Re: keeping sessions when switching from http to https

2001-07-24 Thread Mike Spreitzer

Be careful when you experiment and report on this.  I have found that IE 5 
carries cookies from http to https but Netscape 4 does not.  I have only 
tested this with cookies, not URL-rewriting.  I'm grumped by this problem, 
but it's not critcal for me yet --- for my current site, I think I can get 
away with only having sessions on the https side.


Why are my HTTP resources treated differently than my HTTPS ones?

2001-06-25 Thread Mike Spreitzer

I have Tomcat 3.2.2 in standalone mode serving both HTTP and HTTPS.  I 
have GIFs that appear on both the HTTP and the HTTPS pages.  I am viewing 
my site with both Netscape 4.75 and IE 5.0 on Win 2K.  Where the GIFs 
appear on HTTP pages, their create date, modification date, and file size 
are recorded in the browser's cache.  Where the same GIFs appear on HTTPS 
pages (the GIFs themselves are, in this case, fetched from HTTPS URLs), 
none of those things is recorded in the browser's cache.  Netscape's cache 
setting is "Document in cache is compared to document on network: Every 
time", and IE's cache setting is "Check for newer versions of stored 
pages: Automatically".  Changing IE's cache setting to "Every time you 
start Internet Explorer" and flushing its cache makes no difference.  When 
I change IE's cache setting to "Every visit to the page", and flush its 
cache, then IE starts remembering the HTTPS GIFs' create date, 
modification date, and file size.  For Netscape, changing the cache 
setting to "Document in cache is compared to document on network: Once per 
session" (and flushing the cache) causes the browser's cache to start 
remembering the create date, modification date, and file size (among other 
things) for the GIFs at HTTPS URLs.

What causes this differential treatment of HTTP vs. HTTPS resources for 
some browser settings?  Are there Tomcat configuration options that affect 


Does Tomcat 3.2.2 respect the "If-Modified-Since" HTTP header?

2001-06-25 Thread Mike Spreitzer

I'm using Tomcat 3.2.2 on vanilla AIX 4.3.3 and IBM's "jdk" 1.3.  I 
suspect the "If-Modified-Since" qualifier on HTTP GET operations is being 
ignored.  Could this be true, and if so, can I make Tomcat pay attention 
to it?  I could not find this issue addressed in the User's Guide nor the 
FAQ, nor fully well in the archive at

Using the TcpTunnelGui included with SOAP, I captured the following 
exchange.  Here is the GET request:

GET /stylesheet/style.css HTTP/1.0
If-Modified-Since: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 19:18:56 GMT; length=2916
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
Host: alphaspreit:9000
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, 
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Language: en,pdf
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8
Cookie: JSESSIONID=0bzu6rxaj1

and here are the headers from a GET response (I strongly suspect, but am 
not 100% certain, it is the response to the GET above --- I've been having 
some trouble with the TcpTunneGui):

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 2916
Last-Modified: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 19:18:56 GMT
Servlet-Engine: Tomcat Web Server/3.2.2 (JSP 1.1; Servlet 2.2; Java 1.3.0; 
AIX 4.3 ppc; java.vendor=IBM Corporation)

incomplete output

2001-06-19 Thread Mike Spreitzer

I'm having problems with what looks like a lack of a flush somewhere 
inside tomcat.  I'm running Tomcat 3.2.2b3 on RedHat Linux 6.2 with IBM's 
JDK 1.3.  My web app is mildly complicated, with nested <%@ include's and 
an invocation of RequestDispatcher.include().  The bytes returned to the 
browser are missing a range between somewhere inside a nested <%@ 
include'd file and the start of the RequestDispatcher.include() output. 
Has anybody else seen bugs in this neck of the woods?  Got any 
workarounds?  I've looked at the release notes for 3.2.2, and don't see 
something that looks like this.


question on affinity for cookies

2001-06-11 Thread Mike Spreitzer

I have a web application served by Tomcat (currently 3.2.2b3).  I've 
configured Tomcat to offer both a secured connector at HTTPS://host:8086/ 
and an unsecured version available at HTTP://host:8085/.  My question is, 
should I expect my servlets to see the same "session attributes" when a 
client uses either of the two scheme&port pairs?

My experience is that it depends on the browser.  For IE 5.0 on Win2K, the 
session attributes are common across the two prefixes; for Netscape 4.75 
on the same client machine, the session attributes associated with one 
prefix are independent of the session attributes associated with the 

Which is correct, and what are my options for getting consistent behavior?


Re: Security Problem with Tomcat

2001-04-04 Thread Mike Spreitzer

The best description I have seen is at 
.  That's Bugtraq ID 2518.  I was 
using Tomcat 3.2.1 on UNIX systems, and it had the bug.  I have updated to 
Tomcat 3.2.2b2, and the bug is gone there.  I am using Tomcat directly, 
not through Apache.  I do not know whether those using Tomcat through 
Apache have a vulnerability.


Re: DeployedServices.ds

2001-04-03 Thread Mike Spreitzer

Never mind, I was confused by something else.  DeployedServices.ds still 
needs to exist in Tomcat 3.2.2b2.


2001-04-03 Thread Mike Spreitzer

I'm upgrading from Tomcat 3.2.1 to 3.2.2b2.  In my development 
installation, Tomcat is running OK, with no DeployedServices.ds extant. In 
my deployment installation, there is also no DeployedServices.ds, but I 
get this complaint:

SOAP Service Manager: Unable to read 'DeployedServices.ds': assuming fresh 

and then my SOAP clients fail like this:

Generated fault: 
  Fault Code   = SOAP-ENV:Server
  Fault String = service 'urn:SOAPServer' unknown
call returned with -5

How can this be?  Should there be a DeployedServices.ds or not, and where?


Re: Tomcat SSL & Equifax

2001-04-02 Thread Mike Spreitzer

I won't call it "stupid", but you are still doing something wrong.  In a 
little greater detail, here are instructions I wrote for the procedure I 
use (with Tomcat 3.2.1 and IBM JDK 1.3 currently):

In response to a Certificate Signing Request, EquifaxSecure sends a mail 
message containing two "certificates".  The first asserts the key binding 
requested, and is signed by EquifaxSecure.  The second is actually a chain 
of two certificates: one asserts EquifaxSecure's key and is signed by 
Thawte, and the other is a self-signed certificate of Thawte's.
I first tried `keytool -import` on the web server's certificate.  This 
lead to a complaint about keytool not being able to establish trust in the 
certificate.  I fixed this by: (1) using `keytool` to load, as a "new 
trusted certificate", the certificate-that's-actually-a-chain into 
$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts on the web server machine, and (2) 
adding the "-trustcacerts" flag to the `keytool -import` of the web 
server's certificate.  After that, `keytool -list` shows a chain of three 
certificates associated with the "tomcat" alias.  Upon restarting Tomcat, 
I find that Netscape 4.75 and IE 5 on my Win 2K laptop both recognize the 
web site as secure without pestering the user --- provided there is only 
one key entry in the keystore used by Tomcat (when there is more than one 
key entry, Tomcat seems to pick one at random to use as the server's 
SSL/TLS identity).

I hope this helps.

Re: Tomcat SSL & Equifax

2001-04-02 Thread Mike Spreitzer

It's working for me.  I'm not sure from your note whether you did the same 
thing, but what I did is to load the "certificate" (really a chain of two 
certs) for equifax into cacerts and then load the certificate for my site 
into the keystore used by tomcat.  This left the keystore holding a chain 
of 3 certificates (the three mentioned above) under the alias "tomcat".

Hope this helps,

Shouldn't Tomcat 3.2.1 decode the UTF-8 encoding of request parameters?

2001-02-19 Thread Mike Spreitzer

Consider a form that is encoded in UTF-8.  Here's how it comes down:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Servlet-Engine: Tomcat Web Server/3.2.1 (JSP 1.1; Servlet 2.2; Java 1.3.0; 
AIX 4.3 ppc; java.vendor=IBM Corporation)">




I fill in the "usr" field with a single character, U+201D, and submit. 
Here's how the submission goes up:

POST /servlet/SusrReg HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, 
application/x-comet, application/pdf, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Content-Length: 165
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: JSESSIONID=loj2w5hcz1


In my servlet, I find the value of the request parameter named "usr" is a 
string of three characters: U+00E2, U+0080, U+009D.  Should I be offended, 
or expect that the servlet should have to decode the UTF-8?  I find the 
servlet spec v2.2 fairly silent on the issue, leading me to expect that 
the servlet container is supposed to handle the full parameter decoding.


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Re: Tomcat Not Shutting down properly

2001-01-19 Thread Mike Spreitzer

There was some earlier traffic about what causes this.  I think it said 
you may succeed in shutting down Tomcat after trying the shutdown script a 
few times.  You shouldn't have to do something as drastic as rebooting. At 
worst you'll have to find the offending processes yourself and `kill` them 
(I'd start with the leader).

You can tell whether you've successfully stopped Tomcat in several ways. 
One is to get a fairly complete `ps` listing and grep through it for 
indicative things.  Another is `netstat -a` and look for the LISTENer. 
Another revealing command is `lsof`.

Good luck,

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Which Java keystore alias is used with Tomcat + SSL?

2001-01-11 Thread Mike Spreitzer

I had three key entries in my $HOME/.keystore, one with the alias "tomcat" 
and two with other aliases.  I found Tomcat 3.2.1, with IBM JSSE 1.0.2, 
was not using the "tomcat" key entry but rather one of the others.  I 
solved this problem by simply removing the others.  I couldn't find any 
documentation on how to control Tomcat's selection of key entry.  This 
might be another issue for the FAQ, or at least the SSL "how-to".


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Re: Is ANYONE doing this?? TC3.2.1 standalone + SSL + multiple instanceson multiple IP's

2001-01-09 Thread Mike Spreitzer

I am not doing the full combination you gave, but I *am* succeeding with 
my own app + SSL using Tomcat 3.2.1 in standalone mode (your problem #1). 
In my case, I am succeeding on AIX 4.3.3 with IBM's JDK 1.3 (and I'm 
failing on Linux, but that's another story, elsewhere in this mailing 
list).  I am not using symlinks, so I can't speak to your exact 
circumstances.  Have you tried restructuring your directories to be 
completely vanilla?  A bit more complete details on your server.xml and 
directory/link structure would indeed be helpful to anyone trying to 
figure this out.  I suspect you can expect a redirect anytime you ask for 
"foo" and expect to get "foo/index.html".

Good luck,

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Can Tomcat support per-webapp users?

2001-01-06 Thread Mike Spreitzer

Is $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml the only place where users & 
passwords & roles can be listed?  Is there any way to administer these 
things on a per-webapp basis?


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Re: Re[2]: UserID and Passwd for the context Admin ???

2001-01-06 Thread Mike Spreitzer

I just tried what Patrik Beno said, and it worked for me.

This question comes up again and again.  I think it is truly a Frequently 
Asked Question (hint hint).


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How to use Tomcat 3.2 + SSL + non-Sun SSL provider?

2000-12-12 Thread Mike Spreitzer

I've downloaded Tomcat 3.2, and am using IBM's JDK 1.3 on an AIX 4.3.3 
machine.  I want to use Tomcat 3.2 + SSL, but with an SSL provider other 
than Sun's.  Specifically, IBM's (  I have 
downloaded and installed IBM's JSSE and its prerequisites, but I see that is hard-coded to use  So it looks like I have to edit 
and rebuild (or at least clone and rename/repackage) all or this part of 
Tomcat.  Am I off track yet?  I haven't noticed anything in the 
instructions about doing this.  In particular, although the "binary" 
distributions of Tomcat seem to include source, the 3.2 binary 
distribution does not (as far as I can tell) include any instructions on 
how to rebuild.  I see it does include conf/build.xml; am I to just use 
Ant and plunge in?


PS: I'll be away from my mail for a while, so please CC your answers to 
the list so that colleagues can benefit.  Thanks again.

Re: Charset issues with multiple includes?

2000-12-03 Thread Mike Spreitzer

I haven't looked into this issue closely yet, but may soon.  I have some 
evidence that suggests that with Tomcat 3.1 on AIX 4.3.3, when I have a 
charset specified in an explicit HTML , Netscape 4.75 pays attention 
to that instead of a different charset specified in the HTTP headers.

Good luck,
Mike Spreitzer

Re: Connection reset by peer on image rollover

2000-11-16 Thread Mike Spreitzer/Watson/IBM

I've also been having problems in Tomcat 3.1 with mouse rollovers.  Is 
that a known issue in 3.1?  If so, I'm sorry I missed it.  If not, read 

I noticed the problem when I was using IE 5, with its caching policy set 
to check on every usage.  With a less frequent setting, the images get 
cached once and there's no problem.  But with the high-frequency setting, 
IE fetches the image anew on every rollover (I'm using Tomcat standalone, 
and 3.1 never emits anything to indicate that anything is cacheable, as 
far as I can tell).

I could do a lot of rolling over.  But eventually I'd get the following 
printed to stdout/stderr from Tomcat: A connection is ended by software.
Endpoint ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=8085] shutdown 
due to exception: A connection is ended by 

and then Tomcat would be wedged --- no clients would ever make any more 

Re: Problems with Tomcat and XML4J/Xerces

2000-11-09 Thread Mike Spreitzer/Watson/IBM

Jason Voegele,

I found the following in the IBM-SOAP v1.2 Release Notes; it may apply to 
your situation too:

IMPORTANT: Tomcat comes with an XML parser (lib/xml.jar) which has the DOM 
level 1 interfaces. Even if you put
Xerces 1.0.3's xerces.jar in your classpath, the wrong interfaces are 
found by any Java code running in Tomcat because
the shell script / batch file that runs Tomcat puts the user's classpath 
at the end. So, you must edit or tomcat.bin
in the bin/ directory and put xerces.jar at the BEGINING of the classpath 
the script builds. 

If you run startup.bat, then line 38 of tomcat.bat should look like this:

 set CLASSPATH=path-to-xerces\xerces.jar;%CLASSPATH%;%cp%

If you run, add the following after line 111:
