Re: Start up Sax exception init param

2001-08-26 Thread cib

Thanks for answering
But, do you mean the error is from the cocoon web.xml file or the tomcat
As I have only changed the cocoon jar, i guess it's from the cocoon one.
Here is line 181

  This parameter allows you to startup Cocoon2 immediately after startup
  of your servlet engine.

Nobody answered my question on the cocoon user mailing list, maybe it was
badly fomulated.

- Original Message -
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat User Mail List [EMAIL PROTECTED]; cib
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: Start up Sax exception init param

 On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, cib wrote:

  Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 08:54:24 +0200
  To: Tomcat User Mail List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Start up Sax exception init param
  I've upgraded to Cocoon2.0b1 from beta1.
  But since I changed the war old war file to the new one ( I've erased
  work directory before, idem for the log files), I get an exception at
  Tomcat's start. No one answered my question on cocoon mailing list, so I
  it here.
  The exception is:
  PARSE error at line 181 column -1
  org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: org.apache.crimson.parser/V-036 web-app

 This sounds like there might be a problem with your web.xml file at line
 181.  In particular, if you have the elements in an order different than
 what the DTD requires, you will *always* get XML validation errors.

 Craig McClanahan

Start up Sax exception init param

2001-08-23 Thread cib

I've upgraded to Cocoon2.0b1 from beta1.
But since I changed the war old war file to the new one ( I've erased the
work directory before, idem for the log files), I get an exception at
Tomcat's start. No one answered my question on cocoon mailing list, so I try
it here.
The exception is:

PARSE error at line 181 column -1
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: org.apache.crimson.parser/V-036 web-app

Everything seems to work fine, but I had to put my mm.mysql.jar file inside
the Cocoon web-inf/lib, because it couldn't find my mysql drivers. I haven't
changed anything in the Tomcat server.xml nor web.xml files. So what has it
got to do with the war file I created?

Here is my today mystery.
Here is my complete start screeen:

Using CLASSPATH: g:\Tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar;G:\jdk1.3.1\lib\tools.jar;
Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.0-b5
PARSE error at line 181 column -1
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: org.apache.crimson.parser/V-036 web-app
Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0-b5

Thanks for a clue.

France, Bordeaux, xml and gay pride.

Catalina SSL thanks

2001-08-16 Thread cib

I really got confused by all documentation.
Thanks a lot to Christopher Cain  for its shiny step by step Tomcat4 SSL, it
works absolutly fine now.
Waiting for your upcoming ssl guide.


France, Bordeaux, xml and gay pride.

catalina SSL

2001-08-15 Thread cib

I'm getting used to Tomcat but not enough to get it work.
Trying to install the SSL connector, but always getting a java IO exception,
keystore tampered. I'm a complete newbie either in tomcat or in ssl, so I
surely didn't do things right. Is there a good tutorial for this (I mean for
catalina and ssl) , because most of litterature is relevant only for Tomcat
previous versions, and Sun's documentation deals with java classes, not with
applications that needs to be configurated through server.xml.

So, do I have to make changes to the catalina.bat, to include (in the
dostartsecure / dorunsecure) the lines:

Do I have to make include a specific keystore in the catalina.policy using

How to modify the tomcat server.xml 's ssl connector to show the keystore
and keypass?

Thanks for any hint on this wild matter.


France, Bordeaux, xml and gay pride.

Virtual Host with DHCP

2001-08-07 Thread cib

I tried this message on comp.text.xml, but nobody could answer. I guess I
should have start by here. Please, give me some help.

I've got an adress via DHCP, that mean that the IP numbers change.
My localhost is, but I'd like to have another
adress, to get two sites distinguished from one another.
How to do that on Tomcat4 with Cocoon2 on Win95.?

I've tried to put some stuff inside Tomcat server.xml, but first of all,
- I 'm not really sure where to put that in the file (inside or outside the
main Host /Host ), and then,
- I 'am not sure if I'm putting it the right way, and at last
- I'am not sure where to put my files, and how to request them from browser

Here is what I've put:

Host Context path= docBase=/ROOT/xxx1
reloadable=true debug=0 / /Host

or I also tried combination of

  Context path=/
   reloadable=true /

Please, if someone know how Tomcat4 works, (I 've already read the Host page
on the catalina docs) or where to find docs for really
newbies, thanks for any help.

France, Bordeaux, xml and gay pride.