 5.5.1 and Cactus?

2004-09-13 Thread Michael Schuerig

Has anyone managed to get Cactus to work with Tomcat 5.5.1 on JDK 1.5RC? 
I always get stuck with

java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid index 0 in LocalVariableTable in 
class file org/apache/cactus/util/log/LogAspect

LogAspect is indeed an aspect compiled by AspectJ, which doesn't support 
JDK 1.5, yet. I was under the impression that nonetheless aspects 
compile to ordinary bytecode, but in this case something seems to have 
gone awry.

In effect, I'm not sure, if it's currently possible to use Cactus with 
Tomcat. If it is, I'd appreciate it highly, if someone tells me how it 
can be done.


Michael Schuerig  Airtight arguments have
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]vacuous conclusions.   --A.O. Rorty, Explaining Emotions

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Re: TC 5.5.1 and Cactus?

2004-09-13 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Monday 13 September 2004 15:11, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

> It's possible to use Cactus with Tomcat 4.x and 5.0.x.  I haven't
> tried 5.5 with Cactus yet.  If I were you, I'd try to make Cactus and
> Tomcat 5.5 work together first, without any aspects, and then add
> those later if you want.

I do get Cactus to work with Tomcat 5.0.27 (JDK 1.4.2), no problem 
there. It doesn't work with Tomcat 5.5.1. There, presumably the problem 
is caused by the "requiremended" JDK 5 (or whatever it's called today). 

I'm not using aspects in my own code. As far as I understand it, which 
isn't very far at all, the aspect stuff comes as a mandatory part of 
Cactus, thus I can't try without it.

I don't think there's anything wrong with Tomcat 5.5.x in this regard. I 
had only hoped that people on this list may have encountered and 
possibly solved the same problem before. On the Cactus list apparently 
nobody and judging from bug reports, people have noticed the problem, 
but there's been no further comment from anyone.


Michael Schuerig Those people who smile a lot
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Watch the eyes DiFranco, Outta Me, Onto You

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Re: Tomcat & threads

2004-12-10 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Friday 10 December 2004 19:11, Robert Harper wrote:
> I am not familiar with Doug Lea or any of his opinions.

He's the author of the book "Concurrent Programming in 
Java" (Addison-Wesley) and the concurrency library that has in J2SDK 5 
become java.util.concurrent.

> I do not have 
> direct control of the threading of the RMI communication. The RMI
> method calls are asynchronous and I have to wait for the return
> message before I can produce the display content. I have not gone too
> deep into JMS to make it event driven yet. This would be my next
> change after I get basic functionality.

I haven't had to deal with the kind of problem myself, but maybe the 
following articles are helpful when you consider using JMS.


Michael Schuerig Nothing is as brilliantly adaptive
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   as selective stupidity. Rorty, The Deceptive Self

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Making a webapp JMX-manageable?

2004-12-26 Thread Michael Schuerig

I would like to make a simple web application manageable. Right now I'm 
at a loss how to do this. My problem is not so much JMX itself, but 
rather how to integrate into Tomcat. Some sample code would be very 


Michael Schuerig   The more it stays the same,
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]The less it changes!  --Spinal Tap, The Majesty of Rock

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Re: Making a webapp JMX-manageable?

2005-01-02 Thread Michael Schuerig
On Monday 03 January 2005 00:31, Patrick Lacson wrote:
> Here's a link to sample code for integrating tomcat 5.5.4

Patrick, thanks for your link. I don't currently intend to embed Tomcat, 
just make an app running within Tomcat manageable. The latter I figured 
out, among other things, through an out-of-band discussion with Peter 
Rossbach. I can't offer a completely general solution, though.

I'm using the Spring framework ( and had 
a look at the JMX support classes that are currently in the CVS sandbox 
directory. I found that, amazingly, with their help I could expose 
attributes and operations of my app to JMX without writing any code. 
All that is required are some declarations in the application context 
file (applicationContext.xml).

Create an MBeanServer registered as a bean


Wrap an MBean adapter around my repositorymanager bean (not shown), 
which is a completely ordinary java object. In this case, public 
methods are exposed as attributes/operations. Alternatively, metadata  
can be used.


Create a connector listening, by default, on 
service:jmx:jmxmp://localhost:9876 (this requires 


Maybe this was of interest to anyone...


Michael SchuerigThis is not a false alarm
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