Re: Setting up Eclipse for remote debug struts action classes intomcat?

2003-08-25 Thread Paul Sundling
The most basic way is probably to use log4j or commons logging and then 
use the eclipse logwatcher plugin to keep watch over your log files.

Paul Sundling

Quasar wrote:

I know I have read that you can use eclipse to remote debug tomcat, but is it possible 
to have eclipse debug struts action classes that are being executed by Tomcat?  And is 
there anywhere that documents how that would work.. I'd love to know what the value of 
some variables are at runtime etc when I'm having problems with it.. thanks in advance!

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Re: CVS with tomcat

2003-08-21 Thread Paul Sundling
I've attached my build.xml (with changes to IPs and passwords :))

The kind of setup I'd recommend is this:
local developer machines (windows, linux, bsd, whatever) running 
local copies of tomcat, eclipse for an IDE attached to your CVS 
repository and ant either run from command line, or launched from within 
the eclipse itself with the appropriate client.  Now the deploy to 
staging need to be done, but I'm sure you can research that part.  Get 
the files from CVS for your local copy and then pushing those to 
production or staging.  You'll need an ant target that uses ftp or 
something or rsync or scp would work too

Paul Sundling

SuniX wrote:

Thank you
Can you give an example of ant source whick reload and deploy to a 
tomcat server? It can help me.

Paul Sundling wrote:

I'm not sure why you'd want to have it deployed automatically.  You 
can probably do it with ant and cruise control?
With ant, you can create targets that reload your app or deploy it to 
a tomcat server.  That's what I do currently and it even integrates 
well with eclipse!
If you really want to do it automatically I heard cruise control does 
that sort of functionality, but I'm not sure about having it look for 
changes in CVS.

SuniX wrote:

Is there a way to use CVS with tomcat ?
i want my tomcat server to check a cvs project and deployed it 
automaticaly. (cvs server and tomcat server in the same machine 
running on a debian testing)

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!-- A project describes a set of targets that may be requested
 when Ant is executed.  The default attribute defines the
 target which is executed if no specific target is requested,
 and the basedir attribute defines the current working directory
 from which Ant executes the requested task.  This is normally
 set to the current working directory.
project name=Gladiator default=compile basedir=.

!-- = Property Definitions === --

  Each of the following properties are used in the build script.
  Values for these properties are set by the first place they are
  defined, from the following list:
  * Definitions on the ant command line (ant -Dcatalina.home=xyz compile)
  * Definitions from a file in the top level
source directory
  * Definitions from a file in the developer's
home directory
  * Default definitions in this build.xml file

  You will note below that property values can be composed based on the
  contents of previously defined properties.  This is a powerful technique
  that helps you minimize the number of changes required when your development
  environment is modified.  Note that property composition is allowed within files as well as in the build.xml script.
!-- The only properties we need is TOMCAT_HOME, so we get it from the environment 
  property file=${user.home}/
property environment=env/

!--  File and Directory Names  --


  These properties generally define file and directory names (or paths) that
  affect where the build process stores its outputs. Base name of this application, used to
   construct filenames and directories.
   Defaults to myapp.

  app.version  Version identifier for this application.

  build.home   The directory into which the prepare and
   compile targets will generate their output.
   Defaults to build.

  catalina.homeThe directory in which you have installed
   a binary distribution of Tomcat 4.  This will
   be used by the deploy target.

  deploy.home  The name of the directory into which the
   deployment hierarchy will be created, and into
   which the build directory will be copied.
   Defaults to ${catalina.home}/webapps/${}.

  dist.homeThe name of the base directory in which
   distribution files are created.
   Defaults to dist.


  property  value=gladiator/
  property name=app.version   value=1.0/
  property name=build.homevalue=build/
  property name=catalina.home value=${env.TOMCAT_HOME}/
  property name=deploy.home   value=${catalina.home}/webapps/${}/
  property name=dist.home value=dist/
  property name=webapp.libs   value=web/WEB-INF/lib/
  property name=local.tomcat.username value=admin/
  property name

Re: changing class file and reloading question

2003-08-20 Thread Paul Sundling
You can reload using the manager app (the link is on the start page when 
you first start tomcat).  You can also use an ant target.  You can 
reload a single webapp, which is probably the better way of doing it.  
Here's an example target from a build.xml that takes an arguement:

 target name=reload depends=deploy description=Reloads Tomcat 
Application (Local)
   get src=${};
   password=yourtomcatpassword /
   loadfile property=catalina.reload srcFile=status.txt /
   delete file=status.txt/

Luke Vanderfluit wrote:


I'm running tomcat 4.1.27 standalone on Redhat 9

I have a class that I'm changing (development) and don't want to have to
restart tomcat each time I make a change.
It wouldn't be so bad to do that if it wasn't for the fact that
tomcat takes ages to read my servlet every time it's restarted.
I have got the following entry in my server.xml file

DefaultContext reloadable=true/
   !-- Tomcat Root Context --

   Context path= docBase=ROOT debug=0 reloadable=true
The class I'm changing is in the ROOT/WEB-INF/classes directory

the console message when I hit 'reload' on the browser is:

WebappClassLoader:   Resource '/WEB-INF/classes/Topic3x4.class' was
modified; Date is now: Wed Aug 20 05:53:59 CST 2003 Was: Wed Aug 20
05:44:04 CST 2003
How do I get tomcat to indeed reload the classes without having to
restart each time?
kind regards,

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Re: CVS with tomcat

2003-08-19 Thread Paul Sundling
I'm not sure why you'd want to have it deployed automatically.  You can 
probably do it with ant and cruise control? 

With ant, you can create targets that reload your app or deploy it to a 
tomcat server.  That's what I do currently and it even integrates well 
with eclipse! 

If you really want to do it automatically I heard cruise control does 
that sort of functionality, but I'm not sure about having it look for 
changes in CVS.

SuniX wrote:

Is there a way to use CVS with tomcat ?
i want my tomcat server to check a cvs project and deployed it 
automaticaly. (cvs server and tomcat server in the same machine 
running on a debian testing)

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Re: security hole on windows tomcat?

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Sundling
yep, you're correct that the JDK was important in solving this.  In case 
you didn't get the message below, the guys tracked it down to being a 
problem in JDK 1.4.2 .  I'll remember to include that information next time.

Paul Sundling

Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

I think you should also include the JDK (vendor and version).

It's not impossible that this might be a JDK problem.


-Original Message-
From: Jeff Tulley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 6:41 PM
Subject: RE: security hole on windows tomcat?
OS version
Directly to Tomcat (8080) or through Apache - JK or JK2?  
(If you've seen the problem, please include your workers or file, with a .txt extension)
Browser version(s)
url's where this was seen or not seen


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Yes, adding

to the tomcat seemed to fix the security hole I discovered on my 4.1.24 
tomcat on Windows XP using JDK 1.4.2.  Great job finding a solution.  
It's a testament to open source and cooperation.  Fortunately it's JSP 
source it's showing and people should have anything worth seeing in 
their servlets or EJBs anyway.  
Paul Sundling

Jeff Tulley wrote:

I just wanted to make sure you saw this -- Jeanfrancois made the
connection that this issue has a known workaround, so you don't have to
backrev your JVM if you don't want to.
I tried this on Windows XP and NetWare and it worked in both places...

Jeff Tulley  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Novell, Inc., The Leading Provider of Net Business Solutions

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/12/03 7:08:50 PM 

Sorry I've just realize this thread may be related to bugtraq #4895132
(thanks to Jeff for the wake up mail on tomcat-dev ). The
workaround is to add the following property when starting Tomcat:

Can someone try it and let me know if it change something. If this is 
not working, then point me to a very simple test case and I will file a

new bugtraq bug.

-- Jeanfrancois

Eric J. Pinnell wrote:


I think at this point this might be a worthwile canidate for Sun's
bugparade.  At least get it on their radars (if they don't know about

already).  It's interesting that the bug doesn't show up in Tomcat

When 1.4.2 was released 4.1.24 was the latest stable build.

Regardless the JDK/appserver/whatever should never puke it's guts and

out the source code when it gets a request it doesn't know how to

with.  Upon failure it should result in some kind of error.  Sun

care about this...


On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Jeff Tulley wrote:


It is highly possible that this is dependent on the JVM you have
installed.  I actually finally WAS able to see this on Windows XP,


only if Tomcat was running on JVM 1.4.2.  The problem did NOT happen
with 1.4.1.  Of course, JVM version is the one item I left off of my
poll in my email below. 

I'm trying to verify this on other OS's and track down what the


problem is.

But, if you run Tomcat on JVM 1.4.2, verify if you have this


Jeff Tulley  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Novell, Inc., The Leading Provider of Net Business Solutions

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/12/03 4:10:53 PM 

Tomcat 4.0.6 on Win2K via direct connection to Tomcat on localhost


either port 8080 or port 80 - pages return fine without the %20
always return http 404 with the suffix.
-Original Message-
From: Jeff Tulley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, 13 
August 2003 02:41
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: security hole on 
windows tomcat?

So this issue is confusing.  It seems that indeed there IS an issue,
though most cannot see a problem.
Talking to some people off-list, it seems that some think it is a


/ issue.  But I'm pretty sure that others have


this going directly to port 8080.
We probably need to take a quick poll:
If you have seen this security problem of being able to view JSP
source, in what scenario(s)?
Tomcat version
OS version
Directly to Tomcat (8080) or through Apache - JK or JK2?
(If you've seen the problem, please include your workers or file, with a .txt extension)
Browser version(s)
url's where this was seen or not seen
If you have seen this in multiple scenarios, and not in others,


list each separately.

I have NOT seen it in the following scenarios:

Tomcat 4.1.18, 4.1.24, 4.1.26, 4.1.27
Windows 2000 5.00.2195 Service Pack 4
Directly to port 8080
Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.1106 with all security patches up to date
I tried  http://(url):8080/index.jsp

Re: security hole on windows tomcat?

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Sundling
It's a default tomcat 4.1.24 install on windows XP with no apache.  
You'll note I used port 8080 in my sample, so I'm going directly to 
tomcat.  I went through the web.xml and there is a mapping for *.jsp and 
there is no space.  Even if there were, there's no space in the file itself.

So be sure to mention operating system.  I was only able to recreate it 
on windows, not on linux.

Paul Sundling

Cox, Charlie wrote:

do you have apache on the front end and are you only mapping *.jsp where
*.jsp%20 is not a match and apache would then serve the file as text?


-Original Message-
From: John Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 9:22 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: security hole on windows tomcat?

Appending %20 to my Tomcat 4.1.1x URLs generates a 404.


Paul Sundling(Webdaddy) wrote:


I came across what appears to be a security hole when 

running tomcat. 

I'm not sure how widespread it is, but my linux server is 

safe, yet my 

windows XP, tomcat 4.1.24 is vulnerable.

I found that if you append %20 to a jsp page it shows the 

source code 

instead of displaying the page:  shows page as expected shows source code of 


So how widespread is this?

Paul Sundling



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Re: security hole on windows Apache - Tomcat?

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Sundling
You actually do can that if you had a servlet on the outside that 
forwarded the request to the appropriate JSPs.A simple example is if 
you use the struts framework, the following is an example of how you 
could use that approach.  I just tested it and it worked fine:

[snip from struts-config.xml]
[end snip]
Angus Mezick wrote:

Not at the current late stage of development we are currently in.  I
know, it bites.  I am going to try a trick with RedirectMatch.  Maybe
just redirect them into limbo, I don't know.

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Einfeldt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 11:45 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: security hole on windows Apache - Tomcat?

Can you arrange your file layout in a way, that the jsp's aren't 
under the document root for apache ? (I guess they are, otherwise
apache couldn't show them)


-Original Message-
From: Angus Mezick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 5:34 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: security hole on windows Apache - Tomcat?
I ONLY see the problem in apache.  So I think it is a 

config problem.

Will the jk2 URI :
[*.jsp]  catch ?
When I turn on the accessvalve tomcat doesn't see this request.

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Re: hardware recommendation, Tomcat with Apache web server

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Sundling
I forgot to point out that in the test where opteron was beating xeon 2 
to 1, it was a 2.8 Ghz Xeon losing to a 1.6 Ghz Opteron!!!  So with 
almost half the clock speed it was twice as good as a Xeon.  That's 

I found some benchmarks that used another app server, but it's the 
same kind of software as tomcat, so it's a good comparison. The clear 
answer is that a new opteron is what you should get and it's LITERALLY 
twice as good in the role of an application server(like tomcat):,3973,1149817,00.asp

Our most important server test for comparing the Opteron to the Xeon 
in an application server scenario is our 32-bit Nile application 
server benchmark. The test is both CPU and disk-intensive, and it 
emulates a book-ordering transaction-processing environment modeled on The test uses Oracle 9i as the back-end, running on a Xeon 
4P server, and uses BEA WebLogic Server 7.0.2 application server 
software. The BEA application server software runs on the test 
equipment  in this case we loaded it on both the 2P Opteron and 2P 
Xeon systems, with Windows 2000 with SP3 as the OS. 

 Results on the Nile benchmark showed the dual Opteron system 
outperforming the dual Xeon by a fairly wide margin. Across a 300 to 
500 virtual user load, where transaction processing stabilized with 
both high disk and CPU utilization, the Xeon averaged 7.6 Pages 
Received per second, and the Opteron averaged 15.2 Pages Received per 
second, double the Xeon. In the response time measurements, at the 200 
user load, average transaction time (start to finish) was 
approximately 34 seconds on the Xeon and 30 seconds on Opteron, but 
moving to 300 users, Opteron stayed at 30 seconds, and Xeon moved to 
50 seconds. At 400 users, Opteron was 35 seconds, and Xeon was near 80 
seconds. And at 500 users Opteron was about 50 seconds, and Xeon was 
near 100 seconds. See Nile Benchmark charts below.

20-30 simultaneous users doesn't sound like much. Personally, I'd love 
to get one of those new Opteron servers! 64 bit processor and when the 
real 64 bit windows becomes available in a couple months it could 
really scream and it'd scale up to huge levels of ram if you ever 
needed it. Or it'd be 64 bit already with linux/bsd/solaris/

[you know you've been programming too long when you almost do Ctrl-s 
(like in eclipse) when you're finished with something instead of 
clickong on send]

Paul wrote:

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Re: hardware recommendation, Tomcat with Apache web server

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Sundling
I found some benchmarks that used another app server, but it's the same 
kind of software as tomcat, so it's a good comparison. The clear answer 
is that a new opteron is what you should get and it's LITERALLY twice as 
good in the role of an application server(like tomcat):,3973,1149817,00.asp

Our most important server test for comparing the Opteron to the Xeon in 
an application server scenario is our 32-bit Nile application server 
benchmark. The test is both CPU and disk-intensive, and it emulates a 
book-ordering transaction-processing environment modeled on 
The test uses Oracle 9i as the back-end, running on a Xeon 4P server, 
and uses BEA WebLogic Server 7.0.2 application server software. The BEA 
application server software runs on the test equipment  in this case we 
loaded it on both the 2P Opteron and 2P Xeon systems, with Windows 2000 
with SP3 as the OS. 

 Results on the Nile benchmark showed the dual Opteron system 
outperforming the dual Xeon by a fairly wide margin. Across a 300 to 500 
virtual user load, where transaction processing stabilized with both 
high disk and CPU utilization, the Xeon averaged 7.6 Pages Received per 
second, and the Opteron averaged 15.2 Pages Received per second, double 
the Xeon. In the response time measurements, at the 200 user load, 
average transaction time (start to finish) was approximately 34 seconds 
on the Xeon and 30 seconds on Opteron, but moving to 300 users, Opteron 
stayed at 30 seconds, and Xeon moved to 50 seconds. At 400 users, 
Opteron was 35 seconds, and Xeon was near 80 seconds. And at 500 users 
Opteron was about 50 seconds, and Xeon was near 100 seconds. See Nile 
Benchmark charts below.

20-30 simultaneous users doesn't sound like much. Personally, I'd love 
to get one of those new Opteron servers! 64 bit processor and when the 
real 64 bit windows becomes available in a couple months it could really 
scream and it'd scale up to huge levels of ram if you ever needed it. Or 
it'd be 64 bit already with linux/bsd/solaris/

[you know you've been programming too long when you almost do Ctrl-s 
(like in eclipse) when you're finished with something instead of 
clickong on send]

Paul wrote:

not sure what the load is going to be ... would be nice to be able to
adequately handle aprox. 20-30 simultaneous users.  Not sure if that answers
your question properly.
- Original Message - 
From: Cristopher Daniluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 4:46 PM
Subject: RE: hardware recommendation, Tomcat with Apache web server


What kind of load? Tomcat and Apache don't use anythign but a few mb of
ram when you're not doing anything :)
-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 4:35 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: hardware recommendation, Tomcat with Apache web server
what would be appropriate hardware for a Tomcat with Apache web server
running on Win2k server (for a public OLTP-type web service with
database backend running on its own dedicated machine)?
probably use striped (raid-0) scsi drive system, but not sure if dual
cpu's required, P3, P4 or Zeon system would be appropriate?
-paul lomack

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Re: security hole on windows tomcat?

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Sundling
which operating system?


John Turner wrote:

Appending %20 to my Tomcat 4.1.1x URLs generates a 404.


Paul Sundling(Webdaddy) wrote:

I came across what appears to be a security hole when running tomcat. 
I'm not sure how widespread it is, but my linux server is safe, yet 
my windows XP, tomcat 4.1.24 is vulnerable.

I found that if you append %20 to a jsp page it shows the source code 
instead of displaying the page:  shows page as expected shows source code of index.jsp
So how widespread is this?

Paul Sundling

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Re: security hole on windows tomcat?

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Sundling
I never changed the mime-mapping when I installed it.  I run tomcat 
manually or as a manual service.  When I tried running tomcat as an 
automatic service, it had trouble.  The only changes I made were in 
configs specific to webapps.  The problem is present on the unmodified 
examples webapp.  The only two jars I added in the SDK were the JDBC 
drivers for postrgres and mysql.

Paul Sundling

Cox, Charlie wrote:

did you change any mime-mappings in conf/web.xml? could you have a jsp  in
there somewhere defining it as text?

-Original Message-
From: Angus Mezick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 12:15 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: security hole on windows tomcat?
Ok guys,
What could I have turned on that would have allowed this bug 
to happen?
I can make it happen in both tomcat and tomcat through apache.  (Most
recent of both)  I can provide a site where it DOES happen so you guys
can see what is happening.


-Original Message-
From: Cox, Charlie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 12:07 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: security hole on windows tomcat?

sorry, I don't know - I don't use Apache. This was just a 
thought that I

I do not have this problem 4.1.24 on Win2k



-Original Message-
From: Angus Mezick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 11:49 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: security hole on windows tomcat?
How do you fix this within apache?


-Original Message-
From: Cox, Charlie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 10:15 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: security hole on windows tomcat?

do you have apache on the front end and are you only mapping 
*.jsp where
*.jsp%20 is not a match and apache would then serve the 

file as text?



-Original Message-
From: John Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 9:22 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: security hole on windows tomcat?

Appending %20 to my Tomcat 4.1.1x URLs generates a 404.


Paul Sundling(Webdaddy) wrote:


I came across what appears to be a security hole when 

running tomcat. 

I'm not sure how widespread it is, but my linux server is 

safe, yet my 

windows XP, tomcat 4.1.24 is vulnerable.

I found that if you append %20 to a jsp page it shows the 

source code 

instead of displaying the page:  shows page as expected shows source code of 


So how widespread is this?

Paul Sundling



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security hole on windows tomcat?

2003-08-12 Thread Paul Sundling(\Webdaddy\)
I came across what appears to be a security hole when running tomcat. 
I'm not sure how widespread it is, but my linux server is safe, yet my 
windows XP, tomcat 4.1.24 is vulnerable.

I found that if you append %20 to a jsp page it shows the source code 
instead of displaying the page:  shows page as expected shows source code of index.jsp
So how widespread is this?

Paul Sundling

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