2002-09-19 Thread Chuck Amadi

Mauro Daniel Ardolino wrote:

>It may be out of topic but I think some of you are working with cocoon.
>I am trying to install cocoon under tomcat under windows98.
>I followed the simple instructions of cocoon: just put the war file on
>webapps and restart Tomcat, then navigate: http://localhost:8080/cocoon
>I get this error:
>" 4.0.4 - HTTP Status 404 - /cocoon
>The requested resource (/cocoon) is not available "
>What I am doing wrong?
>Thanks in advance.
Hi again Plz try your ipAddress instead of localhost( . Wortha 
try make sure you have mapped all localhost to ipAddress (Ensure you 
create a comments about the changes made first !!!   

Chuck Amadi
ICT Dept Systems Programmer
Rhaglenydd Systemau Adran ICT

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2002-09-19 Thread Chuck Amadi

Mauro Daniel Ardolino wrote:

>It may be out of topic but I think some of you are working with cocoon.
>I am trying to install cocoon under tomcat under windows98.
>I followed the simple instructions of cocoon: just put the war file on
>webapps and restart Tomcat, then navigate: http://localhost:8080/cocoon
>I get this error:
>" 4.0.4 - HTTP Status 404 - /cocoon
>The requested resource (/cocoon) is not available "
>What I am doing wrong?
>Thanks in advance.
Hi mate best try the Cocoon user mailing list this apparently is a great 
source of advice from a thriving community of users I'll be joining 
shortly I'm afraid I'm new to Cocoon 2 I've installed on my Linux Box to 
service Xindice native XML Database within Tomcat v4 So I'm unable to 
shed any light other than the obvious that it can't locate Cocoon

See u in the Mailing Group

Chuck Amadi
ICT Dept Systems Programmer
Rhaglenydd Systemau Adran ICT

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Re: Solved! Tomcat on port 80 without root, on Linux

2002-09-17 Thread Chuck Amadi

Nikola Milutinovic wrote:

> Mr. Tomcat wrote:
>> "Can I run Tomcat on port 80 not as root?" seems to come up with some
>> regularity on this list.  Web servers have to be able to safely process
>> untrusted, dangerous data from any host on the Internet.  Obviously,
>> they should run at the lowest possible privilege level, so that if the
>> server is compromised, the attacker will be limited in what he can do.
> Every server should run at the lowest possible level, preferably in 
> CHROOT. The dissadvantage is the overhead and duplication of files. 
> Some of the most popular can be run this way, BIND, OpenSSH, (Sendmail 
> ?), Cyrus IMAP (just user part),...
>> Java minimizes this problem.  Triggering a buffer overflow with some
>> kind of input to Tomcat would be extremely difficult.  However, a web
>> app might have a bug that allows an attacker to trick it into writing to
>> a file which it shouldn't write to, or something like that.  The fewer
>> things that the JVM itself can do, the better.  Hence, running the
>> server as a special user with limited access is smart.  Running it as
>> root is not smart, if it can possibly be avoided.
> True. Although, perhaps it is better to run a robust front-end in 
> heavy loaded environments, like Apache.
>> There has been a long-standing misfeature in Unix that only root can
>> bind to ports less than 1024 ("privileged ports").
> This a flaming material - watch out! Every UNIX admin (like me) will 
> scream at the mention of this being a misfeature. If ports < 1024 are 
> considered reserved for some services, then I really wouldn't want an 
> unpriviledged process to bind to any of them. That would mean that 
> even if I have a CHROOT-ed unpriviledged process, say DNS, that got 
> compromized, it could turn my server into a platform for any kind of 
> service, not just the one that got compromized.
>> Usually, this means
>> that Tomcat standalone must run as root, or the Linux NAT tools must be
>> used to map port 80 to some higher port.  Running as root is obviously
>> undesirable.  Using NAT may be a good idea, but it would be nice to have
>> another option: Why not tweak the kernel to remove the "security
>> feature"?
> Because we got used to UNIX semantics. Only "root" can bind to 
> priviledged ports and we either like it or got used to it.
>> If you want to build a custom kernel that lets all users bind to low
>> ports, edit this file in the kernel: include/net/sock.h, and change
>> PROT_SOCK from 1024 to 0.  Recompile, install, and now any user can bind
>> process to any port.
>> Before you do this, make sure you think through all the implications of
>> it.  If you have untrusted users on the machine with this modified
>> kernel, they will now be able to run any kind of network services they
>> want to.  This is obviously bad, so don't use this kind of kernel on any
>> machine with untrusted users.  It could have other implications, too, so
>> use this modification at your own risk.
> No user is trusted, as far as I'm concerned. Except fo "root".
> Anyway, thanks for posting this to the "knowledge base". Anybody doing 
> this better be sure (s)he knows what (s)he's doing.
> Nix.
> -- 
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Interesting topic as I have always stuck to the logic to run everything 
above 1024 Now I have got a clearer reason why.
Nice One!!

Chuck Amadi
ICT Dept Systems Programmer
Rhaglenydd Systemau Adran ICT

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Re: HTTP Status 503 - Server default is currently unavailable

2002-09-12 Thread Chuck Amadi

Mark Hansen wrote:

>I'm trying to deploy Apache Tomcat/4.0.3.  It starts up, but when I try to
>access index.html, I get the error message "HTTP Status 503 - Server default
>is currently unavailable".
>Can anyone tell me what might be causing this?
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Hi there have you another service running on your port 8080 which of 
course is the default port.If so goto and edit (using your fav 
editor)your /conf/server.xml and change your port to 
anything above or greater than1024  as ports less than or equal to 1024 
will require superuser to access to bind (mine for instance is )as 
mentioned in the README.txt /RUNNING.txt or Installation Files.

Thus Restart Tomcat 4.0.3 and change to the new port in the url i.e 

Plz correct me if I'm wrong wortha try.

Chuck Amadi
ICT Dept Systems Programmer
Rhaglenydd Systemau Adran ICT

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Re: Session in JSP

2002-05-24 Thread chuck amadi

Wiwi Wiwi wrote:

> Hi all. Can anyone tell me how to create a session in JSP instead of 
> servlet, and read the value of the attribute that stored in the 
> session using JSP?
> Thanks.
> wiwi
> _
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Hi there to use a jsp seesion you must use the  Element 
this Element locates or instantiates a Bean with a specific name and 
scope. as below

Hey hey Happy day's the best thing to do is read Jsp Core Syntax Reference.

Hope that this helps as i have been completing a  web based application 
project using state management and validation and hey hey the session 
scope worked and populated my PostgreSql DB.

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer
Rhaglenydd Systemau

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Tomcat - BTAGS - Scope session problem

2002-05-16 Thread chuck amadi

  *Hi there any help appreiate** d** here's the stack trace*

  *Cheers Chuck Amadi*

  *Systems Programmer*

  *Rhaglenydd Systemau

  Error: 500

Location: /volapp/volunteer/registerOpportunityProcessT.jsp

*Internal Servlet Error:*

at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(Unknown 
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(Unknown Source)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.doService(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.service(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(Unknown Source)
org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10Interceptor.processConnection(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ 
*Root cause:*
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(Unknown Source)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.doService(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.service(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(Unknown Source)
org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10Interceptor.processConnection(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ 

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Dbtags - Multiply inserts within a jsp (two at least)

2002-05-10 Thread chuck amadi

Hi there , using DBTags can one write multiply insert statements to a 
database within the same jsp page.

As i need to populate a concatenated table with a Primary and Foreign key.
Thus within a select statement i can call a set of data that refers to 
two different tables.

ie i have a volunteer members table and a next of kin table but due to 
the size and number of columns in the  members table need a assoicate 
value .

Thus i am aware of the joins (command line) etc but i need to call from 
a jsp page using the select statement element. And thus view or access 
two tables or if not can  i create a concatenated table with a PK and FK 
value that obviously has value from the two tables in question.

Any ideas

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer
Rhaglennydd Systemau

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Re: web-inf/classes

2002-05-07 Thread chuck amadi

Chris Shen wrote:

>this is a bizzare one. i've placed all my classes under the web-inf/classes
>with the appropriate class structure and everything, and it was working fine
>on my tomcat 3.3. yet, after i migrated it to 4.03, i tried to run it the
>first time and compiled it, and i kept on getting:
>"org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
>Package not found in import.
>i did place my class directory ant\uci\edu under web-inf\classes...any
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Hi there try putting <%@ page import="ant\uci\edu" %>

Your complete dir path of your .class file in your jsp page ( page 
directive) as a apparently the class loader points to classes default 
package in j-tomcat3.3a but you can't get away from it in j-tomcat4 
upwards . I had a similar problem thus useing tomcat3.3.a for now and 
i'll upgrade and use the  classes dir path and page import directive as 
told via this user-help group.

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Sustems Programmer
Rhaglennydd Systemau

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java.lang.StackOverflowError - indexed property values Problem

2002-05-01 Thread chuck amadi

Hi there, im having problems with validating my checkboxes due to them 
being indexed property values . Thus with the Memento pattern design i 
have manged to get 90% of my project funtioning accordingly ie 
(input-text & radio buttons). Nevertheless i have a success.jsp page 
that forwards to my processDatabase.jsp which utilisies the DBTags 
Taglibrary to insert into my database . This works except that the 
actually value is a Converted String that comprises one or more of the 
checkboxes property values.

Thus i need to get the selected character value not the conversion. The 
bulk of my Volunteer Survey jsp pages are checkboxes so if i can get 
this sorted volia

Plz any suggestions i have modified my scriptlet as below and declared 
the allOps.class & Opportunity.class method and variables in my Bean.

String []opportunity = formHandler.getOpportunity();
if (!opportunity[0].equals("1")) {
for (int i =0; i"+opportunity[i]);
   String allOps ="";
//for loop (initialization; logical test;update)
for(int i=0; i

Here's my error stack

  Error: 500

Location: /volapp/registerOpportunityProcessDB.jsp

*Internal Servlet Error:*

at java.lang.Class.getComponentType(Native Method)

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anyone is exceptional with jsp scriplets plz help with this .

2002-04-30 Thread chuck amadi

Hi if anyone is exceptional with jsp scriplets plz help with this .

I was able to get the index array property to print out the converted 
string's nevetheless
it needs a further String to ensure that in case more than on e checkbox 
is selected that all the indexed array properties will populate my 
PostgreSql db. al attempts got to within two errors Plz send any 

<%-- Sciptlet Code froagment --%>
String []opportunity = formHandler.getOpportunity();
if (!opportunity[0].equals("1")) {
for (int i =0; i"+opportunity[i]);
} else out.println("Nothing was selected");

String allOps ="";
for(int i =0; i

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer
Rhaglennydd Systemau

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indexed property type ie String [] for handling my checkboxes is converting the String to another value

2002-04-30 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi  I have a indexed property type ie String [] for handling my checkboxes.

 I have provided a suitable getter & setter method as below
 I have also declared the variable  a private String [] opportunity;
and a constructor opportunity = new String [] {"1"};

public String[] getOpportunity(){
retun opportunity;

public void setOpportunity(String [] opportunity ) {
opportunity = opportunity;

public String isCbSelected (String s) {
boolean found=false;
if (!opportunity[0].equals("1")){
for (int i = 0; i  is converting the String to another value ie 
[Ljava.lang.String;@13a9bc77 in the database table's (opportunity)column 
field .

My array elements are obviously being converted , so i can i ensure that 
the array returns the predefined name attributes as below



I am aware that there is a custom tag alternative but im hoping to 
utilise the memento pattern for form  processing .
Any suggestions

Cheers Chuck Amadi
System Programmer

Rhaglennydd Systemai

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indexed property type ie (String[] s) for handling checkboxes.

2002-04-29 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi , anyone exceptional on  indexed property types ie String[] 
opportunities for handling checkboxes.

I have followed the Memento design pattern every is going as plan except 
that when i check the populated PostgreSqj db
i get a [Ljava.lang.String;@13a9bc77 in the column field .

Thus reply with suggestions

Cheers Chuck Amadi
System Programmer

Rhaglennydd Systemai

I have declared the variable private String[] opportunity;

got the getters and setters

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Re: javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot create bean of class MoniTestBean

2002-04-29 Thread Chuck Amadi

Scott Purcell wrote:

>I have ran into that issue many times, and my workaround has always been to put your 
>bean in a class.
>eg. com/MoniTestBean
>and make sure you add the package statement
>package com; at the top of your java file,
>recompile, then change your useBean to look like this. Where you put the class was 
>perfect. So All should be good.
>I bet that works. I talked to my teacher about it before and he believes that all 
>beans have to be in a named package.
>I always worked for me.
>good luck
>Scott Purcell
>Vertis Corporation
>-Original Message-
>From: chuck amadi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 7:16 AM
>To: Tomcat Users List; taglibs-user-help
>Subject: javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot create bean of class
>I have a problem with the following i have created and compiled my 
>JavaBeans in my Web-Inf /classes folder and everythings fine . 
>Nevertheless in the stack trace i get a error 500 cannot create Bean. I 
>have posted this on numerous occasions to no avail.
>Can anyone lends some time and have a look as basically this is 
>preventing me completing this Questionairre Web Forms  Project 
>(Validation Problem).
>Thus i have the useBean tag as follows:
>And also the request.getParameter test but due the the non creation of 
>the bean in the stack trace thus the jvm from the server is causing me 
>this dilema.
>Any suggestions my set-up: RHlinux v7.2 JTomcat v3.3a as Tomcat v4 
>didn't function properly and Netbeans IDE 3.2.2 Text Editor Emacs.
>Thus the return value was null as the bean cannot create/intialate itself.
>* Internal Servlet Error:*
>javax.servlet.ServletException:  Cannot create bean of class MoniTestBean
>I have posted this problem a few times and unfortunately no suggestions 
>, i have gone through the usual procedures .
>Cheers Chuck Amadi
>Systems Programmer

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Hi There, cheers for your input , Apparently one can declare  a Bean in 
classes default Package and thus uses the  page import directive to call 
on a Bean.class from anywhere. ie <%@ page  import ="MoniBean" %> Thus 
this can call numerous Bean.class file's by either terminating each 
Bean.class with a semi colon or list them accordingly . Nevetheless the 
standard wat is what you described and what my boss has done on a  
previous project.Thus after testing ect i will be creating the 
neccessary package paths as per our organisation.

So anyway this was a good point and thus made me go back to the doc's 
and jsp books for some nightly digestion.

Cheers again as im nearly 90% finished apart from i'm using the Memento 
design pattern to process jsp and javabeans.
except im having  to do overtime on indexed property type ie String[] 
opportunities for handling checkboxes.

Cheerx Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

Rhaglennydd Systemai

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Re: Accessing Beans within JSP pages use <%@ page import="myBean" %> in your jsp.pages

2002-04-26 Thread Chuck Amadi

Steve Hillman wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how to make a bean available in pages within a 
> subdirectory of ROOT:
> For example, I can access the bean myBean (installed in 
> WEB-INF\classes) from a page within
> the ROOT directory but if I try to access the same bean from a page 
> within ROOT/subdirectory
> I get this error:
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile
> C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.3a\work\DEFAULT\ROOT\subdirectory\ 
> Class subdirectory.myBean not found. myBean.class);
> -- 
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Hi, there i had similar problem , thus within your jsp page use the page 
import directive ie <%@ page import="myBean"%>
as this declare's that your myBean is in the "default" package. Hey 
search for the Subjec: Class jsppages.MoniBean not found.
A top bloke named Larry Isaacs took the time to reply with a 
explaination that was digestible and a good point to remeber.

Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer
Rhaglennydd Systemau

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Re: Class jsppages.MoniBean not found. Im Digesting

2002-04-25 Thread chuck amadi

Larry Isaacs wrote:

>I don't think moving all the pages to the base directory
>of your web application is the best solution.  The
>important point about:
>is that MoniBean is declared to be in the "default" package,
>i.e. it has no package. If you don't declare this fact to the
>JSP page, the JSP compiler will assume MoniBean is in the
>*same* package as the JSP's java file.
>In Tomcat 3.x, the package that JSP's are placed in is equal
>to the subdirectory structure from the base of the web
>application.  Thus a JSP page in the "jsppages" subdirectory
>will be placed in the "jsppages" package.  Hence the error
>stating that "Class jsppages.MoniBean not found".  Note the
>package name on the class.  Tomcat 3.x's behavior also means
>that JSP pages in the base directory of your web application
>are placed in the "default" package, causing MoniBean to become
>visible by luck.  There is no guarantee about what package
>any JSP will be placed in, so you can't count on this.  In
>fact, it is guaranteed to not work with Tomcat 4.x.
>The best solution is to declare that MoniBean is in the
>"default" package rather than allowing the JSP compiler
>to assume it is in the same package as the JSP.  To to
>this, add:
><%@ page import="MoniBean" %>
>This will allow your JSP page to work in any directory and
>any servlet container, including Tomcat 4.x.
>>-Original Message-----
>>From: chuck amadi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>>Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 7:22 AM
>>To: Tomcat Users List; taglibs-user-help
>>Subject: Re: Class jsppages.MoniBean not found. SORTED MYSELF 
>>chuck amadi wrote:
>>>   *Hi there any reason for this as i i haven't got 
>>jsppages in
>>>   my classes path or as a package in my MoniBea*
>>>   *>>   class="MoniBean"/>**
>>>   ***
>>>   *Error: 500*
>>>   *Location: /volapp/jsppages/registerProcess.jsp*
>>>   *Internal Servlet Error:*
>>>org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile 
>>>Class jsppages.MoniBean not found.
>>>   MoniBean formHandler = null;
>>>   ^
>>>Class jsppages.MoniBean not found.
>>>   formHandler= (MoniBean)
>>> ^
>>>Class jsppages.MoniBean not found.
>>> formHandler = (MoniBean) 
>>>3 errors
>>>at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JasperLiaison.javac(Unknown Source)
>>org.apache.tomcat.facade.JspInterceptor.requestMap(Unknown Source)
>>>at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.processRequest(Unknown 
>>>at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(Unknown Source)
>> Source)
>>>Please help as i have had to to do a reinstall of tomcat 3.3a as i 
>>>couldn't sort the behaviour issue as i kept
>>>getting cannot creat Bean.So thid is better than the 
>>previous errors.
>>>Cheers Chuck Amadi
>>>Systems Programmer

Re: Class jsppages.MoniBean not found. SORTED MYSELF CHEERS ALL

2002-04-25 Thread chuck amadi

chuck amadi wrote:

>*Hi there any reason for this as i i haven't got jsppages in
>my classes path or as a package in my MoniBea*
>*Error: 500*
>*Location: /volapp/jsppages/registerProcess.jsp*
>*Internal Servlet Error:*
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile 
> /home/chucka/tomcat/work/DEFAULT/volapp/jsppages/ 
> Class jsppages.MoniBean not found.
>MoniBean formHandler = null;
> /home/chucka/tomcat/work/DEFAULT/volapp/jsppages/ 
> Class jsppages.MoniBean not found.
>formHandler= (MoniBean)
>  ^
> /home/chucka/tomcat/work/DEFAULT/volapp/jsppages/ 
> Class jsppages.MoniBean not found.
>  formHandler = (MoniBean) 
> java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), 
> "MoniBean");
> ^
> 3 errors
> at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JasperLiaison.javac(Unknown Source)
> at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JasperLiaison.processJspFile(Unknown 
> Source)
> at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JspInterceptor.requestMap(Unknown Source)
> at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.processRequest(Unknown 
> Source)
> at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(Unknown 
> Source)
> at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(Unknown Source)
> at 
> org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10Interceptor.processConnection(Unknown 
> Source)
> at Source)
> at 
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ 
> Source)
> at
> Please help as i have had to to do a reinstall of tomcat 3.3a as i 
> couldn't sort the behaviour issue as i kept
> getting cannot creat Bean.So thid is better than the previous errors.
> Cheers Chuck Amadi
> Systems Programmer
Gathered all my jsp's and htm and placed them in the same level as my webapp
Cheers Chuck Amadi

Systems Programmer
Rhaglennydd Systemau


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org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile (class jsp.MoniBean not found)

2002-04-25 Thread chuck amadi

  Error: 500

Location: /volapp/jsp/registerProcess.jsp

*Internal Servlet Error:*

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile 
/home/chucka/tomcat/work/DEFAULT/volapp/jsp/ Class 
jsp.MoniBean not found.
MoniBean formHandler = null;
/home/chucka/tomcat/work/DEFAULT/volapp/jsp/ Class 
jsp.MoniBean not found.
formHandler= (MoniBean)
/home/chucka/tomcat/work/DEFAULT/volapp/jsp/ Class 
jsp.MoniBean not found.
  formHandler = (MoniBean) 
java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "MoniBean");
3 errors

at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JasperLiaison.javac(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JasperLiaison.processJspFile(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JspInterceptor.requestMap(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.processRequest(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(Unknown Source)
org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10Interceptor.processConnection(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ 

Hi as you see from my Error stack class jsp.MoniBean not found.
Firstly in my MoniBean.class/java there is no package reference to package jsp; in my 

Secondly i have restarted tomcat3.3a on each occasion and checked the script
seems fine.

thirdly my MoniBean is in my Web-Inf/classes dir as it should be.
and again there isn't a sub-directory named Web-inf/classes/jsp/MoniBean.

Fourthly my jsp pages and solo htm page are in jsp folder in my webapps like such

Any suggestions as it's getting beyond a joke.
I'm starting to talk to myself and verbally ( nearly ) abuse my workstation.

Cheers Chuck Amadi

Systems Programmer
Rhaglennydd Systemau

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Class jsppages.MoniBean not found.

2002-04-24 Thread chuck amadi

*Hi there any reason for this as i i haven't got jsppages in
my classes path or as a package in my MoniBea*

*Error: 500*

*Location: /volapp/jsppages/registerProcess.jsp*

*Internal Servlet Error:*

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile 
/home/chucka/tomcat/work/DEFAULT/volapp/jsppages/ Class 
jsppages.MoniBean not found.
MoniBean formHandler = null;
/home/chucka/tomcat/work/DEFAULT/volapp/jsppages/ Class 
jsppages.MoniBean not found.
formHandler= (MoniBean)
/home/chucka/tomcat/work/DEFAULT/volapp/jsppages/ Class 
jsppages.MoniBean not found.
  formHandler = (MoniBean) 
java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "MoniBean");
3 errors

at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JasperLiaison.javac(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JasperLiaison.processJspFile(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JspInterceptor.requestMap(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.processRequest(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(Unknown Source)
org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10Interceptor.processConnection(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ 

Please help as i have had to to do a reinstall of tomcat 3.3a as i couldn't sort the 
behaviour issue as i kept
getting cannot creat Bean.So thid is better than the previous errors.

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot create bean of class MoniTestBean

2002-04-24 Thread chuck amadi

I have a problem with the following i have created and compiled my 
JavaBeans in my Web-Inf /classes folder and everythings fine . 
Nevertheless in the stack trace i get a error 500 cannot create Bean. I 
have posted this on numerous occasions to no avail.

Can anyone lends some time and have a look as basically this is 
preventing me completing this Questionairre Web Forms  Project 
(Validation Problem).

Thus i have the useBean tag as follows:


And also the request.getParameter test but due the the non creation of 
the bean in the stack trace thus the jvm from the server is causing me 
this dilema.

Any suggestions my set-up: RHlinux v7.2 JTomcat v3.3a as Tomcat v4 
didn't function properly and Netbeans IDE 3.2.2 Text Editor Emacs.


Thus the return value was null as the bean cannot create/intialate itself.

* Internal Servlet Error:*

javax.servlet.ServletException:  Cannot create bean of class MoniTestBean

I have posted this problem a few times and unfortunately no suggestions 
, i have gone through the usual procedures .

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot create bean of class MoniTestBean

2002-04-22 Thread chuck amadi

I have a problem with the following i have created and compiled my 
JavaBeans in my Web-Inf /classes folder and everythings fine .

Thus i have the useBean tag as follows:


And also the request.getParameter test but due the the non creation of 
the bean in the stack trace thus the jvm from the server is causing me 
this dilema.

Any suggestions my set-up: RHlinux v7.2 JTomcat v3.3a as Tomcat v4 
didn't function properly and Netbeans IDE 3.2.2 Text Editor Emacs.


Thus the return value was null as the bean cannot create/intialate itself.

* Internal Servlet Error:*

javax.servlet.ServletException:  Cannot create bean of class MoniTestBean

I have posted this problem a few times and unfortunately no suggestions 
, i have gone through the usual procedures .

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Cannot create bean of class MoniTestBean( Int Servlet Error)

2002-04-19 Thread chuck amadi

*I have a problem with the following i have created and compiled my 
JavaBeans in my Web-Inf /classes folder.

Thus i have the useBean tag as follows:


And also the request.getParameter test but due the the non creation of 
the bean in the stack trace thus the jvm from the server is causing me 
this dilema.

Any suggestions my set-up: RHlinux v7.2 JTomcat v3.3a as Tomcat v4 
didn't function properly and Netbeans IDE 3.2.2 Text Editor Emacs.
Internal Servlet Error:*

javax.servlet.ServletException:  Cannot create bean of class MoniTestBean

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re: how can i test

2002-04-11 Thread chuck amadi

Atif Munir wrote:

>   Apache is running my linux box and me have installed tomcat rpm on
>this machine what should me do to keep my jsp pages up and
>thanks in advance
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Me again you should read the documetation. Nevertheless if you haven't 
assigned your port 8080 to another application. Once you have installed 
tomcat >

$ cd to bin
chuck @maddr bin $ ./  

This should start tomcat service if not check the following:

Ensure that you have your java running by just typeing java on the 
command line.
CHECK WHAT VERSION of Java you got and add to your .bash_profile

If it is not running you/ll need to modify your .bash_profile with your 
favourite editor in my case emacs should be in your home dir .
$ emacs .bash_profile

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBMJava-2.13

export CATALINA_HOME=/home/chucka/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1

If you are using version 3 0f tomcat use TOMCAT_HOME instead of 

Hope this is what your after .

Chuckie Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re: port

2002-04-11 Thread chuck amadi

Atif Munir wrote:

>in which file the port is set fro tomcat?
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Hi default port setting for tomcat is usually port 80 such as 
http://localhost:8080/ webapp/

Thus you can change this in Jakarta-tomcat > conf > server.xml file 
scroll down and change above 1024 as per the tomcat installation 
readme.txt file.As usually and in my case that port has already been 
assigned to another app.

Hope this helps

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re: Is there a native JDBC driver for MS Access?

2002-04-10 Thread chuck amadi

Adrian Beech wrote:

>Um, okay then how stable is the JDBC/ODBC bridge?  As I previously
>mentioned in my initial posting some bits and peices that I've read suggest
>that this method of connecting to a DB back end is, or can be, a little
>dodgy.  The comments basically revolved around the premise that the bridge
>is not capable of being threaded and it is considered by Sun to still be
>experimental.  I got the impression that there is potential for data loss or
>corruption along with performance related issues.
>I guess I really need to know if it is reasonable to use Tomcat to host an
>environment that relies on this sort of DB connectivity.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Matt Gregory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 11:06 PM
>Subject: Re: Is there a native JDBC driver for MS Access?
>>No, you are forced to use the JDBC/ODBC bridge or purchase one of the
>>proprietary drivers available.  I know there are Paradox, FoxPro and dBase
>>IV drivers but I have not seen any for Access.
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Adrian Beech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 6:47 AM
>>Subject: Is there a native JDBC driver for MS Access?
>>G'day all,
>>Is there a native JDBC driver for MS Access?  A few postings I've seen in
>>the list archive make mentioned that the JDBC/ODBC bridge is a bit dodgy.
>>I have Tomcat 4.03 running as a standalone on a Win 2k pro box with JDK
>>1.3.1 installed.
>>I'm rather new to Tomcat, JSP, JDBC, etc...
>>Any help would be appreciated.
>>Adrian Beech
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I was under the impression that it was recommended that you obtain a 
commercial JDBC driver from a vendor such as your RDBMS /middleware 
vendor as the JDBC-ODBC driver is usaually used for experimental use or 
if no other is available.
Anyway there is mysql odbc which works fine with Mysql back-end and 
front-end M$ Aceess 2000.

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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package org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist- any ideas Plz

2002-04-05 Thread Chuck Amadi

[12:1] package org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist
import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
[14:1] cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class JasperException  
location: package jasper
import org.apache.jasper.JasperException;
[17:1] cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class HttpJspBase  
location: class 
public class 
_0002fjsp_0002fregisterVolDays_0002ejspregisterVolDays_jsp_0 extends 
HttpJspBase {
[27:1] cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class JasperException  
location: class 
public final void _jspx_init() throws JasperException {
[39:1] incompatible types
found   : jsp._0002fjsp_0002fregisterVolDays_0002ejspregisterVolDays_jsp_0
required: java.lang.Object
Object page = this;
in javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory cannot be applied to 
pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, 
6 errors
Errors compiling registerVolDays.

Regards Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re: Apache Tomcat/4.0.3 - HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error-Can you possible -HELP-ME-PLEASE

2002-04-05 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi Korakaki Stella

Plz could you work out wats with this .

Note that a few days's ago my Planning Database Project was working fine 
until now.

Regards Chuck Amadi

*type* Exception report

*message*_Internal Server Error_

*description*_The server encountered an internal error (Internal Server 
Error) that prevented it from fulfilling this request._


javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet jsp threw exception
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.allocate(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(

*root cause*

at org.apache.jasper.compiler.TldLocationsCache.(
at org.apache.jasper.EmbededServletOptions.(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.init(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.allocate(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(

Re: Apache with Tomcat

2002-04-05 Thread Chuck Amadi

Mostafa Al-Mallawani wrote:

>Is there a way to integrate Tomcat 4 with Apache?  Couldn't find how to
>docs on that.
>-Original Message-
>From: João Augusto Charnet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 1:34 PM
>To: Jakarta
>Subject: Apache with Tomcat
>I'm having some trouble configuring APACHE 1.3.24 with TOMCAT 3.2.3.
>I've followed the HOW TO DOCS but I had no success.
>Any tips to do this the simplest way ???
>Thanks a lot.
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Yes there is try these - worked for me .

JSP ,Tomcat  & Apache HTTP Server   – Apache Quick-Start Guide

User Guide

Windows Installer

Apache Server3.1.20

mod_webapp binary

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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when i excute try jsp and the tomcat examples i get a error internal 500

2002-04-05 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi there , somehow i have seemed to have gone backwords. I have a straw 
html version of my Volunteer Registration Form that populates a 
PostGrsql / My Sql Db. Thus This Volunteer Registration form consists of 
several forms that pass user data  into the required tables. Anyway my 
problem is that on attempting to test the html version in jsp i get a 
500 error.Thus the same applys when i try the tomcat examples.Thus when 
i type this  http://localhost:/examples . the examples appear but 
when i execute any of the jsp i get tagain the internal error 500.

Please help as i have got my validation bean up and running it's just 
this jsp execute problem .
Im very beeved off as i was nearly there for demonstration and testing.

My TEST production Env set up -
OS Win 98
Server Apache HTTP Server note the examples again don't work with tomcat 
run as a service.
IDE Netbeans 3.2.2
Service Tomcat v4.02&4.03 neither works
Localhost server  ( instead of 8080)

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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when i excute my jsp i get a 500 error even the TCats examples

2002-04-05 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi there , somehow i have seemed to have gone backwords. I have a straw 
html version of my Volunteer Registration Form that populates a 
PostGrsql / My Sql Db. Thus This Volunteer Registration form consists of 
several forms that pass user data  into the required tables. Anyway my 
problem is that on attempting to test the html version in jsp i get a 
500 error.Thus the same applys when i try the tomcat examples.Thus when 
i type this  http://localhost:/examples . the examples appear but 
when i execute any of the jsp i get tagain the internal error 500.

Please help as i have got my validation bean up and running it's just 
this jsp execute problem

My TEST production Env set up -
OS Win 98
Server Apache HTTP Server note the examples again don't work with tomact 
run as a service.
IDE Netbeans 3.2.2
Service Tomcat v4.02&4.03 neither works

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re: package org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist

2002-04-03 Thread Chuck Amadi

hatem zanaty wrote:

>Include jasper-runtime, jasper-compiler to your class path and logoff/login your 
>computer then try agin
>Have luck 
>  Chuck Amadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi any takers . All my previous 
>work no longer functions due to this 
>error . Note unfortunatley i don't run cvs
>and it's been while that i worked on my jsp's/javabeans as at the moment 
>i have created my work project under a html application and is working 
>prior to converting to jsp , session beans & actions .
>I don't have a jasper.jar file in my tomcat4.lib dir only 
>jasper-runtime.jar & jasper-compiler.jar in my tomcat4>lib dir.
>i have checked my web.xml and my tld's and suggestions .
>Error log below
> [10:1] package 
>org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist
>import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
> [12:1] cannot resolve symbol
>symbol : class JasperException 
>location: package jasper
>import org.apache.jasper.JasperException;
> [15:1] cannot resolve symbol
>symbol : class HttpJspBase 
>location: class _0002fwiseGuy_0002ejspwiseGuy_jsp_0
>public class _0002fwiseGuy_0002ejspwiseGuy_jsp_0 extends HttpJspBase {
> [25:1] cannot resolve symbol
>symbol : class JasperException 
>location: class _0002fwiseGuy_0002ejspwiseGuy_jsp_0
>public final void _jspx_init() throws JasperException {
> [37:1] incompatible types
>found : _0002fwiseGuy_0002ejspwiseGuy_jsp_0
>required: java.lang.Object
>Object page = this;
> [47:1] 
>in javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory cannot be applied to 
>pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, 
>6 errors
>Errors compiling wiseGuy.
>Cheers Chuck Amadi
>Systems Programmer
>To unsubscribe: 
>For additional commands: 
>Troubles with the list: 
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
As below

set within my classpath - jasper-runtime, jasper-compiler to my class path .
Plz confirm anyway i'll find out soon enough.

set PATH=C:\JDK1.3\bin;
set CATALINA_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.2
set CATALINA_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.2\lib\jasper-compiler.jar
set CATALINA_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.2\lib\jasper-runtime.jar


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Can't run tomcat 4.0.2 examples anymore nothing will compile- package org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist

2002-04-03 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi im having problems with getting my examples to work . Somehow i have 
done something as i was able to run everthing ie my own work projects , 
thus i have been trying to get the MySql Jar File working and all hell 
has broke loss.

Any Suggestions Error clipboard below
Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

jsp/cal/ [12:1] 
package org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist
import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
jsp/cal/ [14:1] 
cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class JasperException  
location: package jasper
import org.apache.jasper.JasperException;
jsp/cal/ [17:1] 
cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class HttpJspBase  
location: class
public class _0002fjsp_0002fcal_0002fcal_00032_0002ejspcal2_jsp_0 
extends HttpJspBase {
jsp/cal/ [29:1] 
cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class JasperException  
location: class
public final void _jspx_init() throws JasperException {
jsp/cal/ [41:1] 
incompatible types
found   :
required: java.lang.Object
Object page = this;
jsp/cal/ [51:1] 
in javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory cannot be applied to 
pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, 
jsp/cal/ [75:1] 
cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class TableBean  
location: package cal
cal.TableBean table = null;
jsp/cal/ [78:1] 
cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class TableBean  
location: package cal
table= (cal.TableBean)
jsp/cal/ [83:1] 
cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class TableBean  
location: package cal
table = (cal.TableBean) 
Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "cal.TableBean");
jsp/cal/ [83:1] 
cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : method getClass  ()
location: class
table = (cal.TableBean) 
Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "cal.TableBean");
10 errors
Errors compiling cal2.

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How to configure MySql ( mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar ) in Tomcat v4

2002-04-03 Thread Chuck Amadi

How to configure MySql   ( mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar ) in Tomcat v4 i have 
a copy of the jar file in my /WEB-INF/lib dir.

Thus i tried to create a tld.file and a tag element none worked so is 
there a correct procedure as PostgreSql worked ok with the dbtags.jar.

So Plz reply as this is severly holding me up as i have choice of MySql 
or PostgreSql back-end Db i prefer Mysql look and feel.

So any suggestions welcome
Chuc Amadi
Systems Programmer

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For additional commands: 
Troubles with the list: 

package org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist

2002-04-02 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi any takers . All my previous work no longer functions due to this 
error . Note unfortunatley i don't run cvs
and it's been while that i worked on my jsp's/javabeans as at the moment 
i have created my work project under a html application and is working 
prior to converting to jsp , session beans & actions .

I don't have a jasper.jar file in my tomcat4.lib dir only 
jasper-runtime.jar & jasper-compiler.jar in my tomcat4>lib dir.
i have checked my web.xml and my tld's and suggestions .

Error log below
** [10:1] package 
org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist
import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
^ [12:1] cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class JasperException  
location: package jasper
import org.apache.jasper.JasperException;
 ^ [15:1] cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class HttpJspBase  
location: class _0002fwiseGuy_0002ejspwiseGuy_jsp_0
public class _0002fwiseGuy_0002ejspwiseGuy_jsp_0 extends HttpJspBase {
 ^ [25:1] cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class JasperException  
location: class _0002fwiseGuy_0002ejspwiseGuy_jsp_0
public final void _jspx_init() throws JasperException {
  ^ [37:1] incompatible types
found   : _0002fwiseGuy_0002ejspwiseGuy_jsp_0
required: java.lang.Object
Object page = this;
  ^ [47:1] 
in javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory cannot be applied to 
pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, 
6 errors
Errors compiling wiseGuy.

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Unable to load class

2002-04-02 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi there having problrms with this one Please note that i was able to 
get the dbtags running albeit i need to get a connection to
MySql Database using the mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar file that is also in my 
/WEB-INF/lib subdirectory of my web application.
I assume that the dbtags

Copy the dbtag  library descriptor file to the /WEB-INF subdirectory of 
my web application. .

Copy the tag library JAR file to the /WEB-INF/lib subdirectory of my web 
application. All my Jar's reside here?

Add a  element to my web application deployment descriptor in 
/WEB-INF/web.xml as below:

web.xml file:


I assume that i follow these steps to configure my web application with 
this DBTag library: to get database connections.

My error log as below:

viewMySql.jsp [9:0] Unable to load class 
Errors compiling viewMySql.

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Hey any takers - Unable to load class org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.connection.ConnectionTag

2002-03-27 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi there having problrms with this one Please note that i was able to 
get the dbtags running albeit i need to get a connection to
MySql Database using the mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar file that is also in my 
/WEB-INF/lib subdirectory of my web application.
I assume that the dbtags

Copy the dbtag  library descriptor file to the /WEB-INF subdirectory of 
my web application. .

Copy the tag library JAR file to the /WEB-INF/lib subdirectory of my web 
application. All my Jar's reside here?

Add a  element to my web application deployment descriptor in 
/WEB-INF/web.xml as below:

web.xml file:


I assume that i follow these steps to configure my web application with 
this DBTag library: to get database connections.

My error log as below:

viewMySql.jsp [9:0] Unable to load class 
Errors compiling viewMySql.

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re:package org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist

2002-03-27 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hey pretty long error log. Anyway basically can't find package 
org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist. [10:1] package 
org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist
import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
^ [12:1] cannot 
resolve symbol
symbol  : class JasperException 
location: package jasper
import org.apache.jasper.JasperException;
 ^ [16:1] cannot 
resolve symbol
symbol  : class HttpJspBase 
location: class _0002fregisterMySql_0002ejspregisterMySql_jsp_0
public class _0002fregisterMySql_0002ejspregisterMySql_jsp_0 extends 
HttpJspBase {
 ^ [26:1] cannot 
resolve symbol
symbol  : class JasperException 
location: class _0002fregisterMySql_0002ejspregisterMySql_jsp_0
public final void _jspx_init() throws JasperException {
  ^ [38:1] incompatible 
found   : _0002fregisterMySql_0002ejspregisterMySql_jsp_0
required: java.lang.Object
Object page = this;
  ^ [48:1] 
in javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory cannot be applied to 
pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, 
6 errors
Errors compiling registerMySql.

Cheers Chuckie Amadi
Systems Programmer

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package org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist

2002-03-27 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hey any takers

Can't believe this i had this thing running once apon a time.

At first i had a META-INF/taglib problem as it couldn't be located . 
Since checking the path of my taglib and created a taglib.tld in the 
META-INF . I know get this error

> [10:1] package 
>org.apache.jasper.runtime does not exist
>import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
> [12:1] cannot resolve symbol
>symbol  : class JasperException  
>location: package jasper
>import org.apache.jasper.JasperException;
> ^
> [16:1] cannot resolve symbol
>symbol  : class HttpJspBase  
>location: class _0002fregisterMySql_0002ejspregisterMySql_jsp_0
>public class _0002fregisterMySql_0002ejspregisterMySql_jsp_0 extends HttpJspBase {
> ^
> [26:1] cannot resolve symbol
>symbol  : class JasperException  
>location: class _0002fregisterMySql_0002ejspregisterMySql_jsp_0
>public final void _jspx_init() throws JasperException {
>  ^
> [38:1] incompatible types
>found   : _0002fregisterMySql_0002ejspregisterMySql_jsp_0
>required: java.lang.Object
>Object page = this;
>  ^
> [48:1] 
> in javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory cannot be applied to 
>pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response,
>      ^
>6 errors
>Errors compiling registerMySql.
Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer


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Re: JSP TagLib Help...pleease

2002-03-27 Thread Chuck Amadi

Pavel Brun wrote:

>Hello all,
>Are there any people on this list who are experienced with custom taglib,
>especially, its lifecyle? Is there a website that might help me understand
>taglib's or is there some kind of a taglib forum?
>Please let me know. I am encountering problems.
>Pavel (Paul) Brun
>Software Designer
>Messaging and Applications
>Mitel Networks, Ottawa, ON, Canada
>Personal:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Bus. Phone: (613) 592-5660 ext.1520
>or  Call Speak@Ease (613) 592-7213
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Hey try this site

Pob Lwc ( Good Luck)

Chcuk Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re: Nice Tomcat+apache beginner site

2002-02-28 Thread Chuck Amadi

Keith Ng wrote:

>I have found a website that describes very clearly how to set up tomcat and
>apache side by side. Its pretty useful and those who are having problems
>might wan to check it out.
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Cheers mate , i took a peek and i found the topic regarding Apache HTTP 
Server .Thus i am currently just running tomcat 3 & 4 in development 
environment .
Thus Apache Server already installed at work prior to me starting ( Also 
no notes ) therefore i will make a copy and have a play at home thus 
ehance my skills as they say "the more you do the more you can !!"

Excellant website if i say so again
Regards Chuck Amadi

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Re: Testing sercue Tomcat-4.0.2 with Mozilla0.99 and Netscape6.2 forget it i reading the help page in Mozilla

2002-02-26 Thread Chuck Amadi

Chuck Amadi wrote:

> Hi , there i am able to use IE5 to try out the secure server .As i 
> have created a self signrd cert. Thus i have used the keytool utility 
> to export my cert to IE5.
> This works  fine. Can anyone explain or point me the doc's to do the 
> same with Mozilla v0.99 and Netscape 6.2.
> I have tried the following in Preferences > Privacy & Security > 
> Certificates > Manage Certificates > Your Certificates > Restore > 
> File Name to Restore >
> jdk1.3 > bbnpa.cert ( file type prompt was PKCS12 file ) Thus 
> requested password > then confirm Password  entry Dialog Box > Thus 
> failed.
> Prefer to be hand fed like the IE5 Import Wizard.
> Cheers Chuck Amadi Systems Programmer I am reading the help page in 
> Mozilla.


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Testing sercue Tomcat-4.0.2 with Mozilla0.99 and Netscape6.2

2002-02-26 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi , there i am able to use IE5 to try out the secure server .As i have 
created a self signrd cert. Thus i have used the keytool utility to 
export my cert to IE5.
This works  fine. Can anyone explain or point me the doc's to do the 
same with Mozilla v0.99 and Netscape 6.2.

I have tried the following in Preferences > Privacy & Security > 
Certificates > Manage Certificates > Your Certificates > Restore > File 
Name to Restore >
jdk1.3 > bbnpa.cert ( file type prompt was PKCS12 file ) Thus requested 
password > then confirm Password  entry Dialog Box > Thus failed.

Prefer to be hand fed like the IE5 Import Wizard.

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re: win98+classpath

2002-02-26 Thread Chuck Amadi

Chuck Amadi wrote:

> Hakan Kutucu wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I have succesed to install tomcat at windows 2000. But I couldn't run at
>> windows98. I think some classpath definitions are wrong. Which
>> configurations should I do in autoexec.bat and how? Thanks.
>> -- 
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> Hi, there try these  ensuring that the environment variables point yo 
> your  Strings
>  set env varaible = dir \ String
>  set PATH=C:\JDK1.3\bin;
>  set TOMCAT_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2
>  set CATALINA_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1
>  set JAVA_HOME=C:\JDK1.3
>  set JSSE_HOME=C:\JDK1.3\jre\jsse1.0.2\lib
> set WASP_HOME=C:\wasp-advanced
> set WASP_DEMO=C:\wasp_demo
> Hope this works
> Cheers Chuck Amadi
> IT Systems Programmer
> -- 
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Hi, there i would like to remark that your port 8080 connector which is 
located in your: jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2\conf\server.xml
has proberly laid claim to that port by default thus you must use a 
different port preferable greater than 1024 for jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1.

As discribed in the Running.txt File in your Tomcat-4.0.1\Running.txt File

1) The most common hiccup is when another web server (or any process for 
   matter) has laid claim to port 8080.  This is the default HTTP port that
   Tomcat attempts to bind to at startup.  To change this, open the file:

   ...and search for '8080'.  Change it to a port that isn't in use, and is
   greater than 1024, as ports less than or equal to 1024 require superuser
   access to bind to.
   Restart Tomcat and you're in business.  Be sure that you replace the 
   in the URL you're using to access Tomcat.  For example, if you change the
   port to 1977, you would request the URL http://localhost:1977/.

Try the above as a process of elimination

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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org.xml.saxSAXParseException : The content of element type "web-app" must match - TOMCAT-4.0.2 Parse error

2002-02-25 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi again another Parse Error, On startup the following header indicated 
that there is a Parse error at line 123 Col 11
Starting service Tomcat-Standalone

 Parse error at line 123 Col 11
org.xml.saxSAXParseException : The content of element type "web-app" 
must match 
What the hell is this - and how do i digest to find the cause of the error.

Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0.2

Come on any takers . I have had a look at web.xml and server.xml can't 
see the wood for the tree's I am trying to test container-managed 
security and guess what it failed with the above Parse error i expect 
that i haven't matched the xml tags.Needless to say i will have a look.
Os Win 98 , Tomcat-4.0.2, Netbeans 3.1.1 IDE ,Wordpad.

Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Parser Error found regarding exception being thriwn

2002-02-25 Thread Chuck Amadi

i there im now getting this error on startup.bat.

within comments
   org.xml.SAXParseException: The String"--"is not permitted within 

1) Thus i have set up a basic servlet authentication. that has compiled 
within Netbeans IDE.
2) Added  a resource protection declaration to the deployment descriptor 
3) Made addtion to  tag Thus used the Basic athentication 
method for the dilaog box etc.
4) Created a Simple memory realm file ( bbnparealm.xml)

Thus i have checked out all my comment entries . Where do you think i 
have made the mistake as i can't rin the startup Now!

Cheers ChuckmAmadi
Systems Programmer

Hi this has been sorted i had made a typo (  gap at end tag
Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re: Tomcat -4.0.1 Don't think my two connectors have instantiated Please Help

2002-02-25 Thread Chuck Amadi

Chuck Amadi wrote:

> Hey Please can someone verify that my Connector instances are ok. I 
> have already port 8080 utilised for tomcat3.2.2
> Thus when i use https://localhost:/ i get a connection refused 
> error on 127.0.01. Plus http://localhost:8999 can't access 127.0.01. I 
> get the Yellow lock key  , But on Startup i don't get Catalina Header 
> so i am not sure that the two connector instances have been instantiated.
> Tomcat-4.0.1\conf\server.xml
> *** 
>   port="" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
>   enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8999"
>   acceptCount="10" debug="0" connectionTimeout="6"/>
>  className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector"
>   port="8999" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
>   enableLookups="false"
> acceptCount="10" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true">
>     clientAuth="false"
>   keystoreFile="keys/bbnpa.cert"
>   keystorePass="test123"
> ***** 
> Any Suggestions
> Cheers Chuck Amadi
> IT Systems Programmer
> -- 
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Hi , This has been sorted thanx
Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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2002-02-25 Thread Chuck Amadi

Keith Ng wrote:

>Im using tomcat 4.0.2 for the first time after converting from 3.3a.
>Would like to noe whether i need to set any environment variables for
>Im using J2EE.jar from my J2EE1.3 RI folder to compile my codes in servlets
>and jsp.
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Unless you are deploying multiply hosts you can safely use CATALINA_HOME 
C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.2 ( if on a M$Win Platform )
I would advise you to read the doc's supplied with tomcat-4.0.2

In many circumstances, it is desirable to have a single copy of a Tomcat 4
binary distribution shared among multiple users on the same server.  To make
this possible, you must configure a CATALINA_BASE environment variable (in
addition to CATALINA_HOME as described above) that points to a directory
that is unique to your instance.

When you do this, Tomcat 4 will calculate all relative references for 
files in
the following directories based on the value for CATALINA_BASE instead of

The above is  within Jakarta-tomcat-4.0.2\Running.txt File have a read .
Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re: AW: I get an exception Tomcat 4 ssl

2002-02-25 Thread Chuck Amadi

Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

>Make shure that the user that runs tomcat has the proper
>permissions to read that file and the parent directories.
>>-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>Von: Chuck Amadi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Gesendet: Freitag, 22. Februar 2002 14:38
>>An: tomcat
>>Betreff: I get an exception 
>>Tomcat 4 ssl
>>When Tomcat -4.0.2 starts up I get an exception 
>>I have added a keystoreFile 
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This is now sorted had to reverse the backslash to forward slash.
Cheers All whom replied.
Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re: AW: tomcat-4.0.2 keystore

2002-02-25 Thread Chuck Amadi

Ralphn wrote:

>Hi Chuck
>It seems you have forgotten the "\" between C: and Windows
>-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-
>Von: Chuck Amadi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Gesendet: Freitag, 22. Februar 2002 14:10
>An: tomcat
>Betreff: tomcat-4.0.2  keystore
>Hi . i am currently running tomcat4.0.2 M$98 .
>I have created a certificate keystore by using the keytool and it 
>resides at C:WINDOWS\Profile\chucka\.keystore.
>In tomcat4.0.2\conf\server i have the following -
>   port="" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
>   enableLookups="true"
>   acceptCount="10" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true">
> clientAuth="false"
>   keystoreFile="C:WINDOWS\Profile\chucka\.keystore"
>   keystorePass="test123"
>   protocol="TLS"/>
>Also tried this keystoreFile="bbnpakeys/bbnpacert" and created a 
>bbnpakeys folder in tomcat4.0.2 no avail.
>On startup i get Root Cause Error within script 
> : 
>I had used certs that i created previously with tomcat-4.0.1  How do i 
>set the correct path to the keystore.
>Any Suggestions
>Cheers Chuck Amadi
>Systems Programmer
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Cheers Sorted Out  Thanxs

Chuck Amadi

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Re: Problem in starting up TOMCAT, please help.

2002-02-25 Thread Chuck Amadi

jay n gaba wrote:

>try checking the log.
>On Sun, 03 Feb 2002 Ashutosh Shah wrote :
>>Hi everybody,
>>Here is my problem.
>>I loaded Tomcat successfully on a Windows 2000 platform 
>>setting the
>>environment variables
>>CATALINA_HOME: c:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0
>>JAVA_HOME: c:\jdk1.3
>>CLASSPATH: C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0\common\lib\servlet.jar
>>Then I went on the DOS prompt and gave the command
>>At this time, another DOS window pops up for a second 
>>and then goes
>>away. However on the parent DOS window, I receive a 
>>Using CATALINA_BASE:   c:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0
>>Using CATALINA_HOME:   c:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0
>>Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: c:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0\temp
>>Using JAVA_HOME:   c:\jdk1.3
>>When I try going to http://localhost:8080 I get a 'Page 
>>cannot be displayed
>>I dont know what I am doing wrong. Please help.
>>Thank you,
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Sorry to hear that as you should then get the following below after a 
successful installation of Tomcat .
I am lead to believe it's your two connectors.

Note that this takes a short period of time in my case about ten seconds 
but this can take a bit longer depending on your Environment .

Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.0
Starting service Tomcat-Aoache
Apache Tomcat/4.0

Thus if you don't get this above you may have a problem with your two 
connector instances in you 

Thus check your  tag's as below Please note that i mhave 
usesd different ports as my tomcat3.3a is defaulted to port 8080.



I hope this helps
Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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org.xml.SAXParseException: The String"--"is not permitted within comments. Tomcat 4 Startup Problem

2002-02-25 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi there im now getting this error on startup.bat.

within comments
org.xml.SAXParseException: The String"--"is not permitted within 

1) Thus i have set up a basic servlet authentication. that has compiled 
within Netbeans IDE.
2) Added  a resource protection declaration to the deployment descriptor 
3) Made addtion to  tag Thus used the Basic athentication 
method for the dilaog box etc.
4) Created a Simple memory realm file ( bbnparealm.xml)
Thus i have checked out all my comment entries . Where do you think i 
have made the mistake as i can't rin the startup Now!

Cheers ChuckmAmadi
Systems Programmer

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Troubles with the list: 

Re: change passwd for keystore

2002-02-25 Thread Chuck Amadi


>I´m trying others methods for install SSL CA Certificates on Tomcat4 and I
>created a keystore with blank passwd anda now I
>trying to change the passwd without sucessfull.
>I simple made:
>keytool -storepasswd 
>Enter keystore password:  changeit
>then I made the comand:
>keytool -keypasswd -alias importkey
>Enter keystore password:  changeit
>Enter key password for :  changeit
>keytool error: Cannot recover key
>How can I change my passwd without problems?
>Could anybody help me?
>I need this urgently
>Thanks a lot.
>> -Mensagem original-
>>De:   Angelica  
>>Enviada em:   terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2002 15:23
>>Assunto:  Import CA SSL Certificate in Tomcat 4.0
>>I have been some problems with import SSL CA Certificates on Tomcat4.  It
>>just doesn´t running!!
>>I generated a key with openssl e send it to authority VeriSign that send
>>me two files with the certificate. Then I have three files:
>>cetipnet.key (The public key I generated by openssl)
>>cetipnet.crt (The certificate sent to me by Verisign)
>> (valid certificate by Certification Authority)
>>I try do the following commands:
>>keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file cetipnet.crt
>>Then , when I start the tomcat and see by page https://localhost:8443
>>occurs error sayind that the page connot appears.
>>I would like to know if there is some  way to import valid certificate by
>>Certification Authority (not selfSign) and how can I install it.
>>When I try to generate a SSL certificate (RSA) for tomcat 4.0 it works
>>fine!! But I need to import a trusted CA Certificate from VeriSign and it
>>didn´t work.
>>Could you help me please?
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Why can't you locate the keystore and delete and re-created another 
keystore and thus sort out your password by configuring your SSL 
connector. (CATALINA_HOME/confserver.xml file ).

1) Return and re-create keystore file.
2) Or you can add or update the keysroePass attribute on the  

Note this can be found in SSL Configuration How - To .



Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Re: CA guidance

2002-02-25 Thread Chuck Amadi

Andrew wrote:

> Hi, I'm using jdk1.4 final and I want to use SSL with Tomcat for
>CLIENT-CERT authentification.
>I've created self-signed certificate by keytool but how I can issue
>certificates for my company based on this(without third party CA)?
>Thanks in advice.
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Sorry i was under the impression That the administer of the server 
registers with the CA and pays a fee .(Yep a Fee) Thus the CA checks out 
the server, and then grants it a cert with an expiry date that can be 
used for authentication.
The trusted Certification Authority is the third party who  issue the 
digital certs.

So i am lead to believe you can for production and development purposes 
but we do not have CA - issued certs that are trusted by other servers 
to handshake with clients.

As you can see why should i trust you as a CA. thus ensuring  who you 
claims to be is governed by a TRUSTED CA.

I hope this helped as i am currently working on this in our organisation.

Cheers Chuck Amadi
System Programmers

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exception Tomcat-4.0.2 ssl solved the problem should of used forward slashes oops stupid

2002-02-22 Thread Chuck Amadi

When Tomcat -4.0.2 starts up I get an exception

I have added a keystoreFile attribute 

It still claims it can't find it - Thus basically how do i add it to the 
keystoreFile attribute as i am missing something quite obvisouly.

"C:\WINDOWS\Profile\chucka\.keystore" is the absolute path of my 
.keystore File


Any suggestions
Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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I get an exception Tomcat 4 ssl

2002-02-22 Thread Chuck Amadi

When Tomcat -4.0.2 starts up I get an exception

I have added a keystoreFile attribute 

It still claims it can't find it - Thus basically how do i add it to the 
keystoreFile attribute as i am missing something quite obvisouly.

"C:\WINDOWS\Profile\chucka\.keystore" is the absolute path of my 
.keystore File



Any suggestions
Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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tomcat-4.0.2 keystore

2002-02-22 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi . i am currently running tomcat4.0.2 M$98 .

I have created a certificate keystore by using the keytool and it 
resides at C:WINDOWS\Profile\chucka\.keystore.

In tomcat4.0.2\conf\server i have the following -


I had used certs that i created previously with tomcat-4.0.1  How do i 
set the correct path to the keystore.

Any Suggestions
Cheers Chuck Amadi
Systems Programmer

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Tomcat -4.0.1 Don't think my two connectors have instantiated Please Help

2002-02-20 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hey Please can someone verify that my Connector instances are ok. I have 
already port 8080 utilised for tomcat3.2.2
Thus when i use https://localhost:/ i get a connection refused error 
on 127.0.01. Plus http://localhost:8999 can't access 127.0.01. I get the 
Yellow lock key  , But on Startup i don't get Catalina Header so i am 
not sure that the two connector instances have been instantiated.








Any Suggestions
Cheers Chuck Amadi
IT Systems Programmer

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Re: win98+classpath

2002-02-20 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hakan Kutucu wrote:

>Hi everybody,
>I have succesed to install tomcat at windows 2000. But I couldn't run at
>windows98. I think some classpath definitions are wrong. Which
>configurations should I do in autoexec.bat and how? Thanks.
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Hi, there try these  ensuring that the environment variables point yo 
your  Strings

  set env varaible = dir \ String

  set PATH=C:\JDK1.3\bin;
  set TOMCAT_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2
  set CATALINA_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1
  set JAVA_HOME=C:\JDK1.3
  set JSSE_HOME=C:\JDK1.3\jre\jsse1.0.2\lib

set WASP_HOME=C:\wasp-advanced
set WASP_DEMO=C:\wasp_demo

Hope this works
Cheers Chuck Amadi
IT Systems Programmer

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Tomcat -4.01 Catalina not starting service from STARTUP

2002-02-20 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi , i recieved no advice regarding Connection refused on 
https://localhost: (http://localhost:8999) as my j-tomcat 3.2.2 is 
defaulted to 8080. I am using different ports for both j-tomcat.
I am aware that on startup my command shell header name does'nt read 
Catalina it just state''s Finished STARTUP.

What i exspected is below- Not Happening

Starting service Tomcat-Standaslone
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1
Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1

To cut a long story short My just reads Using  CATALINA_BASE: 
C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1 etc etc etc.

Thus i am lead to believe that my two connector instances haven't been 

Please Help as im getting frustrated now!!

Cheers Chuck Amadi
IT Systems Programmer

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Re: Running tomcat port 80

2002-02-19 Thread Chuck Amadi

Andrew Rodwell wrote:

>Thank you for that. Our inexperiance of linux was showing. We have managed
>on windows 2000 and OS/400 to run tomcat but linux is a new beast.
>-Original Message-
>From: Markus Bengts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 18 February 2002 11:49
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: RE: Running tomcat port 80
>On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Andrew Rodwell wrote:
>>We have tried various things. Making the previous user who ran tomcat a
>>member of the root group. That does not work.
>>We have set permissions on the tomcat directory to be root.
>>We then log on as root and have set the java home and catalina home in the
>> file. Navigate to the bin directory and try to run
>>and command is not found.
>Did you run it with the command:
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Well played you beat me too it .

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Re: Running tomcat port 80

2002-02-19 Thread Chuck Amadi

Andrew Rodwell wrote:

>Hi ,
>We are trying to get TOMCAT 4.0 to run on the default web port - and can do
>it ok on windows.
>However when we try the same changes on SuSE Linux 7.3 it will not run.
>Somebody suggested that we start it under root - when we try this the
>commands are not found.
>You might have guessed we are noew to Linux - any ideas?
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Hey im a relative Linux RHv7.1 user . Anway try this ./ and to 
egleganlty close ./ respectivly
this usually works for web apps/services on Linux .Don't need to be su 
(root user)

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Re: Tomcat 4 Problem - Connection refused

2002-02-19 Thread Chuck Amadi

I have two instances of jakarta-tomcat v3.3.2 & 4.0.1.

1)Thus my tomcat 4.0.1 standalone connector listens at TCP port  
instead of the default as tomact3.3.2 is set default 8080.
Thus at the URL http://localhost: when i try it out in my browser i 
get a error alert " The connection was refused when attempting to 
contact localhost:.

2)The three jsse jar's are in my jre/lib/ext and my JSSE_HOME 
environment variable points to my ABSOLUTE PATH  in Autoexec.bat. 

3)Thus i beleive that tomcat4.0.1 isn't installed properly.I have only 
one instance of CATALINA_HOME.

Any suggestions on what can be the problem.

Chuck Amadi
IT Systems Programmer

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Tomcat 4 Help on running https: & http connects but no access to

2002-01-15 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hey folks need some help. My set upis  as follows.

Win 98, 32 BIT,
Netbeans 3.2 IDE
Tomcat 4 > C:\J-tomcat-4.0.1
JSSE (jar's in jdk.1.3)>/jre/lib/ext

Autoexec.bat -  As Follows

set PATH=C:\JDK1.3\bin;
set CATALINA_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1

(1) I have  uncommented the second Connector  entry .
(2) I have disable the setting for "enableLookups" attribute to "false" 
for 8080 & 8443. & tried with "true"
(3) Created the Keystore named keys and the certificate the keystore 
itself  resides in Keys/bbnpa.cert & bbnpakeys.
(4) Thus when i try to excute https//localhost:8443/ i get the the 
Yellow Lock Prompt - but this as far as i can get and i get a Error 
display message for http://localhost:8080/.
(5) Nb my startup script run's and catalina header appears.

Please Help as it's holding the project up as everthing was fine with 
tomcat 3.2.3 - I just fancied incorporating SSL. Now causing a headache. 
I assume that it's my tomcat/conf/server.xml causing the problem somewhere.


Cheers Chuck Amadi
IT Systems Programmer

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Come on and help me - Tomcat 4 ssl - Can't connect with https ot http now!

2002-01-09 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi again , Well my problem stems from migrating from Tomcat 3.2.3 to 
Tomcat 4 .

Thus i wanted to set up a secure tomcat 4 server utilising SSL , I have 
installed the JSSE support and placed the the 3 jars into /jre/lib/ext dir . The CA'S and CERT'S have been 
self-created( Using Keytool) and my keys and certs placed in /keys Folder  to help tomcat locate my .Keystore that is named keys.

Thus my Keystore is called bbnpakeys in the /keys/bbnpakeys

Thus i hoped that the keystore called keys would locate the server cert 
as i have configured the SSL Connector via  /conf/server.xml.

I have uncommented the  in question.



Thus via IE.5 signed my own cert as CA. > Used keytool utility to export 
my created cert and imported to IE.5 using base64 encoded format into a 
file called bbnpa.cert into Trusted Root Certification.

Thus on re-start on startup script and typing https://localhost:8443/  . 
I get a Dialog box with the Yellow Box Icon it try's to connect to site 
127.0.01 but then a IE.5 page cant be dispayed.

 I can't use Mozilla as i haven't dnd the cert or imported yet but when 
i try any other ip address i get connection refused while attempting a 

Please help as it's delaying other work. NB Tomcat 4 is running from the 
startup script.

Cheers Chuck Amadi

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Help .keystore problem i think - Guidance sort

2002-01-04 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi all im getting a bit ratty now so bare with me.

Right here we go , I  using OS M$ Win 98 , Tomcat 4 .

I have a .keystore file in the folder C:\WINDOWS\Profile\chucka\.keystore

Thus i hace created a cert and private keys and placed them in my named 
keys folder at C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1\keys
This is my keystore that i believe all certs and privated keys must 
reside or must they be placed in C:\WINDOWS\Profile\chucka\.keystore

I have tinkered with keytool (create my own certs) utility and specified 
a different location and filename using the -keystore parameter as 
follows which path is nearly on the right lines -

example 1. C:> jdk1.3\bin\keytool -genkey -keystore .\keys
-keypass test123 -storepass 
test123 -keyalg RSA -validity 365
-alias bbnpa -dname 
"CN=localhost , OU=IT etc etc etc

example 2. C:> jdk1.3\bin\keytool -genkey -keystore 
-keypass test123 -storepass 
test123 -keyalg RSA -validity 365
-alias bbnpa -dname 
"CN=localhost , OU=IT etc etc etc
Nevertheless on excuting https://localhost:8443/ & http://localhost:8080/
I am unable to request the ip address. ie states it's connecting to ie
a Dialog box & yellow lock icon on the status bar appears in relation to 
https .
The page cannot be displayed.

On http my port 8080
The Error message - The connection was refused when attempting to 
contact localhost:8080 .

Config / SSL Connector ( Tomcat4/conf/server.xml )


Thus  I have generated a cert with our own public key and told IE 5 
directly that we should be treated as a trusted CA.This was done by 
using the Keytool utility to export my cert:

Thus i was able to export my standard Base64 encoded cert . into a file 
called my.cert.
Thus in IE 5 . I used the foloowing steps.

Tools > Internet Options >Content Tab >Certificates button on  Content 
tab >
Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab > Click Import > Thus 
used and completed the Wizard to Import the bbnpa.cer file

But still can't access a non ssl or ssl connection since migrating to 
Tomcat 4

Any Suggestions

Cheers Chuck

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Oops Please Help Tomcat 4 SSL NOT functioning properly any suggestions

2002-01-04 Thread Chuck Amadi

I have generated a cert with our own public key and told IE 5 directly 
that we should be treated as a trusted CA.This was done by using the 
Keytool utility to export my cert:

Thus i was able to export my standard Base64 encoded cert . into a file 
called my.cert.
Thus in IE 5 . I used the foloowing steps.

Tools > Internet Options >Content Tab >Certificates button on  Content 
tab >
Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab > Click Import > Thus 
used and completed the Wizard to Import the my.cer file

Qustion 1. Is there a way to import a certificate (my.cert) as above in 
Mozilla 0.96
Mozilla > View > Edit > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Certificates 
 > Manage Certificates
Thus im stuck as there is no Import feature or wizard - So do i ( dnd ).

Question 2. In My Tomact 4 Dir , I have created a Key Folder to store my 
certs & private keys
C:\Jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1\keys\my.cert C:\Jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1\keys\mykeys

Nevertheless on excuting https://localhost:8443/ & http://localhost:8080/
I am unable to request the ip address. ie states it's connecting to ie
a Dialog box & yellow lock icon on the status bar appears in relation to 
https .
The page cannot be displayed.

On http my port 8080
The Error message - The connection was refused when attempting to 
contact localhost:8080 .

Config / SSL Connector ( Tomcat4/conf/server.xml )Created a Keystore to 
store cert & key


Please send pointers

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Newbie at SSL utilising Tomcat 4 - https & http Not functioning properly

2002-01-04 Thread Chuck Amadi

I have generated a cert with our own public key and told IE 5 directly that 
we should be treated as a trusted CA.This was done by using the Keytool 
utility to export my cert:

Thus i was able to export my standard Base64 encoded cert . into a file called my.cert.
Thus in IE 5 . I used the foloowing steps.

Tools > Internet Options >Content Tab >Certificates button on  Content tab >
Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab > Click Import > Thus used 
and completed the Wizard to Import the my.cer file

Qustion 1. Is there a way to import a certificate (my.cert) as above in Mozilla 0.96
Mozilla > View > Edit > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Certificates > Manage 
Thus im stuck as there is no Import feature or wizard - So do i ( dnd ).

Question 2. In My Tomact 4 Dir , I have created a Key Folder to store my certs & 
private keys

Nevertheless on excuting https://localhost:8443/ & http://localhost:8080/
I am unable to request the ip address. ie states it's connecting to ie
No yellow lock icon on the status bar in relation to https and on http my port 8080 
The Error message
- The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost:8080 .

Config / SSL Connector ( Tomcat4/conf/server.xml )Created a Keystore to store cert & 



Please send pointers 

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